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A bit of an introduction...


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WOW. You know how to spell cheque. Properly.

email me on Sirmartinthetoadyinglittlecreep@dobber.com and I'll give you a full unexpurgated list of the troublemakes on this site. Hope you've got a large inbox:).


Sir Martin, your new best friend xx


I'm expecting that the list that you're referring to would be remarkably short.


After spending quite a bit of time wandering through the threads here the appreciation of tradition and history comes through strongly. As an example, I can't imagine such serious discussions about dress codes on any other forum. One has to admire the knowledge that you folks have amassed regarding Cunard and all things associated.


Good stuff... Thanks.

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After spending quite a bit of time wandering through the threads here the appreciation of tradition and history comes through strongly. As an example, I can't imagine such serious discussions about dress codes on any other forum. One has to admire the knowledge that you folks have amassed regarding Cunard and all things associated.


Good stuff... Thanks.


Thanks for taking time to read out posts and try to understand why we love Cunard. Yes, we are a unique group on this board!! We also have some amazing writers in this group! You won't find reviews like those on Cunard on any other board.



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Thanks for taking time to read out posts and try to understand why we love Cunard. Yes, we are a unique group on this board!! We also have some amazing writers in this group! You won't find reviews like those on Cunard on any other board.




There was never any question in my mind why people love Cunard. However, I didn't understand the depth of that love and the real origins of it (I'm still learning about that).


Yes, you folks are unique as are so many other groups but what separates the Cunard people is passion. You KNOW Cunard, you know it's history and how inexorably it's intertwined with the history of your Country. That, I believe, is the beauty of this board. Cunard is not just a line, it embodies a way of life.

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There was never any question in my mind why people love Cunard. However, I didn't understand the depth of that love and the real origins of it (I'm still learning about that).


Yes, you folks are unique as are so many other groups but what separates the Cunard people is passion. You KNOW Cunard, you know it's history and how inexorably it's intertwined with the history of your Country. That, I believe, is the beauty of this board. Cunard is not just a line, it embodies a way of life.




You realise you said "the history of your Country" to Beth, who is an American? :)


OTOH, I think you are getting it. I had a moment of revelation about our peculiar message board earlier, and will write to you when I am able to say it as well as possible and with the least amount of words. :p A demain!

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Please be assured that my cheque is enroute. Sadly, FedEx had a bit of a meltdown and was forced to transport it by Yak (not the Russian aircraft... the beast...) ETA two years (have you ever seen a Yak try to swim the North Atlantic? Not a pretty sight...)


Regarding the offer to be your new staff, I'll have to defer to my agent's judgment. I'll get back to you shortly on that.


Sir Martin, you're a very generous man. I admire your willingness to give up your time and resources for Penny. Very good of you.


OK, I've decided...Greg it is...and if you believe a word of this twaddle perpetuated by this STUFFED CAT (to understand this you must read all 9000 pages of the May 6th roll call to gain a true appreciation), then he sahll become the biggest leach you have ever seen and suck you dry...and if he tries to sell you some London landmark I'd run the other way. On the other hand, we all know he can't do that anymore as the picture of Bear so eloquently suggests.


And thank you for your kind words about all of us...and about our passion...we are sincere...a bit looney, but sincere. And we do try hard to help others.


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continued...did it ever!


December 9, 2008....the “Affair” resumes again....Life is good!

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no, you've got me there:confused:. i must be tired because that's gone right over my head.



Cool hat Itty....you're planning to do that in black Glenn? sailing on Disney are we?:rolleyes: :p


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continued...did it ever!


December 9, 2008....the “Affair” resumes again....Life is good!

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You realise you said "the history of your Country" to Beth, who is an American? :)


OTOH, I think you are getting it. I had a moment of revelation about our peculiar message board earlier, and will write to you when I am able to say it as well as possible and with the least amount of words. :p A demain!


To tell you the truth, having not seen a location attached to the message I made the mistake of believing that she was from the UK. It simply proves out that appreciation of great tradition knows no boundaries.


'til tomorrow...

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OK, I've decided...Greg it is...and if you believe a word of this twaddle perpetuated by this STUFFED CAT (to understand this you must read all 9000 pages of the May 6th roll call to gain a true appreciation), then he sahll become the biggest leach you have ever seen and suck you dry...and if he tries to sell you some London landmark I'd run the other way. On the other hand, we all know he can't do that anymore as the picture of Bear so eloquently suggests.


And thank you for your kind words about all of us...and about our passion...we are sincere...a bit looney, but sincere. And we do try hard to help others.


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continued...did it ever!


December 9, 2008....the “Affair” resumes again....Life is good!


What? What are you saying about Sir Martin? I bought a castle from him and it's lovely.



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To tell you the truth, having not seen a location attached to the message I made the mistake of believing that she was from the UK. It simply proves out that appreciation of great tradition knows no boundaries.


'til tomorrow...


Yep, Greg! I'm from the Southern part of the USA -- not too far from Texas -- in Tennessee!!


I took my first voyage on a Cunard ship over 40 years ago. When the QM2 was launched, we sailed Cunard again. I was totally captivated by the ship, the history, the formality, etc. I still consider myself a Cunard novice compared to so many on these boards. I have learned so much from all of them. So I am honored that you thought I was from the UK.



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Yep, Greg! I'm from the Southern part of the USA -- not too far from Texas -- in Tennessee!!


I took my first voyage on a Cunard ship over 40 years ago. When the QM2 was launched, we sailed Cunard again. I was totally captivated by the ship, the history, the formality, etc. I still consider myself a Cunard novice compared to so many on these boards. I have learned so much from all of them. So I am honored that you thought I was from the UK.




I think you are making the point for us, dear Madam Beth! :p


Are you sure you aren't a snobby person?

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Ahhh... that's actually the patch from Edwards Air Force Base, the USAF Flight Test Center in California. The 'Ad Inexplorata' loosely interpreted is 'Into the Unknown' or 'Into the Unexplored'.



I'll be a bad girl and cut to the chase instead of wading through nine pages of fawning! (Starting with the overly fawning Glenn <G>) and obsequiousness <BG>


I've been offline for a few days,. You'll see me around on occasion.

I too, was trying to place the patch.


Ah! Edwards.

Haven't been there. Been to a few other bases, and of course have something in common with its denizens. My family moved to the Daytona Beach area (where I first learned to fly) so my Dad could be part of the Apollo Ground Support Department when I was 11 (Yes, that was afew years ago!<G> ) And I assume Mach stands for your favorite speed? Mach 1 (at least) being the preference?



Just mailed my state airplane reg. It was $5.00 more than my Car reg, which I also mailed today! (We have a state registration in lieu of personal property taxes based on the tax rate of the town where your plane is hangared. Unfair to those hangared in an urban, high tax area, compared to a rural field!)


Anyway! Welcome aboard!

Get thee on a Cunarder at once! So you will understand the lingo spoken around here!


And drift is not an occasional sojourn around here. It is the rule to which there is an occasional exception! (In fact, last time I was on here a thread which had stayed on topic for a couple of years I think, got invaded by thread-snatchers- Wondering why it hadn't followed the unwritten thread rule- Any thread worth posting to is worth drifting off by the tenth post)


Put up with us.'

We're self- policing!





Sorry. Where were we?

Oh yeah- Self policing.




Oh, I apologze. what was I saying?


Well, anyway! Whatever it was- welcome to Cunard land. We live by a DIFFERENT set of rules! <G>


Tea at 3:00!

Hats are perfectly de rigeur, of course!

Pinkies up, gloves on!




P.S. My High School Philosophy professor wrote in my yearbook. "For you, Karie, I talk, therefore I am!" She was much loved!

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You realise you said "the history of your Country" to Beth, who is an American? :)


Well, now just wait a minute, Angela!

there are those of us who consider Tennessee to be "another country" And we are rather proud of it! After all, the University of Tennessee (Which will also be in a bowl game on January 1st , thankewverymuch) was the first Land Grant College East of the Mountains, as it says on our sign entering campus! (well, it did when I was a student there!)


Yes, I am originally from Tennessee.

and now live in Connecticut.

And used to live in New York State between Tennessee and Florida Then back to Tennessee.


Well, you know!




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Hi Everyone !


I had planned to welcome Host Mach to our board personally, but due to my Dad having emergency surgery, I havent been around much over the past few days. Thankfully, the surgery went well, and we hope all will be fine !



sorry to hear your father was unwell. Hope he is doing fine now. (P.S. Ignore Malcolm. He's not himself lately. He's just jealous you don't post here more often. He thinks you don't love us! You see, he is excited because he got a last minute opportunity to join the World cruise!!!!!!)


Mach... the speed of sound, so named for Ernst Mach who was the first to quantify it.


I love going fast...




Hmm, Did I mention Daytona or rather Ormond Beach, where I actually grew up, is known as "The Birthplace of Speed" where RE Olds, I think, won the first beach races, pre-dating the Daytona Speedway (what grew out of it) My family worked there for a while. It was loads of fun! And right across the street from Dad's plant at GE! And I have actually driven MY car (which at the time was a Triumph Spitfire 1967 Mk II) around the speedway, as well as been chauffered in the chief flagman's car! Used to have a membership card in the hundred mile club (meaning driven over a hundred miles an hour) but heck! I used to do that on 95 in my dad's Chrysler! Peg the speedometer (which went to 120) Hey! I was in a hurry!

I can see we have a lot in common.

So what have you had the pleasure to have flown (My first flight was in an L-5 Stinson, L5E (ambulance version) two seater, tail-dragger side-by-side, local Daytona Beach composite Squadron CAP) Do any skydiving? Lots of that out there. Perris Valley comes to mind.



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You have a talking cat, too??? Mine went to the Big Litter Box in The Sky a few years back. Despite that, I can assure you that she was FAR brighter than I. ;)


Hmm. Gotten back to page 6 so far (reading backwards- Hmm, is that dyslexic when you start at the back and read towards the front? Worse, i seem to understand it all!)

Did I mention I have two lovely ladies- Foster kittens about 16 weeks old. Torties, I guess you could call them! I can fax them to you! They are getting to hyperactive stage and they purr VERY loudly! They love to be petted. They have been hand-raised from about a week old. I am sole caretaker this week as my significant other, Marc, is in Scranton Pennsylvania doing a job at Lockheed. I, too am allergic (Sorry, Marie-Louise, pronounced correctly, of course) been taking shots for 6 years now. but it still gets me wheezing and sneezing. Also have two ferals living outside (we trap them, get them fixed and release them)- except the three jet black ones- offspring of a feral we coaxed inside to have them. So they have been raised as strictly indoor cats. We need to find homes for these girls (the foster ones) soon! We have placed one, but they are difficult placements. they must remain indoors. They are FIV positive (Which usually means nothing- lots of kittens are born with the antibodies, but really are not infected) They cannot be retested til six months. So we have to be very careful placing them! But being hand-raised, they are so affectionate. and so very adorable!

I wish we could keep them! Lefty- for her two beige left paws- loves to be held by me. If I lean over, she grabs my hand between her paws, gently- like two pieces of velvet- no claws out! And grabs me back if I try to pull away! They are both so gentle!


(Ignore that dog-lady over there. She is in the minority. We LOVE cats here!)



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I'm enjoying your backward jaunt through this thread. I don't know if it could be determined to be dyslexic but I've often found myself doing the same with some books that I didn't deem worthy of my complete attention... ;)


I'd have to dig out my log books to list all of the silly aircraft that I've flown. However, it would range from remarkably early antiques to some fairly 'cutting edge' birds. I began flying when I was rather young and have spent somewhere in the vicinity of seventy percent of my life as a pilot. Yes, I have done a bit of jumping in my time, none in a while. Are you familiar whit Z Hills?? BTDT and quite a few other places as well.


Odd, isn't it how people will put up with cats (or is it cats put up with people???) despite being allergic. I have the same problem but I did adore my cat. Feline through and through, she would let me, or nearly anyone, pet her for some period of time, then decide that was enough. She'd spring around, claws flying, and let you know she was done. Quite the lady! I loved her in spite of her flaws... or her claws.


I am finding that the folks here are fairly much the same as elsewhere. The biggest difference is the appreciation of tradition and history. We Americans really don't have the proud sea fairing history that the British do. Sadly, a great deal of importance of that history is lost on the folks from other boards. To be honest, I am rediscovering it, myself.


So, there it is. My journey down this rabbit hole has been quite rewarding, so far. A few minor bumps here and there but overall rather pleasant!

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Odd, isn't it how people will put up with cats (or is it cats put up with people???) despite being allergic. I have the same problem but I did adore my cat. Feline through and through, she would let me, or nearly anyone, pet her for some period of time, then decide that was enough. She'd spring around, claws flying, and let you know she was done. Quite the lady! I loved her in spite of her flaws... or her claws.


Oh dear lord...another cat lover....a cat loving moderator....now what!!:eek: Where are my troops???Malcolm...Matthew...David...HS (ooops)....I'm pulling out the big guns here folks...these guys have CLOUT!!! I am but a lone southern lady with one very handsome Golden Retriever....we can only do so much...see photo again, wherever it is now.


Doomed...we are doomed!!! He has declared himself....woe is me!!:eek:


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continued...did it ever!


December 9, 2008....the “Affair” resumes again....Life is good!

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Oh dear lord...another cat lover....a cat loving moderator....now what!!:eek: Where are my troops???Malcolm...Matthew...David...HS (ooopsDecember 9, 2008....the “Affair” resumes again....Life is good!


Penny, I'll break this to you gently; your Supporter in Chief is off on the World Cruise in 11 days. I am counting down the time on my Advent calendar. And I am already busy worming my way into the new boy's affections, with some success I might add. And who on earth is HS?;)


Dogs are sooooooo yesterday, Sir Martin

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I'm expecting that the list that you're referring to would be remarkably short.


I started typing it at 7.38 yesterday evening. I am still typing, and expect to continue until well after Christmas.

Short it is not, and my typing paw is distinctly unwell already.


BTW I once travelled through my sitting room, out of the window, and into the next county at Mach II after Dak (keep an eye on him) gave me some tips on how to fix my computer. Does that qualify me to chat about matters supersonic?


Sir Martinxx:)

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