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This is from a British Medical journal. I found it interesting. It's up to the individual to decide what to do with it.


"Sunbathing is foolish for anyone - a fact that most of us know well but frequently ignore. For pregnant women, who have a higher body temperature, it is perhaps a smidgen more foolish: the sun will increase the core temperature of the mother, which will in turn increase the temperature of the foetus. According to Robin Elise Weiss, a childbirth and postpartum educator and a mother of seven, raising the temperature of the foetus "can cause brain damage if raised high enough or long enough".


The advice from Sue Jacobs of the Royal College of Midwives is a little less sensational: "Increased temperature later in pregnancy has a risk of starting premature labour," she explains, though she adds that this is, apparently, only if you insist upon basking in the sun for hours at a time.

Perhaps more concerning for the princess of pop is that during pregnancy, hormones, particularly oestrogen, can increase the risk of developing cholasma, which appears as darkened spots on the face and body, usually on the forehead and across the nose, which may not disappear after pregnancy. Accordingly, the Bupa website advises pregnant women: "If you want to be out in the sun, put on lots of high-factor suncream (at least SPF15), and sit under the shade of a leafy tree." But there is some good news for Britney and other expectant women, and that is, according to Jacobs, the fact that "sunlight metabolises vitamin D, which is good for bone formation, and it makes you feel better." So the midwifery body's message to sun-worshipping mothers-to-be during the heatwave is a moderate: "Enjoy it, but go easy." That goes for you too, Spears."




WHAT? Think logically. Why in the world would it make ANY difference if a pregnant woman kept her stomach covered with fabric or not? Do you think the baby could get a sunburn? This is one of those foolish things that gets passed around that has no basis in fact.


Hot tubs are a no-no because your body can overheat, and this increase in body temperature may harm the developing fetus. Sunbathe all you want; it's only your skin you will be harming, not the baby!


As for wearing a two piece if you like it - go for it! Why do you care what any one else thinks?

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This is from a British Medical journal. I found it interesting. It's up to the individual to decide what to do with it.


"Sunbathing is foolish for anyone - a fact that most of us know well but frequently ignore. For pregnant women, who have a higher body temperature, it is perhaps a smidgen more foolish: the sun will increase the core temperature of the mother, which will in turn increase the temperature of the foetus. According to Robin Elise Weiss, a childbirth and postpartum educator and a mother of seven, raising the temperature of the foetus "can cause brain damage if raised high enough or long enough".


The advice from Sue Jacobs of the Royal College of Midwives is a little less sensational: "Increased temperature later in pregnancy has a risk of starting premature labour," she explains, though she adds that this is, apparently, only if you insist upon basking in the sun for hours at a time.

Perhaps more concerning for the princess of pop is that during pregnancy, hormones, particularly oestrogen, can increase the risk of developing cholasma, which appears as darkened spots on the face and body, usually on the forehead and across the nose, which may not disappear after pregnancy. Accordingly, the Bupa website advises pregnant women: "If you want to be out in the sun, put on lots of high-factor suncream (at least SPF15), and sit under the shade of a leafy tree." But there is some good news for Britney and other expectant women, and that is, according to Jacobs, the fact that "sunlight metabolises vitamin D, which is good for bone formation, and it makes you feel better." So the midwifery body's message to sun-worshipping mothers-to-be during the heatwave is a moderate: "Enjoy it, but go easy." That goes for you too, Spears."


No one over 28 weeks PG is allowed to cruise-so no worry about starting labor later in pregnancy by sunbathing and heating the body too much.


as far as the dark spots, why do you care? I agree they are ugly but you know what-my husband has more of those then I do-probally because I took care of my skin- and used sun screen-he didn't.



I agree, no one can SAFETLY sunbathe, pregnant or not-but many ships have a solarium pool that is covered-as many, many people, besides pregnant women realize the dangers of sunbathing-plus those solaruim pools can be used in cold climates.


You know you are talking about a completely differant issue-the dangers of pregnant women sunbathing and getting in hot tubs. The OP asked about wearing a bikini PG on ship, she said nothing about sunbathing and nothing about getting in hot tubs.

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This started out as a thread on wearing bikinis when pregnant and basically, is it fashionable or not. I made one simple comment, as did another poster, about exposed skin when wearing a bikini while pregnant.


As I have said in every post, it is up to the individual to decide what they want to do. If they like how they look while pregnant in a bikini, fine, do it. If they do it and their doctor tells them there is no risk to the baby, fine, do it. If I were the one who was pregnant, I wouldn't wear a bikini because I wouldn't like the look. I also wouldn't sit out in the sun exposing my belly, even with sunscreen. I'd find some shade or cover myself well.


Because for ME and ME only, I would rather error on the side of caution. I'd have the rest of my life to sit in the sun and not doing it for 9 months isn't going to ruin me.


No matter what we think about how she looks, no matter what her doctor tells her or doesn't tell her, IT'S UP TO HER TO DECIDE.


I don't particularly have an opinion on how a pregnant woman looks in a bikini. I have stronger opinions on women are overweight and wear bikinis but this is not the forum for me to post that.


Enough said. I shared my opinion on pregnant woman and bikinis. She will make a decision that best suits her. (no pun intended!) :)


No one over 28 weeks PG is allowed to cruise-so no worry about starting labor later in pregnancy by sunbathing and heating the body too much.


as far as the dark spots, why do you care? I agree they are ugly but you know what-my husband has more of those then I do-probally because I took care of my skin- and used sun screen-he didn't.



I agree, no one can SAFETLY sunbathe, pregnant or not-but many ships have a solarium pool that is covered-as many, many people, besides pregnant women realize the dangers of sunbathing-plus those solaruim pools can be used in cold climates.


You know you are talking about a completely differant issue-the dangers of pregnant women sunbathing and getting in hot tubs. The OP asked about wearing a bikini PG on ship, she said nothing about sunbathing and nothing about getting in hot tubs.

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This started out as a thread on wearing bikinis when pregnant and basically, is it fashionable or not. I made one simple comment, as did another poster, about exposed skin when wearing a bikini while pregnant.


As I have said in every post, it is up to the individual to decide what they want to do. If they like how they look while pregnant in a bikini, fine, do it. If they do it and their doctor tells them there is no risk to the baby, fine, do it. If I were the one who was pregnant, I wouldn't wear a bikini because I wouldn't like the look. I also wouldn't sit out in the sun exposing my belly, even with sunscreen. I'd find some shade or cover myself well.


Because for ME and ME only, I would rather error on the side of caution. I'd have the rest of my life to sit in the sun and not doing it for 9 months isn't going to ruin me.


No matter what we think about how she looks, no matter what her doctor tells her or doesn't tell her, IT'S UP TO HER TO DECIDE.


I don't particularly have an opinion on how a pregnant woman looks in a bikini. I have stronger opinions on women are overweight and wear bikinis but this is not the forum for me to post that.


Enough said. I shared my opinion on pregnant woman and bikinis. She will make a decision that best suits her. (no pun intended!) :)


I am 53 and have not sunbathed since I was 30 because I started to get crow's feet around my eyes and I realized sunbathing was aging me, I wasn't even worried about cancer just that, but since then I have seen many my age and younger getting skin cancers taken off-so I am glad I was vain enough to quit sunbathing.


So I feel as I said no one should sunbathe man or woman.


Aren't you a man? are you worried about your PG wife? I just don't understand your fascination with this.

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I am 53 and have not sunbathed since I was 30 because I started to get crow's feet around my eyes and I realized sunbathing was aging me, I wasn't even worried about cancer just that, but since then I have seen many my age and younger getting skin cancers taken off-so I am glad I was vain enough to quit sunbathing.


So I feel as I said no one should sunbathe man or woman.


Aren't you a man? are you worried about your PG wife? I just don't understand your fascination with this.


Just thought I would add, I have a daughter who is 23 and fair skinned, red headed and blue eyed-and becuase of my prodding and my mother's prodding (my mother also was a red head covered with freckles from foolishly sunbathing) she has never sunbathed. My daughter has beautiful procelian skin still and only a very few freckles across her nose which can be barely seen. She alwys uses sunscreen and does not sunbathe so her skin has been protected and is still beautiful-inspite of being a redhead.


Also as far as me, I do have some wrinkles, after all I am over 50, but my crow's feet are just barely there. I can't help but wonder how nice my skin would have been if I had never sunbathed.

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I wore a bikini when I was pregnant, I guess I had more the basketball shape, my husband said "all boobs and belly". I was due July 11 and I spent my 4th of july in my little wading pool in the backyard floating on a mattress. I have to say, nothing was more enjoyable. The main reason I wore the bikini is because it was what I had, and didn't want to buy a suit just for 1 1/2 months, but also because I couldn't stand that tight lycra material touching my belly, or even a loose tshirt started to bug me, itchy and I guess my skin got sensitive, so it was nice to just be exposed to the air.


I also think some women really get self conscious when pregnant, so if they feel pretty, let them feel pretty. It's hard enough spending almost a year of your life taking care of that little one in you, it's nice to be "normal" once in a while, and if wearing your bikini does it, more power to you.

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I think women should be allowed to wear what they feel comfortable in.


Personally I don't care to look at a pregnant woman in a micro bikini, but thankfully I have a functioning neck and can look in a different direction if it really bothers me.


Sorry to change the subject here, but that dress you have on..is it for real? Wow!! Please give details...LOL



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Sorry to change the subject here, but that dress you have on..is it for real? Wow!! Please give details...LOL




Her dress is real...she posted larger pics (yeesh) on another thread somewhere of that one and another one. It seems her past cruises are "PS" cruises, so I expect everyone on board was scantily clad. Not my style, but glad there are cruises available for those types that prefer them. ;)

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We have been on many cruises and being a mom myself in decent (not perfect) shape i have to ask all the fellow mom's-to-be ? What are you thinking in the mini/micro bikini's?


If you have a problem with how someone looks, let's remember it's you that is bothered, not them. If someone wants to wear a mini/micro bikini, why does it matter to you? It's not like they're asking you to.

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Her dress is real...she posted larger pics (yeesh) on another thread somewhere of that one and another one. It seems her past cruises are "PS" cruises, so I expect everyone on board was scantily clad. Not my style, but glad there are cruises available for those types that prefer them. ;)


She posted a picture of that one and another that magicially disapeared on the Post a picture of yourself thread.

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I was pregnant twice in the early/mid eighties when women still wore tents to cover their bellies (basketball or refrigerator, LOL), so it startles me to see a pregnant woman showing her belly, Demi Moore or not!


I do understand that styles have changed in the last 25 years, and I really don't think there is anything wrong with a woman showing her baby bump; she would have to be a far more confident woman than I have ever been!


A couple of concerns, I guess, is that I would be afraid, at only 5 or 6 months pg, that some people would think I was just fat rather than pregnant; also many people have a tendency to touch a pregnant woman's stomach. I'm sure many of you have experienced the phenomenon of a coworker, casual acquaintance or complete stranger :eek: being unable to resist giving your large belly a little pat with a "wow, you must be ready to pop anytime"! I would hate to think anyone would pat a bare belly, if not invited to do so.


I'm just glad we have come a long way from 1954 when my mother, at 8 months pregnant, was forbidden by her mother to attend her own sister's wedding :mad:


If you are comfortable in a biking/two-piece and don't care about disapproving looks from some of the less tolerant passengers, then I say go ahead and wear what makes you comfortable.



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Her dress is real...she posted larger pics (yeesh) on another thread somewhere of that one and another one. It seems her past cruises are "PS" cruises, so I expect everyone on board was scantily clad. Not my style, but glad there are cruises available for those types that prefer them. ;)


Forgive my ignorance, but please, what is a "PS" cruise????


Ohhh, I am SUCH a newbie!




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Forgive my ignorance, but please, what is a "PS" cruise????


Ohhh, I am SUCH a newbie!





I'm assuming PS means Plus sized. Not sure, but thats my guess.



As for the PG/bikini thing, I think that if it fits and covers all those important parts, go for it. A PG belly is going to be noticeable whether it's covered by a piece of fabric or not. Let the OP enjoy her pregnancy.

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Actually, nevermind. Apparently, it means Playful swingers. I may be wrong, because I have never investigated such things.


And I've seen the dresses mentioned before. Are they my taste? No. Do I think they are appropriate for a family cruise? No. Do I think they flattered her figure? No. BUT I have no right to choose her clothing. And I don't know what kind of cruise they were on. If it was a 'PS' cruise, I wouldn't be there, so its a moot point anyway. So to each, his/her own. I personally think sexy is leaving something to the imagination, but according to Hollywood I'm wrong. :p So she isn't the only one who thinks so.


Life is too short to worry about it. As long as she isn't showing off ALL the goods, (and you know what I mean), I don't have any right to go farther than saying I don't care for it.

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Playful Swingers, eh?


Whoa.... that's more interesting than a plus sized cruise!

I thought the Plus Size cruise was all cheesecake and brownies... the second option is um, interesting, to say the least!


Thanks for the insight!


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Pregnant or not, if your belly sticks out farther than your boobs, you shouldn't wear a bikini!!!!


I agree with this opinion.

I had two summer babies so I did wear maternity swimsuits. They were more in the tankini style but the top was not tight- more flowing. I just don't' think a pregnant stomach is all that attractive............... I wouldn't want people looking at mine...........just my opinion.

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  • 1 month later...

For all pregnant women everywhere - wear that bikini! Besides, after baby is born it may be a long, long time before you wear one again! ;)


NOTHING wrong with wearing a 2 piece if it covers properly. Be proud, you are Mom! :D


I am shocked at the lack of support regarding this, makes me think alot of responders on here either have never been pregnant, in which case, their time will come :rolleyes: or were pregnant awhile ago. Anyone who's had a baby in the last 5 years knows that the maternity clothes are so cute now, there are designer lines and boutiques and stylish 2 pieces.


Have a blast in your bikini with your bump!

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