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Favorite Time of Year to Cruise


When is your favorite time of the year to cruise  

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  1. 1. When is your favorite time of the year to cruise

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If the children as well as adults are having a good time, you can expect a few "problems" or that it will not be quiet all the time. Now, if individuals are down right unruly, that is different. I still prefer to cruise fall/winter. Very nice and in the Caribbean, not too hot.

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I dont condone kids running up and down the hallway talking loudly at night! I would never allow my kids to do that. However I am not going to constantly be saying "SSSHHHH! Now be quiet. People want peace and quiet on this ship with 2000+ people onboard!" OR "You're 7 years old now. You should be seen and not heard! Oh, I take that back....you shouldn't be seen either!" Give me a break! I want my kids to have fun too and if that means being a little louder (during the day) then so be it. I dont want to spend the whole trip nagging my kids. I bet no one will ever complain about my kids being unruly and running amok on the ship. They will just be having fun. But not to worry, we usually only travel when the kids are out on spring break or summer! Thank God!

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I don't do hot.. Hot is bad. hot and humid are the WORST!!! (I am from Michigan) so summer cruising is right out for me.. I just hate the thought of flying from hot to hot.. I love the late spring, when it is dismal here but spring is just around the corner.. I fly out of here, cruise then come home to springtime!! AH! Perfect.


As far as children go. I am VERY aware of how my children behave at all times. There are times I am shushing them and I realize I am probably going overboard. My kids would never run amuk on a cruise ship or anywhere I am.. (I say that cause my husband lets them run all over him.. they actually have been known to get into SPIT fights with him alone.. sigh).. I do NOT expect them to be seen and not heard (my parents were like that) but indoor voices are important to me.. So it is not the kids that are a problem. It is parents who think a vacation is also a vacation off parenting.. Sorry but once you take on that job there are no vacations, no days off and no hours off... not even after they turn 18!


I usually do not travel with my kids (thank you Grandma!!) but my eldest wants to cruise with us so he MAY go on the next trip, and not when school is out (I worry about him being lost in a sea of kids) *if* he can save his "wild 7 year old moments" for beaches and appropriate places like that. Bless the kids centers!!

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I too prefer fall and winter. The ships are a little less crowded, and yes there are fewer children. Sorry karenh1127 but I just prefer a ship with fewer children. I don't want "Adults Only". I want to travel on ships closer to home and at better prices. I have children and mine were raised to be able to have fun but still respect other people's rights too.


As far as children's behavior goes, being on vacation is no excuse for being inconsiderate and rude. That goes for all ages.

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I'm guessing you have younger children. I can't speak for everyone here who likes to cruise 'off season' with less kids, but from my own perspective this is how I feel. I have 2 teens. They are 19 and 16. I have been there, done that with small children. I am feeling free as a bird and reveling in the fact that my nest is almost empty...that my kids have grown into two beautiful women who make me very proud.

In other words...and I know I'll get flamed for putting it this way but I'm going to anyway;

I've paid my dues. I've chased after my toddlers, tried valiantly to have them behave when situations called for them to be on best behavior, worked my heart out trying to give them enough, but not too much as to spoil them...etc., etc. So, now when I vacation, I prefer to be without a ship full of these kids. Mine are now grown, so I don't feel the urge to be around little ones any more. Don't get upset with people who need a break from kids. One day, when yours are grown, you just may feel the same way.


To those that think kids are no different now than they ever were, just pick up this weeks copy of Newsweek. The cover story deals with Kids today and how they have way too much and what it does to them in the long run. There is good reason that some of us want to be as far from kids as possible these days, because kids these days are (for the most part) spoiled pretty badly. The damage it does may occasionally annoy someone like me, but sadly it is totally detrimental to these kids.

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We like April or May time frame. First cruise on the Fantasy was Sep 99, not a real good time with the weather. We weren't affected, but where our kids where staying was, without eletricity for 4 days. But the first cruise was wonderful, got us hooked. We have the 3rd cruise booked, on the Inspiration for 5 May '05, and counting down the days. I also agree, less chance of tons of kids, We leave ours at home.



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Hi everyone,


It would appear alot of people really dont like the idea of kids on cruises.


I am a first time cruiser and have no idea how bad they are but surely it cant be as bad as what I have read on here or can it??? Are kids just left to run amok!!


We are going to be travelling with our 13 year old who will be kept on a tight leash. But my concern is now if we walk into the dining room we are going to have the anti kid brigade shooting daggers at us for daring to bring a child on board!!


Like Halos said you do get beyond it! I understand that.


But not everyone has someone to leave the kids with, or you may not want to.


Just my thoughts.



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Hi everyone,


We are going to be travelling with our 13 year old who will be kept on a tight leash. But my concern is now if we walk into the dining room we are going to have the anti kid brigade shooting daggers at us for daring to bring a child on board!!





Please don't think I hate kids...I just have little patience for them, and honestly, it's not so much the kids, it's the poor excuses for parents that raise some of them. Just your saying that your child will be on a tight leash takes you out of that category. ;)

There were over 600 kids on my June Miracle sailing and there weren't too many instances where I noticed them because I tried to hang out at the adult pool when at sea. There was a day when some kids decided to get all the toilet paper they could find and throw it from the balcony so when the wind took it, it got hung up all over the ship and the ship remained 'decorated' in toilet paper until we reached port, and then crew members had to go and unwrap it from everything. (and by the way...anyone who has the thought, "Well, they are KIDS, and tossing toilet paper didn't hurt anyone, it's a harmless prank."...I assure you that YOU fall into the butt-head parent category)There was an instance where one man thought because he wanted to be in the adult pool that his 3 year old daughter had every right to be in there too, and he was told several times to get her OUT by what I began to call the Carnival 'pool police' before he finally listened...ONLY to take her into the hot tub. :mad:

For the most part even though the ship was FULL of them, they must have been pretty good because other than those two things, I didn't notice anything extremely obnoxious....BUT I was lucky. From what I have read, most summer sailings (not just on carnival, but RCI and Princess as well) are just absolute nightmares at times. This is why I choose, in the future to sail in the winter. (I did it once before and it was lovely) It very possibly CAN get bad with a lot of kids on board, I'm not willing to take the chance because I don't have to. If I had kids that I was taking on a cruise, then I would have to. My circumstances at this point give me more freedom to choose. I just like to choose less kids.

If all kids were put on a tight leash like yours will be, this wouldn't even be an issue...but a lot of parents...probably most parents...are not like you.

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I dont condone kids running up and down the hallway talking loudly at night! I would never allow my kids to do that. However I am not going to constantly be saying "SSSHHHH! Now be quiet. People want peace and quiet on this ship with 2000+ people onboard!" OR "You're 7 years old now. You should be seen and not heard! Oh, I take that back....you shouldn't be seen either!" Give me a break! I want my kids to have fun too and if that means being a little louder (during the day) then so be it. I dont want to spend the whole trip nagging my kids. I bet no one will ever complain about my kids being unruly and running amok on the ship. They will just be having fun. But not to worry, we usually only travel when the kids are out on spring break or summer! Thank God!

I know kids will be kids, and I don't expect them to be perfectly quiet little angels. What I have experienced while cruising in the summer and the main reason I won't do it anymore is kids running up and down the hall at all hours of the night, yelling and carrying on, ( it amazes how such small people can make so much noise!) jumping on elevators and pushing all the buttons then jumping back off, pushing and shoving, not just splashing in the pool but splashing people outside the pool trying to get sun. I'm not saying every child on a cruise does these things, but I've experienced enough of it to sour me on summertime cruising. I would never tell someone NOT to take their children on a cruise, I just don't want to cruise during that time period. I don't blame the kids for this, I blame the parents who don't keep an eye on them during the cruise, using the "We're on a cruise ship, how much trouble can they get into" mentality. I'm not saying this is you, I'm just saying this is what I've seen.




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Hi Halos,


Thank you so much for your kind post.


I was starting to get a bit concerned that it would be a real issue.


Are kids not allowed in the adults pool at all? Is there another pool where we as family can go?


We are cruising in winter as well so hopefully it wont be too cold!!


Many thanks


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Just to clear something up............I am not one of those parents who will let my kids loose on the ship to run wild. I will have a leash on them too (figuratively). If they arent with us, they will be in camp carnival. I am constantly on my kids about being respectful of others, etc., etc. I have found that teaching boys (7 y.o.) manners is the hardest thing!!! I set the example and have manners myself but geeez, these boys are terrible about showing respect or saying "yes sir" and "no mamm". It seems kids today (most) are so rebelious and lacking even with parents who are trying to do everything right. As far as shipboard behavior goes, I promise I will control mine. But in case you want to make sure your not on our cruise, we sail March 7 on Ecstasy. I understand about older folks who have raised their kids wanting a relaxing vacation but I thought cruises were family friendly. I hope we dont get stared down by the anti-kid brigade! LOL!

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I chose that I like to cruise in the fall/winter. Mostly the winter though, it's so nice to get away from the -40 temps here in January or February.


Now as for spoiled bratty kids, I'm not even going to blame the parents. I'm sure the parents are scared to death of disciplining their children in these days especially in public, for fear of having little junior ripped from their arms and placed in the care of the ex-spouse or a foster home only for yelling at him. Don't balme the parents, blame the society do-gooders who refuse to keep their noses out of other people's families. I admit that there are times when authorities have to step in and rescue a child, but things are really getting out of hand these days when you can have your kid taken from you just from good, old-fashioned discipline. Nuff said, climbing down from the soap box now.

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[quote name='Sweetcharlotte30']
Now as for spoiled bratty kids, I'm not even going to blame the parents. I'm sure the parents are scared to death of disciplining their children in these days especially in public, for fear of having little junior ripped from their arms and placed in the care of the ex-spouse or a foster home only for yelling at him. [/QUOTE]

I think that's a bit of over stretching.
People only interfere in cases of obvious physical abuse. I'd wager that if you had 100 people witness a parent discipline their child in a proper manner, they would APPLAUD.
Kids are horrid because they are spoiled. Their parents want to be their friend. Their parents want to give them what all the other kids have. The kids spend so much time watching TV that all they ingest is all the marketing thrown at them. Their parents don't spend enough time with them and they feel guilty so they overcompensate...or they are just too dang tired to deal with them.
It's sad.

[COLOR=DarkGreen]Are kids not allowed in the adults pool at all? Is there another pool where we as family can go?

We are cruising in winter as well so hopefully it wont be too cold!!

Many thanks

Kids under the age of 18 are at NO time permitted in the adult pool. There is another pool for families. Where are you cruising to? We cruised in February one year on the Holiday. It was a 4 day cruise from New Orleans to Mexico and the weather was GORGEOUS!!!! (New Orleans was a bit chilly when we embarked, but it didn't take long after we began heading out for the air to get warm)
As long as you are headed south, I'm sure you'll be warm enough :D
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[quote name='Sweetcharlotte30']I've actually seen it happen, no over stretching happening here.[/QUOTE]

Didn't say it wasn't possible. There are butt heads of all kinds out there. My point is that if you discipline your child PROPERLY there should be no issue (and if someone has a problem with that, so be it...it's not their child I'll be darned if I'd let 'society' interfere with how I raise my children anyway). Kid's behavior these days is not what it used to be because parents are a lot different than they used to be....not that they were all that great years ago...but they were definitely different.
Like I said, pick up this weeks Newsweek. This is a horrible epidemic...and it's not because of society's involvement with anyon'es parenting.
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I have to side with SweetCharlotte30. It is very hard to discipline kids today. The proper way to spank is on the butt with an open hand according to our law. No blows above the waist. But even swats that are not that hard leave bruises and teachers may see these and next thing you know.......knock knock! I am a former child protective case worker and we are told to take possession of the children if any marks or even if kids say they were hit inappropriately. I think my kids could use a good old fashion butt whooping but I resist for fear of all this. I have even heard kids say (not mine) they will call the cops if their parents hit them! It is outrageous! I pity single moms because atleast I can say "Wait til your father gets home!" That always get 'em! I know this thread is not about child rearing but I am a little concerned about our cruise after reading all this. I dont want to spoil others vacation but i dont want to nag the whole time either. Lets hope Camp Carnival keeps them busy. They are always very well behaved for others!
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Discipline doesn't [I]have [/I] to be spanking.
Are you saying that if you can't smack your child, than forget about discipline at all?? There are many ways to teach a child a lesson....the lesson being that every action has a consequence. Physical force doesn't have to be used.
And I don't mean to imply that I am against a good smack in the behind....because I'm all for it. But if you are in a public place, sometimes that smack in the behind offends people...so if you are afraid that it will, use another tactic...don't let the child get away with stuff just because 'people are watching.'
My neice has a VERY smart 2 year old. (She's TOO smart...she's also two...and all that implies) When she started acting up (as a 2 year old is likely to do) while we were in a restaurant, my Neice took her aside and [U]firmly[/U] asked her if she wanted to leave the restaurant and sit in the car, because she couldn't disturb everyone while they were eating. The child thought about it and decided to be good. Had she opted NOT to behave, my neice would have taken her out to the car and sat with her. She most likely had done that previously because her daughter took her threat seriously.
THAT is parenting. You need to be willing to leave a restaurant, take back a new toy, put them to bed early, take away a treat...in other words make hard choices (that hurt you as much as them)...no spanking need be involved if you don't want to. I looked at my neice, and I was so proud of her. Her kids will turn out to be ones I wouldn't mind being on a ship with.....if only ALL my family members had such great parenting skills.......
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HALOS........youre right, discipline doesnt have to be spanking. I think each child reacts to one type over another. For some it works just to use timeout, another by grounding, or some by spanking. I have tried EVERY form of discipline and nothing seems to work consistantly. Once we were on our way to McDonalds and they wouldnt stop yelling in the car so I turned around and went home. They didnt care! I take away toys, they find something else to do. BUT....if they see me get out a belt...they right away straighten up! Only it doesnt last. After some time the undesired behavior starts up again. It drives me nuts! Of course we are way off from the original subject of the thread. My apologies to the OP!
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Goodness, this started out as asking when we liked to sail and became a childhood behavior/adult control issue!!!
As to when I like to sail, whenever I can get the time off work is when I will sail. It does not matter as to the month. I do try to pick itinerary and ship. I love to cruise so I am not as picky as most.
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Hi Halos,

We are going in Jan on the Triumph to the Eastern Carribean.

San Juan, St John and St Maarten.

Excellent the families have their own pool. Lets the kids mix together.
Also the water slide will be great. Can see my son and I spending time doing that. LOL

Geez I started something didnt I. Didnt mean to.


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[quote name='Cotton'][b][color=darkslategray]I prefer early September. It's a fairly safe bet that most of the kiddies are in school, and too early in the school year for parents to take them out for a cruise. [/color][/b]

It's not too early for some of them:rolleyes:
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