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Carnival's new karaoke policy...


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Yea! A rookie karaoke-er who understands. My wife purchased some karaoke disks from her favorite artist, and was actually going to try it. As one of our previous Carnival karaoke host said, Carnival was going to get her cherryoke. She was very disappointed she was not allowed to use her own disc. There were no Diana Krall songs available in the songlist provided by the Paradise.


I sing every weekend at a dinner club we go to. I'm a trained singer, and I would not sing a song I don't know well enough. I don't get paid for it, so I can't be considered a professional, but it still matters to me that I do it right.


When on the ship, I always get up and do some of the fun songs in the book (Poison Ivy, Mother In Law, Charlie Brown, etc.) but I do like to do songs that showcase the good voice I have. I guess some people are bothered by that. There are people that do karaoke that could deffinitely sing professionally. I did the Legends show one time, and the "professionals" couldn't play the song in my key.


Unfortunately, I have a morgage, a family to feed, and bills to pay, so, at an early age I realized I probably wasn't going to make a decent livng making music. The karaoke lounge is one place I can go to play out my Walter Mitty alter-ego. I see no harm with that.


Please write and e-mail Carnival. They'll hear enough noise. Try the piano bars. Some, not many, will recognize a good voice, and hand you the mike. Just have an idea what key you want it in. Barry, on the Paradise is a great piano bar host. He really gets the crowd involved. He made up for our disappointment at karaoke. Unfortunately, not all hosts are like Barry, who said he is leaving in February.


Glad Barry was like that. Suggest that to some piano bar entertainers and they look at you like you just stepped in something unpleasant!! Why? The answer they give is that they don't want to be "used" as a karaoke bar!!


Michael (actually both Michaels, Milby, Duane) have all been wonderful about asking me to sing. These are the folks that I can remember recently.


Please do email Carnival. There is no reason why (at the very minimum) they should not allow us to use our own disk when they don't have the songs!!!

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My 2 cents worth is I understand their reasoning... Working at a law office for as long as I have, it's amazing what people try and do.


I've been pleased with the karaoke catalog on the ship - much better than the karaoke places in my hometown! However, I have only sang karaoke on the Imagination so I don't know about the other ships.

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My 2 cents worth is I understand their reasoning... Working at a law office for as long as I have, it's amazing what people try and do.


I've been pleased with the karaoke catalog on the ship - much better than the karaoke places in my hometown! However, I have only sang karaoke on the Imagination so I don't know about the other ships.


That's good to know, since that is our next cruise (a B2B) in January.


The Holiday this month was awful. I helped others look for songs (since Emie let me use my own) and I was really glad I had mine...or I would not have been able to sing. A) they did not have many songs B) the pitch control on the karaoke machine was broken so that songs they did have could not be pitched to the correct key!

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OK I confess I finally tried it on the last cruise I was on. Yes I can sing. The first song I tried was great. I did well and the crowd responded. The second song I tried was a totally different version than what I was used to and I blew it completly. I sort of felt stupid, but brushed it off because I knew it was all in fun.. I did decide however to pick up a few discs of my own and practice before my next cruise because I do enjoy singing in public when I know what I am doing. My hubby even bought me a small machine for Christmas. Quite frankly now I don't know what I will do. I really don't want to make a fool of myself, but I would like to give it another try. Karaoke singers revolt!!!!!!


Email Carnival and make one simple request....if they don't have the song (and the version) that we sing...then we can use our own!!!



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My 2 cents worth is I understand their reasoning... Working at a law office for as long as I have, it's amazing what people try and do.


I've been pleased with the karaoke catalog on the ship - much better than the karaoke places in my hometown! However, I have only sang karaoke on the Imagination so I don't know about the other ships.

There's no doubt we live in a litigous society, but if a waiver is signed releasing Carnival from any damage to the disk, problem solved. They just need to have their law department write up a legally binding contract.


As to the language problem, which was stated as the other reason, allow personal disks only during the adult karaoke sessions. Maybe I should complain about the late adult comedy show. The language gets awful foul. I wouldn't be very popular with the many cruisers, (myself included) that attend those shows, and they're always packed.


I just get bothered by people that blow it off because the new policy doesn't affect them. If Carnival reacted to every comlaint the way they have this, pretty soon there'd be no activities left, and we could just stay in our rooms or hang around on a lifeless deck waiting to get to the next port.


Trust me, if you read the threads regulrly, the complaints are endless for the most trivial things. People just need to be more tolerant of others, and their needs. If I don't like something on TV, I just turn the channel. I'm amazed how many are addicted to the internet on board, but they have a lot of people that take advantage of that service. I could complain that the space could be better served by adding more casino space. Would that be fair to the people that enjoy the internet service.


Carnival has been great at offering a great many activities to satisfy a great number of cruisers. The problem can be worked out. Carnival just needs to expend the time and energy to address it. Going by the response to the thread started by terri910, she's not the only one that feels that way.

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Glad Barry was like that. Suggest that to some piano bar entertainers and they look at you like you just stepped in something unpleasant!! Why? The answer they give is that they don't want to be "used" as a karaoke bar!!


Michael (actually both Michaels, Milby, Duane) have all been wonderful about asking me to sing. These are the folks that I can remember recently.


Please do email Carnival. There is no reason why (at the very minimum) they should not allow us to use our own disk when they don't have the songs!!!

Glad to see I'm not the only one that has that perception of the piano bar hosts on the various Carnival ships.


I used to spend a lot of time in piano bars years ago. They all used to try to get the crowd involved. The more you felt included, they more you fed the kitty, the more you bought high priced drinks, and everyone was happy . We were on the Freedon last May. The host did bad arrangements of mostly Elton John and Billy Joel songs. The amp was set so high, all we could hear was the host. Any chance of hearing the people around us was obliviated. Maybe Carnival needs to re-examine the concept of a piano bar when hiring. Just an opinion. Your thoughts?

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Glad to see I'm not the only one that has that perception of the piano bar hosts on the various Carnival ships.


I used to spend a lot of time in piano bars years ago. They all used to try to get the crowd involved. The more you felt included, they more you fed the kitty, the more you bought high priced drinks, and everyone was happy . We were on the Freedon last May. The host did bad arrangements of mostly Elton John and Billy Joel songs. The amp was set so high, all we could hear was the host. Any chance of hearing the people around us was obliviated. Maybe Carnival needs to re-examine the concept of a piano bar when hiring. Just an opinion. Your thoughts?


My thoughts? Noise problems usually occur when one is sitting next to the PA speakers. Those things have to fill the room. Moving away from them will usually help with noise problems. If it is too loud, the singer is no good, etc...I will just find another spot where we can visit and where I like the music better.

In terms of people asking if they can sing, can they sit in and play, etc...I am more than happy when the band or host says no. MOre often than not, when people want to play a song, sing with the band, sing instead of the piano player, they are not worth listening to. sometimes there is an exception to the rule. But, a band or a host needs to have a solid policy on people sitting in. Personally, I would rather hear the person who was hired to play and to sing. I do not want to hear all of the amateurs play and sing...that is what the karaoke bar is for.

On a personal note, when I was a musician and let guys sit in...the ones that asked were usually the guys who sounded the worst, they trashed your instruments, the crowd did not like them, etc. The ones that were really talented never asked, they had too much class to ask. The bottom line was, most people did not want to hear others get up...it was strictly for there own amusement and nobody elses...

So, I would rather hear those that hired to play.

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My thoughts? Noise problems usually occur when one is sitting next to the PA speakers. Those things have to fill the room. Moving away from them will usually help with noise problems. If it is too loud, the singer is no good, etc...I will just find another spot where we can visit and where I like the music better.

In terms of people asking if they can sing, can they sit in and play, etc...I am more than happy when the band or host says no. MOre often than not, when people want to play a song, sing with the band, sing instead of the piano player, they are not worth listening to. sometimes there is an exception to the rule. But, a band or a host needs to have a solid policy on people sitting in. Personally, I would rather hear the person who was hired to play and to sing. I do not want to hear all of the amateurs play and sing...that is what the karaoke bar is for.

On a personal note, when I was a musician and let guys sit in...the ones that asked were usually the guys who sounded the worst, they trashed your instruments, the crowd did not like them, etc. The ones that were really talented never asked, they had too much class to ask. The bottom line was, most people did not want to hear others get up...it was strictly for there own amusement and nobody elses...

So, I would rather hear those that hired to play.

Did I say anything about turning any equipment over to the crowd. Piano bars generally depend on crowd participation. That means everyone singing along, and ocassionaly they'll give the mic to a guest to sing. Not all music venues cater to professionals. When I want to see a professional football game, I purchase a ticket to an NFL game. If I want to personally feel the experience, I go to a pickup game at a public feild. Some musical venues are created for audience participation. Thus, karaoke and piano bars. If I want to listen to professionals, I go to concerts and pay the high ticket prices to see the best. If I want to have fun, I go to karaoke and piano bars. And yes, I understand the concept of sitting farther away from the speaker. Duh! No. He was over-amplified. I too was a musician years ago, and do remember guys over-amplifying their equipment. We generally adjusted our equipment before performing. What a novel idea that was. We did not hand over the mic, or any other equipment to anyone outside the band. Crazy, but in our naivete, we honstly believed in our youth that someone might discover us. We would never take the chance of denegrading our product with an unkown musician sitting in. I was talking about KARAOKE and PIANO bars, however, which invite crowd participation. There must be a thread somewhere on this website where cruisers have complained about professional performances. I'm still talking about something different.

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All I know if LHP has a WONDERFUL voice (as well as a lovely family) and you are missing out if you don't hear her in the Karaoke bar.


And yes, I am a musician

I'd love to hear her....I think LHP cruises quite a bit, so maybe we will be on the same cruise one day!!!

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All I know if LHP has a WONDERFUL voice (as well as a lovely family) and you are missing out if you don't hear her in the Karaoke bar.


And yes, I am a musician

I hope I run into LHP some day. It sounds like he and I look for a similar experience on cruise ships. We're booked on the Spirit in September this year for a repostioning cruise to Hawaii. Not to mention several 3 day cruises out of Long Beach on the Paradise. What's your cruise schedule this year LHP? Maybe we can hook up.

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LHP is a she. We had the pleasure of cruising with her, her family and other great people from our roll call last Xmas on the Fantasy out of NOLA.



If you get the chance, cruise with them!


Lewdog, you silver tongued devil. I told you I couldn't pay more than $1.00 a compliment!! :D


Lewdog and his wife are the ones not to miss sailing with. They are an absolute joy and their daughter is going to seriously break some hearts!!


We did have a great group on that cruise, didn't we!!!! I can't believe it has been an entire year. Where does the time go????


Hope this Christmas was great for you and your family and that the New Year will exceed "all your expectations"!! ;)

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LHP is a she. We had the pleasure of cruising with her, her family and other great people from our roll call last Xmas on the Fantasy out of NOLA.



If you get the chance, cruise with them!

I stand corrected. I hope we get an oppurtunity to meet HER in the future. She sounds like fun.

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I would not think Carnival is too concerned about passengers who claim the Karaoke host damaged the disc. They could just make people agree to bring CDs at their own risk.


The language aspect is another matter, and I understand that completely. Maybe there could be a way for the discs to be screened ahead of time?


We went on a cruise out of San Juan, and there were at least half local passengers. So, the karaoke was every other song some Puerto Rican tune in Spanish that the non-PR passengers had no clue about. It was interesting, to say the least! Everyone got along well.


Dance clubs were another interesting evening - there were definitely some different cultures in there!

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I would not think Carnival is too concerned about passengers who claim the Karaoke host damaged the disc. They could just make people agree to bring CDs at their own risk.


The language aspect is another matter, and I understand that completely. Maybe there could be a way for the discs to be screened ahead of time?


We went on a cruise out of San Juan, and there were at least half local passengers. So, the karaoke was every other song some Puerto Rican tune in Spanish that the non-PR passengers had no clue about. It was interesting, to say the least! Everyone got along well.


Dance clubs were another interesting evening - there were definitely some different cultures in there!



Yes, I would imagine it is more about "content", because you do have families that come to karaoke. But it is simple fix.


If I walk up and say that I want to sing "God Bless the Broken Road" by Rascal Flatts and you don't have that song...can I use my own cdg..the answer should be yes....because that is a common song by a known every day group.


If I walk up and say I that I want to sing some song by some group they have never heard of that Carnival doesn't have....then the Karaoke Host should say..check with me at the end of the evening and I will review that song for tomorrow night. If it passes...then you can sing it the next night.


That is fair and reasonable.

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I stand corrected. I hope we get an oppurtunity to meet HER in the future. She sounds like fun.


Yes, I am a she.... an old "she" but a she just the same!!! (I am older than dirt!! :) )


We would love to cruise with you and we will have a GREAT time!!! :D


I will give you a shout when we book the Elation out of California!!

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I would not think Carnival is too concerned about passengers who claim the Karaoke host damaged the disc. They could just make people agree to bring CDs at their own risk.


The language aspect is another matter, and I understand that completely. Maybe there could be a way for the discs to be screened ahead of time?


We went on a cruise out of San Juan, and there were at least half local passengers. So, the karaoke was every other song some Puerto Rican tune in Spanish that the non-PR passengers had no clue about. It was interesting, to say the least! Everyone got along well.


Dance clubs were another interesting evening - there were definitely some different cultures in there!

I do agree that the language can get raunchy in some of the hip hop songs. That's why they should adopt a policy that might allow the cruisers to bring their disks ONLY during the adult only karaoke sessions. Then you know what you can be in for, just like the adult only comedy shows. If you've ever been to the adult comedy shows, it explodes with endless vulgarity, yet the room is always packed.

I can think of very few instances where I've heard profanity in the karaoke music. Yet, I'm sure it happens. I've seen songs on theSHIP'S song list that I know have profanity in them. You can't allow this openly in the adult comedy show, then use profanity as a reason not to play songs that contain profanity, during the ADULT ONLY karaoke. That is hypocrisy.

I've not been in the disco the last few cruises, but I'd be suprised if some of the profanity doesn't exsist in the music they play.

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Yes, I am a she.... an old "she" but a she just the same!!! (I am older than dirt!! :) )


We would love to cruise with you and we will have a GREAT time!!! :D


I will give you a shout when we book the Elation out of California!!

Nothing wrong with being old. I crossed the 60 threshold this summer. I had a birthday paty at the location where we take dance lessons, and guess what, I brought all of my karaoke equipment for people to enjoy along with the DJ music. Everyone had a great time. We only started our dance lessons less than a year ago, but that's another story for another passion. Do you dance too? You might try swing and salsa. It's great exercise for us OLD folks. This after a mild heart attack and angioplsty 5 years ago. I feel great now, and make it a point to remain active.

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Lewdog, you silver tongued devil. I told you I couldn't pay more than $1.00 a compliment!! :D


Lewdog and his wife are the ones not to miss sailing with. They are an absolute joy and their daughter is going to seriously break some hearts!!


We did have a great group on that cruise, didn't we!!!! I can't believe it has been an entire year. Where does the time go????


Hope this Christmas was great for you and your family and that the New Year will exceed "all your expectations"!! ;)



Hey, I just call 'em like I see 'em!


We had a great group on that cruise, none since for us has even come close.


We had a nice holiday season, heop you did as well.

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Do they have The Rodeo Song?

I don't remember. They did have Buffet's "Why Don't We Get Drunk And Screw." No profanity, but obvious sexual content. Always brings down the house, especially coming out of a 60 year old, coming straight from dinner with coat and tie. I usually start by saying "I want to dedicate this love song to my lovely wife." Unfortunately, the ship's CD was trashed, and the host wouldn't allow me to use my personal copy. Same song. Go figure. E-mail and write Carnival and ask than they take measures to allow personal karaoke CD's. Their excuses are lame. If they're concerned about obsenities, they might want to look at the adult comedy show. Such hypocrisy in their new stated policy. Do they really think their customers are so stupid that we'll buy that dumb excuse.

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I don't remember. They did have Buffet's "Why Don't We Get Drunk And Screw." No profanity, but obvious sexual content. Always brings down the house, especially coming out of a 60 year old, coming straight from dinner with coat and tie. I usually start by saying "I want to dedicate this love song to my lovely wife." Unfortunately, the ship's CD was trashed, and the host wouldn't allow me to use my personal copy. Same song. Go figure. E-mail and write Carnival and ask than they take measures to allow personal karaoke CD's. Their excuses are lame. If they're concerned about obsenities, they might want to look at the adult comedy show. Such hypocrisy in their new stated policy. Do they really think their customers are so stupid that we'll buy that dumb excuse.



The difference is the adult comedy shows have numerous warnings about adult content, offensive language, on and on. If they are to allow the obscenities, they would have to start posting that about the karaoke show...think they want to go down that road?

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The difference is the adult comedy shows have numerous warnings about adult content, offensive language, on and on. If they are to allow the obscenities, they would have to start posting that about the karaoke show...think they want to go down that road?


Carnival has already been going down that road for YEARS!


On the Victory (Sept 29th) sailing, Karaoke was for 18 and older only. (not just to sing, but to actually sit in there....just like the midnight comedy show). Yes, it was enforced. (shock)


This the first time I have seen this and perhaps it was because the average age on this cruise was 104.


Having experience on a vast majority of the Carnival ships since karaoke has begun, I can tell you that "content" has NEVER been an issue in the past. On the Sensation back in 2004, Max announced every night that children were allowed to sit in there, but that all songs were "automatically" considered to be "adult content".


The Capers have also shown it to be "adult karaoke" on most ships.

They do have a "family" hour on some....but even those had "adult" karaoke after that first hour.


Camp Carnival has their own karaoke time. Come 9PM at night in a bar, karaoke should be adult only.

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