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Conquest Dec 23-30 Home again


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Yes, Yes, Yes, Larry will put together the cabin crawl and I will get a room for us to meet and greet!!


Splendor leaves Long Beach, stay on the Quessn Mary the night before (may have free champagne) and then off for 2 cruise days, then to Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan, and Cabo San Lucas and a full cruise day home. It leaves on Dec 20, 2009. I can't believe they had half of the cat 12's already gone.


Carnival Splendor has some new items on it including an outdoor movie screen. There is some good snorkeling and of course there is shopping. Cool! Call soon to book the reunion cruise!


I have my folders already started. Red folders are for the Christmas '08 and '09 cruises and yellow is for the summer cruise. Haven't scheduled summer '09 yet. Then blue is for the any spur of the moment cruise in case a need a folder immediatly. Hmmmmmm, I'm giving away too much of my personality.


PS - Everyone, think about taking out cruise insurance.


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Luggage-during my firsst cruise in 1991 I saw what was left of a suitcase being fished out of the water at the port of Miami.....It didn't look good for the bag because there wasn't much left of the bag. At least one woman on that trip had no luggage whatsoever because it went into the drink!!!!!


The good thing is your belongings only got wet. I can tell you how to dry out paper instead of tossing it out.


Any archivist will tell yoy that if you have paper documents, or a book, that gets wet or partially wet you can put it in a ziplick bag (to keep everything around it clean if it is mucky or dirty) and throw it in the freezer to dry out. The freezer will take out the moisture and leave the paper a little odd shaped, but it will be dry and mold free. Now, you need to leave it in the freezer for at least a week and keep checking it to see if it is all dried out. The pages can be dry ironed flat to try to restore it.

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I think I know what is happening here. We are all suffering from PCSD, Post Cruise Stress Disorder. It is a devestating disease and has been known to cause inpromptu french fry eating and there has been documentation of raids on Dairy Queen with people eating ice cream face up under the dispenser. Other symptons include walking out of restaurants without paying and not understanding why we have to pay extra for that second helping of meat. In rare instances, people have been known to start swaying on thier feet while standing still. Use caution around these people and to avoid injury - start making sounds like the ocean waves hitting the side of a ship, this seems to calm them down.


Those suffering from this affliction can be found regularly cruising the internet looking at cruise sites looking a year or so down the road and salavating at picture of penthouse suites. Please approach with caution and understanding that they simply are addicted and there is no known cure - just more cruising.


EVERYONE WHO READS THIS POST - Based upon past experiance, I know that this post will eventually get closed on us and it may happen within the next week. Once that happens, we will be locked out of it. So, I suggest that we all move over to the thread that Kathy started now or be prepared to do so once we are taken over. Larry:cool: Your Kabin Krawl Kernel and Kareoke King Woo Hoo!

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Wonder if I could book Splendor Christmas 2009 and convince Terry we HAVE to go since it would be a reunion cruise...or I guess we could bring the Vultures with us?


I'm going to post this here although I put it on the roll call board in case someone missed it... Update on my day and my parental units:


Thank you for being worried. I’m tired. Daddy got home from the hospital yesterday. I've spoken to him twice...he is doing pretty well. Still sounds like his breathing is a little labored but nothing like it was .


I was just coming here to try to post about our day.


What a day.


Up at 6:30, cleaned the kitchen, got Terry up at 7:15


answered two phone calls on new telephone (the other died while we were gone)

spoke to Mama's nurse who says she is a new person today, no disorientation, no unsteadiness, etc.


left at 9 for Terry's biopsy

home at 10:30

got Terry settled in bed, checked school emails and made change to my absence status for tomorrow


tidied den


left at 11:40:

took laundry to dry cleaners

took Dirk to vet

went to CVS to take a roll of film

headed next door to Tom Thumb to grocery store (12:45)

shopped for an hour

David calls from hospital while I'm at store (doc has been in and they have spoken)

call our kids to let them know the scoop

loaded groceries into car

went back into CVS to pick up roll of film

head home (2:06)

Get call from hospital they are ready to realize my mom

tell them I will be outside at patient pickup

no one comes so I call back to the nurse’s station 6 times (they have accidentally forwarded their phone to a PATIENT'S room)

Finally get the switchboard to get through to someone and talk to her - they are bringing Mama down

wait 30 more minutes (groceries are thawing....) and

call again - she is brought down as I'm talking to someone


Get home at 3:35

spend 15 minutes bringing in groceries after checking on Terry

one bag has hole in it and marinara sauce jar falls and breaks in driveway

clean up mess


Terry gets up at 4

put away groceries while trying to keep Mama and Terry resting

answer various phone calls while putting away groceries


find Mama some shoes (she didn't have any on when she got to the hospital)

leave for dinner 5:35 (the man took me to PANCHOS for my 50th birthday - good thing he's feeling so-so or I would not be this agreeable)


Return home 7:00

get Mama some pjs to wear to bed

put on my lounging pants and top


read phone manual to figure out how to work use it

answer 4 phone calls while trying to read manual (yes, two from the girls. And one from my nephew, David's son Mike newly home from Iraq)

finish reading manual about the time my dad calls - tell him about my mom - he worries, I reassure him


come to computer to tell y'all what is going on


~SO, here is the deal~

Mama had a small stroke yesterday and it is not the first one and they have probably been happening for about 3 years. I am SO gonna say "I told you so" to David one of these days. I've been telling him for well over 2 years there was something neurological going on with her and I WAS RIGHT (and there is nothing like an older sister who is right to let you know you were wrong).


Doctor gave her a prescription or two but I haven't had time to deal with them yet. I'll do it tomorrow. Pray that she will take whatever he is giving. She has a history of spitting out meds like a 2 year old. :rolleyes:


She is at our house tonight because she has a hair appointment tomorrow and I didn't want to take her home and then go get her again and take her home again.


Future Plans? I don't know yet. Terry and I plan to talk to David and SIL Claudia this weekend.


It's been a very hectic day. I told Terry earlier I haven't had time to have a birthday today.

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Kathy, what's up with Terry getting a biopsy today? Larry
This is the second one he's had. Prostate biopsy. He has something called High Grade PIN.

The doctor will send all (12!) core sample to pathology but he said he didn't see any changes since May. We go next Thursday for the results so say a prayer for him.


Did you miss the Breakfast conversation about Terry's 3 times a week prescription from our primary care physician? Prostate issues is what caused the prescription. :)

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Remember that we have to repeat our stories NO LESS than 3 times with Larry and Sue! :rolleyes: This is the reason for Larry wanting a recap of the "Dr.'s prescription"! (Just kidding--love you two!! :D )

Sounds like you have had quite a day--tell Terry to keep his chin up and that he needs to follow his doctor's prescription VERY regularly! We're praying for very good results. Oh, yeah, and tell Terry that the best cure for his ailments is a nice Christmas reunion cruise in '09!

Glad that your Mom is out of the hospital--prescription for you--cruise photos and a nice bubble bath!

Oh, and, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I think that Terry is still in buffet mode from the cruise--Pancho's?! You are a strong woman! Did they have soft serve ice cream? :) Love you, sista, and hope your birthday rocked!



Hi, my name is Lisa and I am a cruise addict.....

Sign me up for Splendor Christmas '09--we're like family, we'll just spend every Christmas with you guys! Besides, you guys are much more fun to hang out with than family. I'll have my TA price out the Pride for '08 and Splendor '09.



How was work today? I'm glad that someone in your family is working to pay for your cruising addiction! Splendor reunion '09, baby!


Love you guys!~


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The prescription . . . . . . I wasn't going to ask for a recap but I didn't know what you were talking about, and then., ., ., it all came back to me!! NO recap needed here. Don't recap Larry either.


RC09, RC09, that's our motto -- Reunion Cruise '09! We need someone to get do table seating -- Annie, Lisa? Larry I know would love to be the Cabin Crawl Colonel again, and yes, we can end at our place. A new ship to explore. We need Annie to head up the secret door exploration! I'll volunteer to do a meet and greet at the Queen Mary the night before. (I know the champagne guy) Sounds like we need Terry to help encourage us to all walk more during our trip. Gregg, how about you do door markers on the floor so I can find my way back to my cabin -- I was thinking of something other than a hot dog on a plate. There is a job for any and all that can join in for RC09. Kathy, Terry, half price for you guys - and, on a new ship. Doug, Linda; Steve, Julie; Mike, Joan; the more the merrier. Oh, my canadian deck of cards I was excited about are on the bottom of the bay in the suitcase that is just "lost".


Kathy, will pray for you to have the strength to keep up with all your nurseing duties and Terry's biopsey will be good news. Larry is still not feeling good and has already requested a substitute for tomorrow.


We might have a buyer for our house. We had to come down a bit and quite by "accident" we found another place right in our neighborhood. We're putting a bid on it tomorrow. One level with a basement that has 2 finished room and the rest storage space. We are tired of living in a stripped down house constantly missing things that are in storage.



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Great reviews Kathy and Lisa! We'd love to cruise with you all again. We've decided that Christmas cruising is the bomb! When and where?

We've booked another Alaskan cruise, this time with Doug and Linda in late summer.

Hopeflly by then Sandy will have new knees and can get out for more fun - even though we both had a blast, especially with our newfound friends.

God bless you all!


Becky and Sandy

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The prescription . . . . . . I wasn't going to ask for a recap but I didn't know what you were talking about, and then., ., ., it all came back to me!! NO recap needed here. Don't recap Larry either.


RC09, RC09, that's our motto -- Reunion Cruise '09! We need someone to get do table seating -- Annie, Lisa? Larry I know would love to be the Cabin Crawl Colonel again, and yes, we can end at our place. A new ship to explore. We need Annie to head up the secret door exploration! I'll volunteer to do a meet and greet at the Queen Mary the night before. (I know the champagne guy) Sounds like we need Terry to help encourage us to all walk more during our trip. Gregg, how about you do door markers on the floor so I can find my way back to my cabin -- I was thinking of something other than a hot dog on a plate. There is a job for any and all that can join in for RC09. Kathy, Terry, half price for you guys - and, on a new ship. Doug, Linda; Steve, Julie; Mike, Joan; the more the merrier. Oh, my canadian deck of cards I was excited about are on the bottom of the bay in the suitcase that is just "lost".


Kathy, will pray for you to have the strength to keep up with all your nurseing duties and Terry's biopsey will be good news. Larry is still not feeling good and has already requested a substitute for tomorrow.


We might have a buyer for our house. We had to come down a bit and quite by "accident" we found another place right in our neighborhood. We're putting a bid on it tomorrow. One level with a basement that has 2 finished room and the rest storage space. We are tired of living in a stripped down house constantly missing things that are in storage.



Hurray for the buyer.


I talked to Terry today about Splendor for Christmas '09. He mentioned we already have a Yellowstone trip scheduled for that summer. BUT he didn't say no. That usually means he's thinking. SO it looks good. I'm probably gonna book it anyway and go from there.


Looks like I will be proctoring A LOT of tests between now and then to pay for it because I think we are booking another Conquest trip, too.

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Lisa, please do let us know if you get a group together, and the details. We've not heard from Sherryl about a Conquest group for next Christmas, so why not a Mexican Riviera Christmas Cruise!!


Becky and Sandy



We are cruising with Larry and Sue on the Pride leaving LA on Dec. 21, 2008. The reunion Splendor cruise--where hopefully everyone will be able to go on--is Dec. 20th 2009. Come join us on both--it'll be a blast!



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Becky and Sandy,


Mexican Riviera Cruise Dec '08 with some ole friends sounds terrific. This past trip was just so, so special which was all becaue of the friends we made. The Pride is a really nice ship and very similar to the Conquest.



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I think Greg and I have talked about you guys every day since we got home. We really need to consider a get together on land like we had talked about when everyone has their next break from school. We talked about Branson, Colorado, and Utah... Greg and I were also thinking about Glenwood Springs.... It's a Huge Hot Springs Pool. Put this together and look at the page... Hot Springs Pool dot com


Larry.... Greg would love to do the Queen Mary thing... I think you guys talked a bit about it on the ship. He loves "haunted" things and has stayed a few places as well. Which time are you doing the Queen Mary Hotel? '08 or '09. Greg thinks we will be able to get away with a Christmas Cruise every other year... I hope he is right!


Becky- Did you guys purchase any of the pictures from CJ on the stingray excursion? Greg and I have two pics that we took of the two of you with a stingray... Not CJ quality by any means but I will send them your way if you like. We took them with the underwater camera not a digital... would you like me to mail them to you?


Doug I think an Alaska trip sounds amazing... what date are you ya'll going eh? ( I tried the american and canadian thing together LOL )


Kathy- When will we know about Terry? I never mentioned this on board but my father has prostate cancer. I know how you all are feeling and my heart and prayers are with you. If you have any questions or just want to talk let me know. I'll do my best to answer any questions if I can.


Lisa- Work was rough... Ugh. I love my job but starting back with such long days really sucked. Thank goodness the weekend came fast. I thought we were pretty active on the ship but being on my feet all day really wore me out and my body aches... I dont mind tho... more work=more cruises and getting to see my new friends more often.

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I have posted this a few times but it doesnt seem to show up...


Larry.... Greg would love to do the Queen Mary thing... I think you guys talked a bit about it on the ship. He loves "haunted" things and has stayed a few places as well. Which time are you doing the Queen Mary Hotel? '08 or '09. Greg thinks we will be able to get away with a Christmas Cruise every other year... I hope he is right!


Becky- Did you guys purchase any of the pictures from CJ on the stingray excursion? Greg and I have two pics that we took of the two of you with a stingray... Not CJ quality by any means but I will send them your way if you like. We took them with the underwater camera not a digital... would you like me to mail them to you?


Doug I think an Alaska trip sounds amazing... what date are you ya'll going eh? ( I tried the american and canadian thing together LOL )


Kathy- When will we know about Terry? I never mentioned this on board but my father has prostate cancer. I know how you all are feeling and my heart and prayers are with you. If you have any questions or just want to talk let me know. I'll do my best to answer any questions if I can.


Lisa- Work was rough... Ugh. I love my job but starting back with such long days really sucked. Thank goodness the weekend came fast. I thought we were pretty active on the ship but being on my feet all day really wore me out and my body aches... I dont mind tho... more work=more cruises and getting to see my new friends more often.


I think Greg and I have talked about you guys every day since we got home. We really need to consider a get together on land like we had talked about when everyone has their next break from school. We talked about Branson, Colorado, and Utah... Greg and I were also thinking about Glenwood Springs.... It's a Huge Hot Springs Pool. Put this together and look at the page... Hot Springs Pool dot com


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Morning everyone!! I see a heck of a lot of people want to join Larry and Sue on the Spendor in 09! As a cruise ship center expert I could get us group rates and probably some little perks like OBC, champagne and chocolates. I have to book 24 berths (12 cabins) usually 4 inside, 4 oceanview, 4 balcony. The savings is NOT fantastic about 75.00 to 100.00 but the perks even it out! Think about it and I will put the ball in motion! Doug and(a VERY SICK Linda)

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Well, I confess - even though I've been thinking about you guys (a lot) and about our cruise (even more), I haven't taken the time to get on-line and post a message or two. Most of my CC activities take place from my work computer (shhhh, don't tell), where I have broadband access and can read and reply easier than at home with dial up connection.


I had a great time on the Conquest, and really enjoyed meeting everyone. I think this was the best Christmas on the Conquest yet, and we are definitely going to book again for next year. We will be sailing again on the Conquest for 12/21/08 -- I've not booked it yet because I haven't had a chance to check out the best deal. If I can get 6 cabins to confirm I can definitely get a better rate - and I have 4 balcony cabins confirmed already. I know Larry and Sue have enticed many to come join them, and we would like to explore other ports, but the Galveston port is just so convenient and affordable that we have become creatures of habit. I know we will need to put down deposits soon, so I will probably get prices in the next week or so. If anyone else is interested, please let me know.


I'm going to jump over to our roll call and post a wrap up message on there - and will get back to this one soon.





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Sherryl, hey folks you need to jump ship (LOL) and join us out on the west coast for the 09 reunion tour. I think it would be a blast to have the gang take over the Queen Mary and start the party before we even get on the Splendor.


Hey cruising buddies, be thinking of Sue today when you can. She fell this morning and broke her wrist. They are doing surgery on it this afternoon and will be in a cast for a few months. The car got stuck in the snow and she fell trying to free it. She is doing much better right now because she has had 3 morphine shots. :( Larry

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Yea munity on the Queen Mary in 09! We can rename it the King Larry and you can only board the ship by singing your way on. Arrrrrr....Otherwise you walk the plank! :D


Sorry to hear that happened to Sue. We'll be praying for her to get better soon. I hope it was not her shrimp dipping hand. If it was we need her in rehab ASAP for the next cruise. :eek:


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I think Lisa was looking into a group...I think..For Christmas '09.


Larry, I forgot to ask when you called...which wrist, left or right?


Annie, I've got your dad on my prayer list. We go back to Terry's doctor on Thursday afternoon.

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