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100+ lbs to lose???


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Hi all, sorry I ahve been MIA but I worked all weekend and then had to attend a funeral yesterday. I wish I had lost more weight but I stayed the same this week, easter, chocolate and my anniversary killed me. But at least I didn't gain. I really want to lose a few more before I go to disney in 3 weeks for my sons birthday. We are flying him there for a long weekend as a surprise trip to celebrate his 14th. and I am a little nervous about the coasters at universal studios.

Back at work today so I need to run. I will check in later.


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Vicki the girls are beautiful!!!!! Emily is just a year older than T. We will have to keep a CLOSE eye on them on our cruise in 2010!!!!! Her birthday must fall early if she is a sophmore. T is only suppose to be in the 8th grade, but he was held back twice. Once the year his dad was so sick and died and then in the 4th grade when his math/reading disabilities were found!!!! But he is so little he fits right in with the 6th graders. I always say I had him 2 years premature!!!!


Stacy, so sorry about Spidey!!!!! They bounce back so easily at his age!!! We don't but they do:D . Hope is headache is not to bad today. Happy Birthday to your DH!!!!!


PeeJay we are sailing 8/4/08. Of course this will be our first so I am taking your word that this is a good time;) . I understand though that anytime you get to go on a cruise is a good time:p .


Welcome back Wendy. Sorry about your funeral but congrats on no gain last week. Maybe 3 or 4 will come off this week, but we are all shooting for 2, Right ladies????


Well have to pay bills and run errands today:( . Check back later.

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Hi all I love this thread, I can so relate with everything everyone has mentioned. I would love to join you all.


My Name is Jenny, I am at 256lbs I'm 5'0" I would love to loose 100lbs by my cruise Feb 7, 2009 as long as I loose about 2lbs each week I can do it. That is a very doable number.

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Hey Wendy. Glad you checked in. We missed you. OMG - Krispy Kreme is the best donuts in the world!! Ok sister, stay away from the donuts!


Hey Leah! Spidey is bouncing off the walls again. He is at a friends tonight so DH and I can go out for his birthday. I will be good. I would just love to have a glass of red wine I think. We will see. Thanks for the happy b-day to my honey.


Hi Jenny. Welcome to our group. The more the merrier - people that is - not pounds!! haha hehe. Ok, so it wasnt that funny, but I am just in one of those moods. You can so easily loose 2 lbs a week. I have faith in you!! Just pick a day as your weigh in and let us know weekly how you have done. Of course, feel free to chime in on other days too.


Well, DH just called and is on his way home. Gotta run. Talk later. Stacy

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Welcome Jenny, as Stacy said we are all pretty good sounding boards, friends, cheerleaders, dear abby's, what ever you are in need of. good luck on your journey!!!!!


Stacy 1 glass of wine is good I would imagine. Bob says have something out of the ordinary to jump start your metabolism.


Vicki and I are heading to the Casino tomorrow and will be gone till Saturday. I am going to try and be good but we will see. gotta run finish packing. Hope you all have a great next few days.

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Well, I didnt drink any wine. Just decided not too. Dont know how it would have reacted with any meds I am taking. We went to the cheesecake factory last night. Had a awesome waitress. Told her when we first sat down that we were on special diets and she made sure that anything we ordered didnt go against the diet. She was extremely helpful. It was just DH and me, Spidey stayed with a friend. So I guess you can say that I had a date last night. :) Havent had one of those in a long time. It is hard to have a date when you have a 3 yr old around.


Leah - hope you are having a great time. I use to work in a casino in Mississippi ages ago. I can still hear the bells from the machines in my sleep at night.


Jenny - we will stick together with this and all be biggest loosers. Just glad it is not like the show. I couldnt bear to compete against any of you. You all are friends now. I guess we should come up with a nick name for our little group. Anybody have any suggestions?


Well, off to story time with Spidey at the library. Talk later. Stacy

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I think Krispy Kreme sprinkles crack into their glaze. :p Those donuts are SOOO good, especially when they are warm. DON'T DO IT! You can't eat just one!


Back away from the Krispy Kreme!


*guess I'm a day too late!*


At any rate, I had a small victory just now. I was FAMISHED and instead of eating my lunch early, I just had some chicken broth and it really has taken the edge off of my hunger for the time being. I think I can hold off on lunch until 1 or so. Normally, I would break into some type of non-healthy snack.

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OMG I so need this group for support.


Last night, I told my mom my goal of loosing 100lbs before we cruise in Feb. Told her I needed to average 2lbs a week. Her next statement amazed me and explains why I'm 100lbs+ over weight. She said, "Honey that is great. I know you can do it. I'm making Cinnamon Rolls do you want a couple" :eek: :confused:


I just looked at her and asked if she had hear what I had just said and she said yes but why not start off fresh on April 1st. I said no thank you I'm starting now and grabbed an apple off the counter and walked away

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Jenny - because April 1 is April Fools Day! Sorry your mom is trying to tempt you. But it was great that you resisted!!! Good job.


PeeJay - Chicken broth is one of the things that the clinic I go to recommends. I can have as much as I want of chicken broth, sugar free jello, pickles, lettuce, and others, but I can not find my list right now. When I find it I will post what it says regarding the "free" items.


Keep up the good job ladies!!

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She said, "Honey that is great. I know you can do it. I'm making Cinnamon Rolls do you want a couple" :eek: :confused:


LMAO!!!!!!!! My grandmother is the same way! She'll say "well one dessert isn't going to hurt anything" but she'll feed you like that everyday if you let her!

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Jenny - because April 1 is April Fools Day! Sorry your mom is trying to tempt you. But it was great that you resisted!!! Good job.


PeeJay - Chicken broth is one of the things that the clinic I go to recommends. I can have as much as I want of chicken broth, sugar free jello, pickles, lettuce, and others, but I can not find my list right now. When I find it I will post what it says regarding the "free" items.


Keep up the good job ladies!!



OH GREAT!!!! I like jello, I need to pick some cups up.

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Hi everyone! I'm Brianne but you can call me Bri. :) I have been a lurker on the Cruise Critic boards for a while now, and I just booked my first cruise for May 2009. It kind of depresses me that my first post is on the 100+ lbs to lose thread, no offense to you all who seem to be doing a great job, I just wish it wasn't something I had to do!

Anyway I am 29 years old and really want to lose about 120 lbs before I hit the big 3-0 next February. I want to start my 30s off at a healthy weight! I am 5'6 and am currently 253 lbs. I was 115 when I headed off to college 11 or so years ago. Laziness, family problems, and who knows what else turned me into an eating machine. Anyway that's me, I started going to the gym this week and will be weighing myself on Friday mornings (not going to start that til next Friday though).

I look forward to reading everyone else's weight loss stories. :)


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Thanks PeeJay! I am going on the Carnival Miracle from NYC. It's the eastern Caribbean trip that stops in Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, and Tortola.


Once I get a little more board savvy I will add one of those countdown things. :)

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Hey Bri! Welcome! We all can relate - this is something that none of us want to do. I know that I have to try to get my health back on track, so I must loose weight. I have had a lot of things go on in my life that has made me the size I am. Mom being married to an abuser, mom on prescrip drugs, dad on other stuff, me being married to the wrong man, me in a car accident with a train, etc, etc, etc. All these different things has lead to where I am now. DH fell in love with me the size that I am. It wouldnt bother him if I never lost the weight. But he and I both want me to be healthy for our little Spidey. It is great that you have started to go to the gym. Wish I could find one that was not so expensive and would look after Spidey at the same time. We will just continue to walk around the block I guess.


Now on your other issue Bri - the Miracle. I know all about this ship. This was the ship my DH first sailed on. We went on our belated honeymoon on this ship back in 2006. You will love her. I dont have any pictures of the inside - I was a little inebriated when we went. Ok, first time without Spidey, couldnt help it. Anyway, she is beautiful and you will have a great time. By the way, St Thomas is my favorite. We went to Megan's Bay and thought it was georgous.


OK PeeJay - I got ya beat. Imagine me standing next to a table that had a pizza, or steak, or pasta, or whatever. I have not lifted a finger to eat. All of a sudden you see this food fly off the table. Guess where it lands? Yeap, my thighs, stomach, arms, legs. Just sticks to me. All I have to do is look at it, not even eat it. Ok ok ok, it's not that bad, but my metabolism has been pretty bad. Getting that back in order now.


Now those "free" items I was talking about earlier. Here is how it is listed in my little book.

You can have as much as you want through the day.******

1/2 cup of sugar free gelatin, lettuce (all), dill pickles, salt, pepper, seasonings, spices, dry bbq spices, fat free broth, white and red whine vinegar, light rice vinegar, Tabasco hot sauce, lemon and lime juice, mustard


Use in moderation******

Miracle Whip Free, Ketchup, cocktail sauce, artificial sweetners


Beverages and Fluids**** Must drink 128 OZ per day

Calorie free flavored water, decaf diet soda, decaf coffee and tea, crystal light, sugar free country time lemonade, diet seltzer, diet mineral water, any calorie free caffeine free diet drink - no milk, juices or creamers


Salad dressing - 2 tbsp low fat or fat free dressing with no more than 30 calories per tbsp. Also may use 1/2 tbsp Olive Oil and red wine vinegar.


Sugar Free Popsicles- 10 to 20 calorie such as Philly swirl at Sams or Lifesaver popsicles.


Recommends to utilize Lettuce for wraps instead of bread.


Sugar Free Cool Whip - in small amounts


OK, I know this was a lot, sorry for overload. Enjoy your night everyone. Talk later, Stacy

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Stacy - you said something that I NEVER would have thought of but makes huge sense - using lettuce as the wrap instead of bread!!! How ingenious!!! Thanks for sharing that. And hey, congrats on the date! We are just starting to have a few of those ourselves and ours are 18 and 15! We've been shuttling teens around with their friends all these years and now that they are driving and don't need us :( we have free time and time to get to know each other all over again :D :cool: :p :) ;) HAHAHA. Enjoy the "dates" as they come - may be few and far between so make them memorable!


PeeJay - I had to laugh about the Krispy Kreme donuts! When they opened one here in Metairie I remember at my WW meeting that one lady figured out that one Krispy Kreme donut was like 5 points and she said so, if I can have 25 points a day that means that I can eat 5 donuts a day and still lose weight? I know the WW leader wanted to just give her her money back right then and there and say yes dear. Go eat your donuts! I personally have to stay away from them. I am quite positive that I could put an entire dozen away in one seating if I really wanted to. Stay strong!


Jenny - I am so proud of you! You could have easily said, yep Mom, pass the cinnamon roll - but you made the decision to make today the first day of the rest of your healthy life! Good for you! Mom may not be listening to you but WE are!!! Good luck and remember we are all here for you. Well, some of us are! SOME OF US ARE having an awesome time at the Casino, leaving their buddies behind!! (LEAH!)


Bri - Welcome! I found this thread on accident. One of the best accidents I can say I've had! I am on two roll calls on this site for two upcoming cruises and one day the 100+ caught my eye. Well, I fall into that category so I had to take a peek to see what was being said. It was a new thread and there was not much acitivity on it but somehow I instantly felt comfortable and thought to myself, Hmmm, this might be a good alternative for me. "Someone" to be accountable to. I actually approached this thread with the attitude that if I fail, no one will know and I can walk away from it and not worry, no one knows me. But I have truly found comraderie (sp?) here and I actually feel more comfortable discussing my weight issues (I am 44 years old, 5' 6" and weigh 233) here with people who are in the same boat (SHIP) with me than a little skinny "leader" at a meeting who says she's been there. I applaud the little skinny leader for her results but I still feel more comfortable going through this at the same time with people that have the same problems CURRENTLY. Does that make sense? I almost had a little resentment that the leader was telling me oh, i did it, you can. I would prefer to have someone say oh, I'm doing it, you can too! It's like taking a walk and having someone say oh, I used to walk instead of having a partner walk with me. Hope y'all understand what I'm trying to get across.


Well, my hubby is finally home (he was not supposed to be back until Friday evening and I don't sleep well when he is out ot town). So I am going to get to bed so I can be at the gym for 4:45 and I weigh in tomorrow. Not expecting huge results because I did do a little stress eating while he was out of town. Not too bad but enough to make me wonder, hmmm, what will that scale say?


So guys, let's all go into this weekend with open minds and closed mouths!! I'll chime in tomorrow after I weigh in - wish me luck!



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Good Morning Lovelies!!!


I meant to weigh in this morning, but I forgot...Guess I'll do it on Monday. I'm gonna be honest, I'll be indulging in some bad stuff tomorrow. :( My friend's 40th bday party is Saturday and I'm a hostess. She throws a slumber party every year and this year we have to do it Xtra special for her XL (40)! It's being catered by Macaroni Grill and we are having all kinds of other goodies. I am going to try not to get ridiculous, but I am not going to fool myself into thinking I'm not going to indulge.


Stacy, thanks for that list. I LOVE SF popsicles!


I need to go to the doctor. I've been having some really bad headaches the last couple days and I'm not sure whether it's the beginning of allergy problems or if my BP is up. The bad thing is that I just started a new job this past Monday, so I'm not covered under insurance for the next 90 days. :(


Anyway...make today a good day Ladies!! :)

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Morning all


Cruisinsly, Thank you for that list, it will go in the notebook I will carry with me from now till I leave for my cruise.


This cruise has turned into a family & friends group cruise and I have gotten the position of planning it. I'm even more excited and even more determined to loose the weight. This will give me something to do and help keep me focused on my goal. Some of my family members I haven't seen in 15yrs So I'm real excited to show them a brand new cousin.


So I hope you all don't mind, bu I will bring you not only on my journey of weight loss, but also on my journey of planning my first group cruise


PeeJay I can relate to the Donuts, When you face that box stop and imagine yourself sitting on the Lido deck in a cute bathing suit. I found a pic of the bathing suit I want to buy for my cruise and I carry it with me and look at it when I'm tempted with something I shouldn't have.



Bri welcome and know you are in good company, I too am an emotional eater, just turn that emotional eating into eating foods that are good for you. Now that we have Cruisinsly list it should get easier


Well, I'm off to walk, My puppy is looking at me like are we going now please please please

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Good Morning Ladies!! Now that I have fed Spidey, my day is starting.


Vickie - I cant take credit for the lettuce wraps. Came straight from my clinic. Kudos to them. But they are good. We went to the Cheesecake Factory for DH birthday the other night. Our appetizer was Thai Lettuce Wraps. They were sooooo good. We are going to try to have a date at least once a month. Has been really hard right now. His dad is in another state with alzheimers and we have been fighting with his aunt to get power of attorney and move his dad close to us. The aunt went and got his dad for a visit and before we knew it she had him in a nursing home and had power of attorney over him. After threats of a huge lawsuit, etc, she has finally relented and it looks like next month we are going to get him and bring him back to Clearwater. So - dates have been few and far between. Maybe after all this mess is over we can do it more often. Prob more info than you wanted to know, sorry. :) I must say though, I hope you didnt get too much sleep last night after your hunny arrived home. hehehe


PeeJay - Girl, the older you get the more you forget! I am not that old. Only 34. But it is amazing that some days I can remember my own name. Just you wait. If you plan to have children (i asume that you dont just yet) it gets WORSE!!! Someone jokingly told me while I was preggers that all moms loose brain cells while pregnant. I didnt believe them. Oh how I believe them now. Ok enough of that. Have a good time at the party. Another thing just to think about. I have really bad headaches too. My blood pressure was always good. After I went to the weight loss clinic for the first time and had blood test done, they discovered that I am diabetic. Now that I do not eat bread, rice, pasta (all the high carb stuff) and I have cut out sugar - my headaches have almost stopped. I still get a migraine here or there, but nowhere near what was happening. That doesnt mean that your sugar is high, but just a thought.


Jenny - I love putting groups together. When I worked at Universal Studios I was a group coordinator in their travel department. I had so much fun. If things get a little crazy, or you have questions about groups that you just dont understand please utilize me. Sometimes hotels, cruises, airlines, etc will say things that is confusing (I know it happened to me a lot while I was in the business), so I am just a keyboard away.


Bri - I have to second what Vickie has said. I found this thread when it didnt have a lot of pages to it. I was lazy. I saw the other threads, but they were 10, 11, + pages long. I didnt want to sit and read through all of them. It would take too long. So I came to this one. I am glad my laziness paid off this time b/c we are a great group.


Where is Leah? Oh, that's right. She is at a casino right now. Hope she is winning. Well, I am glad that all of you have enjoyed the list I posted for you. Hope it helps. Lets all have a fabulous weekend, and keep those fatty foods away. We can do this. Stacy

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Stacy--thanks for sharing your list. And thanks everyone for the warm welcome.:D


I've gone to the gym 3 out of the 5 mornings this week. My sister (who is 2 years younger and about 140 lbs lighter than me:mad: ) has been a good motivator, it's her gym so it came with a good recommendation. They have group exercise classes every day for free, but they are about an hour long, and I don't have that kind of stamina yet! She suggested that I try to do some one on one time with a personal trainer, I guess this can be pricey, but you really only need to do a few sessions with them so you can learn what you should be doing what's best for your body type. So I am going to look into cost for that this weekend.


PeeJay--enjoy your party and I think it's ok to indulge once in a while! I never understand the mindset of shows like The Biggest Loser, yes it's awesome the contestants lose so much and they pull huge numbers on the scales every week. But it's like they are conditioned to never eat something unhealthy again. Are you never supposed to have another piece of birthday cake? A few beers? etc. I'm sure this is not actually the case but I just get that impression.


Anyway, have a nice weekend everyone and thanks again for letting me join your group.

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Stacy- I was actually diagnosed as being pre-diabetic a while back, so I guess I need to get my glucose checked...that could be where the problem lies. Preggo-brain is REAL! I have several friends of mine that would forget the simplest things...I hate to see how I am when I am pregnant because I'm scatterbrained as hell now! I'm only 27, so I have no excuse either, lol. It's even worse when I'm stressed, I almost feel like I'm ADD or something because I can't stay on task and I forget what I was doing before I switch tasks, lol.


Bri- Re: The Biggest Loser...they have to eat like that or they would never see those types of results. "You can do it at home" Yeah, I'm sure I could if I had nothing to do but work out all day and time to prepare great meals. These folks are losing 50, 80, 100lbs in 2-3 months!!! I WISH I could lose that amount of weight in 13 weeks!

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