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100+ lbs to lose???


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Hi girls. Just checking in. I weighed in this morning. As expected I did not lose any weight. I did not gain any either so I was ok with that. However, I had a major set back at lunch time today. I have a difficult employee that I am dealing with and my stress level hit an all time high and I found myself at Nacho Mama's with a friend eating a mexican pizza and downing a 2 for 1 margarita. I was well aware of what I was doing and yet I still did it. I'm not asking for pity. I just wanted to tell you all because I feel that I have to be honest and accountable to you all. I will pull my boot straps up and start fresh in the morning. I will try my best to avoid this situation again (I'm going to fire the @$$wipe at work that is stressing me out) and will move on. It's done. It's over. I ate it. Moving on!


I have one more thing to say before I hit that cute little TiVo button to watch the basketball games I taped earlier today (I am a fanatical college hoops freak). That one last thing is: Jenny, you are more than welcomed to the bathing suit. But I want the body!


Thank you, thank you very much!!


Ladies and Gentlemen, Elvis has left the building!! :cool:


See ya'll - Vic

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Bri - a personal trainer is a good way to go. Wish I could get one. Oh wait, I do have one and let me tell you he whipps my butt every day. It is Spidey, my 3 yr old. I am constantly on the go with him. hehe. Yesterday I made him walk around our block. He didnt want to ride his bike, so I made him walk with me. I still needed my exercise.


PeeJay- Yes girl, preggo brain is real and it doesnt get better just because you have given birth. BB (before baby) I was on top of things, didnt forget, very focused. HAH! Not now. If you know someone who has a glucose monitor, ask if you can check your levels. They might let you. I know I have let someone use mine. If the levels come back over 150, you are getting way to much sugar and carbs. This is all new to me since I was just diagnosed and I am learning this myself. Good thing is that it is most likely caused by weight. As soon as I get to a normal size, the diabeties will go away.


Vickie, Vickie, Vickie - What were you doing? A pizza? Margaritas? And you didnt even ask us to join? Shame on you!!! If you are going to splurge, at least invite us too! Not going to come down on you for eating and drinking them b/c it happens. You were definately stress eating. You see that. Learn from it and try to change those habits. I know it is hard, but you can do it. I know you can. It would help also if you just fired the employee. It is done and over with and I will not bring it up again. I am so glad that you didnt gain any weight. You have been doing something right. Keep up the good work. I am proud of you. I agree with you about the bathing suit too. Keep it, but I want the body. Speaking of bodies, does anyone think that maybe sex would be better if you were skinnier? Ok, I expect some giggles here. Dont get me wrong - sex is great (the best ever actually) - but just wonder if it will be different skinnier.


Well Spidey needs to eat, so I am off to make eggs. Have a great morning and talk with you later. I miss Leah!! When is she coming back?


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Morning all just checking in before I take off for the day.


cruisinsly Thank you for the offer, I will definitely be picking your brain as things get going with this group. I have an amazing travel agent. I was on the phone with him last night for about 2 hrs he makes sure I understand everything. This cruise is going to be alot of fun each day more and more people are deciding they want to go. I went from me, my mom, my sister and niece going to also some of my aunts (3) female cousins (4) plus extra friends (4) and there are still more that are deciding


Vic I am working to get that body so I can put that cute bathing suit on it.


Yesterday, I ended up walking 3 miles I was so excited, plus I worked on my upper body as I took my dog with me each walk and basically he pulled me all around the whole time.


This eating three times a day is hard for me to get used too, but yesterday I managed to get in all three meals and a couple of snacks. It boggles my brain to think eating that many times in a day will help me loose weight.


Well I'm off for the day today I'm heading out to a dog show. I am one of the photographers so this will be a good day of exercise following agility ring and getting up and down from laying on the ground to get a shot. I love this event :p

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Jenny - can I switch jobs with you? Your job sounds alot more fun than mine! Does your dog compete as well? What kind of dog do you have? And I'll let you keep the body that goes with the suit!;) I'll just kick it into gear so I can get a body like that too and I'll order the suit in a different color so we both win!! :p


Does everyone have a current picture of yourself? If you are anything like me you RUN when someone says "say cheese". I let my daughter take a picture of me last week with her friends for one reason only. I want to be able to take that picture out next year at this time and show it to someone and say believe it or not, that was me! So, get your camera out and JUST DO IT!!! Put it on the fridge! Then find a pic like Jenny's bathing suit pic and hang that next to it.


Stacy - Sex IS better when you lose! We are already seeing (and feeling) a difference! Obviously the "space" between you and your partner decreases as the size of your stomach decreases so that's a big plus. But when your mate also notices changes and makes positive comments like "I can see a difference in your butt babe" it helps too. Makes you feel more confident when you are intimate. I think we should write a book together. We can call it "What a bunch of losers!" We can have chapters on different issues that heavy people deal with and each of us put our two cents in and our take on that subject. Our personal challenges and how we dealt with them or overcame them. We can put our before and after pictures in too. Start journaling girls! Throw some chapter topics out there. Stacy's Sex Topic will definitely be one of the chapters!! Just because we are big does not mean we don't enjoy sex!


Well, I am gearing up to watch the basketball games so I have to go get ready. I'll check in later. Jenny - post some of those pics of the dogs!! I bet Spidey would get a kick out of seeing them on the computer.


Toodles, girls.



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Hi everyone, We are back!!!!!!!!!! Missed you all!!!!!!!


Welcome newbies, I think Bri is the only one I haven't talked with yet. So welcome. We are a bunch of very nice losers!!!!!!!!! Not perfect by any means but we try. And we are GREAT listeners!!!!!!


Well we didn't win big but we played thursday night for a few hours, got up Friday morning about 8 went and ate breakfast at casino and played till about 8 last night. Ate lunch at casino and all you can eat crawfish at casino on comps. Went back to room, which was compped too, and went to be and woke up at 3 am this am to go back to casino. :D . We ate breakfast and lunch at casino with comps. Had Turkey sandwich thursday, friday lunch and today lunch. Splurged Thrusday and had a piece of turtle cheescake!!!!!!!!!! But it was soooo worth it. Didn't weigh of course but I am gonna weigh friday coming. Also came home with a few dollars. So all in all we had a very good time but pretty tired now. fixing to go to Mass and grab something for supper and turn in for the night. T stayed with his grandmother Thursday and Friday night and was at his Nanny's when we went to get him and he decided he wanted to stay the night with her so we are kid free another night!!!!!


well i know this is long but I have been gone for a few days and have missed you all.


I have to put my 2 cents in about the sex. The space is a good point Vic, but what about the endurance we will have with all the exercise. I know we last a little longer and we are a little more flexible all ready;) .


Talk to you all soon.

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Hey Vic,


There are some days I would gladly change jobs with you. Today would be one of them. Photographing the dog show isn't as glamor's (sp) as it sounds, yes today I did get to spend the day with some really cute dogs and got some nice sloppy kisses on the nose, but then I would go from that to the owner who didn't want her dog photographed while he was in grooming because it would traumatize the dog to know his picture was taken before his hair was done, at one ring I knelt down to get a shot and knelt in a pile. From previous dog shows I knew to have several change of clothes with me. I had a dog lift his leg and pee on my camera tripod. but you know all that aside I would do it again just for the one dog who came and laid down beside me as I was laying on the ground shooting an event and licked me on the cheek then snuggled next to me and went to sleep.


No my dog doesn't compete. But like any mother he should because he is prettier and smarter than those dogs. But he is a mix breed and can't compete. He does like to go with me sometimes when I go as a spectator.


I would love to post pictures of these dogs but I'm not allowed Im bond by contract. But in May I shoot a 4H dog show and those pictures I can post. I will show you some of them. If you would like to see some of my work you can go to my website


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Oh Jenny, your Baby is sooo cute!! I love the little ear flopped over - too cute! Your website is awesome! You are a very talented photographer! I bet you have some incredible pictures from your cruises! Keep up the good work.


Leah - welcome home! We've missed you! Sounds like your mini vacation was successful - free room - free food - free play the way I look at it. What is your game? Slots? Black Jack? I like Roulette. I feel that my money lasts longer since they take a while between spins.


I'm tired today. I've been cleaning my house today while the girls are gone and I'm wiped out. I think I'm going to call it a night and turn in early. Talk to y'all tomorrow.


Sweet dreams! Vic

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I play Let it Ride and 3 Card poker. Some slots but I really like cards.


Jenny your baby is soooo cute!!!! We also have a mixed breed dog. ours is a chiahua(sp)and rat terrier. We don't call her a dog around her, she thinks she is human.


Hope you all are having a good weekend. Turning in early ourselves!!!!!!!!!

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Good Morning Ladies!!!


Jenny you baby is adorable. I showed the picture to Spidey, and he said, "AAWWWEEE, dat so sweet." I didnt realize that you were so close to me. I am in Clearwater. You take very lovely pictures. Very talented.


Vickie - Yeap, we keep taking pictures of ourselves here so we can see the change in our bodies. Even though I am going to the clinic to loose my weight, DH is following along with me on the food portions and types. He is loosing about as quickly as I am. I can say that one thing I never lacked was confidence while with my hubby. Funny how that is. I stripped down and never had a second thought about how fat I am or if he was thinking negative things about my body. I guess that is just LOVE. hehe I cant imagine sex being any better than now, but I guess I just need to loose more to find out. We could write a book about different thinks that plus size people go though.


Leah - Glad you had a great time, even though you didnt win big. Back when I lived in MS, I worked in a casino. I just cant make myself sit down and put a lot of money into gambling since. If we go, I play $3 blackjack, or Nickle Video Poker. Yeah - I'm a big spender!!! Or Thrifty!! :D I guess you can say that I go just to have a little fun. By the way, we are a little more flexible now too!!


OK ladies, here is my next question. I guess you can call it a question of the day type thing. As a plus sized person, what type of service do you receive when you go into big department stores at the make-up counters? Years ago, my mother and I walked into Dillards. My mother is a size 5, and has been all her life. Anyway I walked over to look at clothing. When I was done, I found her at the make-up counter. The girl had been extremely nice and helpful until I walked up. As soon as she saw me and my size, she started to back away from us, and pretended like she had something important to take care of. My mother became so discusted. Anything like this ever happen to ya'll?


Well, Spidey is wanting to go play at the playground, so I guess we are off. Talk later, Stacy

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Hi. I came across this thread this morning so decided to post:)


We just booked a cruise the day before yesterday and we are very excited!!! I have been wanting to start losing weight again but it's been hard! I haven't really started trying, but I will. When I say trying, I mean I have to have a positive attitude that I am healthy and losing weight all the time, and eating healty. I don't do diets, just watch what I'm eating. I have lost a lot of weight in the past by eating 1500 calories a day, or following a diabetic diet as suggested by my doctor and that's what works best for me. With a positive attitude and a healthy mix of the food groups I can do it!


To be at my "ideal" weight as my doctor calls it, based on my bone structure, which is quite large, is 180. When I was 220 about 12 years ago, before my first son, I was healthy and fit and looked great, not fat, but just right. I like being on the thick side;) In the 100's, I just looked too thin.


I haven't weighed in a few months, but I'm sure I'm at around 320! On my first cruises back in 2003 I was a high of 350 and after that lost 80 pounds before having my 2nd son. After that I only gained 14 pounds during my pregnancy but afterwards, even though I nursed for 3 years, gained a lot back.


My goal is to be healthy, not thin. I am losing weight to be healthy for me and my family. I am so excited for the days where I can once again go up stairs easily and hike again and just enjoy myself running around with the kids.


I am using the cruise as a big marker for my goal. I want to be fit when I go on this cruise, so I can enjoy it to the max and look decent in a bathing suit that I plan on being in a lot during that trip!


I would like to be at 260 by this December, and our cruise. That's 8 months and 70 pounds. I can do that, as long as I set my mind to it.


Hopefully it will help being here on CC daily and talking with you guys. I work at home and homescool so it's easy for me to eat all day long.


Thanks for listening...I look forward to talking with you and sharing my progress:) Amy

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Hi Amy. Welcome to our group. Glad you decided to join us. I posted a few days ago, a list of "free" foods I can have as much as I want. You might want to look that over to help with the types of foods you eat. I am being extremely strict with my eating right now b/c I am diabetic. I am trying to reverse the signs by loosing weight. In essence - trying to become healthy. If you follow along with The Zone diet you will loose weight. It is eat more protien than carbs. Cut out all refined sugars. (I eat anywhere between 1000 to 1200 calories a day).


You are wanting to loose almost 9 lbs a month. That will be easy to do. Also, another easy way to look at it is to break it down into 10%'s for your goals. (Smaller goals are easier to achieve) The first 10% for you to loose would be 32 lbs. Then after that, the next 10 % would be 28.8 lbs. After the second 10% you would almost be at your final goal.


By the way, how tall are you? I imagine you to be like 7'. I know I know, not that tall, just wish I had some of your heigth. I am only 5'5.5". :D I am a stay at home mom. What type of work do you do at home? Would love to home school my Spidey, but I think he may be too hyper for it. We are leaning that way though.


Glad you joined us! The more we have on here, the better accountability we have. I know I dont want to let everyone down, so I keep working hard at getting this flab off. Have a great day, talk later. Stacy

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cruisinsly Thank you for the offer, I will definitely be picking your brain as things get going with this group. I have an amazing travel agent. I was on the phone with him last night for about 2 hrs he makes sure I understand everything. This cruise is going to be alot of fun each day more and more people are deciding they want to go. I went from me, my mom, my sister and niece going to also some of my aunts (3) female cousins (4) plus extra friends (4) and there are still more that are deciding


OMG! I was so gonna reply to this and forgot. See that's where preggo brain comes in. I was never like this before Spidey.


Glad you have a good travel agent. It makes the difference. On the other side (Supplier side) of it, I have worked with some travel agents that didnt know their heads from a hole in the ground. I always felt bad for the group that was traveling b/c the travel agent they picked would be incompetient. (Hope I spelled that right. I am a horrible speller).


So, it is good that you have one that will take the time to spend that much time with you at one shot. Count your blessings!! Anyway, pick my brain (what is left of it after Spidey). It sounds like it is going to be a lot of fun. I did this many years ago with my family too. There were only 8 of us (me, mom, grandma, 4 aunts, and 1 cousin) but it was fun just pulling it all together. Have a good day. Stacy

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Hi Stacey. I babysit for a couple of great kids in my home to make money. It's great, I've always done that, I love being a good mom:)

Thanks so much for your reply, I know it will help me be here too, knowing I want to report my weigh ins, etc. to you guys.

I am 5'7 btw. I wear a mens size 10 1/2 shoe and I'm very large boned. My dad thinks the bone size thing is an excuse for overweight people to use, it makes me so mad. I am 33 and only became overweight after getting my own car and being able to go and get my own junk food which I was denied growing up so I wouldn't get "fat" as my dad always said. His plan backfired.


I will check out the free foods. That is great you are doing the diabetic diet to get healthier. It really worked for me to lose weight, it is such a healthy way to live.


How old is your son? Homeschooling will probably help with the hyperness actually.

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Welcome Amy. Glad to have you along on this journey!!!!!!! When is your weigh in day or do you have one? Are you doing any exercising??? We are a very good group here. very friendly and supportive. We all have a few things in common. we are all overweight or at least have been, all going on a cruise or have been on 1. And I believe we are all women? We don't have any men do we?:confused:


I am also over 300lbs. Last weigh in which was last Saturday, March 21, I was 311. But I started at 328 in January. Not the weight off that I wanted by now but I also have been very lax with exercise and not always eating right. But I starting tomorrow to get very serious and try to get 2.5 or 3 lbs off a week. that will put me about 266 to 257 for our cruise. That is about what I weighed 4 years ago when Vicki and I met. My goal weight is 180. But I am only 5'2" so experts say I should be 135 :eek: but that seems awful thin to me so 180 and we will go from there!!!!!


295 is my first 10%. the olympic softball team playing here is in 3 weeks from yesterday. If I am still:( at 311 tomorrow that will be 16lbs in 3 weeks. Is that doable???? hmmm that is over 5lbs a week. maybe I will shoot for 299 that is 12 lbs in 3 weeks. I am not at the Biggest Loser camp so I don't have Jillian or Bob to help me but I do have yall so I am gonna try it!!!!!!!!!


Hope you all are having a good Sunday!!!!!!!!

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Welcome Amy. Glad to have you along on this journey!!!!!!! When is your weigh in day or do you have one? Are you doing any exercising??? We are a very good group here. very friendly and supportive. We all have a few things in common. we are all overweight or at least have been, all going on a cruise or have been on 1. And I believe we are all women? We don't have any men do we?:confused:


I am also over 300lbs. Last weigh in which was last Saturday, March 21, I was 311. But I started at 328 in January. Not the weight off that I wanted by now but I also have been very lax with exercise and not always eating right. But I starting tomorrow to get very serious and try to get 2.5 or 3 lbs off a week. that will put me about 266 to 257 for our cruise. That is about what I weighed 4 years ago when Vicki and I met. My goal weight is 180. But I am only 5'2" so experts say I should be 135 :eek: but that seems awful thin to me so 180 and we will go from there!!!!!


295 is my first 10%. the olympic softball team playing here is in 3 weeks from yesterday. If I am still:( at 311 tomorrow that will be 16lbs in 3 weeks. Is that doable???? hmmm that is over 5lbs a week. maybe I will shoot for 299 that is 12 lbs in 3 weeks. I am not at the Biggest Loser camp so I don't have Jillian or Bob to help me but I do have yall so I am gonna try it!!!!!!!!!


Hope you all are having a good Sunday!!!!!!!!



That's good that you're down to 311! I remember what it was like to be almost at 300 again, then to go under the 300 mark. I can't wait!

I think that 5 pounds a week is doable for sure! When I was eating 1500 calories a day, I would lose more than that sometimes.


I don't have a weigh in day yet...I'm been to scared to weigh lately. Last summer I was at 300, and last time I weighed a month or so ago I was 330+.


I am not exercising yet. I will after I loose about 20 pounds or so.

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Evening all


First off let me say Hi Amy and welcome. I am fairly new to this group but you will find out real quick they are a great bunch and very friendly.


WOW what a day. We took the boat out today, it was beautiful. As Im sure you know Stacey. It was a perfect day to be outside.


We loaded up the boat with kids and as my BF refers to him MY BABY Bandit. We headed out to a little island we love to go to. Once there we turn the dog and the kids loose and Bret & I walk around looking for birds and other creatures on the island. it takes us about 30 minutes to walk the whole island. Then we sit down and eat and then we take a final walk around gathering children and the dog and load back into the boat and head in.


I got my first sunburn of the season, so right now I'm very tired and just ready to collapse on the bed, but wanted to check in with you all.


As far as diet I did really well, I drank all my water, now granted I sweated it all back out. But normally I buy lunch meat and tons of snacks and sodas when we go out on the boat, but I decided to surprise everyone. I still had all the stuff for Sandwiches, but instead of chips, cookies & Soda I did vegetables,fruit & water, yeah there were some complaints when I pulled out lunch, but as I was cleaning out the cooler when we got home, I noticed every last bit of the fruit and vegetables were gone. And even though the kids won't admit it I know I felt better only drinking water while out on the boat in the heat.


Well girls Im off to bed I will check in in the morning



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I. AM. SO. TIRED. *faint*




Welcome Amy!!!!


Ya'll we had my friend's party on Saturday and I am still recovering! Had I not just started this job last week, I would have taken off today. Usually I do, but I forgot to tell them this was a "pre-planned" day off when I accepted the position. *yawns* I didn't do as bad as I thought I was going to do. I had a cupcake, 2 martinis and some seafood pasta. I was too busy to do too much drinking and I guess I haven't had cupcakes in so long, the icing was TOO sweet! My legs are sore from running up and down stairs, carrying water and things like that up for the spa team, etc.


As for the sex questions *giggles*, I agree that it gets better as you lose weight. Maybe it is a confidence thing, but you can definitely tell regarding endurance. I've been overweight all of my teenage/adult life and that's one area where I was never shy. I guess even though I'm big, I think that my body is purty, lol.


I have a few progress pictures...anybody else going to post? :D

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Hi PeeJay719 and JBDigitalPhoto. Sorry I don't know your names...;)

Sounds like you two had fun but tiring weekends:)

I was wondering if you posted photos here. Before , during and afters. I was thinking about posting a photo of myself...

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Amy, you can call me PJ. :) Yes, I had a FANTASTIC weekend, but very, very active. Since the weather is starting to break, I'm starting to get excited about my cruise this summer. I need clothes BADLY!!! Not just for the cruise, but I am in serious need of a wardrobe-lift. Old Navy has some really cute spring items. My new job is a bit more casual than my old job, so at least I can use most items "double-duty".



I'll post some pictures in a little bit.

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I don't have a lot of full-body pictures at my heaviest, but I'm sure I can find some. I'll post some face shots too because I gain/lose weight in my face first. I've always loved taking pictures, but when I was at my heaviest, I preferred to be BEHIND the camera rather than in front of it.


These first 2 pics (January 2006), I was about 15lbs less than my heaviest weight of 361 (April 2006):







Now I'm going to post a few face pics, you can really see the difference...well I can. I lost a little more than 50lbs in about a year, I've since put back on about 15-20 or so.










If I come across any more full-body pics, I'll post them. I have some nice pics from the cruise too, but I can tell I was putting back on some weight by then.

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I was just thinking the other day I wanted to do a before and after picture, Actually I want to do a pic now and then one each month to show the progress. Here are a couple for now. In go thru all my photos I realized I don't have a full body, mainly head shots. I will get one in the next day or two and post but for now I will post these


IMG_3168.jpg I was fooling around when one of our models didn't show



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Jenny and PJ, it sounds like you had a very fun weekend. Jenny that was great that all the kids ate fruits and veggies. It's funny how they wanted to complain a little, but ate it up. yummy.


PJ, I have been overweight all of my adult life too. As a teen I was just right. Size 11. Curves in all the right places. Boys went crazy over me. When I was right out of high school, I was in a bad accident with a train and was inactive for almost a year. I gained a lot of my then. I never had the gumption to take it off until now. Like you, I thought my body was purty too. (And you are very pretty, after seeing your picture) Never was shy. Have plenty of confidence. Never any complaints either. hehe. Glad my question made you giggle. That's what it was meant to do.


Amy, Spidey will be 4 in July. We did have him in a preschool at the start of the school year, but too many things happened that we didnt like. He chipped his front tooth, they didnt tell us and it started to discolor before we realized what happened. They told me before he started a "real" school that his hyperness would need to be addressed. When he started there, we told them that he was ADHD, they should have been a little more prepared for him. But the final straw was one Friday I brought him home, put him straight in the tub, and as soon as I undressed him and turned him to me there was a huge bite mark on his shoulder. (Could still be seen a week later). That MOnday morning when I took him back to school, they could not tell me when it happened or anything. Only thing the Director said was, "Well, we really dont have any biters here!" OK. So, I guess he just bit himself. Any advise on homeschooling is appreciated. Not to be ugly, but your dad's mentality is why us plus sized people have a lot of issues out in the world. I dont want you to take that the wrong way b/c I am not being ugly. It just makes me mad. My dad a few years ago made really rude comments about my weight and I havent been around him since. I have talked to him on the phone, but not been to see him in MS. I also am going to address the exercise thing. I too thought that I would exercise after I lost some weight. Cant do that!! You need to exercise. Even if it is dancing with the children, or walking around your block. What ever you can do is better than none. You can do it!! I know you can!! (Just trying to give a little encouragement here.)


Leah - Yes, it is doable as long as you are extremely strict. Absolutely no bread, pasta, rice - refined sugars. Stick to a 80%protein and 20% carb diet. You wouldnt believe the amount of carbs you get from veggies. 1/2 cup of cooked veggies a day is the most you need to get. 1/2 cup fruit also. Try to keep your protein intake as close to a total of 10 oz per day. That is so hard. I get a little more than 10 oz (prob 20oz at the most on some days). Dont forget to drink your water. At least a gallon. This is the diet that I am on with the clinic. That week I lost 6 lbs, I followed it to a T.


Jenny, thanks for posting your picture. You are pretty too. I guess I need to try to find one of me now.


Vickie - I hope cleaning your house didnt completely do you in. I need to get ahold of my house too. Oh how I hate it. Hard too when I have Spidey to contend with.


Oh yeah, Talking about being under 300, I finally am. I have yet to reach my 10% mark, but I am under 300, I am at 298.


Well, I need to go and walk. Talk later, Stacy


OK, the pics are from Nov 2006. I have lost weight since then. The last is my Senior Portait. Check out the late 80's early 90's hair. Should give ya'll a good laugh today.





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Stacy!!!!! Way to GO for being under 300!!!!! You'll never be in the 300s again, right? *hugs* You're very pretty yourself! You have such beautiful, thick hair. Is that second picture in Grand Turk? Ahhhh, I loved it there!


And thank you for the compliments. :)

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