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100+ lbs to lose???


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Leah, I just wish I could give you such a big hug! I know it took a lot to share that, but I know that's the first step, to admit or pinpoint WHY we are overweight. A lot of times we know it's because we overeat, but there's a reason for that too. I have some heavy issues in my adolescence as well, and I know that has caused some of this.


As for the clothes question, girl I just get my stuff from wherever. My favorite stores are Macy's, Lane Bryant (but moreso for work slacks, I don't really like their "trendy" stuff), Burlington Coat Factory, Marshalls, Old Navy (their online plus store is really nice), Target has some cute pieces sometimes, www.torrid.com usually has some cute summery separates, JC Penney, I really could go on and on. I got most of my stuff for my cruise last year from Old Navy and there are several items that I'll be picking up for the spring/summer this year. The dress I was wearing in the last set of pics wasn't even a cover-up, it was just a long, sundress that I found at Burlington Coat Factory for about $11. :D I got my formal dress at Macy's.

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Thank you for those kind words PeeJay. It is amazing what a good night sleep and a mile walk smelling the fresh air, we had a small rain storm last night. and listening to the birds singing will do for you.


My mind is clear and I have some ideas rolling around in my head. Today I will begin working one some of them.


I have joined a group called the 1-day challenge, if you get a chance you should check it out



Todays challenge is to get a some kind of fruit and or vegetable with each meal. So I am off to have my bowl of cereal with a banana on it.


FABULOUS!!!! Start working your plan! Everything will be just fine.


I'll check that group out. Did ya'll check out that link I posted earlier?

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Good morning ladies!! Had my weigh in today. I lost 4 lbs. I am only 6 lbs from my first goal. Another week or two and I should hit it.


Jenny, I was so disappointed for you to hear about your studio. I am glad that you are feeling better today and have some ideas to play with. You will succeed. Strong women always do. :) Great job on handling the stress last night and choosing the right types of food. I am on sparkpeople too, just forget to log on daily.


Amy - I know what you mean. My dad has had quad by pass on his heart. I am always scared that I would have problems too and was scared to exercise. When I started loosing weight, my doctor went ahead and did full blood work up on me. DH also had one done too to see how healthy he was. We thought that because he was more active than I am, that his test would come back ok. His came back with extremely high triglycerides and high cholesterol. Mine came back normal to border line. That put all fears behind me. At first, after 15 minutes of exercise I was winded, etc. It does get better. The advise of doing pool exercises is a great suggestion. Walking is good too. Sometimes dad's dont always say the right thing. Just know that when he meets his maker, he will have to explain why he was so ugly about your weight. He may not pay for it now, but eventually he will and he will receive a mighty good tounge lashing for it. Just like my dad too!


Leah - Thank you. I have been more stressed out the last few days because of all that has been going on, then having ADHD Spidey on the mix of it - I have just been in a funk. I have had several crying spells over the couple of days. Even today, I was taking Spidey over to his daddys work (they have a playground there). Usually we park in the parking lot (belongs to rooms to go) next to his work (he works at a car dealership) where we always park. They have always let the dealerships employee's park there since the parking at the dealership is limited. So anyway, I parked and got Spidey out of the car. A person who works at RTG approached me and told me that we couldnt park there, not even for 30 min while Spidey played. Told me they would tow my car if I did. I left. I cried all the way home b/c Spidey kept telling me that he wanted to play at daddys work. Pray that the stress will get better. Thank you for sharing with us. I know that it is hard to do.


PJ - I did look at it, thanks for sharing. I have another web site where you can look for clothes. Reasonable pricing, cute, and made of very good materials. They had one sale where if you bought the shirt, the pants were free. Of course, that sale was on casual clothing (I sit at home). But I was able to get one outfit for $20. They have dressy and casual to choose from. WWW. Womanwithin.com


Ok Leah, here goes mine, and I know that all of this combined is why I have had a love affair with food, until now. It all started when my mother put me in pageants to get me out of my shyness (it worked). I loved being in them, and won almost every one that I was in. However, my mom didnt want me to be fat like my dads family and would make me do hundreds of sit-ups every night. This was while I was in 3rd grade and continued for years. She divorced my dad and married her childhood sweetheart. He got her hooked on prescription meds. Dad married again, and again, and again. He was also hooked for a while on street drugs. (It really is amazing that my "addiction" is food.) While mom was married to "Thug" (thats what we wil call him), he became abusive. I can remember many times driving her to the hospital while I was still in 5th, 6th, 7th grades after he had beat her. While in 7th grade, the last time he did it in front of me, I grabbed a huge iron skillet, held it up and told him, "Hey MF!! GET OFF MY MOTHER NOW OR I'LL KILL YOU!!" He saw something in me that scared him, as he later admitted to mom. I dont have any bone in me capable of killing anyone or anything, but that night I meant it. After I graduated HS, I was with friends one night. The car I was in was struck by a train. The driver died and I was pushed down the tracks almost a mile. It's a miracle I lived, but God isnt finished with me yet. I was in ICU for 72 hr, and in the hospital for another 9 days. I was not able to really do anything for about a year - started to really gain then. Years later I met and married a man who I thought would rescue me from my mother and stepfather. I know now that I loved him, but not in love with him. He was saving me, so I was blinded into thinking we were in love. Big mistake. The last two years of our marriage, he didnt even touch me. I desperately wanted children and knew that if we continued I would never have any. He was contint to live just as we were. The day after our divorce was final, I found that he had been cheating on me the last year and a half of our marriage. I eventually met my DH. I worked at Universal Studios, and he was a chef at Emeril's Restaurant on Universal property. We met b/c my friend started to flirt with him. I just kinda ignored him. But he really liked me. We ran into each other a few weeks later. That night we made plans to meet up at a club at Universals CityWalk. So the next weekend we met up and he brought two of his friends along (they were girls - he wanted their opinion). While sitting there, he had been by the pizza oven at work, which is over 600 degrees, all day - he was very dehydrated. He stood up to go to the restroom and when he did his legs cramped up and he fell - ON ME!! We both went to the floor. Our first date was he knocking me off my barstool. We kid about it today. So there is my life in a really quick version. Sorry for sharing so much!! I am happier today that I have ever been. I have a handsom, caring, wonderful husband and a tender, loving, hyper little boy.


Must go, Spidey wants to play in his little 2 ring blow up pool that he had ME in the other day. Talk later, Stacy

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Wow Stacy, that was amazing and congrats on the 4 lbs. I didn't share to force others to but if it helps I am glad I did it!!!!!!!! I hope sharing all of that makes you feel better today!!!!!!!! That was kinda crappy of RTG but some people just try to make others unhappy so they can be content with there pitiful lives!!!!!! I hope you and Spidey have fun in the pool. Do a lap for me:p !!!! anyone else wanta share?????? We are here!!!!!


I am cleaning house today. It is kinda strange with Vicki here everyday. Since her promotion she works most days from the office that she made here. It is nice but just will take some getting used to!!!!


I will have to try that website, stacy. PJ I went to old navy's website(didn't know they had big women's clothes) but it is down at the moment.


Well hope to hear from the rest of the ladies today. Will check back later!!!!

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I will have to try that website, stacy. PJ I went to old navy's website(didn't know they had big women's clothes) but it is down at the moment.


Yes, Old Navy sells their plus sizes exclusively online now, which I don't really like because I can't go in the store and try them on anymore. But you can return them to the store if you don't like. That Torrid site that I gave earlier might be a little too "young" for your taste, lol, I'm not sure. I get tshirts and skirts and more casual stuff from there when I purchase stuff from there. I've also purchased bras/panties from there.


But definitely if you have a Marshall's or Burlington near you, check them out...they usually have some good deals. Cato Fashion is ok too (have to watch their quality sometimes), but I don't have any near me anymore.

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Girls!!!! I feel like I've been in a coma and missed out on a year of my life! I can't believe how much I missed in the past few days! Sorry, end of month is always very stressful and time consuming for me. We had a 9 million dollar month for March so it has taken me two days to close it and get all my reports done. And I'm not really DONE! Shhhh, don't tell the boss!


It took me an hour to read all the posts that I missed and I can't believe how beautiful you all are - inside and out. I LOVE LOVE LOVE having faces with names now.


I promise to post a few pics of me tomorrow. I just have to hurry and get to bed before my hubby does. His snoring has kept me up the past two nights and I'm miserable when I don't get my 3 hours of sleep. So if I make it to bed before him and fall asleep I usually sleep through his snoring (I probably snore louder than him!) but if he gets upstairs first and snores, forget it! So, he's doing his expense report and it looks like I might have a fighting chance tonight.


Again, wow! I feel so close to you all and feel as if I grew up with you all. I also love how we all feel so comfortable with each other to share stories that help us each to understand who and why we all are what we are. No judging here. I truly love the diverse group of women we have here.


One more thing before I go to bed - not that any one of you is more important than the other - but I know that Jenny has a lot weighing on her mind about her future. Know that we are all praying for you and something will come up. I feel strongly about that. Just have faith and keep your chin up!


Love y'all!!! Vic

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WOW once again thank you all for all the kind words.


Two of the three ideas I had rolling around in my head are not going to work, but the one that I have been considering for abut 12yrs looks like my best option right now.


I have started a new phase in my life, I am determined to loose the weight I have lugged around with me all these years and now it seems like there is another change on the horizon for me. I am seriously considering moving from Florida to South Carolina. My sister and her family live there.


My BF and I have talked about it many times over the last 12yrs, but because of his children and ex he is not able to at this time, so I have always put it in the back of my mind. We don't live together, it is part of his divorce and custody agreement, and due to reasons I would rather not get into neither of us want to go into the legal get married thing so we have always known we would wait till both children turned 18. His oldest will turn 18 next Feb and his youngest will turn 18 in 4yrs. We have always talked about buying land in SC and moving there.


SO even though it maybe very hard at this time it looks like I will move there and both of us will do alot of traveling back and forth it is a good thing it is only 10hrs away and hopefully the time will go quickly. I will be finding some land and we will start building and then when the kids turn 18 he will move up and we can then begin our life free from the constraints of a legal contract he is bound to by his ex.


This is not set in stone, but is looking like the best option I have right now. The contract on the house Im living in is up the middle of June so that is when Im looking for this to take place.


If I can continue to loose weight with all this stress going on then I will know I will be able to keep it off forever.


Sorry didn't mean for this to be so long, but it has cleared some more up in my head just typing this out to all of you.

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That sounds like a great idea and hopefully everything will work out perfectly. That sucks about not being able to live together because of the agreement.

You're right...if you can lose weight in the midst of all this, you don't need to worry about keeping it off in the future, you're a strong woman.

Stacy ~ I see today you've passed a cruise milestone.......You're in the 100's !!! Only 199 days to go until your cruise:D Yay!!!

I'll be there soon...I've never counted down to anything so long, besides my pregnancies, 8 months just seems like such a long time, but I know it goes fast!

When did you make your ressies?

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Peejay I will be moving to the Greenville area. I just found out this morning a friend of mine that I have grown up with is moving up there too he just got a job at the company my brother in law works for, so looks like others are leaving Florida. It just cost so much to live here.


Anyway, did something last night I haven't done in years. I RAN 3 blocks. :eek: I saw the big black clouds building and thought I can do a short walk, so decided to take the dog to the end of the street his favorite spot and then back real quick, the storm look far enough away to make it. Well I miss judged and all of a sudden the lighting started popping. I don't know if an of you are familiar with Florida's thunder storms, but you don't want to be caught in one. Then it started pouring and we stared running.


Once in the house my lungs felt like they were going to bust out of my chest, once I caught my breath I actually felt good, who knows maybe I will make this a ritual try to outrun the lighting. :eek: Or not


Well have a good day

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Jen, I am glad you have a plan!!!!!!!! sounds like you have our head on straight!!!! Sorry about all the crap from your honey's ex but some women can just be hateful. Keep up the good work on your weight loss!!!!


I broke down and went to the gym and weighed this am. I am up 2.5 lbs from March 23. That is the last time I weighed. so not terrible since easter and my casino weekend!!!! But have to get motivated to start again!!!!!!!!!!!


Hope you have a great Wednesday!!!!!!!!

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Good Morning!


Jenny - The weather was really bad last night! We went out after my hubby got home and it stormed really bad on us. Sounds like moving to SC is a good option. I know people move from FL because it is expensive. We had a different experience though. We lived in Orlando before I became preggers. We went to a one income family during b/c I was on light bed rest. We decided as soon as I came off bedrest to move where most of my family has moved, to TN. BIG MISTAKE!! My family told us that DH could make good money, etc, because he had a college education. Problem is that it was a small town. If you were not part of the good ole boy network - forget it. People actually told DH they would not hire him b/c of his education. He was over qualified. He had jobs, but they never went anywhere. He finally found a guy at church who owned a really small company where he went to work. Still didnt make good money. We barely scraped up enough $$ to move back to FL. We knew in order to survive that we had to. This year alone, he has already made his salary that he made last year, in only 3 months. SO - yes it is expensive to live here, but he gets paid more here. Ok, not that you wanted to know all that, just thought I would share. Your situation will be better than what ours was too because it sounds like you have a better support system. My family is so disfunctional.


Hey Leah. Thanks :) I was surprise that it was 4 lbs. You know - water weight that us women have is a b!tch. I was sure I had a lot of it. Imagine my surprise when I looked over and saw that I was 292. I almost fell off the scales. Yeah, it was really ugly of RTG to act that way. Spidey was crying and you could hear him saying that he wanted to go play. The manager also took a picture of the back of my car as I was pulling out. Guess to make sure I didnt do it again. We were actually planning to buy some bedroom furniture from there. I told DH there was no way I would give them my money now. I know this sounds really ugly, but it made DH really mad. We had chicken that was bad in our trash. He came over (we only live 1 block away) and went and put it in their dumpster. Imagine the smell. OH, I probably shouldnt have admitted that.


Vickie - Thought you had decided to leave us. Glad it was because you were busy. I know exactly what you mean about the snoring. If DH starts snoring and I am not asleep, it takes FOREVER for me to fall asleep. I will lightly kick at his legs to get him to roll over. Once he gets into a certain spot all the snoring stops. We are all very pretty arent we? Cant wait to see pictures of you too. I agree, I am glad that we can put faces with names now. Just so much more personable. I actually like sharing about myself. Glad that I have. Everything that I have been through makes me who I am today. I am proud of who I am and that makes it easy for me to tell others where I have been. It also gives me hope that if someone else is in similar situations that may read, but not post here, will see that there is hope and be strong enough to change their situation.


Amy - Yes, I am in the 100's now. I just wish I were leaving tomorrow. I made my ressie about a month and a half ago. I like to make mine far in advance so I can make payments, choose the room I want, etc. Since I worked in the travel industry for so long, I am a planner. Every cruise I have been on I have counted down like that. I'm just weird like that. hehe


PJ - I have always liked Cato. The closest one to me is about 30 minutes away. I have not been there since gas is so expensive. We have a Lane Bryant that is at the mall, about 2 blocks from me, but I dont really like their style too much. Like you, I dont like the trendy stuff they offer. I just dont understand why someone would put some of those types of clothes on a plus size woman. {shake head}


Spidey is hungry, so I am off to make breakfast. Have a good day everyone. Talk later, Stacy

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I have friends in the Greenville area, I was raised in Columbia.


LOL @ your accidental run, but now you know you can do it! They say that interval training is good for losing weight, maybe you can try something like that. Where you walk/run alternate...I think that's part of the program that "beanruby" did and got such good results. As I've gotten larger, I notice that my knees are a bit weaker than they have been. Like if I step up the stairs the wrong way and put my weight on there, I have to ease back. Or if I stand too long, my knees and legs hurt. I know that it's only within the last 7-8 months because I did a LOT of walking and standing in ports last year on the cruise and I never recall having any leg/knee issues. I'm too young to have knee problems. :( I pray that as this weight comes off of me, they will get better and I haven't done any irreversible damage.


Anyway...I weighed myself this morning, something I havent done in over a month and I weigh more than I thought I did. I thought I was still hovering around 320-330, and I'm pushing 340. :( *insert crocodile tears here* I guess since my clothes size hasn't gone up and some things are actually kinda loose, I didn't think I'd gained any weight recently...I guess I was wrong. Now, AF is on her way, so I may be retaining some water, but still. *sigh* Do ya'll think it's possible to kick 50lbs to the curb by August? I don't want to go on this cruise and be too tired to enjoy everything. Hell, I don't want to go through the SUMMER and be too tired and achy to enjoy everything. :o

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Ok Leah, that is not terrible. You could have showed a 10 lb weight gain, or something like that. This is manageable. Do extra reps at the gym this week. Walk a little further. Dance. Anything to just move your body a little more this week. Also - DRINK DRINK DRINK DRINK a lot of water. It really does help to rid your body. They want me to drink about a gallon a day. I come close, it is so hard to drink so much. But I can see where it does make a difference, plus my skin looks better. So, what are you going to do this week differently?


{move that body, move that body, move that body, move that body}


We are behind you!! Stacy

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PJ, Yes 50 is doable by August but it will take devotion on your part to not veer off your eating or exercising!!!! I know I am one to talk but I am an advice giver and problem fixer for everyone else but myself:mad: :mad:


Stacy, I have not done much this week. Yesterday I cleaned house, swept, mopped, bathroom, clothes, etc. but have not been to the gym in forever except this am just to weigh!!!!!!!! I have to get up off this couch and off this computer and get moving!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well one good thing but not good at the time happened. I have been eating ice cream at night for the past 2 nights and broke down and had 3 Cadbury eggs on top of that last night. About 1 am I threw it all up!!!!!!!! So no more eating bad stuff at night and nothing past 8!!!!!!! HATE TO THROW UP!!!!!!!! so maybe that is one thing that will jump start me to lay off the junk food!!!!!!!!!!!!

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PJ, Yes 50 is doable by August but it will take devotion on your part to not veer off your eating or exercising!!!! I know I am one to talk but I am an advice giver and problem fixer for everyone else but myself:mad: :mad:



Yep...that sounds like me! I can cheer everybody else on and give great advice all while my life is falling apart.


I have to do it, I don't have a choice, right? I realized last year that for the most part, since I was a freshman in high school, my size has pretty much coincided with my age. I was about a size 14 at age 14 and went up every year. I've never gotten larger than a 26, but I'll be 28 this year and I'm still wearing a 24 and some 26 pants because of my thighs. Even when I dropped over 50lbs in 2006-2007, I never quite made it into a size 22. The running joke with my friends is that I could drop 50lbs and still fit into some of my clothes. I was like "Were my clothes that tight ya'll? Why didn't anyone tell me?" LOL I am not going into my 30s overweight. I want to be at my goal size 11/12 (don't really have a goal weight) by the time I turn 29 (7/19/2009).

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Anyway...I weighed myself this morning, something I havent done in over a month and I weigh more than I thought I did. I thought I was still hovering around 320-330, and I'm pushing 340. :( *insert crocodile tears here* I guess since my clothes size hasn't gone up and some things are actually kinda loose, I didn't think I'd gained any weight recently...I guess I was wrong. Now, AF is on her way, so I may be retaining some water, but still. *sigh* Do ya'll think it's possible to kick 50lbs to the curb by August? I don't want to go on this cruise and be too tired to enjoy everything. Hell, I don't want to go through the SUMMER and be too tired and achy to enjoy everything. :o



I weighed this morning too...maybe Wednesdays should be our official weigh in day.

I wasn't going to weigh and haven't in a while because I was scared to know.

I weigh 343!!!!!!!!!:eek: I haven't been that heavy since my first cruise 2003! After that I had lost 80 pounds eating 1500 calories on the diabetic diet. That's what I'm going to do again because it is a healthy lifestyle, not like a diet that's hard to stick with.

I am starting on Monday. I will start exercising too. I can't believe I weigh so much:eek: I'm glad I weighed though, it helps to motivate, just like when I weigh and I've lost weight, it gives you a little boost.

I don't want to go this big on my cruise either, so I have to lose as much as is possible in a healthy way in the next 8 months!

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Amy and PJ, my weigh in days are always on Tuesday since I go to clinic. I know it is a shock to see your actual weight isnt it? When I first went, I think I was in total shock and couldnt believe my eyes. I have not told DH how much I weigh. I think he has a pretty good idea though. You gals are the only ones who know, other than my clinic. PJ - please dont cry! I felt the same way. If you go back and look at one of my post on this thread you will see where I admitted how much I weigh and said I was embarressed. I could have cried just admitting how much it is. I am there with you sister. But please dont cry - too pretty for that. Plus, I have done enough crying for all of us the last few days. 50 by August is soooo do-able. You have about 17 weeks, and at 2.9 lbs a week that would be around 50.


Oh, and PJ, you and I have some similarities. I was born and raised in a small town in Mississippi named Columbia. Your birthday is July 19, Spidey (my wonderful hyper son) was born on July 16. Just thought I would share.


Wow Leah, your body rejected all of the sugar overload. That'll teach you missy! kidding. Sorry you became sick from it. I can tell you after becoming sick after eating a cheeseburger one time, I will never eat from that place again. Just doesnt taste the same coming up. Will never get over that. It's ok to take a small break now and again. That way you wont get bored with your routine. Trust me, I know. Lately Spidey doesnt want to go around the block, so I am not getting my walking in. I did buy a dvd the other day though to help out. Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home 3 Mile Weight Loss Walk. Got it at Walmart for $10. It is power walking. I was not able to do the whole dvd, my endurance is not there. I was able to do about 1/2 of it. It was a great workout and really got me moving differently than what I normally do. I think it was a better work out than walking around the block. You might want to look into something like that too. I am much like you too, I can give the advice, but have always been hard to follow it. I really am trying so hard right now to follow my own advice, and I have been doing good so far.


Well my ladybugs. I need to try to clean the house. Later Stacy

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I think we have all cried AT LEAST once over our weight. So go ahead and cry then wipe your tears away and tackle your weight just like you would any "problem". We are all strong women in every other aspect of our lives except for our weight. Now we must take care of ourselves as we do our families, friends, and community!!!!!!!!!


Stacy my mom's family is from Mississippi. My mom was born and raised until high school, close to Kosicusko,Ms. I still have family there and some around Vicksburg!!!!


Been very very very stressed today!!!!, T gets his report card and I don't know what we are going to do. His 4 weeks (he gets report cards every 9 weeks) report he had 5, yes 5, F's. He just quit after Christmas, so now we will see what this report card says!!!!! I have a hard time grounding or disciplining him. I should be harder on him, but he hates school so much!!!!!!! that I have to literally force him to go daily. He gets to play "hooky" once a month. He is normally a B and C student, over the last 3 years!!!! Oh well enough about me again!!!!!


Hope things are getting better for you stacy!!!!!!!!! Keep up posted on your FIL!!!!!!

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Stacy my mom's family is from Mississippi. My mom was born and raised until high school, close to Kosicusko,Ms. I still have family there and some around Vicksburg!!!!

Know where that is!! My dad's family lived in Vicksburg for a long time. Still has some family there, not much though. Most have moved back to my little home town.


Been very very very stressed today!!!!, T gets his report card and I don't know what we are going to do. His 4 weeks (he gets report cards every 9 weeks) report he had 5, yes 5, F's. He just quit after Christmas, so now we will see what this report card says!!!!! I have a hard time grounding or disciplining him. I should be harder on him, but he hates school so much!!!!!!! that I have to literally force him to go daily. He gets to play "hooky" once a month. He is normally a B and C student, over the last 3 years!!!! Oh well enough about me again!!!!!


Hope things are getting better for you stacy!!!!!!!!! Keep up posted on your FIL!!!!!!


Well I hope T surprises you and has a great report card. If not, you may want to look at a tutor for him. Someone who will help him away from school. It's so hard at that age. I know when I was at that age, my mom was married to the man who beat her, and dad was in his own fog. My grades dropped too. You might need to be stern with him, but in a loving way. Oh how I dont look forward to these days. I think I want Spidey to stay this age forever!! Let us know how it goes.


FIL update - he is coming to Clearwater. All 3 of us were going to drive up there in a rental car and get him. When I looked at the overall picture, it just wasnt feasible. We would have been stuck in the car for almost 2 days without stopping. DH thought it would be ok for Spidey, but I kept telling him that it just wasnt possible. Finally talked him into going by himself and letting me and Spidey stay here. Plus, flying is so much faster. DH is leaving next Thursday to pick him up in Michigan. Then on Fri they are flying back that night. Depending on how bad he is, he might stay here with me until his medicare is picked up in FL. Could be May 1. If he is really really bad off, then we will pay out of pocket to go ahead and put him in the nursing home. We are getting conflicting reports. The aunt says he has to be monitored at all times, already in alzheimers. He forgets what he is doing, etc. The nursing home that he is in says that he is moderate dementia, not full alzheimers yet. OK, the left hand doesnt know what the right hand is doing up there. Who to believe. I guess we wont know until we get him down here. He does know my DH when he talks to him, and then starts referring to my DH in the 3rd person. He also knows when asked where he is going, he tells people he is moving down here to FL to a town by the name of "Dirty Water I think". He's close. It's not dirty, but we are in Clearwater, so he at least gets the big picture of it and hasnt forgotten. Two weeks from now I might be in a lot of tears. I will let everyone know what is going on as we go through this. Dont know what we are going to do with DH mom. She is at 75% memory loss. Right now we dont have to worry about her since she is about 1 hr away and she lives with her sister.


Ok, need to get back to booking his flights. Talk later, Stacy

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Tonight I'm going to work on a list of reasons why I want to lose weight...will ya'll join me and share yours tomorrow?



AAAWWWEEE, Do I haveta? You are really gonna make me? I dont want to! (imagine a defiant stubborn child)


I can tell you right now. I want another baby. Cant get preggers right now. After I loose weight, I should be able too.


Feel better


Look better

Cute clothes, not tents!


smoking bod! One that DH will want to gobble up (ok, he does that now anyway, hehehe!)


Keep people from gawking and making rude comments

I want Spidey to be proud that I am his mommy

I dont want to sweat as much ( I sweat , sorry MIST, more now as a + size)

I want too

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