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100+ lbs to lose???


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OOOOOOOH, do you remember who you booked your tours with? My friend said he heard that basically Dominica is a MUST EXCURSION port. IT's a beautiful island, but you can't just "wing it" so I'm sure we'll be doing a tour there. I hope you can remember!!


I'm in a 44DDD so I feel your pain. There is one site that I found that I will probably order my bathing suit from but I can't remember the link right now...I'll come back with it. Last year I ordered a suit from Old Navy and it did NOTHING for my girls. It was a halter style with a "built-in bra" My boobs were like "Yeah...whatever" :p So I took it back and ended up not being able to find one. The suit I wore last year is probably 3 years old...I found it on ebay. I would be so much more comfortable if I could just wear a regular bra under my swimsuit. LMAO I'm not used to not having "support".



The excursion was through the ship, Holland America. What line are you going on? Have you looked at the excursions available from your ship yet? It will say it's a tour that goes to the carib indian village and has lunch. It was so wonderful:)

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Vickie, you look familiar to me too...are you on the DIS boards by chance?

PJ, when it is meant to be, it will happen:) you can count on that;)

Stacey, see above, haha. It will happen when it's meant to be. I was 275 when I got pregnant with my second son, Zar, but I was a healthy 275. For about a year before that I got my body in shape, lost 80 pounds, took prenatal vitamens, cut our sugar altogther, no sodas, no caffeine, etc. Exercised, my body was ready and it happened the first time I tried. It was meant to be, boy, the story I could tell you proving that things ARE meant to be!

I had no problems during the pregnancy, continued to take care of myself and only gained 14 pounds.

My labor was problem free, I had an all natural water birth:D It was wonderful and beautiful and yes, very very painful, but I knew it would be and was prepared.

So even if you are not 200, you can do it. Tell yourself and your body you are ready when it is, and be prepared. You are already trying so hard to change for the better and are under 300!

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I'm johnny-come-lately and admit to not having read this entire thread but has smoothies been mentioned? I'm meaning to lose 30 lbs (will be delighted with 20 though) before my fall cruise and smoothies are really helping me.....along with the gym and other things......


my daughter makes me a smoothie or two every day, they are filling and satisfying......she puts raw oatmeal and wheat germ in mine plus soy milk and fruits and whalla! it's something I can look forward to.......you can make your smoothie with anything you like, its fast and easy and with more fresh fruits available the coming seasons, you don't have to rely just on frozen or what's here now........more to look forward to! :)

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Welcome ioneblair!!! You know, I've been wanting a blender for a while so I can make myself some smoothies!!! I can't make myself buy them by the cup like some folks I know, lol.


Stacy, not TMI at all. When it's right, it's RIGHT! ;) Someone very wise told me that sometimes people come into our lives to "fine-tune" our perspective. You know how you'd have the "bunny ears" atennas on tvs back in the day? Sometimes people come through just to move those antennas a bit to make the picture a little clearer for you. You might be a little comfortable the way you are, but sometimes you have to go through a bit to get to the clearer picture.


I think I spent about $300 total IF that last year. We didn't do any formal excursions, the only money I spent in port was to purchase a hat and some trinkets, and for cab fare in St. Thomas. Oh...and for entrance to the fort in San Juan. Everything else was spent on drinks, pics and a spa treatment. I was trying to look more into independent excursions as they tend to be just as good and less expensive than the ones offered through the ships. I am not going with anyone that isn't recommended though, lol.

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I'm johnny-come-lately and admit to not having read this entire thread but has smoothies been mentioned? I'm meaning to lose 30 lbs (will be delighted with 20 though) before my fall cruise and smoothies are really helping me.....along with the gym and other things......


my daughter makes me a smoothie or two every day, they are filling and satisfying......she puts raw oatmeal and wheat germ in mine plus soy milk and fruits and whalla! it's something I can look forward to.......you can make your smoothie with anything you like, its fast and easy and with more fresh fruits available the coming seasons, you don't have to rely just on frozen or what's here now........more to look forward to! :)


Welcome. I love smoothies. I need to watch my sugar intake since I am diabetic. No smoothies for me right now.

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Stacy, not TMI at all. When it's right, it's RIGHT! ;) Someone very wise told me that sometimes people come into our lives to "fine-tune" our perspective. You know how you'd have the "bunny ears" atennas on tvs back in the day? Sometimes people come through just to move those antennas a bit to make the picture a little clearer for you. You might be a little comfortable the way you are, but sometimes you have to go through a bit to get to the clearer picture.

Well let me tell you - I have now been fine-tuned!! And I LOVE IT!!


I think I spent about $300 total IF that last year. We didn't do any formal excursions, the only money I spent in port was to purchase a hat and some trinkets, and for cab fare in St. Thomas. Oh...and for entrance to the fort in San Juan. Everything else was spent on drinks, pics and a spa treatment. I was trying to look more into independent excursions as they tend to be just as good and less expensive than the ones offered through the ships. I am not going with anyone that isn't recommended though, lol.


We didnt either. We did everything on our own, smuggled booze (hey - we were without Spidey and it WAS our belated honeymoon), bought a few pictures and trinkets, and of course our gratuities. I learned a while back to do excursions independently. This was DH first cruise and he couldnt believe the cost of excursions through the cruise lines vs independently.

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Stacey, see above, haha. It will happen when it's meant to be. I was 275 when I got pregnant with my second son, Zar, but I was a healthy 275. For about a year before that I got my body in shape, lost 80 pounds, took prenatal vitamens, cut our sugar altogther, no sodas, no caffeine, etc. Exercised, my body was ready and it happened the first time I tried. It was meant to be, boy, the story I could tell you proving that things ARE meant to be!

I was a healthy plus size. I was about 260 when I became preggers with Spidey. I felt sooooo good. I too cut out all caffine, sugar, etc. I had wonderful prenatal care.

I had no problems during the pregnancy, continued to take care of myself and only gained 14 pounds.

My labor was problem free, I had an all natural water birth:D It was wonderful and beautiful and yes, very very painful, but I knew it would be and was prepared.


Now Spidey on the other hand decided that he didnt want to come out. I had to have a c-section since his head was a little larger than me. He came into this world a toddler. He was 21 1/2 inches long and weighed in at 10 lbs, 2 oz. Funny thing is that I passed my diabeties test with flying colors. I have only in the last year or less developed diabeties. I gained only 30 lbs. Not bad for a plus size woman.


I know that I can carry a baby after I loose a little more weight, but I want to weigh even less than when I had Spidey. It is just going to be easier on me with Spidey if I weigh less when I get preggers again. I also know that I will be on bed rest again since once you have a low lying placenta, your next pregnancies are usually the same. Actually by reports that I have read, the placenta gets lower with each pregnancy.


That was awesome that you had a water birth. I knew from the start that as soon as I could I wanted the drugs!! I guess because I wasnt progressing like I should have, the labor was not that bad. I got to 5 centimeters and finally asked for my epidural. Still wasnt hurting a lot, I have had cramps worse than that. I am glad that I asked for it when I did, or the c-section would have had to wait about an hour. The furtherest I got was 5 centimeters.


Ok, now that we have started sharing our birthing process with each other, I dont think there is anything we cant say to one another. :D Sorry if TMI for others. Have a good night everyone!


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Hi all, sorry I have been MIA lately but we have had 3 people out at work and 1 quit yesterday so I have been picking up alot of overtime and working 12 hour shifts is rough when the hospital is this busy.


All of your stories are so motivating and its wonderful how open everyoen is.


I have tried every diet known to man, the pills, nutrisystem, weight watchers, but I always put the weight back on. I got married 5 years ago and got down to 220 and I was so thrilled to be on my way, I actaully got down to 203 right before Hurricane Katrina then she happened. I was stuck at my hospital for 5 days with no way to reach family, we lived in a hotel for 2 months after and then had to deal with redoing our house, well like most of you I am a emotional eater and now I was up to 269 in the trhee years since then. I decided I needed to change my life style so March 15th I started, I have lost 12 lbs so far but there are still days when all I want is a cheeseburger you know.


Here is a recent photo from my birthday party in january


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Exercising will be a determining factor for me. The days of quickly dropping a few pounds are over for me. Takes me forever to just lose 5 lbs. (and much effort at that!) Age (52) and rapidly approaching menopause are largely responsible I think.


My daughter-like friend is losing with me for the same cruise. She had about the same to lose but she is 30 so her goals of losing X lbs by X date are different than mine. She does tae-bo and weight watchers and it works for her. She'll be done I'm sure long before me but she is a cheerleader for me. I just LOVE food too much so it will be slow going.


I also wear a weighted vest when I do the treadmill at the gym. Hope it helps, already it helps me burn more calories for my time spent.I used to be seriously into exercise, it was never a chore. I don't think that feeling of exercise addiction will ever be with me again but at least I hope to be able to get with some habits in this area.


My friend's goals are short term, 12 lbs by this date and such......if I can lose a few to 5 lbs a month I will be thrilled because then by my cruise I'll be where I want to be (where I was 17-18 years ago :eek: )


thanks, it helps for me to write about this........

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Good morning everyone:)

Hope you all had a good, healthy weekend;)

We had a great one, it was my oldest son's birthday, he turned 12 on Sat.! We went to Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge TN for a surprise birthday trip! He took his two best friends so it was me, my sis, our 3 kids and his two friends. We stayed the night and had a blast eating out, playing mini golf, going to the mirror maze which was so fun, and WonderWorks.

Today is the DAY that I am starting with eating 1500 calories following the diabetic diet. I've been walking a lot and feel great. I will weigh in weekly, maybe actually every other week and post it here.

I will talk with you all later, just wanted to check in:)

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Good morning all! Whew, what a weekend. I did absolutely nothing. I had a migraine all weekend. It was not one that was severe enough to put me into bed, but it was bad enough to make me really grouchy. I actually had it for about 5 days with this weekend being the worst of it. Feeling better now.


Austin's mom - pretty pretty!! LSU has always been one of my favs!! I too have tried so many diets and always set myself up to fail. Congrats on changing your lifestyle and on loosing 12 lbs. I had to decide that I needed to do that as well. That's why I am finally sticking to the change - b/c it is a lifestyle change, not a diet.


ioneblair - I looked at your picture on your profile!! I would never have guessed that you are my mother's age. You look so young. Mom had me when she was young. We can be your cheerleaders too! I love food also! My DH use to be a chef, so I REALLY love food.


Amy - Happy birthday to your son. Sounds like you had a great time. While we lived in TN, we always wanted to get over to Gatlinburg, but never was able too.


Well, Spidey needs my attention. Talk later, Stacy

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Hi guys!!! Sorry I've been absent. That's what happens when you spend half your day peeing!!! Ok, a few of y'all have said it gets better!! WHEN???? Wendy, can you sneak a catheter out of the hospital for me please? I did only lose half a pound when we weighed in on Friday but I was expecting that. I'm confident it will be a big lose this Friday because, my God, I am positive I have peed enough to fill a kiddie pool just today! Good LORD!!! But I'm not giving up. If this does not work this week then I'm going back in these threads and I'm gonna find out who recommended the gallon a day and watch out because I'm coming after you! Whew!! Ok, so I'm reading about "the girls" and I'm laughing to myself. On Friday I came to work and as we were weighing in I just mentioned out loud that "today is the twins' birthday". Well, all the girls weighing in with me knew what I meant, today was my husband and his twin brothers birthday. Well, a little later one of the warehousemen comes in and says can I hug the twins for their birthday? I said sure, but I don't know when you would see them? He looked puzzled and then turned to the giant calender that we have on the wall in the middle of the office. He pointed to my birthday, which is this month, and he said, wait. I thought you said the twins' birthday was today. I said it is. Their 45 today. He said wait, who are the twins? I said my husband and his brother, Ken why? He said oh, I thought you were referring to your "rack" cause I know you have a birthday this month....Too funny! Men can't keep their minds on track to save their lives!!


I'm not sure what the DIS board is. I'm on two other boards here, one is for the Glory roll call for our cruise in June to the caribbean and the other is for my roll call for our cruise in September to Europe. But I do get around!!! Never know!!!! I live here in Metairie, LA. I do travel a lot for work. I work in the electrical industry. Let me know if you think you know me!!!! My daughters say I make friends anywhere. Jamie joked recently when we were in the bathroom at the movie that a lady asked for TP under the stall and the next thing you know we were discussing shoes! When we left the bathroom, she told my husband, there goes Mom again, making friends on the toilet! They are too funny!!! I love my kid - this week!!


Hey Wendy!!!!!!!! L S U ! ! ! ! We got our letters!! Jamie is accepted to both the Summer and Fall Semesters!!! I can see you are a big fan like us!! WHO ISN'T?? Have I asked y'all to vote for her yet? If not, follow this link please and vote for her AND send it to everyone in your email for me too please. Here is the email I sent to my customers:


Dear family and friends,


As you all may remember, my daughter Jamie was a contestant in the

Senior Survivor Photo Contest two months ago. Well, she won the first

round!! She was awarded $100.00 and she is now in the final round and

ready to win the $1,000.00 scholarship this time! Jamie will be

graduating from Ursuline Academy in May and attending LSU next Fall and

has opted to take 2 courses this summer at LSU to get a jump start on

college life. The tuition for summer school is not covered by TOPS and

the tuition just so happens to be $1,053.00. So the $1,000.00

scholarship will definitely be put to good use immediately. If you

would, please follow the link below and cast your vote today for Jamie

Shields. She is the precious little blonde on the top with the white

shirt on. Please scroll down to "I have read all instructions and am

ready to vote" - hit that button. Put in your name by "Name" and your

email address by "E-mail" and put in Jamie Shields by "Vote". Please

retype your email address and fill in the "code" in the small box and

hit "send mail". Easy enough!




You may only vote once per email address so use your work and home email

address if possible. Also, please forward this on to everyone in your

email list as well. Every vote counts! I will let you know the outcome

after April 25th.


I really appreciate your help and I know Jamie will be touched by how

many people vote for her just as she was for the first round.




Vickie Shields


Wendy - one more thing - I just received a letter today from Ursuline. It appears that we are getting Mr. Gabriel from Rummel as our Principal next year. What can you tell me about him? Any impressions would be greatly appreciated as I still have Emily there for another 2 years.


Ok, going home to PEE and watch the final game between Memphis and Kansas! Go Memphis Tigers!!


See y'all, Vickie

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Vickie - dont worry about reading through all of these pages. It was me who said that you need to drink 1 gallon of water. I am the culprit. If you dont loose, come and get me. You will like it here in Clearwater anyway.


Jamie has been voted for. I hope she wins!!


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About the gallon a day...it depends on your weight, I know I should drink a gallon a day. You are supposed to divide your weight in half and that's how much your body NEEDS.

Even if you don't lose weight from all that water, it's very healthy and it washes out the toxins and bad stuff from your body ~ so it's good for you:)

I LOVE water! Yum:D

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Thanks Stacy - for saving me the time - in case I need to come kick some butt!!! :D My grandfather (he's not with us anymore) lived in Clearwater. I drove there with my mom one time to go visit him when we heard he was in failing health. Beautiful city! Point being - I know how to get to you!!!


Earthfairies - thanks for the formula but I'm not sure I understand. :confused: I weigh 236. Tell me how to do this so I know I'm doing it right please. Besides, if it means I get to drink LESS than a gallon I will drive to where YOU live and kiss your butt!!! It might not take me as long to get to you because I won't have to make that many potty stops to PEE! :p


So, I just got off the phone with Mom. She wanted to let us know that she is taking us on another cruise (we haven't even gone on these 2 yet and she's already planning the next). She wanted to check on the dates that the kids get out of school next year. I don't have a 2008-2009 school calendar yet but I hope it all works out. My sisters have their calendars already from their schools so she is basing the dates on them, May 28th. She is taking us to Rome. The girls are excited. They like cruising with their cousins. I like that I don't have to pay a penny for these cruises.


Thanks for voting for Jamie!!!!


And Hey PJ!! Thanks for those links on the swimsuits! Actually, that picture you posted of the black suit with the skirt is precious and I would really like to get that one. I'm going to surf those sites at lunch tomorrow. I only have 60 days to my next cruise so I need to get a move on.


Did not wake up to go to the gym today but I REALLY needed to catch up on sleep after this weekend. I will go tomorrow! I'm hoping to be in my 18's by the cruise (if not better!) I had bought a bunch of new clothes last summer, all 16 and 18's. Never worn some of them. I had a hysterectomy unexpectedly and gained from that point on. So I have a new wardrobe for the cruise - If I can get into it!!


Well, girls, I've been keeping one eye on the game while I'm typing and it's half time so I'm gonna run upstairs and crawl in my bed and watch the rest of the game there. Keep your fingers crossed for those Memphis Tigers!!


See y'all, Vickie

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I'll be waiting for you Vickie. In the mean time, just imagine sitting on the beach listening to the waves crash, listen to all that water, it is rushing against the sand. Can you hear it? Bet you need to pee now!


Divide your weight by two and that is how many oz of water you will need. The clinic I go to has told us to drink a gallon (at least) per day.


By the way, does your mom want to adopt another daughter, and grandson?

Good Night!


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Earthfairies - thanks for the formula but I'm not sure I understand. :confused: I weigh 236. Tell me how to do this so I know I'm doing it right please. Besides, if it means I get to drink LESS than a gallon I will drive to where YOU live and kiss your butt!!! It might not take me as long to get to you because I won't have to make that many potty stops to PEE! :p



Your body NEEDS at least 118 ounces of water a day...and a gallon is what, 164? I'm sure the extra water helps flush out your system and detoxify you.

You know, you can drink too much water though...you should ask your doc if you're not sure.

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Thanks Earthfairies! When I told my husband what you said last night he said, she probably means divide your weight in half and that's how many ounces of water you need to drink. Why did he catch on that easy and I was befuddled? Hmmm. Oh, well, thanks!!!!!! And you know what???? He said the same thing you just said about TOO much water!!!! He said his brother was drinking too much water when he was working out (he's a body builder so his workouts were different from mine) but he felt like he was sweating so much that he needed to replenish his fluids. He said that Ken actually depleted his electrolytes with all the water flushing them out. I did not know that was a possibility. Hmmm, learn something new every day!!!


So, I will focus 118 ounces instead of the full gallon and be happy if I just get the 118 in. I'm sure I'm still going to be peeing my brains out but at least I don't have to struggle to get it down.


Ok, so Stacy, you are safe, for now! But don't get too comfortable!! And sorry, Mom gets requests all the time for adoptions. Although she may be looking to replace one particular grand daughter (not mine of course!!) if she does not start acting like a young lady and keeping her smart trap shut! She's excessively sassy, raunchy and disrespectful and I have banned my girls from hanging around her even at family functions. Her mother and father (my sister) keep saying she is going through a phase....well, guess what! If you don't put your foot up her butt NOW then that phase will turn into a teen pregnancy and or jail. She will be 14 this month and looks like she's 18. She dresses trashy and wears enough makeup in one day that could last me an entire month! Her mouth is as foul as a sailor and her parents do not blink at her when an MF runs out of her mouth! It is just scary to hear and see her knowing how tough my sister is and was on her son who is now in college. I'm totally shocked at the lack of discipline. My father is devastated that they allow her to talk trash in front of other people and after telling her that he did not want to hear her trashy mouth and she continued, he just got up and left. This was on Easter Sunday. EASTER!!! The words coming out of her mouth should have been "Halleloujah, He is risen!!" Instead you hear, "how effing long do we have to stay here? I have things to do?" Aaaarrrrggghhhh. My girls walked away from her. And her fingers did not stop on that cell phone the entire time she was there. My girls know better. Their phones stay in the car when we are visiting someone. It was pretty obvious that they were "running" away from her every time she came near them. Thank God for Guitar Hero!! My girls went inside and played Guitar Hero with my little niece that has Down Syndrome. That's another thing!!!! My other niece had the gall, nerve and balls, if you will, to say she did not want to play with her retarded cousin!!! HOW HORRIBLE WAS THAT???? I know my other sister had to be crying inside because I know I was!


Ok, enough about my dysfunctional family!!! All I can say is...next May, if you hear on CNN Headline News that a teenager has fallen overboard while in Rome, don't think for a minute that it was an accident!!!:D


Toodles girls!! I'm going to checkout those two bathing suit websites!! :p



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UGHH VIC!!!! Is it bad that I wanna smack your neice and I don't even know her? LOL I can't stand disrespectful children. SMH I'm glad your girls have sense enough to realize how ugly her behavior is and steer clear.


The water will get better...trust me! You just have to keep up with it. It will take a week or so. Your skin will THANK you!!! Are you drinking liquids other than water (coffee/tea/juice)? If so, it might be helpful for you to cut back on those liquids for a while.


Hello everyone else! I did pretty good over the weekend. The "friend" came over this weekend and we put some steaks and veggies on the grill, it was delish. Sunday I put some chicken and veggies on the grill. Monday the only carbs I had were oatmeal during breakfast, for lunch I had a homemade ceasar salad (no croutons) with baked chicken and for lunch I had (you guessed it) chicken and veggies. I'm probably going to start sprouting feathers soon but it's all been pretty tasty. This morning I had eggs with cheese and bacon and I'm debating what to have for lunch today because I didnt prepare. I'm not really doing a specific plan, just cutting back on my starchy carbs and trying to eat more veggies. I also puchased some fruit and have been bringing oranges, strawberries and even applesauce to work. I'll be glad when the weather gets a little better, it's been really dreary the last couple days. I want to walk outside.


I'm reallllllly trying to get down to at least a size 20 for the cruise ya'll.

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PJ, glad you had a great healthy weekend. You can get to a size 20 ~ I know you can!

I posted I was starting my diabetic diet yesterday, but I didn't. I don't have any food in the house and I wasn't prepared. I finished eating the unhealthy stuff here and now I'm ready haha.

I have to go shopping for food tonight after my son's concert. Someone said there was a list of free foods on this thread, I will have to go back and look, I still haven't started from the beginning.

Vic ~ that's awful about your neice, is she going on the cruise with you guys?!? Ugh. I can't stand people, esp. kids like that either. Someone (her parents) needs to put her in her place so to speak. Why don't they discipline her? Well, thank goodness she's not yours right? It's really good your DD's don't hang out with her too.

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PJ, glad you had a great healthy weekend. You can get to a size 20 ~ I know you can!


I posted I was starting my diabetic diet yesterday, but I didn't. I don't have any food in the house and I wasn't prepared. I finished eating the unhealthy stuff here and now I'm ready haha.


I have to go shopping for food tonight after my son's concert. Someone said there was a list of free foods on this thread, I will have to go back and look, I still haven't started from the beginning.


Vic ~ that's awful about your neice, is she going on the cruise with you guys?!? Ugh. I can't stand people, esp. kids like that either. Someone (her parents) needs to put her in her place so to speak. Why don't they discipline her? Well, thank goodness she's not yours right? It's really good your DD's don't hang out with her too.



Thank you!!! I know I can do it! I have just under 17 weeks to go down 2 dress sizes. 3 would be LOVELY, that would put me in an 18, but I'll take a 20. :)


Here you go (Courtesy of Stacy):




Now those "free" items I was talking about earlier. Here is how it is listed in my little book.

You can have as much as you want through the day.******

1/2 cup of sugar free gelatin, lettuce (all), dill pickles, salt, pepper, seasonings, spices, dry bbq spices, fat free broth, white and red whine vinegar, light rice vinegar, Tabasco hot sauce, lemon and lime juice, mustard


Use in moderation******

Miracle Whip Free, Ketchup, cocktail sauce, artificial sweetners


Beverages and Fluids**** Must drink 128 OZ per day

Calorie free flavored water, decaf diet soda, decaf coffee and tea, crystal light, sugar free country time lemonade, diet seltzer, diet mineral water, any calorie free caffeine free diet drink - no milk, juices or creamers


Salad dressing - 2 tbsp low fat or fat free dressing with no more than 30 calories per tbsp. Also may use 1/2 tbsp Olive Oil and red wine vinegar.


Sugar Free Popsicles- 10 to 20 calorie such as Philly swirl at Sams or Lifesaver popsicles.


Recommends to utilize Lettuce for wraps instead of bread.


Sugar Free Cool Whip - in small amounts


OK, I know this was a lot, sorry for overload. Enjoy your night everyone. Talk later, Stacy


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Thanks Stacy for the list and thanks PJ for finding it for me and reposting it:)

I steer clear of any artificial sweetners and diet stuff, only drink water all day anyway. Nothing in that list thrills me...except maybe the pickles and lettuce, and that's a great idea about using lettuce for a wrap.

When I did the diabetic diet a few years ago I pretty much just ate cottage cheese, tofu and veggie burgers and boiled eggs and beans for protein and dairy because I don't eat meat or drink milk.

For the grains I like to eat plain cereal, like multi grain flakes, and plain brown rice or a few crackers or just ww bread.

It's going to be very plain and simple, but boy will I be enjoying the food when we go on our cruise! I won't worry about gaining any of it back either, it's not going to hurt for 10 days.

BTW guys, I have been exercising, walking, and it does feel great!!!

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