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100+ lbs to lose???


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Wow back to work already!!!!!! Did your students start to or just the staff?? Our kids don't go back until the middle of August. anyway, how is the "healthy eating", not diet it has the word "die" in it, going??? I have decided not to start back until after the cruise. Seems kind of futile to start before. Well, hope you are getting into the swing of things because your cruise will be here before you know it.

Where is everyone at???? Vicki how was the cruise????
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Leah!! Glad to see you are back on here. I'm trying to get back!! Slowly but surely.

The cruise was fantastic!! Ready for my next one though in 39 days!

Well, let me update everyone on what has been going on in my life (weight wise). My husband realized I was struggling with diets. Yo yo ing and not really committing to one thing or plan. Well, he took control. Last Monday (7/21) he woke me up at 5:00 a.m. and said come on, it's back to the gym for you! We went together! When we got home I went upstairs to take a shower and get ready for work and he stayed downstairs, made my breakfast, packed my lunch and snacks and was ready when I came down. I sat, ate a bowl of cheerios with skim milk, TOOK A VITAMIN and went off to work with my daughters school lunch kit (which she won't be needing now that she is heading off to LSU in a few weeks!). He has also been calling me at 9:00 a.m. and 2 p.m. to remind me to eat my snacks so I'm not ravenous when I get home. So, he's pretty much got me on 1200 calories a day and after the first 3 days I was not dying of hunger. The snacks are REALLY working to keep me from foraging through the candy drawer here at work.

So, the menu has been:

Cheerios with skim milk for breakfast at 7:00

Either 100 calorie pack of something or a yogurt for snack at 9:00

Lunch is Double Fiber wheat bread with Dijonaisse and sliced chicken or turkey and mild banana peppers and either an orange or another 100 calorie pack at 11:30

100 calorie pack or 48 pretzels for a snack at 2:00

Small salad with lettuce, tomato, onion, green pepper, croutons, bacon bits and shredded cheese and dressing at 5:30

Dinner between 6:30 or 7:00 One day it was boneless skinless chicken breast marinated in lime juice and thrown on the BBQ pit, with some steamed veggies (buy them in the bag ready to go into the microwave) and whatever pasta dish the girls choose, (I just get a small serving) and I'm truly full. Last night we had "fire burgers" as my daughters call them!! Leah, you may know about these. They are actually called "Tiger Burgers". They are pre-formed hamburger patties with cajun seasoning that you can get at Walmart. Purple box with "Mike" on the front and it says LSU Tiger Burgers. My daughters call them "Fire burgers" because they flame up so much on the pit and my husband walked away! BAD thing to do!!!! They were crispy when he walked back! Anyway, I have been eating whatever the family eats but in moderation. The results: I lost 8 pounds in one week!

So, I'm not saying I will lose 8 pounds this week but if I lose 2 I will be happy! If I can lose a total of 20 by the time I leave for Europe I will feel so much better. In addition to being more comfortable sitting in a seat on a plane for 10 hours! I don't want to impede on my neighbors seat. Although my Mom keeps telling me that the seats in First Class are much wider and I won't have that problem. I've never flown First Class before so I have no idea. She's paying for this trip so she booked me in First Class with her. I'm not going to complain. But it will also be nice to be able to get into some of my clothes that she bought me last year hoping that I would lose it last year.

I miss you all!! We need an update on Spidey!!!! And is "T" ready to go back to school yet?? Erika had a birthday last week!!!!! Yayyyyy!!!

Let's get this board back up and running. It seems like we all stop writing when we fall off the horse! We need to encourage each other to get back on.

Karla, welcome aboard! Just wanted to let you know that I had a hysterectomy last July. It was an easy recovery but it was difficult for me to get back to the gym. NOT physically or because of restrictions but because the anesthesia really wreaks havoc on your total mind and body. I have found that it takes me at least a year to recover from anesthesia SERIOUSLY! I had my tubes tied 10 years ago and I felt like an idiot going to my doctor telling him that I was always tired and could not get motivated to do anything. He said it was the anesthesia. That a certain percentage of people experience that and I'm just one of them. Then after the hysterectomy last July, same thing. It was hard to get back into a routine. Always tired, going to bed early. I am just now getting back to myself. I hope it does not happen to you, but be prepared and proactive!! Take vitamins!! Give yourself pep talks. Tell us if you need help!!!

Leah, please let me know if you and Vickie are going to be in town on Sunday before you leave. I would love to meet you!

Hugs and smooches to all!!

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Well I am glad to hear from you too Vic. I missed talking to everyone. Stacey hasn't been on here and forever. I hope everything is okay with her FIL and Spidey!!!!!!

Good for hubby for taking a stand and being your support system. Vicki wants me to be healthy and happy and any weight but gives into me WWWAAYYY to often on bad things!!!!!!!

Yes we are coming into town Sunday, we are going to mass in the Cathedral at 11 or 12 I have to check before we leave Saturday. Email me your cell number, at [EMAIL="winniepoohlover@suddenlink.net"]winniepoohlover@suddenlink.net[/EMAIL], and I will call you when we get into town that am so we can meet. Vicki asked me a few days ago if we were still meeting you in town.:D . Glad to hear you got your girls graduated and birthdayed LOL. NOOOOO, T is not ready for school, he HATES it. He won't even let me shop for supplies before the cruise and he goes back the Thursday we get home. Luckily he wears uniforms and they can only be bought at 1 certain store here in town, he goes to a Catholic school. But his shorts still fit and I think his shirts do too for now. But I will get it together when we get home. don't really want to think about anything but the cruise right now.

Well hope everyone is doing good, would LOVE to hear from you all.
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Hey guys! Things have been hectic around here. I have also been depressed. MIL is not doing well. She also has the early stages of Alzheimers. Her sister has power of attorney over her and refuses to put her into any type of assisted living facility. They both are in their 70's and dont want to give up independence.

FIL is doing good. Most days he is confused. He knows who we are, he just doesnt know how we are all related. He thinks that my hubby is his brother. Computer is still busted. At the library again.

Had to cancel our cruise in Oct. I am so depressed about it. We decided to take our deposit and use it toward a 4 night cruise out of Port Canaveral in Dec. So at least we are still going, but not the cruise I wanted. Reason we canceled - husbands job!!! He sells new and used cars. We were doing really well. Then the owner brought in a new Gen. Manager. When that happened, things started going downhill. FAST!!! We found out that over a two month period, this gen manager cheated my husband out of $3000 from his commissions. He was doing it to all the employees. He was taking it and redirecting it to his own pockets. Dont ask how that works cause I dont know. All I know is that hubby works on commission only and somehow his paychecks started to get smaller and smaller. It came to the point where we only had a few dollars to live on inbetween paychecks and couldnt pay rent. Thankfully our church bailed us out and loaned us a small amount. So now we owe our church money. With that said, DH went to another dealership and we are slowly coming back into the black. He has been at the new one for about a month and they really like him. So, with all that, the final payment on the Oct cruise was due NOW. Of course we couldnt pay it, and his job wouldnt let him off that long. So we went ahead and switched it yesterday and got a really good deal since DH is former military. Usually I like to have a balcony, but we are in a small room with no windows. Ok, let them just go ahead and put padding up on the sides since I will feel like I am in a crazy cell!! Padded room for a family of 3 - CHECK. I dont plan to stay in the room much. I am claustrophobic.

Spidey is doing good. His meds has really made a difference. He still has his sweet and cute personality. The meds did not make him like a zombie. I was really scared of that. He just turned 4 a few weeks ago. We have taken him to Universal a few times because Sponge Bob seems to be his fav right now. (I am so glad I still know a few people who work there from when I worked there ages ago. If not for them getting us in for free, we wouldnt have been able to go.)

OK, I'm gonna go back and read all these pages that I have missed out on. Talk to you all soon. I miss all of you!!! Oh yeah, havent been able to go to the doctor since we have had no $$, but I feel as if I have maintained. No gain / no loss. So I guess that is good.
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Stacy!! I'm so glad to hear from you!!! Leah and I got to meet today, face to face, at Margaritaville in the French Quarter! We immediately said to each other - "I hope Stacy is ok!!" We were worried about you taking care of FIL and Spidey. I'm glad you're ok and that DH is getting back into the swing of things with his job. I'll say lots of prayers for successful selling!!! Hugs to you and Spidey!!

I got to meet Leah today!!! LOVED IT!!! T is a GORGEOUS kid!!!! He has got the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen!! I kept staring at him because his eyes were just mesmerizing!! And I met Vickie too!!! I wish I could have spent more time with them. BUT we will soon!! We are talking about cruising out of Port Canaveral in June of 2010. I'll post it here next year when the bookings open up and let everyone know so maybe a bunch of us can go together!! Keep checking in here.

But more importantly - keep building each other up!!

I've been going to the gym and I'm getting back to the point where I enjoy it. I wake up with no problem at 4:45 a.m. and I'm out the door by 4:55. Here is a suggestion - find a pod cast or look up an mp3 about the ports you are going to or want to go to, download it to your mp3 player and listen to it while you walk or ride bikes. That way you pass the time quickly and you get to learn more about your port. OR you can learn a new language girls!! I am going to Russia in 35 days and I'm trying to learn a few basics. Next year I'm going to Rome so I may start learning Italian when I get back from Russia. Just trying to take my mind off of what I have to lose and thinking of what I can gain, other than weight!!

Speaking of learning a new language - Stacy - I have a book for children to learn basic sign language. We all learned when my niece was born with Down Syndrome and it was suggested that she learn an alternate "language" while she is learning to speak. The entire family jumped in and even though Tess has no hearing problems, she learned and used sign language more than she "spoke" to communicate with us. If you want, I will be happy to send you the book and maybe you and Spidey can learn together.

Well, I'm pooped from the unbearable heat and humidity here. Everyone say a prayer that Leah, Vickie and T have good weather and that the "disturbance" in the gulf stays far away from their cruise ship this week and they have beautiful weather and a wonderful time on their first cruise!

Love to you all! Hugs, smooches and lots of encouragement to everyone!

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Hey Vic!!! :)

I miss you guys! Like Stacy I've been a little "depressed" because I had to postpone my cruise...I would have left yesterday. I had to postpone for several reasons and right now we're looking at going in December. The thing about it is that my family all still went so I was dealing with a bit of jealousy honestly, lol. It was kind of hard to come to cruise critic when I knew that I didn't have anything planned. *insertbawlingsmileyhere*

At any rate, I'm ok. Pretty healthy, loved and otherwise blessed. I haven't lost any weight to speak of but I haven't gained any either. But I'm going to try and do better with coming by here and checking in and helping you all stay motivated and gathering some motivation for myself in the process.

Love you guys!!! :)
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Hi all! Vic, I am so envious of your upcoming cruise!!! I would love to see Russia. I wish I could have been with you and Leah when you met, and could have seen just how handsome T is. It would have been so much fun. "blush" I feel so loved and blessed to be missed and cared about by all of you!! We appreciate all prayers for happy selling for hubby.

I would love to go on a cruise 2010. A week or just a short cruise? I am up for anything. Once we do decide when and what ship etc, we really need to try to reserve our rooms close together.

Great suggestion regarding the MP3 player. I have wanted to learn other languages, but I just suck at pronouncing them. Hubby has a really good ear and memory for other languages. Guess I will never be able to go to another country without him. On our last cruise, while in Coasta Maya, we drank a little too much on the beach. We hired a taxi to take us back to port, and hubby spoke perfect, fluent spanish with the driver. Amazed me!! Yes, we would love the sign language book. I know the alphabet, but I have to sign it r-e-a-l-l-y s---l---o---w!! hehe I will send you my addy.

Erika - honey we can just cry together, ok? We had such an amazing room reserved. It was a suite, with a secret extended balcony. It kills me knowing that I have traded down for a room with no window, and for 4 nights instead of 7. But, hey, at least I salvaged some of it and am still going. When in Dec are you thinking about, and on what ship. We are going in Dec on the Sensation. I know it is hard to see your loved ones having fun without you. If you want to have ugly thoughts (like the fire alarms going off at 4am, or it just rains everyday) it's ok. Just as long as you dong mean it!! Just remember, 2010 - you can go with all of us and leave them at home!. :D

Gotta run. Spidey is getting a little anxious at the good ole library. I will be glad when we fix our computer. Everyone have a great day. Smooches to all. Love you guys. Stacy
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Where is the Sensation going out of? It was going out of New Orleans and then they brought the Fantasy in. Let me know when y'all are going! You never know!!!!!!!!!! But please do plan on June of 2010! We have 14 girls and 10 moms committed so far. It would be wonderful to spend time together!!!!


Oh, and one more thing Erika - don't be depressed! If you absolutely want to make yourself feel better, think about this - EDUARD is making it very difficult to have calm waters and bright sunshine! Just keep thinking that you are here for a reason!!! You stayed behind for a major reason and it may not be clear for a while, but one day you will hear something and say, "damn glad I didn't make that cruise after all"!!!!! Plus, you are still here to make me smile this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D


I'll make you laugh! I went to the gym this morning (4:45 A fricking M) ok? I had what I must call a migraine because I have never been officially diagnosed as having migraines because the headaches that I get that I refer to as migraines only happen like 2 times a year - ok? So, I get out of my bed, despite the fact that I feel like I have a three pronged fork sticking out of my left eyeball and someone just slammed an anvil onto my cranium. Ok, that's dedication and commitment. So, I CRAWL to the bathroom, get to the point where I say "F it" to brushing my teeth. Put my bra on under my night shirt for fear of pulling my night shirt off over my head that is now T H R O B B I N G and pull my lovely spandex pants on and put my shorts over those. Crawl down the stairs backwards so as not to fall down them. Slither into the car and lay down in the back seat as my husband hits every bump and pothole in the city of Metairie on the way to the gym. I get out of the car at the gym and get on one of the bikes. I do approximately 20 seconds on the bike and realize, I CAN'T DO THIS!!! So, I don't want my husband to miss out of a workout and I feel REAL BAD, so I tell him I'm going to lay in the back in a dark corner where they usually throw the pilates balls and crap. But before I go back there, my friend Cherie comes in (she usually meets us there around 5:00) and I tell her what's going on and I go back there. So, I'm in the corner, curled up in the fetal position (or as much of a fetal position that a 5' 6" 238 pound woman can get) and I'm near unconciousness when all of a sudden someone screams! I jump and it feels as if someone dropped a 300 pound weight onto my head now (remind me to thank that broad!). A woman had come into the gym about 15 minutes after I went to lay down and was going about her business I guess and my husband and Cherie (who previously were the only two people in the gym, besides myself) were working out and not thinking anything of it. Well this woman comes in the back to get something, sees me passed out and screams. She thought I was dead! They laughed. I cried. I got in the car to keep from grabbing the woman around her neck and choking the life out of her because now, my head feels as if someone has a deli slicer and is slowly slicing away at my cranium. So, my husband realized he needed to get me home and left. The "migraine" is somewhat better right now, but I work with a loud mouth Yat (as we call them here in NOLA). You know, the ones that say "where ya at dahlin?" in a shrill voice. Anyway, if I don't kill her soon, or shove one of the warehouse boys' socks in her freaking mouth, it will be a miracle. So, smile my love, you are here for me today!!!!! Not on that cruise, in the rain, on bumpy seas - but here to help me get through the day!!!!!!! And I thank you for that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Smooches, hugs and love to all my precious jewels and friends!



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Awww honey!!! What do you take for them? I sometimes get really bad ones and I take Excedrin Migraine and it seems to help. I had a REALLY bad one on Saturday and I didn't have ANY meds in the house. I could not get myself together to go to the store, so my honey finally brought me something. It feels like someone is literally trying to pull my eyes out and I'm sensitive to light and nauseated.

At any rate, was the lady at the gym okay? ROFLMAO I'm better today about not being on the cruise. I have a trip to Vegas in October to look foward to and now we have to nail down another cruise for Nov or Dec. The Sensation leaves out of Ft. Lauderdale I believe, or maybe it's Port Canaveral...can't remember right now.
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Sensation is out of Port Canaveral. We are on the Dec 7th sailing. I am in planning mode trying to find things to do with a 4 yr old in Freeport and Nassau. I know we can take him to a beach or water activities, but he has the beach here that we go to all the time. I would like to do something a little different with Spidey.

I too have a Vegas trip planned. But not until early March. My best friend from high school and I have recently reconnected. It has been about 15 yrs since we have talked. Long story, big misunderstanding, lot of lost time. Anyway, we are planning to meet up in Vegas to re-introduce ourselves to one another. Kids and husbands staying at home. I am bringing a friend and so is she.

I can totally empathize with you on the migraines. I do have migraine headaches. With a 4 yr old, I just cant give into them like I use to. I also take excedrine migraine when I first feel it come on. Sometimes I take one advil with it, and the combination of the two meds will help ease it. I also will take a heating pad and put it under my head to go to sleep. The heat usually helps. Drink lots and lots of water. Vic, I do hope you feel better soon. Dont kill the woman at work. I dont want to come and meet you in jail, a cruise would be better.

Husband borrowed a lap top from a friend, so maybe I can get on here more often now and check in. It's not as fast as my computer was, so it is a little aggrivating sitting here waiting on the darn thing. But hey, at least I dont need to go to the library right now. Got places to go. Just got a new car girls!!! We have been a one car family for ages, but now that Brent (hubby) went to work in Tampa (30 min from home), we needed a new car. Since he works at the dealership, they were able to get us a really really really good deal - no money down, low payments, etc. Can you tell I'm excited? We got a 2004 Volkswagen Jetta!! Ok, so it is not completely new, but new to me. So gotta run in my Jetta. Talk later. Stacy
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Congrats on the new car Stacy!! Lemme find out you're jetting all over the place in your new Jetta, lol.

I'm soooooo sleepy today ya'll!

I need to get back on the proverbial wagon. I have an MD appt on Wednesday of next week and hopefully I'll be able to get my bp and blood sugar under control. Oh, I think ya'll missed that part. I was in the ER a couple weeks ago due to elevated blood pressure. *sigh*
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OMG!! Take it easy Erika. I havent had any blood pressure problems yet, but my mom has it. I have seen her go through ups and downs while trying to get BP regulated. Keep us posted.

LOL, yes, I am now jetting everywhere in my little Jetta. Thanks for the congrats!
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Hi, ladies!!!!!!!!!! We are home. I am very woozy and still rocking since we got off of the ship. the "storm" made our waters kinda of choppy. the first night at dinner we could see out of the window, we would see the sunset then it would disappear, then we could see it then we couldn't. Get the idea. Well vicki got seasick but T and I didn't, but I am still swaying alot and it is making me ill now. I now the heat is not helping but I'll get over it.

I will post more later.

vicki, it was so good to meet you and your friends. Thank you for the compliments on T, I think he is pretty handsome myself;) . anyway have tons of pictures that we sill download and give yall the website to go to. Will give review when I fill better.

Sorry about MIL Stacy, Erica hope you feel better. Sorry that both of your cruises were postponed.

Talk to you later!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hey Leah! Welcome back. I am so glad that you had a good time, regardless of the choppy water. Hope your motion with ocean ends for you soon. It usually only last for a few days with me. Cant wait for a review and pictures!!

Thanks Leah. My hubby has been taking the fact that both parents have alzheimers a little hard. He is so scared that he is going to get it, and at an early age.

Well, Spidey has a playmate today, so I need to run. Talk to ya'll later. Where is everyone.

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Welcome home Leah!!! I can't wait for you to post the details and pictures and your impression of your first cruise!!! I am so glad I finally got to meet you face to face!!! We'll do it again, soon, I promise!!!

Stacy - congrats on the Jetta!!! I am sooooo very jealous! I want one!! I sent you an email from my Blackberry just a few moments ago.

Erika - I sure hope you are feeling better by now. I'm praying for you girl!! Stay healthy!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sorry I have not checked in recently. I've been packing Jamie up and getting her ready to go. We bring her to LSU on Monday :( Y'all pray for me! I've been crying non stop. I've lost 2 pounds last week and I'm pretty damn sure it's all "WATER WEIGHT" from crying so much (LOL!). But I promise to post and check in more often once she is gone. Of course, I will have more time on my hands once she is moved.

Beginning next week I think we should make a little challenge among us and see if we can help each other out. We can start with finding a half hour program on tv that we like every day (I LOVE 2 1/2 Men!!!) and vow to do some sort of exercise the entire half hour. It will be in the comfort of our own homes and if we have the time to sit down and watch that show for half an hour then we have time to be active during the show. Even if it's something like bending side to side or lunges or situps or a combination of them all for the full half hour. I bought this resistance band with handles on each end and I can do so much with that one little cheap thing from walmart. I can put one end under my toes and pull the other end up with my hand. I can just pull from each end over my head...so what do you think? Challenge any one?? Gotta be true to yourself and us!! Gotta be accountable - isn't that why we are all here??

Who's up to the challenge? I'm in...................

Love y'all - Vic
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Hey Vic. Got your email and have replied.

Erika - how are you doing??? It has been a while since we have heard from you.


Vic - I think the challenge sounds good. I love to watch the Young and the Restless everyday. I will start to exercise for the first 30 minutes of the show every day. I will start this tomorrow. Anybody else up to the challenge? Come on, let's do it!!!
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Hey everyone, I am here!!!!!!! Just sooo much to do after a cruise and getting T ready for to start school.

OOOOOOOHHHHHHH, Vic hang in there. Just think about how well you have done raising your two beautiful girls!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will probably see them more now that they are older.

I am up for the challenge. I don't really have a show that comes on everyday. But I will find something and go from there. I also have the bands and the big ball where I can do crunches and things. MUCH easier on the back!!!!

I promise I will post a review and try to post some pictures later on.
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Well, this week has not been the greatest. I have only done my exercises twice, and plan to do them today too. We had to go to Pompano Beach the other day, and back. All in one day. We were gone from 11am until midnight. We had to go because of hubby's job. Then the very next day we had to go see my mother in law. She is about an hour from here, so we were there all day. I am tired of traveling ALL OVER FLORIDA this week!!! To add to that, my little "visitor" Aunt Flo is here.

Then to top it off, my dad's side of the family has completely made me feel like an outcast. About 3 weeks ago my dad called asking about cruises. Since I had been in the travel industry for 8+ yrs, and I love to cruise, he called to ask questions. It looks like my aunt wants to celebrate her 60th b-day on a cruise. So my cousin (her son) and I started talking and I started looking at group cruising for them. Rates looked pretty good, and there are family members that I have not seen in a while, so I expressed that I may want to go. My cousin wrote me this email telling me that it is his mom's b-day and that he will not have any arguing, and that his mom wants my dad to go and she asked him to go. She thinks I would be a lot of fun, but doesnt want any uncomfortable situations between all of us, yadda, yadda, yadda. OMG!!! Let me give a little back ground. About two years ago, my dad came to TN and picked me and Spidey up and brought us back down to Mississippi to visit family. While there, he was so ugly. He was constantly trying to bicker with me. He would say things that would push my buttons. Example: We pulled up to an extremely busy McDonalds and after about 10 seconds he started complaining really loudly that they needed to take his order, that they needed to hurry up. I told him to just be patient. That made him upset that I would say that. Right in front of family members, he made an unkind comment about my weight. He also told one of his brothers that I was a b!t@* just like my mother. We had always had a really good relationship until this, I have no idea what happened. When I was younger, my mother put me in paegents. I loved being in them and they have given me the confidence and helped structure who I am today - which I think is pretty good. On the way home he told me that he knew exactly what the pagents did to me, and it was nothing good. I felt as if he were calling me a bad person. I ended up telling him what he could do and we didnt talk for the last two hours home. So, after all of that, and my family doesnt know what all was said to me - I have never told them, they dont want me and him on the same cruise together b/c they are scared that we may bicker. I didnt do anything wrong. I have just sat and cried about this b/c I feel like I am being treated unfairly. I really would like to see my family, but not under these pretenses. On top of that, just when I thought I had them locked down on a cruise, my cousin comes back to me and lets me know it is once again all up in the air. They cant make up their mind on what they want to do.

I know it was a lot to read, and I just needed to get it off my chest. The incidents that occured happened over 2 years ago. I have not been around my dad since. I have talked to him on the phone several times. He has never brought up the incident and neither have I. When I have talked to him, it has been pleasant conversations. I will never be alone with him again. I will never put myself into that situation. If my hubby cant go with me when I visit, then I dont go.

Well, thanks for letting me blow up. I hope everyone else is having a great weekend. Talk later, hugs and smooches to all. Stacy
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Hey ladies,

I was wondering if I could join your group. I have been reading your thread and you are all so wonderful. Very encouraging and non-judgemental. I love that.

My name is Ginger and I am 39 years old. I will be 40 in May 09. I weigh 280lbs and am 5'2".

I also have a wonderful dh and 2 dd's ages 4years and 2years.

Dh and I will be going on our first cruise in May 2009. It's my 40th birthday present. We will be doing and Alaska Cruise with Holland America. I don't know how to get those cute pictures with countdowns in my signature.

I definitely want to get<250lbs. But would love to get under 200 before our trip. I just joined WW online and ordered our books tonight. Dh will be adopting a healthier lifestyle along with me.

We are definitely using our cruise as a motivation for loosing weight.
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ginjer - Welcome to cruise critic, and welcome to our little group. Of course you may join. Good luck with WW, I know you can do it!! A cruise is wonderful motivation to use. Cruising is a lot of fun, and you will come back home anticipating the next one.

Keep us posted on your progress!! My little Spidey (my son) just turned 4 yrs old last month. I am sure your two little ones keep you hopping all day long.

Ok, the countdown clock - after you go and find a countdown clock that you like, you go under quick links (at the top) and then go to edit signature. You should be able to put it in there somewhere. It was ages since I have done it, so I hope that I have it right.
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[quote name='earthfaries'][FONT=Comic Sans MS]To be at my "ideal" weight as my doctor calls it, based on my bone structure, which is quite large, is 180. When I was 220 about 12 years ago, before my first son, I was healthy and fit and looked great, not fat, but just right. I like being on the thick side;) In the 100's, I just looked too thin.[/FONT][/FONT][/QUOTE]My stepsister is also 5'7" and is about at 320 lbs. I was helping her set up her Fitday (free site, BTW) page, and here is their breakdown for her:

Current BMI: 50, classified as life-threateningly extremely obese

Range of healthy weight for a woman 5'7": 118 to 159 lbs.

So, just for her to edge into the realm of "healthy weight" she needs to lose at least 160 lbs. Needless to say, this was discouraging for her, as she thought that all she needed to do is get under 200 to be in the healthy range.
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Stacey- Thanks for the welcome and how to add a countdown clock. I had never even noticed that was an option at the top of the screen.

While I am not officially starting WW until I get my books in. I have tried to drink more water today. I had one soda (my weakness) this morning, but have had 6 glasses of water. Not enough, but getting there!!!
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