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100+ lbs to lose???


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Hi! I am hoping to join your group here.

My name is Wendy. I just turned 40 and I currently weigh 231. When I started this diet/exercise program on August 11, I was 248. My goal is 130. I am a single mom whose son is going to be graduating and heading off to college this year. I am just tired of being this heavy and not being able to do what I want.

I have serious thyroid problems. Even with medication - my TSH levels are in the 20 + range. So I am following the diet recommendation of my doctors and so far it seems to be working. Although I am limited to 1,000 calories a day. Anything more that that and I gain weight.

For exercise, I do a 30 minute circuit on the weight machines, 30 minutes walking on the treadmill and 45 minutes on the stationary bicycle everyday. Although, about every 3rd day I switch out the walking for swimming.

I am going on the Sovereign out of Port Canaveral for 4 days next week and I am terrified! I have been doing so well with sticking to my diet and I just know that I will blow it while I am on board.

Has anyone used the fitness centers onboard a ship? Are they filled with the skinny minnies? Any advice on how to avoid the food onboard? (Yeah - right!!!)
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[quote name='GreetThisDo']Hi! I am hoping to join your group here.

My name is Wendy. I just turned 40 and I currently weigh 231. When I started this diet/exercise program on August 11, I was 248. My goal is 130. I am a single mom whose son is going to be graduating and heading off to college this year. I am just tired of being this heavy and not being able to do what I want.

I have serious thyroid problems. Even with medication - my TSH levels are in the 20 + range. So I am following the diet recommendation of my doctors and so far it seems to be working. Although I am limited to 1,000 calories a day. Anything more that that and I gain weight.

For exercise, I do a 30 minute circuit on the weight machines, 30 minutes walking on the treadmill and 45 minutes on the stationary bicycle everyday. Although, about every 3rd day I switch out the walking for swimming.

I am going on the Sovereign out of Port Canaveral for 4 days next week and I am terrified! I have been doing so well with sticking to my diet and I just know that I will blow it while I am on board.

Has anyone used the fitness centers onboard a ship? Are they filled with the skinny minnies? Any advice on how to avoid the food onboard? (Yeah - right!!!)[/quote]

I was on Sovereign in July. The gym is small but was not crowded. (melting pot of shapes and sizes) They have the usual standard gym machines and free weights. I can't say as I remember a bike but I don't use them so I didn't pay much attention I guess. There were ALWAYS people walking the track outside. Any time of the day I would see people walking. That would be a great alternate exercise - especially when you are walking into the wind.
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[quote name='GreetThisDo']Well - a thin person. Someone that does not have to worry about what people are saying about her as she uses the gym?[/QUOTE]Well, if you're the type who worries about what people are thinking/saying about them, wouldn't it make a lot more sense to worry about that while you're at the buffet instead of the gym?
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Well, if you're the type who worries about what people are thinking/saying about them, wouldn't it make a lot more sense to worry about that while you're at the buffet instead of the gym?


Unfortunately, this is just how it works with society. If you see an overweight person (such as myself) at a buffet, then you dont really give them too much thought. However, if a "skinny minnie" (my mom is one) is in the gym with a overweight person their thoughts start to run through their heads about why we are overweight, we should have been working out a long time ago, etc, etc, etc. It's sad, but that is just human nature. Not saying that all are that way, but a majority are.


Now, any type of term used on here should not be taken as offensive. We are all here for one purpose and one purpose only. That is to help each other loose 100+ LBS. We need encouragement, not scolding regarding the choice of words we make. We are a very tight, friendly bunch and would like to keep it friendly. I am sure that Wendy meant no offense when she used the term skinny minnie.

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Well, if you're the type who worries about what people are thinking/saying about them, wouldn't it make a lot more sense to worry about that while you're at the buffet instead of the gym?


Nevermind. I thought this was a support group for those with weight issues. Sorry to intrude.

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I'm just pointing out that "skinny minnie" is just as insulting as the term "fattie".


No, it is not. Because being thin is the only acceptable standard in our society. Being called out for being thin will never carry the same stigma as being overweight.


Okay, I will back out now.

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Wendy - I ask you not to leave!!!! Do not take what this troll has said and let it waste space in your head. You are correct, and I also tried to explain that to Binch also that unfortunately our society is hung up on what is acceptable as far as weight goes. I am sure the other "fatties" on this board would love to have your input and your camaraterie. Like I said, we are a TIGHT group and negativity does not belong here because we DO support each other very much - and that includes you Wendy. You are our sister with a weight issue and we will wrap our arms around you and help you as much as we can.


If someone has been offended by another calling them skinny minnie, then I wish I had their problem. However, I will be called "fattie" for some time (until I get to my goal weight) and that is OK. Sticks and stones may break my bones - BUT WORDS HAVE NEVER HURT ME! Now, enough on the subject. How is everyone doing today. We just returned home from a day at the beach with Spidey. I am burned from head to toe. Ouch!

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First off, Stacey I am soooo sorry your family is acting the ass!!!!!!!! Just keep your head up. You have friends here and a wonderful son and husband.


Welcome Wendy!!!!!!!!! I have to agree with Stacey please stay. Our group seems to be getting smaller and smaller in more ways than just weight. As for the sh"" stirrer, from their posts it sounds like they are just here to promote a website!!!!!!!!! Like that is all we need, is a website and our weight and problems will be fixed.


I am Leah by the way and I am 40 y/o, 325lbs at the present, and just now learning I have a thyroid problem. Matter of fact I go back to the doctor on the 2nd for my blood work and to see if the meds are doing what they are suppose to. I know they are not because I am not losing any weight. But I will work with my dr. as long as it takes. My "partner" is also working on getting her weight down and living healthier. We have a 14 y/o son., who is a very "skinny minnie". I can't get him to eat, I wish I had that problem myself!!!!!! But then again that is just replacing one problem with another so I will just work on myself and be patan's duck!!!!!!!:D

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Thanks Leah. I am having my ups and downs with it. This morning was NOT A GOOD MORNING dealing with it, and then I log onto here and find a troll. The day is getting better though.


Let us know what the doc says about your meds!! Hugs and smooches! Stacy

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Do not take what this troll has said


Excuse me? I am not a "troll". I was just trying to point out that calling people names is hurtful, no matter which end of the weight spectrum they're on. If you disagree, please explain your position on the matter instead of slinging insults.


If someone has been offended by another calling them skinny minnie' date=' then I wish I had their problem. [/quote']So, because you wish you were not overweight, it's okay to use insulting terms to describe people who are slim?
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Excuse me? I am not a "troll". I was just trying to point out that calling people names is hurtful, no matter which end of the weight spectrum they're on. If you disagree, please explain your position on the matter instead of slinging insults.


Not throwing insults. Just calling it as I see it. My own opinion.


From Flayme.com


What Is A Troll?

The term derives from "trolling", a style of fishing which involves trailing bait through a likely spot hoping for a bite. The troll posts a message, often in response to an honest question, that is intended to upset, disrupt or simply insult the group.


Usually, it will fail, as the troll rarely bothers to match the tone or style of the group, and usually its ignorance shows.


Why do trolls do it?

I believe that most trolls are sad people, living their lonely lives vicariously through those they see as strong and successful.


Disrupting a stable newsgroup gives the illusion of power, just as for a few, stalking a strong person allows them to think they are strong, too.


For trolls, any response is 'recognition'; they are unable to distinguish between irritation and admiration; their ego grows directly in proportion to the response, regardless of the form or content of that response.


Trolls, rather surprisingly, dispute this, claiming that it's a game or joke; this merely confirms the diagnosis; how sad do you have to be to find such mind-numbingly trivial timewasting to be funny?


Remember that trolls are cowards; they'll usually post just enough to get an argument going, then sit back and count the responses (Yes, that's what they do!).


So, because you wish you were not overweight, it's okay to use insulting terms to describe people who are slim.

Yes I wish I were slim and I am doing something about it! There was no need for you to get on here and pick apart someones post. We are all adults and can behave like one. You have never posted on here before yesterday and then you just come out and start repremanding someone for using a term. Not cool. Not cool at all. If you have something to add to our discussions to HELP US LOOSE WEIGHT, then by all means, join our group. But leave the condescending attitude away from the boards. We are trying to help each other, not tear each other down.


Enough said.

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First off, Stacey I am soooo sorry your family is acting the ass!!!!!!!! Just keep your head up. You have friends here and a wonderful son and husband.


Welcome Wendy!!!!!!!!! I have to agree with Stacey please stay. Our group seems to be getting smaller and smaller in more ways than just weight. As for the sh"" stirrer, from their posts it sounds like they are just here to promote a website!!!!!!!!! Like that is all we need, is a website and our weight and problems will be fixed.


I am Leah by the way and I am 40 y/o, 325lbs at the present, and just now learning I have a thyroid problem. Matter of fact I go back to the doctor on the 2nd for my blood work and to see if the meds are doing what they are suppose to. I know they are not because I am not losing any weight. But I will work with my dr. as long as it takes. My "partner" is also working on getting her weight down and living healthier. We have a 14 y/o son., who is a very "skinny minnie". I can't get him to eat, I wish I had that problem myself!!!!!! But then again that is just replacing one problem with another so I will just work on myself and be patan's duck!!!!!!!:D



Thanks Leah! I have had thyroid problems for 10 years now - so if you have any question, please don't hesitate to ask!

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Wendy, I am glad you are here.


I have read this entire thread and yesterday's post by Binch is the first one that has taken offense to what is posted here.


Stacey- You have handled this situation wonderfully. Thank you for not letting someone destroy this great encouraging group.


Leah- I am from DeQuincy!! My parents still live there! I don't get over to visit as much as I would like, but with 2 little ones it is just so much work!! My mom called me this morning and told me about Gustav. I never watch the news. They are just now getting their house back together after Rita. Anyway, she said that we may get an unplanned visit from them next week!! While I hate the idea of a hurricane hitting LA again I have to admit that I like the idea of a long visit from them!


How do you guys drink the amount of water that you should while away from the house? I can do it when I am here all day, but when I am out running errnads and doing the shopping; I just can't seem to get enough water in.

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Thank you Ginger. Some people just have no cooth. You know, it's enough that we get called names and looked at weird b/c we are overweight, but then you get a troll that wants to pick you apart. I have had a few hard weeks and yesterday I had just had enough.


About the water. I sooooo badly need to start doing this again. Anyway, I went to Bed, Bath and Beyond and they had this huge water bottle for sale. I think it holds about a half gallon of liquid. I put ice and water in it when I am out and about. I drink from this while I am out. Got another for my hubby and he takes his to work sometimes.


Ok girls - lets drink our water!!!

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I am HORRIBLE about drinking my water! Maybe I will go buy one of those large jugs too. I am just not a fan of lukewarm water, ya know?


I just got back from the gym. 30 min circuit training, 30 min bike and 30 min treadmill. I am starting to get bored with that everyday. Does anyone have ideas on how to change up a workout?

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I just wanted to say hi to everyone. I had no idea that there was a weight loss forum on here. I am getting marrried on the Carnival Liberty 2-28, this will be my first cruise. I am 24 and weigh 315. I have an 11 month old and gained 60lbs during my pregnancy. I am desperatly trying to lose weight for my wedding and the cruise. It seems that you all have a tight knit group, but I hope you all have room for one more. I haven't picked a program yet, any suggestions? How much weight do you think I can lose from now until January?

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The biggest thing that I have found to help me is to track every single thing that I put in my mouth. And staying away from pre-prepared food. By cooking/preparing everything myself - I know exactly how much of any ingredient I am putting in a meal. Measure everything! If you are going for a cup/tbsp/tsp of something - pull that measuring cup/tbsp/tsp out and measure it!


So, the plan my doctor put me on is a low calorie/low fat diet. The first thing I noticed by tracking my food is that I was eating WAAY more calories/fat/carbs than I thought! By tracking and paying attention to portions etc... I have actually lost almost 15 pounds in 3 weeks. Because of my thyroid issues - I have never had a significant loss before! I am so excited!


Oh - and the not so fun part - at least for me. You have to move it. I HATE HATE HATE to exercise. Truly - I think I am the laziest person on the face of this planet. Now I have to go and work out at least an hour and a half each day in order to see results. I just take my ipod, go to the gym and zone all the outside stuff out. I have to say that it really does make you feel better. I just hate doing it.


I came here because this is usually the point where although I have lost some weight - I don't actually SEE any results yet. And I give up. You know - the whole "why am I killing myself for nothing - I still look as fat as I ever did" thing. I am hoping that when I hit that bump - you all will be here to push me on over it!

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GreetThis- I have no idea how to change up a work out. Typically when I go it is for 40" on a treadmill. The gym I go to has treadmills that has programs in them. I just select the "weight loss" program. Not very inventive, but does work.....when I go.


Dh and I were going to the YMCA, but let our membership drop when he was out of work. Now we are really wanting to go back.


Stacey- I will have to go look for one of those water bottles. Is it like the Nalgene bottles?


Well, I got my WW books in the mail today. So, I'm gonna be working on a menu the next couple of days so that when dh and I go shopping on Saturday we are prepared and will start for reals on Sunday. Wish me luck!!

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