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100+ lbs to lose???


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Hello all, I would like to join in if it's alright. Three years ago - joined WW and lost 70lbs. In the past year I have gained 60 back and last week went back to WW and started getting serious again. Lost 7.6lbs this week. WW's does work for me - hoping for support and encouragement. We are cruising the week after July 4th so I have a good amount of time to get some of this weight off.

I haven't read all your posts but will go back now and start reading to get to know you all better.

Here's hoping for great success for all of us.


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Welcome April. Yes of course join our "little" group.


Vickie, thank you for the words of encouragment. He does go with us some evenings to the gym but I never thought about getting one of the guys that he admires (T is very very thin and little for his age, I think it has something to do with being ADHD and one meds for 7 years or so now) to help him out some. He has not hit puberty yet, actually kinda concerened about that but he is only 14. May consider doing that. Congrats on the weight loss!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I did weigh Friday and still at 315 so hoping for a BIG loss this week but I have to get my mind back on track!!!!! Gonna really pray on it.


Hi Stacy, keep up the good work.


I do have a bit of good news. vic's raise came thru so to celebrate we moved our cruise up 1 month and upgraded our room to a CAT11!! We are very excited but that means have to figure out a way to get motivated for the weight to come off. I want to be at 260 for the cruise and that is 2.65 lbs per week for me too. So gotta dig deep and work hard!!!!!!!


Hope you all are having a good weekend.

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Thanks for the welcome ladies:) !

I didn't mention yesterday but I am 5'3" and weigh in at 268. So I am hoping for at least 45 to 50lbs by July.

Stacy - have you tried curves? It is women only and only takes 1/2hour. I actually loved it when I was going since it only takes that amount of time and you only go three times a week. It will firm you up as you go along.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday today. I am work so I am checking periodically - can't keep off these darn boards!


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Welcome April! We're glad to have you in our group!


Leah - Congrats to Vic on the raise!! And yayy for y'all getting to cruise sooner! Also, just an FYI - my nephew just made 15 in early February. Taylor was tiny and thin just like your son. We wondered what was going on. WELL, I kid you not, my sister came by yesterday and we all did a double take - out of nowhere Taylor looks like he gained 10 pounds and grew a few inches! When I said something my sister said she can't believe it either, he's literally growing overnight. He is shy so he just blushed and walked away. So I guess we/you should not "mention" anything when you DO start to see changes.


So, has anyone started thinking about excursions for their cruises? The ONE thing that my daughter wants to do on our first cruise coming up is horseback riding on the beach. I probably weigh as much as the poor horse! I don't mind laying on the beach while they do that but it sure would be nice if I could drop a good amount of weight and not worry that I am breaking the poor horses back.


I scheduled a two day tour in St. Petersburg, Russia for our second cruise that involves a lot of walking. I think I'm going to start using the treadmill at the gym and build up distance so I'm prepared for that. I also heard that our tour in Poland to Auschwitz will be a great deal of walking all over the concentration camp. So, with all that being said, you know where I'm going with this? I won't be so worried about what I'm eating on the cruises since I will be doing a LOT of walking! So think about that when y'all are booking excursions! Instead of riding around in a taxi, ask how far it is to your destination and see if you can walk it instead of riding!


I'll touch base with everyone soon! Take care and STAY FOCUSED Y'ALL!!



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Well April, you sound just like everyone else here. We are all pretty much under 5'5"(I think) and most are over 250 or at least was when they started. Where are you from?? What is your weigh in day?? Your diet and exercise plan?? Just nosy like that.:eek:


Vickie, that is kinda what I thougt about T, have talked to dr. but he said lets just what till at least 15 before we start running ALL kinds of tests. I totally agree.


I have been mixing up my exercise "program" sometimes I jog in the pool for 15 mins then do another 15 mins of resistance. Sometimes I just do 25-30 mins on treadmill with inclines. I do 100 crunches everytime.


We are going to do the SeaTrek Helmet dive in Cozumel. Vicki is going to do a Scuba dive. And now I think we are all going to do the Dolphin Encounter. I just love them!!!! In progresso we are just gonna kinda play it by ear. We might do the ruins there but won't stay in port all day I don't think. I hear it is not the cleanest port Carnival goes to:rolleyes: .


I am so jealous of your European Cruise. That is on our list but not for a while. Gonna do Key West and Nassau, out of Jacksonville next year I think. And DisneyWorld/Cruise 2010??? Has anyone ever booked a cruise while on a cruise?? If so what is the discounts?? I know that is off subject but just wondering.


I think I might change my weighing in to once a month:eek: . Maybe I won't get so depressed and revert!!! Any ideas on that???

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Hi April. No, I have not tried Curves. I wouldnt mind going, but they do not have child care and my 3 yr old does not go to day care or anything. So while he rides his bike around the block, I walk. I also do exercises while he is napping. I too am short. I am 5' 5.5" DH tells me that he can definately see the weight loss in my face. I am starting to feel it all over. So glad you joined us.


Vickie - Dont have a clue as to what we are doing on excursions. Trying to play it by ear since our son is so young. Can you pack me in your suitcase and take me to Russia with you? :D


Leah - I like the idea of you mixing up your exercise program. You dont get board that way. The helment dive sounds like a lot of fun. I have been to Tulum and was amazed by it. I would suggest it to anyone. There is so much to pick from it is hard to narrow it down to one thing.


Everyone - hope all had a great weekend. Lets share our weigh ins. Mine is on Tuesday. As soon as I know something, and my son lets me get on the computer, I will post.


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HAHAHA! I grabbed my bottle of water just as I was reading this thread and almost spit it out laughing!! I completely forgot to drink water ALL DAY because I've been so busy and JUST as I finally started to slow down I thought about checking in on the thread and oh, let me drink some water and THERE YOU WERE APRIL!!! REMINDING ME TO DO IT!!!

Thanks for the reminder! I need to check the board in the mornings so I can remember!!!!


Stacy - I will pack anyone who wants to come in my bags!! My mom ALWAYS takes an empty trunk with her when she travels abroad to pack her purchases in! She does have to have some things shipped home though. So maybe we can put you in the trunk and have EVERYTHING shipped back this time! One time she was traveling through Israel and I asked her to bring me back a rug from Persia. She came home with this "mini Persian carpet". It was the size of a placemat on a table! I was like, you've got to be kidding right? She always brings us back nice things and she travels EXTENSIVELY! She always brings us each a cross from each place she visits and a blown glass perfume bottle too. I have crosses from all over the world, literally. Well, a few months go by and my Dad called and said when Mom was in Prague he got a delivery from her trip to Persia! It was my Persian Rug!! She was holding out on me until it was delivered! It was BEAUTIFUL!!! Until Katrina ate her up! Damn Hurricane! Mom said oh well, she guesses she needs to go back because all of us lost the rugs, myself, my two sisters and my Mom!


LEAH!! GREAT IDEA!!! I NEVER thought about swimming! It's hot as he!! down here so that will be a GREAT thing to do next month!! Thanks for the idea! Are y'all coming in early to visit with your Dad before your cruise? You are going out of here right? (NOLA) Let me know if y'all are and maybe we can get together for a cocktail before!


I'm heading home to talk Excursions with my daughter right now! I'll let y'all know what they have FINALLY decided on!!


See y'all!!


Vickie :)

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Hi everyone. Well, I had my weigh in today. I lost 1 lb. Not too bad since last week I was not able to get out and walk. We had really yucky weather (rain and wind) a few days last week. I went on an extra long walk today. I will step up the exercises this week. I hope all are doing well. I am cheering for your weigh ins. I hope all will have results that they want this week.


Vickie - that is such a nice story of your mom. Mom's are the best!


Gotta run, my 3 yr old is trying to act as Spiderman and climb the wall.


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Hi ya'll,

Just saw this thread and decided I needed to post. We are going to Europe in June and I seriously need to lose weight. I swear I don't remember getting this fat. My goal is to lose 120 lbs but I would like to feel good about myself before I cruise so I know I need to get on track and thought maybe chatting with people with the same issues ( I have a size 2 sister) would help. Can't wait to get to know you guys and get thin and healthy in the process.


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Hi Wendy. Welcome to our little group. I know what you mean. My mother has been a size 5 all her life. I took after my dads side of the family. Oh well, here we are! Make sure you get plenty of exercise and drink a lot of water. You can do this!


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HAHAHA! I grabbed my bottle of water just as I was reading this thread and almost spit it out laughing!! I completely forgot to drink water ALL DAY because I've been so busy and JUST as I finally started to slow down I thought about checking in on the thread and oh, let me drink some water and THERE YOU WERE APRIL!!! REMINDING ME TO DO IT!!!

Thanks for the reminder! I need to check the board in the mornings so I can remember!!!!


Stacy - I will pack anyone who wants to come in my bags!! My mom ALWAYS takes an empty trunk with her when she travels abroad to pack her purchases in! She does have to have some things shipped home though. So maybe we can put you in the trunk and have EVERYTHING shipped back this time! One time she was traveling through Israel and I asked her to bring me back a rug from Persia. She came home with this "mini Persian carpet". It was the size of a placemat on a table! I was like, you've got to be kidding right? She always brings us back nice things and she travels EXTENSIVELY! She always brings us each a cross from each place she visits and a blown glass perfume bottle too. I have crosses from all over the world, literally. Well, a few months go by and my Dad called and said when Mom was in Prague he got a delivery from her trip to Persia! It was my Persian Rug!! She was holding out on me until it was delivered! It was BEAUTIFUL!!! Until Katrina ate her up! Damn Hurricane! Mom said oh well, she guesses she needs to go back because all of us lost the rugs, myself, my two sisters and my Mom!


LEAH!! GREAT IDEA!!! I NEVER thought about swimming! It's hot as he!! down here so that will be a GREAT thing to do next month!! Thanks for the idea! Are y'all coming in early to visit with your Dad before your cruise? You are going out of here right? (NOLA) Let me know if y'all are and maybe we can get together for a cocktail before!


I'm heading home to talk Excursions with my daughter right now! I'll let y'all know what they have FINALLY decided on!!


See y'all!!


Vickie :)


Wow your mom sounds great Vickie. We are not going to my dad's but we are coming in Sunday (we cruise Monday) and staying at the Comfort Inn on Baronne as of right now. I might can talk my Vicki to a nicer hotel now that she is making more!!!!:cool: . A coctail would be great. I would like to meet. We are def. going to Cafe DuMondes for breakfast that morning. Since we moved our cruise up and got a CAT 11, I understand that we will have VIP boarding, so won't have to stand in the long line.


Haven't been to the gym this week yet but have been moving ALOT spring cleaning. NOT gonna weigh till Friday!!!!!!!!


Welcome Wendy. the more the merrier, friends that is not weight!!!! My mom, sister, father and brother all have weight problems so I know it is some heredity but mostly just eating crap!!!!!


Hope you all have a great evening. Talk soon!!!!!!!!!!

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Welcome aboard Wendy! We are happy to have new members! Yes, Leah and I are from New Orleans. She's in Lake Charles now and I'm in Metairie as well!! Glad to have a local that can sympathize with me over the food here. I just finished a bowl of Jambalaya and picked all of the andouille out to try to keep a few calories out of the meal. This weekend will be the real challenge - Crawfish boil for daughters 18th birthday and of course we will be on Metairie Road drinking green beer :p . But I did hit the gym this morning and stayed on that damn eliptical (sp?) for 3 whole minutes! Did the bike for 4 1/2 miles then did a few more things.


Yayyy Stacy!!! A pound lost is a pound LOST!!! I hope Spiderman didn't break anything!!


Good for you Leah! Keep moving around! And remind me when your cruise gets closer and I'll send you my cell and we can meet for a cocktail!


I weigh in on Friday and I'm hoping for another 3 or 4 pound loss. My ring was spinning around today so that's encouraging!


Wendy - what part of Europe are you cruising to? I'm doing the Baltics in September. VERY excited about Russia and Poland specifically.


Talk to you all soon.



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This weekend will be the real challenge - Crawfish boil



OMG!! I have not had decent crawfish in ages. Have some for me!!!


Congrats on staying on the eliptical for 3 minutes! Work your way up. Sounds like you had a great workout. Dont forget to breath.


Spiderman didnt hurt anything. He almost broke his head a few times today, but I guess that comes with having ADHD.


Wendy - I am not from NO, but I am originaly not far from there. I grew up in Biloxi, MS. I too know what you mean about the food in NO.


Everybody have a great night. Talk later. Stacy

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That would be great Vickie. Our cruise is not until august!!!! Now about the crawfish. We have been having them every other Friday, you know us good Catholics!!!!! But no beer, corn, mushrooms, and only 1 potato. Hope yall have fun on the street with the green beer. We don't do much of anything for St. Patty's day here. Our big festival is in May, Contraband days, it lasts for about 2 weeks. parades, carnival, carwfish eating contest, boat races, concerts, etc.... It is pretty fun. Hopefully I will be 20-25 lbs thinner for it this year!!!!!


Stacy, I feel for you on the Spiderman. T has ADHD also. But I think more ADD than H.


Wendy, what program are you using and when is your weigh in day?? Mostly portion control and moving with weigh in on Friday and measurements NOW on Saturday!!!!


Hope you all are having a great hump day!!!!!

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Hey Leah!! I never thought about that!! Great idea!! I have this little book I bought a few months before I got married (21 1/2 years ago!) - I actually had two books - 30 Days to Thin Thighs and 30 Days to a Flatter Stomach. I found the Thin Thighs around Christmas time and saw that I wrote my measurements for everything in the inside cover of that book! BOY if I could get to those measurements!!! But that is a GREAT way to see progress when you don't see it on the scale. Muscle weighs more than fat so when we don't see a weight loss there may still be a loss in inches. I'm gonna do it tonight!!


Wendy - Do you belong to a gym around here? I go to Snap Fitness on Severn. It's 24 hours a day and suits my psycho schedule.


Toodles y'all!



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No I don't belong to a gym, but the hospital I work at has one. I tried nutrisystem for a month and lost 10 lbs, but now I need to try to do it on my own. I plan to weigh in on Mondays.


We are cruising to Italy and Greece this June. I am so excited, its my sons first time in Europe. We have done Disney 5 times and did Alaska last sum mer so this will be a new experience for him.


Gotta go avoid easter candy now.



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I did eat one single candy coated cadbury easter egg. You know the kind that has the hard crunchy shell on the outside with the solid chocolate egg on the inside? Those are my weakness! But the girls really wanted some. I ate one and walked away. I think if I would have tried not to eat any I would have snuck down in the middle of the night and ate the whole bag. So I ate 1 and I have not even craved another and it's been 5 hours!


I know Nurti Systems works very well as my friend lost over 100 pounds on it but oh my God it's expensive. So good for you trying on your own. My sister goes to the Wellness Center and tried to get me to join but I can't be restricted to their hours. If you ever want to try Snap let me know and I will be happy to have you as my guest.


Ok, so I have to somehow develop a brain right now because my daughter needs help with Physics. HAHAHHAHAHHA! SHe's funny!! Oh well, it's not rocket science. Oh wait, it IS!!!


See y'all!


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Thats why I decided not to do Nutrisystem any more the price was crazy. My weakness at easter reeses peanut butter eggs, I mean those are so good, that I have a hard time knowing that they are in the house. I already wrapped my sons basket in cellaphane so I couldn't sneak one out:rolleyes:


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When I check this board I generally tend to go to only one post (the support thread I joined awhile back) so I have missed this post all this time. But I wanted to chime in and say that when I started (June 2006) I had 125 pounds to lose. I'm down 39 as of yesterday morning, leaving me with 86 pounds to goal. It's taking me FOREVER to lose the weight, but I'm hopeful that slow and steady means it'll be easier to keep off long term.

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I'm with you Vickie. The Cadbury Cream Egg's are my FAVORITE!! I have always had a love affair with them. I can remember when they first came out. I was in 4th or 5th grade. I received some in my easter basket. I was spacing them out, eating them one at a time slowly. I had one remaining. One night, while I was taking a bath, my aunt came over with my cousin. HE ATE MY LAST CREAM EGG!!! Mom let him. I was so mad. I dont think I will ever forget that. Ok, thanks for letting me go down memory lane.


Everyone have a great day!!


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Welcome here Caroline!!!! Way to go on the weight loss. Slow and steady wins the race!!!!!


Cadbury Caramel Eggs here!!!!! or anything coconut. Hey isn't coconut a fruit???:p


Hope you all have a great day!!!


Vickie, we changed our hotel reservations to the Hotel New Orleans Convention Center!!!! Across the street from the parking lot!!!!! Can't wait till August.


Well woke up with a Migraine so only been out of bed about 30 mins. going to lay back down in the dark. check back later!!!!!!!

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