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Bikinis and the middle aged woman!


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I am 60 and still look good in a bikini. I weigh 145 pounds and am 5ft 7" When I look around at the humungous younger bodies near me, I don't worry about what I look like in a bikini.


Can anyone tell me why a woman weighing 175 + pounds wears a bikini?


I agree-even with youth-that just looks bad unless she is 6 feet tall.

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Exactly. If someone tells you something because they are jealous, then that person is not a friend. That shouldn't be hard to figure out.


Of course it's hard for me to understand why some women are not able to figure out what looks good on them, what looks okay, and what looks downright frightening :eek:. Maybe it's harder if you live alone...I do have my son to bounce things off of...and he is very honest with me...sometimes TOO honest! :p


I think they realize they do-they just do not care or maybe they are just pleasing their man.


I know my husband would have me wear things I would never wear-as he likes seeing me almost nude. but I will not do that publicly even to please him I have sense to know my time has passed. LOL!


I will humor him when it is just the two of us-he likes that and even though I look and see "roly poly" looking back at me in the mirror-I just say oh well-it is only him that sees me and he thinks I still look good! LOL!

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Wear your bikini!!! I work out at the gym 6 days a week, I'm 45 (my BF is 40) and I live in bikini's...! I'm the mother of two children b-15 and g-18. I wish all women would just throw away their "hand-book" of RULES...! It's your life, you're going on a cruise, start living...! I insist!

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Ok im going to be brutally honest. I don't like seeing old women in bikinis. IMO, only a small selection of the population should be wearing bikinis. I know i would never wear one myself because i dont have the body for it but young, fit girls look great in them.


I know im probably going to get flamed but thats my opinion. And I know im not the only one because i remember last year we were at the beach in CA and an older lady was wearing one (maybe in her 50s?) and my brother turned to me and said "ewww, thats just wrong". I had to agree. Sorry.

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Wear your bikini!!! I work out at the gym 6 days a week, I'm 45 (my BF is 40) and I live in bikini's...! I'm the mother of two children b-15 and g-18. I wish all women would just throw away their "hand-book" of RULES...! It's your life, you're going on a cruise, start living...! I insist!


Lets see if you still feel that way in 10 years. As said, I still looked good at 45 and actually much better then I did at 35, as I had shed about 30 pounds-but somewhere betwen 45 and 50 things changed.

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Ok im going to be brutally honest. I don't like seeing old women in bikinis. IMO, only a small selection of the population should be wearing bikinis. I know i would never wear one myself because i dont have the body for it but young, fit girls look great in them.


I know im probably going to get flamed but thats my opinion. And I know im not the only one because i remember last year we were at the beach in CA and an older lady was wearing one (maybe in her 50s?) and my brother turned to me and said "ewww, thats just wrong". I had to agree. Sorry.



Hey Sweetie the AGE thing works BOTH ways...! At the YOUNG age of 25 and you are admitting that you don't have the body for a bikini... Sad, Very Sad. Aging is an unavoidable reality, and you my dear are headed for a disaster if you are unfit at only 25...! You will look like that woman that made you cringe in CA - that's you in 25 years. Yeah, put it off, it's thins out the competition for me!


Apparently, this OLD LADY here is gonna turn more heads than the youth! It takes a great deal of hard work, dedication and knowledge to look fabulous over 40!! I earned my bikini, it's my well deserved award!! I plan on wearing them even over 50...! It's only in the US that we think you have to be a rail in a kini... Get the "tapes" out of your head. If the lady is having fun, she's comfortable with her shape and her companion thinks she rocks - then put it on!


My BF is so right when he told me that women dress to impress other women NOT their man!! So true!! He doesn't care about the designer, the cost or the fashion - just how sexy the girl on his arm looks!!


P.S. Here's some more OLD LADY advice!! With all due respect to your upcoming nuptials... don't be naive and disregard the importance of Plan B. Signed: Wed No More...!

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Ok im going to be brutally honest. I don't like seeing old women in bikinis. IMO, only a small selection of the population should be wearing bikinis. I know i would never wear one myself because i dont have the body for it but young, fit girls look great in them.


I know im probably going to get flamed but thats my opinion. And I know im not the only one because i remember last year we were at the beach in CA and an older lady was wearing one (maybe in her 50s?) and my brother turned to me and said "ewww, thats just wrong". I had to agree. Sorry.


Ok I'm going to be brutal right back. I am in better shape, at my age, then most women are 20 years younger than me. I would bet my right arm that those of us "old women" that are in excellent shape (and I'll compare my health and weight stats with yours anytime :rolleyes: ) would be mistaken for someone much younger from a distance. I suspect you don't know how old some of those good lookin' bikini'd women are - I promise you they are not all 18 and 25. So get a grip dear. Just because there are some older women wearing bikinis that should not be, it has NOTHING to do with age. Not a damn thing. Get yourself to a gym and you'll find out what I'm talking about. :cool:

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I know my husband would have me wear things I would never wear-as he likes seeing me almost nude.


I guess that is a "man trait" then...my BF just loves for me to wear suggestive clothing. I like sexy, but I like "classy sexy"...not "slutty sexy". :D He would be perfectly happy if I shopped for all my clothes in the VS catalog. Ha! Like that'll happen. :p

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I guess that is a "man trait" then...my BF just loves for me to wear suggestive clothing. I like sexy, but I like "classy sexy"...not "slutty sexy". :D He would be perfectly happy if I shopped for all my clothes in the VS catalog. Ha! Like that'll happen. :p



"Classy Sexy" can be acheived at any size - it's more attitude, charm, and walking confidently than it is with the actual outfit...! One of my sisters will never be able to pull it off - She's miserable and complains too much - then she wonders why I'm having all the fun?!!

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LOL WOAH Women, calm it down! It was my honest opinion, the OP asked for it. To call me out of shape is a bit much. Im nowhere near out of shape, i love my body. I just wouldn't go out in a bikini. You all sound a bit defensive. Obviously there are many people who dont care about age and bikinis. As I said, I don't find it attractive. With that said, why would you really care what I think? If you are happy and feel attractive in it then who cares what someone else thinks!


P.s. I never called any of you "old ladies".

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Apparently, this OLD LADY here is gonna turn more heads than the youth! It takes a great deal of hard work, dedication and knowledge to look fabulous over 40!! I earned my bikini, it's my well deserved award!! I plan on wearing them even over 50...!


After viewing your webshot link... There is certainly no argument from us!

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LOL WOAH Women, calm it down! It was my honest opinion, the OP asked for it. To call me out of shape is a bit much. Im nowhere near out of shape, i love my body. I just wouldn't go out in a bikini. You all sound a bit defensive. Obviously there are many people who dont care about age and bikinis. As I said, I don't find it attractive. With that said, why would you really care what I think? If you are happy and feel attractive in it then who cares what someone else thinks!


P.s. I never called any of you "old ladies".


Not defensive at all...but you equate age (as in older women) with being unattractive in a bikini, in your opinion. Very hard to understand someone being that blatantly myopic.

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Ok I'm going to be brutal right back. I am in better shape, at my age, then most women are 20 years younger than me. I would bet my right arm that those of us "old women" that are in excellent shape (and I'll compare my health and weight stats with yours anytime :rolleyes: ) would be mistaken for someone much younger from a distance. I suspect you don't know how old some of those good lookin' bikini'd women are - I promise you they are not all 18 and 25. So get a grip dear. Just because there are some older women wearing bikinis that should not be, it has NOTHING to do with age. Not a damn thing. Get yourself to a gym and you'll find out what I'm talking about. :cool:


I have a friend who is a year younger then me and a size 6-but in her twenties she had four pregnancies like stair steps and was a good 100 pounds over weight-when she hit 40 she lost that weight.


At age 42 I think it was she wore her first bikini as she had not owned one since before she turned 20 and started having babies and gaining weight. She never actually bought a mini skirt-but she hemmed her skirts to right above her knees and she would also put on a skort/scooter skirt that would be the length of a mini. She looked good showing off both her legs and figure!


There were mutual "friends" that were kind've catty about her wearing c ertain things and made remarks but I always said to them- that they were being harsh-as she was simply enjoying wearing things that she could not wear before. It also made me wonder what they said about my 30 pound weight loss.

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To me it's not really about one's body, it's about one's AGE. I don't care how great you look for your age, I think a bikini is a very young look, sort of like a miniskirt. Therefore, I disagree with anyone over about 37 wearing a bikini OR miniskirt. To me, classy and demure is better, I don't care if you have the goods or not, class is not letting them all hang out! They make very gorgeous/ cute tankinis and one pieces nowdays that I think are more flattering on ANY woman more so than a bikini.


It creeps me out a lttle to see older women wearing bikinis, to be honest.

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To me it's not really about one's body, it's about one's AGE. I don't care how great you look for your age, I think a bikini is a very young look, sort of like a miniskirt. Therefore, I disagree with anyone over about 37 wearing a bikini OR miniskirt. To me, classy and demure is better, I don't care if you have the goods or not, class is not letting them all hang out! They make very gorgeous/ cute tankinis and one pieces nowdays that I think are more flattering on ANY woman more so than a bikini.


It creeps me out a lttle to see older women wearing bikinis, to be honest.


Stacy and clinton says no one over 25 should wear miniskirts. I notice from your profile you are 30. Do you still wear miniskirts?



Something tells me if you still have a nice figure in 7 years you will change your mind about bikinis.


To be honest the only time I thought a slim woman looked bad in a bikini was because of the sun damage /leathery skin she had-and to be honest she would look bad in anything but a turtle neck and long pants-and still she would had have to veil her face not to look bad!


By her skin you would have guessed her to be 70 but she still had a tiny waist and "junk in the trunk" so I believe she was really in her early 30's she had just damaged her skin by too much sun bathing/tanningbeds.

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To me it's not really about one's body, it's about one's AGE. I don't care how great you look for your age, I think a bikini is a very young look, sort of like a miniskirt. Therefore, I disagree with anyone over about 37 wearing a bikini OR miniskirt. To me, classy and demure is better, I don't care if you have the goods or not, class is not letting them all hang out! They make very gorgeous/ cute tankinis and one pieces nowdays that I think are more flattering on ANY woman more so than a bikini.


It creeps me out a lttle to see older women wearing bikinis, to be honest.

50 is the new 37 :D

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To me it's not really about one's body, it's about one's AGE. I don't care how great you look for your age, I think a bikini is a very young look, sort of like a miniskirt. Therefore, I disagree with anyone over about 37 wearing a bikini OR miniskirt. To me, classy and demure is better, I don't care if you have the goods or not, class is not letting them all hang out! They make very gorgeous/ cute tankinis and one pieces nowdays that I think are more flattering on ANY woman more so than a bikini.


It creeps me out a lttle to see older women wearing bikinis, to be honest.


Sooo weird you said this. I actually asked my Fiance today what he thought about it and he said the women should put them away at about age 37. I was laughing at him because he said 37, not 35, not 40, but 37. Funny you posted the same age lol.

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To me it's not really about one's body, it's about one's AGE. I don't care how great you look for your age, I think a bikini is a very young look, sort of like a miniskirt. Therefore, I disagree with anyone over about 37 wearing a bikini OR miniskirt. To me, classy and demure is better, I don't care if you have the goods or not, class is not letting them all hang out! They make very gorgeous/ cute tankinis and one pieces nowdays that I think are more flattering on ANY woman more so than a bikini.


It creeps me out a lttle to see older women wearing bikinis, to be honest.


If the bod is there, a bikini looks great. I guarantee that there are a greater percentage of under-40 women wearing bikinis, that shouldn't be, than over-40 women that shouldn't be. See, that's the great thing about age. It not only adds character, it adds wisdom too. ;)

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To me it's not really about one's body, it's about one's AGE. I don't care how great you look for your age, I think a bikini is a very young look, sort of like a miniskirt. Therefore, I disagree with anyone over about 37 wearing a bikini OR miniskirt. To me, classy and demure is better, I don't care if you have the goods or not, class is not letting them all hang out! They make very gorgeous/ cute tankinis and one pieces nowdays that I think are more flattering on ANY woman more so than a bikini.


It creeps me out a lttle to see older women wearing bikinis, to be honest.


Oh of course you are so right! I'll buy a one piece with an attached skirt and cover up! Because at the great ole' age of 37 we should extinguish our beautiful spirit and succumb to a life of so-so. Thanx for the great advice.


P.S. check out my photos - If you still have the same opinion then you are just jealous. You haven't learned the power of beauty, brains and inner strength - along with the wisdom that you discover after 40 - I am nothing less than "woman". Having restrictions or boundaries of any kind will keep you from great success and financial independance in your life. You need a strong, successful woman as your mentor to reprogram your "old" way of thinking!

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Oh of course you are so right! I'll buy a one piece with an attached skirt and cover up! Because at the great ole' age of 37 we should extinguish our beautiful spirit and succumb to a life of so-so. Thanx for the great advice.


P.S. check out my photos - If you still have the same opinion then you are just jealous. You haven't learned the power of beauty, brains and inner strength - along with the wisdom that you discover after 40 - I am nothing less than "woman". Having restrictions or boundaries of any kind will keep you from great success and financial independance in your life. You need a strong, successful woman as your mentor to reprogram your "old" way of thinking!



First I want to say just because we have a different opinion doesn't mean we are jealous. I don't think theres anyone i'm jealous of, i love how i look!


But second i do want to say that you do look great in your bikinis!

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Agree with most here. Age has nothing to do with it. If you look great in a bikini wear it. My wife is 46 and works hard to stay fit. Needless to say she looks fabulous in bikini's.




Your wife looks fabulous...!! She's rockin' on with her "twenty something" body....!!



To Mr Hoosier Croosier - If Camel Toe were extinct then my Sicilian father would have nothing to "hunt" for!!!

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