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Bikinis and the middle aged woman!


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First of all, I am in no way jealous of you, and I do own a bikini. I own many more tankinis, which I prefer to wear. If you knew anything about fashion you would know there are very cute tankinis and 1 pieces out there, no one mentioned covering up in an old lady skirted number. My body looks as good as yours, I am just not a show off. I simply have a different opinion than you, as Prinycesa07 said, and that does not make me wrong or right. I just liken older women wearing bikinis to 40 somethings still shopping in the junior's department, after a while it starts to look ridiculous is my own opinion!


Many petite older women shop in the juniors dept. I agree that some styles are certainly more suited to the younger crowd, but some stores offer perfectly suitable styles for the older set as well. You think gals that wear bikinis are being "showoffs"? So, if I wear a shorter dress rather than a longer dress , I am being a showoff? Nonsense. Frankly they are more comfortable on a hot beach, and they certainly allow a better tan. If I am going diving, I prefer a one piece since I don't want to worry about "slippage", but bikinis are generally my suit of choice.

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If Stacey & Clinton say so on TV it must be the rule. After all they are the worlds fashion experts <wink>.

As a man nearing 49 should my husband wear a t-shirt at the pool/beach even though he has a flat stomach and nice pecs?


Stacy and Clinton would say no! but I would say yes.



I like that show though becuase they always have the person looking better,slimmer, and sexier in a good way, more sophisticated.


I have seen them dress older women and make them look great and make them look YOUNGER and though they will say right above the knee length for the skirt-but if you are pass your early twenties-they do rule out the barely cover your butt skirt. So I guess it is what is the definition of a mini skirt? They have also put the 40 something gal in the right above your knee length just like the gal in her late twenties. The 40 something gal had GREAT legs!

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Many petite older women shop in the juniors dept. I agree that some styles are certainly more suited to the younger crowd, but some stores offer perfectly suitable styles for the older set as well. You think gals that wear bikinis are being "showoffs"? So, if I wear a shorter dress rather than a longer dress , I am being a showoff? Nonsense. Frankly they are more comfortable on a hot beach, and they certainly allow a better tan. If I am going diving, I prefer a one piece since I don't want to worry about "slippage", but bikinis are generally my suit of choice.


My mom had a friend that was so tiny (4'10" tall and weighed 70 pounds)-she shopped in the girl's department and she was 60. Not by choice either.


If a woman has hardly any boobs the junior department actually works better then misses. th tis whre you notic ethe sizing deifferance. Ofcourse though a 40 year old would not pick out a teenager cheerleader or "hoochie mama" outift but heck a simple blouse or tee shirt who cares what department it came from? As long as it fit your body correctly.

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A little off topic about swim wear but referring to older women in mini skirts. And I am guilty of this I will admit even before I through this out there, I do wear skorts. I have read so many times on these threads that older women be they slim or on the plus size, prefer to wear a skort as opposed to shorts because they feel that a short is no longer appropriate for them. Don't skorts look like a mini skirt? Unless you are the wearer most people think you are wearing a mini because you can not see the shorts underneath in most cases. And guess what? They tend to look good on women of all ages, shapes & sizes. Just a thought I was having about all this size & age stuff.:D Mostly because I'm getting older & heavier.:mad: I do admire those women who can still wear their bikini & worked so hard to do it. Kudos to you.:)

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A little off topic about swim wear but referring to older women in mini skirts. And I am guilty of this I will admit even before I through this out there, I do wear skorts. I have read so many times on these threads that older women be they slim or on the plus size, prefer to wear a skort as opposed to shorts because they feel that a short is no longer appropriate for them. Don't skorts look like a mini skirt? Unless you are the wearer most people think you are wearing a mini because you can not see the shorts underneath in most cases. And guess what? They tend to look good on women of all ages, shapes & sizes. Just a thought I was having about all this size & age stuff.:D Mostly because I'm getting older & heavier.:mad: I do admire those women who can still wear their bikini & worked so hard to do it. Kudos to you.:)


I asked missnoopygirl since she felt no one over 37 should wear a bikini did she think the same about weaing a miniskirt at age 30?


I was just trying to get her to think about what she was saying and to realize in 7 SHORT years she would be too old by her standard. Other's standards is that 25 is too old for a miniskirt. Some may say 30 is too old for a bikini.


As far as skorts. I love skorts and usually wear them instead of shorts in the summertime because I look much better in them in my middle aged body. I like the length that is just above the knee on me. I do consider them very casual wear though and would not wear them to dinner on ship.



Once I found a skort that was just slightly shorter (2 inches above the kneeinstead of just above the knee) and I almost bought it-but then I looked at my face and I felt even though my legs have a good shape (I do have some broken veins) and I did not look too bad-the "look" of the skort was just a little "young" for me.


As far as bikinis go-until my recent weight gain-I would have worn a skirted bikini-I don't like my thighs-not because of fat-just not enough there anymore-a young woman has SOME thigh! but because of my surgery scar-I would also wear a tankini top. Now that I am in a size 12-that ofcourse would look better-even if I did not have the scar.


But this just shows how all this is so relative-not all older women have skinny thighs like me. I really do believe most of us can look in the mirror and give our selves a good HARD look and KNOW whether something is attractive on us or not.

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Not sure where this went off....but I don't think the intent was ever to place any limitations on anyone. If you want to wear a bikini, go wear one! The thread started about AGE and bikinis. Let's not turn this into something is isn't, okay?? Sheesh.


I didn't realize that we weren't allowed to let a thread evolve along its natural course. :rolleyes: While this thread may have started out with a question about age and bikinis, it certainly didn't remain there for very long so perhaps it naturally turned into something it wasn't based on the posts by many of the participants here.

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I agree about the difference between thin and fit. I'm running a marathon this year (I hope), but I will never look good in a swimsuit. Sadly, the bad parts are my thighs, and no suit will hide them.


My dear friend is thirty nine and a size two (yes, she is evil. LOL) and I can outrun her for time and distance. She also eats like a horse. Good thing she lives in California, and I in Michigan. It's saved her, more than once, when she was telling me she was in the process of downing her second piece of cheesecake. Darn genes :D

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I agree about the difference between thin and fit. I'm running a marathon this year (I hope), but I will never look good in a swimsuit. Sadly, the bad parts are my thighs, and no suit will hide them.


My dear friend is thirty nine and a size two (yes, she is evil. LOL) and I can outrun her for time and distance. She also eats like a horse. Good thing she lives in California, and I in Michigan. It's saved her, more than once, when she was telling me she was in the process of downing her second piece of cheesecake. Darn genes :D


Congrats on the marathon training...I hope you succeed in your quest! What a great goal to strive for!


I hope your friend has genes that can protect her from what may be going on inside her body. Someone who is a size 2 will drop dead from a heart attack just as fast as someone who's a size 24 if they "eat like a horse". Two pieces of cheesecake in one sitting?! Wow.

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In response to the OP the very best way to assess your appearance in the bikini or in any suit for that matter is to review it in an old Sears change room lit with 1950's fluorescent lighting. You'll get your true picture. Heck your thighs may never see the light of day again!!:eek::D

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Not sure where this went off....but I don't think the intent was ever to place any limitations on anyone. If you want to wear a bikini, go wear one! The thread started about AGE and bikinis. Let's not turn this into something is isn't, okay?? Sheesh.


Im confused, it wasn't her who started talking about heavier girls wearing bikinis. Scroll up.

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In response to the OP the very best way to assess your appearance in the bikini or in any suit for that matter is to review it in an old Sears change room lit with 1950's fluorescent lighting. You'll get your true picture. Heck your thighs may never see the light of day again!!:eek::D


I doubt I would look good in anything or nothing there! LOL!

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I personally wish that people would just wear what fits them. I think that some people get hung up on the size...ooo, I can fit in this size 6...well, now your guts all squeezed out...not attractive. I think you look better, whether skirt, swim suit, dress, whatever, if it just fits you correctly.

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Congrats on the marathon training...I hope you succeed in your quest! What a great goal to strive for!


I hope your friend has genes that can protect her from what may be going on inside her body. Someone who is a size 2 will drop dead from a heart attack just as fast as someone who's a size 24 if they "eat like a horse". Two pieces of cheesecake in one sitting?! Wow.




You have a point there. I know when we were ion Charleston last month we went to this little resturant called the "Mustard Seed". It had great food but as usual-the typical 2000 calorie meal of resturants. My daughter and I shared a dessert of chocolate mouse and fudge. I ate two bites and decided it was just too rich, so my daughter, who is a size 0 finished it off.



Thirty minutes later she was horribly sick with stomach cramps and had two or three epsiodes of diahrrea-her body just could not handle all the calories she had eaten.


Also my hubby's gall bladder attack that landed him in the hosp. for surgery was after a meal of Lazanga. In the fridge was a huge slice of a left over cheescake which he decided to polish off AFTER eatting that. He was up all night and the next day we spent in the emergency room. The following day he had his gall bladder taken out.

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I hope your friend has genes that can protect her from what may be going on inside her body. Someone who is a size 2 will drop dead from a heart attack just as fast as someone who's a size 24 if they "eat like a horse". Two pieces of cheesecake in one sitting?! Wow.


In my BFF's defense (I feel silly typing BFF at forty four), she does not always eat cheesecake, let alone two slices of the stuff. I've seen her eat like a bird as well. However, I could never think of two pieces of cheesecake, unless I wanted to plaster it to my behind.


She does call me when she is exercising. I don't get a lot of those calls, but I get them. :D

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Congrats on the marathon training...I hope you succeed in your quest! What a great goal to strive for!


I hope your friend has genes that can protect her from what may be going on inside her body. Someone who is a size 2 will drop dead from a heart attack just as fast as someone who's a size 24 if they "eat like a horse". Two pieces of cheesecake in one sitting?! Wow.


2 pieces in one sitting is nothing if you are an athlete. I know a few runners and triathletes that can consume that, and more. Though truly, that is not a "normal" meal for them. Most of them eat disgustingly healthy. :p

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2 pieces in one sitting is nothing if you are an athlete. I know a few runners and triathletes that can consume that, and more. Though truly, that is not a "normal" meal for them. Most of them eat disgustingly healthy. :p


Yes runners like to carb up before a run for energy and I imagine it is burned off with the run.


People seem to think because our grandparents ate hearty we can-but most of our grandparents were farmers etc. and did physicial labor and did not sit at a desk.


so I would think only a runner could get away with that nowadays without hurting their health.

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Actually, there is no need to fuel up on carbs for runs of less than ten miles, or so. At least that's what I've been told by my doctor.


I know I'ev run seventeen miles without eating pasta beforehand, but I do carry my Gu for runs of eight miles, or more.


ETA: if you don't know what GU is, don't ask. It's just nasty.

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If a "middle age" (whatever that is) woman looks decent in a bikini then I say wear it.


On the other hand, if she does not have the physique to wear one, then she has no right to complain when people stare at her. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but personally someone with a too large body and a poor fitting bathing suit shouldn't complain when people look at her. It's human nature. Most people on the beach are going to look at either the model who looks great in the bikini or the woman who looks horrible in it. They aren't going to look at most of us who fall somewhere in between those two extremes.



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2 pieces in one sitting is nothing if you are an athlete. I know a few runners and triathletes that can consume that, and more. Though truly, that is not a "normal" meal for them. Most of them eat disgustingly healthy. :p


It really wasn't the quantity that was of concern...it was the content.

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Yes runners like to carb up before a run for energy and I imagine it is burned off with the run.


so I would think only a runner could get away with that nowadays without hurting their health.


The lack of weight gain may seem to indicate that a runner has "burned off" whatever he/she ate, but in reality the effects on their heart function from scarfing cheesecake and other empty calories remains well after the run is over. So, no, even runners can't get away with eating crap on a regular basis without compromising their health. Most dedicated athletes are very aware of the role nutrition plays in their overall performance and health, but your average joe who goes out for a jog every morning is a prime candidate for dropping dead on the track because of their belief that if they're not overweight, they must be healthy, therefore they can eat whatever they want. Certainly, this doesn't apply to every average joe so if you (generic you) eat clean, then it wouldn't apply to you (again, generic you).

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hello mostly just been checking on off topic posts but this caught my eye. I hadnt worn bikini in probably 14 years then when I got so ill the last 11 years well forget it, this last summer i gained significant weight in fact 14 pounds and bought not only one but 3 bikinis:D , worked my legs out at indoor pool and loved wearing them, did it for ME!!!! no one else, hubby thinks I look wonderful and my kids loved seeing me even alive at all and better yet back in the water. It doesnt bother me to see people in bikinis, if they are having fun and enjoying life in bikini,2 piece takini or one peice at any age I say yipeee. Ive seen many young adults with awesome bodies in all kinds of suits all body types but if they look happy who am I to worry about such things. I certainly have nothing thats going to "fall out" LOL;). class is from inside not from outside, after youve been on thsi planet for almost 48 years on up, you have seen it all ,ha,ha,ha.



Wear them, wear them well and have fun.



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