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Jodie, your hubby sounds like a really good fella. Have you considered making him a list of ways you would like him to reward you for your diet efforts? Sometimes men just need a little help. If that pasta is a must, have you checked out the wheat pasta in the health food section of your local store? I had some this past week and was quite surprised how good it really was. Or write out the recipe of the no fat yogurt pies that are a breeze to make and tell him he can surprise you one evening by making it for you. There are so many positive ways he can reward you and with your help, he'll want to.

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Hi Regina,
Oh he is a prince, believe me. He picked me up and took me out to dinner tonite because he forgot to take meat out of the freezer today and knew there was nothing for me to eat. I was truly blessed when he asked me to share his life. He is leaving on Sat am and I will miss him terribly. He and I have tried the low carb pasta and noodles. I am fine with them, but he just could not handle the taste.:eek: ! LOL! Once I got started on Atkins last spring, I was ok. I could even cook his noodles and mine and not feel deprived.:rolleyes: It just seems to be harder this time. I do need to discuss the rewards tho. Thanks for the suggestions. Hope you are having a good evening too,
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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=indigo]Good Morning all, Hope everyone is doing well this morning. [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#4b0082]REGINA I am so sorry to hear about you friend. We are all here when you want to talk. [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#4b0082]I didn't go to curves this am because I have an awful headache, think I am getting a migraine:( It started last night and doesn't seem to be going away. Oh well. Several people at work say I have looked like I am losing weight, but sometimes I think maybe they are just saying that because they know I am trying?! Why I think that I don't know I mean my clothes are definately looser so why I would doubt what they say is beyond me, must be that compliment thing!!!!!:o [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#4b0082]Well hope you all have a great day, sounds like everyone is doing well with their diets ups and downs. I will try to post more later, Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#4b0082][b]Todays Thought[/b]: Help me remember that I am not alone![/color][/size][/font][/i]

[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#4b0082][/color][/size][/font][/i]
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Hi Everyone!

Well, between the news of last night and having a stressful day today, I could have eaten a pound of chocolate (slight exageration:rolleyes: ), but the fact remains I stuck to my diet....hurray for me! Truthfully, I wanted to pig out on junk food, but I rationalized why I wanted to and was able to avoid it. So, I guess my self-training in learning to eat for the right reasons is finally begining to stick.

Lani...hope you are feeling better and hope your momentum comes back stronger.

Thanks Gals for your supportive words. My Meet & Mingle group have decided that when we all get together on Nov. 1st., we are all going to raise our glasses and make a toast in tribute to a wonderful couple who could not join us (due to his passing). Yep, life is shorter for some than others, and since we never know if we will be on the short end, it is all that more important to make the best of each day.

I'm pooped tonight, so I will post again tomorrow.

No sweet dreams, only thin ones,
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Hi All!

[b]Regina[/b]: So sorry about your loss. My thoughts are with you.
[b]Lani[/b]: You are NEVER alone! :) Headaches are the worst!! (Take it from one who knows!) I'll be thinking of you.
[b]Jodie[/b]: I LOVE HAL!! Their ships are so elegant and they have a reputation for catering to an older crowd....but it's just not true! I'm actually glad they have that reputation....keeps the college partiers away!:cool: Thank you for your kind words about my "healing"!
[b]Ann[/b]: "Skinny Dip" is REALLY easy (and fun) reading! I'm loving it! It's really funny and ridiculous! I think you'll like it! (It would make a GREAT movie!)
[b]Mindy[/b]: I think that being a member of the rambler's club is a sign of high intelligence! ;) Welcome!

Ok...update on my diet...
Not eating cheetos by the dozen (bags)! Yeah
Back on schedule with water intake!
Semi-back on schedule with routine diet program.....
I'm afraid I've gained this week....while being in my funk, but I'm going to work really hard to fight it off up until Sunday's weigh in!

5 day weekend ahead for me......YIKES!! Sounds like either an eating extravaganza or a work-out (butt squeezin') marathon! I'll try for the latter!

Have a fabulous evening!
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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkslateblue]Good Morning All, Well I think it is safe to say now that the migraine is gone finally:p went to work both days with it, yesterday was the worse! Not sure how I did it. one of the other nurses had an immetrex and that sure helped:D Got to get some of those when I go to the Dr. next time. [/color][/size][/font][/i]

[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#483d8b][b]MINDY:[/b] my thoughts for the day come from the Devotions for Dieters book. It's a good book. By Dan R. Dick[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#483d8b]Thank you all for your kind thoughts and words while I was down with the migraine. I did tend to go over points a little but not too bad and I even lost another pound, not sure how that happened since I didn't exercise for 2 days!? Did about 20 min. on the gazelle today but didn't want to shake anything up so I took it kind of easy. I work today and off the weekend. That will be nice. Got to run, some one is knocking at the door. Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#483d8b][b]Todays Thought:[/b] With the help of friends, I can lose more pounds!!![/color][/size][/font][/i]
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Lani...so glad to hear that awful migraine is gone. I used to get such bad migraines, I was sure I had a brain tumor. Every test I took came back negative. As it turned out, I discovered certain foods I was eating was causing the migraines. Yep, I kept a diary of my food intake and that's how I discovered it. Haven't suffered migraine since I stayed away from those food items....and one of those items just happened to be "CHEETOS" cheese doodles!

Went out to eat tonight to one of those all you can eat buffets. I chose to eat shrimp cocktail, 1 boiled salmon steak, a few bites of sushi, a few huge grapes, a few slices of honeydew melon and a large sugar free ice tea. Not bad considering all the other choices which were available....and there were many. I stopped eating just before feeling full. End result: A feeling that I went and conquered all temptations:D.

Okay everyone.....this is around the time where people begin to get tired of dieting...hope none of you are going to be one of them. No YoYo's here....right!

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I weighed in at WW yesterday and I lost two tenths of a pound. I spelled it out so I couldn't accidently leave out the decimal point. My you-know-what started and the seeded bread didn't help, but I have really got to get serious.
And I intended to do that today, but it was Boss's day. And we like our Boss, so there was a TON of food. I actually went out into the hallway and grabbed strangers to help eat some of the stuff. Unfortunately, I helped myself to some of the goodies, because I KNEW the chefs, and knew how good the stuff was. I have the HARDEST time walking away from chocolate covered strawberries. There was a lot of fruit, so I had that too, and I skipped lunch. But I need to walk about 50 miles. :(
Tonight, DH wants to go for Japanese food, so I am going to TRY to stay healthy. Wish me luck :o
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[i][font=Century Gothic][size=3][color=darkgreen]H i Everyone, Hope you all had good days. My was from you know where, but it is over now!!!!! Well I felt so happy today I fit into a pair of jeans I haven't been able to wear for a long time and a uniform top I bought almost a year ago that was too tight and now is pretty loose!!!!!!! Yipppppppppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!:D [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Century Gothic][size=3][color=#006400][b]Regina[/b] sound like you are doing great with the food choices, especially with so much temptation around an all you can eat:) [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Century Gothic][size=3][color=#006400][b]Mindy [/b]I know what you mean about seeded bread I love bread especially seeded:p [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Century Gothic][size=3][color=#006400]Well going to go to bed I am beat. Night all Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]
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Hi all,:)
I have been busy all day. I also celebrated Boss' day with my boss and took him and my DH to lunch.DH is leaving early tomorrow morn and we have a long drive to the airport (4 hr round trip). :eek: Leaving at 4am so this will be short.

[color=red][b]Regina,I am still commited. And you are doing so great! I am so proud of you![/b][/color]
[color=navy][b]Lani, I agree with Regina about certain foods. I have had the same headache all week and know it is the extra sugar I have been consuming + a little allergy thrown in.[/b][/color]
[b][color=green]MC, You are doing ok. Hope your dinner went well.[/color] [/b]
[color=purple][b]Hey Kelly!, How you doing sweet girl!?[/b][/color]
[color=royalblue][b]Hi to everyone else and hope you all are doing good. If you are, share it and if not then really share it![/b][/color]
I have been carbing out a bit knowing I will start Induction tomorrow. Jeez sounds like a death sentence or something. I had my last meal of ice cream. Think I am kidding, ;) Uh UH. Altho, at lunch today I was actually good. I am so in the habit of eating the salad and all the lo carb things, it is automatic. It was a seafood buffet, and I had salad and cold shrimp, I did eat the rolls but only drank water with lemon. I have also not been to Curves since Monday. Anyhow, I will be back in town from the airport around 10am and will stop at Curves and then the store to stock up on all "my" foods. The I will come home and clean out all the "Junk" from the cupboards and fridge. It is a long drive into town so if I get the munchies in the eve I will only have what I am allowed to snack on. So I have a plan.:cool: I believe that is half the battle. Wish me luck! I am afraid of that darn scale but tomorrow and Sunday I will be there and only hope this time next week, I am down a couple pounds. At least I am in a good mood and actually looking forward to the challenge. I can do it! :D
Catch ya all later!
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mc: Every ounce counts and it seems like you are not straying from the right thinking long enough to do any damage on that scale. So keep your thoughts positive and before you know it, those ounces will turn into pounds :)

Lani: A big hug and congratulations to you on fitting into those clothes! Good feeling huh? Keep it going! :)

Jodie: You bet you can do it! When you find yourself craving those sweet things, try to make desserts with sweet & low and you will see it will help.

Ladies: I have a group of neighbors coming to a BBQ today, so I won't be able to post much, but will see you all on tomorrows weigh-in. Good luck all!

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[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkgreen]Hi all, Well so far so good keeping busy and not overeating my points:D [/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#006400]got into another pair of jeans, and no roll:D If my scale is right I have lost 11 pounds since starting back on points and joining curves, in a little over 6 weeks. hope everyone is having a good weekend![/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#006400][b][color=darkorange]Regina[/color][/b] That bbq sounds good. Have fun. [/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=purple][b]Jodie [/b][color=#006400]I bought some flavored water 0 cal, 0 carb I forget what it's called it has fiz to it so it satifys my sweet tooth and makes me feel full too. Walmart carries it too. [/color][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#006400]Well better go for now, Till tomorrow, Lani[/color][/size][/font]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=blue]Thought for Today:In my mind I see a whole new me!!![/color][/size][/font][/b]
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Regina - is that a NY BBQ (everything is cooked on the grill) or a [SIZE=3][B]TEXAS[/B][/SIZE] BBQ (where you smoke a brisket overnight and sit next to it with a beer)? ;) Whatever you do, I hope you have a great time.

Thanks to everyone for the encouragement! It really makes the going easier.
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Hello All!

[b]Mindy[/b]: My favorite grill is my George Foreman Mean Green Grilling Machine! It really does work by getting all the fat out! FABULOUS!

[b]Lani[/b]: Congrats on your loss! WOW! You are a true inspiration! Thank you for sharing your specifics! I get so excited to hear about everyone's successes!

[b]Jodie[/b]: You are serious about this losing! My gosh! I'm so excited for you! I need to do that thing, too. My inability to drive right now (due to the seizure thing) really helps me in not taking care of my munchies! :)

[b]Regina[/b]: I love the yo-yo! I'm going to use it (not to diet, but maybe as a little calorie burning exercise! ;)

[b]Ann and all!!!! WHERE ARE YOU! I MISS YOU!!! I hope your dieting is going Fabulously![/b]

ok....new diet inspiration! I was looking at a gap ad and Sara Jessica Parker is in it with Lenny Kravitz! That woman has NO body fat! I'm not having that as my goal....but as my inspiration! I'm excited!

See you tomorrow!
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Hi all,
Quick post as it is late. I miss my DH already!:( I did clean out the cupboards and fridge. The freezer is next, all bad things to the big freezer and out of the fridge freezer! I shopped and have all my goodies. I totally collapsed when I got home from the airport, I had been up since 3am and got back home around 10am. Layed down around noon and slept until almost 5!
Friends came over tonite to have dinner. Bless their hearts they shopped and cooked. They made fajitas and even had lo carb tortillas and no sugar pudding for me. I have to remember all the kindness and friends when I am feeling blue.;)
Sounds like everyone is doing good.
Lani, that is a great acheivement in 6 weeks. be proud girlfriend! :)
MC, you are too funny altho the Texas BBQ is a lo-carbers dream, a brisket and a low carb beer! LOL!:D
Kelly, you sound wonderful today!:)
Happy dreams! See ya all tomorrow!
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[b]Start[/b]: 149
[b]Today[/b]: 143:)
[b]Realistic Goal[/b]: 135
[b]Trophy Model Unrealistic Dreaming Goal That May be Achieved if I STARVE[/b]: 125!! ( I actually think I may be able to do this....at least get close!) :p

WATER is the key this week! (8 bottles a day....medium sized bottles):)
I'm doing 10 reps of 10 on the "Kelly Work out Program!" (includes upper arms, abs and legs/butt....yes....including the all famous butt squeezes!)
Aerobic activity is not high (I walk really fast at work....that's it!)
Have a breakfast bar in the morning, lunch is fruit/veggies and a lean cuisine of my choice.
Snack at 4:00 (usually fruit or yogurt)
Dinner is either a breakfast bar or another lean cuisine.
This seems to be working for me! We'll see!

Goal this week: I WILL NOT TOUCH CHEETOS!!!!!

[b][size=4][color=blue]Hope everyone is successful this week....weight, inches, attitude, whatever! Find your success!:) [/color][/size][/b]

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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=sienna]Good morning all,[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#a0522d]Well my weigh in this am is 167.2, :D Never thought I would be happy to see 167:rolleyes: So I have lost 11 lbs altogether, I had lost 8 on Weight Watchers before joining Curves and and now 3 more in the 3weeks of going to Curves, guess maybe 4 weeks since the 22nd is weigh in there, lost about 8 inches altogether too, can't wait to see how close I am on that with their measurements. [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkgreen]Kelly You are doing great!!!!! My goal when I started was 30lbs which would take me to 145/147 but I would like to get around 135 either before the cruise or shortly after. That is where the Doctor says I should be for my [b]age[/b] :rolleyes: [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkorange]Jodie you certainly had a busy day, probably burned all kinds of calories:D I haven't been to Curves in 4 days, can't wait to go tomorrow!!! I did work out on the gazelle though, I will have to start working on ball too, I love that thing.[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=sienna]Well my goal today is to drink more water also,that flavored water makes it more interesting, although I am a water drinker, I have this huge mug from weight watchers tells you how much you drank, the mug is the daily recommened amout so I don't lose count.[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#a0522d]Well I will check in later to see how everyone is doing. good luck all, Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=seagreen][b]Thought for Today:[/b]Improvement comes with practice. I can even get good at dieting!!![/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#ff8c00][/color][/size][/font][/i]
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Hi everyone. I have spent most of my sunday morning on this website reading all the the great tips and stories about cruising. This thread however drew my attention. I am sailing on the Carnival victory 3-27-05 with my husband and college roommate and her husband (my old roommate by the way is 6'0" tall blond with large breasts, basically model material). I on the other hand am 5'8" 150 pounds. I would really like to lose about 15-20 pounds by cruise time. I have already started an exercise program whih consists of 2mile run 3-4 times a week and 200 situps 3-4 times per week. My problem is food, I love it...love it ....love it... but now i have got to get serious.....I would really love to have a bit of a support system to get this weight off. can i join you all??:)
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Wecome and come on in! :) This is a great group! Very supportive, and all ages and sizes. Our weigh in is on Sunday. You do not have to post you weight if you do not want, just lbs lost or gained. We all have different diet and exercise programs and goals. Some are more "chatty" than others but the most important thing is the support and praise. So come join us. The more the merrier!
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Good Morning All,
I have a boo boo kitty face this morning:mad: ! I gained 4lbs. I am not surprised and ok with it as I have my plan!:D I think part of it is water and the rest all the carbs and ice cream I consumed! The ice cream went in the garbage yesterday!
After reading Kelly and Lani's post I am inspired. You two are doing great! Big hugs to both of you!
I also welcomed a new member. This is such a wonderful supportive group of women.
I will be on and off here today. It is nasty and rainy outside and I have lots to do inside that has been neglected all summer.
See ya all later!
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