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We went to the Panama Canal on the Rotterdam from Fort Lauderdale. We did not go all the way thru to San Diego just went in to the Lake through the first locks and then came back to Fort Lauderdale. That was enough for me as I have experienced many locks. And it was 10 days, as much as I could take off. I would however recommend this trip either way it is fascinating.

Is the group still doing Sunday weigh ins?


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Mary...welcome aboard. We really don't turn anyone down who is sincere about losing. I wish I could say I had only ten pounds to lose, but I am aware those last 10 are the most difficult. Have you ever drank crystal lite? I'm not a water drinker and I find that drinking crystal lite keeps me hydrated and keeps my metabolism active. It has zero % fat, sodium, sugar, protein and has 10% calcium. In fact, I plan to bring some on the cruise with me.

I'm impressed you have been on 57 cruises and I might very well ask you about them in the future as I have become a cruise addict.

Jodie...sounds like you had a good day. Do you take anything for those headaches? What do you think is causing them? Here is something you might want to try: Since the typical headache is usually caused by restriction of blood flow in the small vessels of the brain, applying a warm moist towel to the area of pain will dilate those vessels causing the blood to flow better and the headache will go away. Try it.

How's everyone else doing tonight? I had a "salt" crave that would knock your socks off. I always get that way in pms week. I had "low sodium" split pea soup and what do I go and do? I added salt to it! I feel like opening a bag of popcorn right now, but so far I'm fighting it off. Phew! this week has been the toughest on my cravings.

ps. Mary, this group is still going strong with Sunday weigh-ins.
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Ladies: Right now we are a group of 17 women helping each other. Unfortunately 3 members have not weighed in or posted in two weeks and if they don't weigh in on this coming Sunday, their names won't be listed on the members list being posted on Sunday until they post again. It does feel good to have 5 new members in just this week, and I'm hoping we hear from the other 3 ...so c'mon girls ....you know who you are.

For now, I'm calling it an early night before these cravings get the better of me. Just keep in mind everyone....no one said it would be a picnic...there will be times that will be rough on you when you diet. Just keep your determination and you will succeed :)

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I spent the LAST day of my "FALL BREAK" vacation SHOPPING! :p

Here's what I got:
1) [b] [color=red]a new swimsuit!....[/color][/b]OMG...it is so cute and I'm not lookin' so bad in it....I've got a ways to go....but so far, so good!
2) [b][color=blue]a new dress![/color][/b]...It is so cute! It was 50% off. It is all black and flapper like....just like I wanted! ALSO....It is 2 sizes smaller than I was 2 months ago. It's a little tight right now, but it is my "incentive dress!"
3) [b][color=yellowgreen]2 new cd's![/color][/b]....I got Rod Stewart's new album (great american song book 3) and.....are you all sitting down?.....a new butt-squeezing album!!! IT'S ALL DISCO!!! woo hooo! My favorite butt-squeezing, leg lifting, sit up songs tonight are [color=blue][b]"Got to be Real" by Cheryl Lynn and "It's Raining Men" by the Weather Girls[/b][/color]! :cool:

I'm obviously cruise focused! :p

I'm so excited to have new work-out music!!! VERY MOTIVATING!

In the wise words of Gloria Gaynor, I send these words to my bag of cheetos:
[b]"At first I was afraid....I was petrified....thinking how could I not live without you by my side......." yada yada yada! Buh Byeeeeee Cheetos!:p [/b]

Have a great night everyone!
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Thanks Regina for the tip on Crystal Light. I am not allowed to have anything that is processed so I make a big pot of herbal tea in the morning, have two cups hot and drink it iced for the rest of the day interspersed with water. Just an idea.

Congrats Kelly on your new things.

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[quote name='Kelly in Colorado']
In the wise words of Gloria Gaynor, I send these words to my bag of cheetos:
[b]"At first I was afraid....I was petrified....thinking how could I not live without you by my side......." yada yada yada! Buh Byeeeeee Cheetos!:p [/b]

Have a great night everyone![/QUOTE]

I love it Kelly!

I've done pretty good today. I haven't started South Beach completely, but most of what I ate today would work on it. I've got to get some fat free half & half for my coffee and other low fat stuff, since dh doesn't worry about fat content. The only other thing I had that didn't qualify for Phase 1 was a little bit of apple. I also did good about only eating when I was hungry today and got in 20 minutes of exercise on my ball.
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Hi everyone!
Wow again! Just when I thought I was all alone with this struggle, here come 16 wonderful women to help me on my crusade!
Kelly, you are too much! I was rolling with laughter! Bye Bye Cheetos!!OMG!:D It sounds like you had a great day shopping. I cannot wait for the month before my cruise and I can shop. I love Rod Stewart, have all his CD's except the new ones. You Lucky girl. You just keep squeezin' to that music. LOL!
Mary, glad you could join us. 57 cruises! I wil have tons of questions. I also want to do the Canal and the Carribbean and Hawaii. Those are our next cruises.
Connie, welcome to you too. and Susan too.
Lani, you are doing great. How's Curves?:)
Where is Nicole, who started this whole thing?:confused:
Regina, The headache is from lack of caffeine and probably sugar. Plus the weather has gotten very damp here so my allergies bother me too. It is pretty much gone tonite, I have been taking Tylenol and my allergy meds. I will be ok. Thanks for caring. ;) Sounds like you are fighting the good fight. Before you know it this week will be gone!
Well, I made it thru another day. I have not tested for ketosis yet as I will be bummed if I am not there.:rolleyes: But I was not really hungry tonite. I was going to broil a steak with mushrooms but I had ham rollups instead. Lazy me!
I talked to my DH this eve and he is having a wonderful time. He has been fishing everyday and Sat they are going into New Orleans. I am so jealous. Plus I miss him very much. For those who just joined, my husband is retired from the NYC subway and he is on a 3 week vacation with some of his buddies that are also retired from NY. They are fishing down in Louisiana. And I am home working and taking care of the cats! Oh well, my time will come. Besides, he is taking me on our wonderful cruise. Can't ask for much more than that. Ok, I am off to watch the tube and then go to sleep before the Night Munchies and The Fat Fairy decide to visit.
Slim Dreams All!
Jodie (Granma Jo to you Regina!)
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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=sienna]WOW everytime I get on we have someone new:D WELCOME everyone. I am going to need a program pretty soon to keep all the name s straight.:D [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#a0522d]Jodie Curves is going great, I really like it. [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=purple]Kelly you are too much with those cheetos:D Can't wait to go shopping for some smaller clothes.[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=yellowgreen]Lets see who asked about ball exercises???? Kathy Smith has a good ball routine and I like the looks of the one they are advertising on TV, I keep watching the routines and try them out on my ball.[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=teal]Well everyone I have to get to bed so i can get up early and EXERCISE:D Good Night All, Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]
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Good Morning Everyone!!

Welcome to all of our new friends, it's great to have you aboard!

Kelly, you are too funny ! I almost chocked on my coffeee when I read your message to the Cheetos! I love a giggle first thing in the morning, it always seems to set the tone for the day!

I used Lani's phrase last night, The waistline won't grow if I learn to say no! against a hot fudge sundae that I was craving! I drove right past and was so proud of myself! The fat fairy was pretty peeved though, she was getting her way more often than not, telling me that I could have just a [i]little[/i] ...... I told her to get lost!

Regina your doing awesome fighting off that temptation! I know how hard it is sometimes:( . Just remember that this too will pass.

Ok I had better get going . I got up early so I could excercise before the kids got up and instead I'm goofing off on the forum!

Have a really good day everyone!
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Hi everyone, what a great way to start the morning!! What motivation. Kelly, I take the disco music to the gym with me, it keeps me moving. I joined on the perfect day. I just got some stressful news last night and instead of eating I came on line and read everything you guys have been writing. My hubby is in the army and they just moved us to Kansas in August (only for 1 year) but yesterday told him we now have to move in early December. I am not even unpacked yet!! Would hate to take my 3 boys out of their new school already. Also, every time we move I seem to slip with the diet since we have to eat out so much. We are trying to fight it, but will need some support!!!:eek: Hope you all have a great day, I have to get the kids to school. Connie
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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=blue]Good Morning Everyone, got my work out in and my shower done:D Might take a nap before work;) hope everyone has a good day. [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=red][b]Jen[/b] glad the little phrase helped with the fat fairy:D [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkolivegreen][b]Connie [/b]you have come to right place for support we will get you through this!!!!![/color][/size][/font][/i]
[b][i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkorange]Thought for Today: Food wasted is better than food waisted!!;) [/color][/size][/font][/i][/b]
[b][i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=purple]Later, Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i][/b]
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Good morning everyone, dh left this morning for a 4 day meeting so it's just me and the boys for the next few days. I'm heading to the store in a little bit to get what I need to start on South Beach. From the research I've done in the last few days this really looks like something I can do. The challenge is going to be combining it and dh's strict low carb with no concern about fat. Breakfast and snacks should be the biggest challenge there. He has said he'll support me since I changed all my cooking styles to support him last year.

Hope everyone has a good day.
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I brought in a slice of cheese and half a tortilla for my breakfast/ morning snack and water. I hadn't eaten them by lunch, so I got a bowl of vegetable soup from the cafeteria to eat with them. I am now pleasantly full, and I didn't have to eat food that is cooked in butter or grease. Hurray!
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Ladies, the fat fairy is sooooo angry with me. She kept calling my name yesterday and I went to bed early to shut her up:D Had no cravings today thankfully. Hope she isn't visiting any of you in the up coming days.

Kelly, your happiness is shining through. I started my day with a laugh when I read the part about Gloria Gaynor. Isn't it just wonderful to buy smaller clothes? Hope to see more posts like that as the group progresses.

Mary, glad you are keeping hydrated. Herbal teas are great and when I drink them, I always feel as if I'm giving myself a little treat. Keep up the good work.

Susan, it is wonderful support when your spouse works with you and it really makes dieting all that much easier. Eating only when you are hungry is learning to conquer some old bad habits and it sounds like you are truly going to reach that goal. My hubby has been dieting with me and so far he has lost 52 pounds!!! Well, it is a known fact men lose faster than women.

Granma Jo:D Jody....your support helped to pull me through...got any diet cookies Granma?:p I to have been wondering what happened to Nicole. Afterall, she was the one who started this thread. Hope she will post and let us know if she still wants to stay with us all on our mission.

Lani....How are we going to keep all the names straight? Everyone is just going to have to be sure to sign their post I guess. You haven't mentioned any problem with sticking to your diet, you doing good still?

Jen...Don't think I haven't noticed your words of encouragement. It helped. Words of encouragement is the ingredient that is making our efforts continue. Right ladies?

Connie...It's tough what you are going through, but think when your hubby's tour is finished, he will be coming home to one hot babe. You have every reason to stick to it and not allow the fat fairy to whisper in your ear.

Mindy....Aaaah, good to see you are being good to yourself. I love it when a member shares what they eat cause it helps to give ideas to others (including me).

Tonight I had 1 chicken breast covered with sauteed tomatoe in garlic and white wine and brocolli on the side. It was really good!

If anyone feels weak at any time during their diets, please post. It will bring you back on track. We are all here to be each other's diet buddy.

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Hey all....I still haven't gotten familiar with all members yet but I am working on it. Let me tell you about the misery my dear husband put me through this evening. Understand I love him......but he is not a good support system for me with this weight loss goal. He is the coach of an eighth grade football team. Well tonight was their banquet at.....here is the kicker "Wing'in it" which is a fried food haven. I had to be strong and keep from acting like one of the guys. I am going to admit, i did have a few wings but I stayed away from the pizza and french fries. Oh, the torture........I love french fries....but i also want to look good in my bikini in March....... Hope everyone has a good evening...

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Susan, this one is for you.....Early this year I did try the South Beach Diet. I actually think it is great. I know from experience that you do have to be extremely strict the first two weeks, but after that I allowed myself one day to cheat (now i am not talking McDonalds three meals a day, but maybe some chocolate) I was able to lose 10 pounds pretty quickly and I still haven't gained it back. I am not real sure what happened or why I stopped the South Beach. It is definitely a lifestyle change, but doable. I think i may join you starting tomorrow. Let me know how it works for you.

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I feel fat today! :mad: I think it's because I've had so much water that my body can't keep up with it! My tummy has been looking a little flatter (especially when I lie on my back! LOL ;) ), but tonight it seems to be doing a 7 month pregnant lady impersonation. I am nominating it for an Academy Award!:p

I hope I have gas or something! :rolleyes: I don't like feeling this way! Not gonna eat much tonight. I think a lean cuisine spaghetti....240 calories! Then maybe 500 situps! (yeah right!)

Anyhoo....just wanted to vent somewhere!
I'll address you each tomorrow after my tummy decides to deflate! Right now I can barely reach the darn keyboard! :p

Have a good evening....and may you all have "deflating tummy dreams!"
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Good evening all you losers!:D
I say that lovingly! Sounds like everyone is in a good mood tonite. Kelly I am sure your tummy will be back to normal very soon. Hey, mine is flat when I lay down too! LOL!
I am doing good! Feeling good! I stopped at Curves on my way home. Once home I took a shower, gave myself a facial and now I am broiling myself a T-bone steak w/ mushrooms and a salad. Me sharing what I eat may not work cause of Atkins. If it does help, I am glad to share. I am proud of myself today. I resisted a hamburger and french fries for lunch. I also love french fries. One of my favorite foods. Had a lo cvarb burger instead.
My solution for sweet craving is herbal tea with sweet & low. If it is really bad, I have diet rootbeer w/lots of ice and a tbsp of cream. Taste just like a rootbeer float.
I had my nails done today too. Just being nice to myself. I think that is so important.
Well gang, I am off to watch the Yankees get their you know whats kicked! ;) So see you all tomorrow.
PS, Granma Jo does not have any diet cookies but I do have a lo carb bar w/choc chips in it! LOL! Regina, you are the best!
Happy Dreams!
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[quote name='msabol']Susan, this one is for you.....Early this year I did try the South Beach Diet. I actually think it is great. I know from experience that you do have to be extremely strict the first two weeks, but after that I allowed myself one day to cheat (now i am not talking McDonalds three meals a day, but maybe some chocolate) I was able to lose 10 pounds pretty quickly and I still haven't gained it back. I am not real sure what happened or why I stopped the South Beach. It is definitely a lifestyle change, but doable. I think i may join you starting tomorrow. Let me know how it works for you.


You know I think that's one of the things that really appeals to me about South Beach. There are snacks (even a dessert a day) built into every part of the diet. After the first phase it looks easy to maintain anywhere also. Tomorrow will be my first real day of it since I didn't have any veggies at breakfast this morning so if you want to join me we can do this together.
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Hey Jodie...I do believe you've gotten the hang of this whole thing.....being good to yourself in more ways than one. I do believe when we take the time to do the little extra things for ourselves like facial, manicure, pedicure, or just anything, it makes us feel better and want to continue to look better which gives us the determination to keep on our diets.

I'm going to hit the hay (or should I say...the swedish foam mattress :) ) to get some beauty sleep. That bed has really helped my back problems emensely!

Till tomorrow,
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Hey ladies,

Overall I think I've stayed pretty true to South Beach today. Breakfast was more along the lines of Atkins though. Had overeasy eggs and smoked sausage this morning, and coffee with 1/2 and 1/2 and Splenda. Had two pieces of string cheese for morning snack (mandatory snacks with South beach Phase 1). Lunch was a spinach salad with roast beef, feta cheese, and lowcarb balsamic vinaigrette. I did have diet black cherry soda to drink. Counted out one serving of pistachios and had that for my afternoon snack. Cooked burgers for dinner and just left the bun off of mine. Then served them with broccoli and cauliflower. Just finished up my dessert of a no sugar added fudgescicle. Other than the soda with lunch and coffee this morning I've been drinking water.

The only area I fell short in today was exercising. Never did get around to it today. I have been concentrating on holding my stomach in and standing up straight while I'm doing things though.
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