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Regarding the Serenade...
went on her Sept. 11th last year... was a short cruise so I can't help you on the chocolate buffet, but I can fill you in on the "regular" buffets (when they DO have them) on Brilliance and Visions...
yes everything LOOKS wonderful, but I found that nothing was "that great" or something that they didn't have at other times.
Also, I found (after 10+ cruises) that after a while, at least on RCCL, they all start to look alike, and aside from the chocolate topping (sculpted chocolate pieces or nut brittle sculpture topping curled on top of a cake... they insides all tasted the same.. and not that great... I'd take a piece of the choc. or sugar for the kids, put it in the fridge and the next day or so it'd call to me so if the kids aren't w/me from now on I DON'T take it..
Happy packing.. just try not to overpack... I DO know from the last couple of cruises that folks aren't dressing up as much as they used to, just an observations.. at least on RCCL.
BTW, if you have access to the concierge lounge please say HI to Maritza for me.. she's the absolutely NICEST person on the ship (also Capt. Nick's a charmer too).
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Regina, I can't speak for the Serenade, but on last year's cruise, we had the late seating. On the Adventure, that's 9pm! (Oh well we were on vacation.) If I had stayed up, I would have been too full for the buffets, so we missed all of them.

I have complete faith in you. You will NOT gain weight! You will take advantage of the healthy choices almost every night, you'll walk the deck, and maybe even get up early for the morning mile walk. You will do fine!

I hope you get a chance to see some of San Juan while you are there. We went 3 days early before our cruise last year and LOVED it! It's a very walkable town with lots to see and do. Good shopping too!

Hasta luego!
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Hi everyone!
I had a busy day so just now reading all the posts. This is such a positive group. I go and read some of the other threads on CC and everyone seems to be arguing or insulting each other. I thought these threads were supposed to be helpful? Think I will stay in here from now on.
Thank you all for the recipes and encouragement. I have gone to Curves 4 times this week and plan on going tomorrow am.
You will all be proud of me. I kinda fell off the wagon, well one leg was kinda dragging but I hung on for dear life and got back on.
It has been so rainy and dreary here this week and I miss my DH something awful. I went to Curves at lunch and on my way back to work I had to stop to pick up something to eat. We have Carl Jr's here and they make a dynomite Lo carb burger. Angus beef pattie with cheese, tomato ,bacon and mayo wrapped in lettuce. It is very filling and really good. I went thru the drive thru to get one and the Fat Fairy was in the car with me. She ordered FRIES along with the burger!!! :eek: When I got my order, she whispered to me to eat the fries on the way back to the office (she said they wouldn't count). Well, I had one fry and was reaching for another.....And out of the[color=blue] [b]blue[/b][/color] here came [size=4][color=red][b][i]Super WillPower Woman[/i][/b][/color][/size], she grabbed the bag and thru the fries out the window!!! :p Can you believe that??!! I couldn't! I laughed all the way back to the office. :D My only worry was I might get stopped for littering!!!! Oregonians frown on littering ya know. LOL!
So this evening I am feeling pretty good about myself. I also know that w/o all of you I could not have thrown them out the window. So thank you all for being here for me!

Susan, I can relate to things happening while DH is gone. My inside cat decided this morning she was going to be an outside cat just as I was leaving for work,so I had to go round her up in the pouring rain. Got soaking wet and had to change clothes and dry my hair again so I was late to work. If DH was home, it would have been his problem! Never fails.

Well, I am kinda tired so I will sign off now. Thanks again. I love this group. [size=4][color=blue]BIG HUGS[/color][/size] to you all!
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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkolivegreen]Hi Everyone, Just got home from work. Off tommorrow:D I got measured and weighed today at Curves. so far i have lost 4 lbs at Curves Now 12 pounds gone I lost 5 inches and 1 % body fat!!!!!!!!!! I think I will take that and run with it:D [/color][/size][/font][/i]

[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=red][b]REGINA [/b]Have fun I will miss you!!!!!!!!!!! Don't worry so much about the Fat Fairy You will do fine. Just have FUN. [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=purple][b]Jodie [/b]You rock girl that took some will power to throw out those fries:p [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkorange][b]Kelly[/b] Hope you are feeling better. what a rotten way to lose weight but hey if you have to be sick you might as well get something out of it:D [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=sienna][b]Connie [/b]Kelly is right about the eating slow when out, I know I seem to get full faster when I eat slow and I bring home a doggie bag and at least half the time that's who gets it:) [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=green][b]Mindy[/b] You are so right about making small changes those are the [b]kind[/b] of changes that last. That is what Weight Watchers teaches small changes to start out. [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=magenta]Well everyone going to turn in Catch ya all tomorrow. Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkorchid][b]Todays Thought: [/b]I would rather be overjoyed than overweight!!!!!![/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#a0522d][/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#ff8c00][/color][/size][/font][/i]
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Good morning ladies,

I was good yesterday. Made pizza for the boys and didn't eat even a bite of it. Just heated up the pork chops from the night before and sauteed some zucchini for me. Unfortunately I now have a sore throat, just in time for dh to get home tonight. First though I have to survive a brunch at church. Not sure what they're having there. I'm eating breakfast in a few minutes and will probably have my morning snack before I go so I don't get too hungry. I measured this morning and couldn't believe it, but both my waist and hips are down a half inch in two days! I'm a believer in this way of eating now. It will be something I continue even after I've lost the weight.
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[b]Good Morning All![/b]

[b]I've just been playing with Kadie the Wonder Scottie for about 45 minutes! She loves the rope tug and I've found it to be a great upper body/arm workout! I'm pooped.[/b]

[b]I tried Curves last night with my Mom and I fell off of about 60% of the equipment! :rolleyes: (my head injury has left me with some dizzy difficulties and coordination problems!) We got a huge giggle, but I'm still not ready to work out on equipment. :( It's a little frustrating, as I'd really like to see my thighs and tummy bubble gone. I invested in a thigh master thingy and it is really helping, but it's not exactly what I want to be doing. (plus it keeps popping away from me! How do you keep the darn thing still?):rolleyes: Situps are hard on my neck, but I'll keep trying![/b]

[b]Feeling better today, but very envious of Regina who will be shopping all day today! :p Have a wonderful time! :) [/b]

[b]Have a great day everyone! I'll check in later![/b]
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Good afternoon ladies!! Jodie, I will have to remember super willpower women next time I break down and get fries!! They are my downfall. I try not to order them , if I have to have some I make each of my kids (3 boys) give me 1, that usually satisfies the craving. Sounds like everyone is doing great!! Keep it up. I didn't have to go out to dinner last night, my husband had a stomach bug. Still going tonight, I will definately concentrate on eating very slow!! Heres a good snack when you want somthing sweet, take 2 choclate graham cracker squares, spread fat free cool whip between the 2, wrap in serane wrap (I do a bunch) then put them all in a ziplock back in the freezer. Kindof like an icecream sandwich, my kids even love it!! Have a great day!! Connie
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Hi Everyone

I didn't think I would have time to post today, but I did so much walking all day, I quit shopping sooner than expected. Maybe one or two items left to get tomorrow and then I'm done.

I bought a "work out" outfit for when I'm in the gym on ship. Alot of granola bars for when I'm on the beaches, lots of film, no ankle socks, perfume, a braided rope necklace to match a sun dress, a loosely knited poncho type shawl(very pretty!), health & beauty stuff, and the best yet.....some real fancy fancies (ya all know what I mean) to surprise my hubby with:) My wardrobe with tops, capri's and formal wear were set to go two weeks ago. Have you all noticed how every cruiser has "new sneakers?" And how all the women on the beach have fresh looking pedicures? If you haven't, then I guess I have a foot fetish...LOL.

Carolyn, thanks for the advice. I will certainly say hello to Capt. Nick and if I get a chance...to Maritza as well.

Mindy, I was in San Juan last year and toured Old San Juan. It was beautiful and it was really special for me because my grandfather on my mother's side (Christopher Ryan) was born in Puerto Rico and I never had the chance to meet him before he passed away.

Jodie, you gave me a good laugh with your post about those fries. You just keep that Super Willpower Women on your side.

Lani, Absolutely wonderful loss! Hey, but you still have to post tomorrow...right? Very happy for you! :)

Susan, I love to read your posts because they are evident that you are really thinking before eating and you can see the difference in your thighs and hips to keep you motivated. You are also doing very well.

Kelly, a physical therapist once told me....if it hurts, don't do it. That is the way our body talks to us and it's important to listen to our bodies. Hey, your cruise is right around the corner and then it will be my turn to be jealous.

Connie, Ooooooh, thank you, thank you for that mock ice-cream sandwich! Ice-cream sandwiches and the orange push ups on a stick are my favorites and it has been soooooo long since I've had them. At least now, I will be able to have something similar to the sandwich.

Now for some contemplation: I think I know why this thread is going so strong even though we all have different diet programs. It's about having a common goal to lose weight, but even more important, it's about supporting each other no matter what the program. Obviously, that is the needed ingredient cause we are all losing weight on various programs. So, any lurkers out there who reads this post and feels they need REAL support, come join us. We are all sisters in heart here.

Hugs to all of you,
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I just did ok today. I caved at the brunch and ate a bunch of fruit which isn't allowed in the first two weeks of South Beach. I could have been much worse though since everything else was some sort of bread product. Thankfully I had breakfast and a snack before I left the house this morning. Other than that I stuck to plan today and even got in all but two of my exercises on the ball.

Found out today we might have to try talking my inlaws into changing the date of our cruise. One of the incentives for DH's work is a 3 day cruise that overlaps the one we're all ready scheduled on. Apparently he's 2/3 of the way to meeting the requirements. Of course if they don't want to change the date of the 7 day we'll pick that one over a 3 day. We might also have a short cruise next September with our church. They got back last week and decided they should have taken dh since he works in jewelry so they'd know what was safe to buy in Cozumel. The way they were talking it sounded as if they were going to pay for him next year. We'll see, I won't believe that one's locked in until everything's set up though. Sure would be nice to cruise for free three times in one year though. :)
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[quote name='3xcruiser']
Obviously, that is the needed ingredient cause we are all losing weight on various programs. [/QUOTE][color=red][b]Well, that can be taken the wrong way after I re-read. What I wanted to say is, that's the ingredient we have on this thread. The written word doesn't always express adequately.:o[/b][/color]

[b]Anyway, Susan you did okay. Like you said...it could have been much worse. Just look toward the next day to get back on track again. The important thing is... not giving up. Good luck with your cruise plans.[/b]

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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#000080]Good Morning ladies, [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#000080]Well weigh in is 166.8:D Didn't exercise yesterday was too busy cleaning. got to go to work this morning. Almost had a panic attach thinking this was when the time changed and I was late. :eek: So I will check in later, good Luck all you losers. Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]
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Good Morning All,

Big smile for you Lani...congratulations on your 3rd. loss in a row.:)

The weight I had gained last week is gone....BUT, that still brings me back to the same weight I was the week before. So, I think I will have to report a weigh-in of a plateau.

I know for a fact I skipped my walks around the block on a daily basis cause it's getting cold outside. I'm sure that had something to do with it. I am 1 pound shy of breaking another mile stone and I'm hoping to see that happen in the next few days.

Okay, who's next?

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Good Morning Ladies!!I did my Pilates 3x this week. It never fails to amaze me how much more fit I feel after doing Pilates. I can actually see the difference in my tummy and I just feel stronger all over! We've been moving rooms around so I've been getting my cardio work out there - lifting and going up & down stairs, painting ect.

My weigh in is 147. At least the little extra I put on is gone!

Need to get back to work though ! I'll check in later to see how everyone else did!!

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Good Morning,

My weight is 166, so I am down 2 lbs!! All of you have definately helped!! I just realized it is my PMS week (wasn't paying attention) the "curse" is due in a few days, and I usually gain the week before and have a few days of out of control eating, but didn't happen this week. I am so glad I found you all!! I even ate out last night, and survived. Sounds like you are all doing good so far, Regina, keep walking you will get over the platue!! Connie
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[b]Start (9-22-04)[/b]: 149
[b]Last Sunday[/b]: 143
[b]Today[/b]: 142 :)
[b]Realistic Goal[/b]: 135
[b]Trophy Model Unrealistic Dreaming Goal That May be Achieved if I STARVE[/b]: 125!!:p

[b]Fitness Goal this week:[/b] More Fast Walking and small weight lifting every morning and evening (for upper arms)!!!!!

[b]Food Goal this week[/b]: More fruits and vegetables throughout the day!

[b]Question of the Day[/b]: Anyone have any ideas on how to get the outer upper thighs less "cottage cheese/hail-damage" like? This tends to be my challenge area. I do leg lifts, but that doesn't seem to be working. I've also tried to manipulate the thigh master for the outer thigh, but that is just a joke! I'm chasing it all over as it doesn't want to stay in place! :rolleyes: Remember....I can't do aerobic activity or use much equipment. (Although I'd like to!)

[b][size=4][color=blue]Hope everyone is successful this week....weight, inches, attitude, whatever! Find your success!:) [/color][/size][/b]

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[b]Connie:[/b] Way to go! Losing during "that time" is worth double points, I think! Congrats!

[b]Jen[/b]: Congrats! I love it when the working out can actually accomplish other things that need to get done! Way to go!

[b]Regina:[/b] You are SO Awesome! Way to go! I'm excited for you to hit that 1 more milestone.....and the week before your cruise, too! Nice job!

[b]Lani:[/b] FANTASTIC! Nice job. Whether I believe it or not, cleaning can actually burn more calories than a good workout at the gym! Count your day of cleaning as a Fabulous Workout!

I'll check back later to see how the rest of you did! Sounds like we are on a roll! Way to go! :)
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Kelly, Your 4th week in a row for a loss. Wow! It appears you are well on your way to the loss you want, but don't be in a hurry for those theighs...that will come in time and with patience. Just keep doing those leg exercises and I'm going to try to do more walking like Connie said.

Connie, as you are one of the newbies here, congratulations on your first weigh-in and that reported loss! Stay with us and you will be doing well like the rest of us.

So far this is an awsome week with all these losers!

ps. Where are the rest of you newbies: Nancy, Michele, Susan, Mary and Laura where are you, along with PJ, Nicole? Haven't heard from PJ and Nicole for 3 weeks now:(
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Hi everyone. Sounds like all of you are really committed to losing the weight. I watched 'The Biggest Loser' this past week on tv. Did anyone else see it? What did you think? They all worked so hard.......if only we each could have a personal trainer on a daily basis!! That would sure help. The show did remind me though, of the basics of eating more green vegetables, salads, etc. This past week has been a real struggle for me. I tried to hide the Halloween candy from myself....first in the garage, and then finally in the trunk of my roommate's car. Two nights this week, my awful sweet tooth reappeared and I snuck into the trunk of the car and got out two Reeces cups. Luckily it didn't show up on the scales. This is my second week of Curves. It seems to be a good workout, however I had hoped to notice more results (maybe the Reeces had something to do with that) LOL! Tonight I have to eat out (Italian) with friends and I'm nervous about that, however I've already seen the menu and have decided the osso bucco would be the best for my diet.

Jodie - You have awesome willpower girl!!!! I don't know if I could throw the fries out the window or not. I told your story to a couple of friends who thought it was hilarious!!

Regina - You constantly inspire me. Your support to this board is incredible. We will all miss you when you go on the cruise. Can't wait to hear about it when you return. Have a great time!!!

Connie - Thanks for the graham cracker snack suggestion. I'm going to try that for my terrible sweet tooth and see if it helps. It sounds delicious!

Jen - The Pilates really helped firm up my stomach. I try and watch the tapes a couple of times a week.

Kelly - The leg lifts should help your thighs. How long have you been doing them? Also, going up and down stairs should help that situation. Your progress since 9/22 is inspiring!!

Good luck to everyone next week and 'skinny dreams' for all.

Start weight: 171
Todays weight: 153 (lost two pounds during the week)
Goal (by 11/28/04): 135 (although I'd be happy with 145, if I could get there)
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Regina I also just lost the pound I gained last week. Hoping its gone forever
this time. You must be getting so excited about your cruise. I'm excited for
you. I don't go until Feb but I know it will be here before I know it.

Connie congrats to those 2 pounds.

Kelly way to go every pound counts. I to am trying to eat more fruits and
vegetables. That is one of my goals this week to. I did drink more water
which is really hard for me. I have the cottage cheese happening also. Boy
is it ugly. I hope the exercise and walking I'm starting will help with this.

Lani way to go!!!

Jen congrats! Good job doing your Pilates 3x this week.

Goals for me this week:
1. More fruits and veggies
2. Water
3. Exercise 3 days and walk 4

I hope everyone has a good week!!!

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Wow Ann!!! 18 pound lose so far. You must be very happy. Just think 2 more
pounds to reach a 20lb lose. You should be very proud of yourself.

Jodie that is to funny. Throwing fries out the window. I'm sure glad you
did'nt get a ticket for littering. hehe.

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Hey ladies,

I am down to 134, which means a 3 lb loss. It kind of surprised me since I really haven't changed my eating habits or exercising that much. One of the things they say with South Beach is if you've been eating low carb or don't have a lot to lose not to expect to see a dramatic loss in the first two weeks. Three lbs in four days sounds like quite a bit to me.

I noticed the cottage cheese in the thighs and butt last night too. Not real happy about that, but maybe it will motivate me even more to exercise every day.

WTG to everyone else who lost this week.
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Ann, it is tough around Halloween time not to sneak that candy. I went to the store today and bought candy I didn't like so I wouldn't be tempted....that's just a hint for anyone else in case that little witch of a fat fairy comes for a visit. Congratulations on your loss...you broke that plateau from last week.

Joanne, our metabolisms must be similar cause although we lost our added weight from last week, I feel we are both at a temp. plateau. Well, you know what that means? It means it's our turn next week to go under that number we have previously hit. Sorry, I won't be able to report next Sunday, but I will check in when I get back.

Okay, so far we have had 7 women post. 5 have lost and two have lost back to a recent loss. In my book, those stats are awsome!

The day is still young for the rest of the gang to post. For now, I am going in the kitchen to drum up that recipe with the choc. grahm crackers and low fat whip cream to put in the middle for dessert tonight :)

ps. I will only have one, company will have the rest cause I'm still in training in learning to eat right.
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Can't report anything for weigh-in since I couldn't go to gym today... Mike's out of town and I had Libby w/me and gym doesn't offer child-care on Sunday. I don't keep a scale in the house so I have to wait till tomorrow. Anyway I weigh every day (when I'm at gym) but only use it as a guide since my eating is WOL and not a diet now..
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