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Good Morning all,
Ok drum roll please................... I lost that stinky 3 lbs I gained plus another 1/2. So my loss is 1/2. But the real loser is my inches!:D
Bust 1/2" loss (that is good as I don't have all that much! LOL!)
Arm 0" loss
Waist 1/2" loss
Abdomen 1" loss
Waist 1/2" loss
Hips 1" loss
Thigh 1/2" loss
This is all in one week! I could not believe it when I measured this morn. I knew something was going on cause my clothes are lose. In fact I bought 2 new pair of slacks yesterday in one size smaller and they fit great.

I truly believe it is Atkins plus Curves. I went 5 times this week and plan on 5 times this coming week. If they were open on Sun I would be there now. I am very pleased with myself. My plan for this week is do better on induction and Curves 5 times. Make sure I get up early enough to make my breakfast and lunch so I am not tempted like last week. :p I will also make myself dinner instead of grazing because I am tired from work. I think I drink plenty of water, 10+ a day. I love my water. I will not ony weigh but measure. As I said before, I think a plan is half the battle, the other half is the support I get from here. I agree with Regina, any lurkers out there, come join us. This is a truly incredible group of Women!

Congrats to all of the rest of you! I am glad my Fat fairy story made you laugh. It was pretty funny now that I reread it.

Am I the only one in the Pacific time zone?:confused: Regina, not to worry if you don't hear from me until afternoon. I sleep in on Sundays and am 3 hrs behind you. I promise I will always be here if possible. Next week I will not be reporting in until Mon. I will be spending the weekend at my wonderful son and daughter's (we do not believe in using in-laws) trick or treating with my grandsons. I normally do not go online at their house. Just too busy with those boys. So not to worry, you will see my post on Mon.
Ok, the sun is shining for 5 minutes here and I have chores to do outside. I will be back this eve to respond to all your wonderful posts. I always have something to say...............[size=5][color=red][b]WE ARE AWSOME![/b][/color][/size]:D
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Jodie, I just felt you would do good. A big congratulations to you to! Ya know, at this rate the way we are all going, the market on junk food is taking a loss and the clothing market is on the rise:)

Thanks for giving me the heads up on next Sunday weigh in.....but you do know I won't be around to post for a week?

Listen, if any of you are hesitating to post due to a gain, please rethink it and post. We are all in this together to help. This is not a contest. It is a SUPPORT group. Got it? Okay, now post!


Molly, where are you?
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As I told you on the Atkins thread... which seems to be in "frozen mode" that you really need to use another way of measuring your "success" instead of just the scale... since w/Atkins program you can have a temporary gain when you're being "very good" and it may set you off on doing "harm" (indulging in something not on plan 'cause you're not seeing the encouraging #s on scale). Go by how your clothes feel, how you're feeling mentally and physically.
Go by whether you "really" feel deprived (should really) as to the other benefits.. that's what keeps me on track when I get too tempted... but then again w/all the stress and everything else I've been/am going through right now and I'm really "just" maintaining, I'm greatful to have the Atkins program as a tool... it's the fat-fairy in the later evening, after falling asleep and being awaken by something out of "my" control.. late night phone call etc. that kind of sets me off.
Good luck everone.
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just peeking in.....nobody else yet???????? Hmmmmmm!:confused:

BTW: Connie, I just finished one of those "mock ice-cream sandwiches" and I have to say, it was tooooo good to be true! Almost tasted illegal!:eek:

ps. I think I will take the dog for a walk....hmmm or is he walking me?
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Carolyn, you were right! I was bummed on the scale but after measuring I am motivated again.

I am going to try to add a pic of me and my DH from our Alaska cruise. Then I will try to add one from this summer so you can see the difference of the 17 or 18 lbs I lost. I was stunned myself when I looked at them. So here goes. Ok I cannot figure it out:mad: . Anyone know how and want to tell me. or not.

Regina, I will miss you while you are gone. You must be so excited! doing anything special, tours etc. Where are you going by the way? Who is going to keep us in line and worry about us? Lani is pretty good at keeping track of everyone.
Kelly, I am so glad you are doing good.

Ok I am out of here to go lurk on a couple other threads. I will be back later.
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I weighed in this week at 157.4, .4 less than last week, and .6 since I got back on WW. But I have been much more serious since my talk with the lecturer on Thurs, so hopefully that will show this coming Thurs.

Today we went out for brunch, and I had the spinach omelette. NO feta cheese, even though I knew it would be good with the spinach. Instead of hash browns or grits, I had TOMATOES. I did have one half slice of toast. Unfortunately, my dear sweet husband ordered breaded mushrooms, and I had a sample. Fortunately, breakfast arrived before I totally went over the edge. I am going to need to plan for him doing things like that in the future, so I can be prepared and have a "resistance" plan ready.

Dinner tonight will be turkey tacos. I found low fat, high fiber, whole wheat tortillas that are supposed to be good. I figure salsa, turkey strips and lettuce will work for me. DH can add other junk if he wants. We'll see how that works. I'm also going to make a tricolor salad - black beans, oranges and cucumber - for me to eat this week at work. My DH is going on a business trip this week, so I won't feel like cooking, and I'm trying to do all my prep tonight.

I have 6 weeks before my cruise, and I have to start figuring out what to pack, and what I need to buy. Regina, any tips on how to decide what should wait and what I can settle on now? Cruising in the middle of a diet in tough in more ways than just what to eat onboard. :rolleyes:
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Jodie, Yea...but you are Granma Jo and granmas have a way of keeping everyone together. Right?

I have never instructed someone on how to download a pic, but will give it a try:

Post using the :Go Advance" don't use "post quick reply.

After you have written your post, scroll down the screen until you see button reading.... "Manage Attachment" and click on it. A box will pop up.

Click on "Browse" button. Another pop up box will appear.

Click on the dark arrow at the top to take you where your pictures are stored.

Click on your picture, then click open. You will then see box with "upload" button.

Click on the upload button. Then click on the "close this window" button.

It will be downloaded into your message. Let me know how you make out.

ps. If your picture is too large, it will not upload. Hope you know how to resize a picture. You will have to make it about 2inches in width and height for it to be able to upload. Phew!
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Mindy, get your summer tops, shorts, capris packed first. They will keep nice when folded and allow more room in your closet for the winter items. Keep a list available of items to pack so you don't forget what is already packed. Pack film and any jewelry you won't be wearing in next 6 weeks and that you will need for outfits.

Pack your formal wear the day you are leaving. That should be the very last items to pack.

Keep a carry on opened for those last items you use on a daily basis: toothpaste, toothbrush, q-tips, medicines, make up etc. You get the idea. Also, you might want to pack a room spray or one of those plug-ins in case you enter a musty room and it's also good to keep the bathroom fresh smelling.

The basic idea is to pack what you won't be wearing now because of the cold season. All the stuff you use, goes in the night before, leaving your formal wear to be packed just before leaving the house. Keeping a list is probably the most important part cause you won't have to go digging in your luggage because you are not sure if you have packed something or not. Hope this helps. Oh, before I forget...I always pack a can of Lysol spray in case the cleaning crew ran out of diinfectant by the time they got to my cabin:rolleyes:

ps. I got so carried away, I forgot to congratulate you on your loss. This is your 2nd. week in a row for losing. Keep going, you're doing good.
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[b]Ann[/b]: Very Nice! You are really losing A LOT! You are an inspiration!

[b]Joanne[/b]: It looks like you have a "cottage cheese" chaser-awayer friend! Let's beat this together! Congrats on your success!

[b]Carolyn[/b]: Way to go!

[b]Jodie[/b]: You are Awesome! I can't work the tape measure to measure myself (not coordinated)....but now you have motivated me to learn how! WOO HOO!

[b]Carolyn & Molly[/b]: Congrats on your successes!

I hope I didn't miss anyone! There are so many now...:rolleyes:

I'm attaching a picture of myself (with the pony tail on the right I think) with my.....well.....hmmmm......significant other! Is that like SO instead of DH? :p Anyway...that picture was at the [b]Denver Race for the Cure[/b] 3 weeks ago, and [color=blue][b]6 pounds heavier[/b][/color]! :) I hope it shows up! Thanks Regina....for the mini-lesson on pictures!

Have a nice evening everyone!
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Regina...Thanks for the compliment! I'm not where I'd like to be, but I'm getting there! :p

I can't keep anybody's name straight! I'm sorry! :(

It helps me if you all can sign your messages! ;) I'm sorry if I screw up your names....welcome to my world! :rolleyes: Maybe I'll just use your pen name if you don't sign the message......it seems so insincere....but I hate calling people the wrong name. Sorry! :cool:
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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkslateblue]Hey Everyone, sounds like everyone is really on track:D I had to work dayturn today so didn't get to read any posts since I posted EARLY this morning. My in-laws took the whole family out for supper tonight. I did have half a piece of lasagna, salad, a piece of garlic toast and 1/2 of a cookie:( But I had a very low point lunch and a muffin (weight watcher's) for breakfast. then i got on the gazelle for a while when I got home. Hopefully that will hold off some of the weight.[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkred][b]Kelly [/b]that picture is nice you look pretty slim to me;) [color=darkolivegreen][color=darkred]Oh Kelly I have[/color] [/color][color=darkred]a tape measure I got from walmart that has a snap you can put it around your waist or where ever snap it and there is a plastic slide you slide to the snap and there is your measurement:D I love it[/color][/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkolivegreen][b]Joanne [/b]I know what you mean about cottage cheese!!! I have large curd on my thighs almost fainted:eek: [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkorange][b]Carolyn, Mindy,Sue and Jodie.[/b] Great job on your losses!![/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=blue][b]Regina [/b]You are truly this boards inspiration, we will miss you on weigh in Sunday can't wait to hear about your trip.[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=teal]Well got to run for now, take care everyone till tomorrow. Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]
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Lani, thank you for that special compliment. You know I will be thinking of all of you as I do my fast pace walk around the deck and whatever I can do in the gym. If I come back with the same weight, I'll be happy with that, but I will do my best to do better than that. Snorkling should help to burn calories and since I have my own gear, I plan to snorkel on every beach I land on. I really can't believe how close this vacation is and I'm beginning to feel butterfies in the stomach from excitement.

Well, I think I'll turn in for the night. It was good to see 9 of us had weighed in today.

This is for all 9 who weighed in and lost weight which was actually everyone:) I applaud this group.
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Regina - either the weather has changed A LOT since you left TX, or you have forgotten how warm it stays until late fall. We still have daytime temps in the 80s now, and last week it went up to 94 one day! Needless to say, I don't need room for the winter stuff yet....

I'm really worried about what will fit me and what won't in 6 weeks. I'm in between sizes now, but I don't want to buy any smaller clothes, because I never lose weight in the same place twice. And the thought of shopping right after Thanksgiving is not my idea of fun - especially with only one week between then and our cruise. :eek: I'll have to get a little closer, and then guess.

But that was a great tip to pack formal clothes last - reduces the threat of [I]Wrinkles[/I]. I read on another thread that if you put a long drycleaning bag inside your formal and a hanging bag over it that it will come out wrinkle free. I'd like to try that before the cruise, but I don't think I will travel anywhere soon, let alone a place the needs a formal dress.

EVERYBODY - have a losing week!!! ;)
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Hello, I just stumbled on your thread and was wondering if I could join your group. I am going on a cruise in April 2005 and would like to lose 15-20 pounds. About a year ago I went on the Atkins Diet and lost 22 pounds (Which I haven't regained thank goodness), but even though it worked for me I am not sure I want to do it again. It made me extremely tired! I need some motivation!

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:p Lol....Mindy, I have been mostly writing to people in the north, and totally forgot to look at the board to see you were from Texas....now I would say that is a perfect example of what I call a "senior moment":rolleyes: Anyway, I have similar problem with size, so I did pack a couple of things that have stretchy bands in waist: a long skirt, work out shorts and my capris are made of stretch material. These are the items I couldn't wear before because I was too big, but now with my weight loss, they are actually comfortable and have enough give where they aren't tight. Search your wardrobe for these types of items and if you don't have them, you may have no choice but to do a little shopping. Oh yes, the dry cleaner plastic bags work great for wrinkle prevention. I have used that little technique.

Next post is for our new comer:)

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Welcome aboard Evonne!

You have come to the right place for motivation. Now that you have decided to join us, tell us more about your plan to drop that weight. We have members from all diet plans on this thread which will get you motivated.

Tell us about yourself:
Do you drink lots of water?
Are you able to exercise?
Do you have any support from family?
Would you be willing to weigh in every Sunday on this thread?

Also, where are you from so I don't make a silly mistake in reference to climate :)

Note for all: We have a nice number of people on this thread, so please sign you name after each post so we can keep up with who is who and it will help the newbies get to know you as well.....thanks much.
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I haven't posted since I joined in last week, but my week wasn't easy. We spent half of it traveling and eating out. This week my goal is to drink water (I don't drink much at all), exercise 2-3 times, and try not to eat too much Halloween candy! I'll send move of the new stuff with DH to work next Monday, but candy and cookies are 2 of my weaknesses.

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I'm worried more about the candy my kids bring into the house than the stuff I buy for Halloween. I probably won't buy any until Friday, whether it is stuff I'll eat or not. The kids will bring home lots of goodies. In fact, that has already started (thanks MIL). I need to have DH hide it so I won't be tempted.
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Michelle, can you put the kids' candy in their lunch boxes? A little at a time, so they won't need to visit the dentist next Monday?

I bought the most disgusting (to me) things I could find. Shrek candy bars and SpongeBob candy hamburgers. BLECH! I also got tootsie pops, so I bought those little treat bags, and I will fill them this week. Once the candy is in bags, it's NOT mine, and then I can't touch it. If anything is left over, it's going to work. Unfortunately, everybody else's candy will come to work too, so I will have to think ahead.
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I think my plan is to cut calories and exercise 5 days a week (and watch my carb intake). I don't drink near enough water, but I am working on that. I enjoy exercise, so that won't be a problem. My trouble is junk food. I am addicted to Pepsi. My favorite foods are loaded with carbs (potatoes, bread, and pasta) which is what made Atkins so hard. I lost weight pretty fast, but I was unbearable to be around.


P.S. I will participate in the Sunday weigh-ins
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Hi Evonne! Welcome! I'm a Pepsi Addict, too! I used to average about 4-6 a day. No water! Yikes. About a month ago, I decided to cut Pepsi out, but I found I needed them for the caffeine. Now, I have 1 pepsi a day! At lunch. I drink 8 bottles of water a day. It's really hard in the beginning, but every time I wanted a Pepsi, I grabbed a water. It really works, but it's not easy! :)

Cutting Pepsi and Cheetos out of my diet has made and UNBELIEVABLE difference. Oh...and walking!;)

Welcome to all the other "newbies." :D Glad you're on board with us!

Have a great day, all!
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Well Gals, I couldn't have said it better than Kelly. Seems like many of us had a soda and cheese doodle thingy addiction and like any addiction, it is hard at first, but then it will get easier as the weeks pass.

Whatever you are addicted to, be it fries, candy, soda, junk food....just before you get that irresistable urge and your hand has the substance ready to enter your mouth....STOP! and for 2 seconds say out loud...."Is it REALLY worth it" If your answer is yes, go ahead and enjoy....BUT....know that you are detaining yourself to some degree in reaching that goal you have sooooo long dreamed about. And know that you will be reporting back on the board every Sunday to weigh in. Every weigh in should be reported with your reason for the result, be it loss, gain or remain the same. Many have taken it one step further (which I think is nice) and list their plans for the following week to stay on track.

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Thanks to everyone for cheering for my minute successes. It may not be much, but you made it seem like like I had dropped a dress size! I'm glad to be here.

Nicole, whereever you are, I am so glad you started this group. I may not be able to wear a bikini on my next cruise :eek: , but I AM going to look good! Thank you very, very much.

Regina - no harm done! I would not have brought up the weather if you hadn't mentioned that you still have family in the Golden Triangle.
Kelly - no harm done also! If you accidently call me the wrong name, I'll probably figure out it's me. But I will try to be better about signing my name.

Kelly and Evonne - I gave up caffeine years ago because they associated it the "fibrocystic changes" I was experiencing. I can drink tea occasionally (mostly in Asian restaurants) without any problems, but every now and then I will have just one can of Pepsi, and I will feel a difference at "that" time of month. It shows you how much caffeine is in it!

Evonne - I know what you mean about motivation. I finally started a diet last year when I was outgrowing the clothes in the sportwear dept., and I didn't want to have to change to a different style of clothes. Once I got back into 12's, it was hard to get motivated again. But I found a WW group I like, and this group is SO encouraging, and that helps me through the times when a fat fairy dessert looks better than the clothes I don't fit into. Don't expect that what motivates you today will work for you tomorrow, and don't feel bad if you have a pig out day. Come talk to us about it, and then start again after you get all the bad stuff out of your system.

ALL the new people - This group keeps me losing, even when it's just the teensiest bit. They are the best bunch of losers I know!

Mindy, living in Houston, TX, from Long Island, NY
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