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well, i managed to get through another week of work.... I am proud to say that i lost 4 pounds this past week. Probably a lot to do with water, but hey i will take what i can get. Everyone have a great week.
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Hi everyone, Wow, sounds like everyone is doing great!! Well, the fat fairy got to me last night, I thing super willpower woman was visiting one of you. I made apple pie for my family, and resisted all day until the evening when everyone in the house was asleep but me, it was calling my name and I caved. Oh well, my weight was still down this morning, and I did great today. I ate Lean Cuisines for lunch and dinner (with a salad) I even made my self eat a little oatmeal for breakfast (I don't usually eat breakfast) I have also exercised the past 8 days without missing.

Regina, glad you liked the "ice cream sandwiches"
Welcome Evonne, I love the carbs to, so I do WW, the atkins makes me to grumpy, like you are all saying, we each have to find what works for us!!
Well, time to get the rugrats to bed.:) Connie
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Connie - Exercising 8 days in a row!!! Wow. I can barely take a walk twice a week. In my fatter days (.6 pounds ago) I would have said you deserved that apple pie. Now that I am working at a healthier attitude, I will say that since you ate the pie, I hope you enjoyed it, and today is a new day. It sounds like you got right back on track, so you really don't need Super WillPower Woman as much as you think you do. :D
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OK.. Regina.. I weighed in at gym today.. stay the same (as I expected)...
now I need to know what's the weather forcast for Long Island for this weekend and next week.. Gotta get "their" house painted before the snow comes (think I need to get it done before or week of Thanksgiving... up here week before Thanksgiving can be a problem).
Wish I knew of painters down there.. will probably have to have person here go down w/RV and one additional crew.
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Hi Connie, Your statistics are still good and your determination to lose still remains, so don't sweat it. Now, if you had said you ate 1/2 a pie, then I think that would have to be addressed. Dieting teaches us to eat right, not to deprive ourselves completely. I am wondering a little why you waited to everyone was asleep to have a piece of pie instead of joining them at time of dessert. Are you concerned they may think of you as failing on your diet? Were you having quiet moments of thought causing you to be depressed? Or was it the aromas of baked apple pie which tugged at you too much? Whatever it was, it is important to understand why we reach for certain food items so that we come to terms without the guilt and we then learn from it. Good to read you are still determined to lose.

Hi Carolyn, I do know that Friday will be cloudy. I suppose you could always type the zip code in on a weather site to keep track of the climate, but they only forecast for 5 days ahead the most.

In the yellow pages are listed painters. I have never had to hire them because my husband does the painting, but you could always call the following to check out their prices: Dave's Painting (in Levittown) 334-3207
Siraco's Painting (Levittown) 731-7055

Glad you weighed in :)
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Now as far as myself is concerned: I am still sticking to my diet and have been detained with the exercise due to my back problem acting up a bit. Could be the cold climate here is affecting past herniated discs...not really sure. I am also 1 week late with my cycle even though I had all the symptoms last week with bloatiness and dull heavy feeling I ususually get with pms. I have never been late with cycle before unless I was pregnant....and NO...I am not pregnant. I am 52 years old and now wondering if I am experience my first signs of menopause which is keeping my weight temporarily at status quo. I guess that is a possibility. My co-worker tells me I may have thrown my cycle off due to extreme excitement about the cruise coming up. I'm not sure if that can cause it, but time will tell. At any rate, this plateau I am on eventually has to give way in my favor.

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I think we're in the "same boat" ... age and backs...
My cycle's getting a bit "off" too... went to MD to check on some things (annual etc) and he said it "again" "It's an 'age' thing"... though I'm just a couple of years younger than you.
I DO know that my back usually "acts up" more in the fall when it gets damp and first signs of cold. Also, for me at least, I know when I've had alot of processed carbs I get more pain in back and that dull ache there.
I haven't been "good" w/doing back exercised BUT I have found the Precor Elliptical (546 model though.... footing and pitch works ok for me.. doesn't put pressure on back or legs) has been a very good machine that I'm able to use w/o aggrevating back for years now... exercycles are out (too much pressure, even the incumbant ones) and the cross trainers /treadmills aren't good for "me" at least... w/disc problems you want to exercise BUT you also don't want to chance blowing a disc... that's why I walk away w/the trainers "eye" me at gym (Ballys). Some of them aren't truly "trained" OK they took a course ... could have been a week thing and got certified... but I'm not risking my back..I'll do things my way.
Have a great day everyone.
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Good Morning everyone,
Hope you are all doing good. I see we have another newbie. Welcome Evonne this is a great group. In fact I am wondering if you live in Seattle?

I am kinda bue today. I really miss my DH. I talked to him last nite and he was very pleased with my losses. Anyhow, it is hard to stay on track when my main cheerleader is far away! But I have all of you. I was reading all the posts last nite. It is so great to see how everyone is encouraging everyone else. It is also really nice to be able to come in here and be honest and know that you will not be critized. What you get is great advice, a little sympathy when needed and a helping hand stretched out offering to help you back up on that horse. I will be back this eve to hopefully get that picture on here. Now I am off to Curves and then back to work.
Hugs to you all!
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Hello there. I've been lurking, posting once only. Finally went to the gym today and weighed - I'm 182 which is actually really good for me. I started running last summer (2003) and that's been the most successful way to get weight off I've ever experienced. Which makes sense - gotta burn the calories or take in less which is always sooooo difficult. But, knee & achiles heel pains caused me to stop during the summer.

My problem is not pepsi or cheetos or... its volume (tho' I do fancy choc. chip cookies:-) I'm hungry and just like to eat! My most motivational book was the Oprah Make the Commitment book which really helped - her (well her trainer actually) tips of why to drink lots of water, and how this can help you over a plateau, exercise in the a.m. so you keep burning calories at the higher rate all day long, and don't eat after dinner (my workout instructor friend says eat minimally after 3 p.m. - impossible but food for thought hahah). Anyway, some ideas. I've enjoyed the ideas posted here too.

I'm cruising in 3 weeks. One maybe discouraging comment is to remember that no matter how many times you walk 'round the ship track and attend fitness classes for those free t-shirts, its still pretty hard to not have your waistband get a bit tight on the cruise. Don't totally deprive yourself of the joys of having someone else cook & clean for you or that's all you'll remember of the cruise! Also, as was suggested, be sure to pack clothes that have a bit of give and don't "just fit" or you'll be wearing just your comfy stuff the whole time and regretting dragging along that svelte gown that proves to be just a bit too tight looking/feeling!

That's all for today! K, in the drizzly Pacific Northwest!
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Hey everyone....I posted a brief message last evening about last weeks progress but i did not include my strategies. Well, I had good intentions of doing the south beach diet, but it didnt happen. So, i just had to tell myself that I do not need second helpings, or food after 8:00 pm (also a weakness), and i really needed to bust my butt at the gym. So last week i ran two miles 3 times 15 minutes on the eliptical machine 3 times, and 200 situps. I find that running, regardless of speed really trims the thighs down, which is good since this is a problem area for me. The downside is that it starts bothering my knees pretty quickly. I plan on taking the same approach this week and really sticking to my exercise routine. Another thing i found that works for me, since it is hard to justify to myself working this hard for a cruise so far in advance, is finding things each weekend or every other weekend to look forward to (ex: nice evening out, hanging out at friends houses, heading to public events such as ball games, and even family get togethers) As funny and bazaar as this sounds i tell myself when i am about to die on the treadmill that "it is okay because your butt is gonna look better in those blue jeans this weekend." haha.... I am ridiculous I know...

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Hi Molly.....I would kill myself doing 200 push up! You are in far better shape than I am for sure. Your workout is great for your metabolism. I wish I could run, but my physical abilities are minimized with foot and back problems. I know it's going to take me longer to rid the extra weight than the average person, but that's okay...just as long it eventually comes off.

I had an unnerving day at work today. I wanted to choke the only other employee cause she was being "neurotic" today. She even admitted she was being that way. The final straw came when she asked me...."Does your dog know you are going on vacation?" I said..."WHAT????!" I wanted to say....naturally, he was the one who recommended the ship you idiot! Okay...is this a sign of menopause? Then, I'm in it if it is.

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Good evening ladies,

Sorry I've been so quiet the last few days. I've caught whatever bug is going around town. I'm hoping it's just a bad cold but I started feeling achy today so I'm thinking it might be the flu. Not sure what this is going to do to my eating level or exercise. I know I haven't felt up to doing much the last few days. I'm trying to make myself stick to the South Beach eating plans though.

My dh got home fine Saturday and has been very supportive since then. I don't think he was ever against me eating this way, just worried I'd make him change his diet patterns causing him to gain weight.
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Regina, I think you have the pre-cruise version of senioritis - that's what we called it in Plainview HS anyway. You know where you are going, and you want to get there NOW. Working with that woman probably seems like a waste of time, because it's just a square you have to fill. You want to be ON THE PLANE TO SAN JUAN, and you want to be there NOW.

This is not the time to be worrying about menopause. It is going to show up, just like the tax forms will in January. You need to start de-stressing for your vacation, not add more stress.

As far as your co-worker goes, asking you if your dog knows you are going on vacation is weird, unless she has heard you talk about your dog in this kind of context before. No, you are not crazy.

SVWK - hope you are feeling better soon!

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Mindy...You are ABSOLUTELY right on target. I got a chuckle over that tax thing. I promise I will try to relax. Deep breath! Aaaaaaaah! Deep breath! Aaaaaaaaah! I'll keep working on it.

BTW: She based her question on the fact that some animals know when their master is sick and they react to it. I just told her I gurantee my dog doesn't know I'm going on vacation. She didn't like my response and then said...Did you get your cycle yet? Okay ....Deep breath! Aaaaah! Deep breath! Aaaaaah! Thanks Mindy :)

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Hi everyone, I didn't make it on yesterday. Regina, I agree with Mindy, it's gonna happen sooner or later, so why worry!! You made me think about why I ate the pie, it wasn't because I worried what anyone else thought, I think it was a combo of boredom, hunger(I ate a very light dinner) and that it just looked so good when everyone else ate it!! I really did enjoy it, and so far I have stayed away from it since then. I went to my neighbors last night to play this game called bunko (don't know if anyone has heard of it, it's pretty much a mindless dice game but fun and I made 5 bucks) They had tons of food (m&m's cookies, dips, brownies etc.) I did not eat 1 bite of anything, if I would have taken a
bite I would have probably went crazy!! I did drink a wine cooler.
Susan, I hope your feeling better!!

K- when you were running last summer, how far did you run? I have been running on the treadmill for about 3 weeks now, between 2 and 3 miles, plus along with that I walk another mile or 2, and I do that about 4 times a week, and then the other days I walk about 45 minutes outside. I thought I would loose alot faster!! I will stick with it, just get a little frustrated.
Hope you all have a great day! Connie
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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkorange]Good Morning Ladies, Wasn't on yesterday had sooooooo much to do and no time to do it it seemed. anyway . Sounds like everyone is doing well. I did a little shopping on ebay for our cruise. I bought 2 shawl like ponchos since everyone I talked to says it is chilly on ship. And one of those joy mangano suitcases that has the center clothes hanger that comes out and you hang everything straight from the suitcase to the closet:confused: Brain dead can't think of the name of it?????? :rolleyes: Any way I am hoping it will transport my gown etc without too many wrinkles. Anyone know what I am talking about and if so do you think it will work???? Trying to think of ways to cut down on luggage.[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=green][b]Regina [/b]Your cruise is sooooooo close:D Mindy is right just enjoy your cruise and let everything else happen as it happens. [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkred][b]Molly [/b]I did 20 sit ups on my ball and boy did I feel it I would be in bed for a week if I tried 200:eek: You are definately in better shape than me.[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=navy][b]Susan [/b]hope you are feeling better soon.[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkorange]Well I had a bad eating day yesterday because i was gone most of the day and stressed I ate poorly. But I will do better today!!!! I think everything I ate was fried in some way or other:( I did exercise on the gazelle though. well got to run, everyone have a great day. Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]

[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=indigo][b]Thought for Today:[/b]If we empty our plate we won't lose the weight!!!![/color][/size][/font][/i]
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Hi Connie - I was training using the "in training" program put out by SportMedBC which is [url]www.sportmedbc.com[/url] Started out walking 4 1/2 mins, running 30 seconds x 7 reps. Worked over many weeks (program does it over 13 weeks, 3x week but I expanded that 'cause I was suckin' wind) up to running for 60 minutes straight. Ran a 10km (6 mi). Trick is to truly follow the program and don't run more than the 30 sec to start or you push your body too hard and it develops injuries. ie your stamina maybe can keep going, but your muscles can't (or vice versa). If you're already running a bit, there's another program that gradually increases it from running a bit to running a lot. Takes a lot of time out of your life to run this much! Commit yourself to a short run event like a 6mi/10km and then you'll be very motivated to put in the miles! I subscribed to runners world mag (or get from library). Even if you're just walking, its very motivational to read. Lots of nutrition, workout, clothing, etc tips. You start to realize your body is like your car and it can't perform if you put junk in it. Tell that to the hand that's shoving the second helping of sloppy joes in my mouth!

The beauty is, I did a 2 week Hawaii cruise (favourite so far) in May, and in every port I ran for 35 minutes in the a.m. - got off ship, went for my run, stretched, got back on ship, showered etc., had breakie with my girlfriend, then started my day. It was beautiful and a great memory and wonderful perspective of the ports that we were in. Probably only feasible on a g.f. vacation, not a husband & family trip :-)

tt4n K
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Good evening Ladies,

Just stopped in real quick to see how everyone is doing.

K: That's good input on running. Have you ever experienced runners high? Years ago when my physical condition permitted running, I did experience it once and it was wild...I felt like I was moving without legs....very strange sensation.

Hope everyone is keeping the Fat Fairy from whispering in their ear and if she starts in....just come here and post away.

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Today was NOT easy. Fortunately, I started with a good breakfast, so when the Fat Fairy sang her siren song, I wasn't hungry and I could at least delay her. We had a virtual food orgy at work today. People brought in :eek: fresh baked goods, store bought goods, casseroles, ice cream, and fruit. It was a nightmare. I did stick to the fruit at first, but then some of the other things called, loudly I might add. But I did much better than I would have normally, partly because of breakfast, partly because tomorrow is weigh in day for me, and partly because of all of you. Thanks to everyone.

Dinner was better. I got home late and had a Linda McCartney frozen dinner. Lots of veggies, vegetarian chicken and Brown rice. I think that puts me back on track, but the weigh in will be the true judge. I am not asking for a huge loss; I just want to break the one pound barrier. :rolleyes:
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Mindy, I hear ya. I feel so bad for you to have been subjected to that kind of torture. I suppose we will all have to confront some kind of torture with the upcoming holidays. You are holding up as can be expected. Remember, we may go one step back, but we learn and go 2 steps forward. Let us know how your weigh in goes.

I'll be hoping you break that one pounder. I'm still trying to break mine.

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"Hope you are all doing good. I see we have another newbie. Welcome Evonne this is a great group. In fact I am wondering if you live in Seattle?"

Yes, I live in the Seattle area.

Kluv2cruz & Molly - How do you get the motivation to run? I exercise at least 5 days a week for at least an hour a day, but I still am not able to get motivated enough to run. Even back in high school when I was only 105 pounds I couldn't run. I feel like my chest is going to explode. What is the secret?

One good thing that happened to me today...my mother baked a pumpkin pie and gave it to me and I DIDN'T eat any!!!!YEAH!!!!!!

Keep up the good work!
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