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Good Morning everyone,

Thanks for the running info K, I will definately check the site out. 6miles a short run?:eek: The 2 week cruise in Hawaii must have been awesome. I was very fortunate to live there for 3 years (my DH is in the army) I did not want to leave!!
Mindy, sounds like you made better choices at the food orgy than you normally would have, I guess that's what they mean by taking baby steps! Good luck on the weigh in.
Evonne, good luck turning down the pumpkin job!! My DH and kids were trying to get me to eat the last piece of the apple pie last night, instead I ate some fat free choclate pudding with fat free cool whip.
Regina, are you all ready for the cruise!! It is so close now.
Hope everyone else is doing good. Have a great day! Connie
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Hey everyone,

I am feeling better now. Still not 100%, but better than I was Tuesday. Most of it is in my throat and chest now which is pretty normal for me with a cold. Thanks for all the well wishes.

I was able to maintain my WOE while I was under the weather and except for the first day got my exercise in as well. Measured this morning and I'm down another 1/2 inch around my waist and hips.

Good job to those of you who avoided the food temptations over the last few days.
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Good Morning All!
Where have I been? :confused: I've missed you! I couldn't for the LIFE of me remember my login in password and had to wait for it to be sent to me! There ya' go! Brain injury at it's finest!

I've been doing ok. I had a small (repeat.....small) bag of cheetos in my lunch yesterday. Man! When they were gone, I couldn't have anymore! That was good! I'm still doing good with 1 pop per day! Sometimes I even leave half the can full and put it in the fridge! I'm doing well there!

Exercise wise.....I'm really proud of myself! I am getting up at 4:00 am, doing 4 reps of 25 stiups (and crossover situps), 4 reps of 25 leg lifts with 3 pound weights on, 4 reps of 25 arm lifts hold hand weights (front, back and side), and 4 reps of 25 thigh master squeezies. ALL ON BED! I'm beginning to see a bit of a difference. This is my 5th week on this routine! I also do the same routine at night just before I go to bed!

I hate working out, but this is really working for me!

I also try to walk really fast at work, and swing my arms. I'm beginning to feel a difference!

I hope you are all doing well! I've written my password down, now, so I can be on here daily again! I'm sorry it took me so long to get back to you all!

Regina: 2 DAYS! I'm so excited for you!

I'll see you all later!
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Susan: Glad you're feeling better!

Connie: Living in Hawaii? Wow! You are so lucky to have had that experience!

Evonne: Congrats on your pumpkin pie boycott! That must have been VERY difficult! A great inspiration for the holidays coming up!

Mindy: I steer clear of the food orgies at work! I can't handle them!

K: Your running is inspirational! I can't do it. I feel sick after running for 20 seconds! Keep up the good work!

Again, Regina.....I'm so excited for yoU!

Talk to the rest of you later today, I hope!!
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I lost 1.8 pounds this week, :D :D bringing my total to 2.4 pounds over 3 weeks. I'm almost where I should be (average 1 pound a week), despite the Fat Fairy's major campaign yesterday.
You know, if I thought that having the Fat Fairy visit me meant she was leaving the rest of you alone, it wouldn't be so bad. But I know she is a greedy witch!

I am going to go home as soon as I figure out a dinner plan. I have found going home without a plan is big trouble in the pounds dept.

Hope the rest of you are having a satisfying, losing day!

Regina - I hope you can post to us from the Serenade. (LIVE from the Serenade OTS - It's 3XCruiser!) You have been such a great coach, that I know I will go through withdrawal. :eek: But don't go to ANY extra expense to do that - out-of-town cruises are expensive enough.

Not so much of Mindy
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[b]Mindy:[/b] Congrats! That's fantastic! I'm really happy for your loss! Keep it up!:D

[b]Jodie:[/b] Good to hear from you! I checked in at lunch at work today, too! It's hard to not be able to talk on here for a couple of days, but I'm glad I'm back! :)

[b]Regina:[/b] Hope you are getting all packed up! I can't wait to hear about your trip! I'll be thinking of you! (and hopefully even more skinnier by the time you get home!) ;)

I'll check in later and see how the rest of you are doing!
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Hi Everyone!

I leave for my southern caribbean cruise on Saturday at 5am. I realize I have missed some posts already because my schedule is on crunch time now, so I am truly sorry if I don't respond to each post. My brain presently is in a fog from the excitement and I don't even know how I will function tomorrow at work. I'm hoping my boss sees that I am brain dead and lets me leave early.

Thank you ALL for wishing me a happy cruise and believe it or not, I will be missing all of you. Some of my fellow cruisers from the board have already left on their journey heading toward Florida. I believe a couple of them are coming from Norway. How excited they must be.

Mindy...I just knew you would do it! Thanks for the great news before I head out.
Grandma Jo: I know you will do excellent watching over the chic-a-dees :) And everyone, if withdrawal from the board becomes too much for me to handle, I will post from the Serenade...promise.

When I return, I expect it will take me a full day to catch up on all the posts. Well, that's all for now until I return. Must get my house in order, so when I return all I will have to do is fix a cup of coffee, sit at my computer and read all of your posts.

Hang in there everyone,
Love ya all,
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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=green]Good Morning Ladies, Haven't been feeling great so I haven't been on as much and now I have to work early so thought thought I would get on while I have my coffee. [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkred][b]Regina[/b] have a wonderful time we will miss you.[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=navy][b]Kelly[/b] Glad you found your password:D been there how frustrating that is!!!![/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=purple][b]Welcome[/b] to all new comers I may have missed the last couple of days. [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=red]Well I won't get to respond to everyone this am but I think of all of you when I am not on, feels like family here. Getting nervous about the holidays coming up there is always soooooo much junk food brought in at work so I will have to start planning now for those days. :p [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#ff0000]Well better finish getting ready for work. Have a great day everyone. Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=blue]Thought for Today: The need for bread is all in the head!!![/color][/size][/font][/i]
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Good Morning!
TGIF! I am at work again and Just thought I would check in.

MC-CONGRATS! :D You are on the right track. I agree about the dinner plan. If I plan in the morning before I leave for work and know what is waiting for dinner, I do much better.

Lani, Glad you are feeling better. :) I love your posts and your quotes each day. I am also worried about the holidays but one day at a time.

Kelly, You have been so positive and funny. You always make me smile.:)

Regina, Have a really funtime.:D You will be missed!

To everyone else, I cannot possible be as good a coach as Regina even tho she passed the baton to me,AKA Granma Jo. She is so organized, supportive and positive. She always remembers everyone's name. I will do my best.
I will be gone this weekend to Trick or Treat with my grandkids. I may not be on here from Sat until Mon. My best advice to myself and everyone else for this weekend is remember;
The Fat Fairy is going to "trick you" and want a treat. JUST SAY NO! And call for Super Willpower Woman to save the day. On the other hand, do not beat yourself up if that mini Snickers some how makes it way to your mouth. Tomorrow is another day and you can get right back on.
This week has been pretty good for me. I did not go to Curves as many days as I would have liked. I had a few"slips" but nothing major. I checked the scale this morning and I was down 2lbs so I am ok with that. I am coming to realize this is not a temporary change in my life but a life changing event. I will have to exercise and control my carb intact the rest of my life. I do not want to wind up like my mother, age 80, in a wheelchair, unalble to walk due to the neuropathy in her legs, and kidney failure, because she has type II diabetes and congestive heart failure, both diagnosed at age 55, and weighs almost 300 lbs. She did nothing about it but wring her hands and continue to eat sweets. I was on that same path this last winter. Luckily for me, a friend gave me the Atkins book and I discovered Curves. So this is a constant struggle for me and I do lose some of the battles but I am determined to win the war!

Ok, back to work for me. I will be on this eve to check in on all of you. We are a great group of very strong women. It is an honor to be a part of this group.
See you all this eve!:cool:
PS weigh in is Sunday so don't forget.
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:cool: Ok Ladies.....where the heck are you? I've been looking on here for you and you are all missing! Let's not make this a difficult job for Granma Jo! :p

1 more day until weigh-in! :rolleyes: I've been doing pretty well, but I'm a little nervous! I've had the munchies a lot the last couple of days!

Hey...I just discovered Velamints! They satisfy my chocolate craving and are only 5 calories each...with no fat!! Just thought I'd share! :p

Have a GREAT day everyone! :)
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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkred]Good Morning everyone, Looks like everyone but Kelly took the day off yesterday:confused: I lurked off and on yesterday had so many things going on, Well weighed in this morning at 165 no loss no gain, was 164 for a couple days but not today so guess I did gain:( only went to Curves twice last week because I was sick so that is probably part of it. Been having bad cravings too so I nibbled a lot. Will have to work on that. Hope everyone has a great weigh in,I am off to work, Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]

[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=royalblue]Thought fot Today: Good things come to those who believe they will !!!![/color][/size][/font][/i]
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Sorry about yesterday. DH was home most of the day so I didn't spend a lot of time on the computer. Just went and checked and I'm down to 132 so that's 5 lb down. I've been pretty good about sticking to the foods on my diet and drinking water, although we did have a bottle of champagne last night to celebrate one of DH's work goals. I'm not supposed to drink until my first 2 weeks on the diet are over, but this is somwthing we've done for the last four years. I will say after not having sugar for close to two weeks I couldn't believe how sweet it tasted. I've always liked the sweeter wines, but I'm wondering if that might start changing now.
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[b]Start (9-22-04)[/b]: 149
[b]Last Sunday[/b]: 142
[b]Today[/b]: 140 :)
[b]Realistic Goal[/b]: 135
[b]Goal After I Reach the Realistic Goal[/b]: 125!!:p

I'm really excited! I'm only 5 pounds away from my goal! I'm really going to start reaching for that 125!!! ;) I think I can do it!!!

[b][size=4][color=blue]Hope everyone is successful this week....weight, inches, attitude, whatever! Find your success!:) [/color][/size][/b]

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[b][size=5][color=sandybrown][u]Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!![/u][/color][/size][/b]

[b]Susan:[/b] 5 POUNDS!!! FABULOUS!!!! Nice job! I think that was worth a little dip into the [color=blue][b]bubbly[/b][/color] for celebrating YOUR successs!!! Congratulations!

[b]Lani:[/b] I wouldn't count your's as a gain! ;) We weigh in on Sunday and that's what counts! Throughout the week, I think we are allowed to go up and down as we need to in order to get to Sunday's weigh in weight! So.......I think you had a VERY successful week! Congratulations!!!!

I'll check in later today to see how all of you "ghosts and goblins" are doing!!!

Have a [b][color=sandybrown]Frightening Fantastic Halloween![/color][/b]
[b][color=yellowgreen]Wickedly Yours.......[/color][/b]
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Hi Jodie, thanks for taking over the honors! This is alot of people to keep track of. Hello to all the newcomers. This is a great board with tons of support. This was a hard week for me and unfortunately I did not lose, however the good news is that I didn't gain. I had too many 'slips' and will have to get serious again tomorrow morning. We had company over for dinner last night and I couldn't get past the temptation. My cruise is less than a month and I'm getting nervous!

Kelly, you are really doing well! You are really focused on your goal and thats fantastic.

Happy Halloween everyone!
Current weight: 153
Goal: 140
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[b]Ann:[/b] Not gaining is a FABULOUS success! :) Don't be getting nervous about your cruise in a month! I think you can do it! For me, I have found that drinking [b][color=darkorange]unbelievable[/color][/b] amounts of water and [b]walking a little more quickly[/b] is working. Also, I avoid temptations of ALL KINDS....including eating out. :o It's hard, but I can't keep track of what I'm doing if I don't stick to what I know.

One other amazing [color=blue][b]water fact[/b][/color] that I've learned is that if you drink really cold water, your body has to work harder to warm itself up (it increases your metabolism without having to do much work!)....thus burning calories while you sit at the computer, watch tv....whatever. :) This has been a real eye-opener for me...and I believe it is working!!!

When do you leave for your cruise? If you are 153 now, and are shooting for 140, losing 1 pound every 4 days may be a doable goal! :D That would be 8 pounds in about 30 days, and if you work even harder....exercise whatever....you could get that last 5 pounds! I think you can do it! What do you think?
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Hello Everyone,

Last Sunday: 139
This Sunday: 138

This week was tough for me because of all the temptations thrown my way, but I did manage to stay away (so far) from the halloween candy. One accomplishment this week is I made it through a very tough cardio tape that I have never been able to finish without stopping before! I am planning to add pilates to my workout schedule so hopefully that will help tone me up. I need some major help with my abs.

I have a tip for everyone that I am sure you have all heard before, but I am here to tell you it really works. Drink green tea!! I actually didn't like tea before, but now I am getting used to it. I have read that it boosts your metabolism so I thought I would give it a try, and much to my surprise I started losing weight again (I went through a major plateau where I didn't lose a pound for months). I drink at least 2 cups a day and I believe it has helped me alot. Not to mention all the health benefits it provides.

Anyway, thanks for the support and keep up the good work everyone!
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Hi everyone, Have not had time to get on the past few days, and am in a rush now, but wanted to check it quick. I am a little frustrated, I am up 1 pound, but I know it is due to my monthly "curse". Was due 5 days ago and still not here, so feeling bloated and cranky!! I have gone to the gym everyday this week (even today) and have made better choices, so I will keep plugging away and try to stay away from all the candy that is already invading my home!!! I will try and check in later!! Connie
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[b]Connie:[/b] You sound bummed!:o I think you will be fine once the "spendid event" happens! ;) Going to the gym every day is a FABULOUS accomplishment! Especially when you are not feeling well and cranky! Good for you!

Correct me if I'm wrong, everyone, but I think we all gain once a month....and then it melts off! Am I right? I think you will be really happy this time next week, Connie! :)

[b]Evonne:[/b] Way to go! Congrats on your loss! I hear ya' on the toning the abs thing! It's not easy...and it's a slow process! But, situps are finally becoming my friend! Hang in there with those! :D

I'm bummed about everyone else! Where are all of you? Let's keep each other motivated and going........Especially with all of the candy lurking in the house! (I'm giving out nickels this year! :p )

I'll check in again later!
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[font=Comic Sans MS][size=6][color=navy]WOW [size=3]every one is doing sooooo great !![/size][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#000080] [/color][color=teal][b]Evonne[/b] You are really doing great, I like to do my crunches etc on my ball, seems like i don't hurt my neck so much using the ball.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkorange][b]Connie [/b]I wish I could make myself go to the gym when I felt bad You are very disaplined. I need to start doing that( being disaplined)[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=red][b]Kelly[/b] I can't wait to be 5 pounds away from my goal, what an achievement!!!!! You go girl!!!![/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=green][b]Susan [/b]You are also doing a great job, we all must be doing something right on this board:D [/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=purple]Well I know I am missing someone there are sooooooo many of us now. [/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#800080]Got to run for now and do the dishes, later, Lani[/color][/size][/font]
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[b]Lani:[/b] Thank you for the compliment! I KNOW this board and your encouragement have made a HUGE difference in my getting this close to my goal! :) Hey...by the way...you are so busy telling everybody else how great they are doing and encouraging them so wonderfully that you forgot to tell us how you are doing! :p I'm sure this week went WONDERFULLY for you! You are always such a bright spot on the board!

Have a great evening everyone! :)
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Sorry this has to be a quick post. I will have to read how everyone did later in the week, but for now, YOU ARE ALL DOING GREAT! Even if you didn't lose as much as you wanted, or if you didn't lose this week, You checked in HERE, and that's a big step.

I have been keeping DH company for the weekend, since he came back from his business tripp totally stressed, and has to go on another one tomorrow. If I thought it wouldn't ruin his career, I'd call his boss and tell him what I think of all this.

On Thurs, I finally broke the 1 pound barrier, and lost 1.8 pounds bringing me down to 155.6 pounds. I'm hoping I don't lose all my ground this weekend - having my husband "help" with the cooking can be dangerous pounds-wise, but I'm not going to tell him he can't grill. Got to pick the things to be picky about......

More later this week
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