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Hello my diet buddies

All is well here at St. Maarten
I believe the fat fairy stowed away in my suit case and I am hoping whatever I gain from this cruise comes off quickly.

I am turning away from desserts hoping that will keep things in control.

Miss you all!!!!!
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Good Morning Ladies

Sorry I did'nt post yesterday I was very busy. Congrats to all that lost
weight and stayed the same. I stayed the same also. I don't get it I
drank more water exercised 4 times this week, watched what I ate and
still nothing. Maybe my body is just getting used to all the none fat food
I'm eating. I'll have to shake things up a bit. Any suggestions would be
great. I'm not going to give up and let this get me down. I really hope to
show a loss this week. Well got to go get ready for work. I hope everyone
has a great week.

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Hello Serenade - that's the ship I did the Hawaii cruise on! We had the best time on that ship. Hope you're havin' a blast. Remember to do those stairs (although the elevators are so pretty facing out to the ocean like that with all that glass!)

Gained a pound this week - gotta be muscle from working out! Couldn't be those yummy little deserts I had while I was work staying at a hotel last week. Often hotel deserts are like Safeway cakes and not worth the calories, but oh, these were worth it. New week, new discipline.

Made tofu/chocolate pie last night - search the internet for a recipe that appeals to you but I used dessert tofu (meant to get silken but got the wrong kind), melted white choc chips, blend thoroughly and pour into a choc crumb crust. Top with finely grated halloween choc bar - really only a minscule amount, but it looks like lots. Sort of healthy, and chocolatey. I've made it before with reg. choc chips, but I only had choc crumbs so thought white choc would look better. Make 1/2 batch into a small dish so you don't end up with leftover pie - as healthy as the tofu is, the choc chips aren't. I left the pie behind at our friend's house for them to eat - I just knew I'd want something chocolately when my kids came home with a pillow case full of caramilks :-)

Enough sort of bad talk. I like the suggestion to drink so much water (extra cold - I'll try that) I'm floating. I'll try that.

The question about my running - yes it feels like your lungs are gonna blow - that's why its really important to go REALLY slowly through the program - 30 seconds running, 4 1/2 mins walk X 5 reps. Then gradually, once a week, increase the ratio. If you go faster than gradual, you'll end up with an injury and will have to stop - this I know to be true!

Keep posting those motivational tips about water, sit ups, etc. I appreciate it. Only 10 more days til I'm cruisin'. Yeeha. Its drizzly and cold today - its gonna be so nice on my balcony looking out on the ocean in Mexico. K
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We had 6 inches of Snow today in Denver! That means I'm that much closer to getting to the beach! :p (December 18th!) Woo hoo!

[b]K[/b]: good tips on the starting to run! Very cool! I may try that when I'm able to in the spring or summer next year! Thanks for the tips!

[b]Joanne[/b]: I like your attitude! Don't let yourself get down! If I remember correctly, we get to a certain plateau, then stay there for a bit, then lose again! It sounds like you hit your plateau! Hang in there! It will come off soon! :)

[b]Regina[/b]: WONDERFUL to hear from you! Hope you are having a BLAST!!! Keep posting as you can! :D

[b]Mindy:[/b] What a wonderful wife you are! Congrats on your pounds lost! That's something to celebrate....so grill it up! :D

[size=3][color=plum][b]Hope you all had a GREAT Monday![/b][/color][/size]

I'll check in tomorrow!
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Good Morning Everyone!! Things have been crazy here, I didn't make it on yesterday. Thanks for all your words of encouragement, I know I will be down next week. Congrats to everyone who lost, stayed the same and even those who gained, at least you checked in with us, and we all go up and down like a rollercoaster, if we just stick with it, it will have to come down sooner or later!!
I forget who suggested the green tea, (maybe evonne) I drank 2 cups yesterday, will try to keep it up. I forgot I bought some before my move, because I heard it helps with the weight loss, but with moving and all forgot about it (was in hotels and eating out for about 3 weeks:eek: ) I am still awaiting the news on if we have to move again next month, I hope to find out this week, I dread the eating out all the time again. Oh well, such is life!!
K- I went on the site you suggested for the running schedule, it is being updated, I hope it is done soon, I am going to try it.
Kelly- SNOW already???? Do you ski???
Regina-if you check in again, great to hear from you!!!
Well, better go do some cleaning, yuk.
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Kelly - thanks for the encouragement. I get so frustrated when I feel like I'm starving all week and then can't get off the plateau. Sometimes eating out is unavoidable. Sometimes when I'm with a group I get so weak and just can't seem to 'say no' to bread and dessert. It is a continual struggle. Your suggestion of drinking tons of cold water is a good idea. My cruise is 11/28 and now I'm thinking if I could just lose five more pounds......it would be all good.

K- thanks for the running advice. I will try it this week and see if it helps.

Connie - I'm with you. This week I'm starting the green tea. Yesterday and today, two cups already.

Regina - Can't wait to hear about your cruise!!

Good luck to all and don't forget to go vote!!!

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Here's another great site to check out - lots of articles and even another forum to read TONS of people's suggestions, but anyway, here's an article about beginning running. The chart is actually on page 3, and I would slow it down to 1/2 of that (ie decrease running, increase walking, and do the program over more weeks to build of more slowly) if you haven't run much or not at all or not in say the last decade: [url]http://www.runnersworld.com/article/0,5033,s6-51-184-0-2201,00.html[/url]

Ok - now you know I'm anal too - here's the link off the Sport Med BC website for the real slow schedule that I used: [url]http://www.sportmedbc.com/Content/InTraining/Programs/LearnToRun10K%20Schedule%20New.asp[/url] And, my friend and I slowed it down even more to 1/2 that pace - we did each week 2x and split the difference sometimes when it increased run/walk ratio, we spread it more slowly.

The other neat byproduct of running is you can't eat too much. If you go say at 6 in the a.m. (which is when I had to as I was working FT and have 2 elementary school age kids to get to school in the a.m.), you can't eat too much the night before, or man, you feel it (as in, its trying to get out anyway it can - not meaning to be rude, but this is reality!) I remember eating a grand marnier creme brulee at a lovely restaurant with a friend one night. Oh, the next morning when I ran I was suffering! If you run at noon, which is another time I would go from work (no shower at work, so I used lots of baby powder :-) - you can't drink too much coffee or - you guessed it, it wants out too, and you certainly can't eat a muffin or anything at 10 a.m. Just a moderate breakfast, and maybe an orange before I went. But then when I got back, the coffee tastes so good, and so does a second orange etc. Then 'cause you just excercised you eat all healthy 'cause you don't wanna wreck all that work you've just done. See - win win win!

Goodnight all. Have a good healthy day tomorrow. K
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Good Morning All

Just wanted to let you all know that my father passed away today. I had
to come on here and tell you gals, because this is my comfort zone. We
are all so supportive with each other here. I know that he is far better off
and has gone to a good place. The last couple of weeks I don't even think
he knew who we were. I just hope and pray that he knew how much we
all loved him.

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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=navy]Good Morning Ladies,[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#000080]Board sure has been quiet:confused: I wasn't on much yesterday either had a lot to do and a lot of pain from the osteo d/t the weather change. But I feel better today. [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkorange][b]Joanne [/b]So sorry to hear you lost your Father, Mine passed about 17 years ago and it is still hard to accept sometimes. If you want to talk we are here for you, and you can email me if you want one on one. [email="laniwolford@hotmail.com"]laniwolford@hotmail.com[/email].[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=red][b]Regina[/b] How wonderful to hear from you. Have a wonderful time, we miss you.[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkgreen]Sounds like everyone is doing great. All this talk of running makes me wish I could run. Closest thing to running I get is on the gazellle. :D [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#006400]Well got to get to Curves, have a great day everyone I will check back in later or after work tonight. Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=blue][b]Thought for Today [/b]I am not dying of hunger, it just feels that way!!!![/color][/size][/font][/i]
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Joanne, sorry to hear about your Dad, but I'm glad to hear you feel you can come here for support.

My first two weeks of South Beach ended yesterday, so now I get to start adding fruits and whole grains back in. For the first phase I lost between 4-5 lbs (I think weights starting to fluctuate due to TOM) and a total of 3 inches between my waist and hips. I have also noticed that for the most part unless I stay up to late I haven't been hungry eating this way. This is definitely something I think I can do even with little kids in the house as a permanent way of eating.

I haven't been on the computer much the last few days, but I should be here more frequently again. I'll do my best to help the board get back to moving like it was. By the way, I too wonder where Nicole is even though I wasn't around while she was posting.
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Joanne, I am so sad for you. I know the last few weeks/months must have been very difficult, but he was still there, and you could always hope that things would get better. That's our nature. Now it's over, and the change to your world must be very hard to take.

My dad died when I was 14 and my sister was 10. My aunt took us over to the window that night, and had us look at the stars. We looked for the newest, brightest star, and she told us that that was our dad looking out for us. Whenever we missed him, he was up there watching us from heaven, putting in a good word for us with God. It may seem silly, but even to a 14 yr old, it was very comforting.

So you now have a guardian angel too. He's up there, the way you remember him from before he was sick, and he's now going to look out for you. I suspect you will see evidence of this before you know it.

Wishing you an easy time, Mindy
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Good Morning Ladies

Joanne- I am so sorry to hear about your father, you are in my prayers.
K-thanks for all the info on running, the schedule is finally there on the one you told us about last night. I know what you mean about food wanting out!!:confused:
Ann-Good luck with the running, I have been running about a month, but am gonna try and follow the schedule to build up, I think I started to quickly!
Lani-thanks for all the great thoughts of the day!!
Susan-sounds like the south beach is working great for you!! I guess thats the key, finding whats the best for each of us.
Hope you all have a great day!! Connie
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Joanne: I am SO sorry about your loss! I think if you read Mindy's post, you will find much comfort and encouragement. I also want to encourage you to pay attention to things around you. I lost my fiance 4 years ago to a heart attack (he was 37). I know he has been near me at very important times in my life. you just have to "pay attention" and be aware. We are all here for you. Always. You will be in my thoughts.

K: Your running enthusiasm is cool! I wish I could run, but I can't. Still, I like to read about what you are all doing. Thanks for sharing!

Lani: GREAT to hear from you! I hope you had a fabulous Curves workout! I'm trying to get on the board every day a couple of times, but yesterday was hard! (election and all). Anyway, I'm jealous you have a gazelle! I fall off that darn thing!

Susan: keep up the good work on the south beach!

Connie: I like what you said about finding what works for each of us! It really is true! I continue to lose with my "Kelly butt-squeezing" program...and I KNOW there are no real Harvard or Yale studies qualifying it as a great way to lose weight!!!! But....or butt....it's working for me!!

Ann: thanks for reminding all of us to vote! I was up all night nail-biting! yikes (I hope those don't have calories in them!). I even ate an entire bag of star-bursts! Extra butt squeezin' today for me!

Have a wonderful day today, all...and especially you Joanne! ;)
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Good Morning everyone,

Where are all of you?? I went to a store that sells things from England, they had lots of different loose teas, I was telling my friend about the green tea, the sales woman said there was a study that said to drink 3 cups a day to get the metabolism going. Anyway, gotta run, my son just missed the bus. Connie
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I didn't get to go to my regular WW session today at lunch, so I went this evening. I gained back almost all the weight I had lost so far. TOTAL Bummer.
I could blame it on many things: wearing heavier clothes, different scale, later in the day, very close to that time of the month, having an extra meal in me - but the reall thing is I ate LOTS of Halloween candy. I wasn't as prepared as I should have been, and it made a difference.

As bad as that was, I am still glad I weighed in, because I have a chance to correct some of that by next week.

Sorry I haven't been posting as much. It's been much busier at work, so I have had less energy at home. But things should get calmer soon.

I have volunteered to have Thanksgiving at our house. I figure this way I can control the food so that I won't have to worry about what I can eat and what I can't. I am going to try to make some GOOD veggie dishes, to counteract all the starch dishes that my in-laws expect. ( It's unbelievable that none of them have a concept of good nutrition.) If anyone has some good ideas, please sing out!
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[b]Mindy:[/b] I'm glad you stopped in to say hi! I think you have a fabulous outlook on what may have been going wrong with your program. Halloween sabotaged me, as well! I think you have made some fabulous decisions in order to get back on track! It encourages me to do the same! :p

For Thanksgiving, I'm going to volunteer at a soup kitchen. I think that will keep me in perspective and keep me from pigging out too much! (I hope!):rolleyes: I think your ideas about veggie dishes is FABULOUS! I'm going to scour my cookbooks and see if I can find anything that may be helpful to you!

I also think that some of my weight gain this week, or my lack of being able to say [b]no[/b] to twix bars, is not being able to check in with all of you and see how you are doing and having the encouragement of this group this week! I'm bummed. I'm sure hopeful that you all are just having a busy week and can check back in and we can get back on track!

I'm really missing Regina and her words of wisdom and encouragement! :(

I hope we can all get back on track soon! Butt-squeezing is just not as fun if you can't share it with others! :p

Have a great day!
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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=purple]Good Morning All, Well didn't get on yesterday was busy and then had to go to work. I have not been doing so hot myself for some reason I just want to eat all the time scale says 2 lbs up:( My clothes are really loose though so maybe I lost more inches:confused: Went to Curves this morning and did 4 rounds so that was a good start. I also watched my points more yesterday and today to try and get back on track. [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=red][b]Connie[/b] Think I am going to start the green tea too, I think I even have some in the cupboard:) [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=olive][b]Kelly[/b] Sorry you were the only one on yesterday. I think I am noticing a pattern too, when we don't get on as much we seem to gain:confused: Guess we all need to get on and get that group support!!!!![/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkorange][b]Mindy[/b] Good idea on the Thanksgiving dinner, I do that too. Has any one tried making their mashed potatoes with the spray butter and fat free sour cream??? Cuts out some of the calories ,fat and for all the Weight Watchers points!!! :D [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=green]Well got to get off for now, I will try and get on later after work.[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#008000]Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=navy][b]Thought for Today[/b]: Better to have piece of mind than a peice of cake!!![/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#ff0000][/color][/size][/font][/i]
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Kelly - the Twix bars was how the Fat Fairy caught me too. I don't really like the milk choc on the outside, but the crunchy middle really gets to me. I need to find some semi-crunchy snacks I can have instead that will fill that need for me. Thanks for offering to search for recipes for me!

Lani - thanks for the idea on the mashed potatoes

A slightly larger Mindy
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Helly everyone, Sorry I didn't get on last night, a friend was in town so my hubby and I went out with him. I did good a dinner, but then we went out and I had a bit to much red wine. Ok, so the twix bars got to you, the Reeces cups and butterfingers got to me, I keep thinking I will have just one, but once I do I want more, so I am done with them. I found somthing yummy, Kraft 2% pepperjack cheese (individually wrapped) for those on WW, it is only 1 point per slice. I melted it on a lite english muffin so the whole thing was only 2 points and very yummy!!! Well, gotta go. I will check in tonight. Connie
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Motivation - Think bathing suit. Think fancy dress clothes. Pick up a People magazine and look at all those too skinny fancy people - that must be such pressure to look like that. Those gowns show every curve. And how do they wear their jeans so low and their tops so cropped and not get cold? Oh - they don't live where its cold. I sympathize with the comment about dressing so bulky - I'm tired of wearing all these clothes to keep warm (and its only been a couple of weeks of cool weather!) - thank goodness for polar fleece! This time next week I'll be on a ride @ Disney! Then onto the cruise! Then I won't be wearing polar fleece. Drink water or tea, and remember if you work out, its hard to eat too much bad stuff 'cause your endorphins are just poppin' around your body making you feel great! Have a great weekend. K
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Hello everyone,

It sounds like getting through Halloween was tough on everyone, but we will get back on track! We are going to really need each others support for the upcoming holidays.

For those of you that were looking for an idea to remember to drink more water, I saw in a magazine somewhere that there is a bracelet you can wear that you slide something over every time you drink 8 ounces of water. So you can look at your wrist to keep tabs on how many more you have left and such.

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[b]Evonne[/b]: I like the bracelet water drinking thing! I may try something like that!

[b]Mindy[/b]: I'm a Pisces....! I am finding that drinking water is one of the easiest things on this weight loss thing. Every time I want a cheeto, cookie, doughnut, etc, I grab a bottle of water. It seems to be working!

[b]K[/b]: I LOVE your motivation ideas! Thanks for reminding me of the cute swimsuit and dress I have for this cruise!:D

[b]Connie[/b]: Cheese that I can eat as much of as I want? WOW! I need to try that!

[b]Lani[/b]: FABULOUS to see you and your marvelous colors on here! I think that we will get over this hump over the next couple of weeks! Hang in there with me...I need support, too! ;)

I weighed myself this morning because I have fallen behind the last couple of days, and I was curious....good news....I haven't lost, but I haven't gained!

Advice I learned last night: [b]DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, HAVE A HOT FUDGE SUNDAE FOR DINNER!!!![/b]:eek:

[size=4][color=magenta][b]Happy Saturday![/b][/color][/size]
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