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Hey everyone.
I'm finally home (till Sunday night 11/14). I left while the kids were trick or treating on Sunday and didn't get back until late Thursday night. The "fat fairy" got to me with the candy when I got home.. a fair amount of chocolates on Thursday night and then again yesterday night.... had been resisting but w/PMS-perimen. it's very difficult <been feeling VERY ravenous lately... now 2 weeks "late"> Mike left for business trip returning late Wednesday (Alex's birthday) and the kids are out of school of Thursday. Think I'll be "safe" and getting back on my WOE today. I "usually" do well when Mike's not around.. we shall see. I had alot of stress the begining of week at Mom's dealing w/painters and gutting out bathroom. Alot of work needs to get done while we try to get the house ready for market and getting Mom ready to go to "home".
So now I'm making a pledge to get back on WOE (Atkins) for a week and then progress, get to gym as much as I can (starting Monday) and trying to stress less.. (wonder if that's possible).
Wishing everyone a great weekend.
Hope Regina's had a great cruise and has a safe journey home from SJ.
(and NO I'm NOT weighing in on Sunday.. I don't have a scale)
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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=blue]Hi Everyone, Hope everyone is having a great weekend. I am off today and on early shift tomorrow. I haven't done too bad so far today. Had a steak salad(no fries) for lunch. Made it with the left over steak DH had for supper last night. I am making teriyaki steak and jasmine rice for supper for my brother tonight and will take some of that to work for lunch tomorrow. DH is taking me out for our 21st anniversary tonight, it is on Monday but I work 3-11 so we are going out tonight.[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkred][b]Carolyn[/b] glad you made it back safe. Have you tried pm yoga??? There is usually a nice meditation at the end of each session that is wonderful for de-stressing and making sleep so much more restfull. I had a yoga for beginners tape that I did at night because of the meditation part at the end:D It was great.[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkorange][b]Kelly[/b] That is great that you haven't gained, I lost 1 pound so far of the two I think I gained from my eating those couple of days. Hot Fudge Sundae huh:D Well you had some dairy in there and calcium so at least there was some nutrition:D [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=red]Well better go and get some things done before my shower. Have a great weekend and weigh in tomorrow everyone I will see ya all then. Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkgreen][b]Thought for Today:[/b]I'd rathe be grateful than have another plateful!!![/color][/size][/font][/i]
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I have a really good zucchini casserole recipe I got from my mom I'll post here. I also make mashed cauliflower now instead of mashed potatoes for dh and I.

3 medium zucchini sliced
3 medium tomatoes cut up
1 medium onion chopped
1/2 green pepper chopped
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
8 oz grated sharp cheddar cheese
parmesan cheese

Stir everything together except Parmesan cheese. Put in 2qt casserole. Bake at 350 for 1 hour. Last 15 min sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.

Just a word of warning though, I did have to increase the size of the dish last year. Not sure if it was the size of the veggies I used or what.

I also have a good cranberry sauce recipe I found last year that doesn't use and sugar. Let me know if you want that and I'll post it as well.
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[quote name='mconthehighseas']kluv - thanks for reminding me. One of my problems is I can't get into the habit of drinking enough water. If anyone has suggestions on how to transform myself from a camel to a fish, I am READY!!!!


Have you tried Fruit2O? It's flavored water sweetened with Splenda, but still has no calories or carbs. Sam's Club is the best place I've found to buy it, but I've seen it at grocery stores too.
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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=red]Good Morning ladies, Well got on the scale and was the same as last time wheeeeeeeeeew. 165. Thought for sure I had gained. My goal this week is to get to 164 by staying on points .[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=blue]Susan I love that fruit2o, it makes drinking water a little more interesting:p I like the carbonated flavored water too. Well got to go finish getting ready for work. I will try and get on later when I get home. Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=teal]Thought for Today:Let your praises to God be louder than the grumblings of your stomach!!!!![/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=blue][/color][/size][/font][/i]
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Good Morning everyone,

Well, I am down 2 lbs from last week, but I had gained 1 last week due to monthly curse!! So I am 165, down 1 from when I started 2 weeks ago, but I will take it!! I started the running program that K recommended, but started on week 3 since I had been doing some on my own already. Haven't had any of the Halloween candy since Wednesday, so I think I am on track!! '
Lani- Happy anniversary!!
I will check in later to see how everyone did, have a great day!! Connie
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Good Morning Diet Buddies!

I have read all the posts to catch up. I am feeling a little whoozy trying to get my land legs back so I will leave a long post later tonight.

I do want to extend my deepest sympathies to Joanne on the loss of her father. Joanne, everyone who has lost a parent knows your pain. I have lost both of my parents and I do know that in time you will be comforted in knowing your father is surrounded in the glory of our God's love. Hang in there and you will see the pain will ease with time as you reflect on the good memories left you.

Will post to everyone later tonight. Sorry, but this cruise hang over is a bit too much right now.

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[i]Start (9-22-04): 149
Last Sunday: 140
Today: 138 :)
Realistic Goal (by 12-16-04): 135
Goal After I Reach the Realistic Goal: 125!! :) [/i]

[i]I'm SHOCKED! After all the snacking I did this week, I thought for sure I'd gained or at least stayed the same! I tried really hard the last 2 days to eat very little and drink a ton of water, and I think it helped! Plus, I doubled my workout regime! It sure doesn't pay to fall off the wagon! It's a LOT of work to get back on, isn't it! :rolleyes: [/i]

[i]I'll check in later with all of you![/i]
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Good morning ladies....

Not too happy this morning about only losing 1/2 a pound. After eating lots of Halloween candy, I went into a depression about the diet and it was hard to recover. By Tuesday, I was able to take the bag over to my mother at the nursing home. My plan this week is to go to Curves everyday and run with my dog each morning (and of course, count carbs).

Regina, we are all glad you're back and look forward to hearing about your cruise! I leave three weeks from today and can hardly wait! Happy 'losing' everyone.

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Hello everybody,

Last week:138

This week: 135

I am extremely surprised because I should have gained because of the time of month, but oh well I will take it! I did exercise pretty hard the last few weeks so maybe that is what helped.

Thanks for the recipes. Someone mentioned mashed cauliflower (instead of mashed potatoes), how does that taste? I have always wanted to try that.

Congratulations everyone--keep up the good work!!

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Hi Everyone

Now, how many of you thought I would go on a cruise and not gain a pound? The reality is I gained and truthfully, I expected I would. On last year's cruise I had gained 7 whopping pounds, and this year I gained 3. It's a set back, but one that I can easily conquer now that I'm back home.

The cruise was absolutely wonderful and the vistas of the islands were like being in paradise. I did have one evening of recovering from coming in contact with "Sea Ants" during snorkelling in St. Lucia. These are parasites which you can not see because they are microscopic and they live on the ropes which are used to keep snorkelers confined in safe areas. Unfortunately, our guide did not mention this fact until after I approached him with symptoms I began having at the end of the snorkelling. My left shoulder and upper left arm felt like it was on fire. I ended up pouring rum on the area and when I got back to the ship, I purchased cortisone from the medical facility. By the next morning the burning sensation and the small red welts were gone. Other than that experience, it was a fantastic cruise.

I see from reading the posts, many had a problem with Halloween candy, but in spite of it you have all kept an optimistic point of view. Great!

I noticed 9 women did not weigh in last week and today we have not heard from 11 women. So what gives????

Alot of good info exchange has been going on and I hope it continues with the upcoming holidays. Congratulations to all who have lost and congratulations to all who remain determined to lose. Today was the 7th. weigh in and we will all have to be extra supportive with the upcoming holidays.

If there are any questions about the cruise I took, feel free to ask. I will also try to post pictures throughout the week.

It's been a rough day for me feeling very dizzy as I attempt to get my land legs back. I did not anticipate this and I have been in bed for the most part of the day. I have been taking "Bonine" for motion sickness which helps a little. Hope this feeling is gone by tomorrow.

Good night for now.
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Hi everyone, Thought I would check in before I hit the sack. Welcome back Regina, we missed you!! Glad you enjoyed your cruise, ants and all. 3 lbs on a 7 cruise is great. If you get right back on track it will come off fast!! So far everyone else has either stayed the same or lost, that is great with Halloween and all the candy, now we just have to get thru turkey day and Christmas:confused:
With support we will make it, just keep exercising, drinking water and doing the best you can with eating, and if you have a bad day get right back on track the next day!! Connie
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Sorry it's taken me so long to check in. But I kept VERY busy today and ate only at meals, so at least I was taking this weight thing seriously.

At Weight Watchers on Thursday, I had gained 2.2 pounds. That's what I had lost the 2 weeks previously, so I was pretty down. But now I am much more serious about planning ahead for dangerous situations. Today, I found some gorgeous apples. I am hoping their crunch will be more appetizing than the one from a twix bar!

Regina, when you get a chance, I want to hear more about the Serenade!

Have a great week everyone!
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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=indigo]Good Morning Ladies,[/color][/size][/font][/i]

[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=5][color=purple][b]Welcome Home Regina!!!![/b][size=3]We missed you, Glad you had such a good cruise, want to hear more details. [/size][/color][/size][/font][/i]
[b][i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=slategray]Congrats to all who have lost and stayed the same!!! If you gained, well today is a new day to begin again. Weight gain can be from water retention, I know my hands have felt swollen every morning the last week or two, I have been wanting to eat salty things too:confused: May be building more muscle if you are exercising, as we all know muscle weighs more than fat. Any way there are probably more reasons but I am not quite up yet. :p Going to Curves in a little while so this will be all till I get back. Later, Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i][/b]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=red][b]Thought for Today[/b]: I may fall back time and again but I am heading in the right direction!!!![/color][/size][/font][/i]
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Sorry I didn't make it on here yesterday. I maintained my weight this week. I think it's due to it being that time of the month though, since when I looked at the scale in the middle of the week I was down another pound. Inches stayed the same this week too.

I haven't looked at how anyone else did yet, so congratulations to those of you who lost this week.
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I want to tell you all about my cruise, but I will wait until this dizziness I am having goes away. It's a little less today, but I still feel like I'm on drugs....not a good feeling. Will write when I get my total equilibrium back.

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[b][size=4][color=blue]Welcome Back, Regina! [/color][/size][/b]

[color=#0000ff]Hopefully your dizziness is going away! Tell us all about your cruise when you can![/color]
[color=red]Hey.....teach me more about water retention. I'm drinking so much water, that I'm wondering if water retention will kick in. I sure hope not! I'm craving salty foods, too. Is that because of all of the water? Also....my fingers and hands on the palm side are feeling really dry. What's up with that?[/color]
[color=yellowgreen]I'm going to bed early tonight! See you all tomorrow![/color]
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Good Morning everyone,

I made a big mistake yesterday, I bought a bag of Doritos, thinking I wouldn't open them till the weekend (for the kids), but they kept calling for me. No, I didn't eat the whole bag but more than I should have. I was going to take the day off from the gym and give my body a rest, but after the dorito break down I headed to the gym, and stayed on track the rest of the day.
Regina- I hope the dizziness is getting better, my cruise on the Glory last November was like that for me, it lasted for days and it was horrible!! I had never had it like that before!!
Well, gotta get the boys to school, will check back later, where is everybody??:confused: Connie
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Regina- sorry to hear you're still having a problem with the dizziness. Looking forward to hearing about your cruise when you get the chance. I'd say three lbs is pretty good with all the temptations on board a cruise ship for 7 days.

Kelly-my skin always dries out in the winter. My legs and arms get really itchy, but the tops of my hands start cracking and just hurt. Seems like each year I start having problems with a different area. I can't imagine how dry I'd get if I lived where it really gets cold.

Evonne- I'm the one that mentioned the mashed cauliflower. Everyone here except my 4 year old likes it. It's not a perfect substitute for me, but it works. To get a mashed potato consistency you have to boil or steam the cauliflower until it's almost mushy. Then add the cream cheese and butter. I've also seen where people use cream or 1/2 and 1/2 instead of the cream cheese. If you don't mind texture in it, you can leave the cauliflower a little firmer, but I haven't been able to get a creamy texture that way. Still tastes good though.
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Hello everyone. This will be my last post as I'm supposed to be packing - we leave Remembrance Day for our cruise. Final sobering thought - I'm too hectic these last days to take time for exercise - now I know that's a weak excuse, but truly, it is hectic trying to remember to cancel the newspaper, order the taxi, etc..... So, don't count on losing those last 5 lbs in the last 5 days 'cause if you're like me you're eating what's leftover in the fridge so you don't have to throw it out, and you're scrambling for time for basics like sleep, let alone a work out! So, I won't pack the pants/dress/skirt/shorts/etc that is snug now, because its not going to get looser in the next day or so - I'll just have to go as I am. Talk at you in 2 weeks. Keep up the running Connie - slow and steady will do it, and before you know it, you'll be running 10 km which just blew me away that I could do that. Great memories I have of running in each port in Hawaii before our day started. K
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Have fun, expect to gain and don't come back sick.

Hey gang, my dizziness was not created by my cruise afterall. I have the flu or some kind of virus. Will continue to post when this thing is finished with me. Back to bed now.

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K - I'm sorry you didn't get to your ideal weight before your cruise, but you still did great. And all that extra stuff you had to do in the last few days DID burn some nervous energy calories too, so don't be too hard on yourself.

And don't forget that you'll have lots of opportunities to do some work outs on the ship. Don't settle for forward arm curls in the dining room, arm pulls in the casino and leg stretches on the pool deck. ;)

What ever you do, make sure to have a great time!!!
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[size=3][color=yellowgreen][b]Hi All![/b][/color][/size]

[size=4][color=red][b]Hey...I'm still waiting for the class [color=blue]"Water Retention 101"[/color]! Please teach me what you know![/b][/color][/size] :)

[b]Connie[/b]: I love it! A Dorito breakdown! I think it is very commendable that you stuck to your workout schedule! I just read that it's important to altar your calorie intake by 400 calories (both up and down) in order to keep your body guessing what you will be feeding it! So......Look at it as a GREAT thing you did for your body! ;)

[b]Susan[/b]: I know! I'm getting dry skin....Colorful Colorado and the coming of snow will do that to you! I've just never had my palms so dry and cracky! Weird!

[b]K[/b]: Have a WONDERFUL trip! Just know you really did burn a TON of calories with all the last minute running around! No need to be blue about that!

[b]Regina[/b]: I'm sorry you have the flu! Yuck! I hope it wasn't something you caught on the boat! Yikes! I was lucky enough to get a flu shot....I fall in that "category" of high risk people because of my seizures! I'm sorry you're not feeling well! Just close your eyes and remember your wonderful trip! :cool:

[b]Mindy[/b]: FABULOUS advice for the cruise! Love it!

Well....I had a [b]Subway Sandwich[/b] today! (6 inch veggie!) First time in about 2 months that I have eaten anything but lean cuisines! It tasted yummy! It made me a little sick to my stomach, but I think it was worth it! I'm almost 1 month from leaving on my trip! I decided I deserved it! Now I'll just have to double up on my sit-ups, leg lifts, butt-squeezes and arm weights! It truly is getting easier! I'm adding about 5 more every couple of days! It feels good!

[b][size=3][color=blue]Have a great night all![/color][/size][/b]
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Hello all,

Kelly I like your way of thinking!! I did my body a good thing by eating the Doritos!! Sounds like you are doing great!!
Regina-hope your feeling better soon
K- Have fun, my cruise is soooooooooo far away:(
I just found out yesterday I have to move the first week of December (from Kansas to Virginia)we just moved to Kansas from New Jersey in August!! I am a little stressed about finding a place to live and getting setteled right at the Holidays. Oh well.
Gotta go do some research now on where we are moving to, I will check in later.Connie
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Connie - where in VA are you moving to? I have friends in Charlottesville, and others in MD near DC, so let me know if I can help with your research

Regina - hope this flu/virus will leave you alone soon.

I have been hearing the call of the Twix bars today from the vending machines. Yesterday I brought an apple to work, and that helped a lot. Today I wasn't prepared, so it's going to be harder. I'll just have to stay close to the computer!

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