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Ann, wow, you were put in some situation, but I'm glad you are on track again. Next time you find yourself in situation like that, try to withhold from eating everything on the plate, or better yet, call ahead of time to let your friend be aware of your diet. As your friend, he might want to be given the chance to accommodate you rather than make you feel obligated. Just a thought for the next situation. You have been on the plateau for some time now. Have you tried to increase your physical activity? What are your plans to break this plateau of your?

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Breaking old habits isn't easy at first, but eventually we teach ourselves better ways and even become comfortable with them. Losing inches in the waist tells me you are on your way to a new you. Keep going my friend! :)

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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=orange]Hi again everyone, just taking a break from cleaning house. I am off today. got up bright and early and went to Curves:) then came home and and started cleaning. I need to keep busy to keep my mind off FOOD:D Hope everyone is having a great day and drinking lot of WATER. I enjoy the chrystal lite too, it kind of keeps my sweet tooth satisfied;) well better go get back to cleaning. Take care all, Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]
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Hey Lani.....a woman's work is never done, right? Glad you are keeping busy. If anyone has noticed, I post alot:rolleyes: cause it is good therapy for me on this diet. Keeping busy doing anything but eating is good.....right ladies?

Well, my friends.....it's finally happening. I am finally accepting my new life style with my new eating habits. It has taken me 3 months to make the adjustment in my attitude and I find I no longer need to indulge myself in junk food. I am feeling very pleased with myself right now if I do say so. :) Attitude adjustment is the biggest factor when it comes to wanting to eat right.

Dinner tonight consisted of:

1 filet of flounder (steamed in microwave) covered with seran wrap (keeps from drying out)
1 cup of low carb egg noodles
1 1/2 cup broccoli/carrot medley
1 8 oz. crystal lite ice tea

dessert: 2/3 cup applesause sweentened with S&L and cinn. powder

I am feeling totally content after that meal! Hmmmm....never thought I would say that.

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[b]Hi All! I found this information on alternative ways to get water! Thought I'd share! Interesting![/b]

You know you should be drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated, but did you know you can get some of those recommended 8 to 12 (8-ounce) glasses per day from foods and beverages?

Certain foods have a high water content that can contribute to your daily fluid requirement. To boot, they are low in calories, so they’ll help fill you up on less. Try these alternatives:

1. Jazz up a plain glass of water by adding a spritz of lemon or lime, or a splash of fruit juice.

2. A whopping 90 percent of your morning orange juice or milk counts toward your daily fluid allowance. A glass of milk will also provide 1/3 of your daily calcium requirement -- orange juice offers 100 percent of your daily vitamin C.

3. Foods that melt at room temperature, such as gelatin or ice cream, contain a fair share of water. A 3-ounce cup of JELL-O will provide 1/2 cup of water, while 1 cup of frozen yogurt or a 2-ounce ice pop will give you 1/3 cup of water.

4. A serving of soup provides 3/4 cup of fluid. But be sure to choose low-salt varieties (look for those with five percent or less sodium per serving). Or make your own soups using fresh veggies and broth.

5. Believe it or not, 70 percent of that 11-ounce smoothie counts toward your fluid allowance (1 cup). Watch out for ready-made versions, which can be jammed with unwanted calories. Make your own, using fat-free milk and your favorite fruit for a refreshing, nutritious and low-calorie drink.

6. Most fruits and vegetables are 80 percent water, so they can contribute 3 to 4 cups toward your fluid intake. Meet both your daily fluid requirement and your fruit and veggie recommendation of five a day. Here are some higher water-containing fruits and vegetables (over 90 percent water).

<LI>Watermelon (1/16th wedge) = 1 1/3 cups water

<LI>Strawberry halves (1 cup) = 3/4 cup water

<LI>Apple or apricot, or 1 1/2 cups grapes = 1/2 cup water

<LI>Squash (1 cup cooked) = 3/4 cup water

<LI>Broccoli or cauliflower (1 serving) = 2/3 cup water

<LI>Cabbage (1 cup shredded) = 1/2 cup water

<LI>Cucumbers, radishes or celery (1 cup sliced) = 1/2 cup water

<LI>Carrots (1 cup) = 2/3 cup water

<LI>Lettuce, shredded (1 cup) = 1/3 cup water

<LI>Green peppers (1 cup sliced) = 1/3 cup water

7. One cup of cooked pasta and rice will provide 2/3 cup of fluid and 1/2 cup of fluid, respectively. If you have additional vegetables then you can double your intake of fluid! 8. A portion of gravy counts as almost 90 percent fluid

9. Avoid caffeinated beverages, such as tea, coffee and soft drinks as well as alcohol -- they can actually rob your body of water. Only 2/3 of a caffeinated drink counts toward your daily water intake (just 8 ounces of that 12-ounce diet soda).
10. Steer clear of foods with low water content, such as dried meat and fruit, chocolate, cookies and cakes. For example, a small amount of raisins (1.5 ounces) has the same calories as 1 1/2 cups grapes, but negligible water content.
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As of our last weigh in:

5 lost weight

3 remained same

1 gained (temporary)

1 new member (1st. weigh in on next Sunday)

I would say that's a pretty good picture. Now, let's shoot for all losses next week cause that would be quite impressive. Are we a team? You bet!:)

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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=lime]Hi again, I know what you mean Regina whenever I sit I come up to the computer to read the posts:p keeps my hands busy and me inspired. I had [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#00ff00]Chicken Teriyaki 3pts[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#00ff00]1/2 cup rice 3pts[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#00ff00]salad / with 1 tbsp sesame soy dressing 1pt[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#00ff00]tonight I am going to make no pudge brownies:D Has any one tried them?? you make it with fat free vanilla yogurt. 0 points:D [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#00ff00]Hey Kelly you definately did your home work on hydration:) Very good info there.[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#00ff00]Well catch all later, Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]
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Hey Kelly.....that's quite an informative list. Thanks for sharing and taking the time to type it. From the looks of it.....I don't ever have to worry about being dehydrated! Got to still count my calories though. Your info will certainly come in handy!

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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=red]Regina, No recipe it is a box mix called NO PUDGE they have raspberry choc, cuppuchino that is the one I am making now I got it in my giant eagle store in the organic section. I know you can get them on line too or find out which store sells them. I liked the spoon:p yummy so far:D I also have a recipe for cocola cake ever had that??? just choc. cake mix and diet cola. Then drizzle on fat free choc. syrup. really good:) Got to go rinse my hair and take the brownies out of the oven. lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]
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Lani.....Keep it up.....you are a tease...LOL

I beat you to it anyway. I have already read up on it and discovered there are a few stores by me that sell it. HA! So I will be checking the stores tomorrow after work. Then....I can lick the spoon!!!!!

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[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=deepskyblue]Regina that is great, I was checking on all kinds of goodies but I figured the brownies at 0 points with my slider but a site I was at said 2 pts????????HUMMMMMM will have to check deeper into that. Wait till you taste them yummmmmmy.:D Lani[/color][/size][/font]
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Lani....thanks. I probably would do myself some justice if I started looking into more recipes also.

To all the members looking in....have a skinny night :) and to all lurkers thinking about joining our group....C'mom over and join our crusade against the "Wicked Fat Fairy!"

Good night all.
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Good Morning Everyone,
Sorry I have not been around, just kinda busy. Congrats to everyone who lost! Lani and Regina seem to have really positive attitudes, Kelly too. I used to love Nopudge brownies. I got mine at Trader Joes. I think they have Trader Joes on LI.
Thanks for all the great ideas. I should have come on here yesterday. Normally I am busy and don't have time to post or even read while at work. Things are a litte slow today. I had a bad day yesterday, but I did recover part of it. I must really be in the mindset of losing and succeeding as I can usually convince myself I am too tired, too sick or whatever, to go exercise. Well, I had a stressful day while at work, so I decided I could eat popcorn. Not one or two bites but the whole bag w/butter! This usually happens around 3:30/4pm. I had low carb bars in my desk, I have green tea in my desk, I have little cheese triangles in my little fridge at work, but I just had to have that popcorn. Of course I felt horrible afterwards. I then tried to convince myself I felt too bad to go to Curves on the way home. NO WAY! I changed into my workout clothes and went to Curves, did the whole workout, no cheating, and felt much better! At least about myself. I felt horrible the rest of the evening from the popcorn.
So today, I am back on track, I refuse to beat myself up about my little slip. I think my mindsset was, gee, you lost 3 lbs so you can have a "treat". I need to work on the reward thing. Ok back to work. See you all later!
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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=purple]Hi All, the board is kind of quiet today;) Well on further examination I fine that the no pudge brownies are 2 pts. But that is ok because they are so rich you don;t need a whole lot to take care of the choc. craving;) [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#800080]Hope everyone is having a good day. til next time, lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]
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Not for long Lani, cause right now my house is filled with the aromas of NO PUDGE! LOL!!! Yep, I found it at Stop & Shop after work today. My hubby said it smells just too sinful :) I will have one with a cup of coffee later and put the rest in the freezer for future cravings.

Tonight I really wasn't too hungry, so all I ate was:

a nice size lettuce salad with sliced tomatoe, cooked chicken pieces and low fat dressing. Aso had a tall glass of tea with sweet & low. And you all just know what will be for dessert thanks to Lani :)

Jodi: I will address your post in a little while. Got to run out for awhile, will be back.

Thinking thin,
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Hello Everyone!

Jodie: Don't bum out over a bag of popcorn! I have the same problem of after I lose...I reward myself, too. For some strange reason, this board has become my incentive to keep losing....and the reward is my cruise at the end (where I DEFINITELY plan on pigging out to my heart's desire!) ;)

Lani & Regina: You guys and your pudge brownies! YUM! I am cutting out all sweets until Christmas! With Halloween around the corner, I am SO SCREWED! :p

Carolyn: I have a rule....if I FEEL good, and I feel like I have lost, I weigh! If not, I don't! No need to bum myself out by seeing how un-productive I've been! Don't worry about the weigh-in! BUT PLEASE keep posting here! I love hearing from everyone and how they are doing!

Nicole: Congrats on your TEENY WAIST! WOW! Inches is just as good as weight! (if not better!)

Ann: That 10 pound loss in 7 weeks will be so fabulous! Hang in there! I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!!!

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Hey Jodie: You bounced back very nicely! Keep going now. Ladies. we can all reward ourselves for doing good. Just think of all the ways we can do it without allowing that "Fat Fairy" to affect our thinking. I rewarded myself tonight by having 1 no Pudge brownie (90 calories). It's not that we shouldn't reward ourselves...it's how we reward ourselves that will determine when we reach our goal. So, Jodie, can you share with us ladies any new ways you can reward yourself that will be "benificial" to you? Your input will help others as well.

Kelly...just loved your post. Humor is a big part of positive thinking. You made me laugh...so thanks.

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Good Evening Everyone!
Sounds like someone is having too much fun with those brownies! LOL! They are very good, so enjoy! ;)

Kelly, thank you for the encouragement! I know the popcorn was not that bad, I just need to work on my rewards! Wow, 3 bottles of water! yeah I guess you had to go. When I drink water like that, I tell myself I am p**ing the fat away! LOL! :D Sorry but no other way to say that one! I have finished one big glass of water since sitting here.

I was not aware that drinking the water helped with my metabolism. Learn something new everyday!:) I love water and have always been a big water drinker. Never cared for soda. Glad you are really in the mindset. It is hard to do.

Lani, you are such an inspiration, you always seem so happy and always with a kind word or idea!

I did not get to Curves today.:( I couldn't go at lunch and after work I had to pick our kitten up from the vet. She was spayed today and I did not want to leave her in the car while I was in Curves. Figured she had had enough trauma for one day! I did much better today. :) Stayed on program, eggs for breakfast and wonderful salad at lunch. haven't decided on dinner yet. Probably a low carb tortilla wrap with meat and cheese and some veggies. I have decided if the scale is down this weekend my reward will be a new blouse or sweater. I love new clothes! A new sweater would be a much better reward than something to eat! Tomorrow is my weigh and measure at Curves. I have not done that since July so I know it will be up, at least the weight will be. I was down to 224 in July. My inches may be down tho. We will see. I will let you all know tomorrow. Thanks all for caring.I think my cruise pictures this time will look alot different than Alaska! Sure wish we were all cruising together! Now that would be fun. Ok, Later all. I may check back in after dinner.
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Thanks Kelly...
I don't keep a scale in my house... (never got around to having one),
I DO weigh myself when I get to the gym though... and if it's daily I weigh myself there daily... (ok, I get compulsive there BUT I don't let the # really effect how I feel.. just helps me w/the setting on the elliptical)
I DO weigh myself at my Moms BUT don't know what I'll do with the talking scale at her house (sister bought that for Dad so he could weigh daily for CHF....) when I finally get to close up and sell house... the scale WILL have sentimental value... not sure how I'll handle it.
that said,
I DO go by tape measurer...
I DO go by the bulges the pop
and more importantly I DO go by how I feel physically
I'm a nicer person (mentally and to others) when I'm low carb....
my kids notice it, my back doeesn't flare... etc.
So it's something I choose.. it works for me, but I do go off every now and again and when I do I "try" not to beat myself up....
(sometimes easier said than done esp. through the trying time I've been through the last 6 months and the next 5 months ahead)...
"if" I make it through the next 3 weeks without having a physical or emotional breakdown I will be eternally grateful.
Hope everyone had a sucessful day today...
Mom didn't complain about aide and the kids were good and I handled "life" well... (eating, exercise, etc) so I'm doing Great.
(sorry for the LONG diatribe)
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Just a little chat before I call it a night.

Just to let you know: At the place where I work we have a kitchen. Our boss has a stock pile on a table for anyone who wants to help themselves. This stock pile consists of; a huge jar of mini hershey choc bars, a large tin of butter cookies, a box of large muffins from Cosco, another box of assorted chips, a large jar of salted pretzels and a large box of mini-coffee cakes. It is constantly replemished on a weekly basis by the boss and everything including coffee is on the house as well. I have to face this every day.

When I have a bad day at the job, the "Fat Fairy" says...go ahead, you deserve it...you will feel better....one won't hurt you. Well, today was a bad day. The entire day was spent on problem solving instead of producing orders for customers. I have to admit, I wanted to go for that stock pile. Instead, I went in the fridge and toasted myself a piece of low carb Rye bread and ate it plain with nothing on it....not even butter. I realized all I needed was to crunch on something to work out my frustration. The toast was crunchy enough and it worked to cure my frustration at only 70 calories. My desire for the junk food was gone and the feeling that I succeeded with myself made my other tasks more manageable. Result: One big smile:D We just need to get to the bottom of what makes us over eat or eat the wrong things and then deal with it to the best of our ability. It's work. When all of you post your reason for that tempoary sway away from your diet and how you will do better the next time, you are all working and teaching yourselves to become better as well as helping the rest of us. That is the reason you will all be successful in reaching your goals. And that is the reason this thread is working for all of us.

I have rambled enough and will call it a night.
Wishing you all skinny dreams,
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Wow, you have alot on your plate right now. Glad you could share and it was not a diatribe at all. Check out some of mine! LOL! I can relate to the low carb and how you feel. I try really hard not to get on the scale except once a week as it makes me too crazy! I started Atkins last Feb as after the Holidays I just did not feel like myself, no energy, cranky, just not me. I was up over 250 which even on my frame is way tooooo much. I also had my husband check my sugar one morning while he was checking his (he is diabetic) and it was higher than it had ever been in my life! My mom is a type 2 diabetic and is now wheelchair bound from the neropathy in her legs and I knew if I did not change my eating habits and lifestyle, I was on my way there too. I made the comittment right then, got the Atkins Book, signed on to the Atkins website and have been a convert ever since! After a month of low carb and exercise, I felt better, people noticed I looked better, my mood had changed and I have more energy. My sugar also went down and has stayed down! I took a "break" from the low carb life this summer,part of July and most of Aug, and by Sept I just didn't feel right. So I am convinced, low carb is the way for me. I am a carb addict and as long as I stay awy from them, I do ok. And when I eat them, like yesterday, I feel awful. I lost over 25 lbs between Jan 15 and July.( I gained back a few during my break:( ), so I know it works for me! You are right, my husband and kids and grandkids all noticed the difference in my mood. I am nicer. Are you taking any supplements? I take the Atkins Basic 3 and the Accel twice a day. I also try to stay away from all the so called Low carb processed foods. I do have an Atkins choc bar now and then and I use the breakfast bars as a quick snack. Anyway, nice to have another low carb person on here. Your other pesky 10 lbs will go! And I will be under 200 by next Feb!:)
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