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[b]Mindy[/b]: I have to tell myself everyday....[b][size=4][color=blue]TWIX ARE EVIL!! TWIX ARE EVIL!![/color][/size][/b] Hang in there! :p

[b]Connie[/b]: I'm sorry you are having to be so mobile! I'll be thinking of you! Hang in there! :)

I'm going to see [size=4][color=red][b]BARRY MANILOW[/b][/color][/size] tonight with my SO (kindof like DH but not married....so [b]S[/b]ignificant [b]O[/b]ther!), so I'll probably be on tomorrow instead of tonight! He is so sweet to go with me! He bought me tickets to cheer me up from the Seizure overdose I've been having recently! Sweet guy! Part of the deal is that I don't tell a lot of people he's going with me! (giggle!) :rolleyes: [b]I LOVE BARRY MANILOW!!![/b]

[b]Have a Great day, all![/b]
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I ate something WORSE than a twix bar. A woman who is stationed here from Russia is very shy, so not many people talk with her, other than to say hello.

Well, today is her birthday, and she bought her own birthday cake for people to eat! I felt obligated to help out especially when I found out it was a BROWNIE CHEESE CAKE. There's only cheesecake in the middle, but so what. I prefer brownies anyway. And it met my criteria for going off the diet - if you go off your diet, it has to be for a good reason. Don't gain weight eating candy you don't like. So I did it for TWO good reasons: brownies and international harmony. Hopefully they will finish that cake before I am tempted to do more.
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I am new to this site, but have been on cruise critic for a while. I am also just beginning on weight watchers and just started curves. This is gonna be tough work! Someone here mentioned that there is a message board for curves? Does anyone have any clue where??? Thanks!
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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkred]Good Evening Ladies, Just got home from work a short while ago. I am teaching the Nurse Aides this week which means I have a 45 min drive to the nursing home this company does their clinicals at. It was a very stressfull drive and my first time there. So when I got home I ate 1/2 a porkchop and a very[b] LARGE[/b] portion of Mac and Cheese which I proceeded to fry in butter and add a little extra cheese!!!!!!:( I call tht emotional eating, what do you all think?![/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=red][b]Kelly[/b] you crack me up one of the nurses I work with also loves [b]Barry Manilow[/b] she just went to one one his concerts a couple weeks ago and she is still swooning:D [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=green][b]Katie[/b] Welcome to our board I also do weight watchers and curves. to find the curves thread just look in the same area you forund us there is one for weight watchers and curves.[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=purple][b]Mindy[/b] That sounds like a pretty good brownie:D And what better reason to eat it than international harmony. think maybe it would bring some harmony in Iraq??? [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=blue][b]Regina[/b] hope you are feeling better!!!! What a way to end a trip:( But at least it waited till you got home to hit;) [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkorange]Well better get off here and get some things done then hit the hay. have a great night all.[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=teal][b]Thought for Today[/b]: What I suffer today is worth the victory tomorrow!! Good Night , Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]
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Hi everyone,
Mindy-we are moving to the Newport News virginia area, but thanks for the offer!! I hate trying to find a house with no idea of the area, hopefully we will find someone there to ask. So, your a international peacekeeper huh?? Brownie cheesecake sounds awesome!!
Kelly-Have fun at the concert!! That is a sweet guy, I don't think my DH is quite that sweet"" Did your SO dance to coba cabana??:p
Katie-welcome!! I try and follow WW on my own, but I do get lazy counting points, I do think it is a great program Good luck.
Lani-I know what ya mean about emotional eating, since I found out about the move I have been back to picking at the Halloween candy(did I mention my kids weighed their bags, 9 or 10 pounds each and I have 3 boys!!:eek:
Have a great night everyone!! Connie
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[size=4][color=blue][b]Barry Manilow ROCKS![/b] [size=2][color=black]OK. That's all I'll say on that...for now! He sure puts on a GREAT show! My SO even got up and Danced (ok...he didn't really have a choice....I was doing the bump with his shoulder....so to avoid an emergency room visit for a dislocated something....he had to dance with me! It was funny how many men there....didn't really want to be there.....their "women" were up and dancing and they were all staying in their seats! :p [/color][/size][/color][/size]

[b]Mindy[/b]: Brownie cheesecake in celebration of a birthday is PERFECTLY ok! You are a GREAT friend!

[b]Katie[/b]: Welcome to our little world! This group is SO wonderful and supportive...no matter WHAT program you are on. We all do what is working for us and support each other unconditionally! I'm glad you found us! :)

[b]Lani[/b]: I'm the POSTER CHILD for emotional eating! I'm getting better....but like I told Connie, I think it's good for our bodies to trick them and not let them know what they will be fed! Keeps the ole metabolism on the guessing track! What we have to do is find a nice driving workout for you. Hmmmmm....something safe. LOL.....let me think about that! ;)

[b]Connie[/b]: JUST SAY NO! Halloween candy is EVIL!!! lol! Seriously....just keep reading Lani's words of wisdom of the day and you will be fine! We're with ya sister! :D

Well, once again, I have a 4 day weekend...so the eating is going to be tough! I have a little cold, so it's hard to stay on my program, but [color=magenta][b]I'm going to try REALLY hard[/b][/color]! My SO's snorkel equipment came yesterday, along with a new pair of swim trunks for him! [size=4][color=blue][b]I'm so excited! [/b][/color][/size]

Have a GREAT day everyone!
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Hi Everyone, Had a rough diet day yesterday, am going to get back on track today!!

Mindy-We are moving to Fort Monroe, I think that is only about 10 miles from Langley!! My main concern is trying to find a house to rent when we get there. If you happen to talk to your friends it would be nice to know what areas would be good to live in for kids (with schools and neighborhoods) and I guess the main thing is if there are any really bad areas to stay away from!! The housing office on the base are not aloud to tell us that!! Any help would be great. Thanks alot.
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Hope everyone is having a nice day!! It is so cold outside, I keep imagining myself back in St Martin (a place I would rather be ;) ) The winds here in Chicago are awful!!!! Which makes it that much colder. Off to curves this afternoon.... onward as they say! :rolleyes:
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I am finally feeling better. I must say, it certainly felt like I had the Flu. I was so disorientated, I couldn't even see straight! Now for the good news: I lost the 3 pounds I had gained on the cruise plus the 2 pounds I had gained from pms the week before! It's good to be back on track again, but I would have preferred to lose it without being sick.

Kelly, you have certainly become the cheer leader for the group and I am also concerned about those who have not posted lately.

We have not heard from the following in 3 weeks!
Nicole, Nancy, Michele and Mary

We have not heard from Jen or Jodi in two weeks?

We did not hear from Joanne this past weigh in week.

So far, it appears the steady posters are:
Regina (when not on cruise or sick...ha ha)
Jodi (only missing two posts)
Jen (only missing two posts)

Ladies, the holidays are upon us! They will either make us or break us! We are still a strong group. For those of you who are on a regular diet and are not having Thanksgiving at your own home, may I suggest having only one serving and if possible eat only half of that serving. You'll come out the winner for it without depriving yourself of those tasty dishes. Right Kelly?

Regina :)
ps. Angelmagc2 will you be joining us in our Sunday weigh ins? If so, welcome aboard!
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[b]Regina[/b]: I just KNEW you would know where we are with folks! Thanks for the update! :)

[b]For those of you who are here....[size=4][color=blue]GOOD FOR YOU!:p [/color][/size][/b]

For those of you who are lurking, but not joining in...[size=3][color=red][b]please join us[/b][/color][/size]! This is a safe place to post your goals...successes....fears....and less memorable "weaks" of chocolate eating! Join us!!

[b]Good News for Me!![/b] At last night's concert, I wore jeans that I had, but they were WAY big! I had to wear a belt, and the jeans were baggy! So...today I went to buy new jeans! I grabbed a pair of 12, 10 and 8's that I liked! Wishful....I tried on the 8's first....THEY FIT! Oh my gosh! I haven't been in 8's since college (about 20 years ago!) Anyway, I wanted to share my good news!

I've been [b]SO DEDICATED[/b] to getting this off, and I've [b]NEVER[/b] dieted before! (started 9-22-04). I had NO IDEA how to do this! This board has helped motivate me SO MUCH! I don't exercise much (I can't), and I'm eating healthy, but not really following a meal plan (just lean cuisines!). If I can do it, anyone can! I promise!

Thanks for listening!

Have a GREAT evening!
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Good for you Kelly on the size 8's! I'm starting to notice my jeans getting looser also. DH noticed my clothes fitting looser as well, so it must not be just my imagination. Considering it's been my time of the month this week, I've been pretty good about not eating extra stuff. I snuck a peak this morning and it looks like I'm back on the losing trend.
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Regina-I'm glad your feeling better!!

Kelly-size 8, WOW!! That's great. Is lean cuisines all you have been eating most of the time??

Susan-Sounds like your doing great, when husbands notice it is great!!
Have a great day. Connie
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Hi there - I would love to join this challange too! I joined Jenny Craig two weeks ago and I have lost 8 pounds. My problem isn't losing it - it's the keeping it off that I have trouble with, but I really want to stick to it this time. This is my first time joining a group this way, the support that eveyone gives each other is GREAT! I'm going on my first cruise Feb 12/05 on the Navigator of the Seas, my goal is to lose 20 lbs by then. It's going to be hard with xmas just around the corner, but I am determined this time.

Annie :)
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Hi everyone! I won't be here on Sunday to weigh in, however I'll have to tell you that I finally blasted off the 153 plateau that I've been stuck in for so long. I got on the scales this morning and weighed 149!!!! I can't believe it! Thank you Regina, Kelly, Jen, Joanne, Mindy, Jodi, Susan and everyone else for their great advice and support. I could never have gotten this far without your help. My cruise is in two weeks so I'm more determined than ever. Like Kelly, I got into a pair of jeans (size 10) that I haven't been able to wear in years. It feels so good!!!

I think what really helped me this week was Curves (3X), strict Atkins diet, drinking lots of water and green tea 2X/day.

Thanks again everyone and have a great weekend!!!
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I was hoping to post a weighin on Sunday but I don't have a scale (in house).
I WILL be going down to Mom's house (to supervise work) and she has scale BUT she doesn't have internet... how about I give you a call and possibly meet up somewhere close by (to you). She's in Baldwin.
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[b]To everyone[/b]: Thanks for the Kudos! I'm really excited about my loss!!!
[size=4][color=plum][b]WOO HOO!![/b][/color][/size]

[b]Susan[/b]: How awesome that your DH noticed! That's the [b]BEST[/b] feedback of all!

[b]Connie[/b]: Yeah...Lean Cuisines is just about all I eat. I have a Quaker breakfast bar in the morning (about 220 calories), at least 8 bottles of water a day, some fruit (usually grapes or mandarin oranges), a lean cuisine for lunch and one for dinner. I allow myself 1 little bag of cheetos (180 calories) a day, but usually, when I crave them, I know that if I eat them then, then I can't have any more in the rest of the day, so it usually NEVER gets eaten! I'm playing psychological games with myself....but it's working! :)

[b]Annie[/b]: [size=4][color=blue][b]WELCOME[/b][/color][/size]! I'm glad you're here! My goal starting on September 22nd was to lose 15ish pounds by my cruise (December 18th) and I'm just about there! That leaves room for more loss....and you have much more time than I did! Stick with us! We help each other out SO much! ;)

[b]Ann[/b]: [size=4][color=yellowgreen][b]CONGRATS[/b][/color][/size] on your Loss! [color=red][b]Woo hoo[/b][/color]!!! Breaking that plateau is proving to be really tough....so you are to be commended! We'll miss you on Sunday, but we'll see you next week! Keep up the [b][color=magenta]FABULOUS[/color][/b] work!

[b]Carolyn:[/b] If you can't catch up with us on Sunday, catch up with us when you can! Most grocery stores here have a scale, so maybe that is a possibility!

I'm off to do 1,000 sit-ups (not!). Seriously....I've been missing my disco workout music, so I think I'll kick it up a notch and [size=3][color=blue][b]Play that Funky Music[/b][/color][/size]! :p

Catch you all later!
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Annie....Welcome aboard to our group of losers : ). Stick with us and we will keep you motivated. You may have difficulty in keeping the weight off because once you lose it, you give yourself permission to feel comfortable with going back to old eating habits. We'll work with you so you stay on track. BTW: You are going to absolutely love the Navigator of the Seas. I was on that ship last year and was blown away by the immense size of it. The ship I was on this year was nice, but did not stand up in comparison to the Navigator. That ship will certainly spoil you! The huge shopping
mall inside it with street lights lining it is awesome. You will have a blast of a time on it.

Carolyn: This Sunday would be good for me. Call me and we'll arrange a place to meet for lunch.

Ann, congrats on your loss. It will be counted for this Sunday's weigh in. Good job!

Kelly, keep that music going cause you are dancing your way to success.

Hope to see alot of weigh inners this Sunday.
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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkolivegreen]Good Morning Ladies, Couldn't get on yesterday had computer problems:( [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#556b2f]Well got on the scale this morning and was surprised to see 163.8!!! I was surprised because my hands were swollen and I only went to Curves 1x this week d/t my work schedule!! I hope that is what it says tomorrow:p I have started drinking green tea too, guess it is better than coffee and that Doctor on Oprah says you can lose 10lbs in 6 weeks drinking it so hey what the heck I will drink it!![/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=red][b]Kelly[/b] way to go on the sz.8, can't wait to get into a 14 soon hopefully. You are really doing great.[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=blue][b]Susan [/b]DH noticing must have been a real thrill, that is always the best compliment I think. They are with us everyday so they don't lways notice right away, then [b]POW[/b] it hits them:D Great job.[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkorange][b]Ann[/b] Breaking that plateau was a hard one but you did it!!! We are all going to succeed this time with each others help and support.[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=teal][b]Annie [/b]Welcome to our little(guess not so little anymore) group. As you can see we are all here to support and encourage each other and it really works as you can see we are all getting results!! Yes we do have set backs but we get each other through it. Again welcome!![/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=purple][b]Regina[/b] I knew those 3 pounds would come off fast:) Glad you are feeling better. [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkolivegreen]I know there are some I missed this morning, and I am sorry, I will try to get on later but now I have to go and get a shower and get some work done. The house was very neglected this LAST WEEK:o Till later, Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]

[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#48d1cc][b]Thought for Today: A prayer a day keeps the flabbies away!!![/b][/color][/size][/font][/i]
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[b]Regina[/b]: How big is the Navigator? I get the feeling the Zuiderdam is pretty huge, too. We'll see! I'm so excited!

[b]Lani[/b]: I missed you! I'm glad your computer is working again! Hey...CONGRATS on your loss! That is fabulous! You are working so hard on this...and to lose during a week that you didn't feel you were doing much is GREAT!!!!! Woo hoo!!

[b]Mindy[/b]: I'm excited to see how you're doing! I'm sure great!

I got my cruise documents yesterday. Mine were addressed to MR. Kelly Blah Blah Blah. I guess my SO didn't know he was the better half of a gay male couple! :D

I'm getting the [b][color=red]Christmas[/color][/b] [color=yellowgreen][b]tree[/b][/color] decorations out today! Time to start getting organized! I have to be ready about 2 weeks early this year due to the cruise! :)

Have a GREAT day all!
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