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I lost the weight that I had gained last week thanks to Aunt Flow, and some more as well!

I went to try on Bathing Suits!!!!! (Talk about BRAVE.) I'm still not down to a twelve, but some of those 14's were big! Yippee!!!!!

Kelly - the Navigator is one of the 6 biggest ships at sea. It's one of the Voyager class, and the only thing bigger is the Queen Mary II. (These are the ships with a skating rink on the lower deck and a mall/gallery midship.) Since it was the 4th one built, it also has a few more amenties than the 3 earlier ships (Voyager, Explorer and Adventure of the Seas). The Mariner of the Seas is later and has the same upgrades. That's not saying that Zuiderdam isn't big; it's just not as big.

Here is a picture for you in honor of your documents:
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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkred]Good Morning Ladies, Hope everyone has a great Sunday and weigh in. Well the scale still says 163.8 cutting it pretty close to 164 but hey I never thought I'd see 164 again. :D So I will take either of them just glad to see 150's creeping in slowly but surely!!! Have a great day everyone, I will try and check in later on, computer is still acting up:( bye for now, Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]

[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=green]Thought for Today: Patience would be a lot easier if it didn't take so long to get!!!![/color][/size][/font][/i]
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[b]Start[/b] (9-22-04): 149
[b]Last Sunday[/b]: 138
[b]Today[/b]: [size=5][color=blue][b]135[/b][/color][/size] [color=magenta][b]Woo hoo!!![/b][/color]
[b]Realistic Goal[/b] (by 12-16-04): 135
[b]Goal After I Reach the Realistic Goal[/b]: 125!! :)

I am SO excited!! I had NO IDEA that I could get to this by now! Truly! I had NO IDEA! I [size=4][color=blue][b]KNOW[/b][/color][/size] this board has helped me!

Last April, I was very down. It had been a year since my head injury and I was very depressed. I weighed 159, the most I have ever weighed. My brother got married in July, and I knew I needed to get some weight off (I was one of the bridesmaids.). I got down to 152...but I look at those pictures now, and I really am surprised at how big I still looked in those (I had so many chins!):rolleyes:

I am SO grateful that I found all of you! This board and the deadlines on Sundays for me has kept me at a momentum and a high standard for myself. Your hints and honesty have helped me, because I have NEVER felt like I was doing this alone! [size=5][color=darkorange][b]THANK YOU for that![/b][/color][/size]

[b][color=#ff8c00][color=blue]125....here I come! :D[/color] [/color][/b]
I'll keep checking back throughout the day!
Have a Great one!

ps....[b]Mindy:[/b] Thanks for the picture! It gave me a [size=4][color=magenta][b]HUGE[/b][/color][/size] chuckle! Also...I've only been on 1 other cruise, so any boat is huge to me! A skating rink? Oh my gosh! No....I don't think the Zuiderdam is that big!
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Good Morning Ladies

First off I'd like to thank everyone for thier thoughts and prayers for me
during this time. I have never lost anyone this close to me before so this
has been really hard for me. My father has been sick for a very long time
but this last year was hard on all of us. He fought so hard and he was
getting tired. I knew his time with us was coming to an end, but my heart
was hoping and praying he would get better. We buried him yesterday and
I am trying very hard to be at peace with this. I know now he is in God's
hands and he is happy. He will always be in my heart and I will see him again
one day.

Sorry I did not post last week. I don't know what I lost last week but I am
down 3.5lbs from my last weigh-in.

I use to be a coffee drinker and I still am but I'm down to one a day. I now
drink green tea and I think that is helping. I'm still having trouble drinking
water. I go to curves 3 times a week with a friend. I joined last month so
my first weigh-in and measurements will be taken this week or next. I know
I have lost some inches because I am fitting into clothes I could'nt do up and
the clothes I was wearing are loose. Since I started my healthy eating life
style at the end of Aug I have lost a total of 10lbs so I'm very happy about
that. I am now working on the next 10.

I hope everyone had a good week and can report a lose.

Regina I'm so glad you had a great cruise. I can't wait until I go in Feb.
I really need to get away.

Take Care & God Bless
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[b]Joanne[/b]: First of all, [color=red][b]Congratulations[/b][/color] on your weight loss! Losing weight during a stressful time, and then keeping it off are really hard. We are always here for you.

Secondly...I want to tell you that one of the greatest things that someone said, and/or did for me after my fiance, Chris, died 4 years ago was this....

This person knew I was really down and feeling quite lost. They sat me down and said, "Kelly, I know you are really hurting right now. I wonder if you can take some time right now and tell me all of the wonderful things that you loved about Chris. Tell me the memories that make you laugh, smile, or roll your eyes. Tell me what really made you mad about him. Then, tell me again what you loved about him." We talked for over 3 hours that day, and my healing started immediately. To this day, I am healing, hurting, and growing, and Chris continues to be with me in my heart and in my world! I'm lucky enough to call that special friend from that day, my boyfriend now (for 2 years), and he knows that I still have my times where I'm really missing Chris, and we can discuss it whenever we need to.

I hope you have someone like this in your life, Joanne, that you can talk to openly and honestly and not feel judged or rushed by. And, if not, I want to be that for you. Tell us everything you can about your father. Introduce us to him. I know the computer is not a very "Personal" way to communicate, but I, for one, am here for you. I want to help you to find the new way that your father is still in your life.

My thoughts, prayers, smiles, and tears are with you so that you may heal your heart!

[b][size=4][color=blue]BIG HUGS for you, Joanne!!! ;) [/color][/size][/b]
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Good Morning Pals

For the first time I feel comfortable with posting my actual weight. When I started learning to eat better a few months ago, I was 185. Last year I was 200. Those are numbers I never want to see again. My weight loss reported earlier this week remains the same.

Lani, hang in there. Yes, we tend to be impatient, but if we remain steadfast, the weight has no choice but to go.

Kelly, your 135 is absolutely astonishing! I want to be that weight sooooo bad. Hope you still stick around here after you have reached your goal to keep us all encouraged.

Joanne, you are stronger than you know. Frankly, I would have lost control of my diet under the situation you are presently experiencing. Smart gal for not caving in. Like Kelly said, we are all here for you as you mourn the loss of your father. Losing a parent is quite a heartache, but rest assure your father will always watch over you in spirit. He may even come to you in a dream to let you know he is fine. That is what my mom did after I mourned her loss for 8 months. After that dream, I was lifted from my mourning. Everyone's mourning length of time is different, but know your pain will ease in time one way or another. We are all here for you.

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I had hoped I would be one of the first posters this morning, but NOOOOO! You are such early people! Regina will be thrilled to see so many posts already. ;)

First my weigh-in. This week I lost 3.4 pounds!!!! :D That an extra 1.2 pounds since 2 weeks ago. By itself that's not much, but since I also had to get rid of all the weight I gained last week on top of that, I am declaring progress.
So I have now lost 3.6 pounds total since signing in here, and I have met my first mini-goal. I am now 154.4 - under 155! I was beginning to wonder if there was a lid on that number for me. And now I broke through it. Hurray! But that's just one more step - quite a few more are needed before I can wear some of my 8's, but I'm on my way.

Joanne - I think Kelly's advice was on the money. I had a miscarriage this past summer, and one of the ways I recovered was through a bulletin board where I could write to other women who had been through the same thing. Another was simply to tell people, I had been pregnant, but lost the child. You sort of feel like "There, I said it, and the world is still here." Each time I tell people, I heal a little bit more. But take it at your own pace, let yourself have sad days, and remember that we are here for you when you want us.

Kelly and Joanne, Congrats on your pounds lost! However you did it, you have an achievement to be proud of. Lani, not losing is also not gaining. And the main thing is to not gain. Good luck with your computer, and keep up the good work!

Have a great day!
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Wow!!!!!!!! this weigh in is going good and strong! Mindy, a big congrats on your loss. Good job!! Now see if you can be the first to weigh in next week...LOL. Face it, you just like to sleep late on weekends :)

Going shopping now to buy myself a sexy looking winter coat....hmmmmm, is there such a thing?

Will peek in later to see how all the losers are doing.

ps. I still have to drink more water, but I think I will hold off until I return from shopping. Don't need any interruptions while I'm having fun.
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I'm not heading "south" until later tonight.
Heard you're out shopping.. left message at your home and will try you tomorrow at work. Hopefully things will be moving along w/painting and bathroom repairs and I'll be able to meet up with you some time/place.
PS.. I weighed myself and I don't know if I'd count it as a loss (since it probably went up last Sunday) or a stay the same.
This way I'm staying "on topic" with postings.
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My weight stayed the same this week. I was down to 131 yesterday though, so I'm not sure what happened between then and when I weighed this morning. My guess is it's either not enough water, this cold that refuses to let go affecting me somehow, or the sugar free ice cream cone I had last night. Congratulations to those of you who lost this week.
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Susan, I doubt it was the sugar free ice-cream cone. Was anything in the cone? Just curious. Most likely you need to boost your metabolism by drinking more water. I find I lose weight when I drink more water and when I don't, I run into a plateau. If you hit the same weight next week, it will make your 3rd. week of remaining the same weight and you might need to alter your diet and/or increase exercise temporarily to give yourself a little push forward.

Remember....the less we have to lose, the harder it seems to come off. Be patient.


PS. BTW ladies, I went shopping at Macy's and ended up buying a full length white coat with white Fox fur collar and sleeves. Is it sexy? Wow, you bet. I've worn it out already and received two compliments from strangers already! Add to that my new hair cut with highlites I had done yesterday and I'm feeling even more motivated now. Treating yourself to something really special does add to the motivation and makes you feel better. I haven't heard too much from all of you on how you are rewarding yourselves. How come?
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Hi Everyone, I have been very busy trying to get ready for my move. Was down 1 pound, I'll take it!! Everyone seems to be doing great. I forget who mentioned the green day and the doctor on Oprah. I missed it , what did they say about it?? Well, gotta run. Connie
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Connie, thanks for taking the time to weigh in. I can just imagine how hectic things must be with getting ready to move. Congrats on that one pound loss. One pound is nothing to sniffle at. Just imagine what 1 pound of bacon looks like and that's what you took off. Good going!

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Hello everyone!

Welcome to all the new "losers" from the last few weeks!

I've decided to do a career change and have been studying and getting my new business set up. A bit more to do but it's coming together. I've been so busy but I haven't forgotten you guys and thought of all of you the last couple of weeks! I only had a chance to go back the last couple of pages to try to catch up. Everyone seems to be doing well - I'm glad. This has been like a second family to me!

Joanne, I am so sorry for your loss. I wish that I had some profound and healing words to help you through your grief. In the last few weeks we lost a member of the family also and though I was not close to her I feel deeply for her parents.

As I said before I am a stress eater - and I have been bouncing around in my weight. This morning I weighed in at 147 AGAIN. I'm not terribly disappointed though because I had crept back up to 149 and I was determined to not get to 150 again. I had the worst time breaking that 150 and now it appears the magic number is 147. I'll do it and with my husband gome this week it's easier to make salads for dinner. He wants "solid" food because he's very physical at work and really needs the protein & carbs.

Until next time:p !

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Good Morning, All!

Regina: Your cumulative loss over the past year is REMARKABLE!!! You should be SO PROUD! I will not be leaving this board at all! When (if?) I get to the 125, I will need support to stay there! I Love this board! :)

Mindy & Connie: Congrats on your loss! That's Fabulous! Keep up the great work!

Susan & Carolyn: Staying the same is something to be congratulated! Didn't gain....right? Not an easy task!

Jennifer: Welcome back and congrats on your loss and your new business! Hope to see you around for awhile!

See you all later!
Have a good day!
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Hello everybody,

Sorry I didn't weigh in yesterday, but I have been sick. I weighed myself this morning and it was roughly the same as last week. I didn't expect to lose anything though because I haven't excercised in 4 days and probably didn't eat to healthy either.

Congratulations to all of you that lost!!

Just in case anyone might be interested I have an awesome exercise for the hip/thigh area to share with you. You lay down on your back and put left leg up on a chair (with knee bent) then in two seperate steps you raise the right leg (straight or SLIGHTLY bent) up about 3 feet then over to the right about a foot HOLD for a second then back the same way. Repeat 8-10 times then switch legs. It really works the hip area!!

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[b]Evonne[/b]: Staying the same is success as well! Hey....cool hip exercise! I watched the Today Show last weekend and they had the Rockettes on and they were showing leg exercises that they do starting in September to get really ready for the Holiday show in November/December. Wow! They are hard, but they REALLY work! I'll share if you care!

Thanks for the hips heads up!
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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=teal]Hi Everyone, Is everyone having a good Monday?? Just got home an hour ago, boy do I hate that drive:( but it is over till next month now! I ate pretty good, stayed on points, going to try and get on the gazelle in a little bit, then tomorrow morning it is back to Curves:D I missed going there this week who would have ever thought I would miss exercise!!?? we get weighed and measured on the 22nd. It was a busy day today so this post will be short, I am beat and want to get on the gazelle before I change my mind!:p till next time, lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]

[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkgreen][b]Thought for Today,(or whats left of it anyway) [/b]No matter what happens I will keep trying to lose weight!!![/color][/size][/font][/i]
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Regina, you asked us to think about how we reward ourselves. I gave that a lot of thought today. One of my problems is that I usually reward myself with FOOD. So I have been rethinking some of that. Since I am also a clothes horse as well as a foodie, I have been working on getting back into clothes that used to fit. And today I did just that. It's a dress that had been too tight on the bottom. Today, the hips were comfortable (HIP HIP HOORAY!!!!! - pun wasn't intended, but what the heck) and the waist is finally fitting too. The best part is that I am finally able to wear the belt that came with the dress also. Even on the loosest hole, it was a little snug, but that was a reminder not to snack too much! And then I got compliments on the belt too, which made me feel great.

While I just LOVE to buy new clothes, I figure if I can get into some of my old clothes, then I will have more spending money for my next cruise, and it will be easier to pay off the one after that. Don't get me wrong. I still plan to reward myself on our next cruise with some Ben and Jerry's ice cream! But I am not running to Stabucks every day for an espresso brownie. That will wait until I've made more progress.

Good luck to everyone on getting closer to your goal weights.
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Evonne, thanks for sharing that exercise. I've been doing stretching exercise whenever I can and even at work when no one is around.

Lani, good to see you took the time to post inspite of being tired. Oddly enough your logo was my very thought on the drive home tonight from work.

Mindy, that is so wonderful about fitting in to those previous sizes. I can see your smile from here. It's so worth the work isn't it. Stay determined and you'll be so hot looking on your next cruise.

Ladies, this past weigh in was one of the most successful ones yet. Does everyone find it just a little bit easier than when you started? I know I do. For me, it was like a baby learning to walk....you fall a few times before you get steady and then you are off running. I feel like I'm running now. Today someone brought in a tray of cup cakes (homemade) and I wasn't even tempted! That's what I mean by running.

This is working for us because by some strange happening, alot of SINCERE women got together and decided to help themselves and others as well. Amazing we are all on different diets and they are all working...something to think about.

All of you have a great night and thin dreams that will come true,
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Good Morning everyone,
Did not have time to post yesterday. Thanks everyone for all the great tips and motivation!! I am going to be very busy until I am moved and settled, so I will try to get on as much as possible. I will try to keep reading all your posts, but my imput might be short and sweet for awhile!! The tought part will be while we are in transit and don't have a computer!! THat is when we eat out all the time and I will need all your motivation the most!! Hopefully we will be at hotels with internet!! I have been doing the running program K suggested, and I am determined to keep doing it throughout the move no matter what!!
ANyway, hope you all have a great day. Connie
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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=red]Hello Everyone, Just another quick post before I get ready for work. Went to Curves this morning did 4 rounds, sure felt good to be back. I also joined the 6 week challenge there with 2 other nurses I go with. Hopefully it will help get us through the holidays a little better. Well I forgot to answer the reward question last night, I too always would try to reward myself with food. Now I try to reward myself with an exercise tape or a new outfit. One reward was the formal gown for the cruise, which fits everywhere but the bust is still a little snug. anyone got some bust reduction exercises:D well better get off and get ready for work. Later, lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkred][b]Thought fot Today:[/b]Too much doubt rules weight loss out!!![/color][/size][/font][/i]
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