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Just stopping in to give a recipe: Yogurt & Spinach Soup

2 1/2 cup chicken bouilon
4 tbsp. long grain rice (rinsed & drained)
4 tbsp. water
1 tbsp. cornstarch
2 1/2 cup lowfat plain yourt
3 egg yolks (lightly beaten)
juice of 1 lemon
12 oz. young spinach leaves (washed & drained)

In lg. pan bring bouilon to boil, add rice, simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from heat.

Combine water & cornstarch to make paste and stir this in another pan with yogurt. Stir this mixture with wooden spoon (stirring in only one direction- prevents curdling) and bring to boil, & after reaching boil, bring to a low simmer for 10 min. Remove from heat to cool slightly, then stir in yolks.

Pour yogurt mixture into bouilon, stir in lemon juice while keeping soup warm.

Boil spinach leaves for 2-3 minutes, drain and add to soup and season to taste with salt & pepper. Serve with hot crust french/ or Italian bread. Serves 4

calorie: 227
sugar: 13 g
protein: 14 g
carbs: 29 g
Fat 7g

Hey Mindy, your cruise is not far away and I know just how you feel about now...torture isn't it? Here's a pic of me getting ready to snorkel as I head out to the Pitons of St. Lucia in the background. It was simply exhilarating!
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Hey ladies,

Well it appears I'm fluctuating between 130 and 133. I swore I wasn't going to get on the scale everyday, but I have been. Yesterday I was at 130, this morning was 131, so I am still losing...just slowed down. I had to go buy a new pair of jeans yesterday and I've got the same problem I had in high school. The waist is too big on them, but if I went any smaller the thighs and hips would be too small. I guess after Christmas I'm going to have to take the time to try on different styles and be willing to pay more for my jeans.

I haven't thought about what I do to reward myself for things. I do know I am looking forward to getting new clothes when I hit my goal weight.
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Been trying on more old clothes and it's a good news/bad news story. Good news is that the dresses I took on last year's cruise are too big. Bad news - I have nothing to wear! I did try on a gown I wore to my sister's wedding, and it is loose on the BOTTOM - Yippee! - but tight on top! :eek: Need to figure out whether it's worth to find a bra to go with that one, and just not breathe, or go shopping. I may need Lani's exercises. ;)

And shopping is already crazy here! You would think that Christmas was tomorrow- lots are full on weekends, traffic is horrendous - glad I bought most of my gifts already.

Susan - I have the same problem, pants that fit the hips are loose in the waist. I had a very good friend who was also my seamstress who took in all waists, and hemmed everything for me. But last year, she passed away very suddenly from a stroke. I haven't had anything altered since then, since I am scared I'll just start bawling during the fitting. But if you can find a good alterations person, you have more leeway in what you can buy yourself when you start clothes shopping.

Regina - great picture! Keep that around for when the weather gets yucky in February, so you can remember that the bad weather is only temporary.

Keep up the good work everyone - it's really worth the trouble to stay away from junk food, or whatever else the Fat Fairy sends your way.
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Mindy, treat yourself to some new clothes. I was in a wedding party for a cousin out of state. When the gown was sent to me, there was no time for alterations before the wedding, so I suffered through the wedding. The wedding was a nightmare for me cause I could barely breathe in the gown. You don't want memories of pain and suffering on your cruise. It's not worth having even an hour of discomfort.

Susan, Mindy is right about getting alterations done. Even though it costs a little extra to have the waist taken in, when clothes fit just right, you will feel so much better.

Well, got to get ready for work and my only problem right now is finding something to wear which will look good with my remaining caribbean tan.

Have a great day everyone,
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:eek: Good Morning all,
I did not make it on yesterday. I love to hear when clothes are getting to big, I am not having that problem yet, but they are fitting more comfortable. (They were getting a little snug) So, I am extra stressed now, last week they told us we are moving the first week of December, so I have been preparing (canceled paper, sons drum lessons, etc.) now yesterday they said we might not be, they will let us know sometime:eek: so I am in limbo!!! I am trying hard not to eat more from stress (did have a little wine last night)
Anyway, hope you all have a great day. Connie
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Hi All!
I'm having a [b]mental health day[/b] home from work. It's really stressful. So, Connie, I can sympathize with your stress! Hang in there with me! K? ;)

I'm not gaining, but not losing....I peeked! So maybe I hit that plateau thing we've been discussing. Now what? What can I expect now? Anybody know?

I'm feeling [size=4][color=blue][b]blue[/b][/color][/size] today. Work makes me crazy....but it's just a job. It is...however....how I am getting to the Carribbean! :)

Have a good one!
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Thanksgiving survivor techniques: Ladies, what are your strategies or suggestions?

Here's one for you: If sweet potatos and regular potatos are served...choose one or the other, but not both.

Okay, who's next?

Regina (having a boring day at work)
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Kelly, regarding your plateau: you have been on a running streak with losing weight and your body is taking time out. Just be patient cause as far as I know, no one consistantly loses weight without hitting a plateau for a short time.

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Kelly, about your plateau......I was on one for about a month and just couldn't seem to shake it. Then I combined several things I'd read on this board and others that seemed to help me lose. Every morning I have a half of a grapefruit, then mid-morning a cup of green tea. Exercise of some sort three times a week (for me it's Curves). Eat lean meat and tossed salad for dinner and another cup of green tea. It has really worked for me. I broke the 153 mark two weeks ago and now am down to 146. You might give it a try.

Regarding Thanksgiving......I'm going to try and be good and concentrate on eating a large portion of meat. Our dinner this year is at my mother's nursing home, which is not the most appetizing environment, so I don't think I'll be tempted to overeat as in years past.
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[b]Ann & Regina[/b]: Thanks for your support on my "Plateau!" Yikes. I'm sure it will all work out, but what a heck of a time to plateau.......when I want to pig out on stuffing! :rolleyes:

OK....my Thanksgiving eating tip...remember, I'm going to work in a soup kitchen with my family. I think we will have a small dinner together when we get home, but I know that seeing all of those people all day will make me be thankful for only 1 scoop of everything! :) I'm sure grateful for my family! Also....we are ALL on a diet...so that helps, too! :p

See you all tomorrow!

ps.....to help my [size=4][color=blue][b]"blues", [/b][size=2][color=#000000]I booked a shore excursion in Key West, and I read through my brochure from the Bahamas where we will be swimming with the dolphins! I'm happy now! :D [/color][/size][/color][/size]
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Hello Everyone,

Kelly: I hear you about the plateau! I think I am on one again myself.

Regina: Thanks for the recipe that you gave earlier, but I have a question.
I am allergic to yogurt (and it seems like alot of "diet" recipes have
yogurt in them) , so is there anything that I can substitute for it?

I don't really have any tip for Thanksgiving because I am sure I am going to blow it! My grandma's cooking is just toooo goooood!! I am going to watch my portions though! I will exercise my buns off that week though. Hopefully that will offset it a little.

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Kelly, sounds like you are getting lucky with little or no temptatation this Thanksgiving, but I'm confused to what your tip is to the others.....are you suggesting to volunteer in a soup kitchen? If so, that's a good idea for anyone who hasn't any plans on that day. Volunteer work is extremely rewarding as I know from personal experience.

For those of you who will be blessed with a bountiful of temptations, how about giving a summary on the board of your actual intake of your Thanksgiving meal? Who's for and who's against and why?

I personally would be for it because it would serve as a strategy technique to keep all on the straight and narrow. So, what does everyone else think?

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Evonne, you could substitute the yogurt with lowfat sour cream. I just did that tonight in a different recipe and it came out really good. It will increase the calorie intake, but not by a whole lot.

ps. Will post the next recipe (the one I had tonight) tomorrow. It is called, "Pork Stroganoff" and I must say, it was absolutely yummy with only 223 calories per serving. Good night all and may you all have thin dreams that come true.
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Good Morining Ladies

I hope everyone is having a great week. Just a reminder to stay on track on the weekend. I find the weekends are the hardest for me.

This is off topic but I thought I'd share my good fortunes with you. I am
Canadian and it seems with our dollar everything cost us much more. When
I booked my cruise in August of course I booked in canadian funds. I saw
a show on TV saying canadians should book trips in US funds because of our
rising dollar. I called my travel agent and asked her to look into this for me.
Well she called me back and said yes I could do this. She would have to cancell my cruise and rebook it in american funds and let the credit card
people do the exchange not the cruise line. Well by doing this I saved a
grand total of $685.00 on my cruise. Its nice to have a little good news
in my life right now.

Have a great weekend and see you all at Sundays weigh-in!!!

Take care and God Bless
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Hi everyone,

Regina, I am looking forward to the Pork stroganoff recipe, sounds good!! I am willing to post what I eat, I think it will help me control my intake!!
Kelly-hope your job gets better!! I am heading to the doctors soon, I woke up and my face has a rash and is itchy swollen and bumpy, I don't know if it is an allergic reaction or from all the stress I am having:confused: Oh, by the way I think it is great you are working in a soup kitchen on turkey day!!
Joanne-that is great you were able to save all that money, it can be spending money for your cruise!!
I will check back later!! Connie
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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=blue]Good Morning Ladies, Well haven't been on computer is still giving me grief and there are some other stressors that are going on also. Needless to say that yesterday I ate all the wrong things!!!:( I tried to keep myself busy cleaning and going through Christmas decorations but still gave in and ate all day!!!!! I will be willing to post what I eat on Thanksgiving, not even sure if I am off yet. we will be eating at my mother-in-laws no overeating there she barely makes enogh for the crowd she has every year.She of course weighs like 95 lbs. :rolleyes: Any way hope you all have a great weekend I will try and get on later if my computer lets me that is:) Till later, Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]

[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=purple][b]Thought for today:[/b] God gives us hope in order to cope!!!![/color][/size][/font][/i]
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Regina, I think it's a great idea to report what we eat for Thanksgiving. It more or less holds us 'accountable' for what we eat. Only nine days till my cruise and I am nervous as a cat about being strong and holding to my diet.

Kelly, I think you are wonderful for volunteering for the soup kitchen. It really gives us a dose of reality and makes us thankful for what we have.

Skinny dreams everyone!
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Hello All!

[b]Regina[/b]: No. I don't think I was giving advice. I'm not big on giving others advice! What I like to do is talk about my experiences and people can either take it or leave it!:)

I'd be happy to post what I eat on T-Day! It will help me limit myself! Good idea!

[b]Evonne[/b]: We'll get through this plateau together. I, too, am doubling my workout routine this week....and the next 2 as well! :rolleyes:

[b]Joanne[/b]: JACKPOT!!!! WOO HOO!!!! See...there are some positives to being an American right now! ;)

[b]Connie[/b]: I had a rash once when I was really stressed! My doctor told me to take benedryl or another antihistamine because our histamine levels can really sky-rocket when we are stressed. I think the rash covered my entire legs and stomach area and started to move up my neck! Within 3 days, it was gone! Good luck! I'll be thinking of you!

[b]Lani[/b]: I'm bummed that you're bummed! :( Maybe all of our biorhythms are out of whack! I'll be thinking of you and wishing good thoughts for you!

[b]Ann[/b]: Thanks for the compliment. My family and I do this every year. We have had some people very nice to us during some tougher times, and now we like to re-pay when we can. It truly is wonderful!

Have a great Friday Afternoon! I'm still "mental healthing it" again! ;)
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Quick post while I'm at work.

Great news on that cruise savings. I'm wondering why your travel agent didn't suggest it. At any rate, now you can book those excursions!

Kelly, what does"mental healthing it" mean? I meant to ask the first time you referred to it and simply forgot to ask. Okay...so I'm a little slower than the rest :)

So far, looks like there will be postings of T-Day intakes. I'm sure the 9th. weigh in will go good because of it.

Lani, whatever the stress factors causing you to eat, just try and rethink your goal and how much happier you will be when you accomplish it.

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Pork Stroganoff/ or use lean beef for Beef Stroganoff

1tsp. veg. oil
12 oz lean pork tendorloin (cut in 1/2 inches)
1 onion (chopped)
2 garlic gloves (crushed)
1/4 cup flour
2 tsp. tomato paste
2 cups chicken broth
1 3/4 cups muchrooms
1 large green pepper (seeded, diced)
1/2 tsp nutmeg
4 tsp. plain yogurt (substitute is lowfat sour cream) plus extra to serve
salt & pepper
cooked plain rice, to serve (or substitute wheat pasta)

cook, onion, pork, garlic in oil 4-5 minutes
add flour, tomato paste, broth and stir mixture
add everything else except the yogurt and cook 20 minutes
remove from heat then stir in yogurt
serve over cooked rice/ or your wheat pasta

serves 4
calories: 223 per serving
sugar: 7 g
carbs: 12 g
fat: 10 g

I had this for supper last night and it tastes out of this world. Felt like I was cheating on my diet.
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Kelly, you're quite welcome :)

Gals.......[size=5]T. G. I. F ![/size]
[size=3]BTW: Cruises are great for making new friends. Hubby and I got an e-mail from a young newlywed couple whom we shared dinner with each night at a table for four. The four of us had such a great time with lots of laughs, we're thinking about meeting up with each other again on a cruise for next year. So, you see ya never know what new friends you can make on a cruise.[/size]
[size=3]Our joke of the evening was when our waiter (from Turkey), named Enver would say, "Excellent Choice." No matter what we chose for dinner, it was always an "Excellent Choice." He was one of Royal Caribbeans best with a fantastic personality. Enver, where ever you are, I hope you get to be with your family for the holidays. [/size]
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I was really looking forward to my weigh in yesterday, because I hadn't seen my lecturer - who I really like - in 2 weeks. And wouldn't you know it, I'd GAINED ! A LOT! So we talked afterward, and told her that it didn't make sense, because my clothes were getting looser, and I was fitting in to clothes that I hadn't worn in almost 2 years.

So yesterday I learned about water retention. The night before I had eaten at a Thai restaurant, and they use lots of high sodium ingredients in their sauces and soups. (I was being do good - has a soup with chicken and an entree with veggies - but forgot about sauces!) Well, if you don't drink enough water, your body goes into famine mode and retains it. And if you have lots of sodium, that exacerbates it. So I need to learn how to drink more water.

I have found a way to keep the fat fairy at bay a little. I have brought Melba Toast crackers to work, and that keeps me from eating Twix bars. I have to learn to limit my crackers a little more, but it's still an improvement. The crackers give me the crunchy texture I am looking for, and some fiber, without the fat from the chocolate.

As for Thanksgiving, we did an exercise at my WW meeting. She had a list of foods, and we had to pick from that list what we thought we would eat on the big day. Then she unveiled what the points for each thing would be. I was surprised that green beans were low points; I thought they had too much starch. Well, it turns out they are high in fiber! The worst item on the list was pumpkin pie. The point of the exercise was to help us mentally rehearse what we would have for Thanksgiving. And she said that if we were going to make our diets work, we did not have to give up eating, we just had to give up overeating. So if we expected a high point count on Thanksgiving day, be sure to stay on track the rest of the week.

Another tip she gave was we need to eat a good breakfast Thursday morning. That will tide you over until the big event, and then you don't need to eat everything in sight when dinner is finally served.

So yes, I will post what I eat for Thanksgiving. I can post what I cooked too, if you want.

Have a good weekend everyone!
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