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Hi everyone,
I am so sorry I "punked" out on you all. I was gone the last three weekends, and then the weather, I have been very depressed, what ever excuse you all will accept. I am sorry I am sorry I am sorry.
I have lost a few, but not sure how much as I have not been on the scale.
Kelly, you are doing wonderful and are a real cheerleader. to everyone.
Lani, how are you doing?
How's everyone else too. Let's see if we can get this back together. I miss you all. Please forgive me.
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Can I join you all? I want to lose 12 pounds for my cruise. I weigh 142 and generally use ww, but I also love a site called fitday.com to track my eating and activities.

We did a similar thanksgiving excersize in ww, and one suggestion she had, was for the pumpkin pie, skip the crust. Of course, that depends totally on who made the pie. If it was me, skip the crust it isn't worth it. If it was my sister in law, the crust is worth every point!! :)

Anyway, tradition we have in our house is to go downtown and run the Turkey Trot (a 5 mile race) Thanksgiving morning. Many, many cities have turkey trots. It's a great way to burn some extra calories the morning of Thanksgiving!

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Glad to have you back Jodie. Tomorrow is weigh in, so it's time to get back on that scale. Good to read you feel you lost in spite of your absence. Some people eat when depressed while others don't eat when depressed. I guess you are the latter type?

Welcome aboard Ann. We have another member here on board named Ann and another named Annie. With 14 weeks before your cruise and wanting to lose 12 pounds, all you will need is a little determination. So every time you feel you might be swayed from your goal, come post here and we will keep you on track. We weigh in every Sunday. Tomorrow is our 9th. week......hurray! Still going strong and many of the members who are not on a plateau at present, have all lost and continue to lose on their various diet & exercise plans. The big reason we are having such a success rate is due to everyone helping each other; encouragement, tips to share, and accountability on weigh in day. The latest strategy will be posting exactly what we eat on Thanksgiving and come weigh in on Sunday, we hope to see positive results.

To all: last weigh in we had 8 losers and 2 at a plateau. Let's shoot for more losers for tomorrows weigh in. Now, with newcomers, we are a group of 16 women on different diets, but with the same goal.....losing those extra pounds.

Will stop in later,
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[size=4][color=blue][b]Jodie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/b][/color][/size] No need to apologize! I'm SOOOOO Happy you're back! I've missed you!!! :) [size=4][color=magenta][b]I'm so glad you are back![/b][/color][/size]

Hey....those holiday [color=blue][b]blues[/b][/color] seem to be hitting all of us! Some of us have to move, some of us are having home and family troubles, some of us are having health troubles and some of us are having work troubles. In fact...some of us are having all of the above!!! :rolleyes: All I can say is....keep talking here, and take those mental health days where you can pamper yourself and do what you need to do to take care of your inner happy place!!! I know these past 2 days have sure helped me! I'm more productive than ever today!

[b]Ann Runner Girl[/b]: Welcome! I'm glad you're here! YES! Join us! We weigh in every Sunday if you can. It's really a great place with wonderful and helpful ladies! I look forward to traveling your journey with you!

[b]Mindy[/b]: Ahah!!!! FINALLY! I learn what water retention is! It's when you DON'T drink enough water and eat salty! Thank you for the lesson! I think once you get into the habit of drinking the water, you will find it's easier than you think. I have a bottle that measures 32 oz. If I can get through that bottle before 12:00, and then get through it again before 4:00, I'm home free. That's 8 glasses of 8 oz. of water! Just what we're supposed to be having. Then, when I get home from work, I fill it one more time for my bedtime workout, and that's my bonus water for the day! They say to drink more water for more weight loss! It seems to be working! Hang in there!

[b]Regina[/b]: I still keep in touch with people from my cruise from 4 years ago. They have become dear friends! I love that!

I just got back from the tanning bed! :cool: It's snowing here....HARD! We should have 4-9 inches of snow by tonight! Time to put on a little Dean Martin Christmas album....or maybe some Elvis....or maybe the Carpenters.....hmmmmmm....we'll see!

Hang in there all you Blue People! I'm blue, too, but I noticed a snowflake today and it was SO beautiful and detailed! Life is good. All the rest is small stuff! And.....

[b][size=5][color=blue]We're all going to be skinny soon!!!![/color][/size][/b]
[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Happy Saturday![/color][/size][/b]
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Good Afternoon everyone.
It is good to back and to get such a nice welcome. Kelly, You are the best! Thank you for the blue "Jodie"! I am much better today. The sun is shining and I am now going out in the cold and try to finish planting my spring bulbs. If I don't, come spring, I will regret it.
Regina, I am one of those non eaters when depressed. I also hide from family and friends. Having my DH gone for 3 weeks and being here alone was too much. I packed up and drove to my sister's in Seattle the last weekend he was gone.
Anyhow, he is home, I am feeling better and all is right with the world. One good thing about these last couple of weeks, I have stopped snacking at night. Just not hungry. I have been eating breakfast and lunch. No dinner, maybe toast and tea. So I know I have lost. I will weigh in tomorrow.
I like the idea of talking about T-day. It will be just me and DH. He gained a few in Louisiana so he is suggesting light foods. Of course we will have turkey and dressing. Must choose between mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes. He wants fresh green beans, I want asparagus, so we are having both. Thats as far as I have gotten. I am outta here now to go dig in the dirt. See ya all later.
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Hi all! I was pretty psyched to see a thread like this here. Mind if I join?

I recently purchased the BeachBody Power 90 program. If you're up late at night you might have seen their infomercials.

I started November 8 and have about 40lbs to lose. After one week I lost 5lbs, 3.25" and 1% body fat. I weigh in every monday morning so my week two results will be on Monday. We will be on vacation for the last 3 weeks of the 90 day program (with our cruise the very last week - Century Jan.29) So that should be interesting. I guess this time I'll get to see what the gym looks like on the boat!!lol!

They have excellent internet support set up where there are boards you can join with people who are doing the same things as you.

This thread is very long and unfortunately I don't have time to read it all (sorry!) Has anyone started around the same time as me and/or has about the same amount to lose as me?


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[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkolivegreen][i]Hi Everyone, Well my computer is still acting up so I am on my Brothers:) Guess the holidays get everyone down some, huh. [/i][/color][/size][/font]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#556b2f]Welcom Dee and Ann. We have quite the support group here!!! I think you will enjoy being here and get the support you want and need.[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=magenta][b]Jodie[/b] welcome back girlfriend. sorry you have been [color=blue]BLUE[/color][color=magenta] too. [/color][/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=green][b]Regina[/b] that recipe sounds yummy thanks.[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#008000]Well I will try and weigh in in the morning if my computer lets me or I will when I get home from work tomorrow is a 3-11 day. Till tomorrow, Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]
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Dropping in before turning in.

Kelly, you seem to be upbeat now.....good. Jodie, you to seem to be okay now, but please don't hesitate to post in the future when feeling blue. Somebody is bound to make you smile here. Dee, welcome on board. A year ago, I weighed 200 pounds and today I have 30 pounds to go, so you are not alone when it comes having to lose a substantial amount. But, truthfully, it doesn't really matter here if you have 10 to lose or 50 or higher. The goal is to lose and that's the bottom line.

Today I kept my mind off junk food by keeping busy....shopping, wrapping gifts, taking dog to the Vet, organizing draws. Keeping hands busy in a more productive way rather than using them to put junk food in my mouth was definetly a strategy that worked on this dull, rainy day.

See you all tomorrow and I hope your computer is working tomorrow Lani.

Wishing thin dreams that come true.
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[b]Start[/b] (9-22-04): 149
[b]Last Sunday[/b]: 135
[b]Today[/b]: [color=black]133[/color]
[b]Realistic Goal[/b] (by 12-16-04): 135
[b]Goal After I Reach the Realistic Goal[/b]: 125!! :)

[b][color=magenta]Plateau Schmateau![/color][/b] I've broken the dreaded plateau! phewwww! :rolleyes: working extra hard on the workout and pushing extra water has proven to beat that darn plateau! I was dreading looking at the scale today, but I'm pleasantly surprised! :)

I'll check back later! Good luck everyone!
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Lost 3 pounds this week:) :) :) and I think increased activity (like walking) helped.

Ooooh, just one more to go to see that digit of 6 disapear!

Ann, I don't know anything about body fat % when it comes to marathons, just do what you can without killing yourself.

Aaaah Kelly, I knew you would break that plateau....congratulations!

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Good Morning!
Oh Regina! That is a wonderful weigh in! And Kelly!!!!! You made your goal weight! I bet you look divine! Welcome Dee,I have 48lb to go to get to my goal so come on. Lani, thanks for the welcome back. Sure hope your computer behaves.
Well, I have lost 7lbs since I last checked in. I am totally suprised! As I said, I have not been eating dinner or snacking at nite.I come home and have an Atkins shake and maybe a piece of low carb toast and a cup of tea. I am taking vitamins and eating a good breakfast and lunch. I have also been going to Curves 3-4 days a week.
Last nite I was vey bad, my DH brought home pizza. I had two slices. I did pick all the stuff off the top and throw away the crust. Today I will have breakfast, work all day in the garden and then dinner. I am still working on the T-day menu. Sure wish I could get by w/o the dressing and gravy. DH must have so I think I will use lo carb bread. Well, that is it for this morning. I have lots to do today. See ya all later!
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[b]Runner Girl Ann[/b]: Way to go! Good luck on your marathon! My gosh! I don't think I could run down the street! :rolleyes: Way to go!

[b]Regina[/b]: 3 Pounds! Woo hoo! Way to go! I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope you can get out of the 6's this week! Good luck! I know you can do it!

[size=4][color=red][b]Where the heck are the rest of you lazy heads?[/b][/color][/size] ;)

I'll check back later! :p
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Wow Kelly! You've reached your goal (and then some) that must feel great!

The rest of you have lost this weigh in and that's awesome. Even a fraction of a pound loss is great!! 7 pounds, Jodie? That's great. Excersize makes a big difference!

Well, just to let you know, I did the 1/2 marathon this morning. A full marathon is 26.2 miles, so this was 13.1 miles. Obviously, with a handle like Runnergirl, you know I like to run. Funny, you'd think I wouldn't have to worry about what I eat, but I do. So, I've run full marathons and many, many 1/2 marathons and I signed up for this one with my friends without giving it much thought. But I haven't been running much or working out for the last few months. I've been lazy as all get out and it shows. (weight gain, flab, bla bla bla) Then this weekend, I'm complacent as all get out about this race. I don't even know what time it starts, I don't have my running clothes figured out, no gatorade or anything. I'm just like, ah well. Then this morning, I'm shlepping down there with my friends and it hits me, that I've signed up for a very, very long run and I don't know how I'm gonna get through it.

Well, we get there in just enough time to park and get to the starting line with about 1000 other runners. The gun went off, and the first mile felt like 3. I thought "this is not good". Then I started pacing with a guy I know and that helped, but soon he left me. Then I fell in with another woman my age and we chatted for about 3 miles. That gave me just the boost I needed and ended up finishing much better than expected, but surely not my best, but better than expected. But boy, I sure feel it now. It hurts so good! :)

Can't we have weigh in tomorrow? ;)
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What a great board this is! Thanks for the very warm welcome.

Congrats to everyone on their weight loss!

Kelly - you've lost 16lbs in 2 months - that's a great accomplishment! Way to go!!! You were at my goal weight last week (135). Only 39 lbs to go for me! lol! Thanks for posting your results the way you did - it gives me an estimate of what maybe I can expect.

Jodie - Sounds like we're in the same boat so I'll be looking to you to "bring it" with me!! 7 lbs ! How long did that take for you?

Regina - 3 lbs in a week is super!

Runner girl - a 1/2 marathon! good for you. I joined a local running goup in October but they met Sat. mornings and we are usually out of town on Saturdays. I made it to running 5 minutes (walk 2) at a time (for 5k) and just couldn't dedicate the time into it after that - we were away too often. Do you have any hints on how to increase my stamina when it comes to running? Is the only way to just increase a couple of minutes every week? When I lose more weight I'd like to start again and work up to 5km (i think that's about 3 miles) without stopping. Thx.

I too, like Regina, want to start adding extra cardio. I think the program I'm doing is awesome but I feel like it's not enough. I guess I'll see tomorrow morning when I weigh in. If I'm not happy enough with the result of week 2 then I'll add an extra 45 mins. every other day or so to the regime

Rock on everyone! C U all tomorrow with my week 2 results.
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Regina, Kelly and Jodie, WOW, you guys are awesome with the weight you are dropping!!! I'm proud to say that at this mornings weigh-in I dropped another three pounds (to 146). I'm sooooo happy, as I leave for my cruise next Saturday. I'll take the one piece bathing suit however, the two piece reveals a still slightly fat belly, but I'm not going to fret over it. Kelly, I bet it feels good to reach your goal!!!

Thanks again for everyone's great support during this 'journey'. I'll check in again Thanksgiving and report what I ate for Thanksgiving. Ann

Start weight 8/04: 171
Current weight: 146
Goal: 135
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Hey ladies,

I'm behind on reading the posts here, but thought I'd give my weighin first. I maintained again this week, but I also wasn't real good while I was at my inlaws over the weekend so I'm not surprised. Besides that I'm wondering if maybe I should just focus on maintaining for now and reassess after the New Year. At 5'6" my weight of 132 is very acceptable according to most guidelines. Maybe the 130 range is the healthiest weight for me to be at instead of 120? I'm not going to change the way I'm eating since I feel better now than I have in a long time, but I do think maybe I should stop trying to focus on losing weight and just concern myself with being healthy for now. I think the thing I'm really unhappiest about physically is I need to tone up and get rid of the flabbiness. That should be something that's corrected more by exercise (which I am doing) than diet, correct? I'd love any input from you ladies on this, especially since a few of you are or have been in teh medical profession.
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I hope that I'm not "jinxing" myself by posting in today.
I usually don't weigh in on Sunday (didn't go to gym, no scale at home) but Alex "thought" he had strep so I had to run down to MD to have it checked out and used the scale there... showed a slight loss, but I wasn't wearing what I usually do so it might not be too accurate but I'm happy. Didn't expect to see the # drop a bit since I was at Mom's for the whole week (didn't expect to stay past Wednesday night originally) and had major stress there. The yo-yoing of whether painters/plumber was showing up and at what time didn't help each day. Also getting to touch base w/lawyers didn't help either. But all fell into place finally and I stayed on Atkins "well" though the last 2 days I "indulged" on a grapefruit each day as my carb so I don't know if I was induction or not... but the scale DID move so I'm content (after the stress I can't post Happy... I WILL do that when I get on plane to get to Brilliance next month).
Hope everyone is doing well.
I head down to LI again on Wednesday afternoon, staying till "at least" Friday evening. Went looking at furniture on Rt. 110.
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[b][color=blue]Dee[/color][/b]: I look forward to your results tomorrow!

[b][color=blue]Runner Ann & Ann[/color][/b]: Yes! It feels great to reach my goal! I'm going to just keep going! Feels GREAT!

[b][color=blue]Ann[/color][/b]: You are doing FABULOUS! Your loss is incredible! I'm so jealous that you leave in 1 week! I leave in 25 days! It's right around the corner! I can only imagine how excited you are! Your weight is something to be really proud of! Strut your stuff on the old promenade deck! :p

[b][color=blue]Susan[/color][/b]: I think maybe I can help with this some. I'm 5'6" and have always been very small framed (between 120-135 for most of my adult life until the last 5-10 years!). Over the past 4 years, I really ballooned up to that 159 I spoke about. I know about the flabby. I don't think your 120 goals are out of line, if you feel they are attainable. Since I started lifting light weights and doing my rockette's leg workouts, I've noticed my tone even better. I'm starting to recognize old Kelly again! (so are some others in my life!) I know that 130-135 is a "safe" area in the BMI for me, but I would like to try to obtain the 125 to see how I look and feel. So, my advice to you is, maybe evaluate why you are wanting to get to that weight, then fix your goals or stick with them if you are getting to them for all of the right reasons. Make sense? Probably not! :rolleyes: Well, let me know if you need clarification!

[b][color=blue]Carolyn[/color][/b]: Nice job with the loss! Keep it up!

[size=3][color=red][b]I'll check in later! I seem to be a post-a-holic today![/b][/color][/size]
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Here's a link to a couch to 5K program that many new runners have had success with. It's only 3 days per week and is 30 min each time. It starts with mostly walking and works up to running 5K. It's a good safe program that gets you there gradually. The idea is to start with walking and mixing in jogging. You gradually increase the jogging and decrease the walking until you jog the whole thing. Let me know what you think.


svwkirby etal, I do think it might be a good idea to focus on maintaining over the holidays. You know, we all have those favorite treats that we really look forward to. We shouldn't deprive ourselves, just watch the portions. Don't go crazy with a huge plate of desert, but if Thanksgiving isn't Thanksgiving without pumpkin pie, you should allow yourself to have some. Maintaining your loss is a victory itself. I certainly plan to enjoy my Thanksgiving dinner, but I hope to maintain some decorum and push the plate away when I am satisfied but not stuffed.

Carolyn, please don't feel guilty about having a grapefruit each day! A whole grapefruit only has 82 calories and it's packed with vitamin C a necessary nutrient and antioxidant.

So, all are doing well! "See" you tomorrow!

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Had a good day. :D Never made it to the garden, ran errands instead. Did all the shopping for the week, so I can stay home on my river from Wed Eve until Mon morn as I have off Thurs and Fri.
Dee, I lost the 7lbs in 3 weeks I think. I stopped posting here around Halloween, long story yada yada yada, and did not weigh in until now. I have to write down my weight each time I weigh in here ( I would forget otherwise:confused: ) LOL! Anyhow I am down 7 lbs in approx 3 weeks or from the last time I posted. Yipee! This board has helped me alot. Everyone here is very supportive and I feel very "stupid" :o I left for awhile. So hang in there and stay with us. We are a great group.
Kelly, You are so funny! :D I am so proud of you. I missed you too and wondered how you were doing. Obviously you won the Cheeto battle! And yes, Twix bars are evil! LOL! I promise I won't leave you ok. Yeah, me too and those boyfriends! My last BF has stayed for 17 yrs so I think I am pretty safe with him. Careful what you ask for. LOL!
Well, I need to go finsih dinner. Steak, baked potatoes and salad. Just steak and salad for me and my 10th glass of water! I may float away to Mexico in Feb on my own stream if I keep this up! have a good evening all!
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Hello again everyone.
Everyone still doing good. Let's see, we still need to hear from Lani, Jen, Joanne, Mindy, Molly, Connie, Evonne, Annie, and Katie.

Ann, wow...I am impressed with your ability to run the 1/2 marathon. Did you experience runner's high? I experienced it only once and it was so weird. I felt like my feet weren't touching the ground. I have never taken drugs, but I can only guess, it's a similar high due to increase of the body's own endorphins.

As far as exercise and toning: Personally, I believe both can be worked on at the same time and doesn't have to be a one or the other type of situation. But keeping in mind, everyone here is different as well as their approach to losing weight. As long as it works, that's what counts.

This will be the first Thanksgiving that I won't be eating all day long. I agree no one should deprive themselves and that portion size is going to make all the difference, but I also will stick to one small portion of dessert. In my prior years, I had to have one of each kind of dessert and there is really no need for that.

Re: Holiday shopping....wow, I made out like a bandit on one item. In a circular that comes to my home, I saw Target was having a sale on those beautiful bottles of food art that contain carrots, beans, peppers, lemons and just about everything you put in a salad. Most malls and specialty stores around here sell them for at least $15 and up. Target was selling them for $5 each!!!! So, not only did I buy them for gifts, I figured I would buy some for me and glad I got there when I did cause alot of other women know a good bargin when they see it. I guess it pays to look at those circulars that come to the home....huh?

Well, it's back to work tomorrow, but it will be a short work week and I'm glad for that cause the holidays are coming quickly and I need time to get my act together with home decorating.

Everyone have a good night with thin dreams that come true.
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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=green]Good Evening All, Well computer is letting me on for now, may get cut off soon. Weigh in was at 163 same as last week but I will take it after all the stress eating, Everyone seems to be doing GREAT!!! Way to go everyone, I would post to each of you but with this computer being so touchy I better cut my losses and get off for now, tomorrow is weigh and measure at Curves I will post then, Skinny dreams all. Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]
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