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Dee, sounds like alot of fun! You won't be disappointed!

We are going Western Caribbean too. That is our favorite itinerary and it'll be our third time. Since it's our third time, we aren't booking alot excursions.

Just doing Sunset Beach, Paradise Beach, 7 mile beach and looking for the Scottish pub we found last time on Grand Cayman!
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Hello my fellow diet soldiers!

Tomorrow we will all march into the "Battle of Temptation" and I hope we all return as victors. I wish you all a safe and healthy Thanksgiving. I will keep in the fore-front my armory of thoughts in knowing it is about "giving thanks" for what we have in our lives and not about "pigging out" just because it's available. I will be back to post my meal intake on Friday.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
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[size=3][color=sandybrown][b]Happy Thanksgiving Everyone![/b][/color][/size]

I'm just stopping in for a minute, so I'm sorry I can't address everyone here, personally! It sounds like Ann, you've been down! Sounds like you are doing better! I'm happy about that! :)

Yes! It bugs me, too, Dee ....the wasting of the food on the Big Loser! Big bummer! I hope it goes to feed some animals or needy families (the stuff that hasn't been half eaten). I sit and workout during the whole show! BIG incentive watching the show!

Here's an interesting thing....I had 2...count them 2....pieces of pie yesterday! 1 pumpkin and 1 sweet potatoe pie! I didn't want to hurt my co-worker's feelings...so I had a piece of both of what they had made! They were small pieces ....maybe more like 1/2 a piece....but still! OH MY GOSH!!! I gained a pound overnight! I've spent most of the day working out and running errands, drinking water and walking like crazy! If this is any sign of the Holidays....I'm in serious trouble! LOL :rolleyes:

As for my cruise.....I leave 21 days from tomorrow! I can't wait! We're going to the Bahamas, Key West...Western Carribbean! My SO has never been on a cruise and I've only been on 1!.....so we're excited!

[b][color=sandybrown]See you all tomorrow when we post our consumptions! Good luck![/color][/b]
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'Twas the night of Thanksgiving, but I just couldn't sleep. I tried counting backwards, I tried counting sheep. The leftovers beckoned -- the dark meat and white, But I fought the temptation with all of my might. Tossing and turning with anticipation..... The thought of a snack became infatuation..... So I raced to the kitchen, flung open the door, And gazed at the fridge full of goodies galore. I gobbled up turkey and buttered potatoes, Pickles and carrots, beans and tomatoes. I felt myself swelling so plump and so round, 'Til all of a sudden, I rose off the ground! I crashed through the ceiling, floating into the sky..... With a mouthful of pudding and a handful of pie, But I managed to yell as I soared past the trees..... HAPPY EATING TO ALL !! PASS THE CRANBERRIES PLEASE !! May your stuffing be tasty, Your turkey be plump. May your taters 'n gravy Have nary a lump. May your yams be delicious, Your pies take the prize, May your Thanksgiving dinner Stay well off your thighs!!! MAY YOUR THANKSGIVING TRULY BE A BLESSED ONE THIS YEAR!!!
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[b][i][font=Arial Black][size=4][color=darkolivegreen]HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!![/color][/size][/font][/i][/b]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=4][color=darkorange]Good Morning Ladies, Computer decided to work for awhile. we live way out in the country and the telephone lines act up sometimes and it has been acting up a lot lately. Went to Curves and did a really good workout yesterday:D I will try to post later after we eat. It is snowing here. Sounds like everyone is doing really well keep up the good work. Till Later, Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=4][color=sienna][b]Todays Thought:[/b]When I indulge too much I bulge too much!!![/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=4][color=#a0522d]I may have to print that and take it with me:D [/color][/size][/font][/i]
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I wondered if I would ever get to that point.

I did my mashed potatoes yesterday - talk about a workout!!!! I used a potato ricer - you put the potatoes in a little can, and push a plunger to make long strings of of potato, sort of like spaghetti. I used all the muscles in my arms and upper back.
I also did all the slicing and dicing for my stuffing last night. If I did that every day, I would have gorgeous arms.

Kelly, I completely sympathize with you regarding your co-worker's pies. In that situation, I now tell people I just ate, and I'm not hungry, so I'll eat their pie later. If they force a slice on me, I put it aside to eat when I'm hungry. WHen no one's looking, I toss it!! If I think they will ask about particulars about the taste, I take a bite. And unless it's chocolate, that's usually enough for me any way. Now I only just started doing this, but I feel much better about myself when I do.

Another thing. I had my usual bowl of cereal for breakfast. In the past, I would have skipped it since I knew I would eat a lot later on. But I think it helps to stave off hunger, makes me more pleasant while I am preparing the meal, and may help me eat less later on. I know I will still eat a lot, but hopefully I won't eat until I can't move. :rolleyes:

Well, I have to get back to work. I think I will start my broccoli salad!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone, and good luck today!
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Oh! I hate it when people try to twist my arm to get me to eat something or drink something I don't want. It's very rude. I have been known to say I am allergic to something to get people off my back. I wonder why it is acceptable to decline something because you might get hives, but not because it might make you fat? Why is it so important to drinkers that you drink with them? Oh well, I suppose people feel better if they have company when they make bad decisions for their bodies. But, uh, unless the person you are dealing with knows better, you can always 'develop an allergy'. Eggs is a good one. Alot of baked goods have eggs in them and an allergy to eggs is fairly common.

You are right to eat breakfast. If you are starving when you sit down to that table, it'll be hard not to overindulge on the bread, stuffing and gravy. Here's my plan. I had breakfast, just had a light lunch and I plan to eat lots of turkey. I'll have a normal helping of mashed potatoes and corn. (no butter) I am using fat free gravy. I can have normal amount of cranberry relish. I will just have a small taste of the stuffing. I will not eat the crust of my pumpkin pie. The crust is the fattening part. I may have a glass of wine or two. No cheese and crackers for me, thank you, but they will be available for my guests.

We went downtown Cleveland today and ran the Turkey Trot. They have a one mile fun run and a 5 mile race. We did both. We took our black lab, Bailey. It's kind of a tradition. It was good for burning off 514 calories before I even sat down to the table. The weather was miserable but I'm glad we did it. We had 39 degrees with winds out of the Northwest 20-30 mph. We had a lovely mix of rain and snow. That stings when it hits you in the face. We sang Xmas carols while we ran to keep our minds off of how miserable we were. Bailey loved every minute!
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Hi Ladies,

Glad to hear that I'm not the only one suffering the temptations of holiday food. Kelly, I can really empathize with your situation. When I was going into the office everyday, it was next to impossible to pass up the homemade baked goods. Congrats on having the willpower to only have 1/2 the size of a normal piece of pie.

I just returned from Thanksgiving dinner at my mom's nursing home. I had planned to just eat meat and green beans, but it didn't work out that way. I had 'a little helping' of everything, including apple pie for dessert. I'm not going to beat myself up about it. I hope to avoid dinner tonight. My mother will be leaving the nursing home (to live with me) after I return from the cruise (about 2 weeks) and that will be the test of my willpower, because I'll have to fix three meals a day for her. I leave for the cruise on Saturday, 11/27, and I can hardly wait. I'm not going to deprive myself of anything, except the bread and potatoes, which I really don't care for anyway.

Runner Girl, I admire that you went on the Turkey Trot. Excellent exercise and great way to burn calories. I have a black lab also, and she likes to run with me!

Since I won't be able to check in Sunday, I'll say goodbye until after my cruise. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!
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Hi everybody. Probably my last post till Monday morning. We'll be gone for the weekend so crossing my fingers I will make the right food choices. I'm going to make some food tonite to take with us (we have one of those coolers that plug into the lighter in our van)

kelly - i had a piece of pie yesterday too!! my hubby has been on a lemon meringue kick and he started eating good yesterday and there was one lonely piece left - i just couldn't let it go to the garbage. I ate half early in the day and half later on. It's ok, today we just push a bit harder. Man was that pie good!!! yum!

runner girl - love the poem! you're sooo creative!

Ann - you were sucked in by the pie too! Oh that damn pie! lol! It got the best of us I guess! Hats off to you for looking after your mom! You're a great daughter. I guess when people have kids they hope & pray that if they need it someday they will take care of them - so good for you!! Have a great cruise and it'll be great to come home all relaxed to take care of mom!

Have a great weekend everyone!!!

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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=sienna]Hi Everyone, Well I didn't do too bad at dinner. I had 2 sm. peices turkey breast, 1/2 c or less of mashed potatoes, 1/2 c or less of stuffing. about the same serving of sqaush casserole, 1 cup green beans with spray butter, 1 cresent roll, 1/2 c. coleslaw and as sliver of pumpkin cheesecake, and I mean a sliver, would have attacked someone for more but I controlled myself by letting someone else cut it:D Hope you are all having a great day. Later, Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]
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Before dinner:
1/2 (wine glass size) of wine
3 sm. keebler crackers with thin slice cheddar cheese on each
3 cooked chestnuts (refused two varieties of chips & dips)

1/2 (wine glass size) of wine
2 small slices of white Turkey (refused the gravy) in past I would pour it on with alot more turkey on my plate.
1 1/2 cup fresh string beans (hoping to fill up on them) no butter on top
1/2 cup yams (refused delicious looking white mashed potatoes)
2 slices cut thin cranberry sauce (in past I could eat 1/2 a can worth)
3/4 cup stuffing (in past I would just pile it on)
1 dinner roll with a little butter (in past I could eat 3 )

After dinner:
1 cup coffee
1/2 of regular slice of pumpkin pie/ 1 tsp. van. icecream on top (refused cookies and apple pie) while in the past, I would have had plenty of each.

This may look like alot, but the portion sizes made all the difference as well as my ability to refuse other foods I would've normally eaten on Thanksgiving. I was able to walk away feeling satisfied and not over stuffed. It is the first Thanksgiving I didn't have to loosen my belt buckle and end up feeling lethargic. I did not deprive myself, but I watched my portion size which was my intent from the beginning.

I didn't find it difficult to refuse certain foods because I had taken in consideration I had made other choices which I would not normally eat on a diet to begin with. Considering the temptations of the day, I feel I came out as a winner. Now, it's back to my diet.

PS. Lani you did fantastic on your meal...congratulations to you!!!!!
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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkred]Good Morning ladies, You did great Regina, I also refused apple pie and a few other things, I did have a sm amt of gravey on my mashed potatoes, not really into gravey much. Tuesday we are making a turkey here so I will have to whip out the will power again:D I kept remembering if I indulge too much I will bulge too much:D Have a great day all I am off to work, Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]

[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkorange]Thought for Today:Happiness increases as my weight problem decreases!![/color][/size][/font][/i]
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Sounds like everyone did well. Here's my list:

1 1/2 glasses red wine
2 small cubes of cheese
white meat turkey (about 5oz)
3/4 cup mashed potatoes
1/2 cup corn
1/4 cup cranberry orange relish
1/4 cup stuffing (with sausage-it was really good but stayed away)
3/4 cup cucumer salad
pumpkin pie with cool whip-no crust

In the evening, I had another piece of pie with cool whip-no crust
2 peppermint patties.

I did consume more calories than I burned yesterday, but at least I wasn't as bad as I could've been. I didn't feel sick and crappy all evening after overstuffing myself so that was good.
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Ann, you are another victor in the battle of temptation...hurray for you. So far no over indulgence has been reported.

Good Luck Lani on your second battle on Tuesday.

How about the rest of you gals????

I'll be back later to see how others did.

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Well......you gals did great!

I don't think I did too badly! Here's my list:

1 small piece of turkey
no gravy
1 spoonful of mashed potatoes
2 spoonfuls of stuffing (my favorite!)
1 spoonful of corn
1 crescent roll no butter
no wine
water! water! water!
1 small spinich salad with strawberries in it...no dressing!
1 piece of pumpkin pie

I think that's ok. It's hard! I'm used to counting my calories off of the boxes of Lean Cuisines! This will be my challenge in the future.....making good choices without the boxes! Yikes! :rolleyes:

Overall....I may have gained a pound....but that's ok! Back to the diet today!

Have a good one!
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Hello All,

It sounds like everyone had a great Thanksgiving.
Here is my list:

A scoop of mashed potatoes and gravy
a scoop of carrots
one slice of turkey
a scoop of green bean casserole
2 pieces of pumpkin pie (what can I say..I couldn't resist!)

Well, we shall see on Sunday what the damage is. Hopefully, all of this Christmas shopping is working off some of the calories!

I am envious of all you that have cruises coming up shortly! Mine isn't until April!!!

Happy Holidays!
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Only two more? Where are the rest of you?

Kelly, I think you may have lost weight with what you had for Thanksgiving and Evonne, glad you were honest enough to tell about that 2nd. piece of pie.

Today, I lost my control to say no to something. It was a first in a very long time. I drove up to a dairy barn to get some milk. There was a guy in the back of the store frying up some bacon and the smell of cooked bacon was in the air big time. I'm sitting in my car, falling weak to the smell and out of my mouth came...."I'll have a bacon and egg on a roll." I didn't even know I was going to say that! I parked the car after paying for the sandwich and SLOWLY ate that magnificent tasting sandwich. For some strange reason, I didn't even feel guilty about it. Maybe because it has been months since I had one. But at any rate, for it to take hold of me so unpredictably (it was like...give me bacon, or give me death), I have decided to go to Waldbaums grocery store the next time I need milk. I guess I'm still learning what my "triggers" are. Obviously, the smell of bacon cooking is one of them.

Hmmmm...I just reread my post. Hope you gals didn't think I was going to say something about the guy? LOL!
ps. hope this post helps another with their own trigger.
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Oh the smell of bacon! Sometimes when I'm out running in the summer I'll smell that wafting from someone's house and I'm jealous. My DH made some bacon the other morning. Good stuff he'd gotten from the butcher. I had to have just a bite, but that's all I had.
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Ann, and I bet when the lady of that household sees you running past her house as she is eating her breakfast, she is very jealous of you wishing she had your stamina to do something about her weight.

Tomorrow is weigh in day and I'm hoping everyone can post.

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[b]Regina[/b]: You bring up an interesting point...and something I've been a little nervous about!

I've been working like CRAZY to get rid of the weight over the past 2 months...and thank GOD....it's been happening. I've had the cruise at the end of my tunnel (so to speak). Now....here is my dilemma.....now that I have hit my 1st goal, and with my cruise right around the corner, I'm worried that when I get back from the cruise, I won't have the "cruise" incentive to keep the weight off! I'm afraid that I'll give into temptations and things I've steered clear of for the past few months. Your post rings true with me, Regina, because with Thanksgiving dinner...I realized what I've been missing! :( Now I find myself craving more and more things....and wanting less and less lean cuisines!!!

On another note....I ordered my [color=blue][b]goal weight swimsuit[/b][/color] from Land's End and to "thank you for your patronage", they sent me a box of [size=4][color=red]peppermint white mint-chocolate cookies[/color][/size]! :p YIKES! Talk about having will power! Luckily, with my head injury, I hid the darn things and now I can't remember where I put them!!!! :rolleyes:
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Kelly, that is exactly what happened to me last year. I lost weight for a cruise and when the cruise was all over, everything else was over. I look back now and realize it was a big mistake on my part. I ate alot of things I should not have and the biggest mistake was not watching my portion sizes.

Can you still lose weight with eating foods other than lean cuisine? Naturally you can. The secret is in the portion size. We want to go over board sometimes because we have deprived ourselves completely. Should we continue to do that? No. But, by the same token, we don't need alot of the things which are not good for us on a continuous basis. That is why I did not feel guilty about the bacon & egg sandwich. I had already rationalized, it would be a few more months before I would enjoy another one because I have not reached my goal. When a person reaches their goal, you have earned the privlage of a small indulgence. So go ahead and enjoy it. Just think before you eat is what it is all about and all us have been teaching ourselves this strategy. It becomes a way of life eventually.

So, eventually your cruise is over and now what goal is there to shoot for? How about the goal being to continue to look good, feel good and where those awsome styles hanging on those store manicans? Frankly, it is hard work having to lose 50 or more pounds and I really don't want to have to go through it again, so I keep that in the front of my mind on a daily basis and if I need extra support, I will just post a "Fat picture" of myself on my bedroom mirror to remind me how I don't want to look. I was looking at some past pictures of myself and that's all the incentive I need to keep going.

I hope this post has helped in some way regarding your concern and how to handle it.

ps. Hubby and I will be booking a western caribbean cruise in a couple of months....nothing like another cruise to keep the incentive going:D
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I too have to have some kind of goal to keep me motivated, Kelly. Another thing you could do is look into some kind of sport (like running ;) ) and enter a race. Once you enter you'll know you have to train if you are going to finish the event. I used to belong to Pikes Peak Roadrunners so I know there are plenty of events. Do you ski? There's a another option. Or a bike or triathlon event. That's the stuff that keeps me going.

Hey, once we've been on our cruise, does that mean we can't come post on this thread anymore? Since we are trying to lose before we cruise? I hope not. If so, I'll be alone here for awhile since my cruise is after most of your! (I think)

By the way, weigh in. I'm down ladies! 140.6. Thats a loss of 1.6 pounds! Yippee! Now I just have to keep it going!
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[b]Start (9-22-04)[/b]: 149
[b]Last Sunday[/b]: 133
[b]Today:[/b] 132
[b]Realistic Goal (by 12-16-04):[/b] 135
[b]Goal After I Reach the Realistic Goal:[/b] 125!! :)

Hey all! Hope everyone had a successful week! I'm pleasantly surprised.....again! I worked really hard yesterday and Friday...and I've been pushing water like crazy!

[b]Regina[/b]: I like what you said! Thanks for the coaching. Since I'm so new to this thing, I need little hints and tricks! I know I'm starting to get a feel for when I'm eating too much! I don't NEED thoses little boxes to help me figure it out as much...it's just easier! :rolleyes:

[b]Runner Ann[/b]: I like what you said, too! My problem (since you're a little newer to the board I'll fill you in quickly) is that I'm not able to be very active! I had a severe head injury and a stroke 1 1/2 years ago and 1 year ago respectively. I fall off the tread mill, I fall off the bike. :rolleyes: I LOVE to ski (my accident was while I was skiing), but now I have seizures, so skiing is not a possibility YET! (I say yet because is will be!) :) So...anyway, I like what you say...about having a goal....believe me...I have many fitness goals...and they don't entail entering an event....they just entail keeping my body on the equipment! :p Thanks for what you say! The good news is I laugh my head off every time I fall off! A GREAT stomach workout!

I look forward to seeing what the rest of you are saying today! Hopefully we'll have a successful weigh-in!

[b][color=red]Remember...Find your success today...even if it's not weight loss! It could be your attitude, passing on a piece of pie, etc.! Find your success![/color][/b]
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[b][size=3]Start: Sept: 185[/size][/b]
[b][size=3]Last week: 160[/size][/b]
[b][size=3]Today: 160[/size][/b]
[size=3][b][size=2]Wow, I got lucky this weigh in! I thought for sure I was going to show an increase due to pms symptoms, and Thanksgiving, and visit to the dairy barn....not to mention, I know my water intake needed improving. The fact remains, I know I would have been under 160 had it not been for the above. Well, it only confirms to me that by next weigh in, I will be in the 50's.[/size][/b][/size]

[b]Kelly and Ann, a big congratulations on your loss and keep posting after your cruise is over, cause I am and my cruise is over. [/b]

[b]BTW: Last night I went to one of those "all you can eat buffets" and the selection of foods were enormous. I chose to eat boiled salmon, crab legs, string beans, sauteed mushrooms and no dessert. I stopped eating when I was satisfied and not over stuff myself. I stayed away from fried foods and foods high in starch. It's all about "smart choices" and still being able to enjoy dinner out without sabatoging yourself.[/b]

[b]Let's go team!!!!! Let's here from the rest of you gals!![/b]
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[b]Regina:[/b] WAY TO GO!!!! You are such an inspiration! 25 pounds in a couple of months is PHENOMENAL! I just KNOW you will be in the 50's next week! :)

BTW: I plan on posting [b][color=blue]WAYYYYYYYYYYYY[/color][/b] after my cruise! I need you ladies! So.....[color=red][b]you can't get rid of me that quickly[/b][/color]!:p

[size=4][color=yellowgreen][b]Where are the rest of you?????????????????:confused: [/b][/color][/size]
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