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Which Coordinator For St. Johns Wedding?


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I am trying to finalize which wedding coordinator to do my St. Johns wedding and was hoping to find people with experience in the ones I have looked into.... THIS IS STARTING TO BECOME STRESSFUL!!!


Here's who I have -

- Weddings the Island

- Perfect Weddings in St. Thomas

- Island Style Weddings (although Mary has not returned my phone calls)



Any input you could provide would be greatly appreciated!


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First of all,

congrats! When are you getting married?



Calm down! the coordinators down there are on " island" time. They will get back to you!


I'd look on their website, see who offers what, prices, ect, make your calls and see who you feel confortable with.


I have less then 3 weeks to go! I'm stressed!

I'll be ok, it'll all work out.


Give Mary a couple of days. She'll get back to you.


Good luck!


Kathy :)

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In March 2003 we used:

Coordinator: http://www.usviwedding.com/

She in turn coordinated the wedding and reception catamaran to pick us up at the beach. Vendors included:

Photographer: http://www.virginislandsphoto.com/

Videographer: http://www.youmaynow.com/

Cake: http://www.stjohnchef.com/

Flowers: http://www.eastendflowershop.net/

Minister: Rev. Emmanuel Jaggernauth

Reception Catamaran (chartered): http://www.adventurervi.com/

To the best of my knowledge these are all still in business. We are using the same chef (St John Chef - Shay Mulcare) to create another (smaller) wedding cake for us in November when we return. We had no problem getting our 17 guests to St John the day our ship was in port for our wedding.

Kathy... I think about you daily, girl! We were just watching the weather channel and I was reminding Curt about you (again!). Hang in there!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just got married on St John on 9-13. We had a barefoot beach wedding at 11am with Anne Marie Porter (St John Weddings). It was even more spectacular than I could ever have imagined. We even had a minor mix-up with our "witnesses" taking the ferry from Red Hook (not Charlotte Amalie) and it all went off fine. There were only two other couples on the beach and they went out of their way to stay out of ours. I can email you photos if you are interested but check out Anne Maries website. She is economical and does exactly what she says she will....so you can remain stress-free. Please contact me if you have any questions!! and tell her I sent you!

Nancy from Kansas


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:D YEA NANCY!!!! :D I'm so happy for you!! Wasn't St John just breathtaking?? That is so awesome everything worked out for you in this tough season. You married on Hawksnest, right? I'm sure you can still just feel the sand between your toes and see the beautiful sights in your mind!! MANY CONGRATULATIONS!!!!


Here is Anne Marie's website for anyone interested:


I had also researched her... and was content to use her services... but hubby is of a religion/family that doesn't have female ministers and he didn't think his parents would go for that. (Yep, he confused me on that one!!) She does seem to be economical and has had many terrific reviews/feedback over the years!! :)

Now Kathy... we're all pulling for you!! Hang in there! You leave next weekend, right?? Hopefully the last of the storms is moving through Florida right now and it will be smoooooooth sailing for you!

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Hi Mandy,


Yup next Saturday we leave from Ft.LL. I"m praying and crossing my fingers and toes. LOL


My friends and family keep calling me to see if I'm ok considering all the hurricane stuff. Yes I am, but I feel bad for all the people who live in Florida who've been hit by two hurricanes this year. My future mother in law is one of them. She's ok, the house is fine. It's just been a tough year this year since Derek's dad died and now hurricane season being as tough as it's been.


This weekend I've started to " pre-pack" some dressy clothes and my makeup bag/toiletry stuff. Wed/Thurs we pack. Friday morning we fly early to Ft. LL on Southwest and hope for A) no fog or rain, B) no hurricanes , C) I can fly w/ my dress in hand!


I am very excited, nerveous and just plain can't wait for a much needed vacation!


I'll try to touch base this week before we leave.

Thanks for the kind thoughts.

Kathy :)

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Hey Kathy!!! Yes, YOU hang in there! The HAL boards I watch for my upcoming cruise always talk about the weather - and it seems to be looking good for next weekend! I'm sure you're seeing the same things on Celebrity boards! :)

I can't remember if the Century is a sister to the Galaxy... but if so, you two need to look into the AquaSpa couples treatments. We did a couples treatment - Estrucan Chamber (with mud) and it was fun. ;)

I'm so excited for you!! I can't believe your wedding is finally here! Don't stress too much at work this week!

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Good morning Mandy,


Yes the Century is the sister ship to the Galaxy. I'll look into the spa treaments.


I am watching the Celebrity boards and so far so good.


I'm taking off Wed and can't wait to get out of here and I'm sure my co-workers can't wait for me to go! LOL


Any last minute suggestions? OH do you know of a good place for lunch after our ceremony? It'll just be derek and myself. We want to do lunch before we go back to the ship and change.


Kathy :)

8 days to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hey Kathy!

We actually got a couple of FREE spa treatments on the day of embarkation - they needed "demos" for the spa tours. I got a 2.5-hour hot stone massage while Curt got a 2.5-hour reflexology. :D I'm pretty sure the couples "mud" treatment we did was under $100 (in 2001 - later during the cruise - it books fast) and it was just the two of us - no attendant. That cost more.

We stayed in an inside cabin on the Sky deck on Galaxy, but visited another couple down the hall in their suite. AWESOME! The balcony was HUGE and we watched over the rail with them docking in Aruba one morning. The Sky deck is so close to all the fun stuff just a deck above.

We found that by writing a "thank you" card to the main people (concierge, waiter, asst waiter, steward, etc) and inserting a prepaid phone card, we were treated very nicely during the week (gave it to them the first day). We said something like "We know our families are getting to spend our wedding week with us onboard, and we hope you are able to find some time to visit with your's on the phone. Thanks for a memorable week." It did two things: (1) let people who were taking care of us know we were marrying that week (even though we didn't book through the cruiseline) and (2) let them know upfront that we appreciated the fact that they take care of so many families while they don't get to see their's that often. We now do that on every cruise - a "thank you" card in the beginning with a prepaid phone card (like from Sam's), plus the standard tip (or more) at the end. I don't see how they can be away from their families for so long.

Lunch: I'm a penny-pincher. Even when we vacationed there for the week, I think we "ate out" maybe four times total. We brough food from home and bought in the market there in Cruz Bay. I have no clue how to help you on a suggestion. I've read about some pricey places on vinow though. I had also thought of the lunch at Caneel Bay - I think I have read somewhere that it is around $20 each. We did have some terrific bbq in Cruz Bay - but might not go well with wedding dress. It was an outdoor restaurant near the post office.

Okay girl - two more days of work!! Your coworkers will be GLAD to give you the boot Wednesday!!! :D

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Hey that's a GREAT idea about the phone card!


I'll have to run out tomorrow to get them. Why didn't I think of that?


We splurged and got the Sky Suite on the Sports Deck. We wanted to have a nice place and be as far away from everyone. Plus we've never been on vacation much less a cruise and figured" what the heck!". However, our one best friends got thier inside cabin a couple of doors down from us. She was sooo excited, they are spending thier 11th wedding anniversery on their 1st cruise and w/ out thier kids. LOL

I think we'll pretty much eat on the ship except for our " wedding lunch". Or at least try too.


I signed up for the cruise critic party yesterday. I got some of my guests to sing up and pushed the total of 21 over to like 31 so far. LOL


I'm still trying to figure out the whole packing thing. I don't want to overpack, but I hate to not have something!


Know, what did you tip your wedding planner and the photographers? Didn't you say something like $20?

And my wedding planner is going to set up transportation to Hawksnest for our guests and my sister's entrouge. From Haksnest they are on thier own. I think D and I will go have a nice lunch and go back to the ship for a nap. I don't want to miss anything, but I bet we'll be pretty tuckered out by being up all night from not being able to sleep to running around all morning for a 15 minutes ceremony! That way we'll be fresh for our little cocktail hour.


God I can't wait! Only 4 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hey -

That's a good plan for Hawksnest. Even the person that takes everyone there from Cruz Bay may hang out to be available for the next portion since they'll know it will be a definite fare they can make. That's a "high traffic" road since Hawksnest is inbetween Cruz Bay and Trunk Bay (where so many people go) so cabbies are passing regularly. Your group may want to go on to Cinnamon (just past Trunk) - stopping at the overlook between Hawksnest and Trunk. Cinnamon is free, has concessions/rentals, and even showers (although I think they are mostly for the campers there). It had good snorkeling that we enjoyed.

Tip: That's where I did different from the norm here. When I played flute in all those weddings in college/etc, I received the fee and no tip. This was all coordinated through the wedding coordinators I worked with. I had never even thought of tipping on those services. Same thing with tipping a wedding coordinator - I just didn't, assuming it was in the 18% fee - figured tip plus labor worked it out. (I'd already paid over $500 for that portion alone...) So I'm probably the oddball on here for tipping. :eek: I was an easy one to coordinate - knew exactly what I wanted before calling and had already booked the catamaran. She didn't have to deal with any more questions or anything except when we increased the catamaran count from 15 to 19, but that didn't change anything else.

On the ship, we did tip the concierge because he did so many cool extra things for us (spa passes for the week, VIP reception in Captain's quarters, priority disembarkation at wedding port and disembarkation, and just generally took extra care in making sure any needs were met). I also tipped the salon lady extra above the 15% because she did my hair so early in the morning (5AM when they opened at 10AM). I hope she was able to keep every dime of that additional part. So that is one reason I say to give your concierge a nice card on embarkation day... they know the little strings they can pull and freebies they can throw in. I'll never forget Alex - he was so awesome.

Surprisingly, we slept fine the night before - I even went to bed earlier while Curt hung out with others. Alarm went off about 4:30 and I quietly snuck out. We made it through the day and dinner fine, but did bail out on our friends that evening ... not so much because it was honeymoon night ;) , but because we were TIRED! One friend had brought his laptop and already downloaded wedding pics from his digital camera, so we sat around having drinks and oooohhing and aaahhhing over pics. So yes, it did catch up with us, but that day was going on so much adrenaline!!!

Oh - I think I read it's illegal to take any sand from the beach... like if you are wanting to make a little heart-shaped glass of sand from your wedding beach (can buy cute containers with cork at hobby/craft stores). So I'm not suggesting to do it. ;) But if you were into being a criminal, a ziploc baggie might be good to bring. Might be cool to set next to a framed wedding picture or something, or use in a shadow box.

Now - what time is your wedding?? I'll have to do the happy dance for you that day!!

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I've been running around like a chicken w/ it's head cut off! And I still need to find a couple of more things!


My friend said not to do the phone card thing. He says that they will go out of their way to make our stay as pleasant as possible. So I'm gonna sleep on it. And I bought cards for my wedding planner and the photographer and videoagrapher.......... I was just going to put $20 in each card and give them before they left.

I don't know if I can get my hair done that morning and I'm bummed. the guy I ordered my cake from said he didn't think they would open that early for me........... but I'm going to try as soon I on that ship!


So much to do, so little time. too many decisions!


We get married next Tuesday the 5th hopefully at 10am. Mary thinks that we can get off the ship, get our license and catch the 9am ferry from Charlottoe Amalie! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm thinking it will be like the " amazing race". LOL

I still don't have a price for the cab ride, but it's a nice gester considering most of these people are my sister's in laws and they invited themselves to this cruise! Derek is not happy w/ my decision! LOL I better get a nice gift! LOL I'm just tired or fighting w/ my sister and parents on this issue.


OK, I've got to try to pack...............

I'll talk to you tomorrow

I leave Friday morning. We fly out of BWI on the 8:30am flight! Yippie!

Talk to ya later

Kathy :)

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Gosh!! DIdn't know I was not supposed to .... but I brought home a baggie of sand for our four kids to take to show and tell along with a photo of the ceremony. Figured that was the least I could do since they were stuck at home!!

Hawksnest Bay was just breath-taking!! I did alot of surfing the net prior to the ceremony and found lots of neat photos to try and duplicate. My sister took them and they turned out sooooooo great!! We took a digital camera along and took a shot of the two of us standing behind a heart in the sand that said "Just Married". When we got back to Charlotte Amalie we found the internet cafe and emailed it back to all our family and friends to tell them that we had eloped and gotten married that morning. It really worked out well and everyone was excited about seeing the photo. I would love to share some of them with anyone that is thinking about Hawksnest!! Just email me at pilotsso@yahoo.com and I will send them to you.

Best wishes all you future brides~!~~!!!! It was our dream come true!


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I would like to apologize to (kbocallaghan), I always return phone calls within the day. If for some reason you were not contacted, I did not get the message.

Kathy, (Soon2BMrs) - now that you are Mrs! ( I mailed your certified marriage license yesterday)

I think you now know that I do not work on island time- we may live on an island but one cannot operate a business in that manner. Sometimes we are at the mercy of not too efficient phone lines and power outages, however, I know that you will agree that your wedding was perfect, in fact you were early!


I would like to give brides wanting to be married on St John some info to assist you in planning a wedding here. It is worth the extra effort to come to St John, which I know those of you who have been married here will agree.

If you decide to be married on St John, the process is as follows- you must go to Territorial Court to Pick up your marriage license it opens at 8AM- it is a short taxi ride from Havensight which is where you arrive with the ship, you can get a 9AM ferry from the waterfront ( Charlotte Amalie) which is near the court- you should take a taxi just for convience, once aboard the ferry just sit back and take in the scenery, it is about 40 min ferry ride, If you miss that ferry the next one is at 10AM at Red Hook. Hire a wedding coordinator who will pick you up at the ferry in Cruz Bay and drive you to the ceremony location when you arrive on St John. After the ceremony, you can spend the rest of the day enjoying one of our fabulous beaches, take an island tour or have a post wedding lunch-

you will need to be on the 3:45PM ferry back to St Thomas-

Good luck with your plans and visit my website at www.islandstyleweddings.com

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Thanks for sharing your insight, Mary!! It is terrific hearing your advice firsthand from someone in the business! :)


And yes, I definitely agree that it is totally worth the little extra effort to marry on St John. It simply can't be beat!

And for anyone really wanting that extra time in St John...

The Holland America Zuiderdam has St Thomas port times of 8 AM to 11 PM before heading over to Tortola the next day (7-night eastern Caribbean itinerary out of Fort Lauderdale). Definitely gives you a WONDERFUL opportunity for a long day in port... or even a sunset wedding on St John!!:D (No, Holland America is not only for "old" people as some reviews have stated in the past... our upcoming cruise will be our second on HAL and we're just barely 30! HAL is actually owned by Carnival.)

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I sent you an email w/ my new email address.


YES my wedding was perfect! Well I wish we had more time there.


We happened to meet a couple who were married by Cheryl at Blue Beard's Beach Club that day. Their problem.......... they got to the court house late. They arrive some time around 11am only to get a judge who decided to take lunch. So they sat there and waited an hour for this judge to get thier license. They said other than that they had a beautiful wedding.


Derek and I are so very happy that we made these plans. Everything went soooo smoothly! After all that we've been thru I think Derek's dad was over seeing that everything was perfect and it was. St. John is such a beautiful island. Derek and I are dying to get back there soon!


Thank you soo much for everthing!

It was nice having a fellow " Baltimooron" help plan this special day for us.


God bless!


Kathy :)

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Hi Kathy and Derek, it was great fun to meet the two of you and to have the honor of performing your marriage ceremony. It was very touching and I too felt that Derek's Dad was with us during the ceremony. I will let you know when the Photos and DVD will be available, as we do not do the developing on the island, the photos usually take 3-4 weeks, it is worth the effort for the quality that the lab produces. The DVD will be about 3 weeks.


I am glad you enjoyed St John, next time you will have to plan a trip to stay here on the island- there is so much to do and see, however a cruise is a good way to see where you might want to go back to.


Please give my best to your family and friends that joined you, I really enjoyed helping you plan your wedding, next time we can do a vow renewal-

Be happy always, Mary

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Hello past & future spouses :) I am getting married while in port for a cruise in St. John in June and Mary @ Island Style Weddings will be officiating. I decided not to have a coordinator because it will be a fairly casual affair, but she was happy to offer as much or as little assistance as I needed. I chose to go with her after our initial conversation. She immediately started asking questions about my groom-to-be and me and what type of ceremony we envisioned. She explained the marriage licensing process and exactly what we would need to do. She was very sincere and informative and just gave me a good feeling about the whole process. I spoke with several vendors and all had positive comments on Mary and her business. I am so excited for the wedding and it helps to know that we will be married by such a nice lady.

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Congrats Audy!


I am soo happy that we found Mary. We had originally picked Cheryl from St. Thomas, but personal things happend in our family and we decided to get married on St. John instead. Unfortunately Cheryl's company doesn't do St. John weddings, but she immediatly got me into contact w/ Mary.

Mary was wonderful for us! I felt like I had known her for years after speaking to her once.

She was very personal and professional. I've heard of some brides not recieving thier marriage license for almost a month, we recieve ours a week after getting married!


I don't think you'll be disappointed.


Good luck to you and your soon to be husband!

If you have any questions feel free to ask.


Kathy :)

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