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Completely Depressed & Frustrated...HELP!


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Good point..the other thing is I don't want to leave a trail of evidence for anything. It's stupid enough I'm calling from my friend's fax machine in his large office LOL


The good news about the actual conversation is that I'm sure I'll start bawling and that adds to the effect and then I can just hang up. I'm not good at whipping up fake tears so it'll be real. LOL


Well lets think about this. If you received a voice mail with this inofrmation how much weight would you put into it? Think maybe this was just a crazy lady and not someone who has had a 3 year relationship with the same man she is involved in. If this is what you want to do I think it might require a live converation to make any difference at all, where there can be interaction. Still if it was me I would be quite nervous about starting such a conversation. This is all your decision and you dont have to do this if you dont want to. You really have no obligation to anyone but yourself.
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Well, I am enjoying attention from "the waiting list". LOL..but certainly not ready to date anyone for a long, long, time. Is there some new phenomena about younger men wanting youngrer woman? Another 28 year old man asked me out...where's Kelly..how old is how old again?? He is a dollbaby and would be a lot of fun..but this man is true eyecandy and then I feel really old at nearly 40! My friend who is 50 said she'd take him if I didn't want him LOL:rolleyes:


Do you guys think Dogboy will have the balls to contact me? I am going to try to do it first thing Mon. morning before I chicken out. I'm leaving a message for real if she doesn't pick up..so I can bring closure. I wonder if she will kick him to the curb and how fast..LOL


I just cant wait until this is finally over for you... You have been through enough. Hugs!!
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Tough week all the way around...

On Monday my Mom (82ish) had quite unplanned open heart surgery, with a few complications and I have been a real basket case this week. Kelly was one who helped me through an emotional week. Then as it turned out her mom also had major health issues, so I think that is why she is not around.... Would be good to send her out our feeling of support.


Not at all on topic but I am still trying to get past this all.... My mom was years before her time.... When my 4 sisters and I were still so young she was the "womens liber" and taught us how to excel and be responsbile for our futures, not dependent on any man. We all went on to be successful business woman.... Now when for the first time in her life that she needs help everyone is so busy with traveling that there is no time for her..... One sister cannot be there because she is in on a months vacation in New Zealand, another a sponser for Daytona 500, cant come home.... I lived and slept in ICU for a week and yesterday a few flew in, yelled at the nurses to give her better care, then left.... These nurses have been incredible to my mom and now I have to do damage control for what they did.... My one sister who was only here for 5 hours told me yesterday that I had to go clean my moms house for when she gets home because she does not have time to do it..... I dont like them much anymore!


Rant over!

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Hey Gathina, you are turning into a man magnate! Enjoy the attention. I'm 49 DH is 39. Crazy but it's working for us.

I think it's just more acceptable now. And women are staying younger looking now, taking care of our bodies better. I don't look anything like my mom looked at 49!

Good luck on your phone call tomorrow.


Smooth, I am sorry your sisters are not helping out. Since I'm 2 1/2 hrs from my mom and my sisters are all close to her they do have to do more for her. But they all know if they call I am on my way.


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Smooth, you are always the rock of your family it seems. Your son, now your mom! BUT take care of YOU first. You will be useless to anyone if you don't take care of YOU first..and you are the only one who can do it.


So I met the dollbaby last night for a bit and am seeing him tonite. All I kept thinking was "How can he be 28 and me 39, how can he be so hot looking, this is so unfair". But the funny thing is, he seems SO much older to me..how he thinks, etc. He had good upbringing..mom is a doctor..he played college football and still has the body..he's a teacher here and part of the coaching staff at the HS around the corner from my house in PB. So he's got a good background.


I'm working half a day. Hopefully callling the future Mrs. Dogboy by noon.


Hey Gathina, you are turning into a man magnate! Enjoy the attention. I'm 49 DH is 39. Crazy but it's working for us.

I think it's just more acceptable now. And women are staying younger looking now, taking care of our bodies better. I don't look anything like my mom looked at 49!

Good luck on your phone call tomorrow.


Smooth, I am sorry your sisters are not helping out. Since I'm 2 1/2 hrs from my mom and my sisters are all close to her they do have to do more for her. But they all know if they call I am on my way.


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I did it. I left Mrs. Dogboy a message. An hour later he started calling me and leaving me messages all afternoon, when the first one said "I am so pissed" I left it alone and haven't listened to the others.


I feel vindicated.

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The messages won't stop..they are so disgusting I am not even listening to more than 2 seconds of them. The latest "I don't know what you think you were trying to accomplish but you did it.." then I hung up.


What an idiot. She must have kicked him to the curb pretty hard..


Dollbaby: was supposed to see him this afternoon..zip..I wondered what happened..a brief text message tonite "hey lady.."


I dont get it.


Oh that's nice, he is so pissed. How does he think you feel?

I'm glad for you that you did what you needed to do. I hope he isn't to much of a pain now. But at least you can console yourself with dollbaby!


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Are you sure you have your dates right? Or maybe he just forgot, these things happen. Sounds like he did not know you had a date!

Can you beleive it, he is pissed? Well maybe he shuold of thought of the fallout before he made committments to multiple ladies. I guess the other lady though took your voicemail seriously. You cant help but feel symphaty for the both of you. In the end I am glad he got what he deserved.


I am fustrated with the hospital. A physical therapist felt my mom did not need rehab so her insurance would not pay for it, and they just sent her home yesterday. I slept there last night on the couch, LOL my back hurts! My son is off work today, she he is taking over for me today.

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Well, with dollbaby I thought so.


He sent me a text last night "Hey lady.." I responded back. We had talked alot about some deep things throughout this past week and he is sorta shy so I wondered if maybe he freaked out a little. I sent him a text back and told him I was concerned I'd said something offensive or he shy'd up again..and that was fine with me if he did..but he didn't answer it. And I havent seen him online either as we chatted alot online last week too.


Finally listened to Dogboy's messages. Make me vomit. One of them said "Please stay out of this and don't contact her" etc. Another "I dont want to see you again"


I could care less. I sent him a brief email today telling me he must thnk I am some sort of idiot and I had made it clear to her I didn't want him. I told him if he pushed me over the edge I just might consider faxing her all the transcripts from the chats and to not contact me again. I also told him that I didn't understand why he was pissed because I'm not the one who spread my entire life over the internet acting like he was the Prom King who had just scored with the head cheerleader.


I wish dollbaby would call...I could use that pick me up!:D


Are you sure you have your dates right? Or maybe he just forgot, these things happen. Sounds like he did not know you had a date!

Can you beleive it, he is pissed? Well maybe he shuold of thought of the fallout before he made committments to multiple ladies. I guess the other lady though took your voicemail seriously. You cant help but feel symphaty for the both of you. In the end I am glad he got what he deserved.


I am fustrated with the hospital. A physical therapist felt my mom did not need rehab so her insurance would not pay for it, and they just sent her home yesterday. I slept there last night on the couch, LOL my back hurts! My son is off work today, she he is taking over for me today.

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Dogboy left me a long vm apologizing, admitting he was wrong, etc. Then soon the barrage of phone calls again. I finally answered and I ended up screaming and crying, he said she kicked him to the curb indeed then he admitted everything, apologized, etc and kept asking what he should do to fix things, that he is coming here to see me so we can talk and he can look me in the eye and say he's sorry. Said he'd call me later and he's been calling me every hour to let me know he is still in his meeting , when he'll be able to talk to me longer, etc. I told him to not waste his energy.


I'm back on the depression diet again. Everything I eat is ending up in the toilet. I have screwed off this entire day and am only going to see a couple of patients this afternoon.

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I don't know what to do. Am trying harder than ever to not reap what I sow...what do my principles say , etc...there's a big part of me that wants to talk to her on the phone..not sure why..maybe because I don't know what to believe anymore. He keeps calling me every hour now to let me know when his meeting will be over, etc. and he keeps apologizing. I wnoder if he's calling her that much or if he's terrified I'll do more damage to her by sending her the emails.


sigh..I could use that dollbaby now!


Why are they always sorry after they get caught? I feel for you having to deal with this. I hope you'll feel better at some point and be able to eat. As much as we all try so hard to lose weight this is not the way we ever want to do it.


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Well I really hope she did kick him to the curb, just as you have. Although I doubt he will ever change maybe just maybe he will learn that when you treat peoples emotions this way it eventually comes back around to you. I can understand you may want to talk to this girl but she is going through the same as you and may need some space and time to think it all through too. If you really wanted to you could set up a Yahoo Email just for this purpose, Leave her a VM and let her decide. As far as Dogboy, if these VM you are getting from him has upset you this much and made you physically ill, dont answer the phone when he calls, dont open his EMails or text messages. He cant get to you if you dont let him. LOL, your the Dr, I am sure you know this much better than me!


I hope you can resolve this horrible thing in your mind and get on with life. Dont worry about the other guys.. When you are ready it will all happen for you, I am sure.

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OMG... I am shocked! (Sorry I'm kind of infiltrating this board) but we "met" on another board and I am just shocked!


Sorry to be motherly (I believe we are the same age), but get it together girl... you give advice and help and support everyone all the time! There is no reason to let some "guy" no matter what he has done eat you up and ruin your life! It does no good to target the other woman... she is a victim as much as you are...! The problem is him... and karma is a b__! So let it go, let God, and I wish you well! (Rant over... forgive me!)


All my best to you,


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Venus, no problem with hijacking this thread...LOL..we are a good group here..thanks for the nice comments, I do appreciate it.


Smooth: It was a good night. I actually ate and didn't puke LOL.


Well, moomie now knows..she is horrified..agreed to stay out of it for my sake..but she flys under the radar like I do so I'm sure she'll be making alot of comments that'll be so slick he'll feel guilted into tell her himself.


Gawd, I hate having principles and scruples in my life!! I am such an idiot..still trying to do the right thing with my anger so it doesn't boomerang back at me. He kept calling again last night apologizing. I haven't spoken to him. This fool can hop a plane the way he can hope a bus so I'm thinking of leaving town for the weekend. His mum and I might go to Tampa for the weekend..heard they have like the largest acquarium in the US there..it was her idea that ew go away and the shopping is great.


OMG... I am shocked! (Sorry I'm kind of infiltrating this board) but we "met" on another board and I am just shocked!


Sorry to be motherly (I believe we are the same age), but get it together girl... you give advice and help and support everyone all the time! There is no reason to let some "guy" no matter what he has done eat you up and ruin your life! It does no good to target the other woman... she is a victim as much as you are...! The problem is him... and karma is a b__! So let it go, let God, and I wish you well! (Rant over... forgive me!)


All my best to you,


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Gathina, I know what you mean about just once wanting to be the irresponsible one and say or do what you want. But I'm always glad I don't. That whole reaping is not nice.


I'm glad you ate last night. I think Tampa for the weekend sounds like a good idea. I've sailed out of there twice but haven't done anything there. We did walk around a mall and had lunch at Maggiano's. It was good. We stayed at the Embassy Suites on Westshore so it was right across the street.


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LOL. I am also pretty good at giving great advise that I dont follow myself. It is so much harder when it is us, personal, isnt it?!!


I ve been to a few competition in Tampa but I just dont remember what I did there, if anything. But I beleive it is Atlanta that has the largest acquarium in the USA. I really wish you had not said so about the shopping though. That is so nice that you are doing a little get away with her. If this guy does show up though, think of your personal saftey first.

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Hi. I am 43 years old. I have always been thin. Before I got pregnant with my last son (I have had 3 c-sections) I was 108 pounds. After that I averaged between 120 and 125. If I had a fat moment and got upset I was at 128!!! I am 5'3". So anyhow, since August I gained a ton of weight. I went all the way up to 143!!! KILL ME!!! My stomach is flabby and flops over the new jeans I had to buy because I couldn't even squeeze into the old ones. Anyhow, my wish is to be thin and sexy again before the summer and then to stay that way for my cruise which isn't until November. I started a diet 11 days ago and I have lost 5 pounds. Sounds good right? NOT!!...I lost those first 5 pounds by the 5th day. Now one week later and I have not lost anymore....NOTHING!! I have been eating extremely healthy. I have had 1 cup of high fiber cereal with 1/2 cup skim milk for breakfast, one cup homemade bean soup...NO FAT....for lunch, and I have either all veggies, like vegetable soup, or veggies with a piece of chicken breast for dinner. I have been riding a stationery bike for 30 minutes a day everyday except one so far! I will admit that I went out to dinner on Saturday night. I had mushrooms and chicken.....and a piece of bread and wine....BUT....it was one meal!!! Can one meal really ruin an entire diet? I mean it wasn't alfredo sauce and no dessert or anything. Ok, so I weigh 138 now. I want to get to a maximum of 125 pounds. Of course I would like to be thinner. But at this point I really just want to fit into my summer clothes. Please help....I want to look nice for my cruise!! THANKS!!!


I had the same problem you did and found a new way of eating that really works. I took off 6.6 pounds my first week. You could easily lose 15-20 pounds in 2-4 weeks or faster - it depends on what you want. Good luck!

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Tampa is a great city..great shopping, restaruants, cultural life, etc. Love it. Hmm..a friend who visitedthis aquarium told me about it..


But I may have to work this weekend anyway.


Less phone calls from dogboy asking if I was ok, but now the latest is he wants to come here, look me in the eye and apolgize, talk, and call her with me there to apologize to her and me.





LOL. I am also pretty good at giving great advise that I dont follow myself. It is so much harder when it is us, personal, isnt it?!!


I ve been to a few competition in Tampa but I just dont remember what I did there, if anything. But I beleive it is Atlanta that has the largest acquarium in the USA. I really wish you had not said so about the shopping though. That is so nice that you are doing a little get away with her. If this guy does show up though, think of your personal saftey first.

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Tampa is a great city..great shopping, restaruants, cultural life, etc. Love it. Hmm..a friend who visitedthis aquarium told me about it..


But I may have to work this weekend anyway.


Less phone calls from dogboy asking if I was ok, but now the latest is he wants to come here, look me in the eye and apolgize, talk, and call her with me there to apologize to her and me.




Holy crap girl!! I stay away a few days and boy do things happen!


Sure wish you could go away this weekend...I hate the thought of him showing up banging on your door. :(


Nothing from dollbaby??

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Nothing from dollbaby :confused: Oh well...it was nice to stare at him for an evening....SIGH!!! I'd go out with him again in a heartbeat. Maybe he got cold feet? No biggie, I don't need any man crap right now.


Smooth: What about mum?


BRENDA!! Where are you!!!



Holy crap girl!! I stay away a few days and boy do things happen!


Sure wish you could go away this weekend...I hate the thought of him showing up banging on your door. :(


Nothing from dollbaby??

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