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If your DH thought he would hate it, why in the end did he love it?


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I see alot of post saying that one their first cruise, that they DH thought they would hate it, but in the end they loved it. What made them change their minds? Just curious we are saling on the Valor on June 8th, and DH is not thrilled.

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I see alot of post saying that one their first cruise, that they DH thought they would hate it, but in the end they loved it. What made them change their minds? Just curious we are saling on the Valor on June 8th, and DH is not thrilled.

:cool: :cool: This is my opinion only, but, I find most men feel they have to be doing something ALLLLL the time. When they realize that they can do as much or as little as they want, they change their minds. When they are in control of the day or activitiesk, they feel okay about things. I honestly feel initially they think everything is going to be laid out and there is no deviation to schedule and they soon realize this is not the case. When they realize this is their holiday too they really begin to enjoy it for what it is - their vacation.:cool: :cool:

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I see alot of post saying that one their first cruise, that they DH thought they would hate it, but in the end they loved it. What made them change their minds? Just curious we are saling on the Valor on June 8th, and DH is not thrilled.


I am sure it varies depending on the person. In my case it wan't that my DH hated the idea, he just wasn't as excited as I was. I spent alot of time on the boards researching and planning. He just couldn't get into the planning part at all.


But once we got to the port and he saw the ship (aka boat ;)) he was finally excited ...the look on his face was like that of a kid in a candy store.


I asked him why he wasn't too thrilled about the idea at first. One of the reasons was that it was going to be his first time to fly and he was a little apprehensive. I think maybe some guys get the "Love Boat" image in their heads and assume it is gonna be like that.


Our first cruise was September 25th 2005 on the Valor and to date we have been on 5 with 2 more booked and 2 in the works. Needless to say he is now hooked.

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Welcome to the club! :p


When I booked our first cruise, I was pretty sure my DH would be miserable. Particularly because we had 4 sea days and my DH likes to be active all the time. He went along willingly though, because I had always wanted to cruise and I think he thought it would be a once and done deal.


My DH is a very easy going guy. Even if he's not thrilled, he doesn't complain much, but he's not very demonstrative. However, from the moment we stepped on the ship, till the moment we got off, he had a goofy grin on his face. The friends we sailed with commented on the fact that he seemed happier than he ever had. I can't even tell you how thrilled I was that he enjoyed himself so much.


We got home on a Sat. and by Sun he had our next cruise figured out. I booked it by Wed. :p


When you ask him what he enjoyed so much about the cruise he will tell you it's the fact that he was treated like a king from the minute he stepped on the ship. We're normal, middle class people, we don't have a ton of real luxury in our every day lives. Evey minute on a cruise is filled with luxury.


Frankly, I don't care what made him so happy. Even if I had hated cruising (but I loved it too!) I'd do it again just to see him smile like that.


I hope your DH feels the same way!

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My DH wasn't too thrilled to be going on his first cruise....I think he thought he'd be bored or feel claustrophobic on the ship. Well, he loved it! It's only been 2 years since our first cruise and we just got off our 14th!....be careful or you might be creating a monster :D

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Well, I gotta admit, I was a touch leery about booking a cruise at first. Hubby kind of convinced me and sent me links to different cruises out of San Diego and cajoled me into booking a cruise.


I am the hyperactive, "go, go, go" gotta do something every minute kind of person and my hubby is quite a bit more laid back. I worried that I wouldn't have something to "do" and would go stir crazy or be bored.


We went with a 4 day cruise to start, (Elation Aug 30 to Cabo), since it was a 20 minute drive from home to the terminal and I figured it would be a good cruise for us first timers.


Boy, was I wrong. Those 4 days were the most relaxing, FUN and pampering vacation I have EVER had. (and we"ve had some lovely land based vacations). Like many of you that posted, I don't think I"ve EVER seen hubby as relaxed and happy as I did on the Elation, and I"ve been with him for 28 years, so I know him pretty well, and the man was Happy with a capitol "H".


Once I realized I was "at sea", my cell phone was turned OFF, no computer, no work to do, (I work out of my home, so there's always SOME work to be done, even at 10 pm on a Saturday, lol), and nothing but blue skies and blue ocean under me I had this awesome "calm" come to me, and I proceeded to do nothing and LOTS of it, (with NO guilt, either ;)).


When I look back, of course, I actually did alot, never had a dull moment, interacted with alot of really nice people and loved every minute of it.


It was absolutely amazing. Of course, we have talked and threatened to book another cruise since even before we stepped off the Elation, and finally, the end of January we booked a SEVEN day cruise for April. Think we're addicted? :D


So, in our case it was ME that needed the encouragement to book a cruise, and I am ever so grateful to hubby for insisting we try a cruise.

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In the months leading up to our first cruise, my DH acted as if I had committed him to 7 days of sheer torture. He insisted on referring to it as "that d*mn boat ride." On the day our final payment was due, I was strongly considering just cancelling and forgetting about it. I could go on and on, but you probably get the picture. You should have been there when he found out about formal night - and that there were two of them!


Obviously, we went through with the trip. When we got aboard, he was fine, and seemed to be enjoying himself. Our cruise started out with two sea days. On the second night, he suggested a walk on the deck, and during our walk told me that the cruise ship was perfect - it had everything he needed: a pool, a gym to work out, people to bring you a bucket of beer any time you wanted it, good food, etc. He said that he didn't even want the ship to dock, because he would feel obligated to get off the ship!


I think beforehand, he had convinced himself that there would be nothing to do, and he pictured 24 hours of boredom on at-sea days. Because I knew that he wouldn't believe anything I said, I didn't even try. He had to find out for himself, and he did.


By the way, we had the exact same situation with snorkeling. He refused to try it, and kept insisting that he didn't like it because he "doesn't like swimming." My brother finally convinced him that it wasn't really like swimming, that you really just have to float, and they give you a float vest for that. Well, as you may have guessed, the minute he put his masked face in the water, he was hooked. After cruise #2, his only excursion concern is: "Where are we going to snorkel?"


Let DH grumble. You won't be able to convince him by talking about it, telling him stories, showing him pictures, or anything. The only people he might listen to are other DHs, and he will still be skeptical. Just plan what you want to do, and what you know he will enjoy. I would be willing to bet that before the cruise is over, he will be hooked.


You do know not to expect him to admit that you were right, don't you? ;)


Have a great trip!

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I see alot of post saying that one their first cruise, that they DH thought they would hate it, but in the end they loved it. What made them change their minds? Just curious we are saling on the Valor on June 8th, and DH is not thrilled.


My father and many of his brothers spent 20 years in the U.S. Navy. Some of them felt like they'd spent so much time at sea on duty, why would they want to go on a vacation on a ship? Well, many of them have already gone on cruises and loved it! It's not like being in the military. They enjoyed the cruise experience and being tourists in places that they simply passed through while they were in the militray.

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My DH and I have cruised together 4 times with one on the way--he cruises because I LOVE to. He says he could care less and does get morning sickness (uses the patch), but he always loves the casino and bingo. We differ on the pool deck--me in my lounge chair enjoying the sun - he would prefer a cool place in the shade. Unfortunately I had a fall with a nice scar on my face, so this year I will enjoy the shade with him hoping my scar fades!!! We always enjoy our excursions no matter what they are. Of course--our best vacation was two weeks in Hawaii without the kids--and still lots of excursions!!! No matter what, there is so much for you both to do you will both have a great time--we do and will in August either together or on our own for a bit--our anniversary celebration!!

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My father and many of his brothers spent 20 years in the U.S. Navy. Some of them felt like they'd spent so much time at sea on duty, why would they want to go on a vacation on a ship? Well, many of them have already gone on cruises and loved it! It's not like being in the military. They enjoyed the cruise experience and being tourists in places that they simply passed through while they were in the militray.


Exactly, he was a Navy guy. My DH's comment was "I have flushed more seawater than you will EVER sail over!" Well, now he loves it, too. He is an advertisement for cruising! And, if I am not careful, I will prove him wrong and he will be paying for me to sail over more water than he flushed!:D

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The ones I've spoken to were due to preconceived notions, from Titanic movies and the Love Boat.


Once they get on, their perceptions were is changed.


But not all. I know two that never returned, as it just wasn't their thing.

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DH and I had cruised a couple of times before paying for a cruise for my parents for their anniversary. We loved it and were sure they would too. However, my Dad was less than thrilled with the idea and told us as much. He kept telling us it was a very nice gift and how thankful he was, but he just didn't think he'd like it. He had visions of sitting in a 'tiny hotel room' for days at a time, with nothing to do. After walking into the atrium on the ship, his whole outlook changed. My Dad is shy, so he didn't particpate in a lot of the activities, but he had a blast going and watching other people. Now he and my mom cruise with us once a year, and try to book one for themselves as well. As of this year, they will catch up with DH and I in terms of number of cruises.


A lot of people think that they couldn't possibly find enough to do on a ship out at sea, but rarely do they end up keeping that opinion after going!



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Our 1st cruise together was on the Fantasy 2001. Booked a short one just in case he wasnt thrilled.


He loved it ! Loved it all---the food, the casino, the shows and the Lido deck fun or just people watching. Loved being pampered.


Number 30 is coming up March 22, so guess he still loves it ! I know I do :)

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My husband and I booked our first as a short get-away while I was recovering from an illness. 8 surgeries and 6 months, I think we were both ready to get out and just not think about it for a while. A 5 day on the Celebration, and I spent most of my time laughing at him because even after 20 years in the Navy he'd get turned around on the ship. I loved it. He was still less than enthused.

The next year I booked us a 7 day to Bermuda with a balcony. THAT hooked him. We used it as a second honeymoon. We snuck up and used the hot tub while everyone was either in the shows or late dining, we spent hours on the balcony watching the flying fish. We watched sunrises and sunsets from the upper decks. He told me on the last night that this was possibly the best vacation we'd ever had. He didn't even complain about formal nights!

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This thread is great. A lot of you could be talking about my DH. So many of the statements sounds like him!


After our 2006 cruise, ("why do we keep going on cruises?") he wanted to do something "different" -- so we went on RCCL. After that cruise, he decided Carnival was more fun but he decided that he doesn't want to do so many sea days (which I love). So I let him (and one of the friends we cruise with) pick the cruise. They picked Destiny - a different port every day (which is exactly what I wanted to do). Then, he said, this will be our last cruise for a while (I was thinking, "maybe for you"). So we got together two weekends ago with the two families we are cruising with (next week!) and one woman says: "what are we going to do next year? Mexican Riviera?" Well, we've only cruised the Caribbean and DH says, "wow, that would be great." So now I'm thinking about planning 2009!


My DH, always in search of something different, is never as excited as I am when we are cruising but always has a great time. There are some cruises I'd like to repeat (Cozumel, Grand Cayman, Belize, Roatan) but I guess that will be a girls trip!


One thing that my husband loves about cruising (Carnival) is the really FUN piano bar! And, the fact that I make an effort to stay up past 10 pm!! I think this cruise coming up will be better for him - he decided to take a laptop and check in on work -- which will give him extra piece of mind.


He does talk about doing an AI next year, and we were thinking about Cancun. But, for someone who doesn't like sea days, I can't imagine he will love being in one place for 5-7 days. We will see.....

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For us I was the DH who had no desire to cruise (I wasn't against it, just not feeling the need to run to a ship) .......after a family vacation with my parents at Disney we were thinking of something for the next year.


So I looked into a sailing.......woking 6 or 7 days a week with the kids and the after school functions eating out of casserole boxes and drive thru meals..........I was ready to relax.


Put me on a ship where I can:


relax if I want

enjoy all my meals without cooking, cleaning up or pulling out my wallet

sit on my balcony watching the waves roll by

get dressed up with my wife for a night or two of entertainment


Whats not to like? Everyone does their own thing that makes them happy and we all have a GREAT vacation......for me it's relax and eat........cruising is for me.

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My DH fishes a lot and said he didn't want to go on a boat you couldn't fish off of!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Second day of the cruise, he says "Now this is a vacation! I don't have to drive, look for a place to eat or anything."


Many cruises later, he's always looking to book the next one. We go about twice a year.

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My DH is afraid we will end up on the Titanic I think :( He is also afraid to fly.

He has agreed to cruise for our 30th anniversary next year!! He also said he would fly (IF he HAD to) to go.

We are cruising out of New Orleans so we can drive down.

I hope he is hooked ;)

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My Dh only cruises because I like to cruise. He goes for me, which I think is wonderful. He slweps more on a cruise than he does at home. Sometimes I think he would rather be at home, but he knows my love for travel. In the end, I know he enjoys it too. He loves history, and I know he enjoys going to new places, just not like I do.

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I see alot of post saying that one their first cruise, that they DH thought they would hate it, but in the end they loved it. What made them change their minds? Just curious we are saling on the Valor on June 8th, and DH is not thrilled.


Interesting question.....DH was "not thrilled" :o about of first one either. He agreed to it because it was a family vacation and a gift from my parents. But obviously it turned out to be different than he expected - because we were not home very long before we started talking about the next one :D .


We love to cruise - and often tell others that for us it is the prefect vacation. We have often discussed that the best part is that we BOTH love it - and no one has to go to make the other one happy ;) .

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I surprised my DH with a cruise back in 2005, an 8 day exotic Mexican Riviera. When I told him about it, his response was..."What am I going to do on a da*n ship all day?" My DH is VERY active in all types of sports. He plans his vacations around various activities. Anyway, by day 2, after lazing and napping on the balcony, he looked at me and said..."Babe, this is the best vacation you have ever booked!" Needless to say, we have an upcoming 7 day booked for our 10 year anniversary and all he keeps talking about is where we should cruise right after that one.


We have had to wait to book in the last 3 years because we have moved twice to 2 different states and well you could imagine the cost of moving. But he never stops talking about that first cruise and is always looking at the photos. He is hooked!

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