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How many of you fake bake?


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I used to go to a tanning salon before going to Vegas, or to California to hang with friends. Well, for my troubles, all I really got was my first Basal cell carcinoma on my cheek! Now I have a lovely little scar on my face forever! Forget tanning beds!:mad: Use lotion or get the spray on tan, and for goodness sake, use at least a 30spf and reapply frequently! Take it from one who knows....the hard way!:eek:

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how many of you fake bake prior to a cruise, my DW and I are 36 days out and going to get an unlimited 30 day tanning package this evening. helps to get a good base so you do not burn as bad.

I go more fake than a tanning booth.


I go to a spa that does a "spray-on" tan.


I use the highest SPF sunblock I can find when I'm on a cruise, I don't care to damage my skin with even tanning booth tans.


I only spend the $$$ for the spray-on so I don't blind all you other people!




The things I do for you people......*g*

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Any doctor that recommends or says that tanning beds are safer, needs his/her head checked :rolleyes: Not to mention that the beds increase your risk of non malignant skin cancers and are proven to age your skin more rapidly... just seems irresponsible. A DOCTOR should recommend things that are good for you... like sunscreen and avoidance of overexposure. People burn in tanning beds too... If you are going to use a tanning bed, you should probably go with a high pressure bed that filters out much of the UVB light (and they are quicker too)


It looks like a couple of us have had the same advice from our dr that using a bed is better than going out and getting burned. My doctor does advise sunscreen, hats, etc as well. But, when you go from a long winter, cold climate to the tropics the risk of severe sunburn is increased.


My daughter went to Hawaii with her dance group in HS and several of the girls wound up in the hospital from sunburns.

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It looks like a couple of us have had the same advice from our dr that using a bed is better than going out and getting burned. My doctor does advise sunscreen, hats, etc as well. But, when you go from a long winter, cold climate to the tropics the risk of severe sunburn is increased.


My daughter went to Hawaii with her dance group in HS and several of the girls wound up in the hospital from sunburns.


Oh I'm sure it happens... I just find it extremely irresponsible for a doctor to give out such information!! You won't find many doctors experienced in skin cancer giving out that advice. There are far too many people out there that THINK tanning beds are safe, I used to be one of those people until I learned my lesson... Believe me, I'm casper, I stay out of the sun, and when I am in it, I am drenched in sunscreen... on top of my fake bake :D LOL

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I use to go to tanning booths before I went on a cruise, but I'm now watching my boss suffer from stage three melanoma skin cancer. He spent a lot of time out in the sun with no protection. That certainly was a reality check. Never again for me.



I totally agree...

as someone that loves the sun and used to always go tanning before my winter cruise.

a friend of mine died from skin cancer...

she went everywhere for treatment...even flew to germany for help...

well unfortunatetly she did not make it, so we now never go indoor tanning....she wasn't tan crazy where she went all the time, but everyones skin blocks the uv rays different from others...and the problem is you find out how your skin works when things go wrong

we now just go a few days early and get our base tan safely spread out during those days, so we wont be burned and miserable during the cruise...


i recomend picking up some fresh aloe from someone in port... they usually walk on the beach selling it for very little $... It helps with any burns so much better than the store bought stuff! my skin is alwasy so soft and healthy after using it...you also get a a better, more even tan when using it

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Any doctor that recommends or says that tanning beds are safer, needs his/her head checked :rolleyes: Not to mention that the beds increase your risk of non malignant skin cancers and are proven to age your skin more rapidly... just seems irresponsible. A DOCTOR should recommend things that are good for you... like sunscreen and avoidance of overexposure. People burn in tanning beds too... If you are going to use a tanning bed, you should probably go with a high pressure bed that filters out much of the UVB light (and they are quicker too)



i work in a tanning salon and tan year round, and while most doctors dont recommend tanning to their patients they generally do agree with the patient going gradually in order to have the skin pigment reacting to the uva and uvb rays, otherwise that person is going to go sit out in the caribbean and bake and end up far worse off then they would have, you also would assume that the doctor is telling them along with a tanning salon to use strong sunblock and reapply and take any needed steps depending on their skin type, i personally have fair skin, but you would never know it because i keep good color easily... and i have forced my cruisemates to tan a couple of times ( in beds/booths that i picked for them along with the amount of time to go in) before we go and then went and bought them all high end very good sunblock, each person has their own agenda to tanning and does what they know is best for their body

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don't do tanning booths. afraid of them after seeing so many people get burned and the things malfunction. you could not get me near one.


I use to say that. Then last year I did the beds before my trip....only did 7mins at a time and went 2 times a week for 6 wks....I didn't get much colour but that is not what I was looking for any way. I just wanted to condition myself before being exposed to intense sun.


I am not a sun worshiper and tend to avoid when possible, but I did find the beds helped........also invest in a parasol and you should be good.

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i work in a tanning salon and tan year round, and while most doctors dont recommend tanning to their patients they generally do agree with the patient going gradually in order to have the skin pigment reacting to the uva and uvb rays, otherwise that person is going to go sit out in the caribbean and bake and end up far worse off then they would have, you also would assume that the doctor is telling them along with a tanning salon to use strong sunblock and reapply and take any needed steps depending on their skin type, i personally have fair skin, but you would never know it because i keep good color easily... and i have forced my cruisemates to tan a couple of times ( in beds/booths that i picked for them along with the amount of time to go in) before we go and then went and bought them all high end very good sunblock, each person has their own agenda to tanning and does what they know is best for their body


To each their own... but none of my friends would force me into doing something that could harm me ;) I would hope that any doctor worth their degree would highly discourage tanning beds AND baking in the sun... and since you can use high end sunblock daily but not in a tanning bed, that says something to me about the safety of one vs the other. Hey, I'm not knocking you... it's your living!! But I don't agree with a doctor recommending a tanning bed, regardless of how he recommends to do it. That would be like a doctor recommending that you smoke, but not a lot :p

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Well, I will add this...


A couple of cruises ago, I found myself sharing a hot tub with a married couple who also happened to be dermatologists from Canada. They were very nice, and somehow the topic of sunburns came up, and I happened to notice that both of them were extremely pale (i.e., hadn't been out in the sun at all on the trip). They both said that they do not "lay out" in the sun at all, use high-SPF sunblock at all times, and use hats, shade, etc. as much as possible. Clearly (and obviously), this is the only truly safe method...to avoid tanning or sunburn completely and to use sunblock even if you are just out working in the yard or whatever.


However, much like other "habits" many of us folks have developed, I am not going to avoid it completely. I love spending time out in the sun, especially on vacation. I'm not going to sit indoors or in the shade all the time, even though I am aware that is the best thing for my skin. So, since I am going to expose myself to the sun anyway, in my opinion, the best way to go about this is to do everything I can to avoid a painful and harmful burn. This winter, I am using the tanning salon to get a base tan beforehand. However, if I were to cruise during summer (which I did last time), I wouldn't need the tanning bed because I get enough of a base tan just being out and about during the warmer months of the year.

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Not to mention the lovely sun spots that pop up:eek: I tanned really heavy during my 20's then noticed a brown spot in my cheek a few years back..thought it was a freckle(at this age had no idea about sun spots:rolleyes: and probably would have thought "Not me!")

Anyway 2 years ago we were at the beach..came in from a day in the sun and had brown spots across up upper lip! It looked like I had a mustach:eek:

Needless to say I freaked and refused to go back in the sun...stayed under an umbrella for the rest of the trip, LOL.


I'm very tempted to go tanning but with all the skin cancer and premature aging that it does I'm not sure if its worth it...

I was called "Casper" at school so I'm pretty white myself...tried the sunless stuff but looked awful on me..

Are there any easy self tanners now that work on fair skin? Please feel free to post any that you know of:)

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Not to mention the lovely sun spots that pop up:eek: I tanned really heavy during my 20's then noticed a brown spot in my cheek a few years back..thought it was a freckle(at this age had no idea about sun spots:rolleyes: and probably would have thought "Not me!")

Anyway 2 years ago we were at the beach..came in from a day in the sun and had brown spots across up upper lip! It looked like I had a mustach:eek:

Needless to say I freaked and refused to go back in the sun...stayed under an umbrella for the rest of the trip, LOL.


I'm very tempted to go tanning but with all the skin cancer and premature aging that it does I'm not sure if its worth it...

I was called "Casper" at school so I'm pretty white myself...tried the sunless stuff but looked awful on me..

Are there any easy self tanners now that work on fair skin? Please feel free to post any that you know of:)



I posted this earlier... these have worked quite well in my experience!!


LOL! That sounds like my first experience!! I now get my brows threaded first :p If you want to try some good brands of the self tanners, try St Tropez, Fake Bake, Peter Thomas Roth, or California North Titanium... some of these are quite pricey but they produce great results... I've added to my collection over the years, any time I hear someone in hollywood recommend one, I try it :p LOL I always have the St Tropez and California North handy!!! If you do the spray tan, try to find someone that does the airbrushing...
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oh my, I'm so not into tanning and such that when I read the thread title I thought it was about baking a cake.. thought "okay fake bake must be like a Semi homemade with Sandra Lee.


I'm ashamed


That is hilarious!!!!! :D

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I posted this earlier... these have worked quite well in my experience!!


I have been trying to read all the post but the boards are sooo slow:eek:

Do I buy these online? I would love something that would look good and not have that orange streaky look:p

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I have been trying to read all the post but the boards are sooo slow:eek:

Do I buy these online? I would love something that would look good and not have that orange streaky look:p


You are so welcome!! I have been through plenty before finding ones I liked!! The St Tropez I have sometimes found I believe at Bath and Bodyworks... but most of the time I buy it online. They also have a mousse that I like too. All the others you can buy online, I generally get them from Amazon. The St Tropez is the most reasonably priced... the California North is really nice, but it is higher in price, but you get a lot. You just have to experiment... but the ST is nice because you really don't have to worry with rubbing it in or streaks... but you need a pair of "disposable sheets" :p LOL! Good luck!

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You are so welcome!! I have been through plenty before finding ones I liked!! The St Tropez I have sometimes found I believe at Bath and Bodyworks... but most of the time I buy it online. They also have a mousse that I like too. All the others you can buy online, I generally get them from Amazon. The St Tropez is the most reasonably priced... the California North is really nice, but it is higher in price, but you get a lot. You just have to experiment... but the ST is nice because you really don't have to worry with rubbing it in or streaks... but you need a pair of "disposable sheets" :p LOL! Good luck!


Well I'm off to check out Amazon..love the 1 click buy it now button;) :D

Thanks again for the great info..now I have hope for my poor casper looking cottage cheese legs:eek: :) LOL!

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Well I'm off to check out Amazon..love the 1 click buy it now button;) :D

Thanks again for the great info..now I have hope for my poor casper looking cottage cheese legs:eek: :) LOL!


Get the gloves if you can find them... if not, just use disposable gloves, and then you can do your hands last so you don't get the icky palms! And make sure to exfoliate (twice :p LOL) Also, what I do for heels, kneecaps, and other places that tend to absorb extra color is mix it with moisturizer... I also mix it with moisturizer for my face. I generally do it before I go to bed and then just hop in the bed sans clothes, wake up, shower it off and I am ready to go!! They also sell a remover, just in case you have some spots you mess up on, but I very rarely mess up the ST!! good luck!

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I am pretty fair so I try to get to a tanning salon a month before going at least 1-2 x per week. Not to be dark but just so that I don't fry, sunscreen or no sunscreen. To tell you the truth, I live in NJ and go to the beach and when you see anyone with the old time super dark tan, people look at them funny. A little color goes a long way. Whatever you do, don't go tanning just before a cruise.


Also, on our Triumph cruise in October, there was a construction worker who lived in Florida. He didn't think he would burn at all. Let me tell you I haven't seen a sunburn like that since I was 17 and used baby oil. The guy ended up burning his face so badly that he had to go for a facial to get all the dead skin off and for the rest of the cruise, he had to keep his face out of the sun so he figured he would just hang under the awning. I felt so bad for him.


This goes for people cruising the Pacific too. It's different than the Caribbean. Be sure to use sunscreen on your lips if you're going to Cabo San Lucas, Puerto Vallarta etc. We have a timeshare and we went fishing two years ago. No one told me to put stuff on my lips. They were numb until I got back to NJ. I looked like "Lips" or whatever his name was from Dick Tracy. Another life lesson learned.

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Not only your lips, but don't forget your scalp (I have spray on sunscreen from my salon.. a scalp burn is not fun, the peeling is less fun :(), your feet, and your ears!! Worst burn I ever had in my life was on my ear and ended up with a blister the size of a golf ball...

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Not only your lips, but don't forget your scalp (I have spray on sunscreen from my salon.. a scalp burn is not fun, the peeling is less fun :(), your feet, and your ears!! Worst burn I ever had in my life was on my ear and ended up with a blister the size of a golf ball...


I had no idea my part on my scalp would burn...found out the hardway on that:eek: Was out in the sun on the beach all day...got in a HOT shower later that afternoon and thought I would die when the water hit my scalp!! I could hardly brush my hair..a couple of weeks later the top of my head started itching and ewwww it started peeling...looked like I had a really bad case of dandruff... ICK..didnt wear dark colors for awhile..LOL!

Now when I'm out on the boat or sun I wear a hat or put sunscreen on my scalp;)


Oh Lucy how awful!

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This is an urban legend... It was even on the "Urban Legend" TV show. I am sure it "could" happen theoretically but there is NO documented case.




True STory, not sure if it was here in San Diego or elsewhere.


This young female, she was a week away from her vacation and also wanted to Pre-Bake. She hit 3 Tanning Salons because the one Tanning shop would only allow the recommended doseage. So she figure she can out smart them and hit 3 different places in 1 day.


That night her body smelled like Bacon, the next day she was dead.




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True STory, not sure if it was here in San Diego or elsewhere.


This young female, she was a week away from her vacation and also wanted to Pre-Bake. She hit 3 Tanning Salons because the one Tanning shop would only allow the recommended doseage. So she figure she can out smart them and hit 3 different places in 1 day.


That night her body smelled like Bacon, the next day she was dead.





Fred -


Interesting story, but definitely not true! See link below..



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