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If You Don't Like Being Violated Don't Book A Cruise To Jamaica


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Not all corruption. There is definitely an influence.


Iran-Contra-Arms-Drugs ring a bell?




direct quote from you,


"If America wasn't so addicted to drugs, tons of cocaine would not flow through Jamaica and there would be less corruption."


corruption is corruption.


you are basically blaming america for jamaicas problems.


anyways, this is never ending. i feel the need to pull myself away from this topic, as i need to return to the real world, the one i live in, that is not beaches and sunshine. we shall meet again.;)

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direct quote from you,


"If America wasn't so addicted to drugs, tons of cocaine would not flow through Jamaica and there would be less corruption."


corruption is corruption.


you are basically blaming america for jamaicas problems.


anyways, this is never ending. i feel the need to pull myself away from this topic, as i need to return to the real world, the one i live in, that is not beaches and sunshine. we shall meet again.;)


No, it is overdue for America solving their own problems and not expecting another country to do it for them.

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My GF/fiance, my sister , my bro in law and I went on a cruise last year that stopped in O.R. and honestly we had a great time. Most of the people we came across were very friendly and we had no problems. We were never approached for drugs or felt threatened at all. It might have something to do with the fact that I am a fairly large Rugby/Hockey player and my Brother in Law makes me look small.


That being said. . .


I will never set foot on that island again, nor would I encourage anyone else to go there. Although I am a straight male, I refuse to give any money to a country where it is legal to beat someone for there sexual orientation. Where homosexuals can be put in jail and/or killed for just being who they are. For this reason alone, Carnival should stop going to this pathetic excuse for a country. Would they stop in a country that killed people for being for being Christian/Jewish/Black/White or whatever? Why do the continue to support such a barbaric country.

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To anyone who is interested in John Heald's reaction to this situation, here is the link to his blog comments:





He talks about it halfway down the page, after the first set of pictures. Basically he was horrified that this is the impression tourists are left with after spending a day in Jamaica and he seemed to be completely unaware that this is going on. He seemed quite shaken up by the ordeal.


It will be interesting to see if his witnessing it will make a difference in the situation or at least in the way they prepare their customers for a day in Mo Bay.


Ok, to prove I can read, I found what you were referring to.


Seems to me they have changed - they perhaps are now groping instead of ordering you to drop your drawers.


Carnival was under contractual obligation to provide X number of passengers to Jamaica each year (same with other cruise lines). As far as I know, that contract expired the end of last year. Perhaps Carnival decided to play hardball on the renewal and Jamaica decided to counter with the big squeeze?


It is all about the money, folks. Whether here, there, or down under.

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The camera crew as stated was from Britain and in no way does the permission granted through Carnival extend to another film company.


If it was the BBC or ITV you can rest assured that your face will be "fuzzed-out" when or if the film is broadcast. This is the law in the UK if no signed release was obtained from the person filmed.


You did not state though, what company it was. most likely free-lancers. this means the film may just end up nowhere.


I agree with all the other posters who suggested that you make a written complaint to Carnival. Have you done so?

This is the only way you can make the cruise line sit up and take notice of wht is going on.


What actions did you take aside from complaining on this board?

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Perhaps Carnival decided to play hardball on the renewal and Jamaica decided to counter with the big squeeze?


It is all about the money, folks. Whether here, there, or down under.

Granted, money has a lot to do with it, and maybe Jamaica HAS decided to counter with the "big squeeze". And yes, we as tourists are caught in the middle. Surely there's got to be an equitable answer, though I don't know what it is. Some say don't get off the ship. After two days at sea, I'm ready to get out and stretch a bit. ANd since I'm in a different part of the world that I may never be in again, I may just venture out into it. Yes, the big squeeze caught me totally by surprise too, but I could tell by the manner the officer conducted it, that she was merely performing her duties. Her conversation with me during the ordeal was very matter of fact and in my opinion, professional (or as professional as one could expect in this type of situation).


As for me, it is very possible that four years from now I may be on another Western Caribbean cruise and it is very possible that it may involve a stop in Jamaica. I will make plans to get off the ship in Jamaica and enjoy my excursion of choice. This time though, I will at least know what to expect when I pass through security when returning back to the ship. As a guest of Jamaica, I will comply with all search requests regardless of how discomforting they may be because I also realize that failure to comply could very well result in my being invitied to stay the night (or two or three) with them in their "Iron Bar Hotel".

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I truly believe something more than situation normal is going on.


Jamaica had some damage last year from a hurricane - sufficient to temporarily postpone scheduled elections.


I would like to think it is not outside influence, whether political or corporate, that is trying to take advantage of a new government. I am having a hard time believing that, however.

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My GF/fiance, my sister , my bro in law and I went on a cruise last year that stopped in O.R. and honestly we had a great time. Most of the people we came across were very friendly and we had no problems. We were never approached for drugs or felt threatened at all. It might have something to do with the fact that I am a fairly large Rugby/Hockey player and my Brother in Law makes me look small.


That being said. . .


I will never set foot on that island again, nor would I encourage anyone else to go there. Although I am a straight male, I refuse to give any money to a country where it is legal to beat someone for there sexual orientation. Where homosexuals can be put in jail and/or killed for just being who they are. For this reason alone, Carnival should stop going to this pathetic excuse for a country. Would they stop in a country that killed people for being for being Christian/Jewish/Black/White or whatever? Why do the continue to support such a barbaric country.


You are so right. Being homosexual is against the law in Jamaica. Can you imagine? You are also right in stating that gay people can be executed in that country. I'm disturbed by this. No way should a gay person or couple should inadvertantly book a cruise that docks in Jamaica only to find out they could be "executed". Very unsettling.

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We don't even get off the ship in Jamaica any more. Once was enough. It is just a quiet day on board for us. In Ocho we may walk to the end of the pier to buy some coffee...inside the compound!


I am not sure why the cruise lines don't have serious talk with the Jamaica government...not that it would do any good....the corruption and violence starts in the Prime Minister's office!!!! It seems that...for example...Carnival had no problem jumping on Costa Rica with both feet...cancelling stops there...after just ONE passenger incident, albeit a very serious one....but no less serious than the Carnival excursion out of MoBay where Carnival passengers were herded off a bus and robbed at gun point last year!!!


Jamaica is beautiful island...but until the people force a change in government...a corrupt public service...a corrupt labour movement...corrupt business....Jamaica is not worth stopping at...and certainly not risking your safety to see!


Just my thoughts.

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Those being groped probably fit the profile or otherwise qualify. I have never been patted down. They do inspect my backpack.


It isn't like they don't inform you coming and going what you may encounter. Get over it. Or is it, perhaps, that druggies can't read?




I find your post insulting. I am a 53 year old retired Naval Officer, slightly overweight,and was wearing normal warm weather clothes (shorts/plain tee shirt). I believe that would be the "profile" for your typical cruise ship passennger. I am not a "druggie" and I can read. I dont recall seeing a sign that says "If you visit our country we will squeeze your package when you try to leave."


Having your genitals squeezed "just because" is just plain wrong. If you cant see that I am sorry.

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My response summarized to the OP, Get over it and quit your whining.


I wasnt whining, I was informing people of what I (and others I think) consider to be a unjustifed practice by local authorities in Jamaica. I guess you are just the kind of person to take the abuse and move on, being that you are a tough truck driver and all. Well, I am not that kind of person. I believe in standing up for my rights. I spent 26 years of my life in the US Armed Forces defending my (and your) freedom. Maybe that was wasted on you. Sheep dont need freedom, they need sheep dogs.

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An excellent question. And what actions prior to?


Most of my actions "prior" to posting the thread were to just get home from my cruise late Sunday evening, unpack and get ready to go to work Monday morning (which I did).


I do plan to write to Carnival directly but I have a few other things to do first. Hope this is okay with you.


Thought I might mention, since you think I am some kind of whiner and maybe you think I was intimidated by the Jamaicans and my post was an over reaction, that I work everday measuring kitchens in occupied public housing units in Brooklyn, Bronx & Harlem. Nothing I have seen in Jamaica was as bad or as intimidating as that, and I do that about 4 times a week.

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so you are o.k. with them doing a cavity search on every woman that passes through? or every twelve year old boy and girl, because it's their country? your post is flawed also.


jsu because you're in their country doesn't give them the right to do as they wish with whomever they like. :rolleyes:


and if they were so worried about the legality of the "weed" they would make an effort to stop all the dealers on every corner.




I don't think he said that.


And this is where your post is flawed. They can and do - it's a fact. Is it right...probably not in a lot of cases but it happens and there is nothing anyone can do about it.


As another poster pretty much stated, a few bad apples shouldn't ruin the whole barrel...JMO.

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We were on the 2-10-08 Conquest cruise and the same thing happened to us. It was quite unnerving to be separated from my husband and go stand in another line with all females. The male line took much longer because they were being "patted" down. The patting down procedure was hit and miss with the woman, fortunately, I was not a candidate. This procedure took place inside the terminal. I was pointed in a direction from the officials to stand outside to wait for my husband. Hubby is a tall big boy and they didn't really mess with him. Although at the time, we both thought that this procedure was very strange......no problem in Grand Cayman or Cozumel.

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I wasnt whining, I was informing people of what I (and others I think) consider to be a unjustifed practice by local authorities in Jamaica. I guess you are just the kind of person to take the abuse and move on, being that you are a tough truck driver and all. Well, I am not that kind of person. I believe in standing up for my rights. I spent 26 years of my life in the US Armed Forces defending my (and your) freedom. Maybe that was wasted on you. Sheep dont need freedom, they need sheep dogs.


Joe, don't let these people get to you.

I can't stand whiners. In my eyes and from the tone of your first post, my interpretation wasn't that you were whining by any means. Of course everyone interprets differently. Bottom line is that there are quite a few of us, it seems, that are grateful for what we see as an informative post. At least if and when we go to Mobay, we will know what to possibly expect.

Isn't that what these boards are for???

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Well, we all have a choice whether to get off of the cruise ship or go on the island. I do not agree with any of the treatment I have read about. This is just my opinion. Therefore if I have this port scheduled in a future trip, I will make a decision to just stay on board at that port.

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I have visited Jamaica many times, both at an all-inclusive and on cruise ships. The last time there (a couple years ago), DH and I decided that on any future cruises that docked in Jamaica, we'd just stay on the ship. And that is what we will do in May. Nothing horrible has ever happened to us, just not a good feeling about being there.

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I was in MoBay last January and yes, I was searched by the officer in question and in the same fashion as mentioned. Hey! It's not my country, I'm in their back yard and I'm gonna have to play by their rules. Get over it! It's just like some of the stupidity we face here every day. Someone there at one time has tried to sneak drugs out that way, so everybody gets seached there. Here in the states, some people drive off from service stations without paying for their gas, therefore now everyone prepays or no gas gets sold. Doesn't matter if I'm waving a fist full of 20's at the pump, until I go in and pay, I'll get no gas. Do I like it? NO! It makes me feel like they're accusing me of being a crook, but I'll still get no gas if I don't pay first.


So being fondled in that area is bad in MoBay. Hey guess what? As a professional truck driver here in the good ol' US of A I have to subject myself to peeing in a cup so that I can be tested to see if I use drugs or not. That's right here folks! If I refuse, I lose my job! On top of that, I don't dare even think about having an occaisional beer for fear that I may be subjected to a random drug/alcohol screen while I'm on the road afterwards. Do you hear of the ACLU or any other group raising a protest about it on my behalf? Shoot no!


My response summarized to the OP, Get over it and quit your whining.



You people amaze me. :rolleyes:

He wasn't whining.

I'm thrilled he posted his experience so that WE could then make a decision whether WE feel we would like to play by this country's rules or NOT.

if you don't mind being treated like a criminal, then that's fine. Some of us would find this a bit unsettling. There are drugs EVERYWHERE in the world. Not all those other places have authorities waiting to give you a body inspection.

I don't want to travel to places where I need to be violated like that in order to just return to my ship. I'm sure jamaica is beautiful and if you enjoy it, then fine...go there and have a blast. I'd rather go someplace else, thankyouverymuch.


How can you compare peeing in a cup (for your job) to this?? :rolleyes:

Your job entails you driving what could be a HUGE weapon of mass destruction, if indeed you were under the influence while driving. Dang straight you should be subject to periodic, random testing! Your job is your choice. If you decide you no longer want to be subject to peeing in a cup, find another career.

If I don't want to be treated like a criminal while on vacation, I will choose not to go to Jamaica.

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I don't think he said that.


And this is where your post is flawed. They can and do - it's a fact. Is it right...probably not in a lot of cases but it happens and there is nothing anyone can do about it.


As another poster pretty much stated, a few bad apples shouldn't ruin the whole barrel...JMO.


Thatnks for the support. You are correct. I didn't say that. The responding poster was a slight bit dramatic in her response.

Thank you for correcting her. I think we can all see what I mean by my posts in this thread. Click on my name and look at the posts I have made. I must say that I make a whole heck of a lot more sense than most. Maybe it is my background in law enforcement or the fact that I am a straight shooter. You pick.

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Thatnks for the support. You are correct. I didn't say that. The responding poster was a slight bit dramatic in her response.

Thank you for correcting her. I think we can all see what I mean by my posts in this thread. Click on my name and look at the posts I have made. I must say that I make a whole heck of a lot more sense than most. Maybe it is my background in law enforcement or the fact that I am a straight shooter. You pick.


I think A LOT of the posts in this thread have been worthy of an academy award.


I'm just of the mind that people should realize that when in someone elses sandbox you have to play by their rules...whether they are considered right or wrong. Ya don't have to like it...ya just have to do it.

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