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If You Don't Like Being Violated Don't Book A Cruise To Jamaica


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We were in MoBay a few weeks ago and my husband left me and my g/f shopping in the terminal ..I had NOT heard this from any of our group,so I went to ask my hubby if he expierenced anything like this and he said..."No, I went thru the ladies line, it was shorter"..LOL..he said they yelled at him and told him he was in the ladies line, but it was too late, his stuff was already in the scanner. I guess hes lucky that they didnt do something to him for that! When my g/f and I went thru, the only thing we noticed was that they did separate the men and women into different lines...


As far as your #3 concern..3) If Jamaica wants to do something about their drug problem why do they not go after the dozens of people that offered to sell me marijuana through the course of my day there? You cant walk 5 feet in town without someone offering you drugs....

We were told that if they see you buying, then the cops will step in and arrest you..But, I was in Venice a couple of years ago and ppl were selling fake handbags (among other things), and RCI told us not to buy them because once you bought the fakes, the police would step in and arrest YOU. So,it seems that it could be the same thing in Jamaica...


We took the excursion, Rafting on the Martha Brae. We enjoyed it and didnt have any one harrassing us to buy ..they had a few ppl on the sides trying to sell their wares, but your guide would not go to the banks unless you wanted something...Its a beautiful place,its a shame these negative things keep happening. Dot

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As a former travel agent, this is the advice I always gave my clients:


1 NEVER book a cruise that stops in Jamaica.

2 If you ignore rule #1,absolutely do not get off the ship in Jamaica.



One time in this "cess pool" of a country cured me for good. I would not return if someone gave me an all expenses paid trip.

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I was on the conquest on 2/10 - 2/17 right before the original poster. I did not drink in Jamaica, was not acting strange went to the security line. At this point the inspector grabbed my penis and testicles and lifting them up. I was absolutely shocked and couldn't believe it was happening, I might not have believed it if my wife hadn't seen it all happen too. I understand there is a drug smuggling issue but they could at least warn you of what is about to happen. There is no warning of the type of "search" you are about to recieve.

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Thank you thank you thank you for posting this! I thought I was the only one who had there personal space vilolated!


I was walking through Ocho and many many men grabbing me and my sister. tugging us by the arms to get us to go into the alley for some "jamacian lovin". This was the first time I was ever actually uncofortable in a port. It got to a point that I went back to the ship.


I now avoid that port.

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After reading all these posts I still don't see a problem with going to MO. I have been offered drusg in St. Thomas at coki beach. I've had street people follow me around outside my office building here in So. Cal. until I gave them a cigarette so that they would go away.


As far as the pat down searches I could care less. If that is thier policy than that is what it is. If drugs are a billion dollar a year industry then someone is obviously taking the drugs out of the country. And wether the customs agents are doing it to stop the drug flow or to increase revenue so what. It is their country.


I have not been yet but my sister has and she had a great time. Someitmes when I read posts like these I can help but wonder if some cruisers expect the countries to be like little americas. I think for a lot of posters it is cultural shock. And that makes them feel unsafe.


If you don't see a problem with it, then that's fine. Someone like me appreciates hearing this stuff so I can make a decision on what's right for me.

I don't think the OP is whining about being groped. He's providing a written account of HIS experience.

Personally, I love going to other countries and experiencing the differnt cultures. I do not want to have every place I visit be like a 'little America' BUT I want to be treated well while I am touring. It has not as much to do with being 'groped' as it does to how I am treated while in a certain place. This goes for someplace like jamaica or someplace like France. Why do I want to be looked down upon or treated like dirt while on vacation??

No thank you.


This is why my favorite port is Cozumel. It's got more to do with the people and the way I'm treated than even the beauty of the island. I like to ENJOY the people of the place I am visiting. If jamaica gives me a welcome like some of the posters on this board have experienced, I want no part of it.


This is jmo.


I too, am flabbergasted. 3 pages because someone grabbed your wiener. Get over it.




gee, that was a helpful comment. :rolleyes:

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All I can say is that if someone grabs my "stuff" out of nowhere, or tries to pull me into an alley for some "jamaican lovin", I will promptly throat punch them, put them into an bar hemlock takedown, snapping their elbow, and put them to the ground.



AHHH--I feel much better now.

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We rented a car and drove to dunes falls and when we went to park the security officer basically told us if we didn't tip him to watch the car it wouldn't be there when we get back. Which we did tip him.

Once after parking my car I had a little skinny local kid come up to me and tell me that he would make sure nothing happened to my car if I paid him a few dollars. Of course I paid him. I was sure that something WOULD happen to my car if I didn't. That wasn't in Jamaica . . . it was in Dallas at the Texas/OU game in the Cotton Bowl.


Seems that everyone has their little "customs" that visitors have to abide by.



We went to Mo-Bay in January on the Conquest. Had a wonderful relaxing time at Sunset Beach and then encountered a similar ordeal when returning to the ship. The men and women were separated. Pam says that the female officer inspecting the women just looked her over and didn't touch her. All the men got a pat down, but it wasn't as intrusive as the OP got. It was very slow going, however. It took 30 to 45 minutes for us to get all the way through the line. It went all the way to the back of the building. Something we didn't count on. We just figured that the metal detector was broken. Apparently that's not the case since they're still doing it.


I didn't mind the pat down. "Local customs", I thought to myself. What irritated me the most was that the RCI passengers were sent right past us and on out the gate to their ship. The "Voyager" had been with us at every stop. Makes me wonder what happened to them? Did they get their own special pat down? Were they treated better than the Carnival pax for some reason? Guess I'll never know. I was just a little peeved that the Carnival men and women were forced into separate lines while the RCI couples and families walked right past us.


I'm booked on the Conquest again in May. I'm looking forward to a relaxing day at Sunset Beach again. I'm not going to let my return to the ship stop me from enjoying my day. I will be mentally ready for it this time, however.



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<Posting has been a bear. Sorry if this is duplicate>


I too am send my sympathies that you and everyone had to go through this. Didn't Carnival warn you in any of the shopping or excursions talks?? John Heald's blog talked about this during his Blogger's Cruise earlier this month...


I will be cruising on Conquest in Sept. Are the women more respected? Were they subjected to this kind of search?



Hi Lamb...as you know we just got off the Conquest one week ago with the Cupids and in Jamaica we did get seperated men and women upon return to the ship...I stayed at the port building to shop with Dot...I noticed the two ladies in front of us got patted down but nothing severe...but Dot and I walked right through and I thought it might be because we had passports and the two in front of us only had driver's licences...we enjoyed our stay in Jamaica. I did ask dh and he said yes he was patted down and it was the most complete pat down he had ever had...but not offended. He never mentioned anything on the ship nor did any men in our group.


Dot that is just too funny about Steve going through the women's line because it was shorter...but then I can see him do that...:rolleyes:. I am just surprised that Jim didn't try that one. ;)


We had a great time in Jamaica...but I do feel that the cruise lines need to prepare their pax for situations like the search you speak of so that we can be more prepared. I do believe that when we travel to another country we need to be aware and take precautions...I live in California and have all my life...and probably for the last 30 years or so I keep my doors locked even druing the day even while at home....just not safe to do otherwise. :eek:


When we left Jamaica I told dh that I definately would return...but your stories kind of make me nervous again...but I don't think we would not take a cruise because it had Jamaica as a port nor would we stay on board...I will give the country another chance because we had a great visit there....


Happy sailing...


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We went to MOBAY on our first cruise. I did not like it then and as far as I know nothing like that happened to anyone on our cruise. After reading this it just made me even more certian I do not care to revisit that port. If I do go on another cruise that stops there I will stay on the ship. I will not even visit the gift shops in the terminal. If they don't respect me I will not give them my money.

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I wonder how, even after your post I'd want to go to Jamaica?? :confused:

If the people get ntothing from the tourism, and are absolutely rude or God forbid hostile to the tourists, why the hell should I cruise/vacation there??


I do not understand why I am constantly misquoted but here I go again.


Not all or even most of the islanders in JA are rude or hostile - we are talking about a few that make their presence known to tourists. Do you remember the hundreds of faces you passed that day, that were friendly, smiled at you or left you to your business or the one guy who hassled you? Have you ever visited a major metopolitan city in the US and not been hassled?


I have traveled many times there without incident. There are criminals everwhere. There are people with no morals and ethics everywhere. I hate that JA gets a bad rap for mostly minor infractions that happen everywhere in the world. Travel to Rome and I promise you you will most likely get shaken down by a taxi driver, travel to Florence and get felt up (pick pocketed by gypsies). The safest place I ever traveled to was probably Ireland and even there had to deal with soccer hooligans. Even on what you think is a utopian society on the ship is not, read some of the tales told on websites about, theft, rape, etc.on cruise ships by passangers and crew members.


If you choose to travel, you assume some risk having one person who crossed a line, ruin a whole island, rich with beauty, culture and some of the most friendly people I have ever met makes no sense to me. You have to understand that not every place is America. What is acceptable/unacceptable here may not fly in other countries. To be a good traveler you have to be prepared for that.


While it is regretable that the OP was disturbed by the incident, I too have had similar incidents during my travels but did not let it affect my view of the country, it's people and my zelous for traveling.

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Have been there 4 times. First couple of trips were great with the exception of the bus driver having to chase a kid away from the bus with a stick. Last couple of times the ck in back at the boat was enough to make anyone uncomfortable. Beautiful place but IF we ever go back there on a cruise ship -think we will just stay aboard. Would not take much for them to plant almost anything on the folks and you would not have a leg to stand on.

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I have read very few good thing about Jamaica. Has anyone considered getting a petition together to see if Carnival would consider changing the ports? I don't know that it would work, but with enough signatures, they would probably consider something. I guess, now that I have typed it, it seems a little extreme. But it is something to consider.;)

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I have read very few good thing about Jamaica. Has anyone considered getting a petition together to see if Carnival would consider changing the ports? I don't know that it would work, but with enough signatures, they would probably consider something. I guess, now that I have typed it, it seems a little extreme. But it is something to consider.;)

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As a former travel agent, this is the advice I always gave my clients:


1 NEVER book a cruise that stops in Jamaica.

2 If you ignore rule #1,absolutely do not get off the ship in Jamaica.



One time in this "cess pool" of a country cured me for good. I would not return if someone gave me an all expenses paid trip.



Well said Dive Master. One of the ways to curtail this behavior is to hit them in the pocketbook. Like you said, don't book a cruise there. Another way to get the Jamaican government to wake up is to write to your local newspapers and let them know first-hand about your horror stories. It seems that some folks think it's allright for the Jamaican weirdos to get their kicks this way. Probably the same folks would be raising h-ll about being looked at cross-eyed by local authorities here in the U.S. Might even consider suing.:mad: Just remember, just because you are in a foreign country, you haven't given up any human rights.

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wanted to vent/inform a little bit about something that is happening at the cruise terminal in Montego Bay, namely groping of the male passengers by the local port authorities.


I (and almost every other male passenger returning to the ship) were separated from the women passengers and forced to go through a "pat down" search by the local authorities where the "frisker" actually grabbed our penises and testicles through our clothes and squeezed them.


The more I think about this the more flabbergasted I become and the madder I get at Carnival for taking me to a port where I was treated so shabbily. For the life of me I do not understand why Carnival allowed us to be treated that way without some protest on their part but they did not even have anyone present in the terminal to oversee their passengers being fondled.


Can someone tell me why Carnival is still sailing to this port and/or why anyone would book a cruise that includes Jamaica as a port call if the local authorities treat cruise ship passengers like this?


Joe Dog,

I am so sorry to read about what happened to you in Mo Bay:mad: . Like others that posted, I have been to Ocho Rios and nothing likwe this happened to any of us. I would definately right a letter to Carnival and to the Jamaican Tourist Bureau to complain about the treatment. Carnival's security wouldn't have been able to prevent any search from happening, so I don't know what they could have doe to prevent this from happening short of not going to Mo Bay. I hope you have more positive Carnival cruises in the future.:)

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My question is...


When's the next flight to Jamaica!? I haven't had a date in quite some time... I'll go in and out of that port all day...


I kid, I kid.


But seriously, I understand why they do it. It's been done to me and it's just their procedure, just as we in the US have our procedure. The US is extremely toned down because everyone here is so darn SENSITIVE. It's always watch what you say, watch where you grab, blah blah blah.

In other countries, they just don't really care what you have to say, as long as they're sure you're not doing anything illegal.


good fight and good night

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I too, am flabbergasted. 3 pages because someone grabbed your wiener. Get over it.




Would you be so dismissive if it had been your wife, mother, girlfriend, or daughter that had been "grabbed" in such a manner? It's not just you, but I'm getting an impression from some people that because this was a man that the violation doesn't matter.


FWIW, there is a difference between a typical security "pat down" and being groped inappropriately.

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We also just returned from the Conquest. We were in seperate lines, but no issues with the females. My boyfriend did get patted down, but not groped. I would return in a heartbeat. They have to do what they need to do. I feel safer for that! It is a beautiful country;)

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After having been to Ocho Rios, I would certainly book a cruise that stops in Jamaica, but only if the other ports of call were worth enduring this one stop, and with that I would just stay on the ship.


Crime is not just isolated to Jamaica, it is a problem in many other areas of the Caribbean, including St. Thomas, and especially St. Martin/Maarten. However, nowhere have I witnessed such openly hostile behavior, as in Jamaica. The Jamaican Tourist Board can play the commercials, print the ads, etc.. all day, but that does not change the fundamental poverty driven survival instinct of the locals. Until the root cause of the issue is addressed, the ads and commercials will, at best, merely offset the loss of those who swear off Jamaica.



"...especially St. Martin/Maarten"


Whats going on in St Maarten? My family has been going there for weeks at a time for over 20yrs?

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We also just returned from the Conquest. We were in seperate lines, but no issues with the females. My boyfriend did get patted down, but not groped. I would return in a heartbeat. They have to do what they need to do. I feel safer for that! It is a beautiful country;)


So what makes you feel safer? What they are doing is wrong and unecessary in the manner that they are doing it. LHP had it right.......they are doing it to make money on fines they can get from cruisers as they leave the country. I can't believe if they start doing this to the women it won't be a whole other story.

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Your passenger contract gave permission as you allowed yourself to be filmed for the video diary,thus this permission will carry thru to the port terminal and the islnad as you sometimes see CL protographers on shore trips taking photos's

2.NO, not needed as permission was given,see #1

3.Does not make a difference,the actions are out of CCLs control,this is how they can ignore it,its the islands goverment's doing.

4.I too would write a letter explaing what I had to endure as part of a countries attempt attempt to stop the flow of drugs.

Just wait until we call on Cuba,and the search for cigars becomes an issue if not resolved by then.


...if we start sailing to Cuba, cigars will not be an issue

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We just got back today from our Conquest cruise and wanted to vent/inform a little bit about something that is happening at the cruise terminal in Montego Bay, namely groping of the male passengers by the local port authorities.


I have been on many cruises (both Navy & cruiseline) and have had port calls to more than 40 countries and I have never been treated more disgustingly in a port than this last cruise when we stopped in Montego Bay, Jamaica.


After spending the day spending money in this port I (and almost every other male passenger returning to the ship) were separated from the women passengers and forced to go through a "pat down" search by the local authorities where the "frisker" actually grabbed our penises and testicles through our clothes and squeezed them.


I should mention that all I (we) were doing was returning to the ship. We had not done anything "wrong". We were not drunk/stoned or even loud.


The more I think about this the more flabbergasted I become and the madder I get at Carnival for taking me to a port where I was treated so shabbily. For the life of me I do not understand why Carnival allowed us to be treated that way without some protest on their part but they did not even have anyone present in the terminal to oversee their passengers being fondled.


Oh, I should also mention, to add insult to injury, the "searches" were filmed by some British television crew doing a documentary on how Jamaica treats tourists.


Can someone tell me why Carnival is still sailing to this port and/or why anyone would book a cruise that includes Jamaica as a port call if the local authorities treat cruise ship passengers like this?

Im going on the carnival Freedom this New Years and we stop in jamaica New Years Day. Me nor my wife and kids will not be getting off the ship there. Been there done that. Its a great day to spend on the ship up by the pool with the kids. Thats the only port I have ever been to where you get searched when you try to go back on the ship.

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Would you be so dismissive if it had been your wife, mother, girlfriend, or daughter that had been "grabbed" in such a manner? It's not just you, but I'm getting an impression from some people that because this was a man that the violation doesn't matter.


FWIW, there is a difference between a typical security "pat down" and being groped inappropriately.


Aman. It does not matter who it was it is wrong wrong wrong. A pat doenis one thing but the groping is just insane. This is a violation of a persons body. I would say pretty darn close to abuse.

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Do not judge an entire island or it's people based on a few unsavory individuals or an unfortunate incident. Blaming the entire island of Jamaica for an over zelous/line crossing customs agent is like blaming Ronald McDonald for a bad cheeseburger...


My thoughts exactly. Although I sympathize with those that have had negative experiences in Jamaica, I can't understand the Jamaica bashing that has reached a fever pitch. I've not cruised to Jamaica, but have visited Negril and Ocho Rios on week-long land vacations three times....and am going back twice this year! Neither I nor my husband or children...or extended family for that matter...have ever experienced anything along this line....we all found the Jamaicans to be warm, friendly people with a strong independent streak. We've actually encouraged friends to visit the island and they've come back with a love of the island as well.


Again, I'm not trying to justify any improper actions. I just think that bashing an entire nation and her people based on a few hours in port is wrong.

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