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If You Don't Like Being Violated Don't Book A Cruise To Jamaica


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Security in Jamaica mainly focuses on Male passengers which is crazy. Like females dont smuggle drugs also. Why they cant get drug dogs is beyond me. And to say they single our Carnival passengers is ridiculous. What I dont understand is what is the Jamaican government doing with all the millions and million of dollars they get from Tourism. Imagine what shape the Jamaica would be in without Tourism. Sorry but I think the Jamaicans should be thankful we spend money there but we got the exact opposite feeling from them. I have never encountered such pushy scary people in my life. Maybe the cruiselines should take a break from Jamaica like they did some of the Caribbean Islands when things were getting rough.

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Seems to me instead of pier and port improvements...The cruise lines need to committ some funds for Jail improvements.:p


sorry..I know its not a funny subject...

Is this something new? Sorry if I missed that discussed but I can't believe its been going on long or we would have heard about it.:confused:

I was seriously considering joining the Sept 09 group sailing (on Conquest)...But really wonder what I was thinking subjecting my DS to the situation there...

I guess I could leave him on the ship....

Anyway..Kinda crazy...

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It's Jamaica, Mon. Not the USA. For those who think the USA isn't known world-wide as having a drug problem, take the blinders off.


Those being groped probably fit the profile or otherwise qualify. I have never been patted down. They do inspect my backpack.


It isn't like they don't inform you coming and going what you may encounter. Get over it. Or is it, perhaps, that druggies can't read?








where was the discussion of the USA not having a drug problem? did i miss something, i don't remember anybody here stating that?


so since security made ALL the males go through the "groping" session, then ALL males fit the profile?


since your post makes no sense, i wonder if YOU can't read? and if so, then.......:eek:

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NO ParrotHead79.Her post is NOT flawed and should NOT be summarily dismissed !!!!!!! What is going on here with so many people supporting such reprehensible treatment of a person ?


Thanks! I appreciate that. This has to be the worst thing I've ever heard of. Who would support the "feeling up" of cruise ship pax who are leaving the island. It's a total violation.

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Do you want to see this type os searching stopped?

Tell the bad people to quit hiding their drugs there.

And back off the female officer!

She's being paid to do a job and she's doing it to the best of her ability. This isn't the US of A and they most certainly do have their own laws, which I'm sure will be different than what you're accustomed to here.


I was in MoBay last January and yes, I was searched by the officer in question and in the same fashion as mentioned. Hey! It's not my country, I'm in their back yard and I'm gonna have to play by their rules. Get over it! It's just like some of the stupidity we face here every day. Someone there at one time has tried to sneak drugs out that way, so everybody gets seached there. Here in the states, some people drive off from service stations without paying for their gas, therefore now everyone prepays or no gas gets sold. Doesn't matter if I'm waving a fist full of 20's at the pump, until I go in and pay, I'll get no gas. Do I like it? NO! It makes me feel like they're accusing me of being a crook, but I'll still get no gas if I don't pay first.


So being fondled in that area is bad in MoBay. Hey guess what? As a professional truck driver here in the good ol' US of A I have to subject myself to peeing in a cup so that I can be tested to see if I use drugs or not. That's right here folks! If I refuse, I lose my job! On top of that, I don't dare even think about having an occaisional beer for fear that I may be subjected to a random drug/alcohol screen while I'm on the road afterwards. Do you hear of the ACLU or any other group raising a protest about it on my behalf? Shoot no!


My response summarized to the OP, Get over it and quit your whining.

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Jamaica is the last place i will ever go. we went a year ago with our 3 boys. people rude place nasty how many times does a child need to be hit up for drugs. they push drugs at you and get pissed if you dont want any. i will avoid going on cruises that go to any part of Jamaica been once don't ever want to go back.

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Do you want to see this type os searching stopped?

Tell the bad people to quit hiding their drugs there.

And back off the female officer!

She's being paid to do a job and she's doing it to the best of her ability. This isn't the US of A and they most certainly do have their own laws, which I'm sure will be different than what you're accustomed to here.


I was in MoBay last January and yes, I was searched by the officer in question and in the same fashion as mentioned. Hey! It's not my country, I'm in their back yard and I'm gonna have to play by their rules. Get over it! It's just like some of the stupidity we face here every day. Someone there at one time has tried to sneak drugs out that way, so everybody gets seached there. Here in the states, some people drive off from service stations without paying for their gas, therefore now everyone prepays or no gas gets sold. Doesn't matter if I'm waving a fist full of 20's at the pump, until I go in and pay, I'll get no gas. Do I like it? NO! It makes me feel like they're accusing me of being a crook, but I'll still get no gas if I don't pay first.


So being fondled in that area is bad in MoBay. Hey guess what? As a professional truck driver here in the good ol' US of A I have to subject myself to peeing in a cup so that I can be tested to see if I use drugs or not. That's right here folks! If I refuse, I lose my job! On top of that, I don't dare even think about having an occaisional beer for fear that I may be subjected to a random drug/alcohol screen while I'm on the road afterwards. Do you hear of the ACLU or any other group raising a protest about it on my behalf? Shoot no!


My response summarized to the OP, Get over it and quit your whining.


before you go telling anyone to get over it, realize that your own argument has no validity. EVERYBODY was not being searched. it was the males.


getting drug tested for a job has absolutely no corrolation to getting your nuts racked in jamaica!

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we went to jamaica last year, ocho rios, we didn't have that type of problem, but as i plan our western itinerary for next year with the kids, i am staying away from any itinerary with jamaica. too aggressive and pushy. we did dunns river falls, and i wish i could do it with the kids, but that's not happening.

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I showed this thread to my son. They were planning the Conquest this coming October for a family reunion. He said this evening jamaica is out of the question now. There is no way he is exposing his wifes grandfather to a search of that type. This is the only way it will stop is if travelers pick a different itinerary.

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I was also on the Feb10-17 cruise and was shocked by the pat down. I wasn't grab, thank goodness, and did not hear about it on ship. If this is the way Jamaica wishes to repect visitors, then I will not be getting off in Jamaica if that is one of the port of calls. I had a good time at Sunset Beach but not good enough to be humiliated and patted down like a common thief. If the police know the drug dealers, why not pick them up. Instead, they arrest the tourist then charge them thousands of dollars to get out of jail. This is not right and the cruise lines should take this stop off the itenerary until the practice stops. Tourism is a major business in these countries and their economy would falter after a few months without any tourist dollars.



If the tourists are buying drugs they deserve to be arrested. You don't think it is right. That I don't understand.

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I just don't understand how anyone can take the word of somebody that casts the entire country under one light as the tell all truth.


I say go for yourself, form your own opinion and share it.


Jamiaca is a very savy place...just like big cities here, crooks feed on the weak...If you walk around with a bulls eye on your back, chances are you'll get hit..


worse can happen to you in miami before your cruise, than in jamaica off the ship


i for one will continue to go to places that some say are, poor, or dangerous, or any other word to describe them, to see what the world has to offer.... if i decide that its not for me, i'll share it. But i'll never cast the entire place, or people, because of one incident..


remember people, you can get hit by a car on your way through a parking lot. does that mean we should all stay home?

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where was the discussion of the USA not having a drug problem? did i miss something, i don't remember anybody here stating that?


so since security made ALL the males go through the "groping" session, then ALL males fit the profile?


since your post makes no sense, i wonder if YOU can't read? and if so, then.......:eek:


The Jamaicans are looking for illicit drugs - not for Red Stripe beer. You are not on US soil, you are in an independent, sovereign nation. You follow their rules whether you agree with them or not. End of story.


I commented that that many tons of cocaine flow through Jamaica on the way to the United States. If America wasn't so addicted to drugs, tons of cocaine would not flow through Jamaica and there would be less corruption. Some posters seem to prefer to bury their heads in the sand and blame Jamaica for America's addiction.


Several posters have commented that people were busted for trying to smuggle drugs. Considering what a sieve the US borders are, every little bit helps. If someone is dumb enough to try, oh well. Don't do the crime..


Some have commented that there are more males than females patted down. Which sex do you think is more likely to be dumb enough to try smuggling illicit drugs?


One of the reasons Jamaica is important to the United States is that it is close to the main shipping channel for the Panama Canal. As long as the US keeps up the moronic boycott of Cuba, Jamaica will maintain its status.


If you want to effect change, I suggest you write the White House and not Carnival.


I saw someone wanted to send this thread to John Heald. Go for it. If I recall correctly, the recent Blogger's Cruise stopped in Jamaica, and a fabulous time was had by all. I don't remember any accounts of blogger groping.

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I just don't understand how anyone can take the word of somebody that casts the entire country under one light as the tell all truth.


I say go for yourself, form your own opinion and share it.


Jamiaca is a very savy place...just like big cities here, crooks feed on the weak...If you walk around with a bulls eye on your back, chances are you'll get hit..


worse can happen to you in miami before your cruise, than in jamaica off the ship


i for one will continue to go to places that some say are, poor, or dangerous, or any other word to describe them, to see what the world has to offer.... if i decide that its not for me, i'll share it. But i'll never cast the entire place, or people, because of one incident..


remember people, you can get hit by a car on your way through a parking lot. does that mean we should all stay home?


while your argument is valid, especially since i took a wrong turn in miami, and didn't think i'd make it out alive, jamaicas problem aren't isolated to one incident.


if i remember right kingston, jamaica is, or was labeled as "murder capital of the world". and it did not stop me from cruising there last year, but i will stay away from there in the future. i've also heard not to leave the gated area in Belize, but this will not stop me from cruising there in 2009.

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I showed this thread to my son. They were planning the Conquest this coming October for a family reunion. He said this evening jamaica is out of the question now. There is no way he is exposing his wifes grandfather to a search of that type. This is the only way it will stop is if travelers pick a different itinerary.


I find this sad. Not that you showed the thread to your son, or his reaction. I have no problem with that and think it was a good idea.


I would also encourage you to introduce him to something Benjamin Franklin said - "Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see". I will add - especially on the Internet or out of the mouths of politicians.


I was on the Conquest last November and there was no groping.


But don't depend on me or the whiners to live your life. Live your own life - see for yourself.

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The Jamaicans are looking for illicit drugs - not for Red Stripe beer. You are not on US soil, you are in an independent, sovereign nation. You follow their rules whether you agree with them or not. End of story.


I commented that that many tons of cocaine flow through Jamaica on the way to the United States. If America wasn't so addicted to drugs, tons of cocaine would not flow through Jamaica and there would be less corruption. Some posters seem to prefer to bury their heads in the sand and blame Jamaica for America's addiction.


Several posters have commented that people were busted for trying to smuggle drugs. Considering what a sieve the US borders are, every little bit helps. If someone is dumb enough to try, oh well. Don't do the crime..


Some have commented that there are more males than females patted down. Which sex do you think is more likely to be dumb enough to try smuggling illicit drugs?


One of the reasons Jamaica is important to the United States is that it is close to the main shipping channel for the Panama Canal. As long as the US keeps up the moronic boycott of Cuba, Jamaica will maintain its status.


If you want to effect change, I suggest you write the White House and not Carnival.


I saw someone wanted to send this thread to John Heald. Go for it. If I recall correctly, the recent Blogger's Cruise stopped in Jamaica, and a fabulous time was had by all. I don't remember any accounts of blogger groping.



dude, are you seriously blaming jamaicas corruption and problems on the us drug addiction. get real. even if the usa did not have a drug problem, jamaica would still move drugs out of their country, and it would still be corrupt. show me country without a drug problem and 'll show you a carnival cruise without photographers.;)

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I saw someone wanted to send this thread to John Heald. Go for it. If I recall correctly, the recent Blogger's Cruise stopped in Jamaica, and a fabulous time was had by all. I don't remember any accounts of blogger groping.


To anyone who is interested in John Heald's reaction to this situation, here is the link to his blog comments:





He talks about it halfway down the page, after the first set of pictures. Basically he was horrified that this is the impression tourists are left with after spending a day in Jamaica and he seemed to be completely unaware that this is going on. He seemed quite shaken up by the ordeal.


It will be interesting to see if his witnessing it will make a difference in the situation or at least in the way they prepare their customers for a day in Mo Bay.

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if i remember right kingston, jamaica is, or was labeled as "murder capital of the world". and it did not stop me from cruising there last year, but i will stay away from there in the future. i've also heard not to leave the gated area in Belize, but this will not stop me from cruising there in 2009.



No cruise ships stop in Kingston, but I have visited before on land vacations. So far, I have not been murdered.


Many of the murders in Jamaica (Kingston or not) are either drug related or politically motived. Tourists should avoid both.

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I find this sad. Not that you showed the thread to your son, or his reaction. I have no problem with that and think it was a good idea.


I would also encourage you to introduce him to something Benjamin Franklin said - "Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see". I will add - especially on the Internet or out of the mouths of politicians.


I was on the Conquest last November and there was no groping.


But don't depend on me or the whiners to live your life. Live your own life - see for yourself.


are you talking about john heald? it is in his blog ya know!

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dude, are you seriously blaming jamaicas corruption and problems on the us drug addiction. get real. even if the usa did not have a drug problem, jamaica would still move drugs out of their country, and it would still be corrupt. show me country without a drug problem and 'll show you a carnival cruise without photographers.;)


Not all corruption. There is definitely an influence.


Iran-Contra-Arms-Drugs ring a bell?



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No cruise ships stop in Kingston, but I have visited before on land vacations. So far, I have not been murdered.


Many of the murders in Jamaica (Kingston or not) are either drug related or politically motived. Tourists should avoid both.


our cruise went to jamaica, ocho rios as i stated already, and i stated kingston is "murder capital of the world" not "everyone that goes there gets murdered".;)

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This complaint?


"I won’t even bother telling you what there complaint was……….ok………actually I will…………it’s just so trivial…………they were disappointed in the ice cream stations on board and the fact that we only have two flavors. I stood there …at"

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