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Cruises with Grandparents - worth it no matter what

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This past November, we took a cruise with my mom. This year, my dad will be going with us. We take the kids out of school for these cruises, and I thought it was worth it to give them an opportunity to see different parts of the world and different cultures.


Well, this morning, my grandmother, who I traveled with when I was younger, passed away unexpectantly after a sudden illness. As I remember many things about her, one of the things I remember the most are the trips we took and the time I was with her for more then just a few hour visit. Just spending a week talking about her life growing up, her family, her experiences are something that I will never be able to do again. I was able to compare notes with my cousins, and we all found we had these memories of Grandma.


For anyone debating taking a trip during the school year, think of the memories you are instilling in your kids. I know my kids are still talking about their Carnival cruise with their grandma. And next year at this time, they'll have two weeks of memories with each grandparent. Hopefully, 23-30 years later when they are my age, those memories will still make them smile.


I have no doubt that they will gain more from these cruises with their Grandparents then they would in a few days to a week at school. I think cruising is a great way to bring families together. I am glad I discovered it.

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First off, I am so sorry to hear that your grandmother passed away. Thank you for sharing your fond memories of her. While my daughter is still young (3 and not in grade school yet), I intend to take her out of school for a week a year if we can afford a "big" vacation that year. I agree that missing one week of school vs the memories and experiences they would gain on a family trip fail to comapre.

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Very true! My mother, aunt, fiance and I took my Grandparents on a cruise last May. It was only a 3 day, but they hadn't taken a trip in about 20 years since my grandfather had a stroke in the late 1980s. We all had a good time, and Carnival was very good at accomodating my Grandfather's electric wheelchair, our waiter even helped cut his food. I can't say enough about Carnival's level of service on that cruise, they really shined! It turned out to be good timing, since my Grandmother had a stroke late last year, and it will probably be the last vacation for them.

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I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your grandmother - my prayers are with you. I agree with you 100%! I'm taking my three daughters out of school next year to go on a cruise with their grandmother and great-grandmother - 4 generations! I know that they will keep the memories of this cruise with them for a lifetime!


Thank you for sharing your story.


Ashley :)

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i'm really sorry to hear about your grandmother


we just started planning a cruise for next august with my parents and DH's mother. We will not have to pull the kids out b/c it's in August ( Dh is a teacher and can only go then) but I know they will cherish the memories they will make on the trip with their grandparents :)

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We have taken many, many vacations with my DD, her husband, and their DD. My granddaughter is 11 now and I think we've been on 7-8 vacations with them. My best vacation ever is when my DH and I took our three granddaughters, ages 8, 10, 13 to Florida and spent a week going to all the Disney parks. We did several things that my DH and I would never have done but the girls really wanted to do them so we did. It is a vacation we will never be able to replicate and one we'll never forget - I'm sure they will always remember it too. :)

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I totally agree...some of the best vacations have been with family (from grandparents to nieces/nephews, aunts/uncles). Once we all took a road trip driving from Florida to Arkansas/Texas with my mom and 4 kids!!

Another time we spent a long weekend at Disneyworld...again with my mom...and another weekend at Seaworld!!

This past summer we took our 1st cruise and there were 8 of us...including my 14 yr old nephew and my mom and we had a blast...my kids still talk about chasing grandma around the ship when she was looking for the line for the blue team!!!:)

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I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Reading this just makes me more excited for our upcoming trip. We are taking my grandmother, my husband's grandmother, mother and step-father, and our daughter. Only my husband and I have cruised before, and except for Canada, none of the parents/grandparents have been out of the country. I am so glad that we will be able to vacation together as a family, and I know that my daughter will have wonderful memories of the trip when she is older.

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While it wasn't a cruise my fondest memory is taking a trip with my family. This was in 1979, before seat belts were deemed must do's. We loaded up 22 people in a 15 pax, 5 in a car, 10 more in a camper van and went to the Smokey Mtns. 5 generations of us. Grandparents, kids, aunts, uncles, and cousins.


My great grandmother went blind when my mother was a baby. She recieved the 2nd eye transplant ever done in Alabama. Her one request was the Mountains. She wanted her family with her. Many of us kids were taken out of school to do this. I wouldn't think twice about pulling kids out of school, to share in such an amazing memory.


Many of those people in that trip are no longer with me, but those memories are something that will live with me forever.

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Thank you all for your condolences. It sounds like we are/were all lucky to have such great grandparents/family members. Every year we have traveled to the beach with my dad, this year we are switching to the cruise. I am not sure who loves it more - my dad or the boys! I know my dad will love his first cruise just as much as we did ours.



I too remember traveling pre-seat belts. (OK, they were in the car, but we didn't use them. I am not that old :D ) I would sit between my grandma and grandpa. Then when I was tired, I would put my head on one of their legs and my feet on the other. My other set of grandparents would take me on two camping trips a year and those were just as great. I remember making my grandma chase skunks with me at a campground in Ohio - Houston woods if anyone is familar with it. Man, does she love me!:eek:

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My sympathies on the loss of your grandmother. I still have fond memories of my grandparents, too. As for my children-they are still creating more memories. My dad turned 80 last year and he and my mom were married 60 years. Dad said not to waste our money on a party, he would rather we go on a cruise together. So 11 of us, parents, children and grandchildren, from 12-80, sailed to Bermuda for 5 days (we used to spend a week at a cabin in the mountains every year but this was special). We still had a party and asked family and close friends to be our guests at this special anniversary celebration, but the week we spent together on the ship was fantastic for everyone. This month we are all going to Disney-to lament :( my childhood!!! (We couldn't afford a trip to California and Disneyworld didn't exist) My daughters, 32 and 36, and dh, decided a fitting birthday celebration for someone who is turning _0 :eek: (You fill in the blank!) is a trip to Disney. My parents agreed and they are going too! These special times together are priceless. Go whenever you can-it doesn't matter so much where you go-just go, together. Life is about the people you love and when they're gone all you have left is the memories. And the good memories will see you through.

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My kids have been on 16 cruises with their grandparents. Also many land vacations . We lived near them for most of their younger years but we moved to Florida 4 years ago. My parents still flew twice a year to cruise and visit our kids. They had a great bond.


This past November my Dad passed away. The kids were devastated. But we aere able to hang on to all the great memories we had. Also I have all our Formal night picture hanging on the wall so we see them everyday.


My brother made a comment at my Dad's memorial that made it all worth while. He said that he wished his kid had the chance to have travelled and gotten to know their grandfather the way my kids had. Now he had been invited on every trip and makes at leasy three times what we do but he never went. Now he is the one with the regrets and his kids lost out on really knowing the most wonderful grandfather in the world.


We are going on a cruise to Alaska in May. My Dad was really looking forward to it and we will miss him greatly but we will dedicate the great cruise and family time to him. We are having t shirts made that have Ebb's Tide on them (Ebb was his nickname). It will be different without him but he will be with us.


Cherish the memories and do what you have to do to make them. Cindy

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Sorry about your lost.


I could not agree more with you all.


Our kids will be on their 3rd cruise with grandma and grandpa this summer

in Alaska. They been on several additional ones. But this time we have

lots additional family, uncle, aunts, etc.


They really enjoy the time vacationing with their grand parents.


I wish I spend more time as a kid on vacation with my grand parents.

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My brother made a comment at my Dad's memorial that made it all worth while. He said that he wished his kid had the chance to have travelled and gotten to know their grandfather the way my kids had. Now he had been invited on every trip and makes at leasy three times what we do but he never went. Now he is the one with the regrets and his kids lost out on really knowing the most wonderful grandfather in the world.


I am sure many have the same regret he does. The rest of us are the lucky ones.

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I am sorry to hear about your grandma. I know that can be sooo hard.


I totally agree with family comes first. I have taken my daughter out of school a few times. I would love to continue to do so, but unfortunately she is in high school now and the are VERY strict. They actually take 5 to 10 points off there final average if you miss days and don't have a doctors note. :eek:


So for now our family memories will have to be made in the summer months. :mad: Much more expensive too!!!

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Let me add, my parents paid for all of us kids and grandkids to go on Disney cruise in 06. My nieces and nephews still talk about this trip. My parents have taken them to the mountains and to the beach. They call it "Nana and Papa time".


The kids are being pulled out of school next Jan to do another "Nana and Papa cruise". The parents are staying at home this time. I'm not sure who is more excited about this trip the adults or the kids.

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I have taken my son for the last three years on a cruise with me, his grandparents, and great aunts and uncles. Last year my little brother (he was 21) was able to go with us as well. We had a great time. Each of us got to spend time with the others in a way we never can on land. I had some awesome pictures of me and my brother taken and my son has some great memories with his grandparents and great aunts and uncles. The memories we have with my brother are the most special now because he was killed in an auto accident in August. I will never regret forcing him to come with us last year the memories and we made will never be forgotten. When you have a chance to spend a vacation with your family you should do it no matter what.

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Kids having relationships with their extended family is, in my opinion, critical to their development. Period. Vacations, holidays, week ends, however time can be had, do it.

As far as kids missing school, I completely agree that they will have the opportunity to learn more about history, cultures, foreign language, etc. than they would at school. BUT some school districts have rules stating how many days a year a child can be absent without failure of the grade. Our school districts rule was 10 days total. (If they were absent more than 3 days in a row, they had to bring a Dr. note to get back into school.) And they didn't care what the reason was. So if the kids were absent 5 days for vacation, that didn't leave much for really being sick. Thats like spending your sick days at work, and then coming home and actually getting sick. (without pay)

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Sorry for your loss. I too cherish vacations with my grandparents. My children have had the benefit of travel with my parents also.


However, this is not an either or situation. They went away with grandparents when school was not in session. If does cost more and sometimes they had to do something less expensive but neither I nor my parents or in-laws believed in missing school. It was also important.


It really isn't the expensive trip the kids remember so much but the time and undivided attention.


My adult sons are going with us and my Mom on a cruise this summer, so we still love the family time.

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I have taken my son for the last three years on a cruise with me, his grandparents, and great aunts and uncles. Last year my little brother (he was 21) was able to go with us as well. We had a great time. Each of us got to spend time with the others in a way we never can on land. I had some awesome pictures of me and my brother taken and my son has some great memories with his grandparents and great aunts and uncles. The memories we have with my brother are the most special now because he was killed in an auto accident in August. I will never regret forcing him to come with us last year the memories and we made will never be forgotten. When you have a chance to spend a vacation with your family you should do it no matter what.

I am very sorry for your loss. Those memories of your trip with your brother and the photos are priceless.

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Sorry for your loss. I too cherish vacations with my grandparents. My children have had the benefit of travel with my parents also.


However, this is not an either or situation. They went away with grandparents when school was not in session. If does cost more and sometimes they had to do something less expensive but neither I nor my parents or in-laws believed in missing school. It was also important.


It really isn't the expensive trip the kids remember so much but the time and undivided attention.


My adult sons are going with us and my Mom on a cruise this summer, so we still love the family time.

That is what is nice about these boards, we are allowed to disagree.

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Kids having relationships with their extended family is, in my opinion, critical to their development. Period. Vacations, holidays, week ends, however time can be had, do it.

As far as kids missing school, I completely agree that they will have the opportunity to learn more about history, cultures, foreign language, etc. than they would at school. BUT some school districts have rules stating how many days a year a child can be absent without failure of the grade. Our school districts rule was 10 days total. (If they were absent more than 3 days in a row, they had to bring a Dr. note to get back into school.) And they didn't care what the reason was. So if the kids were absent 5 days for vacation, that didn't leave much for really being sick. Thats like spending your sick days at work, and then coming home and actually getting sick. (without pay)

We are fortunate in that our school allows 5 days per school year for vacations. It makes the decision much easier.

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