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Back from 1st Cruise ~ Legend ~ March 2 ~ From Cruise Virgin to Cruise Ho!!! LOL!!!


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thanks for your reviews!! we are cruising on the Legend in June and can't wait. you mentioned that you got a rental car? did you return it the day of your cruise? we are looking to rent a car so we don't have to get a taxi everywhere' date=' but then don't want to have to pay for a taxi all the way back from the airport. any advice would be appreciated. thanks!![/quote']



Actually we returned it the night before after we were done running around, we took it back and then called the Hotel Shuttle to come pick us up.

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Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Woke up early, enjoying the sunrise … and early breakfast. And we were at a pier; so easy on – easy off. (Kinda like clap on clap off????).

We had booked through Carnival a 3 hour jungle hike and had really looked forward to it … but the night before we got our envelope with our excursion tickets for Roatan and a letter stating that the jungle hike had been cancelled. We were really bummed and had spent some time the night before and that morning looking but nothing popped at us. So we left the ship and roamed around.

Had some great open air shopping, we did enjoy looking around. Saw Senor Frog, Carlos & Charlies (but we’re not drinkers / partyers so didn’t care if we went in or not) … Robert was thrilled buying Cuban Cigars. Just one at first, then three. I don’t like cigarette smoke but cigar and pipe smoke smells good for some reason.

After wandering a bit we saw a bus tour of Hell, Turtle Farm, Governor’s Mansion and Paradise Beach, and it was marked ½ price from 20.00 per person to 10.00 so we said what the heck and hopped on.

The tourism part is fun but only for a short while, I highly recommend having excursions booked or planning something at all stops … just my worldly advice from first cruise!!! LOL!!!

We enjoyed this trip … Stopped at Tortuga Factory where Robert ordered 2 1.75 liter bottles of rum for some friends that asked him to bring it back … we didn’t go to the Turtle Farm, did stop at hell but they kicked us both out … guess we are heavenly bound after all!!!!

Got back and wandered the pier back to the ship; I wanted to see the late runners to the ship … I only saw one though … Robert went to his AA meeting and I watched and there was this girl in a wheelchair QUITE intoxicated that everytime 3 men would help her up and out she’d slither to the ground.

This night we had reservations at the Golden Fleece specialty restaurant. We him-hawed back and forth if we were going or not and decided what the heck. Let me tell you it was the best 80.00 (30.00 per person and we added an additional 20.00) we EVER spent.

Eat very slowly as there is a lot of food over the 2 ½ hours you spend there.

Robert ordered:

Trio of Escargot

Tossed Garden Salad

Surf & Turf (very very good)

Fresh Fruits

I ordered:


Caeser Salad

Surf & Turf

Cheese Plate (HUGE and very good)

Did not take pictures there as I didn't know if I should ... the ambiance didn't seem the type to be snapping photo's but next time, I WILL!!!

We literally rolled out of there. Holy Heck!!!

After dinner caught a show and also later a comedian. Had a great time. Stayed in the formal clothes until after the shows and then late, we grabbed some pizza and headed up top. Nothing quite like eating pizza watching the stars and the ocean.

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I'm going to post the rest of the review today and then add pictures after. Otherwise this might drag on until the end of summer with my schedule.


Thursday, March 6, 2008


This is the day that gave me the most queasy stomach and it wasn’t sea sickness.

We had booked the cave tubing / zip lining excursion months ago with Major Tom and even though I am afraid of heights and can’t swim, I really WANTED to do this; but as the time drew closer I got sicker thinking about it. So this stop wasn’t my favorite already. This was another tender and because we booked thru Major Tom and not Carnival weren’t sure how to tender but they told us where to go and we were out on the 2nd tender. By then I had told Robert I wasn’t going. I wanted to, but chickened out, no other words for it.

I waited with him until he had to leave and then started going thru the shops. There really isn’t much in Belize … a lot of shops. I was told if I left the “gated” area it was very dangerous. Okay, there goes that. So I shopped and went to the Wet Lizard and had Conch Fritters (really wanted to try them) and 2 rum punches (Don had given me a coupon to buy one get one free). So I enjoyed my Conch … and my opinion on that is it’s good, very chewy, but good. It came with a lettuce and tomato shredded mixture and French fries and a chipotle mayonnaise (or at least that’s what it tasted like and tartar sauce). The first rum punch didn’t taste like rum at all and the 2nd one had a ton of it in the bottom of the drink. I enjoyed the view (overlooking the pier/ocean) during lunch but it was hot and I was truly getting bored. They were very pushy to get tourists in and that’s the worst way to get me to buy anything. Mid afternoon I tendered back to the ship, had a snack, cold drink, put my purchases in our cabin … wandered the ship … then tendered back to wait for Robert to get back. The last tender was 4 p.m. and at 3:30 still no sign, I started to worry as this was NOT booked thru Carnival. 3:45 and no sign, I really started to panic then. About then they got back and we got back to the ship in time. Close call. He really didn’t have time to shop but he had given me his list and I got the stuff while he was gone. He said they had a great time and the delay was some Woman’s walk that blocked the ONLY road. Thank God they did return in time. He also said they were told the speed limit is 55 and if you blow past the check points, they don’t stop you they just shoot you … NICE!!! (DON ~ is this true; did they really say that???) I could easily never return there, just didn’t do anything for either of us.

We got back to the ship and he was starved, so we went to the Unicorn and ate and then went to take a nap before dinner. Well around 7 I woke up and asked him if he was getting up and he mumbled about not caring if we went to dinner or not … and I was still sleepy so I put the PRIVACY sign on the door and we were both out until early morning of Friday. We were that tired.

So really don't have much else to say about that day ... Belize and Sleep!!!

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Friday, March 7, 2008

Roatan, Honduras

I can only say we woke up starving because we had missed dinner and slept like babies, so up early while we pulled into Roatan (Beautiful from afar) and had breakfast watching the island.

Roatan is only one ship per day usually and so we were it. They were doing construction on the pier … but the island was absolutely stunning and we hadn’t even left the ship yet.

Breakfast was the usual fare and we went to get our stuff and leave the ship, we had a 10:15 tour for the Pirates, Monkeys and Birds …. We found the group (it was so early) and we asked if we join the earlier group instead and they said that was fine. I’m glad that they let us do that … because this Island is just beautiful, not touristy and not very pushy … and beautiful beaches, scenery and quiet.

Our tour guide was a 20 yr old female Mackenna that was very knowledgeable and we really enjoyed her, although she admitted she was a bit tired because she had partied last night.

We toured the Pirate area, we then saw some plants that she explained to us … one being one they make a tea with to give parents so they can go to sleep so the kids can go out. That was pretty funny; and the cashew (see pictures). Then there was a swinging bridge like in Indiana Jones that we had to cross, well myself and another lady are afraid of heights and this was a swinging bridge over water and I couldn’t do that … so she and I were escorted over the “stable” bridge. That’s when we got to go see the birds … beautiful and friendly … and took many photo’s (BIG surprise there huh??? LOL) and then onto the monkeys, OH MY GOD they were sooooo cute …. Played with a few of them, took many pics and really had a great time. After that we were left to enjoy the beach and told what the latest bus time was to return back to ship. There were a couple of little tables with jewelry and such … Robert bought a nice leather, steel bracelet and I saw a few things but just wasn’t in shopping mood, truth be told, I HATE to shop!!!

We then grabbed 2 chairs and went to the edge of the water. Robert stripped to his swim shorts and went out in the ocean and then yelled out he was going to go get some snorkel equipment and snorkel, well by then 2 ladies came around to do beach massages for $30.00 for an hour … I jumped on that and then he changed his mind and opted for it as well. So there we were … white sand, turquouise water and having a fantastic massage!!! It didn’t get much better than that. Afterwards we went and got a drink of water (bottle) and relaxed in the center area and waited for the bus. The trip back was beautiful … and they stopped a few times to let us take photo’s from the bus. By then we had decided we would definitely like to just fly into Roatan and stay a week there alone.

There is a tented area just on the pier with knick knacks and some beautiful beautiful mahogany carved pieces. The large trunk was 1200 … smallest one 32. Found a beautiful wood door that was 1800 and she got down to 800 for it but again we hadn’t come prepared to purchase something like that (and shipping was included) But next time WE WILL. It was stunning.

Back to the ship … 2nd formal night. The black gown I brought for this night, zipper was stuck and neither of us could get it to work, so I decided to wear the shorter, black sparkly cocktail dress I wore the night at The Golden Fleece and it worked out fine.

Our servers had been concerned because we had not been there for 2 nights … so we explained that we went to the Golden Fleece one night and slept thru the other and I was bummed because that menu had the tiramisu (I LOVE THAT STUFF) and Bitter and Blanc that I had heard soooo much about and wanted to try. I tried to get some and they said they would check but I ended up missing out. Oh well, sounds like a great reason to book another cruise, don’t you think? I do.

This was also midnight buffet night … I was too stuffed to even fathom eating … but I did go and take pictures at midnight and then to bed. Let me tell you by the end of the cruise I didn’t want to EVER see food again. It was all good but man it was a lot of food.

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Saturday, March 8, 2008


Sometime during the night we encountered a cold front and 50 knott winds and the ship started rocking like crazy … WOW!!! I started feeling queasy … started popping the Bonine. Robert was sick, but not from that. About 2 hours after returning from Roatan he started sounding like he had bronchitis so he was already sick and I was going from nausea to semi normal to nausea again and walking, HOLY HECK!!!! What fun that day was. He slept all day … I dined alone and wandered the ship, took photo’s and bought photo’s … hung out all over the place, even my favorite hiding place, the Enchanted Forest where I sat and watched the waves and even crawled up in the porthole and watched.

Before we went to dinner, I packed (fun fun fun with rocking ship) and very sad.

Woke Robert up and we dressed and went downstairs … we did NOT take any photo’s that night, not the way we both looked and felt. We did go to dinner though … and I guess even the Drama Queens were pretty subdued (THANK YOU SEA SICKNESS) so really it was the first dinner in Truffles where we didn’t have to listen to their LOUD drama.

Robert still wasn’t feeling great so he didn’t want to go to see the Legends show, and I really did. We put the bags out in the hall and that was soooo sooooo sad to see as it was the end of the trip. Robert went to bed and I went to Follies and saw the Legends show. It was pretty good. Some good talent, some not so good talent, some bad talent. LOL!!!! But I enjoyed it. I admire ANYONE that can get up in front of THAT many people and sing (good or bad). It’s all about having a good time.

By middle of night the rocking had calmed tremendously and we managed to sleep.

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Saturday, March 3 ~ Debarkation Day / Tampa

Can you believe it’s over? I can’t, nor do I want to.

Our bottles of rum were 1.75 liters and we weren’t really clear on the 1 liter per person so we headed down to customs. I think he laughed at me … LOL!!! But that’s okay, better safe than sorry.

We decided to wait to be called off, so headed up and had breakfast. Robert was totally miserably sick so he just kinda sat there in Tampa, freezing.

Once they finally cleared the ship and the self debarking guests left, they started calling numbers and we were in the first group.

It was a piece of cake (although sad) to get off the ship, get our luggage and get an Alamo bus to get our car.

We then headed to our hotel and rested ... and slept.

Next day Yankee's Stadium and the Beach, Lunch and the airport.

It was Over!!! I cried!!!

It was a wonderful first cruise and we will definitely be cruising again.

THANK YOU Cruise Critic, because if I hadn't spent a year on here beforehand I'd of had no idea about a lot of stuff. You guys rock.

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He also said they were told the speed limit is 55 and if you blow past the check points, they don’t stop you they just shoot you … NICE!!! (DON ~ is this true; did they really say that???)



Connie, he is absolutely correct. The guide told us that if you decide to blow through the checkpoint for ANY reason, to duck because the next thing you'll hear is rat-a-tat-tat as the machine gun is fired at you!

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Early Morning on the Ship ... all is quiet!!!








Roatan outside our breakfast table ... I am STILL trying to duplicate this at home, no avail!!!!



Gumbalimba Park




Upside Down Tree




Cashew Plant

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Connie, he is absolutely correct. The guide told us that if you decide to blow through the checkpoint for ANY reason, to duck because the next thing you'll hear is rat-a-tat-tat as the machine gun is fired at you!


I bet that gave you all a deep, warm, fuzzy feeling that you've never felt before huh? :D !!!!

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Thanks for the great review... people like you are what makes cruise critic so wonderful. Loved the tone of your vacation from beginning to end... outstanding! Thanks for all the pics and the honesty from which you wrote... now get back out there and cruise!!

p.s. I was touched by the Zune in the ears method, well done... also, i had no idea that there were AA meetings to attend on board...Kudos to your DH...

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