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Most embarassing moments on your cruise. What are they? :-)


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We left our stateroom for breakfast one morning, spoke to the steward who

was two rooms down from ours. About 5 minutes later I realized I needed to "go number 2" so I ran back to our room. I ran in the room to use the toilet and did not bother to shut the bathroom door since it was just me in there.


And yep you guessed it-here comes the steward, quickly I slammed the door as he entered (thank goodness for the small cruiseship bathrooms! I was STILL on the toilet and not able to get up) he apologized and left quickly!



Now here was a time that COULD have been embarrasing. We were on the old Celebrity Zenith in an obstucted ocean view stateroom on deck 9. This was a sea day, the next day we would be in port in Grand Cayman.


My hubby and I are in our room, now anhour or so earlier we had had a "romance break" but thankfully we were fully clothed by this time watching TV when my hubby sees the reflection of a man in the TV.


We look out the window and sure enough thre are 2 crew members doing something to the life boat. We had to laugh and ofcourse we said we were glad they had not shown up an hour earlier!


The next day we have a clear view out our window as the life boat was used for tendering. So I guess the crew members were doing something to get the boat ready for tendering the next day.

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My partner and I were on the Celebrity Millenium. We had an aft cabin with a very deep veranda. One formal night after dinner we went back to our cabin to freshen up before going to the martini bar. While he was in the bathroom, I went to the rail on the veranda to enjoy the fresh air. Slam! I hear the door close behind me. It is locked. I knock. No answer. I knock louder. No answer. I beat on the glass with my shoe. No answer. Now I am MAD! I wait for about 30 minutes, surely my partner will miss me and come back, right? WRONG!


Above our veranda was the Sunset Bar. There was a musician up there playing guitar, several waiters, a bartender and about 2 dozen passengers. I tried yelling "Help" but could not be heard over the music and the wind. So I decide to throw a shoe up to the bar to get someone's attention. The shoe hits the rail and falls onto the veranda two cabins over. The next shoe hits the floor just in front of the musician. He doesn't even flinch. Next I wing a cuff link at him and miss. The next cuff link hits his guitar, he stops playing, and announces that people need to quit throwing things at him. He says, "I'm doing the best that I can."


I wait another 30 minutes, still trying to yell to the people above. No one hears me! I am desperate and now my feet are COLD.


I drag the table from our veranda to the canopy edge covering one half of the veranda and a put a chair on top of the table. I take my tuxedo jacket off and I climb up on the table then the chair. I climb up on the canopy which is made of canvas......dirty, dirty canvas. The canvas is not going to hold me because it is so sun-damaged and begins to tear.


(Mind you. If I fall, the farthest I fall is back onto our veranda. The aft cabins are stepped so it's not like I was going to fall off the ship or anything.)


As I am hanging half on and half off the canopy a waitress sees me and screams! All of the passengers and staff come running to the rail to see what the crazy man is doing. Now they see me! I yell for them to call security..........like they wouldn't have anyway considering the fact that I am hanging off of a balcony on a cruise ship.


I climb back down to see three security guards in my cabin with GUNS drawn . They slowly open the glass door. Here I am with no shoes on, my shirt untucked and black from the dirty canopy, no cuff links, sweat pouring down my face from all the climbing and moving of furniture, shaking at the sight of GUNS!


I explain the situation. They want to know why I didn't call security myself instead of climbing up on the canopy! "THE PHONE IS IN MY CABIN AND THE DOOR WAS LOCKED!" They wanted to know I could lock the door behind me.


Then my partner walks in the cabin. It has been over an hour and a half. He has had several martinis.........without me! He sees guns, security guards, our cabin steward, various other staff, some passengers from the bar above........ALL IN OUR CABIN! He freaks out!


He explains that he thought that I had left the cabin while he was in the bathroom. He locked the door for security reasons, just in case someone was crazy enough to climb on the balconies!!!!!!


We got everything settled. Even the security guards had a good laugh......at my expense. I changed out of my ruined tuxedo and I made it to the martini bar where I downed about 9 martinis!


The rest of the cruise I was known as the guy who was climbing up the side of the ship!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, It was DH & I 1st cruise. We went with another couple (their first too). We got a JS cabin. We were all sooo giddy and excited when we boarded. We went to our rooms to change our clothes & I needed to talk to my friend about our plans for the evening. We're still docked, mind you, and I'm standing in the middle of the room talking on the phone to my friend in "all-my-glory", if you know what I mean,:D I turned around while talking to admire the "ocean view" and eeeeekkkkkk :eek: :eek: Window washer!!! I threw the phone over my head and made a run for the bathroom screaming all the way!!:o


My husband had quite a laugh!!

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we went horseback riding in cozumel and this lady bragged how great she was on horses and she wanted to run(or whatever). So finally Paco said all expierenced riders could take off if they wanted......ok her horse threw her and knocked her off.We all caught up and she was so mad!!!


appears her horse had a bit more experience than she did :D Good thing she didn't get hurt.

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I wanted a picture in front of a certain backdrop on formal night, but as we rounded the corner, my sister in law pointed at the long line for pictures. I gasped and turned around and said, "My God. It is huge!" but my sister-in-law had moved to my left so that put me saying this to a complete stranger--- and he didn't miss a beat-- he threw it right back to me with a quick "yeah, but I've never had any complaints."


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I wanted a picture in front of a certain backdrop on formal night, but as we rounded the corner, my sister in law pointed at the long line for pictures. I gasped and turned around and said, "My God. It is huge!" but my sister-in-law had moved to my left so that put me saying this to a complete stranger--- and he didn't miss a beat-- he threw it right back to me with a quick "yeah, but I've never had any complaints."



Hahahaha - good one! My husband would have probably said, "uh... thank you?" :D

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Back in March 2007, my family and I went on the Freedom of the Seas. Before signing the waiver, the staff makes it very clear to tigh your bathing suit tight or if your wearing a bikini they suggest shorts and a t-shirt on top. Of course there are always those people of decide not to follow the rules! A young lady went on the flow rider and sure enough, she fell off leaving the water jets to pull her bikini bottom right off! It is very diffcult to see with the water spraying in your eyes so by the time she managed to find her way to the side of the Flow Rider, the entire ship had a nice view! Talk about being humiliated =)

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This isn't as bad as some, but it was quite embarrassing. I have a tendency to fall down for no reason, so DH didn't find this too amazing. We were learning to ballroom dance (bad idea for two people who have no rhythm) and we hadn't even started yet and I just fell right over. Of course, I was in the middle and everybody stares at me as the guy yells, "What the hell? We haven't even started yet!" I made some comment about the boat was swaying (which it wasn't). The worst part was that several people tried to help me up and they ended up just falling over me. I really just wanted to die!

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We had a oceanview room and had just come back from the pool. The curtains were open but we didn't think anything of it, there were no balconies around us, just other OV rooms. We were starkers when we noticed a crew member outside on the painters rig. His face was red and his head was turned.....but the smile was obvious!

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Your story is absolutely hysterical! You win hands down for the most embarrassing thing that happened to someone. I have been screaming with laughter picturing you as you went through your story.......LOL real loud. Thanks for the great laugh!

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  • 3 weeks later...
I was lacking apparel when room service knocked on my door. I quickly grabbed a blanket and opened the door. He politely handed me my food, but I could hear him giggle after I closed the door.


I hope you wrapped that blanket all the way around you? Some pictures of staterooms, I have noted mirrors on inside staterooms, and glass in balcony and Oceanview staterooms, they tend to reflect in the evening. You might have been showing your "aft" side!:D

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  • 1 month later...
I wanted a picture in front of a certain backdrop on formal night, but as we rounded the corner, my sister in law pointed at the long line for pictures. I gasped and turned around and said, "My God. It is huge!" but my sister-in-law had moved to my left so that put me saying this to a complete stranger--- and he didn't miss a beat-- he threw it right back to me with a quick "yeah, but I've never had any complaints."



Thank you for a great "first" laugh of the day:D :)

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I was on the Song of Norway in 1974 and we were rockin and a rolling. I was getting sicker by the moment. But I was stubburn and refused to go back to my cabin It was Formal night and new to cruising then and didn't want to miss meeting the captain. Just as I was being introduced the dam broke and his uniform wasnt so nice and clean any more. The humiliation was total!:eek:


omg I think you win at most embarassing moment

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wow these were some great stories.. my dh is watching csi and keeps glancing at me with tears down my face and im shaking and doing that quiet laugh thing.. i think he thinks i have totally lost it.. not to mention mascara is no on my shirt from wiping my face..

the worst thing we have done on our cruises is tripped with our flip flops on over that spot on the floor .. u know the one.. it grows 3 inches high when you come to it but shrinks when your partner arrives.. we all get a good laugh and someone does it at least once on the cruises i have been on.. or how about that kid that runs around the ship like he owns it or the one who runs around the pool deck on those slippery when wet tiles.. i just lay in my chair and cringe every time i see kids run because i just know what is next. .. and slips on water.. not that its hilarious but kind of like the horseback story.. gotta take it easy ;)

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This is easy. I just got off the Legend Sunday so it's fresh in my mind. On our first "fun day at sea" I had a couple of drinks and was feeling a little goofy. I decided I was going to use the bathroom in the spa, which was right near where I was. So I waltz in like I know exactly what I'm doing and walk into the bathroom. There is a staff member (male) in it and he says "Excuse me! Excuse me!", and I say "yes?" and he says, in very broken English "um, this for not weeemen", and being that I was getting my goof on, I didn't quite catch on. He was motioning with his hands toward the door. I said "I'll just be a minute, sorry!" and he said "No, this not for weeemen!" After what now seems like an eternity it dawned on me. DUH-HUH. Now I know that in the spa, the men's and women's areas are separated and I was on the men's side. I turned 10 shades of red and said "I am SOOO sorry! I had the rum!" and rushed out. He was laughing. I prayed I wouldn't see him anymore that trip.

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It was the last night of our cruise, all bags were packed and my husband was putting our cases outside our cabin door. The woman in the opposite cabin was putting her bags out and bending over them, with her rear view facing my husband, she stood up and turned around totally naked!. She did not seem bothered at all but my husband came in red faced. We had a good laugh about it but and luckily we did not have to see her again

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last night of the cruise, putting suitcases outside the door, my friend didn't know where to put hers, so i go out to help and SLAM, the door closes. we are both in the hallway, our key cards are in the room. thank goodness i was dressed! although i was barefoot. we had to find someone to call the steward to open the door for us-way from the other end of the ship. we had the giggles, but the steward had no sense of humour, just looked ticked off, opened the door and left without a word.


great story about hurling on the captain--ewwww

LOVE the story about hanging from the awning throwing your shoes and cufflinks!

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last night of the cruise, putting suitcases outside the door, my friend didn't know where to put hers, so i go out to help and SLAM, the door closes. we are both in the hallway, our key cards are in the room. thank goodness i was dressed! although i was barefoot. we had to find someone to call the steward to open the door for us-way from the other end of the ship. we had the giggles, but the steward had no sense of humour, just looked ticked off, opened the door and left without a word.


great story about hurling on the captain--ewwww

LOVE the story about hanging from the awning throwing your shoes and cufflinks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last cruise on formal night after the "Medal ceremony" on the Ryndam I went to dinner. I had forgotten that I had that big medal hanging around my neck. I lifted out of my seat just a little bit to reach the salt and my medal fell into my tomato soup! It splashed everywhere and was so red as was my face!

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While our first "real" cruise is still a few weeks away, I can't help but share our most embarrasing moment aboard ship. About twenty years ago when we were young, and wild, and free, we were aboard an overnight ferry from the UK to the Netherlands, and being that poor goes along with the young, and wild, and free bit, we didn't have a cabin, just one of the reclining seats.


Well, after we'd all lifted more than a few too many alcoholic bevs, our travel companions headed off for their lounger. Left to ourselves, the mood turned amorous...very amorous, but what to do? No privacy! Until we noticed a life jacket cabin. Hmmmm....let your imagination run free.


Now for the embarassment part: When we emerged from the life jacket cabin sometime later, Hubby realized that his shoes, and some of his clothing which, by the way, contained his wallet, were missing! I think I hid while he approached the crew, who had indeed found the missing items just outside the aforementioned life jacket cabin. Gee, do you suppose they knew? LOL!!

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We were on Holland America's Oosterdam on formal night. I was wearing my cocktail dress and heals and the boat was a little rockier than usual. As I was trying to walk down the stairs the boat swayed and I lost my balance and practically tumbled down some steps in front of two elderly ladies. My husband just watched me as I "ate it!" :(


So..its formal night on Valor and my GF is coming down the stairs leading to the dining room, long black gown, heels...yep.. rolled down 3 stairs and lands on her knees in front of the head waiter!!!:eek: Not Good!!! I caught grief for not catching her. We laugh now.:)

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  • 3 months later...

My son 8 at the time was getting some food at lunch buffet near the Pool area when an middle aged woman crowded in front of him and caused him to lose his balance and the Plate fell on the lady's shoes and pant legs. My son felt embarassed and apologized but from looking at the lady's facial expression she wasn't too happy. We left after that and went to another section for lunch.

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Glad to see walking on board, in heels is challenging for a lot of women, not just me.


Formal Night, Carnival Glory - DH and I are walking to our table and I, (in slow motion !?!), listed to the right, tripped on my own feet, fell, and landed in the lap of a very surprised gentleman in a tuxedo seated at a table of 8. :eek:


Luckily there was no damage other than to my pride. The man said "Well hello, are you my appetizer?" Everyone in the vicinity, including my husband and I cracked up.


I turned beet red and still laughing, said "No, but thanks for the soft landing". Then I stood (DH actually pulled me up by the arm), apologized, and continued on to our table with DH holding my arm the whole time.


Every time I saw the man afterwards, he would ask if I needed a place to sit. :rolleyes:

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