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Sickness on Carnival Miracle


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Shane you came here to ask others what we thought yet in your latest reply you state
>>If they can confirm that I got the virus on their ship, and they took my card from me and confined me to a room, I still feel there should be compensation. Even if it's not their fault completely, I still feel that a company that large should do something to make the customer happy. <<

It is quite apparent you want compensation as stated above but your illness wasn't Carnivals fault. I would say go ahead and write a letter but honestly I think it's in poor taste, you sought help and ignored professional medical advice and now you want compensation for putting others at risk.

While you state you didn't roam the ship I am pretty sure in your trek from your room to the gangway you or your GF touched your door handle, you brushed by people, touched a wall rail, touched a stairway rail, opened a door, handed your key card to a staff person, possibly pushed an elevator button, come on and think about it.

I think your comment stating >>That morning, feeling much better I went to Panama because I felt like it. I paid for it and I still think I should be able to get off if I want<< just sounds very selfish and I have a son who will be 21 in June and would call him selfish if he wrote this. I know you didn't get the answers you were hoping for but I think you will come to realize why what you did really gets to people.

Take care~
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[quote name='davethomasowns']Hello all!

First, I would like to say that I am not a cheap person. I do not expect to get things for free and I work for the few things I have now. That being said, I had saved for about three monthes to surprise my girlfriend for her birthday with an 8-day cruise. We have both just turned 21 and I only have a part-time job being that I am attending college full-time. We sailed on March 6th on the Miracle, getting back yesterday. Overall it was a great week for us.

However... On the 7th (yeah, the very first sea day!) I awoke at 4am with VERY bad abdominal pains. I knew that I wasn't seasick (I have been in 14 foot waves and was fine,) but I felt like I was going to vomit. Ran to the bathroom and threw up more than I ever have in my life. Literally every 10 minutes I would have to go to the toilet and throw up for probably close to 7 or 8 hours. Nothing was left to come out. Throughout the day other gross symptoms occured that I don't want to discuss, and I spent the entire first day sicker than ever. The next day my body felt I had just got over a year-long flu. My bones and joints and every inch of my body hurt to move, and I had a terrible headache. I am not one to complain but honest to God I felt horrible. I slept most of the day and that evening the vomiting symptoms returned. I decided that I would go to the infirmary (Even though I knew they would rape my wallet... I did not get cruise insurance.) Come to find out it was a "Norwalk-Like Virus" and that since I had gotten it on the ship there was no charge. The doctor gave me a few medications and told me that I would be put on "Isolation" for 24 hours. I didn't think twice and went back to my room. That evening my girlfriend started complaining about stomach pains. Next thing you know she had the same violent vomiting and other symptoms. Hers only lasted maybe 2 hours, but everything was the same so I knew she had contracted my "disease." I gave her some of the medication they gave me and we went to sleep.

One of the main reasons why I chose this sailing was the stop at Panama so we definitly were not going to miss out on this port. Forgetting that they had put me on Isolation (which I still feel that the should not be allowed to do,) we went to leave the gangway in the morning. When he scanned my sail&sign, there was an obnoxious ringing sound. He did it again, with the same noise. I tried reading the screen and the only thing I could see was "4 New Messages." Anyhow, he seemed confused and let me by. We had a great day in Panama (even though Kaleigh slept most of the time because her body ached,) and we got back to the ship. When he scanned my card, the same noise rang again. This time the CAPTAIN of the boat was waiting there. He referred to me by name and asked me to please follow him into the infirmary. He repeatedly (more than 5 times) asked who the person was that let me through earlier in the day. I honestly could not picture him for some reason so I told him so. While he was questioning Kaleigh, I read a message that had been printed near one of the computers.

Attention all Carnival Crew Members:

This passenger: Shane Arsenault
has been let off the ship with a "potentially infectious disease."

Verbatim, it said that. An infectious disease. I found that rather embarassing to have lying around for people to be able to read. Either way they took my temperature and proceeded to check Kaleigh. They said hers was high, so they took my off of the Isolation and put her on.

We slept the entire next day and ended up enjoying the rest of the cruise. Even though we were not able to eat much (Mostly ate Lucky Charms and drank Caffiene-Free Sprite) we still enjoyed the other 2 ports and walking around the boat. To this moment, my stomach still has those weird pains so I was unable to drink any of the liquor I had smuggled. :)

Anyways... my question to you guys. Seeming how TWO WHOLE days were wasted (spent throwing up,) and we were constantly referred to as being "quarantined" and "in isolation," do you think there would be any chance of some sort of discount on a future booking? I understand that there's no chance of reimbursement, but I spent a lot of time and money planning this week and it was ruined because of a virus I got on their boat. I put everything I had into this surprise and so many things I had planned were ruined.

Do you think Carnival could do anything with giving a discount on a future booking? I am not scarred, and I will definitly cruise on Carnival again, I will just make sure to bring a LOT of hand sanitizers and soaps.

That being said, the Miracle was a beautiful ship and I really wish that I could have spent more time with the onboard activities.

Thanks for any opinions,
Shane Arsenault[/quote]

Dh & I just returned last week from 8 days on the Liberty. We sailed on Sat. and I became ill on Tues. so there was no doubt that I caught it on the ship. My DH became ill the following day. Carnival could not have been more kind! I didn't WANT to leave my cabin, I was very sick, but it was not Carnivals fault IMOP. We've cruised many times and consider ourselves fortunate that this was our first and hopefully last bout with this nasty bug. :eek:
I missed the only two islands I had not been on before.....so I guess we'll just have to do a return trip! :cool: On our own dime of course........;)
Luv's Crusin'
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[quote name='davethomasowns']I agree with what you are saying, but if I stayed at a hotel and got sick there should they be able to "Isolate" me and tell me I can't leave my hotel room? [/quote]

Years and years ago, I was in NYC with my Mom, Sister and Grandmother. We went to the World's Fair (I told you it was years and years ago :D). We were walking around the fair and I didn't feel very well. We got back to the hotel and my Mom called the front desk and they sent up a doctor who diagnosed me with German Measles. Well, the next day I got worse and when the Dr. came up again, he said...no, not German Measles, but you have Scarlett Fever. I was quarantined in the hotel room for 10 days! I could not leave the room. My sister and grandmother flew home and my Mom and I were stuck in that room forever, so it seemed. So, yes, I guess hotels can quarantine you if they think it's necessary.
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[quote name='sinkers22']Years and years ago, I was in NYC with my Mom, Sister and Grandmother. We went to the World's Fair (I told you it was years and years ago :D). We were walking around the fair and I didn't feel very well. We got back to the hotel and my Mom called the front desk and they sent up a doctor who diagnosed me with German Measles. Well, the next day I got worse and when the Dr. came up again, he said...no, not German Measles, but you have Scarlett Fever. I was quarantined in the hotel room for 10 days! I could not leave the room. My sister and grandmother flew home and my Mom and I were stuck in that room forever, so it seemed. So, yes, I guess hotels can quarantine you if they think it's necessary.[/quote]

I remember the old worlds fair. I used to go there with my parents every weekend when I was a kid. Yup, it was years and years ago. :p
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Gee, Sandi...thanks for reminding me how old I am...:D Yep, it was 1964. I'll never forget that trip. I couldn't watch TV much for the first couple of days and listened to the radio non-stop. Every time I hear the songs "My Guy" by Mary Wells, and "World Without Love" by Peter and Gordon, I'm back in that damn hotel room and I'm 14 again!..
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[quote name='sinkers22']Gee, Sandi...thanks for reminding me how old I am...:D Yep, it was 1964. I'll never forget that trip. I couldn't watch TV much for the first couple of days and listened to the radio non-stop. Every time I hear the songs "My Guy" by Mary Wells, and "World Without Love" by Peter and Gordon, I'm back in that damn hotel room and I'm 14 again!..[/quote]

Yes, 1964. I was 5 years old. :p I remember having the mumps when I was about 4 when we were vacationing in Florida. I still remember the doctor coming to visit. They didn't quarantine me though, but I'm sure my mother certainly didn't let me go out.
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=navy]I am one of those people that gets upset when someone comes into work sick. I actually have a can of Lysol at my desk, and get made fun of about my germ-phobia.[/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=navy]With that said, it is sad that society (generally speaking) has become very selfish. They believe that THEY paid for the cruise and THEY will do what they want to regardless of who the upset or INFECT. [/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=navy]This also is true with children either on a cruise or on land. The parents now don't think twice about taking their young children to the 8:30 seating at dinner because THEY enjoy this dinner time, and can't understand why the child is not behaving, and will not take the child and leave when it is apparent that they are disturbing other diners. (By the way I am a mother of 5 and Grandmother of 4 so I do understand kids, but I have many times removed myself and child as to not disturb people)[/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=navy]You get my general gripe, people are no longer considerate of others as they used to be. Very sad for our society.[/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=navy]Thanks for letting me rant, did not mean to offend anyone, just point out that this was a selfish act, most likely due to lack of knowledge, of how serious leaving his cabin was on his fellow cruisers.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=navy]Sue[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[quote name='sinkers22']I'm still waiting to hear how he and his girlfriend could book the cruise when they are both only 21![/QUOTE]

You only have to be 21... the only time you need somebody over 25 is when the others are UNDER 21. This is why I had to wait until she turned 21 before we could go.

And this thread is getting pretty pointless. I could understand if you guys would have just explained how I made the situation dangerous, but I really can't stand the judgment of my character. I apoplogize to whomever was by me when I walked off the ship and around in Panama, I honestly did not think there was a risk. I felt much better, and I still thought that it was physical contact. However, I did not directly risk any of you guys who are constantly degrading me.

It is done, I do not plan to contact Carnival now that I know that it was something neccesary, and I think I am just getting bummed out that it happened to me. This still does not make me immature, or a selfish "*****." I am sure that anybody in my situation would be disheartened. Several others felt the same way and were the ones that recommended I contact Carnival. Once again, I understand that it is not their direct fault, but huge companies like that want you to have a good experience. If something happens to prevent that, it seems that could help out in the future. Do not tell me that this has not happened before. When I came home, my Mother knowing how upset we were, had showed me several examples she found online where cruise companies reimbursed those who got sick. I dare not ask for reimbursement, but I figured they might have gave a small discount so I could cruise again.

I still think it's possible that I got it on the ship, as do they. I boarded on Thursday at around noon. I walked the ship all day, and ate in the dining room that night (Bloody steak that I originally thought had just given me food poisoning...) and then the next morning around 4am I got it. This strand of Norovirus was obviously different than others, seeming how the isolation was only for 24 hours when everyone here is stating I could have been contagious for 3 days. Carnival told me 24 hours, so why could the time that it took for my to show symptoms not be different?

Anyhow, I am done talking about it. Thank you very much to those who informed me more about it and understood my sorrow (haha,) and to those "adults" who felt the need to deform my character and insult me (I took the comments to heart,) I really hope that I never see any of you guys or get put into the same roll call as.

Have a nice day,
Shane A.
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To answer your question on how the ship can quarentine you. Did you read your Cruise Contract?

5(b) Carnival and the Master each reserves the right to refuse passage, disembark or [B][U][COLOR="Red"]confine to a stateroom[/COLOR][/U][/B] any Guest whose [COLOR="Red"][U][B]physical[/B][/U][/COLOR] or mental condition, or behavior would be considered in the sole opinion of the Captain and/or the ship's physician to [COLOR="Red"][U][B]constitute a risk[/B][/U][/COLOR] to the Guest's own well-being or that of any other Guest or crew member.

Even if you did not read it, you signed and acknowledged that you understood the terms of the contract. Thusly, the cruise line would not be obligated to refund you any amount of the fare.

Now had you bought the cruise insurance, there is a clause there that covers Trip Interruption. It would have prorated the day you were quarentined and refund it back to you.

Chalk it up as one of lifes learning experiances. But the most important thing to remember is how this can affect the entire ship.
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[quote name='davethomasowns']I agree with what you are saying, but if I stayed at a hotel and got sick there should they be able to "Isolate" me and tell me I can't leave my hotel room? I don't think that is right. I understand that they don't want it to spread, but the paperwork they gave me on my illness said it comes from contact and listed examples as eating/drinking after others. I can understand not going to public dining areas but c'mon, I paid a lot of money to be on the ship, I don't think that I should be stuck in my room. I should have been able to go to the shows, walk around, etc. That does not mean that I would have been contacting other people physically.

Also, they told me they feel that I contracted it on the ship. This is why they "waived" the $60 consultation fee and gave me the medication. I am curious if there were other cases on the ship that they didn't tell me about. There were several others in the medical room while I was there, and we overheard a younger girl saying she felt really sick.

I don't know. I understand what everybody is saying. I am not angry at Carnival, just obviously very upset that it happened to us. I guess it's more the whole "leaving notes out in the open that say I have an infectious disease" and the Captain heavily questioning me when they made the mistake and let me off the boat. Back to my previous example... if I go to Disney World, stay in a hotel and get sick there, should they be able to tell me I can't leave the room? That I can't go to the park even though I already paid admission? That is just insane to me. Once again, the price of this vacation was nearly 25% of my annual income from my part-time job. I simply don't understand how they could have not let me off the boat.[/quote]

This is why it is so hard to contain and infectious disease. Because folks like you do not understand the word quarintine and isolation and always have the "Why should I have to stay inside" attitude. What if what you had was something worse? You would have just spread it to half the continent with your trip off the boat. Not to mention the many more passengers you infected just by walking down to the gangway. Your lack of understanding is just unbelievable. And yes they can and should tell you to stay in your room.
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[quote name='Umbarger']I was on the NCL Dawn last November. There was a huge outbreak of Noro that the ship was having a very hard time controlling. A friend who was on the cruise was good friends with the CD asked why they were not able to control the outbreak. The CD said people who were quarantined were leaving their cabin and reinfecting the ship. He said he couldn't force them to stay in their cabin. The poor crew worked so hard cleaning and cleaning and cleaning. They even had to disinfect each menu in the dining room after it was handled.

I'm glad you were embarrassed. You should have been. Perhaps that will teach you. You left your cabin when you were told not to. Do rules not apply to you? You need to grow up.

Carnival owes you nothing. You owe Carnival and everyone on the cruise an apology for putting everyone at risk for your selfishness.[/quote]

I couldn't agree more!! This guy was told NOT to leave his room but decided to anyway. He put thousands of other passenagers at risk and now wants compensation!
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Just curious. I'm sure this is not the first time you have had the stomach flu. I know I got it as a kid a couple of times, and once the day after getting off a ship. My last bout was after eating in a Fridays. But I never know who the culprit is that gave it to me, as it's a contact to contact virus.

I never understand the concept of when someone gets a germ, someone owes them something.

But, it won't hurt to write to Carnival corporate. I've read some get a % off letter.

Just don't and never understand why they would be held responsible for something you got from someone who probably doesn't even work for a cruise line.
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[quote name='Theresa522']I couldn't agree more!! This guy was told NOT to leave his room but decided to anyway. He put thousands of other passenagers at risk and now wants compensation![/QUOTE]

I left because I felt that I was better. At the time, I did not know what I know about the illness now. I do not want compensation. Go back and read more clearly. I simply stated that others received compensation. I was wondering if Carnival would offer some sort of discount on a future booking, as a goodwill gesture. It is as simple as that. Like I said, these companies want you to have a good experience, and usually do everything in their power to do so.

Either way, there is no need for you to post your comment. You are providing no input to me, and simply stating how stupid you think my request was. If you want a "Let's downtalk Shane" discussion, start another thread and leave mine alone. I already stated that I am now more informed, I understand (somewhat) the virus, and I apologized to anybody I walked near. I do not plan to contact Carnival and I do wish that you save your breath and discontinue posting your feelings about me personally.

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[quote name='MrPete']Shane...

Just curious. I'm sure this is not the first time you have had the stomach flu. I know I got it as a kid a couple of times, and once the day after getting off a ship. My last bout was after eating in a Fridays. But I never know who the culprit is that gave it to me, as it's a contact to contact virus.

I never understand the concept of when someone gets a germ, someone owes them something.

But, it won't hurt to write to Carnival corporate. I've read some get a % off letter.

Just don't and never understand why they would be held responsible for something you got from someone who probably doesn't even work for a cruise line.[/QUOTE]

Hello. I have never really had a stomach virus. About two years ago I had a "Viral Infection" that put me out for service for about two weeks (In which I did stay in my room the whole time ;). The doctor made it really clear that it could be spread through the air. But besides a couple bad drinking nights, I have never really even thrown up before. The whole uncontrollable vomiting experience was not a good one.

I do not think they are responsible. I did get it on their ship, but that is the other passenger before me who had it, that left it there. I never really thought they were responsible, I just did not like being told what I could and could not do on a vacation. I NOW know that they did that for good reasons, but I know that the companies have helped others have better experiences when something like this has happened, because I read a lot of examples, which is why I posted this thread.

Either way, I am just leaving it alone and not contacting them. I still had fun the other days and I just look forward to going to St. Kitts soon.

Shane A.
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[quote name='Sandi149']Yes, 1964. I was 5 years old. :p [/quote]

Lordy, I LOVED the Worlds Fair! We lived in Yonkers at the time, so getting there was a breeze. Most of our summers of '64 and '65 were spent there. I still have my old World's Fair guide that my father got each of the three of us kids.

This past September, DD9 and I went to the US Open finals (Liza sang New York, New York). In between the doubles match and the mens final, we walked over to the unisphere. I was telling her about the place all those years ago. But what was really nice was the fountains were going on that HOT day, so it was really refreshing standing in that mist.

When we got home, I went on Google pictures and was amazed at all the pictures and illustrations I could find.

One of these days, I have to raid Moms basement and pull out all those slides.

Sorry, OP for the hijack!
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[quote name='MrPete']Lordy, I LOVED the Worlds Fair! We lived in Yonkers at the time, so getting there was a breeze. Most of our summers of '64 and '65 were spent there. I still have my old World's Fair guide that my father got each of the three of us kids.

This past September, DD9 and I went to the US Open finals (Liza sang New York, New York). In between the doubles match and the mens final, we walked over to the unisphere. I was telling her about the place all those years ago. But what was really nice was the fountains were going on that HOT day, so it was really refreshing standing in that mist.

When we got home, I went on Google pictures and was amazed at all the pictures and illustrations I could find.

One of these days, I have to raid Moms basement and pull out all those slides.

Sorry, OP for the hijack![/quote]

At that time I lived in Forest Hills so it was just a short car ride away for us. That's why we went practically every weekend.

Speaking of Liza. I actually met her about 8 years ago at a business function that my husband and I were invited to. It was held at the NASDAQ headquarters in the city and my husband and I were about to leave and get on the elevator. The door opened and out walks Liza and her then fiance. (I think she divorced him). Anyway, I don't know what made me be so bold but I walked right up to her, stuck out my hand and said "I never expected to see you here".....LOL!!!! :D She was talking to us for a few minutes and was quite nice.
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So sorry you and your girlfriend got sick - sounds like it was awful but I'm glad you were still able to have some good days.

We're on the Miracle in about a month and I'll take extra precautions, though you can't protect yourself from everything I suppose.

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[quote name='davethomasowns']You only have to be 21... the only time you need somebody over 25 is when the others are UNDER 21. This is why I had to wait until she turned 21 before we could go.

And this thread is getting pretty pointless. I could understand if you guys would have just explained how I made the situation dangerous,

[B][COLOR=darkgreen]Pumpkin, EVERYONE here has been telling you how you made the situation dangerous, you just choose not to listen! When you made the decision to get off the ship in Panama, you endangered every single person on that ship! When you left the ship, no doubt you touched handrails, merchandise, chairs, counters, toilets....everything you touched the entire time you were either leaving the ship, or while you were in Panama, endangered everyone who came after you! Please....be an adult and say "I screwed up, my bad" and let's be done with it! Stop trying to explain away your actions, because there is no excuse for your actions. Part of being an adult is admitting fault, without excuse.[/COLOR][/B]
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[quote name='cruiselover999'][quote name='davethomasowns'][B][COLOR=darkgreen]Pumpkin, EVERYONE here has been telling you how you made the situation dangerous, you just choose not to listen! When you made the decision to get off the ship in Panama, you endangered every single person on that ship! When you left the ship, no doubt you touched handrails, merchandise, chairs, counters, toilets....everything you touched the entire time you were either leaving the ship, or while you were in Panama, endangered everyone who came after you! Please....be an adult and say "I screwed up, my bad" and let's be done with it! Stop trying to explain away your actions, because there is no excuse for your actions. Part of being an adult is admitting fault, without excuse.[/COLOR][/B][/quote]

I understand that. You are telling me how I made it dangerous. Maybe that would have been more helpful BEFORE I left the ship in Panama. I appreciate the advice now, but it is sort of useless to continue lecturing me. Either way, I think I already made it clear that I am apologetic about risking the health of others, but I know longer need to hear how much of an "idiot" I am.

I appreciate posters like you. You guys informed me. Thank you. The ones that cursed me out and tell me that my girlfriend shouldn't be with me, where the hell do you get the right to say stuff like that to me? I do not want your help and I am simply asking those people to leave me alone and go away.

Shane A.
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[quote name='davethomasowns']I left because I felt that I was better. At the time, I did not know what I know about the illness now. I do not want compensation. Go back and read more clearly.

Shane with the exception of a few posters being REALLY harsh in your mind, there are those of us who are trying to give you our opinion. It's getting hard because of the responses..above you state you do not want compensation yet this is what you wrote earlier

>>>> I still feel there should be compensation. Even if it's not their fault completely, I still feel that a company that large should do something to make the customer happy. <<

Do you see where the confusion lies?

>>You are telling me how I made it dangerous. Maybe that would have been more helpful BEFORE I left the ship in Panama<<

This part gets me...you were told to go to your cabin and stay in there but you didn't ask why and they never told you why???? Did you just nod your head and go to your cabin without so much as asking why you couldn't leave? I find it very hard to believe the ships dr's didn't tell you why and if for some reason they didn't you should have asked. I honestly feel badly for you, your taking this very hard.

You have to remember you came to a public forum asking for advice/opinions and sadly you got some that offended you but that is life on a public forum. Hell I could go at it day and night with people who have replied to me and said how sorry they are that my DH went to Iraq or how I am a horrible parent because I take my child out of school for a cruise but you know what Shane I pick my battles. I state my beliefs and leave it at that, if you feel strongly about your issues then by all means write to Carnival but don't let the responses you asked for get you down. You admit you know more now then you did then, it's done, it's over and it's time to move on.

I give you props for all you did to make this a nice cruise for you and your GF, I don't know if my son would have been able to pull something like that off or not. Only you can make a decision that will put your mind at ease and all the advice in the world can't make up your mind for you. We can't change your mind and you can't make others see things your way, that's life.

Move on and remember the great times you did have on this cruise and focus on great things you have coming your way in life.
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everyone piles on when someone's down. :(
I'm not entering into the discussion about what you should or shouldn't have done. Seems enough has been said. And rest assured that you were not the only person to unknowingly contribute to a Worldwide Pandemic and the End of Civilization as we know it :eek:
I only wanted to add how sorry I was that you and your girlfriend got sick. My first thought was "Oh, no! This is the cutie pie (I'm reeeeeally old) who had all those questions when he was planning the surprise cruise for his girlfriend." Glad your cruise was not a total disaster. Hope you get back to St. Kitt's - it might be our favorite island so far. Maybe a wedding cruise?
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[quote name='davethomasowns']You only have to be 21... the only time you need somebody over 25 is when the others are UNDER 21. This is why I had to wait until she turned 21 before we could go.

And this thread is getting pretty pointless. I could understand if you guys would have just explained how I made the situation dangerous, but I really can't stand the judgment of my character. I apoplogize to whomever was by me when I walked off the ship and around in Panama, I honestly did not think there was a risk. I felt much better, and I still thought that it was physical contact. However, I did not directly risk any of you guys who are constantly degrading me.

It is done, I do not plan to contact Carnival now that I know that it was something neccesary, and I think I am just getting bummed out that it happened to me. This still does not make me immature, or a selfish "*****." I am sure that anybody in my situation would be disheartened. Several others felt the same way and were the ones that recommended I contact Carnival. Once again, I understand that it is not their direct fault, but huge companies like that want you to have a good experience. If something happens to prevent that, it seems that could help out in the future. Do not tell me that this has not happened before. When I came home, my Mother knowing how upset we were, had showed me several examples she found online where cruise companies reimbursed those who got sick. I dare not ask for reimbursement, but I figured they might have gave a small discount so I could cruise again.

I still think it's possible that I got it on the ship, as do they. I boarded on Thursday at around noon. I walked the ship all day, and ate in the dining room that night (Bloody steak that I originally thought had just given me food poisoning...) and then the next morning around 4am I got it. This strand of Norovirus was obviously different than others, seeming how the isolation was only for 24 hours when everyone here is stating I could have been contagious for 3 days. Carnival told me 24 hours, so why could the time that it took for my to show symptoms not be different?

Anyhow, I am done talking about it. Thank you very much to those who informed me more about it and understood my sorrow (haha,) and to those "adults" who felt the need to deform my character and insult me (I took the comments to heart,) I really hope that I never see any of you guys or get put into the same roll call as.

Have a nice day,
Shane A.[/quote]

I see both sides of the issue here. But I agree there are a couple of posters here who have crossed the line in their replies. Thats what clicking on the triangle is for. But some people get off being nasty.
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