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Sickness on Carnival Miracle


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Just have to tell you that sorry you had to experience such a craptastic virus, but I don't think they'll do anything.

I woke up last Sunday at 5 am sick as a dog. I thought it was the chicken I had had the night before. I definitely commend you being able to walk around somewhere less than 24 hours after the doctor visit!! Yesterday was the first day I've actually felt well enough to eat/do anything.
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[quote name='SueW'][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=navy]I am one of those people that gets upset when someone comes into work sick. I actually have a can of Lysol at my desk, and get made fun of about my germ-phobia.[/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=navy]With that said, it is sad that society (generally speaking) has become very selfish. They believe that THEY paid for the cruise and THEY will do what they want to regardless of who the upset or INFECT. [/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=navy]This also is true with children either on a cruise or on land. The parents now don't think twice about taking their young children to the 8:30 seating at dinner because THEY enjoy this dinner time, and can't understand why the child is not behaving, and will not take the child and leave when it is apparent that they are disturbing other diners. (By the way I am a mother of 5 and Grandmother of 4 so I do understand kids, but I have many times removed myself and child as to not disturb people)[/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=navy]You get my general gripe, people are no longer considerate of others as they used to be. Very sad for our society.[/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=navy]Thanks for letting me rant, did not mean to offend anyone, just point out that this was a selfish act, most likely due to lack of knowledge, of how serious leaving his cabin was on his fellow cruisers.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=navy]Sue[/COLOR][/FONT][/quote]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=blue]Sue,[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=#0000ff]I'm with you on that one. I'm a nurse in L&D and get furious when people come in sick. With anything other than allergies that is. Not only can you get co-workers sick, but our patients as well. And yet our Boss did that last year.... I was sick for a week...lol..... We use the germicidal wipes frequently..... Which I think they should use more in the internet room on cruises. Do you all know how many germs are on keyboards??? It's narly..... [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=blue]Ok everyone..... This thread has become pretty rough. The OP has admitted he did wrong by getting off the ship. And if he didn't understand all that this virus entails, yes, he should of asked. But now he knows the difference. Yes, he could have made 1000's sick and it was irresponsible. But come on..... Have none of you made a mistake? There's lot's of scenarios that I could bring up that I'm sure everyone has done once or twice but where would that get us. It's been educational here and maybe a little more education would benefit everyone.....And I think each cruiseline should put a section in our documents that talks about Norovirus or getting sick in general. It's the same thing with viruses from colds. You can infect everyone around you due to the close environment. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=blue]Hand washing, hand washing and more hand washing. If your sick, stay in your room. If you can't eat regular food, sip on ice chips or 7 up to keep hydrated. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=#0000ff]But to keep harping on him isn't beneficial to this thread. He gets the point. But when you keep saying nasty things as some have said, a wall goes up and folks tend to listen to no one. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[quote name='sassy0930']OP-

HOW SELFISH!! I am surprised someone wants to marry someone who doesn't think of anyone but himself. Harsh yes, true, YES!!

To think that you care more about seeing panama than whether or not other people have to suffer the same way as you just did just makes me furious.

I say write a letter to Carnival and tell them exactly who you are so they can ban you from all their lines. I hope you don't cruise again![/quote]

First of all, To those who replied to Shane with all your nasty comments like this, and from Don who, instead of being informative, were very rude. This IS my future son-in-law and my daughter and him ARE very responsible people, college bound hard working people. Yes some things they may have done should have been different, but he realizes this and is sorry as you can see by his final posts. He was asking for advice, that's all and some of you were very rude by calling him a selfish********??? Come on! Who is the grown up here.

Second, to those who replied with some knowledge of solutions, thank you very much!!
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Shane sorry you 2 were sick on your cruise. Unless they did a stool sample to verify norovirus you could have also got a form of food poisoning.
Look at it this way, at least you were able to get off in Panama.
It won't hurt to write them a letter. Good Luck!
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[quote name='sinkers22']I'm still waiting to hear how he and his girlfriend could book the cruise when they are both only 21![/quote]

Still trying to figure out how this is relevant to the topic.

OP, sorry you got sick. It is very unfortunate and I agree that you should stay in quarantine and Carnival does not/will not compensate you.

But man, some of the people on these boards!!!! I cannot believe the harsh rudeness of you folks. Get over yourselves.

OP has been educated of the dangers of infectious diseases on ships, can we move past the degrading, insulting remarks?
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I suppose this post touch a nerve in cruisers. I don't think it is because we are cruel and mean. Most people have said they are sorry the OP got sick and they understand how disappointing it is to be ill on their holiday. But what set off the posts are the attitude of entitlement from the OP. In his original and subsequent posts, his tone os that of entitlement. That he is entitle to go to Panama if he wants to and that he should be compensate because he lost two days. whyt can't he do this or that when he has paid for it. When something bad happens, it must be someone else's fault. Yes he work very hard to go on this cruise. Yes he is a nice guy. But it is his attitude that bother people.

This says more about the society we live in more that the OP. Young people (and many old people too) goes through life with this same attitude.
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[quote name='sinkers22']I'm still waiting to hear how he and his girlfriend could book the cruise when they are both only 21![/QUOTE]

It's already been answered but here it goes again. ;)
The only reason you would need someone in the cabin the age of 25 or older is if the other person you are sailing with is UNDER 21.
All people [U]under the age of 21 [/U]who are sailing, need an adult 25 or over in the cabin with them. Anybody can book a cruise if they are 21 or older.
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Either way, I am just leaving it alone and not contacting them. I still had fun the other days and I just look forward to going to St. Kitts soon.

Shane A.[/quote]

Shane ...sorry you were sick...sorry you are being blasted...I hope you are now educated on sickness and a cruiseship.

As for the ones who have been blasting you...just ignore them as they seem to get"off" on doing this.

You probably will not read this as "they " probably scared off another
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[quote name='yaletown605']I suppose this post touch a nerve in cruisers. I don't think it is because we are cruel and mean. Most people have said they are sorry the OP got sick and they understand how disappointing it is to be ill on their holiday. But what set off the posts are the attitude of entitlement from the OP. In his original and subsequent posts, his tone os that of entitlement. That he is entitle to go to Panama if he wants to and that he should be compensate because he lost two days. whyt can't he do this or that when he has paid for it. When something bad happens, it must be someone else's fault. Yes he work very hard to go on this cruise. Yes he is a nice guy. But it is his attitude that bother people.

This says more about the society we live in more that the OP. Young people (and many old people too) goes through life with this same attitude.[/QUOTE]

I appreciate your criticism of the situation, but you are wrong. I think maybe the problem was the way I worded things. The attitude you say I have is nonexistent. I was quickly typing that post and maybe the wording I chose make me sound like a different person. Yes, at the time I did not know how contagious it was, or how it spreads, so I was simply angry they "Isolated" me. I still feel weird being told what to do on my vacation, but I completely understand why they did so.

To all of the others that were beneficial to me, and broadened my knowledge on a lot of things (About the sickness as well as about how certain people can be arrogant and get off on making others angry,) thank you for the help. I still enjoyed the trip, I do not plan on contacting Carnival, and the situation is dead. Thanks to those being so kind, and DJWood, I was not scared off! I understand that the interent presents a way for people to let all of their emotions out. People act on here in ways they never would in person, and they certainly do not hold their tongue. They told me how they feel, and now I simply hope I never have to communicate with those individuals at al ever again. I could never leave Cruise Critic! I spend hours a day on here. :)

Shane Arsenault
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[quote name='davethomasowns']To all of the others that were beneficial to me, and broadened my knowledge on a lot of things (About the sickness as well as about how certain people can be arrogant and get off on making others angry,) thank you for the help. I still enjoyed the trip, I do not plan on contacting Carnival, and the situation is dead. Thanks to those being so kind, and DJWood, I was not scared off! I understand that the interent presents a way for people to let all of their emotions out. People act on here in ways they never would in person, and they certainly do not hold their tongue. They told me how they feel, and now I simply hope I never have to communicate with those individuals at al ever again. I could never leave Cruise Critic! I spend hours a day on here. :)

Shane Arsenault[/quote]

Good for you! That is why this site is so beneficial, the knowledge to be gained is immense.

I guess it is just unfortunate that others feel the need to ridicule one another just to make a point. Glad you aren't leaving the boards.
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[quote name='my3boys495']I followed your story before you left about how you were planning this surprise trip for your girlfriend. So did you ever get to propose to your girlfriend?


Well it was a surprise for her birthday. It wasn't for a proposal. Although that is eventually going to happen (once we're financially independent,) that is not for a year or two more. :D

The surprise did go over well though. She cried for about 15 minutes, and then we had to get started packing!

Shane Arsenault
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I, too, was on the Miracle the week that this couple was on and I heard of other people who got sick and had to be isolated.

I avoided the virus but a few days after we returned home, my husband and I and 3 other people (in 2 other rooms) began itching from bug bites. My husband has many of them, and I have a few. I've been reading the boards and I can't decided if they are from sand fleas or bed bugs. Its so weird that the itching started after we returned. Can bed bugs do that?

Also, I was disappointed with the cleanliness of my room when we moved in on embarkation day--several items had been left in my room (large things that shouldn't have been missed) and the drawers were dirty (I wish I'd brought some anti-bacterial wipes to clean the room when I boarded.) I'm kicking myself now that I didn't have them re-clean it but I was so happy to be on board that I let it go and the room seemed clean the rest of the time.

Any thoughts?
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First off, I'm very sorry you got sick, and I feel your pain first hand. The norovirus spread through my office last month. We had almost an entire floor out sick one day (15 people or more), myself included. The virus is HIGHLY contagious and horrendous. It all started with one person, who came to work with it on Monday, and EVERYONE got violentley ill on Wednesday night / Thursday morning. If this person had just stayed home we probably would have all been healthy.

I feel terrible for you, but please think of the 3,000 people you were putting at risk by leaving your room. Even something as small as touching an elevator button or door handle can infect countless people. Please don't think I'm flaming you, just trying to provide another perspective.
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[quote name='davethomasowns'] if I go to Disney World, stay in a hotel and get sick there, should they be able to tell me I can't leave the room? That I can't go to the park even though I already paid admission? [/quote]

Different circumstances. A ship is an enclosed environment unlike an amusement park. If you were that sick on land, you probably would have gone to an ER with a good chance of hospitalization.
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[quote name='davethomasowns']I agree with what you are saying, but if I stayed at a hotel and got sick there should they be able to "Isolate" me and tell me I can't leave my hotel room? I don't think that is right. I understand that they don't want it to spread, but the paperwork they gave me on my illness said it comes from contact and listed examples as eating/drinking after others. I can understand not going to public dining areas but c'mon, I paid a lot of money to be on the ship, I don't think that I should be stuck in my room. I should have been able to go to the shows, walk around, etc. That does not mean that I would have been contacting other people physically.

Also, they told me they feel that I contracted it on the ship. This is why they "waived" the $60 consultation fee and gave me the medication. I am curious if there were other cases on the ship that they didn't tell me about. There were several others in the medical room while I was there, and we overheard a younger girl saying she felt really sick.

I don't know. I understand what everybody is saying. I am not angry at Carnival, just obviously very upset that it happened to us. I guess it's more the whole "leaving notes out in the open that say I have an infectious disease" and the Captain heavily questioning me when they made the mistake and let me off the boat. Back to my previous example... if I go to Disney World, stay in a hotel and get sick there, should they be able to tell me I can't leave the room? That I can't go to the park even though I already paid admission? That is just insane to me. Once again, the price of this vacation was nearly 25% of my annual income from my part-time job. I simply don't understand how they could have not let me off the boat.[/quote]

The Noro Virus is an extremely aggressive virus that can affect everyone you come in contact with - and it can spread through [B]indirect[/B] contact.

For the elderly, it can be potentially life threatening.

You and your girl went out into port. Where other ships go too.

Can you imagine how wide spread this could be in a short amount of time? That is the reason for the quarrantine.

The fact that you could have infected the entire ship, the port, and other cruise lines by violating the quarrantine..?

Call Carnival and tell them how they ruined your vacation and demand compensation. It's soooo not fair to ask you to stay in your room.

And yes, your girl would've been quarrantined too. I guess that's why you didnt bother to have her report to the infirmary.

But hey - let's go to the show! Let's go eat at the buffet! Who cares about anyone else? I should obviously be allowed to do anything I want because I paid for it - right?

It's sucks to get sick - and for that you have my compassion - but the rest? I'm simply grateful I wasnt on your sailing.

Reminds me of the guy that got mad at Carnival because he was bleeding internally and Carnival put him off the ship so he could seek proper medical attention.
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i think part of the problem with people on this board is how they are reading the original op's message. I met shane on the cruise and both he and his girlfriend are kind people, and were not selfish in any way getting off of the ship. he was asking if they did any type of compensation because other people got it in the past, he does not come off as a person who feels entitled to it and demanding it. I feel like some of you are reading his post as he is demanding so much from carnival. all he was doing was asking for more experienced cruisers opinions. Yes he got valuable advice that he shouldnt have gotten off the ship-to late he did-and you know what im sure there were tons of other people who were sick who didnt go to the ship doctor who got off the boat too and who wandered around the boat all day and possibly spread some disease, so you shouldnt harp on him so badly. for those of you who complain about him i feel bad for you that you have to degrade someone on a message board that you have never met, if that makes you feel better about yourself then thats too bad, but he asked a question, he got an answer, hes sorry for risking anyones health, let it go already
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[quote name='luvmytbear']No, HIPPA laws do not apply on board the ship.

HIPPA laws do not legally apply to any medical facility which has two or less practicing physicians in any type of specialty. Most small practices will apply them as a gesture of goodwill, but are not legally required to do so. As far as I recall (and I could be wrong) there is usually only one physician on board; maybe two.

(I'm a Health Information Management major. I know my HIPPA inside, outside, forwards, and backwards! lol :) )

Sorry, it's HIPAA, not HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). The OCR (Office for Civil Rights) who has enforcement responsibility says:

"[FONT=TimesNewRomanPSMT]Every health care provider, regardless of size, who [/FONT][FONT=TimesNewRomanPSMT]electronically transmits health information in connection with certain transactions, is a covered entity."[/FONT]
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If you're not completely sick of the topic, what you might do is to write to Carnival and tell them that you contracted the disease, but felt that the ship/doctor provided insufficient information to you. If there isn't already, there should be an information sheet handed out to all passengers who may have Norovirus giving the various aspects of the disease that you felt weren't presented clearly. It would benefit untold numbers of subsequent passengers.
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I am kind of wondering if the infection was spread to other people that the OP was not aware of after he got sick. He did take a shore tour and I assume he rode a bus like I did. He came into contact with other people such as tour guides and locals. Anyone who used that bus afterward could get sick. What about people from other ships? Perhaps a person from another ship was visiting the same area and came into contact then got sick and spread it around their ship. :eek: Stretching it a little maybe. But who knows.
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Sounds like your CC name describes you to a capital T! You must think you own the whole world and no one else matters!
I had the same thing on the Liberty two weeks ago, but I did what I was told to do by the nurse/Dr in the infirmary.......stayed in my cabin! I had been on board 4 days before I got sick so there was no doubt that I caught it on the ship. Hope I don't ever have to sail with you. You are a very selfish young man!
Luv's Crusin'
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[QUOTE=Luv's Crusin';13935369]Sounds like your CC name describes you to a capital T! You must think you own the whole world and no one else matters!
I had the same thing on the Liberty two weeks ago, but I did what I was told to do by the nurse/Dr in the infirmary.......stayed in my cabin! I had been on board 4 days before I got sick so there was no doubt that I caught it on the ship. Hope I don't ever have to sail with you. You are a very selfish young man!
Luv's Crusin'[/QUOTE]

Thanks for your very valuable opinion! :) I, too, hope that I never sail with you. Actually, I hope I never even have to read one of your posts again.

Edit: Dave Thomas is the founder of Wendy's, not my name.
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