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15 Day trip to Egypt - the travel notes, by Seafun


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Seafun - Thanks for sharing your notes. We are heading to Egypt in October 2008, and I enjoyed reading your "diary".


We have signed up with Insight Vacations and will be cruising both the Nile (MS Giselle or MS Miriam) and Lake Nasser (MS Prince Abbas). I'm assuming that these boats are shared by multiple tour groups. Does anyone on this board have any information on these boats?


I noticed in the pictures that a few people were wearing shorts. Given that it will be still warm in October, we were contemplating shorts too. Did you feel comfortable wearing shorts everywhere?


Thanks in advance!

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Does Gate 1 allow you to pick the cabin? When I was on Danube river cruise we got to pick our own cabin. The higher level the more expensive. The Jan 2009 already sold out but Feb and March still available. I would like to go when it is not too hot. I think Feb or Mar is perfect for me. I copy your post in to Microsoft word and print it out. It is much easier to read than read from the computer. I still reading it. It is my night time reading material:D. After I finished it should help me make a better decision if Egypt is for me. I will also sent a copy to another couple that will take the next trip with me. It should help them make a decision too.

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Travelbug -- No, Gate 1 does not allow you to choose -- it's purely luck of the draw as to where you are assigned. The good news, you don't pay extra for upper decks... the bad news, you could get stuck on a lower deck near the engine room.


On my trip in February, the ship wasn't full and no one got a room on the lowest floor.


On the Grand Circle Travel you choose your deck and pay more for higher decks.


January will be cool, February had a few warm days (75 - 80) but cool nights and early mornings, March would be a little warmer but still very pleasant and not too hot (although there are sometimes wind storms in March).


Imelda & Mario, I see you posting on "the other thread" on Trip Advisor, so I know you're finding answers to your questions about the Giselle and Miriam. (You can always do searches on both boards, or even Google for "MS Giselle Egypt Nile reviews" or something similar... :) You may be able to search for reviews for Insight Vacations Egypt trips.


The reviews that I've seen for both those ships seem to be more favorable than the ship I was on, so I think they would be just fine.


I think you would be comfortable wearing shorts most places in October. I tried to wear mostly neutral (LOL, "sand" colored clothes, to blend in) and never was stared at. I would stay away from real bright colors or U.S. logo clothing, but that's just my preference to try and blend in as much as possible. Again, a search about "acceptable clothing" or "shorts in temples" should give you more answers.


I hope you're all doing lots of research and savoring the anticipation of your trips! :D

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You're so accurate on your count, I assume you must have a calendar where you've marked the countdown... :)

I have to tell you that I'm looking forward to your wide angle camera shots. I'm a complete novice at photography -- as I said, operating on the theory that if you take 1,000 photos, some of them are bound to turn out well. I managed to get a lot of photos I like, but I'll be curious to see what the wide angle will do. ("Does this wide angle make me look fat?" :p )

Keep counting down those days.... :D

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Just back from Egypt and Jordan and had a fabulous trip. Thanks a lot to you, Seafun, for some great pre-trip inspiration and travel tips. I was so glad I read about how many pictures you took and ran out and bought an extra 1G memory card the day before I left. I took almost 1000 pictures in 16 days and easily could've taken more!


The situation with coffee that I asked about was no problem. I took Vivarin pills with me (one is the same caffeine as a 16 oz cup of coffee) so on the mornings we had early flights and took our breakfast from the hotel in a bag I was able to get my caffeine fix from that. Otherwise the coffee in our hotels (5-star) was excellent (I guess it's all Nescafe) and by the end of the trip I was even drinking it with milk not black since my mom was fine doing that.


I can't say enough good things about both Egypt and Jordan -- guess I'll start a new thread and write some of it so people can ask questions. I was very pleased with the company I booked through and would recommend them. Hope everyone planning their trips has a great a time as we did!

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You're so accurate on your count, I assume you must have a calendar where you've marked the countdown... :)

I have to tell you that I'm looking forward to your wide angle camera shots. I'm a complete novice at photography -- as I said, operating on the theory that if you take 1,000 photos, some of them are bound to turn out well. I managed to get a lot of photos I like, but I'll be curious to see what the wide angle will do. ("Does this wide angle make me look fat?" :p )

Keep counting down those days.... :D


Hi Seafun,

I have an event counter that pops up when I start the computer in the morning. It has a pic of the ship on it. I believe do believe in taking lots of pics. Luck is great, but there is no reason not to help the odds in getting a few good pics. :) I can't wait to take pictures in Egypt. There are just so many photo ops. The good thing about taking pics with a wide angle is that I am not the one looking fatter, because I am behind the lens. :D

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I have to work all weekend, including tomorrow (gotta pay for these fabulous vacations somehow...), and I just got home from work to read your comment:

The good thing about taking pics with a wide angle is that I am not the one looking fatter, because I am behind the lens. :D


Very funny. Thanks for making me laugh.

Now it's off to the grocery store (dressed in something "slimming," of course...) for a steak and shrimp to throw on the "Barbie." You can be sure, I'll be chuckling all the way. :D

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A poster just asked me again about the "quality" of the ships used in the Nile cruises.

I've hinted at it before, -- the "star ratings of a Nile cruise," but a posting on another board today reminded me of it again... and I thought I'd share her thoughts:

"In terms of the ship, I personally think that after being on a cruise liner, you are a bit let down on the river boat (the food on this boat was a bit redundant and bland). I think our entire group (40 people) was very happy to begin the next leg of our trip and to get off of the boat.


Having said that, I would do it all over again in a heartbeat and am very glad that we did this trip. When the boats dock, there are approximately 4 boats that attach at the lobbies. So if your boat is further out, you have to walk through the lobbies of the first few boats to get to yours. With the exception of the Abercrombie boat (which looked lavish, though I wouldn’t pay the money for it) all the boats looked very similar.


Before our trip, we did A LOT of research about the accommodations etc. and really got exactly what we were expecting, so we really weren’t let down in the least.


Let me make a strong suggestion….many many many of us got “mummy tummy” (the guides have medication to give to the tourists in their groups….there were so many of us that got sick all on the first night on the ship that our guide ran out of the medicine by the second day). We had also read about this and had friends that had gone and suggested bringing food with us from home.


We brought boxes of crackers etc. and were so thankful for it. I got “mummy tummy” on the first night on the ship and lived on my crackers for the next five days in fear of the food/water. We shared our food with our fellow travelers who also got sick. I literally only ate breakfast once on the ship, a couple of lunches, and about 3.5 dinners. The rest of the time I ate my own food along with the Antinal provided by the guide (when I felt better, when we were docked, we ate at local restaurants for authentic food and loved it).


I would highly recommend this 15 day tour. I would just recommend people not going with the anticipation/expectation of a 5 star vacation.


We heard many people complaining about the accommodations (I loved the resorts personally), but I don’t think they did as much research, thus, having higher expectations.


We went into this trip for exploration as opposed to vacation and got exactly what we wanted out of this trip and were more than pleased. This ship (Ramses King of the Nile) did have better reviews than the Sheeba and our guide told us that it was an upgrade, but honestly from what I saw of the lobby and pictures of the Sheeba, this ship didn’t look all that much different (with the only exception of the elevator)."


Her review of the Nile cruise boat was more critical than mine, but I think it's important to repeat and stress that this is not a major cruise line cruise ship. If you go expecting a lavish floating resort, your vacation will probably be a huge disappointment.

I viewed the ship as a location to watch the "life on the Nile" go by -- to me, that was what I was there to experience.

I wasn't thrilled with the food choices all the time, but it was certainly acceptable, and sometimes very nice. And how many people get sick on a cruise depends on a lot of things, "mummy tummy" included.

The whole trip with Gate 1 fulfilled my expectations and exceeded many of them. (And the price was great.) But as the poster mentioned, if you do your homework, and know what to expect at each step of the way, you will minimize your chances of being surprised or disappointed.

I hope that makes sense to you. Read up on as many aspects of your trip as you can before you go. Guidebooks, websites, and, oh yes, incredibly long threads like this! :eek:




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Has anyone else read this news item today?


Newly discovered remnants of a pyramid at Sakkara -- as if there wasn't enough to explore there already! :D

I swear, Zawi Hawass must have 100 new tombs and treasures up his sleeve, which he unveils one at a time, to keep us going back to Egypt again and again! :rolleyes:

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Has anyone else read this news item today?




Newly discovered remnants of a pyramid at Sakkara -- as if there wasn't enough to explore there already! :D


I swear, Zawi Hawass must have 100 new tombs and treasures up his sleeve, which he unveils one at a time, to keep us going back to Egypt again and again! :rolleyes:


Yes, I heard about this but had not seen this particular article. I love to watch Zahi Hawass on TV because he is so passionate about discovering new things. I think you are right that he loves to unveil things one at a time and make it mysterious to keep everyone interested in going back to Egypt. I wonder how far this is from the Step Pyramid in Sakkara?

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....because it was one of the thrills of my life and not too many people can appreciate it - but last year when we visited Egypt with OAT, our guide's family was old friends with Dr. Zahi Hawass. When I and another tour member acted like Dr. Hawass groupies when she told us this, she whipped out her cell phone and CALLED him, and we BOTH got to speak to him personally. That voice!! That passion!! Just like you see it. He asked us a lot of questions about our feelings about Egypt etc. It's still a highlight! DH took a photo of me on the phone talking to him, isn't that silly? :D

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Actually, I'm rather jealous -- although an "audience" or lecture in person would be more up my alley. ;)

In fact, I've just finished watching a great National Geographic special on King Tut that was on cable tonight, with -- you guessed it -- Zawi Hawass, confering with the great grandson of Lord Carnarvon, as they discussed various aspects of Tut's life and death. I DO love watching the specials on Egypt in HD TV -- almost like being there all over again... :rolleyes:

And you know, we'd love for you to post the photo, LOL. :D

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You guys keep talking about all these specials on tv...are you finding them anywhere special because I can't. I found one called the Seven Wonders that had a grat overview of Egypt, but I am so in love with the egyptain history that I would love to be able to see more before I go on my trip in February.


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Most of the Egypt shows are on the National Geographic Channel. I have seen most of the shows several times, but new ones do come out periodically. They normally run them all around the same time frame, like for an Egyptian week. Check the Nat Geo website and you should be able to find when they are running them again.

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Before our Egypt trip, I ordered all the Egypt DVDs I could find from Netflix. We watched, learned, absorbed as much as possiblke so that we could have a better understanding of what we were seeing. Netflix has a ton of shows. we even rewatched "Death on the Nile" and "Cleopatra".


When we mentioned Zawi Hawass to our guide, who also had a PHD in Egyptology, he sorta laughed. Seems like Hawass is more the cheerleader than an actual archeologist. The other egyptologists don't mind though because we were told that "real scientists" lack the personality and charisma of Hawass so they enjoy letting him "steal the limelight" while they do the work. I thought it was an interesting take on someone so highly visible.

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Seafun, Thanks for appreciating what a thrill this was for me! Though even for you I cannot post the photo DH took, because it's so AWFUL. I look like the groupie that I felt like! Our guide did try to arrange for us to meet him later in the tour (she had called him from Luxor & we were returning to Cairo at the end of the tour), but at the time he'd had a head or eye injury (I can't remember which) and had just returned to Egypt from having it treated in the US. He was most apologetic about still feeling under the weather, can you imagine? It was truly an amazing experience. P.S. If we ever share a repeat visit to Egypt, I promise I'll bring the photo for your private viewing LOL. :D

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I understand your hesitation. :D I can't tell you how many pictures of myself I have where I look like a total fool. That comes along with my "take 1,000 because at least ten will turn out great" philosophy of photography.


Maybe I should start a thread of foolish travel photos -- for those brave enough to post them. ;)


Anyone else need a laugh?? :p


The sign in the third photo, "Closed for Restoration," was appropriate for describing my gastrointestinal challenges at the time. :D




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Maybe I should start a thread of foolish travel photos -- for those brave enough to post them. ;)


Anyone else need a laugh?? :p



Your pictures did make me laugh so I decided to post one too.


A boy about 10 years old posed me for these photos at Giza and of course he wanted a tip! I had no idea how the pictures were going to turn out but I look pretty goofy! He is in one of the pictures waving.


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By the way, nice ones Traveler50. :D


I just found this today and had to share it with you...




A picture is worth a thousand words... :rolleyes:


Thanks for the link....that was great and gave me some good ideas...in fact I started to use that same music for my slideshow but it just didn't fit the mood of my show....but it was perfect for what they did!


We are in countdown mode for our British Isles cruise which is July 1 -12 out of Southampton, England. I am going back and forth between cultures since I am still soaking in the Egypt memories!

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That "torn between two cultures thing," LOL. :rolleyes: I'm in the difficult process of deciding where to go for my two weeks off in November. Even though I'm still replaying all of my Egypt trip over and over again in my head (as well as Egyptian music in the CD player and watching Egypt travel DVD's several times a week, lol).

Although I would go back to Egypt in a heartbeat, none of the available (and affordable) tours fit my time off. And I think I might enjoy Egypt more in a year or two, so I can be overwhelmed and thrilled all over again.

So I've booked two Mexican cruises on Carnival for November. I haven't been to Mexico for 20 years, so it should be fun -- and I must say, the thought of almost two weeks of wonderful cruise ship food won me over! So now I get to start reading up on all the great ports, from San Diego all the way down to Acapulco! Whoo Hoo! :D

But Egypt will always have a special place in my heart.


Have a wonderful time on your cruise of the British Isles, and tell us all about it when you get home.

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