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You all will think I am nuts, but please, someone GET ME EXCITED!

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We are planning on taking our first cruise, (to replace a cancelled Grand Canyon trip) in July.

I am just not excited. Please tell me why I should be and what makes a cruise worth the fortune I feel like I am spending!


We are supposed to be on the Inspiration July 28 - Aug 2 to Grand Cayman and Cozumel.


I hate to sound so whiny! I have friends that have cruises booked (one on the same ship/trip as ine, but at a different date) and they are SO excited!


I am so afraid that I am going to feel like it is a huge waste of money and be disappointed!


Convince me otherwise!

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As long as you not allergic to the sea the excitement will come. You can start by reading reviews and seeing what tours are available. Look under the review board for your ship and just continue to read here. Once you see the type of questions that are asked it will get your mind rolling. The folks you mentioned that have gone before, do they have access to this board? If so they can walk you through this. Also, don't forget to check the Roll Call for your ship, maybe there's some newbies going with you that you can join up with. Just keep reading in things will fall into place.:D

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Just keep reading these boards!! The more I read, the more excited I get! I agree with the previous poster, check your Roll Call on here to find others on your cruise. And if that doesn't work, go buy yourself new cruise clothes!! :D



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I always say and so do MANY MANY others: A cruise is what you make of it. If you go into it saying you will have bad time, then guess what? You will most likely have a bad time. Also, if the cost of the trip seems very expensive then maybe you should look for something cheaper. :confused: This way if you don't have a good time (even hurts to say that..lol) then at least you didn't spend a "fortune" .


Either way make sure you come back and let us know how it went. :D

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I am the total opposite - I am SOOOOOOOO excited and not going for another 6 months.

I am on here everyday at least twice, reading all I can.

I am driving my family nuts. lol:D

I am the same way! We have had our trip booked and paid for for months now. We sail away in October. This will be my DS first, my third, DH second. My son keeps saying he don't want to go! He will have a good time and I know it. 15 year olds can be so difficult at times.:D I would have been thrilled at 15 to go on a cruise. My second cruise my DH found this website and it has been on from there! I read everything from everyone on here! There is so much info on this board it is crazy. I stress getting there, but relax once I get there and have a few DOD.:D Have a great time. I check our count down clock every day!(like the days will go faster) Enjoy your first cruise.

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Nah, you're right man, your gonna to hate it. I'll tell you what I'm gonna do for you, since you my bro' I'll go ahead and take your tickets off ya and force my wife to go. Just send them to me and maybe, say, $250. for my inconvenance and we'll call it even, kay!:D

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To get yourself excited, maybe you should think about staying home while your family is off having fun. Okay, excited now? I've never been on a cruise either, I have no idea what to expect but the boards here have me bubbling over with enthusiasm, stay a while and read. :)

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We are planning on taking our first cruise, (to replace a cancelled Grand Canyon trip) in July.

I am just not excited. Please tell me why I should be and what makes a cruise worth the fortune I feel like I am spending!


We are supposed to be on the Inspiration July 28 - Aug 2 to Grand Cayman and Cozumel.


I hate to sound so whiny! I have friends that have cruises booked (one on the same ship/trip as ine, but at a different date) and they are SO excited!


I am so afraid that I am going to feel like it is a huge waste of money and be disappointed!


Convince me otherwise!

When I went on my first cruise I was some what excited because I didn’t know what it was like. Now that I am scheduled to go on my next cruise in 12 days I am going crazy. My family thinks I’m nuts, but they are in same shoes as you. They are not very excited either. It kind of depresses me because I’m so excited and they are not, but I keep telling my self exactly what I am telling you…..that they are either going to like and get bit by the cruise bug or you they are not going to enjoy it at all. At least they can say “Hey we tried it”. Ask your self the following questions:

  • Do you enjoy relaxing outside in or out of the sun?
  • Do you enjoy people watching?
  • Do you enjoy a nice alcoholic / non-alcoholic drink while listening to some pleasant music?
  • Do you like to laugh so hard you have tears coming out of your eyes?
  • Do you enjoy watching a nice show?
  • Do you like food lots and lots of food?
  • Do you like being pampered?
  • Do you like to enjoy the quite sky with the sound of waves crashing? (This can be done day or night).

If you answered yes to any of the following above then get excited and enjoy every minute that you have available to you. Just think you could be at work…. Or do you like that better. :0)

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We are planning on taking our first cruise, (to replace a cancelled Grand Canyon trip) in July.

I am just not excited. Please tell me why I should be and what makes a cruise worth the fortune I feel like I am spending!


We are supposed to be on the Inspiration July 28 - Aug 2 to Grand Cayman and Cozumel.


I hate to sound so whiny! I have friends that have cruises booked (one on the same ship/trip as ine, but at a different date) and they are SO excited!


I am so afraid that I am going to feel like it is a huge waste of money and be disappointed!


Convince me otherwise!


OK, let me help. How does 110-120 degrees of heat sound to you? Well in July the grand canyon is really hotter than hell. It is absolutely miserable. You sweat even in the air conditioning!

Now picture this,

You step onto a really beautiful ship and the very first thing they do for you is serve a really good buffet lunch. They are happy to see you and want you to have a great time. Then you are offered the chance to go onto the lido deck and listen to live music. Feel free to sit and watch or dance or just relax. Have a drink with an umbrella in it to celebrate the fact that you are on vacation with people you love. All the while a nice ocean breeze is blowing your hair, just cooling enough to be really restful, and warm enough to make you feel great. Next you will be able to go to your cabin. AW, home for a week. It will be comfortable bedding and you will sleep like a baby. You will find little suprises in your bathroom, just for you! And every night you will come back from the days activities and find that your cabin has been refreshed, the beds are turned down for you and the steward has left a surprise for you either on the bed, or on your pillow. Your luggage has arrived and you will only have to unpack once!

Everytime you are hungry or thirty, there is food already made for you. And it will taste so good. So many choices too! There is a place you can get nice cool drinks anytime you want day or night. There is a pool you can use, a slide you can slide into the water with, a lounge chair you can slip into and just enjoy your friends/family or read a book or just do nothing at all. All the while someone else is making sure you get to your destination safe and sound. This is only the beginning. You get the message. Be prepared for the fun you want, the relaxation you need, and the time of your life.

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We are planning on taking our first cruise, (to replace a cancelled Grand Canyon trip) in July.

I am just not excited. Please tell me why I should be and what makes a cruise worth the fortune I feel like I am spending!


We are supposed to be on the Inspiration July 28 - Aug 2 to Grand Cayman and Cozumel.


I hate to sound so whiny! I have friends that have cruises booked (one on the same ship/trip as ine, but at a different date) and they are SO excited!


I am so afraid that I am going to feel like it is a huge waste of money and be disappointed!


Convince me otherwise!


I think you are going to feel like a Freakin Nut for not booking a cruise years ago.



My cruise is less then 3 weeks away and Wendy ask me if Im getting excited, I tell her no. I get excited when I see the ship. Youre going to see a 43 year old guy running around the ship like a 10 year old in Heelys lol.








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Grand Canyon has a big hole in the ground yup?

Cozumel has even more natural wonders to look at. This cruise is a sea and land vacation. Please check out the rain forest, mountains, rivers that this area has to offer.

Grand Canyon is a wonderful place and yes well worth the trip. Everytime I go to Mx. I come back with a greater love for this area.




We are planning on taking our first cruise, (to replace a cancelled Grand Canyon trip) in July.

I am just not excited. Please tell me why I should be and what makes a cruise worth the fortune I feel like I am spending!


We are supposed to be on the Inspiration July 28 - Aug 2 to Grand Cayman and Cozumel.


I hate to sound so whiny! I have friends that have cruises booked (one on the same ship/trip as ine, but at a different date) and they are SO excited!


I am so afraid that I am going to feel like it is a huge waste of money and be disappointed!


Convince me otherwise!

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We are planning on taking our first cruise, (to replace a cancelled Grand Canyon trip) in July.

I am just not excited. Please tell me why I should be and what makes a cruise worth the fortune I feel like I am spending!


We are supposed to be on the Inspiration July 28 - Aug 2 to Grand Cayman and Cozumel.


I hate to sound so whiny! I have friends that have cruises booked (one on the same ship/trip as ine, but at a different date) and they are SO excited!


I am so afraid that I am going to feel like it is a huge waste of money and be disappointed!


Convince me otherwise!


Sounds like you are predetermined to have a bad time. I would cancel and do something else.

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My first cruise I was excited because I didn't know what to expect but at the same time I was nervous about not liking it... and most of all... I was nervous that I would'nt know every in and out of cruising to make it enjoyable.


SO... I read and I read threads here. I asked a million questions (still do) and I had a great time! Now I'm researching my second cruise on a different cruise line.


Do your research.

Have fun!

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We are planning on taking our first cruise, (to replace a cancelled Grand Canyon trip) in July.

I am just not excited. Please tell me why I should be and what makes a cruise worth the fortune I feel like I am spending!


We are supposed to be on the Inspiration July 28 - Aug 2 to Grand Cayman and Cozumel.


I hate to sound so whiny! I have friends that have cruises booked (one on the same ship/trip as ine, but at a different date) and they are SO excited!


I am so afraid that I am going to feel like it is a huge waste of money and be disappointed!


Convince me otherwise!

Before i cruised i thought id hate cruising to, to be stuck on a ship with thousands of people. 16 Cruises later boy was i wrong. you will love it. But you wont get excided about til your cruising. SEEYA:cool:

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It's true! I think the second cruise is more exciting because you already know you had so much fun the first time. The second time is even sweeter! :p

You aren't excited because you don't know what to expect; I sailed for the first time 2 years ago; we go on our 3rd cruise in 2 months and as I said just yesterday, I feel like it is brand new...looking back I think I really am more excited this time!! Cruises have become my vacation of choice, new people, new places (more than one!), good food, good entertainment; if you are worried about price break it down this way; How much would you spend for (however many days) on:

1, hotel room at a decent hotel per night

2. a show every night (in las vegas or even in Atlantic City) that can cost upward of $100 pp just for the show (even if they were $50/pp)

3. A nice breakfast, lunch AND dinner in a nice restaurant every morning , noon AND night OR a buffet every morning, noon or night if you choose a little more casual

4. a gorgeous view daily

5. a place that you can relax by a pool/get served drinks

6. free and pretty safe from what I hear babysitting (or cheap) if you have kids

7. People who wait on you hand and foot if you want and give you peace if you want and EVEN entertain you at dinner with a smile


Trust me, I am a cheapskate!..I am well satisfied with my "bang for the buck" ..you can't beat it (says the one who is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited for her cruise!!):) :)

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OK, let me help. How does 110-120 degrees of heat sound to you? Well in July the grand canyon is really hotter than hell. It is absolutely miserable. You sweat even in the air conditioning!

Now picture this,

You step onto a really beautiful ship and the very first thing they do for you is serve a really good buffet lunch. They are happy to see you and want you to have a great time. Then you are offered the chance to go onto the lido deck and listen to live music. Feel free to sit and watch or dance or just relax. Have a drink with an umbrella in it to celebrate the fact that you are on vacation with people you love. All the while a nice ocean breeze is blowing your hair, just cooling enough to be really restful, and warm enough to make you feel great. Next you will be able to go to your cabin. AW, home for a week. It will be comfortable bedding and you will sleep like a baby. You will find little suprises in your bathroom, just for you! And every night you will come back from the days activities and find that your cabin has been refreshed, the beds are turned down for you and the steward has left a surprise for you either on the bed, or on your pillow. Your luggage has arrived and you will only have to unpack once!

Everytime you are hungry or thirty, there is food already made for you. And it will taste so good. So many choices too! There is a place you can get nice cool drinks anytime you want day or night. There is a pool you can use, a slide you can slide into the water with, a lounge chair you can slip into and just enjoy your friends/family or read a book or just do nothing at all. All the while someone else is making sure you get to your destination safe and sound. This is only the beginning. You get the message. Be prepared for the fun you want, the relaxation you need, and the time of your life.



Wow Janet - How can that not excite someone!!!!!


I have 26 more days until I sail on my 5th cruise and I have been so excited I can hardly concentrate on anything else. I am going with my sister and this will be her 1st cruise. I am so excited for her!! Can't wait to see her face when we first get up close to the ship!! and when we first walk into the lobby!!! It's going to be great. I have just discovered CC this cruise and it has given both me and my sister hours of excitement and anticipation!!!


Sopchoppymommy, you have to get a new attitude and go with the flow - just sit back and let the experience just take you away!!! You will love it!!!! BUT, if you go into it with the attitude you have displayed in your message - you will be looking for negatives and will miss out on ALL the POSITIVES!!

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Hi, I am SandyToes and I am a cruise-aholic.....:p


These are definately words you would have never heard come out of my mouth 5 years ago when my now husband suggested we go on one for our honeymoon. Couldn't drag me on that ship. Fast forward 5 years, we're going on our 4th cruise together for our anniversary. Every day, I tell him something I read on the boards, or how many days we have left or about this shore excursion or that one. He rolls his eyes and laughs. I tell him YOU did this to me, this is all YOUR fault! LOL:D :D


You will love it. Just keep an open mind and have FUN!!

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You will get excited. The thought is just so new to you. You had been planning the Grand Canyon trip for so long. Just think of these few things that may help you get excited:


1. You can take lots and lots of pictures of all new things!

2. Unlimited food, that you don't have to cook or clean up after.

3. New food to take pictures of.

4. You shouldn't hear the kids say "I'm bored".

5. You love to meet and talk to new people, there will be plenty available.

6. And most importantly...NO DONKEYS!! :D (inside joke)


I think once you get back from NY you will really settle into the idea of this cruise. You will have a fabulous time. And just remember, when Lou and I get back we'll help your excitement level even more!:)

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