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Yankee Playoffs


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Shilling is awesome....



I'm sure Curt (yes with a C not a K)....

Well, if we are going to get picky about spelling, it's Schilling with a C, not Shilling.;)


The best day of the baseball season is opening day. The second best day is when the Yankees are eliminated. Unfortunately, in all too many years the second best day never happens.

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LOL how far back in the pages did you have to go for that quote??? You dont think Yankees are going to look into that magical hat of thiers and pull something out tonight. Another Yankee will be a hero tonight....dunno who...but it will happen. Whether its Brown or Javy....or a homerun from a pinch hitter such as Loften...it will happen. I am impressed that Boston are playing like real men....usually they are the "football" type players. Lets just see where we are at tommarrow morning. IF Yankees fall, I will become a national league fan real quick for a week. :D
It doesn't matter how far back I had to go to find your quote. Once you put it in cyberspace, it's there forever in one form or another.


As far as the rest of your post is concerned, time to eat your words, isn't it? The Yankees were not only beaten, they were beaten up, humiliated and made fools of. This thread has made me realize why I have hated the Yankees so much through the years. It's not because they're a good team or because they are almost always on top, or even because George tries to buy rings. I have complete respect for their abilities and accomplishments. It's because they have the most arrogant fans of any team in baseball. I enjoy seeing the Yankees lose to see the disappointment on their fans' faces, or as Curt Schilling said it, "To shut up 55,000 New Yorkers." If Yankee fans were better sports about the game, they wouldn't be hated and picked on so much. The fact that Boston annihilated your team in the last game after having baseballs thrown at them by the Yankee fans in the previous game is only a just and fitting reward for your attitude.


Why do you hate other teams so much that you will root for their oppostion once your team is out of the race? If the Cards fall to the Astros, I will root for the Astros in the World Series and consider them to be the best team in baseball since they beat who I now consider to be the best team. Being a fair weather friend extends beyond your own favorite team. If you're an American League fan, you should stay one, not jump ship just because your team lost. What I'm trying to say is that if the Cards win the National League title, I don't want you rooting for us. Having you as a fan will tarnish our nationally known good image.


I don't even know why I'm taking the time to write this out since it will probably be received like a ball bouncing off a brick wall.

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OK...first things first.





Thirdly..no love loss here either for the Yankees....and I do think LV sums that up best as to why...Allthough I think I simply inherited my disdain from my Dads side lol.....

Thirdly....Tonight...someone is going to come out on fire...and I don't know who will prevail....but this has been a great series...and we are so proud of our guys....most of all Galvestons own...Backe....

Biggio,Bagwell deserve this sooo...much...Its too bad Cammie could not keep his life straight to do it with them.....

And lastly....

Why was our thread about the Astros cut off after post #5...and this one lives on????? :eek: :D

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I have to add my 2cents....


Go RED SOXES......


WHAT A GAME LAST NIGHT....and YES I was at the wonderful game.....and saw it "Live" how the Red Soxes Blew....and I mean Blew....the Yankess to dust...


Now, I don't want to start a war here but I have to agree that NY fans are horrible.....and I experienced it first hand last night....


It started off very, very loud with all the NY fans screaming up a storm...talking all their crap..but let me tell you when Boston scored they all sat down...and needleless to say SHUT UP for the rest of the game.....besides booing their own team.....


We knew enough to keep the victory cheer to a minimum...but let me tell you when Boston got that last out...we cheered like no tomorrow...it was the best game ever....you should of seen that stadium afterwards....although we still have a ways to go...we are enjoying and sucking in the enjoyment of this win by advancing to the World Series but the best feeling was beating the Yankees.


The best moment of all was leaving the stadium we had to go through a plastic covered thing and there were about 20 Red Soxes fans gathered and we were screaming "Let's GO RED SOXES" and banging the plastic wall (in good fun) and we made ourselves known...it was amazing..and I am still smiling ear to ear.

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First of all, congratulations to the Sox! That was one of the most satisfying games I've ever watched. Simply fantastic to see the Yankess and all their fans go from riches to rags over the course of the last 4 games and the last one was just the icing on the cake!

LV, I've never really been an Astro's fan but the way the dismantled my team (Braves) they have a good chance. I've always been a NL fan and will pull for whoever wins tonight, but this is going to be a great series, no matter who represents the league.

If any team deserves a World Championship it's Boston though, they've been through the ringer for too long. I'm just extatic that the Yankees will be watching this one from their living rooms.!


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Why do you hate other teams so much that you will root for their oppostion once your team is out of the race?
HELLO because I HATE the Sox. That is why I will root for either the Cards OR the Astros. Am I ticked Yankees lost....yea...but I still have to get up and go to work in the morning. Life goes on.


If you're an American League fan, you should stay one, not jump ship just because your team lost.
I am not an American League fan....I am a YANKEE fan. So what does that mean? I will root for ANY team that plays against Boston. In fact I hope it goes seven painfull games and its tied in the 9th inning at Fenway and they lose on a pathetic ball through the legs single. What joy! Only thing is...Ortiz comes up in the bottom of the ninth and strikes out for the final out. SWEET!!!

If Yankee fans were better sports about the game, they wouldn't be hated and picked on so much.
Funny thing is they are the one team in the league that can pretty much play anywhere, even Tampa, and actually have fans in the stands. Attendance wherever the Yankees play is the highest in baseball. So yea we are hated because we are everywhere!!!!!!


The fact that Boston annihilated your team in the last game after having baseballs thrown at them by the Yankee fans in the previous game is only a just and fitting reward for your attitude.
WISH I had that power!!!! I am sure it was all due to my "attitude". Time to move on and wait for next year,and laugh when Pedro signs with the Yankees. Uconn Husky season is starting soon....looking forward to winning it all again!!!!!


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HELLO because I HATE the Sox. That is why I will root for either the Cards OR the Astros. Am I ticked Yankees lost....yea...but I still have to get up and go to work in the morning. Life goes on.

I'm rooting for the National League to win it all!! Yes I'm sad the Yankees lost, but life goes on and there are soldiers dying in Iraq everyday. So there are things that are more important.


I am not an American League fan....I am a YANKEE fan. So what does that mean? I will root for ANY team that plays against Boston. In fact I hope it goes seven painfull games and its tied in the 9th inning at Fenway and they lose on a pathetic ball through the legs single. What joy! Only thing is...Ortiz comes up in the bottom of the ninth and strikes out for the final out. SWEET!!!

Me too. My finger & toes are crossed May the curse live on!!! :D




Time to move on and wait for next year,and laugh when Pedro signs with the Yankees. Uconn Husky season is starting soon....looking forward to winning it all again!!!!!



He would so jump at the chance at being a Yankee. If the money talks Pedro would walk. Let's see if the millions come he way how fast he will walk. :confused:

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Well, if we are going to get picky about spelling, it's Schilling with a C, not Shilling.;)


The best day of the baseball season is opening day. The second best day is when the Yankees are eliminated. Unfortunately, in all too many years the second best day never happens.

You're right, it is Schilling... my mistake. Had to eat my own words there :)


Any predictions for tonight??? I am going to be bold and say Clemens gets hit hard by the Cards. Although I'd really like to see a close game and see Lidge pitch again, he is something else!!!


Boston Fans - I believe you all should be rooting hard for Houston to win tonight. ;)

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He would so jump at the chance at being a Yankee. If the money talks Pedro would walk. Let's see if the millions come he way how fast he will walk. :confused:


Maybe he'll come back to the Expos/Generals/Senators *sniff* *sniff*


Imagine if we still had he and vladdy and walker and alou etc :(

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Clemens is the best big game pitcher in baseball, he will have a great game tonight (I think). My team the Yankees proved how important pitching is in the post season......it is too bad the Yanks expected the win, while the Sox wanted the win...another long off season....

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I'll hand it to you. You came out swinging the day after. Which is more than I can say for............... nevermind.

I do have a great cruise for you this year. First week in Jan. on the Splendour out of Tampa. You 'll get to meet & mingle with some colorful characters.

I'm a Driver Ed. teacher here in N.H. and I had a ball today listening to WFAN in N.Y. My kids got a real lesson in "Radio Rage" . Yikes!!

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To all you Boston fans...... The best part of having the sox in the world series will be watching them go down to the cards! I love watching sox fans get all excited and then see them dissappointed yet AGAIN!!!!! We Yankee fans can roll with it, win, lose or draw...once a Yankee fan always a Yankee fan! No matter what the score, the Yankees are the best and represent the greatest city in the world, New York! So sox fans, enjoy while you can, it will be another long off-season for you!

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HELLO because I HATE the Sox. That is why I will root for either the Cards OR the Astros. Am I ticked Yankees lost....yea...but I still have to get up and go to work in the morning. Life goes on.


I am not an American League fan....I am a YANKEE fan. So what does that mean? I will root for ANY team that plays against Boston. In fact I hope it goes seven painfull games and its tied in the 9th inning at Fenway and they lose on a pathetic ball through the legs single. What joy! Only thing is...Ortiz comes up in the bottom of the ninth and strikes out for the final out. SWEET!!!


Funny thing is they are the one team in the league that can pretty much play anywhere, even Tampa, and actually have fans in the stands. Attendance wherever the Yankees play is the highest in baseball. So yea we are hated because we are everywhere!!!!!!


WISH I had that power!!!! I am sure it was all due to my "attitude". Time to move on and wait for next year,and laugh when Pedro signs with the Yankees. Uconn Husky season is starting soon....looking forward to winning it all again!!!!!


Kristen, like AltaJoe, you a rabid team fan as opposed to a baseball fan; a sick puppy in my book, precisely what was being discussed on the first couple of pages of this thread. Enjoy watching the Series from the comfort of your very own living room instead of the stadium. If I weren't leaving on a cruise tomorrow, I would already have tickets for the Series and fly to St. Louis to watch them play.


Stretch - Thanks for the thoughts on tonight's game, but I had a funny feeling that it was time for Clemens to lose to the powerful lineup that the Cards have demonstrated all year. I've got the game Tivo'd and will watch it again before I go to bed. Got to get up at 4AM to catch the flight to Florida.


Boston fans - best of luck to you and your team. I think this will be a Series for the ages.

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Congrats to all the Cards fans. Sorry Houston, it would have been a treat to have Roger back. This will be a great series with lots of highs and lows and hopefully lots of scoring. Your lineup is great, but I think people are underestimating the Sox. We will see. I would love 7 games and to win it at Fenway on Halloween. Settle in for the ride and may it be fun!

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I have to add my 2cents....




Now, I don't want to start a war here but I have to agree that NY fans are horrible.....and I experienced it first hand last night....


And about that young girl having to die because Boston fans acted stupid. Burning cars and rioting. What good did that do? You talk about NY fans. The Boston people should have had some common sense and known all bad could have come from acting wild. Just my 2 cents :(


GO ST. LOUIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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And about that young girl having to die because Boston fans acted stupid. Burning cars and rioting. What good did that do? You talk about NY fans. The Boston people should have had some common sense and known all bad could have come from acting wild. Just my 2 cents :(


GO ST. LOUIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What are you talking about???? There was no rioting or burning cars outside Fenway Park (where the girl was injured). Some college kids at UMASS Amherst flipped some cars on their campus about 100 miles away. The girl was shot in the eye by a cop who was overzealous and paniced.
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It is sad and sickening that a life would be lost regardless of how it happend in ralationship with a sporting event. Things like this demonstrate how screwed up some priorities are. It is just a game.......going nuts in the streets is asking for trouble. What a shame a young girl lost her life.........unfortunately, history was marked in more than one way the other night.

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Congrats to all the Cards fans. Sorry Houston, it would have been a treat to have Roger back. This will be a great series with lots of highs and lows and hopefully lots of scoring. Your lineup is great, but I think people are underestimating the Sox. We will see. I would love 7 games and to win it at Fenway on Halloween. Settle in for the ride and may it be fun!

If Boston does win, I hope it is in game 6, not on Halloween. I'm afraid that the university crowd out partying will destroy the city. I still like the Cards to win though, and I don't believe it will go 7.

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If Boston does win, I hope it is in game 6, not on Halloween. I'm afraid that the university crowd out partying will destroy the city. I still like the Cards to win though, and I don't believe it will go 7.


The City of Boston will not have to worry, except for flodding. Just how much liquid can flow from the eyes of a million fans? However, I am afraid for the St. Louis Arch. :D


GO CARDS!!!!!!

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If Boston does win, I hope it is in game 6, not on Halloween. I'm afraid that the university crowd out partying will destroy the city. I still like the Cards to win though, and I don't believe it will go 7.



I agree. St Louis will win. Let's hope things dont get out of hand.


It is sad and sickening that a life would be lost regardless of how it happend in ralationship with a sporting event. Things like this demonstrate how screwed up some priorities are. It is just a game.......going nuts in the streets is asking for trouble. What a shame a young girl lost her life.........unfortunately, history was marked in more than one way the other night.



I also agree. It's a game.... is a life worth losing for a game? Priorties are sometimes all screwed up. What a sin :mad:

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What are you talking about???? There was no rioting or burning cars outside Fenway Park (where the girl was injured). Some college kids at UMASS Amherst flipped some cars on their campus about 100 miles away. The girl was shot in the eye by a cop who was overzealous and paniced.



It doesn't matter if it was 10 miles or 100 miles. It still happened and caused a death that shouldn't have. So don't say it's the Yankee fans that cause trouble. Look in your own backyard. What class for Boston fans to throw back balls from the seats just because a Yankee player hit it into the seats. Real grown up and mature behavior. Anyway back to cruising...Happy sailings :D

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First, the majority of those dopey college "children" were most likely not even Red Sox fans. This sort of thing unfortunately happens in quite a few big college towns across the country. They're the same type of idiots that started fires at the last Woodstock fiasco.

Secondly, what is the biggest lesson Steinbrenner learned this season?

"You can buy players but you can't buy a team"! GO SOX!

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