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Just back from cruise with a two yr. old


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Thought I'd share our experience with you all. We did a 5 day cruise on Carnival Elation. Overall, we had a fun time, but my ds decided it was a good time to be two:mad: Maybe it was all the stimulation, or the long lines, or even being required to sit still or wait. Whatever it was, he was not happy, which made for a stressful experience. He would have been fine, if he could have had things his way. He wanted to leave the stateroom NOW and go upstairs, but mommy still needed a shower. Then he wanted to have a quick bite to eat and run to the pool, but mommy just started eating. Once out by the pool, he was happy to run around, but he could easily sneak between the crowds of ppl without me, so that was a challenge on some days. He was very happy to go to the miniature golf range and drop balls in the holes, but the other pax wanted to play too and he didn't understand that he had to wait til they were done, ugh! And during dinner the dvd player worked but he was up waaay past bedtime, which made the next day worse, so we ended up trying to get him back on our time, which meant he was in bed by 5:30-6 ship time!!


Twice we were allowed ahead of the lines (embarkation and the tender to Cabo) because of the stroller. The other times, he had to stand and wait with us, and he wanted nothing to do with that and was very verbal and squrimy about it!! Even the times where we thought he was doing good, other ppl disagreed. For example, we were on a bus ride in Ensenada, which was 45 min. (I didn't know that until time to leave). He was good until the last 5 min. But the entire trip, whenever he made a sound, (like saying, "oooh, look" or "yay") this lady in front of me kept turning around and staring at us, so I was stressed to keep him quiet even though he was behaving, yk? Turns out, she was the same lady who said, "oh great, there are little kids on this bus" On the way back, same thing, but I refused to sit behind her, so I switched seats with my older dd and sat behind the lady's friends. This time we were playing things like "the itsy bitsy spider" and "if your happy and you know it" and the lady in front of me leans over to her friend and loudly says, "I should have brought ear plugs!" I was beyond ticked, because at least he wasn't crying and I was obviously entertaining him, grrr! It effected my whole trip, which is may have made me more aware of his behaviour, because I didn't want him to upset anyone. I overheard this lady asking to have her dinner seat changed, because she didn't want to sit next to someone else's kids on her vacation. Another guy complained that some kid crashed into him. I was crashed into an older lady using a kid and didn't complain, lol.


He wasn't interested in the kids club either and we tried to run around the theater when it was empty and you guessed it, he got bored quick. It was exhausting to say the least and I fell asleep most nights with him, while dh and the older kids went to dinner and shows. I got one night though.


Ok, now that I've complained, I can say it wasn't all bad. He enjoyed running around the less crowded kids pool area and eating ice cream while we tanned. He really enjoyed watching the older kids do the dolphin swim and kept cheering for them (good outdoors, not good on a crowded bus, lol). He also liked dancing on the Lido deck.


We enjoyed the overall feel of cruising (it was our first time) and definitely want to do it again, when the terrrible twos are over.:p Go figure, we are home today and he is all peaceful. Who knew that he'd react like that to all the fun going on!


Things we needed and didn't......Definitely the dvd player was a must!! It got used a lot. The stroller was only used at the airport and excursions. He hated being confined in it though and wanted out. We decided not to bring the carseat. I'm glad, because we had enough stuff with 5 of us. We did need it on the shuttle, because it turns out it was a minivan, not a bus, but we managed the 10 min. drive w/o it. I brought too many toys, we wanted to run and be free instead. I also packed waaaay too many diapers. I don't understand that one, Maybe we were too busy and missed a few changings, lol. The pool and weather was a bit cold, so no one really did any swimming.


Anyway, just wanted to share my experience. It didn't go as planned, but we still managed to have a good time. My 13yo found the kids camp and met some friends, which was cool. The 17yo hung out with us and did the shows at night and tanning during the day.


Thank you all for your input and advice. I loved coming to this website and can't wait to cruise again.

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When you say 2, 24 months, 30 months? Just curious.


It made my blood boil reading some of your comments. How sad that people no longer can appreciate children being children- when they are behaving by all acceptable social standards- Carnival is the FUN ship. If people cant have fun in a "homogenous setting", people should think twice about going that route- Take a seniors only cruise then.. if it realy boehers them that much. (At least IMHO.) I feel badly that it ruined your trip. And gosh- If these people cant enjoy a cruise without the moon, sun and stars aligning the right way, how sad their lives must be!!!


If that was the attitude on Carnival, I sudder to think what it will be like when we bring our 2YO on X next year.. But at least I can set my expectations accordingly!

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My son is 26mos old. It was spring break and there were a lot of other kids too. It was a fun time, I just wish I didn't feel that I had to make my child perfect for everyone, yk? That stressed me out. I had one lady tell me not to let the rude ppl get to me and an older gentleman give my ds high five and a smile. I wish more ppl were like that. No one seemed to care about the drunken, obnoxious college kids onboard, go figure!

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I hear you!! I wish i was there for ya!!


My DS will be 27 mos when we do a 12 night med cruise next year- so I REALLY appreciate your situation. Any other tips you have i would love as well!! I have an 11 year old as well, but I forget what the 2s are like!!


From what you wrote, I think it is just those cruising curmudegons that are out there, and as long as you know your child is behaving, then it is what it is.. but its a shame that it impacted your cruise. I think it is wonderful that you took him along.


And I agree- shameful behavior is "accepted" largely today in society, while innocent children should be seen and not heard.. its sad. But we cant let it stop us from doing what is best for our families!


I am in your corner for what its worth!

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I agree about forgetting what it's like with a two year old! You get used to having the older kids and the are mostly self sufficient. They were a big help on the cruise though. Especially, my dd (17). My toddler adores her. He has more of a love hate relationship with my son, lol! In the middle of the trip, I did remember dealing with the older kids when vacationing at that age, but our trips were less structured then. More like visit the grandparents and go to the pool/beach.


The stroller was great in the airport, but honestly, we had to take him out of it and fold it to get on the shuttle, to go through security, then to get on the plane, again after the plane to get onto the shuttle. I think it may have been more of a pain than anything. Same with the excursions, out of the stroller for the bus, tender, security, etc. then try to get him to go back into to it after he tasted freedom, no fun!! It was nice that during the excursions he took a small nap in it though. I don't think I'd bring it again. If your lo likes it though, you may find it helpful. My guy is turning into a free spirit:p


Don't get me wrong, we still enjoyed ourselves and the atmosphere, there was just stress too.

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Sorry you ran into the GOFs (grumpy old farts - not that they are all old in years, some are just old in attitude!) Take solice in the fact that if you and you 2YO were not there, they'd have found something else about which to complain. I've always felt sorry for folks who cannot find joy in being able to witness the world through the eyes of a child.

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I'm sorry but if my kid was behaving as any normal kid would behave and not being overly unruly and some sour puss said some rude comment about it, I'm afraid I'd have to give it right back. Who knows, maybe it would shut them up and if they didn't like it, they could move or go somewhere else. I paid the same price they did to be on a "family cruise". My family has just as much right to have fun as other people do. That is just my 2 cents. I would much rather here a kid excited or singing the itsy bitsy spider than crying, screaming and pitching a fit for hours on end. People need to lighten up.

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Quick question....was that standard procedure to allow you to skip the lines with the stroller?

I am so worried about DS in a line for emarking/dembarking and the tenders. He is great in the stroller but not in a long (not moving) line of people.

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For skipping the lines, they just came on the intercom and said anyone with a wheelchair or special needs meet at a particular elevator for assistance. My son hated being contained, he didn't enjoy the confinement of the stroller, bus, plane, cabin, etc. Also, at the embarkation area, the tsa guy stopped me and handed me two pieces of paper and told me to come up front when they started the process and he'd let me on. I don't think he intended my whole family to come too, but he let us in and didn't say anything. The staff were great with the toddler, it was the passengers more that were rude.


Also, to be fair, he did get fussy and vocal, but when that happened, we were clearly trying to quiet and entertainment him. On the bus that was a total of 5-10 at the end of the 45min. drive. On the ship, we were able to take him to other areas, when he got fussy. I probably brought more stress on myself about keeping him "behaved" due to the rude ppl.


Oh and I forgot to mention that after waiting in the line (over an hour in the heat with a toddler who wants to run) to get back on the ship in Cabo (no special treatment there) we did not have everyone's sail and sign cards out and ready, so the security guys had us step out of line, when we were ready, they told us we had to go to the back of the line, which was down the street!!! I started arguing, meanwhile, my 13yo, who wasn't paying attention got in line, assuming we did too and they let him through. I said, that's my son, you just let in, they said sorry, go to the end of the line:eek: I went down the line a couple of families and asked these college girls if we could cut them and explained our situation, they said yes and hurried to find their cards!!! What a mess that was!

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The Cabo stop sounded horrible!

I have found that many people with children have a very limited memory of how babies and toddlers are with waiting.

Did they also make an annoucement for debarkation?

Also, where there quite a few parents with strollers that did this?

(I would like to share the dirty looks we will be getting with others:)

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I just returned from a cruise with my 32 month old ds. It sounds like we had similar cruises. I didn't have another pair of adult hands though - had a 12 y.o. pair and a 9 y.o. pair. :o We too ran into a grumpy old fart - she looked to be about 40 and had kids with her too. We weren't moving fast enough down the gangway during disembarkation and she threatened to run the 2 y.o. over with her suitcase. :eek: Maybe there's something about being on a ship that brings out the worst in people. I cancelled my Med cruise for this summer as a result of this past cruise.

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Quick question....was that standard procedure to allow you to skip the lines with the stroller?

I am so worried about DS in a line for emarking/dembarking and the tenders. He is great in the stroller but not in a long (not moving) line of people.


I just got off the Gem on 3/29 and as soon as I got off the boat-the workers let me go in front of everyone with my stroller-kind of like they let me go through the handicapped section. It saved me so much time and I was very greatful they let me do this. For embarking I had to wait-but getting off once off the actual boat-they let me go ahead. I didn't expect it and didn't ask for it-but was greatful. Of course I received looks from certain adults but oh well.

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Also, where there quite a few parents with strollers that did this?

(I would like to share the dirty looks we will be getting with others:)


You'll find you can get special treatment with a stroller. I joke with my daughters that they'll be 15 and I'll still make them sit in one...lol. ;)


They do make announcements in ports that says that Strollers/Wheelchairs CAN use the elevators down to Deck 2 to go into port and everyone else MUST walk :D


What happens is when you get on the elevator and go down to the gangway, the elevator opens at the BOTTOM of the line of people. So anyone with a stroller gets to bypass the line. It's a beautiful thing. :)


You can take the elevator when you disembark too. But it really won't be much of a line on Elation. We were able to pretty much walk right out.

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Yep, I cancelled. :eek: Had an owner's suite too. DS would be 3 years and 3 days on sailing. It's now 3 months prior to sailing and potty training is just not happening. Even if I got him potty trained, I'd be worried the whole time that he was going to have an accident. Also, this past cruise was my first with all 3 kids. I had a good time last year with the oldest 2, but with the third, it's just too much for me.


Other considerations were that it's very port intensive and likely to be very hot.


Warning: Long Story ahead


But the next biggest factor was that I had originally promised ds age 12 that I would take him to China this summer. His dad was originally from Hong Kong and had promised to take ds many times to visit China when he was older. Sadly, dh died 2 years ago. After looking with no luck for a child-friendly China tour, I decided on IOS. It looks great! About 2 weeks after I booked, I found Adventures by Disney - yep, Disney now does guided tours of far-flung locales. Of course, being Disney, they're very child-friendly. 2008 is the first year that they are doing China. And, there's no guarantee they'll do it next year. They switch up their destinations every year. So, after my disappointing cruise with the 2 year old (it wasn't what I'd call bad, but it wasn't great), I decided to bite the bullet, take my airline penalties, and change our destination to the other side of the world. The 2 year old will stay at home and I'll take the older 2.


It was a tough decision, but I'm almost certain it was the right one.

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Sounds like you made the right decision for you then..and it wasn't just becuase of the dang curmudgeons! I hope you have the best of trips. SO SORRY to hear of your DH. China sounds like a wonderful experience!


Sounds like we have a lot in common! I look forward to reading more of your experiences!

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So sorry to hear that you had a bad experience. I have fairly tough skin, so I am hoping that if I encounter a GOP, I will be able to come up with a quick polite (yet sarcastic:) remark.


It sounds as though your China trip will be amazing.

A perfect age as well (they still have the awe factor) your two olders ones will have so much to share when they return to school.

While we enjoy cruising, I think it is also important to expose children to other locations. While European cruisng is a different, most ports in the East/West Caribbean are quite americanized and don't give a real feel for the rest of the country which is so important for children to see.

I can't wait until DS is older so that we can take him to some of the countries we have loved, along with some new ones! Already planning our return trip to Africa for when DS is in elementary school which is many many years away:)

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It was a tough decision, but I'm almost certain it was the right one.


Oh wow! I have been looking at those Disney exotic vacations. You will definalty have to let us know how it goes. It looks awesome!!!!


No doubt, good choice. :D


AJI2596 - don't be nervous, all 2 year olds are different. ;)

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I will be going on a family cruise in August with my sons, their wives, and my 2 grandchildren - who will be 19 months and 9 months old. I think between all of us, we should be able to keep the little ones entertained and taken care of in enough shifts so that no one person has to miss too much of the activities and excursions.


Having said that, I think you are a great parent to have taken your babies on a cruise, and I applaud you for it...as well as every other parent who brings their kids along on a cruise I agree with the other posters that the comments the GOP's made were not only uncalled for, but rude as well. If you held your tongue, then you are a better person than I because I am not sure I would have been able to keep from making a rude comment back. :cool: :eek:


Appreciate the tips regarding the DVD player, the toys, the stroller,and the diapers. I hope that you keep on cruising and not let a few sour comments keep you from enjoying the best way to vacation.

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:( GOF's...like they never had kids. Sad. I probably would not have been able to keep quiet. Kudos to you, I think you did what you could and surely endured stress on yourself. You felt you had to make him act like an older kid. I hate that and am sorry this happened.


We will have 2 other couples with us on the ship and one of them on excursions. We aren't taking a bus anywhere and at two ports, we are doing adult things leaving the kids on board. I feel bad doing that, a wee bit. ;) However, I have heard such good things about the kids clubs that the kids want to be there. Mine are 9, 5 and 2. The 5 and 2yr old will be in there together.

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I just finished booking our third carnival cruise for the family! (yea!) I love cruising (it'll be my 6th and hubby's 5th). We had our first family cruise last summer because it's too expensive to fly 5 people anywhere, and pay for hotel and food (crazy costly). We are in Houston and took the ecstacy five day from Galveston (oh yes, just behind Hurricane Dean). It was GREAT the kids loved every minute of it. We did not use the stroller as the two year old boy was not going to miss anything, but he was very sad when we left the ship and said he wanted to go back and see Freddie (funship freddie the mascot). They played anytime in they could in the kids room (ages 2 and 5) and were upset when we picked them up at 10pm (i had to tell them we were old and couldn't play all night anymore). We're going onthe smaller holiday this year out of mobile (again no airfare) and next year the conquest to grand camans and jamaica. It's the best way we can travel economically and still get some mommy-rest. OOHHH we did have one cabin (ocean view) for the five of us. Not horrible as we were only in there at night. The kids LOVED to sit by the window and watch the ocean. This year we had to get an inside cabin (which I've never had) we'll see what happens. And the conquest doesn't hold five so we have two adjoining cabins (that will seriously spoil me). Anyway.... this is way too long but, I had to say my kids absolutely adore cruising and let me know if you have questions!




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  • 2 weeks later...

I appreciate your post because I'll be on the 5 day Elation with MY 2 year old (32 months) in May. Honestly, I'm not anticipating this to be a "relaxing vacation" and your experience confirms that may be the case.


Can you tell me where the 45 minute bus tour in Ensenada went so that I can avoid it? La Bufadora? I've been there before and enjoyed it but for this trip I'm thinking of not even leaving the ship in Ensenada. What would you recommend in hindsight?


Also, What did you do in Cabo?

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My reply to your bus passenger would have been: "would you mind setting an example of manners by keeping your opinions to yourself please?"


You'd be amazed at how few passengers actually have any manners.


When my daughter was 3, she held open a door for an old passenger who passed right through it without even acknowledging her. My daugther said very loudly, "You should say thank you." Kudos to the lady she turned around, realized what she had done and apologized immediately.


I sat at a bar one afternoon and listened to the passengers ordering drinks. Out of the 10, only 1 (yes one!) said please and thank you. Three of them just said, "Beer."

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