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NCL sued over restaurants' booking non-avaiability


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This is one thing that has kept me from strongly considering NCL for a cruise. First, there is the lawsuit, then cruisePRN's statement, then the demurrers by johnql and Cosmopolitan. The differences in the statements are so radically different that I have a hard time believing any one of them.

First, you'll more than likely find lawsuits for any line. There's one going on now with RCI about a family booted off that had a sick baby. I think it was on the main boards the other day and I'm sure they're discussing it on the RCI boards.


Second, you'll always find various opinions and radical differences in statements. And this too can apply to any other line also. You can have 2 people on the very same cruise and come back with 2 totally opposite reviews. Personally, I've never experienced waits or hard times getting reservations either. Then again, I don't cruise during busy holiday and spring break times. And as for cruisePRN's comments, the only time I've ever seen him/her comment on the NCL boards was to come in here and make a negative jab of some sort. Not to discount what he/she may have experienced, but I've never seen a reason behind it other than just that. To make a negative jab. So take that for what's it worth.:rolleyes:


As for having a hard time believing any one comment, it does make it difficult when opinions vary so widely. I always say you can't make up your mind by anything here, you have to go and see for yourself if NCL is for you.:)


I *perceive* that the quality of the pay restaurants is superior to those of the no-added-charge venues. Food and service are important elements of a cruise to me. I realize that not everyone feels this way and other facets of a cruise are more significant to them. Given my preferences, I would probably dine most evenings in one of the pay restaurants. Since I travel solo, it is a rare situation when I could afford suites/villas, so I would have to work within the daily reservation system.

Personally, I've never had a problem with the quality of food in the main dining rooms. The other venues offer variety and I've found some things I loved and didn't like too well at both the free and surcharge venues. Since you already think you would prefer the pay restaurants, most times it's very easy to work within the daily reservation system without being in a suite. I've never had a problem and I don't go stand in line either. I've called on the phone in the morning for either that day or the next.


I really have no idea what my probability of getting a reservation at 6 or 8 would be (let alone 7) - would it be unlikely that I could get a reservation at one of these times? Would it be better to just show up at a restaurant and take my chances? I truly have no idea even though I've been reading the NCL board for a couple of months.

When you call or go to the desk for reservations you may be able to get 6, 7 or 8 etc. Being flexible helps. And I would think that being solo and just showing up might get good results also if you haven't been able to get a reservation for that night. I would try to get reservations first, and then if you couldn't, try just showing up.


You say service and food are important to you and I think you'll find NCL is very competetive in both of those areas when compared with the mass market cruise lines. You'll just have to experience it for yourself to decide if it's a line for you.:)

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This is one thing that has kept me from strongly considering NCL for a cruise. First, there is the lawsuit, then cruisePRN's statement, then the demurrers by johnql and Cosmopolitan. The differences in the statements are so radically different that I have a hard time believing any one of them.


I *perceive* that the quality of the pay restaurants is superior to those of the no-added-charge venues. Food and service are important elements of a cruise to me. I realize that not everyone feels this way and other facets of a cruise are more significant to them. Given my preferences, I would probably dine most evenings in one of the pay restaurants. Since I travel solo, it is a rare situation when I could afford suites/villas, so I would have to work within the daily reservation system.


I really have no idea what my probability of getting a reservation at 6 or 8 would be (let alone 7) - would it be unlikely that I could get a reservation at one of these times? Would it be better to just show up at a restaurant and take my chances? I truly have no idea even though I've been reading the NCL board for a couple of months.


I think there is a little confusion here. The restaurants can be put into three categories:


1) Free restaurants that don't take reservations.

2) Free restaurants that do take reservations.

3) Extra cost restaurants that do take reservations.


Disclaimer - large groups (I'm not sure of the minimum size). Lets say two families of eight want to eat together. A large group like this can make a reservation at one of the restaurants in group one.


Note, like you I am single. I was on the Star in October 2005 in a balcony cabin. I was on the Jade in February 2008 in a suite. So I've seen it from both sides now (sounds like a good song title).


First of all, yes, the extra cost restaurants do provide better food and service. Would you pay extra for the same quality of food and service?


I don't recall ever having any trouble getting into an extra cost restaurant when I wanted with the exception of Teppanyaki which has very limited seating (at least on the Star). On the Jade Teppanyaki is bigger, can seat more, and was much easier to get a reservation when I wanted (not because I was in a suite on the Jade, but because it was never full when I ate there).


Disclaimer - okay, I admit it. On the Jade I opted for late dinner every night because all the extra cost restaurants (except Teppanyaki) where half price. But as my review will reflect, I did not always have a reservation (which means my suite status had nothing to do with how easy it was to get a table). ALL restaurants will take a walk up when there are empty tables, and I usually ate when there were more empty tables then full ones.


On the Star (when I did not have suite status) I woke up every morning and thought about where I wanted to eat and when. When was an issue because I had to plan around the show schedule. And in a nutshell, this is why I don't like Freestyle. Yes, you can eat where and when you want, but that does not mean the shows are going to change their show times to suit your dinner time. And once a reservation is made, I don't see this as being any different than having a set dinner time.


Others on this board will point out how mistaken I am about this. Save your time. I've been flamed plenty over this subject and I still prefer a set dinner time over Freestyle because I don't like having to take the time to make a reservation which then changes "any time any place" to a set dinner time - in my opinion.


Perhaps because I am single I can be very flexible and as a result my longest wait was caused not by a lack of open tables, but rather by a lack of staff (and on a prior night I noticed a long line at this same restaurant - so long that I went to Jasmine instead). This was at Blue Lagoon which doesn't take reservations. It is more or less a sit down fast food type restaurant.


Jasmine is an extra cost restaurant. I walked past it on the way to Blue Lagoon and knew there were empty tables. So I knew I could get right in. Being late, it was also half price.


Note - the half price meal times vary per ship. On the Star is was the early meal times that were half price.


At any rate, NCL seems to be a love it or hate it kind of experience. Very few are like me - neutral. My recommendation - give it a try. That is how I ended up on the Star, and thus was willing to go on the Jade, which is one of my two favorite cruises (I have been on ten). See, like you I read the reviews. My boss really likes NCL, so since I can drive to the Star I figured I would give it a try and see what it is like. My experience on the Star was positive, though I did not feel Freestyle was as great as many on this board feel it is. In my opinion it is simply different, and thus has different advantages and disadvantages over having a set dinner time.


Given that I wanted to go through the Panama Canal in a forward facing cabin, and given my positive experience on the Star, I was willing to pay the price (and it was a very good price) for the suite on the Jade and invest the time (it was a thirteen night cruise) only because I had personal experience with NCL on the Star. Without that personal experience I would not have gone on the Jade (again - I have read the reviews) and I would have missed out on a wonderful experience.


NCL's problems are not on the water, they are shore based. I wish you the best of luck if you have to deal with NCL's shore based customer service. Even NCL's cheerleaders will not flame me about that remark.


At any rate, if you must eat at prime time, then perhaps NCL is not your best choice. If you are unwilling to make early reservations, but feel you should eat at prime time, then again NCL might not be your best choice. If however you are willing to be flexible, or are willing to plan out your day early, then I think you can make Freestyle dining work for you. You've seen the same reviews I have. They are all over the board. The only way to find out for sure is give it a try. No matter what happens, good, bad or otherwise, you will no longer wonder. You will be able to say I tried it, and I liked it, or I didn't like it, or like me, decide it is no better or worse, just different.

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I have always been able to get reservations for somewhere any night I wanted, but I always made them early, and on my last cruise in Hawaii the Italian and Tex/Mex did not take reservations, plus the two main dining rooms, which gave you 5 (including buffet) choices on any given night, excluding fast food and room service. Also, if you go to the restaurant and ask if there are no-shows you can also get in (often, but not always). But, if you are nasty to them, you will not get a seat, if you are nice, you might. Even if there is an hour wait, I suggest to my clients that they get their pager, and then go up to the buffet and have appetizers. That will take the edge off their hunger, and then the hour will go by in no time!


Here's what NCL website says in FAQ - What time would you like it to be? NCL's exclusive Freestyle Cruising lets you choose. We offer open-seating dining in a variety of restaurants and cafés with individual menus, so it's your choice. You can have lunch or dinner with friends in one of the elegantly appointed restaurants or reserve a table for two in an intimate bistro. Order an omelette prepared just the way you like it from the breakfast-buffet chef. Indulge yourself with delectable selections from the Chocoholic Buffet." There are special menus for youngsters and special entrées from Cooking Light®. Special meals are available including low-calorie, vegetarian, no MSG, low/no sodium and low/no cholesterol meals, as well as sugar-free and fat-free desserts. All of our restaurants are non-smoking. Most specialty restaurants require a per person cover charge or offer a` la carte pricing. Reservations are recomended and can be made on board.



Oh Say Can You Sea Cruises

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I have always been able to get reservations for somewhere any night I wanted, but I always made them early, and on my last cruise in Hawaii the Italian and Tex/Mex did not take reservations, plus the two main dining rooms, which gave you 5 (including buffet) choices on any given night, excluding fast food and room service. Also, if you go to the restaurant and ask if there are no-shows you can also get in (often, but not always). But, if you are nasty to them, you will not get a seat, if you are nice, you might. Even if there is an hour wait, I suggest to my clients that they get their pager, and then go up to the buffet and have appetizers. That will take the edge off their hunger, and then the hour will go by in no time!


Here's what NCL website says in FAQ - What time would you like it to be? NCL's exclusive Freestyle Cruising lets you choose. We offer open-seating dining in a variety of restaurants and cafés with individual menus, so it's your choice. You can have lunch or dinner with friends in one of the elegantly appointed restaurants or reserve a table for two in an intimate bistro. Order an omelette prepared just the way you like it from the breakfast-buffet chef. Indulge yourself with delectable selections from the Chocoholic Buffet." There are special menus for youngsters and special entrées from Cooking Light®. Special meals are available including low-calorie, vegetarian, no MSG, low/no sodium and low/no cholesterol meals, as well as sugar-free and fat-free desserts. All of our restaurants are non-smoking. Most specialty restaurants require a per person cover charge or offer a` la carte pricing. Reservations are recomended and can be made on board.



Oh Say Can You Sea Cruises

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Now if she thinks she had problems, at least she didn't have to go the entire cruise without BBQ chicken (see my review). When I found out there wasn't going to be any I was going to jump overboard. However, at the time I was inside, and I would have looked like a fool jumping into the window, especially with all the senior officers there in the same room. So I licked my wounds and managed to survive the entire cruise without my coveted BBQ chicken that I had been waiting two and one half years for (again, read my review). That BBQ chicken alone might get me back on another NCL cruise (though this time I'll have it written into the contract - just in case).

So I gather BBQ chicken is good?:D Now if Jade does not have that in August can I put in a law suit for mental anguish?

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So I gather BBQ chicken is good?:D Now if Jade does not have that in August can I put in a law suit for mental anguish?


Before the Jade cruise I had a chance to tour the Star. So in the afternoon I went on deck in hopes of sneaking a BBQ chicken leg or something (even though we wear visitor tags while on ship tours, the crew does not care). Unfortunately I forgot that on embarkation day it is served for dinner (while during the cruise it is served for lunch). They hadn't even started cooking the BBQ chicken, and I knew I would have to leave the ship before any of it was cooked.


I showed my review to my boss. He said that since the butler's best friend was on the Star, and both ships were in Cabo at the same time, I should have asked the butler to have some BBQ chicken sent over. Now that would have been an interesting request. I wonder if they would have done it.


At any rate, in my opinion, yes the BBQ chicken on the Star in Oct 2005 was very good.

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K I promise that I will hunt down the chief on Jade and torture the recipe out of him. failing that I will try the chicken and post back here on my return.

Hey no thanks needed (heroic pose) I am doing this for everyone!!!:D

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It seems the primary complaint hinges on the fact that "Freestyle" doesn't always live of to the "free to whatever" marketing message.


If the goal of NCL is to maximize revenue and consumers really want an equal shot at always eating when/where they want, why not replace the art auctions with dinner reservation auctions? That way everyone gets what they seem to want. :D

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This is one thing that has kept me from strongly considering NCL for a cruise. First, there is the lawsuit, then cruisePRN's statement, then the demurrers by johnql and Cosmopolitan. The differences in the statements are so radically different that I have a hard time believing any one of them.


A lawsuit has kept you from considering NCL? Guess you are not aware of frivolous lawsuits:confused:

How old are you?


I couln't care less if you believe me, I state the (true) facts (from my experience) to people who ask/comment on these boards. And, I have only known johnql to do the same.


As far as CruisePRN's comments..we've sailed many times in September...children are all in school, no wait at the dining venues!


You do not have to believe anyone....try NCL for yourself and then report your legitimate comments.

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I think there is a little confusion here. The restaurants can be put into three categories:


1) Free restaurants that don't take reservations.

2) Free restaurants that do take reservations.

3) Extra cost restaurants that do take reservations.


Disclaimer - large groups (I'm not sure of the minimum size). Lets say two families of eight want to eat together. A large group like this can make a reservation at one of the restaurants in group one.


Note, like you I am single. I was on the Star in October 2005 in a balcony cabin. I was on the Jade in February 2008 in a suite. So I've seen it from both sides now (sounds like a good song title).


First of all, yes, the extra cost restaurants do provide better food and service. Would you pay extra for the same quality of food and service?


I don't recall ever having any trouble getting into an extra cost restaurant when I wanted with the exception of Teppanyaki which has very limited seating (at least on the Star). On the Jade Teppanyaki is bigger, can seat more, and was much easier to get a reservation when I wanted (not because I was in a suite on the Jade, but because it was never full when I ate there).


Disclaimer - okay, I admit it. On the Jade I opted for late dinner every night because all the extra cost restaurants (except Teppanyaki) where half price. But as my review will reflect, I did not always have a reservation (which means my suite status had nothing to do with how easy it was to get a table). ALL restaurants will take a walk up when there are empty tables, and I usually ate when there were more empty tables then full ones.


On the Star (when I did not have suite status) I woke up every morning and thought about where I wanted to eat and when. When was an issue because I had to plan around the show schedule. And in a nutshell, this is why I don't like Freestyle. Yes, you can eat where and when you want, but that does not mean the shows are going to change their show times to suit your dinner time. And once a reservation is made, I don't see this as being any different than having a set dinner time.


Others on this board will point out how mistaken I am about this. Save your time. I've been flamed plenty over this subject and I still prefer a set dinner time over Freestyle because I don't like having to take the time to make a reservation which then changes "any time any place" to a set dinner time - in my opinion.


Perhaps because I am single I can be very flexible and as a result my longest wait was caused not by a lack of open tables, but rather by a lack of staff (and on a prior night I noticed a long line at this same restaurant - so long that I went to Jasmine instead). This was at Blue Lagoon which doesn't take reservations. It is more or less a sit down fast food type restaurant.


Jasmine is an extra cost restaurant. I walked past it on the way to Blue Lagoon and knew there were empty tables. So I knew I could get right in. Being late, it was also half price.


Note - the half price meal times vary per ship. On the Star is was the early meal times that were half price.


At any rate, NCL seems to be a love it or hate it kind of experience. Very few are like me - neutral. My recommendation - give it a try. That is how I ended up on the Star, and thus was willing to go on the Jade, which is one of my two favorite cruises (I have been on ten). See, like you I read the reviews. My boss really likes NCL, so since I can drive to the Star I figured I would give it a try and see what it is like. My experience on the Star was positive, though I did not feel Freestyle was as great as many on this board feel it is. In my opinion it is simply different, and thus has different advantages and disadvantages over having a set dinner time.


Given that I wanted to go through the Panama Canal in a forward facing cabin, and given my positive experience on the Star, I was willing to pay the price (and it was a very good price) for the suite on the Jade and invest the time (it was a thirteen night cruise) only because I had personal experience with NCL on the Star. Without that personal experience I would not have gone on the Jade (again - I have read the reviews) and I would have missed out on a wonderful experience.


NCL's problems are not on the water, they are shore based. I wish you the best of luck if you have to deal with NCL's shore based customer service. Even NCL's cheerleaders will not flame me about that remark.


At any rate, if you must eat at prime time, then perhaps NCL is not your best choice. If you are unwilling to make early reservations, but feel you should eat at prime time, then again NCL might not be your best choice. If however you are willing to be flexible, or are willing to plan out your day early, then I think you can make Freestyle dining work for you. You've seen the same reviews I have. They are all over the board. The only way to find out for sure is give it a try. No matter what happens, good, bad or otherwise, you will no longer wonder. You will be able to say I tried it, and I liked it, or I didn't like it, or like me, decide it is no better or worse, just different.


I don't know why anyone would flame you. You're post was concise and to the point and I definitely agree with much of what you said. And, freestyle is definitely NOT for everyone.


The only thing that you said that I would disagree with would be about once having made reservations for dinner, it's no different then the other cruiselines. The difference as I see it is that you decide what time you eat. It can be at 5 pm or 10 pm. It is not a set time like the other cruiselines assign. In addition, the time you eat every day can vary greatly. If you skip lunch and are starving at 5:30 tonight, then go have dinner at that time. But if you come back on board at 5 pm after a long day ashore, and want to take a nap, shower, and eat at 9:30 tomorrow night, you can do that too. To me, that is truly what freestyle is about and you can only find that wide ranging free style on NCL.

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One other thing that some people don't know is.. You can actually take out more than $2000.00 a day. The limit is actually $2000.00 a day per credit card on file.


And if anyone is wondering about "what is a casino day when it says $2000.00 per day?" You need to ask the cashier or casino manager because it is not always a "24" hour day.

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Guest Anorak33

Having just debarked the Jewel this morning after a 15 day Transatlantic I can report that I never had to wait longer than 3 or 4 minutes to enter the main dining rooms for any meal , and could walk into any of the speciality cover charge restaurants any time of the evening without making a reservation - they were very, very undersubscribed, unlike all other Transatlantics I have done on Pearl, Gem etc.

This may have something to do with the increased cover charges and also that a lot of guests including many non English speaking guests chose to eat in the Garden Cafe.

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I think we should start a suit against HER for causing each of us pain and suffering, and higher rates. No matter what happens, NCL will now have to spend time dealing with this. They will have to spend money defending it. All of this adds to the expense line, and they will have to spread the cost back to the consumer.


This woman needs her head examined. Or least she will after somebody steps forward and smacks her the side of the head.

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I don't know why anyone would flame you. You're post was concise and to the point and I definitely agree with much of what you said. And, freestyle is definitely NOT for everyone.


The only thing that you said that I would disagree with would be about once having made reservations for dinner, it's no different then the other cruiselines. The difference as I see it is that you decide what time you eat. It can be at 5 pm or 10 pm. It is not a set time like the other cruiselines assign. In addition, the time you eat every day can vary greatly. If you skip lunch and are starving at 5:30 tonight, then go have dinner at that time. But if you come back on board at 5 pm after a long day ashore, and want to take a nap, shower, and eat at 9:30 tomorrow night, you can do that too. To me, that is truly what freestyle is about and you can only find that wide ranging free style on NCL.


On the Star I always made my reservations in the morning. On the Jade I did take advantage of my suite status a few times and made the reservation late (however, I always choose a late time, which as it turns out meant there were more empty tables then full ones when I ate).


Back to the Star. If that afternoon I skipped lunch, I would have to change my reservations if I wanted to eat earlier. I might or might not be able to do so (depending on how full the restaurant was at the earlier time).


Again, on the Star, I made my reservations in the morning. If I came back from a shore excursion tired and dirty, I might not be able to change the reservation. I don't recall the penalty period (one hour? two hours? four hours?), but if you don't show up for your reservation within 15 minutes of the schedule time, and it is an extra cost restaurant, NCL will charge you anyway.


Now, as to the first issue, that can be handled via the buffet (get a snack and keep the original late reservation). The only thing I can think of for the second issue is to do a quick wash (not a shower - just face and hands) and suck it up as far as being tired.


Yes, you can choose the time of the reservation. But once you have done that, in my opinion, it is now a set dinner time. And if you want to catch the show, you still have to plan around that, which means you are going to match the pre-set dinner times of the other lines fairly closely.

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Yes, you can choose the time of the reservation. But once you have done that, in my opinion, it is now a set dinner time. And if you want to catch the show, you still have to plan around that, which means you are going to match the pre-set dinner times of the other lines fairly closely.

True, but the main difference is you had the CHOICE to have a pre-set dinner time by making the reservation at a restaurant in lieu of simply walking into one of the main dining rooms and having dinner anytime you wished. A dinner reservation of 6:00 or 8:00 wasn't forced on you in a pre-set dinner time that other lines have. You made that choice yourself.:)

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True, but the main difference is you had the CHOICE to have a pre-set dinner time by making the reservation at a restaurant in lieu of simply walking into one of the main dining rooms and having dinner anytime you wished. A dinner reservation of 6:00 or 8:00 wasn't forced on you in a pre-set dinner time that other lines have. You made that choice yourself.:)


Well, this is why I prefer the set dinner times. Then I don't have to take the time to make the reservation.

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May I hold your coat and get the bat ready?:rolleyes:



Umm...I wasn't thinking of hitting her upside the head with a bat FTLOG...although the idea is starting to grow on me. :p


I'd be happy to hold her so you can get a good shot in:p



You people have Mafia ties or what???? :p ;)

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that's exactly why we only do freestyle...we don't need to make reservations. we just go and eat...no time spent worrying about it. sooo very nice!! i spend less then 3 mins making reservations on the last cruise. (at 11am for later that same night)

i hate knowing, when i wake up, exactly when i will be eating that night. don't live that way at home, don't live that way on vacation.


just remember, if you take out all that cash...you have to declare it when you go through customs.

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Umm...I wasn't thinking of hitting her upside the head with a bat FTLOG...although the idea is starting to grow on me. :p





You people have Mafia ties or what???? :p ;)


Charlie get the horses head ROFL :eek:

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