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Need a buddy for weight loss

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Hello all...


I have tried everything. Now, I am trying medifast as my last resort. I want to lose 52 pounds..my bmi is 29.9. That is close enough to "obese" as you can get without being there.


I really need someone to encourage, support, lift me up etc. I will do the same in return. We are going on a Disney cruise in Sept and I would love nothing better than to wear a sleeveless sundress and not be ashamed of my arms.


I tried the 1200 calorie a day diet. Got a heart rate monitor and went to the gym everyday for 2 hours. NOTHING!!!! So frustrating. Since my hysterectomy this has been my life.


Anyone want to buddy up with me?

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Hello all...


I have tried everything. Now, I am trying medifast as my last resort. I want to lose 52 pounds..my bmi is 29.9. That is close enough to "obese" as you can get without being there.


I really need someone to encourage, support, lift me up etc. I will do the same in return. We are going on a Disney cruise in Sept and I would love nothing better than to wear a sleeveless sundress and not be ashamed of my arms.


I tried the 1200 calorie a day diet. Got a heart rate monitor and went to the gym everyday for 2 hours. NOTHING!!!! So frustrating. Since my hysterectomy this has been my life.


Anyone want to buddy up with me?


Hey Cindy!


It's always good to have a buddy. I think it helps to have somebody to vent to and celebrate with. I lost 127 pounds with weight watchers 2 years ago and have slowly gained about 15 pounds back. We are going on a carnival cruise the end of june and I hope to be back to goal. So far the thought of being in a bathing suite in front of other people has been really good motivation for me. I bought 2 new bikinis and have them hanging on my mirror to look at every day. I have never worn a bikini in my life! Guess there's a first time for everything. You can do this and you will feel sooooo good after reaching your goal.


Remember: Nothing tastes as good as being skinny feels. :)

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Congrats on your weight loss. That is impressive! How long did it take you?


I am impressed with the bikini. Like I said, I would love to just put on a sleeveless dress.


I do have a question for you...silly I know but here goes...


Do you get the undimpled look back when you lose the weight?


Have you ever watched The Biggest Loser?

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Congrats on your weight loss. That is impressive! How long did it take you?


I am impressed with the bikini. Like I said, I would love to just put on a sleeveless dress.


I do have a question for you...silly I know but here goes...


Do you get the undimpled look back when you lose the weight?


Have you ever watched The Biggest Loser?



Not a silly question at all. I have had plenty of people as me stuff like that. I guess it all really depends on how much you have to loose. I think for most people, atleast for me, the "dimpled look" does go away. I used some great skin firming lotions as I was loosing and that really seemed to help. Nivea makes a good one and so does Avon.


I'm not a big TV watcher, but I have watched Biggest Loser a few times. It's great for a little motivation when you really need it. It can be kinda far fetched because seriously these people are working out HOURS every day and have someone to do all their cooking and meal planning. Doesn't quite work that way in reality, but it is still inspiring to see these people stick to it. CMT had a show called I wanna look like a high school cheer leader again, and that was hilarious. I never looked like a high school cheer leader.


Hope you have a great day!

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hi Cindy and Lovelee!! I would like to join in on your group. I was on 2 other boards but those ladies seem to have disappeared. Lovelee, how long did it take you to loose the 127. I have about that much to loose myself, actually about 140-150 total. I am aiming for 27lbs by August 1. We are going on our first cruise august 4.


cindy, I am here for you. I have just started going back to the gym and eating healthy with my "partner". A buddy seems to help, and I know so far these boards have been very theraputic at least for me they have.:rolleyes:


Hope you both have a great day!!!!!!!

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HI wernew2cruising,


wow when I read you post I thought someone else with my problem!! I too have struggled just about my whole life with my weight. I finally decided to stop saying "I wish I could lose ... lbs and just do something about it. I am really watching my calories I try to keep around 1500 a day per my Dr. advice. I have joined a gym I go faithfully 4-5 times a week, have a heart rate monitor, keep in the cardio range for 35-60 min each time. do strength training 2 times a week (on those days I'm working out at least 1 and 1/2 hrs as I do 15-20 of cardio then the machines. It's been 7 weeks and I have lost 4 lbs. I have to say it is very discouraging!! I have seen the Biggest Loser a few times and you see the huge amounts of weight those people lose in just a week and it is even more depressing!! I know they don't have a job, unless you count losing weight a their job but still it really makes you expect to lose more doesn't it? you read all these online articles and it says I'm doing just what I should be to be losing 1 to 2 lbs a week, but I'm not!! I'd be thrilled to lose 2 lbs a week!! I'm 49 years young and would love to lose 25 lbs before my 50th in November. So I say lets all keep up with our diet and exercise and see if we can all be slimmer by our target dates. !!

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Okay guys...let's do it! Let's form our own little support group. We can make sure we keep each other on track..and if we lose track get us back up there. There will be setbacks. I understand that.


Obviously, I am female. (lol). My bmi is 30.0. That puts me right on the border of obese. I would like to get my bmi to 24 at least. Actually, I want to be a size 10 right now. Really I want to be a size 6 but a healthy size 6.


I live in the Dallas area. I gave up on the gym when I got discouraged..but will get back on track..especially if I have someone to answer to.


All aboard for this!!!!

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It took me a little over a year to loose.

Love-lee...you look really young if that is you in your picture. Let me ask you this...do the arms tighten back up? Although, if you are younger than me you have had less years of stretch. :rolleyes:


I am excited. Can you keep me and the others motivated? I am so impressed with what you have done.

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I am also new to cruising, & I also have a few friends that are trying to loose some pounds before we cruise Feb 09. I joined Jenny Craig in January of this year and I have dropped 21 lbs. I have even managed to keep the weight off after I stopped eating her food by eating a lot of lean cuisine meals, and (I hate to say it cutting back on the Friday night drink or 5 with my girls) & sticking to the 1200 calories per day. My friends and I also use the spark people website. We are located in CA and would love to join your group.


Great Ideal



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I am also new to cruising, & I also have a few friends that are trying to loose some pounds before we cruise Feb 09. I joined Jenny Craig in January of this year and I have dropped 21 lbs. I have even managed to keep the weight off after I stopped eating her food by eating a lot of lean cuisine meals, and (I hate to say it cutting back on the Friday night drink or 5 with my girls) & sticking to the 1200 calories per day. My friends and I also use the spark people website. We are located in CA and would love to join your group.


Great Ideal



spark people????


welcome aboard! :D

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http://www.sparkpeople.com is a free weight loss site, where you can track your meal, calories, weight, & work out schedule, it has recipes, tips on dining out, all kinds of helpful hits to keep people on track. It’s more of a network of people that are trying to loose weight, and stay healthy. It has really helped me stay on track check it out. If you decide to join it let me know at swtonu2000@yahoo.com
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I too would like to join your group. I have now lost the weight I wanted to but I have to tell you going into a maintenance mode is hard! While loosing weight you see the results and that motivates you, while in maintenance there is no change to keep you going, but still you must or trust me it comes back on quick.


I started my weight loss journey while in full menapause, began at size 14 and 160 pounds. I now wear a size 3 or 4 and weight 115, so yes it can be done. I hear you about a 1200 calorie diet, faithful gym work-outs and very slow weight loss. It was like that for me the entire journey but I just took my small gains and kept on plan, Slowly but eventually I got to where I wanted to be.... Any yes at 53 I wore a bikini while on a cruise in Bermuda!!


So I will be the cheerleader of the group. Help with any nutrition or work out questions, just cheer you on while I also try to figure out what I do next to keep the weight off. Yes, the dimples go away as your % of body fat is reduced.

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So I will be the cheerleader of the group. Help with any nutrition or work out questions, just cheer you on while I also try to figure out what I do next to keep the weight off.


Yes, the dimples go away as your % of body fat is reduced.


You are just what the "doctor" ordered! :D


Thank you, I for one will need a cheerleader. Will the arm sag firm up too?


Congrats on your loss and thank you.

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Absolutley the arm sag will go away. You will need to exercise your arms though, weight loss will not be enough. If you belong to a gym, use the machines there, if not just get 2 1/2 or 3 pound dumbells and use them... I have mine in my kitchen and while I am cooking dinner or whatever I do arm curls.

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Oka, I would like to join your group as well. I am trying to go from a 14 to an 8 or 10 by my cruise in September.

It is encouraging to hear that the flab and dimples disappear. I am 51 an currently at 162 and in a size 14.

Don't know my bmi at this point. I am 5'4" so if any can help out that I would be grateful.

Right now I am watching what I eat and walking in the afternoons after O get home from work. I have had someone suggest that I get an Ab-Lounger. I will have to do a little research on that first.



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Oka, I would like to join your group as well. I am trying to go from a 14 to an 8 or 10 by my cruise in September.

It is encouraging to hear that the flab and dimples disappear. I am 51 an currently at 162 and in a size 14.

Don't know my bmi at this point. I am 5'4" so if any can help out that I would be grateful.

Right now I am watching what I eat and walking in the afternoons after O get home from work. I have had someone suggest that I get an Ab-Lounger. I will have to do a little research on that first.



Welcome. We need a name, don't you think?


Here is what I found for you..



For the information you entered:

Height: 5 feet, 4 inches

Weight: 162 pounds





Your BMI is 27.8, indicating your weight is in the overweight category for adults of your height.

BMIWeight Status


Below 18.5 Underweight

18.5—24.9 Normal

arrow_right.gif25.0—29.9 Overweightarrow_left.gif

30.0 and Above Obese

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Hey everyone!


Looks like we are getting quite a few buddy's going here. I'm soooo excited. The more the merrier.


As far as the "flab" on your arms (and legs for that matter), yes it does get better. I am 30 years old and lost a lot of weight. You can't expect it to be perfect but it does get tons better. If you don't have that much too loose it may completely go away.


Maintenance is hard. Thats probably why I let the scale creep back up 15 pounds in 2 years. But in those 2 years, I went threw a divorce and put myself threw PA school. And I'm a stress eater and that was a lot of stress!


Now I'm back on track and ready to get cruising! This cruise will be kinda like celebrating a new beginning for me. (In more ways than one.)


Hope everyone has a great weekend! Weekends are always the hardest for me. But I know you guys will all be here for support!

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I too would like to join your group. I have now lost the weight I wanted to but I have to tell you going into a maintenance mode is hard! While loosing weight you see the results and that motivates you, while in maintenance there is no change to keep you going, but still you must or trust me it comes back on quick.


I started my weight loss journey while in full menapause, began at size 14 and 160 pounds. I now wear a size 3 or 4 and weight 115, so yes it can be done. I hear you about a 1200 calorie diet, faithful gym work-outs and very slow weight loss. It was like that for me the entire journey but I just took my small gains and kept on plan, Slowly but eventually I got to where I wanted to be.... Any yes at 53 I wore a bikini while on a cruise in Bermuda!!


So I will be the cheerleader of the group. Help with any nutrition or work out questions, just cheer you on while I also try to figure out what I do next to keep the weight off. Yes, the dimples go away as your % of body fat is reduced.


OK, you are my mentor, I am 53, weigh now 218 lbs, and want to be 144lbs by my october cruise. I have joined Curves, a love it when I get to go. I have to get more commited I guess. I have lost 8.5 lbs since I joined 1 1/2 months ago. I think by checking in here it might help. And I need all the help I can get!!


Sorry about Signature, working on it :o

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Love-Lee that was quite an impressive weight loss and what I liked the most about what you posted was that you stuck with it for a year, made the commitment to yourself and got the results you were after. I know how hard this is. I am going to guess that even though you gained 15 back (which is not all that bad!), you know how to turn it around again and a cruise and a new beginning is the perfect motivator for you.


Tess, joining Curves was a great start for you, and not a bad weight loss start, yet it seems you already know you might need to be more committed. I belong to a gym and I am there 4-5 times a week. I just find the time, be it before work, after work, whatever. When I first made the commitment to go to the gym I hated it and literally had to force myself to go. The interesting thing about the gym is that it just part for the total package one needs. You go to the gym, walk out and feel good about what you did for yourself, you go home and well you just did something good for yourself so you now have added willpower to eat healthy and not indulge in snacks… One thing just leads into another and there you have it, you are on your way. Now, I actually enjoy and look forward to my gym time.


Moon, myself I am not a big fan of those ab machines and here is why. As you begin to loose weight you are going to loose weight over your entire body so targeting one area of your body just does not make sense to me. Cardio, such as walking has the benefit of #1, burring calories and #2, will tone your body over all. From there you can add weight training also to your entire body. This was my game plan, not targeting any area but working them equally. I did loose that belly fat going this route.


I would be great to talk about what everybody has done in eating habits change to reach their goals. Have a great day all.

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What I eat is not a problem, it is how much. My job is selling seafood, and so I do eat fish many times week. I only eat red meat now once every couple of weeks, if that. It is considered my treat, LOL It is bnls/sknls chicken breast. I eat more soy protein items, cause cheese is my big downfall, and the soy doesn't have the fat. I am not as a rule a sweet eater, have no problem giving that up. On my last cruise, didn't have a single dessert. If I eat bread, I eat only whole grain, but mostly opt for the low carb wraps, love those. I only drink diet soda, always have just because I like it, regular is too sweet. No sugar in my coffee or tea.

My big problem is I can do all this when I am at home, but I travel for my job, a lot. I eat in restaurants weeks at a time. I hate eating alone, so it is drive thru, and healthy options are was too limited then. I have been trying though. I did just back from a 3 week trip, ending in a cruise and gained 0 lbs, but I need to do it and LOSE!!


So, here is my goal for this week: (one week at a time)

No eating out, (I am home for the week)

1 hr walk EVERYDAY

Curves M-S

Golf with my son tomorrow.

Check in here everyday for support.


Have a good day all Teri

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Tess2cruz- It sounds like you are on the right track. Having a plan is key. For me we eat out a lot. And it can be done. I always ask for the nutritional info or google it before we go. Sometimes the things you think are healthy choices are really the worst, so looking up the nutritional info is really important.


Everyday is a new day. If you slipped up a little bit yesterday, pull up your sleeps and try again. It doesn't matter how you get there or how long your journey is. You can't put your life on hold. You have to keep living. So enjoy life and the journey and we will all celebrate together when we get there. :)

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I'd love to join in this group. I started Nutrisystem on April 30th. So, I'm at the beginning of a VERY long road.


I'm 22, and stand at 5'3". I always weighed a healthy 125-130 lbs. When I met my fiance four years ago, that was the weight I was. Well, four years of eating out, and watching movies with snacks, fast food, etc...brought me up to 210 pounds! Since April 30th, I've dropped down to 206.5, but it's probably water weight.


I need to get into shape for my wedding, which is a little over a year away. I would love to get back to where I was. I felt so much better!

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Hi everyone, like Smoothdancer I am also battling weight loss while in menopause. I gained over 90 pounds over the last 9 years and lost 36 of it for my sons wedding a 1 1/2 years ago. Well last year was rough emotionally, in addition I quit smoking 7 months ago. Needless to say I gained about 20 pounds back since last year. I have now been on WW Online and have lost 16 pounds and I'm almost in a regular size 16! My goal is to be a healthy 145 pounds and to lose an additional 30 pounds by my cruise in late August.


Sabrina, you go bride to be! you are going to be a beautiful bride and we will all be here to cheer you on as well as you get ready for a very exciting day in your life....

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Hey everyone...seems like we have a great group going. Thanks for "joining". This is going to be fun!


I have been busy painting our bathroom. A faux treatment. I am not a professional but I give it my best. If anyone is interested when I am done I can post pictures. Well with stage 1 anyway. :rolleyes:


I am starting my medifast Monday..I know this is going to be a tough journey so I needed some time to eat some of the things I won't have for a long time, if ever again.


I am trying to turn my thinking around and understand that food is not comfort..food if the fuel I need and nothing more.


Has anyone done anything exciting this weekend?

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