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Need a buddy for weight loss

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I have learn my lesson, just because it is little does not mean it is low in points. I ate 2 donut holes at work today and when I checked the points it was 3 points:(:(:(. I would have never eaten them if I knew I was going to waste 3 of my precious precious points.!!!!!!!!:eek:

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I just opened and viewed a clip that a friend sent me. It was viewed on a religious site, with a hymn playing in the background....I don't know if I am violating any posting rules in putting the link up but it was an incredible video showing a very fit father who participated in a triathalon while carrying, biking with, and towing an inflatable raft with, his very handicapped adult son. I've never seen anything quite like it. It made me think, "And I think I have a lot to deal with here in my 'race'? All I have to deal with is 50 lbs. or so." If you have an interest in viewing the clip, here it is...




It was very inspiring.

Got this in an email yesterday. Yep..tears were flowing! How incredible. But, for 99.9% of parents, isn't this what we would do for our kids? That dad is wonderful...and the son's face...I hope Dad watches it over and over to see the joy in his son's face. I saved this one and am going to watch whenever I feel like crud.

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I love crabs, steamed season crabs. I use to sit down and eat 2 dozen crabs before I would take a break. I looked at the point system for crabs and have come up with nothing on how many points for a med crab. Close as I came was 1 cup equals 3 points. Any ideas?

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Mommy, you cracked me up about the donut holes:eek: .


As for the crab, I guess you'll need to do a little more research, perhaps how much crab is in a medium crab. The 3 pts per cup sounds about right. So if you think there is a cup of meat in each crab, that's what I would plan per crab.

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Heart felt, heart warming, tear bringer. It is all that and some. The song My Redeemer Lives is perfect for that video. It reminds me of how much Jesus loves us.



Yes, Mommy4....Great song for the clip. I kept trying to say something while watching it and would get choked up! I was amazed that the other participants were working exceptionally hard to even be in an event like that....then to see a man pulling, carrying, the weight of his son along with his own weight....it just floored me. Now THAT is endurance. I sent it to a friend who lives in California...she's 55 and has participated in triathalon (Hawaii) and she said that she actually knows the father and son by name. I guess they've participated in a few.

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I have learn my lesson, just because it is little does not mean it is low in points. I ate 2 donut holes at work today and when I checked the points it was 3 points:(:(:(. I would have never eaten them if I knew I was going to waste 3 of my precious precious points.!!!!!!!!:eek:


Yesterday was NOT my best day by any means...meaning it was my worst.


So I'm going to admit where I blew it.....5 leftover chicken nuggets, then a "light" dessert. The dessert wasn't a bad thing but I ate it for lunch instead of treating it like something special at the end of the day. That means that I skipped a healthy lunch. Then there were two dinner rolls along with my dinner. I got WEAK from not eating a proper lunch. I should NOT have eaten them, but I did. I stopped myself after dinner, and sat at a campfire while my grandaughter was sticking S'Mores in my face and I said, "No, thank you, honey." I know that there will be days like this, on occasion. I know that I ate more carbs than I needed and too few veggies. Today will be better.


Part of my own personal plan is to allow one day a week for a little more, a little of a craving, etc. That will help me with that feeling of deprivation. I'll still stay within a calorie range, but it will be my one day to not be as rigid. I'm doing this partly to mess with my tricksy metabolism. :p I'll do this on Friday or Saturday...we go out dancing one of those two nights at a ballroom studio, then have something to eat at Applebees afterward. Usually I burn about 500 calories (at least) dancing, then we eat a late dinner. Well, anyway, I blew it with those nuggets and 2 Hawaiian rolls, so I wasted my weekend meal splurge:( . It's sort of like the donut holes feeling.....

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If I am going to be around food that will entice me, I always make sure that I have a "healthy treat". For example: If I go to a picnic at a friends, I make sure that I make something for me that is good like a great low fat pasta salad. Make sure that you don't feel neglected. :)

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The summer is here and so is all the food temptations. All those out door activities that are centered around food.:eek: And Vacation:eek:. What is a dieter suppose to do:confused:. I can see me now running from a hamburger on a bun , 10pts; I only get 21 a day and 2 pts a day of that go to my coffee creamer. At the end of the summer, I am going to buy a tee shirt that says

"I survived the summer on Weight Watchers" :)

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Well, it's Friday, so I've braved the scales again - but don't worry - I can keep a secret (until monday morning anyway).....;)


I'll give you a hint though........as a reward to myself I've just put a nice bottle of Chilean Sauvignon Blanc in the refridgerator to chill for an hour.


Making a simple dinner this evening of pan-seared pork fillets with apple and sage, roasted vegetables, and with a bit of luck a few NEW POTATOES from our garden! I'm just waiting for DW to get home so we can go and dig them up. Our calculations say they should be ready, but you never know until you dig!


Hope you all have a good weekend, I'm praying for the rain to hold off here so that I can finish dealing with the jungle of weeds I need to remove before I can expand our kitchen garden...



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Well, it's Friday, so I've braved the scales again - but don't worry - I can keep a secret (until monday morning anyway).....;)


I'll give you a hint though........as a reward to myself I've just put a nice bottle of Chilean Sauvignon Blanc in the refridgerator to chill for an hour.


Making a simple dinner this evening of pan-seared pork fillets with apple and sage, roasted vegetables, and with a bit of luck a few NEW POTATOES from our garden! I'm just waiting for DW to get home so we can go and dig them up. Our calculations say they should be ready, but you never know until you dig!


Hope you all have a good weekend, I'm praying for the rain to hold off here so that I can finish dealing with the jungle of weeds I need to remove before I can expand our kitchen garden...





LOVE roasted veggies! I do a huge medley....brussell sprouts, leeks, garlic cloves, parsnips, carrots, asparagus, etc. With rosemary, thyme, cracked pepper, sea salt, and olive oil. And wine chilling? Must be you've earned it this week. I'll place money you've dropped 5 more....


The only thing better than fresh potatoes is a husband to cook the dinner!:)

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The summer is here and so is all the food temptations. All those out door activities that are centered around food.:eek: And Vacation:eek:. What is a dieter suppose to do:confused:. I can see me now running from a hamburger on a bun , 10pts; I only get 21 a day and 2 pts a day of that go to my coffee creamer. At the end of the summer, I am going to buy a tee shirt that says

"I survived the summer on Weight Watchers" :)



I always feel guilty eating a hamburger bun...around 120 calories, right? I wish there was a decent alternative. If anyone knows of a good light wheat bun, please share. I guess I should plan ahead and compensate for one. Do you cook much? I've been wanting to play with some recipes and revamp some summer favorites to make them work into my plan. I have an awesome Roasted Garlic Potato Salad recipe, which could be revamped using fat-free mayo or light mayo...that sort of thing.


On the bright side, the summer veggies and fruits will be plentiful! Keep those Skinny Cows and lemon sorbets, or frozen fruit bars stocked up for get-togethers. We might have to get into a little acting...never let anyone see that you are drooling over their plateful of picnic food. Just turn your nose up and imagine that some fly was just sitting on that plate.:D There are baked chips, light dips, fresh veggies, fruits, salsas, etc. Plenty for us to enjoy as healthy alternatives...just not the brownies!


How about this as a summer meal/potluck contribution...one of those seven-layer dips made with fat-free refried beans, salsa, light or fat free sour cream mixed with some light mayo and taco seasoning....all topped with some cheese, tomatoes, green onions and black olives? Serve with baked tortilla chips....that would be a great summer meal in itself.

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OK - it's Monday!


SW 284

CW 273

GW 238


So.....another 4lbs down. In real money it's a 'half-stone' milestone today, as I've gone from 20st 4lbs to 19 1/2 stone. Funny, but it doesn't seem as successful as saying 'I've lost 11 lbs in two weeks'!


One thing is becoming obvious though. I can reduce my weight more quickly and easily between monday and friday, but the socialising over the weekend seems to take its toll. I just know I'm going to have to be more strong willed in that department, particularly during next weekend when we're going on a trip to London with friends. (going to the Hard Rock Calling music festival in Hyde Park - if any of you are 'of an age' then the lineup is just awesome!)


We had really bad gales here yesterday, so I'm off into the garden after breakfast to survey the damage. I suppose I should be grateful that we don't get anything as bad as a hurricane here very often (only one in my lifetime to the best of my knowledge), but 70mph winds extract quite a toll on my poor fruit trees.


That's all for now, 'think small';)



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Happy Weigh in Monday


I hope everyone had a great weekend. It's about that time again;). Show me the weight loss.





I have lost 1lb this week. I could have done better, Friday the scale showed 171.6 lbs. but this weekend I used every available point:eek: . I will not get discouraged but try harder this week. The bright, side is I am on target, my goal is 2lbs per week and I am down 6lbs in 3 weeks. 1st week 4lbs, 2nd week 1lb and 3rd week 1lb.


This week I pledge to make more healthier decisions. Eat more vegetables and proteins and less carbs.:cool:


OK - it's Monday!


SW 284

CW 273

GW 238


So.....another 4lbs down. In real money it's a 'half-stone' milestone today, as I've gone from 20st 4lbs to 19 1/2 stone. Funny, but it doesn't seem as successful as saying 'I've lost 11 lbs in two weeks'!




Tim congratulations:), 11lbs in 2 weeks is great. Keep up the good work, you will reach your goal in no time. Let us know how your garden is doing, I pray there is no damage.


Ladies - for some reason men loose weight faster than women. :confused: I believe it is because men have more muscles than women and muscles burn more calories than fat.


I hope we are all losers this week:). I need to get a measuring tape so that I can start keeping track of inches lost.



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WTG Gladys and Time on your losses this week!


Here are my stats for the week,


SW - 236

CW - 195

GW - 145


My ext mini goal is to lose 6 lbs in the next 3 weeks before my long weekend in Boston for my son's birthday.

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:D I woke up too early and kept getting up every hour to weigh myself.:D


June 3/SW/188

June 9th/185

June 16th/185

June 23rd/181 lbs.

GW: 135....46 lbs. to go!!


I did NOT expect to have a great weigh-in. Remember the dinner roll confession? Then there was Friday night...neighbors were blasting oldies rock until 3 a.m. Nighttime is not my strength. I ripped off the lid of a cake box and ate a chunk of angel food cake with my bare hands. Didn't even cut it.:eek: Carbohydrates are my weakness. I'll never do a no-carb diet because I can't live that way...I have to be able to control the quantity to do this for life. On top of the dinner roll/cake dive.....I got a "visitor" on Saturday. Thought for sure I'd go up my usual 2 lbs. of water weight. I'm praying that the 4 lbs. is going to stay off during the next week and is not just a water weight thing.


This a.m., I imagined myself being stuck on a deserted island that was named "the 180's". Then I imagined myself deciding to take a risk and hop into a row-boat and head out to sea...I was rowing the boat and facing the island of the 180's and saying, "I want outta here and I'm never coming back." 2 more pounds and I'm outta here! I look young for being 50 and am told that often, but I MOVE like an 80-year-old woman. This extra weight has literally been crippling me. I should be on crutches but have not been willing to do that. I've known that if I don't lose weight, major health problems are right around the corner. Diabetes runs in my family. I've had an increase in blood pressure. Heart palpitations. Aside from that, I am in constant pain with my back, hip, knee, and right foot (big toe). As I've read about it, I have guessed that I am seeing the beginning signs of osteo-arthritis and the main cause is excessive weight gain which puts stress on the joints. I've got plenty of motivation to change this before it is beyond improvement. I want to run and play and not be stuck sitting and limping when I walk. Thanks for being here everyone! I need you!




Hi Laura....we'll be here when you get back. :)

Growler...Wow...another great weigh-in! I know that you will never want to go back to 284...especially after seeing your goal. My husband is really fit, physically, and is currently participating in a weight loss competition with teams from work. He still has some wine, etc., on the weekends. Still eats cheese and things that he likes. He's a firm believer in tricking the metabolism by not starving it.....by allowing a little more on weekends. Maybe you can figure out how much is excessive for you and still have some extras on the weekend....keeping in mind that this will be a lifelong goal?

Mommy--1 lb. Yay! If you are tempted to be discouraged, pull out a pound of butter from the refrigerator and set it in a visible spot. You lost a pound! We'll all have those weeks where we've lost nothing, so a pound is great. That means that you gave up 3500 calories to lose a pound...all in one week. I notice with your loss, just like mine, you may lose more up front and it levels off so your weekly average is right at 2 lbs. That happened to me. I got discouraged a couple of days ago when I was still at 184-185 and complained to my daughter that I was at it for 3 weeks and had only lost 3 lbs. I'm glad that I didn't cave in, now. This week I dropped a FREAKISH 4 lbs....I won't be at all surprised if not much happens for me next week.


Okay Cindy and Lovelee and Moonpie and anyone else that I'm missing....we're waiting for you. Love-lee's cruise is coming up soon (so lucky!)....

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I forgot to mention this....I found a pizza place nearby that makes a "Crispy Crust" pizza. The crust is more like a cracker....like the consistency of matzah, if you've ever had it. Very thin, dry, crispy. I decided to try it so ordered a small for my daughter and I to share. This pizza was NOT greasy, not particulary cheesy, but good. Had one meat topping and veggies on it. Ate 3 pieces. Ordered the pizza again on Saturday night and ate 2...my appetite is shrinking. I believe it would be easy to make a pizza like this using a cracker like matzah, some pizza sauce, a little cheese or part-skim mozzarella, some veggies and little or no meat. I also ordered a side salad with fat-free Italian...awesome! Greek salad the first time, and antipasto salad the second. I don't know if this is a chain or local but the place was Jet's pizza.

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WTG Gladys and Time on your losses this week!


Here are my stats for the week,


SW - 236

CW - 195

GW - 145


My ext mini goal is to lose 6 lbs in the next 3 weeks before my long weekend in Boston for my son's birthday.


:D Down 2lbs. Wonderful, great and yah. You can reach your mini goal. We have the same mini goal. I am coming to Ft Lauderdale on the 11th of July for vacation and I would love to be down 6 lbs. We can do it, we can do it, we can do it, we can do it, we can do it. YES we can!!!!!!!!


I woke up too early and kept getting up every hour to weigh myself.


June 3/SW/188

June 9th/185

June 16th/185

June 23rd/181 lbs.

GW: 135....46 lbs. to go!!





I am giving you a standing ovation. Great, great, great, great job.


Hey all...not a good week for me.


I am up 3. :( :mad: :(


I am hoping it is water weight from drinking too many diet cokes. The sodium is a killer. Time will tell.


No you are not up 3lbs. Never forget that our body weight can fluctuate by 3lbs a day. I got on the scale several times today and they all stated something different. First thing this morning, it said 172lb, 1 hour later 171lbs and 3 hours later 174lbs, now I am back to 172lbs.


WATER RETENSION !!!!!!!!!! only. Cheer up:).


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Hey all...not a good week for me.


I am up 3.


I am hoping it is water weight from drinking too many diet cokes. The sodium is a killer. Time will tell.


Mommy is right, Cindy....not fat gain, just temporary water, etc. As far as I'm concerned, you've maintained your weight. Not fun on weigh-in day to see a jump, but we'll all have those weeks. If we help to lift you up during your UP or PLATEAU week, we'll need your encouragement during our own flatliners. :) We know you did well...it will be gone and then some soon if you keep doing what you are doing. I love diet cokes, too, but I've cut WAY back to see if the water retention doesn't swing so high or low for me. My body goes crazy over water retention and plateauing when it thinks I'm starving myself. Usually I give up after that starts happening...not this time. I'm fighting mad.:mad: I'm down to one or two diet cokes per week, now. I've been ordering iced tea, out, as it is a natural diuretic. When I order Sweet Tea at McD's, I ask them to fill the cup half-way with unsweetened tea, and the rest with the sweet....half the sugar that way.;) For some reason, a glass of wine also makes me retain water, so I'm only having a little on occasion....like about 4 oz. this weekend and none on the last 3 weeks. I bet if you cut the soda, drink lots of water, and step on the scale in 2 days, you'd see a BIG difference. Meanwhile, we'll just be praying for the "rain" to fall. :D


To lose water, drink more....(body protects itself against dehydration by retaining)

To fight plateaus (body's starvation defense mechanism kicking in)....eat a little more....These are my two strategies for out-smarting my very intelligently-designed body! Let's see how the strategy pans out. I am not exercising until I get more weight off, due to physical limitations...for now.


We're going to a wedding on July 11th and I would love to have six more pounds off by then! Let's hear it for #6!!

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Can anyone tell who I am posed with in this avatar?


I had to crop the photo to hide the belly roll.:o



He sings.

He was #2 and not #1.

He had bigger hair.

He and #1 singer were in a movie together.


I love shooting pictures in my spare time so I'm always switching my avatar. :) I get bored easily.:rolleyes:

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Okay, so I'm addicted to this thread....better than to Oreos.;)


But I was thinking that it might be cool to take the start date when Cindy first began the thread, and total up all of the weight lost by everyone who has still stayed with the dream....Wouldn't that be a cool number to see? Sort of a team total for weigh-in days?


What say you?

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Here are my stats for this week:


SW: 162

CW: 153!!!

GW: 145


Yeah!!! 8 more pounds to go. I could not believe it when I weighed this morning. I had to weigh twice to make sure I was seeing correctly.

I have cut down the sodas a lot.

I have done very well on my snacks too.

I can not wait to see next weeks results. I was a little down last week because I had not lost any weight, but I did lose inches. I can start to tell in my abs that I am losing too.

:D :D :D

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Great job Moonpie, I just noticed you ara from Madison GA, isn't that east of Atlanta? If it's where I'm thinking, what a great little town to live in! Keep up the great work, you are doing awesome.

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Here are my stats for this week:


SW: 162

CW: 153!!!

GW: 145


Yeah!!! 8 more pounds to go. I could not believe it when I weighed this morning. I had to weigh twice to make sure I was seeing correctly.

I have cut down the sodas a lot.

I have done very well on my snacks too.

I can not wait to see next weeks results. I was a little down last week because I had not lost any weight, but I did lose inches. I can start to tell in my abs that I am losing too.

:D :D :D


Yay!!! LUCKY!!! Only 8 to go. I forgot what you weighed last week....how much did you lose in one week?


You're east of Atlanta? I once asked my husband to make a stop in Juliette (or Lake Juliette?) where the movie Fried Green Tomatoes was filmed. Such a cool little "burg". The only thing that would have made the stop perfect for me was if the Whistlestop Cafe was open and the ribs were being served. We got there right past closing time but I was allowed to go inside and take a look and shoot some pictures. Saw some pictures of Jessica Tandy and Kathy Bates on the wall. I want to go back there someday!

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