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Need a buddy for weight loss

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Hi Buddies....I wanted to tell you that I must have finally busted out of the plateau...the week will tell by monday's weigh-in, but this morning I was down a second pound. I'm always a bit skeptical but pray it stays off.


Today feels weird like yesterday. Yesterday I left a note saying that I was famished--unusually hungry. I wondered if my metabolism got back into gear???? By evening, I didn't have time to cook, so I ate a leftover grilled steak...smallish one. I was hoping that the extra protein would help me to get past that starving feeling. It did. I couldn't believe how much better I felt in the evening. That little piece of beef helped me to not munch myself silly. :)


Today feels like I am back to square one...hard to explain but I feel really "pudgy" today, in spite of the 10 lbs. off. Weird. Well, it provides fresh motivation for me. I am so excited about the second 10 lbs., though. And the third will be awesome! My granddaughter (I'm babysitting this week) asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I said, "To be skinny."


Mommy....that is great on the 3 miles!! I used to walk 2 miles in 40 minutes, so you kept a really good pace going there. I did a 1 hour dance lesson with my hubby last night...a real workout for me but the time flies and I hardly feel like I was exercising since it is fun. Thanks for the blessing, friend.


Can't wait for Monday! Can't wait to toss out size 16s...can't wait to fit into my wedding ring set again...can't wait for my knees to feel great....can't wait to ask my hubby to give me a piggy-back ride around the back yard. Can't wait to fit into my collection of pretty dresses. Okay...I get impatient, I know.

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:( Okay...I am planning on contradicting my own self in some ways here, but I just got so bummed out (very 80's of me)! I don't know what to think. I just tried my husband's new HealthOMeter scale out. I've been avoiding it. It's digital; supposedly measures body fat, etc. I stepped on our regular scale that I've been weighing myself on for years, with clothes on, then the new one.


I thought, "Can't be that big of a difference. Don't be afraid. You won't be any fatter after you step on it, than before." So with my clothes on, I weighed 180 on our regular scale, then disaster happened. I stepped on that &%##@@ digital scale (I had to insert Fred Flintstone language) and I weighed 18 lbs. MORE. 18 lbs. Eighteen pounds. EIGHTEEN POUNDS. Did I really start out at 206lbs.???????? My hubby thinks it is absolutely accurate.


I'm not trying to make excuse here but here's the deal.....I know clothing sizes and range. I am 5'2" tall. Here is my sizing in "misses"....all approximate, of course. What I've known for my whole life, from pre-teens to mid-life woman is that to go down a clothing size, I have to lose between 12 and 15 lbs.


?-122= Size 8

122-137= Size 10

137-152= Size 12

152-167= Size 14

167-182= Size 16

182-188= WAY TOO TIGHT SIZE 16s 'cause I refused to buy 18s


Right now, I'm in 16s which are getting noticably loose. They went from way too tight, to comfortable, to on the loose side. Next stage will make them too big and ready for the Goodwill bag. Another 10 lbs. and I should weight about 168; so I would wear some 14s that would be on the tight side.


Can you tell that I am freaking out a bit at seeing 198 on ANY scale this morning?


I need any of you who are in my height range to tell me if you think my WEIGHT/SIZE estimation is off. I cannot believe that I was truly over 200 lbs. Is it possible? To be over 200 lbs., wouldn't I have worn a much larger clothing size. I couldn't even wear size 16 tops as I am a pear shape. So I have worn 16s in pants and skirts and 14s in tops.


Okay...I've vented. If I have been self-deceived, I am ready for the truth. Don't say anything to make me feel better....just give it to me straight. I'm bracing myself.....

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Salsa - I came on to vent to because I have busted my bum bum to loose 3lbs this week and the scale is not moving.:mad:


As for your husbands new scale "TAKE IT BACK". The scale is not accurate. I have taken scales back because of the variance of weight displayed for me. As for your clothes sizes, well:confused:. OK I started at 178lbs, wearing a size 12, I am now 165 :mad: and I am still wearing a size 12. I am 5'2 1/2".


Do not freak out, my suggestion is to go to a store that has a variety of scales and weigh yourself on the different scales and see what you weigh. Make sure all the scales are digital. I went to Wal-Mart because of the variety and weighed myself on all the digital scales and believe me they varied in weight (not 18 lbs). I purchased the one that was close to the weight my Drs office said I weighed.


Forget the freaken scale. Your success is showing in the way your clothes fit.

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Salsa - I came on to vent to because I have busted my bum bum to loose 3lbs this week and the scale is not moving.:mad:


As for your husbands new scale "TAKE IT BACK". The scale is not accurate. I have taken scales back because of the variance of weight displayed for me. As for your clothes sizes, well:confused:. OK I started at 178lbs, wearing a size 12, I am now 165 :mad: and I am still wearing a size 12. I am 5'2 1/2".


Do not freak out, my suggestion is to go to a store that has a variety of scales and weigh yourself on the different scales and see what you weigh. Make sure all the scales are digital. I went to Wal-Mart because of the variety and weighed myself on all the digital scales and believe me they varied in weight (not 18 lbs). I purchased the one that was close to the weight my Drs office said I weighed.


Forget the freaken scale. Your success is showing in the way your clothes fit.


Thanks, Mommy....I should have known I could count on you for some encouragement. I have felt sick about this all day. I should have known better. I should have stayed off the thing, mainly because as I said before, the larger part of this battle is in our thoughts or hearts....the heart has to be willing and believe that this can be done. If we get discouraged, i believe that is where we mess up the most....more than the chunk of cake that we might eat afterward. I should have stayed off the scale and just been as up as I have been. My 28 year old son saw me yesterday and gave me a big hug and said that I look thinner. My best friend had us over for a clam bake last night...I ate small portions and it was delicious....but she saw me belly as I was buckling my belt after changing from my swimsuit and said, "I can really see the difference in your waist." I can now tighten my belt a notch tighter. But I have let that number freak me out today. I didn't pig out, though. What good would that do? Make me fatter. I think the worst part was when I started believing that I could not make my goal by the cruise date.


So if it is okay with you-all, I am going to stick with my original scale for now and keep posting my losses as-is. Please humor me. I'm going to pretend I didn't step on that scale today and hope that it was wrong. I'm going to focus on my clothes and clothing sizes. I'd be thrilled to be in a size 10. I see some women post that they are size 3 or size 4 or size 6--that is something I can't fathom. At my tiniest, in high school, I was a 7 junior and was a 9 junior when I got married. I don't know how that translates in women's sizes. All I know is that I felt great at 140 lbs. the last time I was that low, and I felt like I had about 10 lbs. to lose to be in weight watcher's bliss. I'm hoping that in time, I can face a medical grade scale. I haven't had a physical in years, mostly because I have dreaded the weigh-in.

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Salsa - What scale are you referring to:confused:. Hmmmmmm!! I have no idea what you are talking about. Scale, the only scale I know about is the one you stepped on at the beginning of your weight loss plan.;);) Keep up the good work.:)

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Salsa - What scale are you referring to:confused:. Hmmmmmm!! I have no idea what you are talking about. Scale, the only scale I know about is the one you stepped on at the beginning of your weight loss plan.;);) Keep up the good work.:)


"As far as the east is from the west; so far has that scale been removed from me...." ;)


Now I'm back to getting my thoughts in control over the emotional part of me...speaking of which, at my friend's house...my clambake friend...out came the munchies....I recognized that I was starting to eat out of emotion and told her so. It was good to be aware because I wasn't always practicing awareness. So it was cool to be able to say this, then park our fannies near the pool and away from the munchies. :D

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:) :) Hi , I'm new to cruise critic and have just been browsing tonight and found you. Last year I lost around 32 lbs but two hip operations, including two dislocations making enforced doing nothing for around four months guess what it has all gone back on again. However, as we are going on The Serenade to Alaska September 20th I am trying very had to shift a few lbs before hand. It is not as easy as last year, but I'm trying hard and it is coming off slowly. I've only got 6 weeks to shift another stone (14lbs) so keep your fingers crossed for me

Hello all... Joanlon.


I have tried everything. Now, I am trying medifast as my last resort. I want to lose 52 pounds..my bmi is 29.9. That is close enough to "obese" as you can get without being there.


I really need someone to encourage, support, lift me up etc. I will do the same in return. We are going on a Disney cruise in Sept and I would love nothing better than to wear a sleeveless sundress and not be ashamed of my arms.


I tried the 1200 calorie a day diet. Got a heart rate monitor and went to the gym everyday for 2 hours. NOTHING!!!! So frustrating. Since my hysterectomy this has been my life.


Anyone want to buddy up with me?

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Came to do my usual clocking in this morning, and got such a shock reading about Salsa's scale problems! I don't have the words to say how I think I'd feel if that happened to me, so can only re-iterate what everyone else has already said.....you stick to your own scales girl, and remember that the actual weight doesn't matter one bit - (to anyone else other than your doctor), it's what you look and feel like that counts, and the 'feel like' counts for 80%!!

Anyway - this week my 'feel like' factor has been on a bit of a downer. I knew that last weekends festivities were going to take their toll, and they surely did. I was also doing really well this week in getting the excess poundage back off until friday evening, when another neighbour's 50th birthday party scuppered all the good work yet again! However, several stints on the exercise bike on saturday and sunday have done some good, so I can breathe a sigh of relief, 'cos this morning......


SW 284

LW 265

CW 263 (phew)

GW 238

In English this means I've hit another milestone - one and a half stones off....or 21lbs since the start......but it's getting much harder now.

The exercise levels are going to have to get stretched a bit I think, so I've started keeping a diary of my miles and times on the bike.....so far I'm doing 5 miles a day at around 2 min 20sec / mile. Target for this week is to increase that by a mile a day until 10 miles/day, then to get the time down. I'll probably need to split the exercise into two or three sessions at first, but my eventual aim is to be able to cycle flat out for 30 mins in one stretch, doing 15 miles.....wish me luck, as I wish you all every success in your endeavors.


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I agree that you should stick with your original game plan and ignore hubby's scales.... They don'e exist!!! You have been doing so well..

You said yourself, the clothes fit better and you are feeling better.... Hang in there and remember, we are all here for you!!


Today's weigh in......


SW: 162:

CW: 145

GW: 145!!!!!


Yes, I have hit this goal, now I am going for 5 more lbs to 140....

I am amazed at how much better I feel.

I now walk in the mornings and in the evenings....I usually do a1 1/1 miles in a.m. and 3 mi in p.m.

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Growler and Moonpie....Thanks to both of you for the encouragement. The encouraging words choked me up. I felt SO FAT after stepping on his scale and kept telling myself how self-deceived I must have been all this time. I already had gained 20 lbs. last year so then to think that I also weight almost 20 more than that. Well, You can only imagine what that weigh-in did/has done to my psyche and I'm still dealing with it and working through it. To top it off, over the weekend I swelled up so much with excess water....my loose rings were so tight I could barely budge them. I was panicked over today's weigh-in and drank about 48 oz. of water in the late evening and took a water pill at night (something I almost never do). I had gone up to 186 last night, then down again by the morning.


Moonpie.....AWESOME!!!!! I'm doing the goal line dance for you!

Victory dance. 0920b40c4bcb8e460c36f9ed62e2.jpeg You are going to have so much fun taking off that next 5, I'll bet.


Tim.....For all of that fun, you still dropped 2 lbs. I don't think you've gone up at all for even one weekend, nor flat-lined! You are so fortunate. There is something great about crossing that 20 lb. mark, too. I've done it in the past and know how good you feel. If you were to carry around a 20 lb. sack of potatoes, and then imagine that you have been carrying that around in body fat, you realize what an added strain it is on the heart and the joints. Wonderful! My friend and her hubby had us over for their version of a clambake--on the side burner of their grill. We had mussels, little neck clams, shrimp, corn-on-the-cob and potatoes all cooked in a broth. An American thing, usually done in the coastal areas so a rare treat for us. I ate very little of the carb portion of the meal (1/2 ear of corn and a couple of baby potatoes) and not even that much of the seafood but it was good. I feel like even though I did really well, when we eat with others, my salt intake is way up and I pay for that afterward. We had a picnic at a concert...Abba look-alikes did a performance....then the clambake the very next day. At the concert, while others were eating my daughter's incredible chocolate mousse with the Oreo base and drizzled with raspberry syrup, I had one bite of my husband's mousse, then just enjoyed some fresh cantaloupe. I sipped from his wine glass and had a bottle of flavored water, etc. I behaved, but even the extra salt in some soft cheese that we had, etc., really messes with my weight. I also seem to be really affected by wine...even just a little. My feet really swell up.


Honestly, I don't know what I'd do without all of you guys. I like to cheer others on but this week I've been obviously deflated and I've really needed you to cheer me on and you haven't let me down!!!


Hello to all newcomers. We need you!


Any ideas on how to celebrate Pam's victory????

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:o Sheesh...almost forgot to post....


Start date June 3rd.

Today marks the end of week 9 for me.


SW: 188

LW: 180

CW: 179

GW: 135/125 (see my note below for the explanation)


Last night I weighed 185!! Then back to 179. The lowest I was this week was 177.5. Soon! One more to my first 10 lbs. off.


I was thinking about this....I think instead of raising my weight to the digital scale BAD NEWS, I'd approach the obstacle from the opposite end and lower my goal weight to 125...which is close to splitting the difference of the 18 lbs. that I "gained". I carry a lot more muscle weight than I did as a teenager. I got married at age 18 and weighted 126 and had almost no muscle. Now I flex and have a good bicep. So I figure I can weigh about 135 at least and look the same as I did when I got married.....but I'm going to reset my goal weight to 125 (my scale), which would put me at 143 on my husbands. Any more weight off than that and I'll have to re-evaluate myself when I get there. Now this, I can handle. :)

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... I'm going to reset my goal weight to 125 (my scale), which would put me at 143 on my husbands. Any more weight off than that and I'll have to re-evaluate myself when I get there. Now this, I can handle. :)

Yeah!! That's the way...!! Gotta give 100% for the positive attitude!



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I know for me that I depend and look forward to your words of encouragement and humor when I just want to open a box of twinkies and bury my face in it...lol

Stick with the scale you first started with and DON'T go by any other. Your doing great!! I can't imagine fitting into a size 16...thats fantastic!!

I bought a digital WW scale about 2 yrs ago and thats ALL I go by...although today I went to the dr's..had to do the dreaded weigh-in and was very pleased to see myself at the same as my home scale. 12lbs lighter!! Also, the non smoking is still going strong! So now I weigh in at 248. I am really hoping to get down to 200 by our cruise in Dec....do you think thats too ambitious?...or should I trim my goal to make it more accessible?...I don't want to fall into the same rut if I don't make it near it and just throw in the towel, but then I want to keep being aggressive to see if I can do it...I know...I flip flop a lot..lol.

Take care,


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Joanlon - Welcome aboard, we are happy to have you.


Moonpie - So proud of you. Great job. :D Loosing an additional 5 lbs is now is a hobby for you. I believe you will have fun loosing.


Tim - Yaaaaaah!!! Good Job.


Tam - I admire you. Giving up smoking and dieting at the same time. You deserve a standing ovation.


Salsa - ;) You inspire us all with your positive attitude.


Now my turn.:mad::mad::mad: I worked so hard this week and I lost 4oz, I have tears in my eyes because of disappointment and hurt.

SW: 178.0

LW: 165.8

CW: 165.4

GW: 145.0


My size 12 clothes fit loose and people have complimented me on my weight loss; however that did not help me today. Sometimes I want to give up but I can't because of all of you. I still need to loose 20 lbs and right now it seems like 200 lbs.


I went into the office today and my manager told me he lost 15 lbs in a month by not eating sugar. I told him I can not give up sugar completely and he said that I don't need to loose any weight. He said if you look at pictures of art in the 1700 and 1800 century women had meat on their bodies and were voluptuous and now days women want to be thin. I don't want to be voluptuous, I want to be 145 lbs. I am not sure what else I can do to loose weight. This pass week I gave it my all and all. What went wrong? How long is it going to take to get off these 20 lbs.?


Tomorrow I have to go back into the office for an all day group meeting. My manager is bringing in donuts for the morning part of the meeting and than he is treating all to pizza for lunch. I believe he is doing that because of me because I would always say I am not coming into the office unless they provide snacks and for every meeting after that my co-workers would bring in donuts just to make me happy. They go out of their way to bring me lemon donuts or Krispy Creme. I dread tomorrow because of the forbidden food. Sorry to be so down. :(

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Now my turn. I worked so hard this week and I lost 4oz, I have tears in my eyes because of disappointment and hurt.

SW: 178.0

LW: 165.8

CW: 165.4

GW: 145.0


My size 12 clothes fit loose and people have complimented me on my weight loss; however that did not help me today. Sometimes I want to give up but I can't because of all of you. I still need to loose 20 lbs and right now it seems like 200 lbs.


I went into the office today and my manager told me he lost 15 lbs in a month by not eating sugar. I told him I can not give up sugar completely and he said that I don't need to loose any weight. He said if you look at pictures of art in the 1700 and 1800 century women had meat on their bodies and were voluptuous and now days women want to be thin. I don't want to be voluptuous, I want to be 145 lbs. I am not sure what else I can do to loose weight. This pass week I gave it my all and all. What went wrong? How long is it going to take to get off these 20 lbs.?


Tomorrow I have to go back into the office for an all day group meeting. My manager is bringing in donuts for the morning part of the meeting and than he is treating all to pizza for lunch. I believe he is doing that because of me because I would always say I am not coming into the office unless they provide snacks and for every meeting after that my co-workers would bring in donuts just to make me happy. They go out of their way to bring me lemon donuts or Krispy Creme. I dread tomorrow because of the forbidden food. Sorry to be so down. :(


Awwww, Sweetie Girl, I sure do feel your pain. I've been teary off and on all week over this slow-down of mine and the other obstacle that I won't mention but you know about that already...it starts with an "S" and ends with a "cale". What else can we all do but wait it out when there is a slowdown? What else? I've read that if you quit and go back, you will be fatter than before the program. I believe that and have seen it happen in me. I read that when we lose weight, we lose a little muscle, some water, and fat. When we regain weight, we regain ALL FAT. So that body fat goes up with each failed attempt. I am NOT giving up, no matter how crappy I am feeling at the moment. Losers give up. I've been a loser in this area in the past and I've decided that I am not going that route any more so my eyes can go right ahead and cry all they want, some days. But I'm more than my eyes. I'm more than my body, too, for that matter. Right now, I'm playing an inspirational tune to beef up my mood....Jonny Lang, "That Great Day"...it's helping me to focus on things that matter. My first thought was to chase down the ice cream truck driver and give him a good beating..."Popeye the Sailor Man" is the secret subliminal tune that he plays to lure unsuspecting housewives and their chubby kids down to the curb. OOOOH! :D I think the music is a better idea.:) But taking down the ice cream man would feel so good right now! Ha!


I'm really beginning to wonder how much our stupid scales are hindering our progress rather than helping it. I can be totally fine, really proud of myself, feeling stupendous, then step on that evil thing and walk off feeling dejected. That just isn't right. If I did poorly and pigged out, that would be another matter, but I didn't. I did GREAT. And I haven't stuck to any plan for this many weeks, in years, thanks to all of you guys being there!


With you, Mommy, you are exercising...I'm not just yet. You're beefing up a little, which is good. Picture this....someone hands you two ankle weights that weigh a pound each and ask you to wear it from now until the end when you reach your goal. (muscle weight gain) The promise is that you will step on the scale and weigh 2 lbs. more, but in the long haul, that extra 2 lbs. is going to cause you to burn up some extra fuel every minute of every day. So you will lose more weight faster and reach your goal a few weeks sooner than you expected. If you are being faithful in your eating, then ignore that scale.;) I can't believe I just said that!


I'm going to continue reading up on plateaus and will pass along anything that might be encouraging. I can say that I have yet to meet anyone who did not experience one or many along the way. Trust your friends who are telling you that they are seeing the change. And girlfriend, back off from those donuts tomorrow! My favorite is the glazed Krispy Kreme...I even owned stock with them once, which tells you all a lot!! I can't take the thought of "seeing" you in those sloppy size 12s with your face in the donut tray. Think of all of the chubby policemen (stereotype)....Save the donuts for them. :) Just tell your friends that you are only thinking of them....

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I know for me that I depend and look forward to your words of encouragement and humor when I just want to open a box of twinkies and bury my face in it...lol

Stick with the scale you first started with and DON'T go by any other. Your doing great!! I can't imagine fitting into a size 16...thats fantastic!!

I bought a digital WW scale about 2 yrs ago and thats ALL I go by...although today I went to the dr's..had to do the dreaded weigh-in and was very pleased to see myself at the same as my home scale. 12lbs lighter!! Also, the non smoking is still going strong! So now I weigh in at 248. I am really hoping to get down to 200 by our cruise in Dec....do you think thats too ambitious?...or should I trim my goal to make it more accessible?...I don't want to fall into the same rut if I don't make it near it and just throw in the towel, but then I want to keep being aggressive to see if I can do it...I know...I flip flop a lot..lol.

Take care,



You're right, Tam....you reminded me to put it in perspective regarding size. I imagine you don't want to hear anyone whining about a size that you will be excited to get to. I was reading another thread today and this woman was Horrorified.jpg because she is a SIZE 8. I don't mean to belittle her desire, but it struck me as really funny. It's all a matter of perspective.


I haven't seen a size 8 since I was about 16 years old. And I was NEVER a size 3. No offence to "Size 8" out there but I've been trying to work up a tear of sympathy and...wait a minute...here it comes....Anna%252020020425%25201828%2520Trying%2520To%2520Cry%2520DSC03320.jpgI think it's herelong.baby.cnn.jpg....shoot. cv041237.jpg Nothin'.

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Here is a suggestion....:) .. take some fruit or your favorite snack. When they ask you if you would like a donut.... just look at them and the donuts, smile and say "no thanks"... Their jaws will probably drop to the floor, but when they see the new you , the jaws will drop farther:D


Salsa, thanks for the goal dance.




On a more personal note, I have an uncle who is in the hospital in pretty bad shape. My aunt and cousins have decided to put DNR (do not resucitate) orders in place. He gets fluid on his lungs from heart disease caused by a faulty heart valve, surgery is not an option for him. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.


Talk later


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Here is a suggestion....:) .. take some fruit or your favorite snack. When they ask you if you would like a donut.... just look at them and the donuts, smile and say "no thanks"... Their jaws will probably drop to the floor, but when they see the new you , the jaws will drop farther:D


Salsa, thanks for the goal dance.




On a more personal note, I have an uncle who is in the hospital in pretty bad shape. My aunt and cousins have decided to put DNR (do not resucitate) orders in place. He gets fluid on his lungs from heart disease caused by a faulty heart valve, surgery is not an option for him. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.


Talk later



Sure will pray for your uncle. He knows what we need even before we ask. I didn't tell you guys but last week was stressful/eventful for us too. My mother-in-law has similar conditions and there is also a DNR order with her. She's at home, age 90. Last week, she had a stroke right after eating her lunch. We expected things to go quickly, but her eyes show me that she is still there. She can't speak or do much but look at you, though, and I can see the frustration. She can't walk, either, now. Tomorrow is my turn to spend half a day with her and I am wracking my brain to think of something delicious that I can puree and bring to her. Teeny-weeny bites of very soft food and her diet has been bland. Well, you know that doesn't sit well with me; even if I have to sneak in some contraband that tastes good. She and I have had one thing in common....hospitality/cooking. We speak the same language in that regard and she gets excited about the foods that I bring...with the stroke, though, that presents a whole new challenge. She had nothing to eat from Wednesday afternoon until Saturday, then only yogurt, pudding, and baby food carrots. Today is "D" day for me and I have to plan!:confused:


I thought of something funny this morning. My dad was this fiesty fireplug of a guy...half Irish and half Native American. He died 4 years ago after a run with esophageal cancer. He hated to go to the Dr. and fought that until toward the end. We had to take him to the hospital one night after he passed out in the hallway and as we sat there in the emergency room, he in a wheelchair, he motioned to this really large nurse who was taking info for admission and got her attention. He whispered, "Nurse....Don't ever let anyone tell you that you are fat. You're just fine. Oh what I wouldn't give for some extra padding on my bony butt." It was foot-in-mouth funny and the nurse got a big grin on her face.

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Good Afternoon


Pam - I have lifted your uncle up in prayer. Please keep us informed.


Salsa - Your mother in law is blessed to have you. I will be praying for her. I believe you will prepare her something yummy that will put a smile on her face and in her heart.


I ate 3 Krispy Kreme donuts and 2 slices of pizza.:eek: :eek: :eek: If I would have came to this site before now and got your messages, I would not have done. It is to late now but it is not to late for me to get back on track. Or should I say that Salsa scared me straight. She is so right about loosing weight and if you gain it back you gain back more and it is all fat. I don't want to gain the weight back so I move forward. Also from now on I will carry fruit with me when my co workers are having donuts. I can do this, I will do this.;)

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Good Afternoon


Pam - I have lifted your uncle up in prayer. Please keep us informed.


Salsa - Your mother in law is blessed to have you. I will be praying for her. I believe you will prepare her something yummy that will put a smile on her face and in her heart.


I ate 3 Krispy Kreme donuts and 2 slices of pizza.:eek: :eek: :eek: If I would have came to this site before now and got your messages, I would not have done. It is to late now but it is not to late for me to get back on track. Or should I say that Salsa scared me straight. She is so right about loosing weight and if you gain it back you gain back more and it is all fat. I don't want to gain the weight back so I move forward. Also from now on I will carry fruit with me when my co workers are having donuts. I can do this, I will do this.;)


Well, just to make you feel better....a LARGE part of me was teasing you. Get it, LARGE ;) ...hee-hee....but seriously, one meal won't ruin everything you've done. Not by a long shot. If you are careful the rest of the day/week, you won't see any effect except for a little added water-weight for a day, sometimes.


All I can say is, I am going to be imagining that KK donut....AWWWWW!!! Those are the best....they melt in your mouth....MMMMMM! One time, before they were in my area, I drove clear across the state...about a 3 hour drive, to buy something like $70+ worth of those dang things...I took orders....they were SO GOOD. My daughter's youth pastor ordered 3 or 4 dozen, supposedly for the kids at church; but we found out that he ended up eating most of them himself!:eek: Can't take skinny men!


I wondered, do you have Jet's Pizza in your area? I don't know if it is a chain, but I am guessing that it is. I eat their Crispy Crust pizza--2 pieces, about once a week for a meal. I cut back on carbs at lunch, then eat that pizza guilt-free. It's really good and works in place of a thick-crust loaded with a lot of cheese and grease.


On the upside, you just did what a lot of skinny women do....you can fool everyone that you work with. They are all going to wonder how the heck you manage to lose weight and get so slim and trim eating donuts and pizza! The secret is that the skinny women do that in public on occasion, while secretly eating either healthy or next-to-nothing at home and working out. Seriously...I knew a girl who was a size 3, and who existed on Ho-Ho's and Diet Cokes. Bad, I know. And other friends who were really careful/light eaters in private but pigged out on whole bags of candy bars on occasion....some of my skinny friends and relatives.

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:) I know this is going to sound weird...I had to post it. I have been laughing off and on for the last half hour.....


Okay, I decided that today would be the day I would go with my daughter to get her passport for the cruise in March. I downloaded the forms and started filling in the blanks for her to speed up the process. We got to the height part...the last blank to fill. I wanted to take a fresh measurement since we haven't done that in a little while. After taking hers, we thought for kicks that we'd do mine. Okay....I've been 5'2" tall my whole adult life....jr. high, high school, through many Dr.'s visits, pre-natal appointments, etc. Today I measured 5'3"!!! We both stared and I kept saying, "NO. That is not possible. I've NEVER been 5'3" tall!" So we did it again...same result....then we got out another tape measure....SAME!! It is the weirdest thing ever.


When my hubby turned 50, I took him to an Arthur Murray studio for a birthday surprise. They had the free trial thing and he'd always wanted to learn to dance. I was petrified and almost ran before the teacher approached us...I'm NOT kidding. I have two left feet. After we signed up, I remember our teacher telling me one time that people often say that they get taller after getting into dancing! He explained that it had to do with the improved posture and something to do with the spinal cord. That is the only thing that I can attribute this to. SO WEIRD. I see my closest friend at church every Sunday and I've been saying that she is getting shorter and shorter. She looks like she is at eye-level on me. I've puzzled over it and wondered how I can feel so much taller than her when I am so short myself. She's age 55 and I figured maybe she was "shrinking" with age....now I am thinking that she might be shrinking and I am growing. I jokingly told my daughter that maybe I have so much fat on my feet that they are making me taller! Well, if I get to goal and am back to 5'2", that will explain everything. At any rate, I can weigh more at 5'3" than 5'2"!! ;) For any of you tall people, you won't quite get my elation today but generally, I feel downright stubby!:D I am feeling quite elegant and stately this afternoon...I might even dare to go on some of the theme park rides since i will pass the height restrictions. Maybe people will ask me to reach something from the upper cabinets now.:p

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I'm wavering back and forth this morning over the topic of exercise. I am going to be honest and admit that I hate the thought of exercise and I didn't want to depend on it to lose weight. I know that if I start it and stay with it, it will grow on me. That did happen before and I fell in love with my treadmill. After the knee problem, which is still not ALL better, I really have gotten very little physical activity in, other than routine things. I've tried to keep weight off my knee and allow it to heal so that I can avoid any radical solutions or worse damage.


I really want to go to the social dance at the dance studio this Friday. They have one or two dances every week and they last 2 or 3 hours and are a lot of fun and allow us to practice what we've learned. I miss going. Each week we talk about it but things have continually come up and prevented us from being able to go, plus my knee issue forces me to sit out so much anyway as I can do just a little at a time.


I think part of the reason that I hate exercise is that it makes me feel like a hamster on a wheel, ya know? The thing is that I am counting the weeks until the cruise and have realized that even if I lost an average of a pound a week, up to the cruise date, I would not make my goal. And truthfully, I might not even lose a pound a week. So I'm sitting here thinking about starting a routine and getting on that machine each morning. Maybe tomorrow?


What are you guys doing for fitness...I know you've posted before but could you repeat the info? Honestly, I need some inspiration.


A friend of my sister's was walking 3 miles a day, and eating Lean Cuisines or similar meals and was losing a steady 3 lbs. a week for quite a while. I'd be happy with eating as I am and losing a steady 2 lbs. I started telling msyelf that i would be so happy over the second 10 weeks if I had an extra 20 lbs. off. I'd certainly have no regrets if the walking paid off that much.


My options are walking, DDR exercise mat (dance dance revolution), maybe swimming occasionally, and I own a nice bike and there are bike trails not too far from here, then dance, of course. Maybe I can mix it up during the week so that I don't get bored?

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Salsa, before you take advice from any of us talk to your dr or physical therapist. They can tell you the best exercises for your type of injury. Or if it is not an injury and you need exercises to strengthen you knee. You definately don't want to make it worse.


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Salsa, before you take advice from any of us talk to your dr or physical therapist. They can tell you the best exercises for your type of injury. Or if it is not an injury and you need exercises to strengthen you knee. You definately don't want to make it worse.



Hey Salsa.....


I second Bobandkelly's remarks - see your quack first ;)......but assuming you're not about to start training for the olympics, here's what I did/am doing..


Step 1. Buy an exercise bike. (You don't want to look like an idiot by panicking and falling under the first bus that passes you on the road). It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just one where you can adjust the tension (like gears on a 'proper'' bike), and with a few readouts for distance/calories/time/speed etc.


Step 2. Stare at it for a few days, then move it in front of the TV so you can watch while exercising. Makes a BIG difference.


Step 3. Climb aboard, turn it to the lowest setting, and make sure you can reach the pedals. Get off. Yay! Week one goal reached! You didn't die! :D


Step 4. Try cycling for either a) a fixed time, or b) a fixed distance. I chose to start with ten minute bursts, maybe two or three times a day. I record the following data on a spreadsheet..


Date & Time/Note/Duration/Distance/Tension setting


Note just says something like - before breakfast/after dinner/evening before bed etc


Each day I accumulate the times and distances, and work out the total distance covered, and the time it took me, average speed, and a 'rating' of my own based on a formula that takes the tension setting into account.


Each week I'm going to try and improve on ONE setting only, ie if at the end of week one I've averaged 8 miles per day in 30 minutes, at a setting of 1, then week two's target might be 10 miles per day in 30 mins at setting 1, week3 : 8 miles per day in 30 mins at 2, week 4 : 10 miles/30 mins/setting 2 and on week 5 (start of month 2) i'd up the daily workout to 45 mins and start again. So far I'm still on week 1 :o


My target is to be able to cycle for one hour (two 30 min stints per day), on setting 3, covering at least 20 miles. I'll let you know how i'm doing when I weigh in on Mondays!


Good luck!



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Hey Salsa.....


I second Bobandkelly's remarks - see your quack first ;)......but assuming you're not about to start training for the olympics, here's what I did/am doing..


Step 1. Buy an exercise bike. (You don't want to look like an idiot by panicking and falling under the first bus that passes you on the road). It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just one where you can adjust the tension (like gears on a 'proper'' bike), and with a few readouts for distance/calories/time/speed etc.......





Hi Tim....I'm really thinking about what you said here. I used to own one of those things but my hubby got rid of it once. It was the cutest little bike but it was being used as a clothes rack most of the time. :o I hope they put more padding on the seats now than in those days. They can be nice in that they dont' take up a lot of floor space. I wonder if they put less stress on joints than walking? As you can all tell, I'm really dragging my behind regarding the topic of exercise. Literally and figuratively...ha, ha. The slow start method that you outlined sounded pretty funny to me and very reasonable. :D I feel a bit like a rebellious child here and am resisting change, but I know it is ahead for me.


To the rest of you....


I made my mother-in-law this pureed meal and she scarfed it. I was really tense about prepping a meal for her beforehand and was wracking my brain in the store aisles. Poor lady is so hungry and has only been fed yogurt and baby food carrots. My family has a favorite dish called Chicken Enchiladas (favorite since 1977!)--it is a creamy, cheesey dish with tortillas and sour cream, cheese, garlic, chicken, cream of chicken soup, seasonings. I figured out how to make this in baby-food form for my MIL. She ate like there was no tomorrow (no pun intended). I kept taste-testing it and couldn't believe how good it tasted. I thought anything that contained pureed Gerber chicken would be awful! There was chicken broth, instant potato flakes, baby food chicken, a little sour cream, shredded cheese, a little cream of chicken soup, then seasonings. All thinned down. Raspberry sorbet (left unfrozen), and mini chocolate mousse. She can't talk but her eyes are so expressive and she was loving lunch and dinner and kept nodding her approval. Dinner was the same dish but with baby carrots mixed in, a side of Gerber peaches, and pear nectar from a can. It makes me realize how lucky we all are to be able to eat all of the wonderful fruits and veggies and healthy foods--anything we desire. We should never feel that we are missing out as we have so many wonderful things available and can have them whenever we please. After that experience, I came to believe that a person can make dirt taste good with the right seasonings. It's hard to find recipes for people who can't chew food, though. I keep thinking that I have a cookbook inside me just waiting to burst out...maybe, maybe not. From experience, I've found that when people are dying, families usually are so stressed or busy with the everyday things and really don't know what to do for meal prep for their sick loved ones. This isn't my first experience with the scenario. I pray that I'm never in the position of eating baby food straight from a jar, as is. Have any of you tasted that stuff? Gag me.


With all of that busyness yesterday, all I had time to eat during the day was yogurt with wheat germ, a can of V-8, and a handful of Pringles Light. Being busy is good for the waistline.

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