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I was actually looking forward to weigh-in day again.


Start date: June 3

This marks the end of Week 10

SW: 188

LW: 179

CW: 177

GW: 125-135


Here's my loss "trail"...188, 185, 185, 181, 179.5, 180, 180, 180, 179, 179, 179, 177.


This is the first week that I lost more than a pound in a long time. I would have been content with a pound. I hope it stays off for next week.:) You can tell that I'm always skeptical, can't you? With 11 lbs. off, I'm starting to wonder what 20 lbs. is going to feel like. I imagine that it will be wonderful.

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Hello Everyone,

Hope all is well. I had a pretty uneventful week. I worked out at the YMCA 7 days. Here is my weigh in.:)


SW: (start weight) 285

LW: (last weigh-in) 269

CW: (current weight) 266

GW: (goal weight) 199


Great Job, Scott!


Three pounds in one week. That is excellent. :D I see that you are one pound away for a 20 lbs. loss, as well. I'm really looking forward to getting to the 20 lb. point but have 9 more pounds to go.

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I haven't had a chance to get online this weekend. My brother Kenny and I went to Alabama this weekend. First stop was our Mom's gravesite. It will be 1 yr Thursday that she passed and it has been tough. We then went to one of other brothers (I only have 5) who lives in Birmingham. Our nephew graduated from college and several of us were there. Of course, I ate more than usual and felt so bloated afterward. Sat night was a Japanese restaurant.... I had seafood and steak, Sunday night was Logan's Roadhouse, I got the grilled shrimp, but ate too much...


Here's my stats for today:

SW: 162

LW: 143

CW: 145 2 pound gain, just have to really watch myself this week, will be easier since I am home

Next GW: 140


I have found also that setting the smaller goals is helping me a lot too.


Talk later


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It's been a while since I've checked in, glad to see you are all working toward your goals. I was sick the last two weeks with a horrible cold that won't go away.... Been really busy at work, plus getting ready for our cruise we leave next week.


Waiting to see if Tropical Storm Fay makes landfall as a hurricane. Right now, we are right in the path.


Here are my stats


SW - 236

CW - 185

Goal - 145


I only have 40 more to go and I'll be at goal!

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Hey mycruz....You've done great. You've passed the 50 lb. point! Wow. Can you refresh my memory? What plan are you using and when did you get started? I like to figure average losses. I often forget who is on which plan, etc. You must feel such a big difference with 50 lbs. off.


I wanted to mention that I am beginning to notice a difference in how I feel when I climb stairs. I live in a tri-level style house and am up and down stairs all day long. With my 11 lbs off, I really am starting to notice a change in how I feel, for the better. I can't imagine what it will feel like when I have 20+ off!

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Good Evening Everyone


Scott - Great job!!!! :)


Salsa - :D Your weight is on a downward spiral.


Mycruz - I was wonder what happen to you. Welcome back. I hope you are feeling better. You have come down a lot. I know you are :D. I give you a standing ovation!!!!!!!!!


Moonpie - ;) You are really good at weight loss. Next week you will be back down.


Drum roll!!!!!!!






I gained 1.2 lbs. I am not sure what is going on with me. Maybe I will loose this week.



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My weight loss journey actually started over 2 1/2 years ago. I wanted to lose for my son's wedding which was 2 years ago last month. I did well and lost about 35 lbs for that then last year had some very tough personal things happen then I quit smoking and I put 25 of what I lost back on. So the end of February I started the WW online program and have been losing steadily since. I have battled weight my entire life and have now decided later in life it's all about choices and living healthy. WW has taught me to have more dicipline about what I eat and how much I eat and to make sure I get my exercise in. In addition to losing the weight, I no longer have high blood pressure and I sleep better as well. I was determined not to have to take meds for blood pressure as I see my 3 older sisters line up their meds in the morning and have an hour discussion about what they take for what, then following that they are talking about where they're going to go eat for lunch!

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mycruz--You were really smart to get on top of the blood pressure issue while you are younger. My dad had the bp problem but never was on meds because he really got into healthy eating and lost weight, mid-life. With myself, I noticed that I felt this thumping in my neck when I would go to bed. I could count my heartbeats. It seems that our body always starts to warn us of trouble, doesn't it? That was one of the things that has motivated me to lose weight. My heartbeats would skip, I could feel my pulse in my neck. Both were due to water retention and increased bp. Those things have improved over the last 10 weeks. I'm with you. Don't want to have to look at a trayful of pills every morning when I get up out of bed.


mommy....I was thinking about the women and how some of us still have the monthly water retention issues to deal with. That has a lot to do with why our weight fluctuates more than men's. 1.2 is a teeny little amount. Try to not let that little bit bother you and remember that we're here for the long haul and the big picture. Just mount up on those eagle's wings for the better vantage point. ;) That's what I have to tell myself all the time as my weight zig-zags on the scale almost daily. I want to look back on all of this one year from now and say, "I did it! Thank God I didn't cave in this time!" Not, "Why do my knees still hurt? Why am I still unhappy with the clothes that I have and how they fit?"


Speaking of which, I keep thinking about how annoying it is...I mean ANNOYING....to have all of these different sizes of clothing. They are hogging up too much space in a house that is not that large. I have enough clothes to fill a walk-in closet but I don't have a walk-in! I get utterly frustrated with having to choose an outfit to wear here or there and really critique myself harshly until I find one that camoflages the flaws. I'm toying with re-organizing my closet, clearing out some of the fat clothes and leaving it to a handful of my favorites. I'm not quite in 14s yet but that is getting closer and closer. I am promising myself that as I go down each size, I will GET RID OF the bigger size and kiss them goodbye and not look back.


If I don't hit my goal by cruise time...which is quite likely....I am going to have a task of finding a week's worth of cute clothes in a size that will not end up being my final size. I might need some good advice on a mix-and-match wardrobe of some sort; so that I don't have to spend a bundle on a short-term collection of clothes.

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The last two days have been not as good for me. I took my granddaughter (7) on an "adventure" of the kind that only a miniature connisseur of cinnamon rolls would appreciate. She loves them! So I woke her up on Tuesday morning and said, "We are going on a cinnamon roll adventure!" She perked all up. We took off on a drive all over the country roads in search of the best cinnamon roll. We ended up with 4 of them (from 3 different places) and all 4 were pretty monstrous. Of course I kept pick-pick-picking at them while driving. I am getting rid of the last one. (trash can) I didn't sit and eat a whole one because if I had, well, I would have consumed a LOT of unwanted calories. Still, I had lots of bites. So if my Monday weigh-in doesn't show a loss, I have myself to blame. I don't know how much I picked at because I didn't want to know. If I watch it the rest of the week, I am hoping to have no negative outcome. Now I have to give up my one day a week splurge because those cinnamon rolls sucked that fun right away from me!:D Why does food have to taste so good?

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Hi Everyone, I just came across this thread and am hoping it's ok to join you. I could really use some support! I have 3 boys (12,13 and 17) and my DH is in the army. We live in Florida.

I am currently doing WW on my own. The past year I have had some health issues that caused my cortisol to go up, which causes weight gain, but I think I used that as an excuses not to diet, but I am back on track. I started following WW on 8/13 here are my stats


SW 182

LW 180

CW 179

GW 145


I usually loose really slow but I know I have to stick to it. I belong to a gym and usually work out 3 times week, but I fell at a concert 3 weeks ago and hurt my ankle, I think next week it will be ok to start walking again.

Anyway, I look forward to getting to know you all.


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The last two days have been not as good for me. I took my granddaughter (7) on an "adventure" of the kind that only a miniature connisseur of cinnamon rolls would appreciate. She loves them! So I woke her up on Tuesday morning and said, "We are going on a cinnamon roll adventure!" She perked all up. We took off on a drive all over the country roads in search of the best cinnamon roll. We ended up with 4 of them (from 3 different places) and all 4 were pretty monstrous. Of course I kept pick-pick-picking at them while driving. I am getting rid of the last one. (trash can) I didn't sit and eat a whole one because if I had, well, I would have consumed a LOT of unwanted calories. Still, I had lots of bites. So if my Monday weigh-in doesn't show a loss, I have myself to blame. I don't know how much I picked at because I didn't want to know. If I watch it the rest of the week, I am hoping to have no negative outcome. Now I have to give up my one day a week splurge because those cinnamon rolls sucked that fun right away from me!:D Why does food have to taste so good?


Just look at yesterday as your splurge day;). On the day you normally spurge, well splurge on those tomatoes or some other healthy low cal food. Oh by the way I would not blame myself, I would blame the cinnamon rolls. If the cinnamon rolls turn around and blame you, than except responsibility and let the cinnamon rolls know that the next they say eat me, you will so no!!! because the last time you blamed me for eating you.


Hi Everyone, I just came across this thread and am hoping it's ok to join you. I could really use some support! I have 3 boys (12,13 and 17) and my DH is in the army. We live in Florida.

I am currently doing WW on my own. The past year I have had some health issues that caused my cortisol to go up, which causes weight gain, but I think I used that as an excuses not to diet, but I am back on track. I started following WW on 8/13 here are my stats


SW 182

LW 180

CW 179

GW 145


I usually loose really slow but I know I have to stick to it. I belong to a gym and usually work out 3 times week, but I fell at a concert 3 weeks ago and hurt my ankle, I think next week it will be ok to start walking again.

Anyway, I look forward to getting to know you all.



Welcome Connie. Glad you joined us. We are a great bunch that will give you support when you are down and when you are up.


Ok I did a weigh in this morning and I went from 166.6 to 165.0, that is down 1.6 lbs since Tuesday. I believe that I lost some of that fluid build up. I went on a pretzel binge for a couple of days last week.:eek: All that salt. Also yesterday I ate 5 servings of cookies for dinner. Went into the office again yesterday and I had a healthy lunch but when it came to dinner I was to tired to cook so I ate cookies and atomic fireballs. Back on track today and no splurge day for me.

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Just look at yesterday as your splurge day;). On the day you normally spurge, well splurge on those tomatoes or some other healthy low cal food. Oh by the way I would not blame myself, I would blame the cinnamon rolls. If the cinnamon rolls turn around and blame you, than except responsibility and let the cinnamon rolls know that the next they say eat me, you will so no!!! because the last time you blamed me for eating you.



Mommy...you crack me right up. Okay...I'm going to blame the cinnamon rolls. Am at the end of my "TOM" so I have that to blame, too, while I'm at it. Who else can I blame....the President? and maybe India because I think cinnamon comes from India. :)


Cookies and atomic fireballs? That's the craziest dinner I've ever heard of.


Glad to hear that the water weight is coming off. I think with the summer heat, those salty foods really do a number on us. I love salty, then sweet, then salty food. I used to put salt on everything! As a kid, on apples, melons, carrots, cucumbers, etc. Now, not so much salt, but I like pretzels and they are one of the items on my short list of salty snacks that I will have now and then. When I have salty food like that, I'm working on getting more water that way the effect of the extra salt isn't so bad. I also like Baked Tostitos, Pringles Light.


Hey, I didn't get a chance to have my "before" picture shot yet, but will do that when my daughter is free. I think I will be glad that I did it, down the line, when I'm 50 lbs. slimmer! I keep forgetting to say this to you but you look REALLY young for being in my age category. I saw those photos that you put up and could have put you in your low 30s! Not kidding. By the time you get to your goal, you'll look like a teenager. ;)

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Hi Everyone, I just came across this thread and am hoping it's ok to join you. I could really use some support! I have 3 boys (12,13 and 17) and my DH is in the army. We live in Florida.

I am currently doing WW on my own. The past year I have had some health issues that caused my cortisol to go up, which causes weight gain, but I think I used that as an excuses not to diet, but I am back on track. I started following WW on 8/13 here are my stats


SW 182

LW 180

CW 179

GW 145


I usually loose really slow but I know I have to stick to it. I belong to a gym and usually work out 3 times week, but I fell at a concert 3 weeks ago and hurt my ankle, I think next week it will be ok to start walking again.

Anyway, I look forward to getting to know you all.



Hi Connie....Nice to "meet" you. It seems like so many of us females are in the same weight range. You must have your hands full with your hubby gone and 3 boys to raise. I raised 4 sons, myself and 2 daughters so understand the busyness. It can be hard to find time to care for yourself, plus your family. How do you plan on juggling the WW plan? I wondered if you are just going to feed your kids the same food that you are having and keep it simple that way?


I do a something similar to WW on my own too. I know what foods they used to recommend and in what portions sizes. I eat a bit more in the carb category than the old WW used to advise. Other than that, about the same. I sort of use the old plan as a guideline. It seems that the days/weeks that I focus on more low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat yogurt, and conservative carb consumption, the more I lose. I haven't been eating as much of those two proteins and am going to do that again for a few days to see if I can lose some pounds faster. We'll see. I'll let you all know how it goes. As Mommy said, more tomatoes and no splurges for me for a week.


Take care, and keep posting. I love to get online in my free time and catch up on reading here. It keeps me going.


Today was a rough day...started getting a migraine that is fading away.

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I just did a head-count from the beginning of this thread. There have been 35 posters...some just dropping in with a comment or encouragment, others are out cruising or fell off the wagon, etc. Out of the 35, there are a handful of us left, from what I can tell, there are 8. All newbies, are welcome. I feel the strength in numbers!









Con 3--Connie


I think Moonpie has been on this thread the longest. It began on 5-1-2008 with werenew2cruising (Cindy) and Moonpie joined on May 2nd. No wonder you've made it to goal, Pam. You are a diehard! bouquet3_edited-3.202150210_std.jpg So here's a bouquet for reaching your goal! And an award for being the longest running member on the thread... award_20.bmpSorry, Pam...couldn't find one with the right "poundage". After realizing how long you have stayed here and how many people have come and gone, I am really appreciating your tenacity.

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I try to eat fish once a week. I play with food a lot and tried a fish recipe that my hubby got from a friend who got it from a culinary program in my area. The fish would normally be fried but I tried it broiled and thought it was pretty good.


Very Easy Fish


1 lb. tilapia

about 1/2 cup shredded Parmesan Cheese

about 1/2 cup instant potato flakes

a few shakes of garlic pepper



Spray a baking sheet. Pat each piece of fish with the combo of cheese and flakes, each side. Sprinkle fish with salt, each side. Place on the baking sheet. Broil with the oven door open. Turn when you start to smell the cheese burning. The bits of cheese on the pan will start to burn before the cheese on the fish does. Turn and broil the second side, waiting for the burned smell. I know this is a crazy way to cook fish but I wanted to watch the news instead of watching the oven!


Our fish came out quite crispy which surprised me. I'm used to fried fish. This was really good. Great with a nice low-fat mayo and dill combo.

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Thanks for the welcome! I also forgot to mention we have a cruise booked for Dec. 6th on the Liberty of the seas, I am hoping to loose at least 15-20 by then. I know that's not alot but I loose so slow I don't want to get discouraged.


Luckily my DH is not away now, he does travel alot, the job he is in now it is usally only 3-5 days at a time. He has been gone 6 months here and there many times over the years, it was harder when the boys were really young.

I have been going to the WW site and getting recipes from the message boards to try, the family has liked some of them, sometimes I do cook them somthing different than for myself. It can be a challenge!!

Well, off to bed.


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Thanks for the welcome! I also forgot to mention we have a cruise booked for Dec. 6th on the Liberty of the seas, I am hoping to loose at least 15-20 by then. I know that's not alot but I loose so slow I don't want to get discouraged.


Luckily my DH is not away now, he does travel alot, the job he is in now it is usally only 3-5 days at a time. He has been gone 6 months here and there many times over the years, it was harder when the boys were really young.

I have been going to the WW site and getting recipes from the message boards to try, the family has liked some of them, sometimes I do cook them somthing different than for myself. It can be a challenge!!

Well, off to bed.



Hi Connie...Wow, 2 cruises this year! That sounds so nice. I lose VERY slowly, too. I've been yo-yo dieting for years and have found that I often would lose a lot up front, in the first two weeks, then pay dearly by losing nothing over the next several. I'd get all psyched up by losing as much as 8 lbs. in those first two weeks, then nothing over the next two or three. It always ended up being an average weight loss of about 2 lbs. per week, for the inital 4 week period. That has taught me to not get overly excited by quick losses when they happen. I'd get so discouraged when I'd be working out on my treadmill and my weight wouldn't budge. This time my loss has been super-slow...likely due to being age 50. Closer to 1 lb. per week. If I don't lose for a few weeks, then I begin to lose again later and lose enough to maintain my 1 lb. average. I'm accepting it better this time, though still have those days when i want to yell :mad: at my scale. Those are the days when I need the encouragement from others on the boards and they always deliver. :)

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At least now we have learnt from experience that we will have those weeks with no loss or even a small gain, but we need to stick with it. That is when I used to get so frustrated and think I might as well eat since it's not working.


I finally went back to the gym today, I walked for 30 minutes on the treadmill (pretty slow) and did some weight machines. My foot is hurting now, but not to bad.I think I need to rest it for a day or two, maybe I will swim.


The weekends are always the hardest for me, we are going to happy hour tonight, but I am eating somthing lite before I go so I won't be tempted to order any junk food. I will have a few drinks or glasses of wine but have my weekly points saved so I should be ok.



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Hope everyone is doing well. I am not expecting to see much loss on Monday, maybe nothing at all. Yesterday and today have been trying for me. I have shed many tears both days and I have been eating because of emotions. I know all things work together for my good and I know that my blessings are right around the corner. I think I have control now over my emotional eating, For those of you that pray, pray for me that my faith does not fail me.

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Hope everyone is doing well. I am not expecting to see much loss on Monday, maybe nothing at all. Yesterday and today have been trying for me. I have shed many tears both days and I have been eating because of emotions. I know all things work together for my good and I know that my blessings are right around the corner. I think I have control now over my emotional eating, For those of you that pray, pray for me that my faith does not fail me.


Hi Mommy...Some people eat and some people don't eat, when times get tough. I've done both ends of that spectrum, but mostly on the eating end of emotional swings. It sounds like things are starting to turn around for you. I do and will pray that you will find fresh strength to get you through your rough spot. I find I find it comforting to know that my best role models have had their rough days and their days with tears and heartaches....we have an Advocate who sympathizes with our weaknesses.;) Hang in there friend.

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At least now we have learnt from experience that we will have those weeks with no loss or even a small gain, but we need to stick with it. That is when I used to get so frustrated and think I might as well eat since it's not working.


I finally went back to the gym today, I walked for 30 minutes on the treadmill (pretty slow) and did some weight machines. My foot is hurting now, but not to bad.I think I need to rest it for a day or two, maybe I will swim.


The weekends are always the hardest for me, we are going to happy hour tonight, but I am eating somthing lite before I go so I won't be tempted to order any junk food. I will have a few drinks or glasses of wine but have my weekly points saved so I should be ok.


Hi Connie (and all)...I have that feeling that I'm not going to see a loss on the scale tomorrow. I've been wavering up and down 2 lbs. this week. It's been very hot and humid here too. Michigan is known for it's high humidity and this has been the worst week of the summer. I can always tell when my rings feel tight and feet feel puffy. I sure would be doing a dance of joy if the scale were to gift me with another 1 pound off, though!


I wondered about your foot....what's wrong with it? And do you feel like your weight contributes to the problem? I went dancing (a salsa class) last night with my hubby, daughter, and son. We had so much fun but my right foot was/is killing me. It swollen today and I'm getting ready to ice it. When I wear heels, walking and dancing puts pressure on my big toe joint and ouch! My knee pain is so much better. I am down to a little pain from a lot so it is progressively getting better. I know that the more weight I lose, the more these problems are going to disappear. I'll have more energy, more breath after climbing stairs, and just feel light enough to have fun without the pain.


You're right....the problem in the past was bad thinking. Every time we "failed" "overate" "pigged-out" "blew it" "fell off the wagon" "got weak" "caved in", etc., we got this failure mentality that said, "Why bother? Give up. This isn't worth it. You'll never make it." That is where the bigger problem was....not the day or meal that we ate too much. We'd gain that water-weight from the big meal, and maybe even a little fat, but would give up and call it quits and really throw away all of our successes and pounds lost, then gain it all back and more. I've yo-yo'd for years and am DONE with that thinking. If I'm counting right, I'll be at the end of week 11 by tomorrow!!! That is incredible for me! One more will equal 3 months!


So friends, last night I fit into this really cute black dress with white polka dots. I put on the heels and some pretty sparkly jewelry and did my hair in that "beach hair" style. The dress was figure-flattering and had some nice little "swing" in the hemline. I got out there and danced salsa with my husband and my kids were watching. My son said, "Hey MOM! You've lost weight! I can really tell." Maybe he hadn't been looking that closely. His brother had noticed but all-of-a-sudden he saw a change and made me feel like a million bucks last night! Nothing like having one of your sons pay mama a compliment because when they say it, you know that they are for real. ;) Unless they hit you up for a loan right afterward. ;)

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Shopping in a department that is not "plus" size.

Boots....to the knee. The zip-up kind. Actually ZIPPING them up. I want boots. Black ones. With heels.

Touching my toes.

Tying my shoes and being able to breathe simultaneously.

Seeing that scale read ANYTHING under 140.

Seeing my toes from a standing position.

Wearing my wedding rings again.

Having my husband pick me up without getting a hernia.

Getting that piggy-back ride for my 51st birthday.

Having a family photo taken.

Swapping clothes with my 20 year old daughter!

Skinny jeans.

Tucking a shirt INTO my skinny jeans.

Being skinny in my skinny jeans.

Going into a fitting room without getting mad at myself and those mirrors.

Trying on ANYTHING and having it be "too big," and having to ask for a smaller size!

A flat stomach.

Buttoning my coat all the way up in the winter!

Looking down at my thighs while driving a car and saying, "Are those mine!"

Giving away all of my "fat" clothes.

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OK I am back!!


SW: 184

LW: 181

CW: 182.5

GW: 154? (don't remember if that is what I said before)


My trip was wonderful and very relaxing! We climbed a couple of towers and took a 7 mile hike! Still, we ate out several times, and between that and the snacking the 1.5 gain was expected. It could have been worse though! So today I am back on track and ready to go! :D

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Mommy-hope things are getting better for you, you are in my prayers!


Dar-It is really humid here too, I'm in Florida. I hate that feeling when my rings get to tight and everything feels puffy!

I actually hurt my foot about 3 weeks ago, we went to a concert and had the grass seats, it had rained all day and was really muddy. I wore flip flops and went flipping and flopping into the mud!! My ankel swelled up and the inside of my foot, I had to wear a brace for a few weeks. It's feeling better but when I overdo it, it swells up again and starts hurting so I have to take it really slow.


Thats great you have

stuck to this for almost 3 months, I'm only going on 3 weeks this Wednesday but I feel really committed this time. I did splurge Sat. night, my parents came over to watch football and we had munchies and drinks, I ate alot less than I normally would have and I hadn't eaten any of the WPA points so I think I did ok, as long as I stay on track the next 2 days I will hopefully have a loss on Wednesday. I really need to get a scale the measures every ounce on of these days.


Boy I can't wait till the day one of my boys says that I look thinner, that's great! I love to dance, it's nice you and your hubby dance. I have been taking a Zumba class, it's alof of latin type dancing, of course I haven't been able to go since I fell, hopefully by next week.



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