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Need a buddy for weight loss

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Hello Everyone,

Hope all is well. I worked out at the YMCA 7 days. Didn't loose anything this week.At one point in the week my weight was down to 264. Here is my weigh in.:)


SW: (start weight) 285

LW: (last weigh-in) 266

CW: (current weight) 266

GW: (goal weight) 199

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Wow...It looks like we are all having a similar weigh-in so far I was psyched up for a weigh-in that either went up a pound or stayed the same. I stayed the same. The last weigh-in showed a 2 lb. drop, which was HUGE for me, so I am paying the piper this week.


Start week: June 3rd: 188

LW: 177

CW: 177

GW: 125-135


I just did a re-count and realized that I have ALREADY completed my 12th week. I was off a by a week. This marks my 3 month anniversary! Yay for me!:D birthday-cake.jpg The cake is for decorative purposes only. It is nasty and too sweet and tastes like baking powder. We don't want it. ;) (kidding....I con't have this cake at home. I googled this cake.) Week 13, here I come.


On the bright-side of the "no loss" or "mini gains" that we are having, next week should be glorious. I'm going to shoot for 175 lbs.! I want to have 13 lbs. off by the end of week 13. Will my metabolism cooperate?


Want to confess a food that has been a weak spot for you in the past? Now think of something crafty that you can do with that food item...anything but eating it. For me, I admit that I love FRENCH FRIES. I've often said that there is nothing better than a hot & salty McDonald's French Fry and there is nothing GROSSER than a cold one! It's amazing. Give them 5 minutes and they are gross. 130732872_ba7ee5e2cc.jpg In time, you can rid your yard of pesky rodents by sharing them. french_fries_are_fattening.jpg Or build a neat tower! BreadArt3.jpg Honestly, I'm never going to NOT love French fries. For now, I limit myself to 5 fries out of an order and the rest hit the trash. I'm not going to get thin eating super-size fries.

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Same here this week... Didn't gain and didn't lose so that is good for me...


SW: 162

LW: 145

CW: 145

GW: 140



I was such a good girl yesterday!! My sister-in-law baked a chocolate cake, which I love..... I had a very small slice... :D


I don't care too much for fries, I have found that since I have cut out fried foods that if I have something that is greasy it does not agree with my stomach...at all!!


Has anyone tried green tea??? I had someone suggest that but I haven't tried it as of yet. They were mentioning the green tea capsules as a supplement..... I have to check into that and with my dr before trying it though.


I have two weeks until my cruise on RCL!! i am psyched.... I have to get my after pic posted....


Talk later


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Same here this week... Didn't gain and didn't lose so that is good for me...


SW: 162

LW: 145

CW: 145

GW: 140



I was such a good girl yesterday!! My sister-in-law baked a chocolate cake, which I love..... I had a very small slice... :D


I don't care too much for fries, I have found that since I have cut out fried foods that if I have something that is greasy it does not agree with my stomach...at all!!


Has anyone tried green tea??? I had someone suggest that but I haven't tried it as of yet. They were mentioning the green tea capsules as a supplement..... I have to check into that and with my dr before trying it though.


I have two weeks until my cruise on RCL!! i am psyched.... I have to get my after pic posted....


Talk later



I'll have to email you about the cruise on Sovereign....I just looked that one up and the prices look really good. I've been thinking that one of those short cruises might be really fun to do someday. My husband has a hard time getting full weeks off from work. I'll want to know how you like the Bahamas.


Good job on that cake! It isn't so hard to learn to enjoy a small piece of cake, once you get into the habit. I think that one piece starts to taste all the better versus too much.


We'll be anxious to see your "after" shot.


What do they claim about the green tea? I've heard about the anti-cancer claims but is there something regarding weight loss? I know that tea is supposed to be a diuretic and I often find that I lose the excess water weight if I drink more tea on those puffy days.

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Hello Everyone,

Hope all is well. I worked out at the YMCA 7 days. Didn't loose anything this week.At one point in the week my weight was down to 264. Here is my weigh in.:)


SW: (start weight) 285

LW: (last weigh-in) 266

CW: (current weight) 266

GW: (goal weight) 199


Hi Scott...If your weight dipped down to 264 this week, even just once, to me that means you lost 2 more pounds but your body responded to retain more water right away. I've had that happen too. I get excited if my weight drops at all because in a few more days, it goes down to that point and stays down and I can see the drop coming By next week, I'll bet you are down to 264, if not below that.


Great job on working out 7 days! I'm not there yet, but your perseverence is inspiring. It is likely your workouts that are producing such great results in such a short amount of time.

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OK I am back!!


SW: 184

LW: 181

CW: 182.5

GW: 154? (don't remember if that is what I said before)


My trip was wonderful and very relaxing! We climbed a couple of towers and took a 7 mile hike! Still, we ate out several times, and between that and the snacking the 1.5 gain was expected. It could have been worse though! So today I am back on track and ready to go! :D


Today is my "lazy day" of the week so I'm just enjoying reading the posts and adding my two bits. 1.5 is really good for a vacation! Considering that some or all of that is water weight, most likely. Glad to hear that you are geared up to get back on track. What we are all doing here is what we are now to consider "normal" and those vacation blurps are just that....blurps.


I sometimes get myself psyched up by pretending that I have NOT been changing my habits and that I am going to start all over fresh. It's a mental thing but I like to do that to give myself the same level of motivation I had on Day One. I've found, in the past, that the motivation can dwindle over time and that I would slowly revert to my old habits. Those old habits have a lot more time invested in me than the new ones do so it takes a real focussed effort to make myself believe that my new habits are here for the rest of my life.


So how was Wisconsin? Did you eat a lot of cheese? Heh-heh.:D Our friend always brings back kringle when he visits Wisconsin.

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Speaking of Wisconsin and cheese, I wondered, with all of us from so many scattered locations, what the local favorite foods are from where we all live. For instance:


To the north is a beautiful part of the state and cherries are the big cash crop so everything is cherry this and cherry that. There is a place that we visit every year and they make this fantastic cherry salsa. We are going up there for a long weekend in September. There is an inland lake that is actually the color of the Caribbean. TorchLake.jpgThe lake is called Torch Lake and is along the western side of the state, parallel with Lake Michigan. It is a BEAUTIFUL and huge inland lake. When I first saw the lake, I could not believe the tropical blue color!


Also in Michigan, to the far north in "yooper" country (nickname for U.P.= upper peninsula) we have "pasties" which originated in Cornwall, England. These are meat, pototo, rutabaga pies that are hand-held and shaped like a turnover. 800px-Cornish_pasty_-_cut.jpegThere are also a few Amish farms in the area and good cheeses are available. In my area, there are many Polish families and one particular store that sells this fantastic Polish kielbasa. There is also a store up north that sells every type of beef jerky imaginable. The native Americans make fry bread that is sold at the seasonal Pow-Wows. I'm a member of one of the tribes, by ancestry. I can't say that I've learned much about cooking from the native side of my family, though.


Our family loves to make fried green tomatoes in the summertime. green-tomatoes-sl-461220-l.jpgThat will either sound weird to you or fantastic, depending on whether you grew up on them or not. They are not a Michigan thing. I've introduced them to my friends who love them now, too. My grandma's roots were from Raleigh, North Carolina, I believe, and she taught us to make them and love them.


Okay...I have to stop this because I'm making my own self hungry. Truthfully, though, I want to learn how to have some of those things with a plan in mind. My one day splurge is coming up this weekend and the green tomatoes are at the veggie stand not far away and they are calling my name.

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Hello Everyone

Thanks to all those who kept me in their prayers. Prayer works because I am feeling a lot better. The worst is behind me and now I must focus on a positive attitude and a spirit of joy. I did not weigh in today because I did not want to see my weight; however I will get on the scale tomorrow morning.



Hello Everyone' date='

Hope all is well. I worked out at the YMCA 7 days. Didn't loose anything this week.At one point in the week my weight was down to 264. Here is my weigh in.


SW: (start weight) 285

LW: (last weigh-in) 266

CW: (current weight) 266

GW: (goal weight) 199[/quote']


Working out at the Y for 7 days is great. You most likely lost some inches and loosing inches is better than loosing weight in my book.


Wow...It looks like we are all having a similar weigh-in so far I was psyched up for a weigh-in that either went up a pound or stayed the same. I stayed the same. The last weigh-in showed a 2 lb. drop, which was HUGE for me, so I am paying the piper this week.


Start week: June 3rd: 188

LW: 177

CW: 177

GW: 125-135


I just did a re-count and realized that I have ALREADY completed my 12th week. I was off a by a week. This marks my 3 month anniversary! Yay for me! birthday-cake.jpg The cake is for decorative purposes only. It is nasty and too sweet and tastes like baking powder. We don't want it. (kidding....I con't have this cake at home. I googled this cake.) Week 13, here I come.


On the bright-side of the "no loss" or "mini gains" that we are having, next week should be glorious. I'm going to shoot for 175 lbs.! I want to have 13 lbs. off by the end of week 13. Will my metabolism cooperate?


Want to confess a food that has been a weak spot for you in the past? Now think of something crafty that you can do with that food item...anything but eating it. For me, I admit that I love FRENCH FRIES. I've often said that there is nothing better than a hot & salty McDonald's French Fry and there is nothing GROSSER than a cold one! It's amazing. Give them 5 minutes and they are gross. 130732872_ba7ee5e2cc.jpg In time, you can rid your yard of pesky rodents by sharing them. french_fries_are_fattening.jpg Or build a neat tower! BreadArt3.jpg Honestly, I'm never going to NOT love French fries. For now, I limit myself to 5 fries out of an order and the rest hit the trash. I'm not going to get thin eating super-size fries.


Congrats on you no weight gain.


Same here this week... Didn't gain and didn't lose so that is good for me...


SW: 162

LW: 145

CW: 145

GW: 140



I was such a good girl yesterday!! My sister-in-law baked a chocolate cake, which I love..... I had a very small slice...


I don't care too much for fries, I have found that since I have cut out fried foods that if I have something that is greasy it does not agree with my stomach...at all!!


Has anyone tried green tea??? I had someone suggest that but I haven't tried it as of yet. They were mentioning the green tea capsules as a supplement..... I have to check into that and with my dr before trying it though.


I have two weeks until my cruise on RCL!! i am psyched.... I have to get my after pic posted....


Talk later



I have tried every thing out here and for me green tea did nothing but took up space in my stomach.


I can feel your excitement. I am happy for you. Don't forget to joint down all your exciting adventures to share with us when you return. If I may suggest that the picture you post be one with you waving good bye from the ship.

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OK I am back!!


SW: 184

LW: 181

CW: 182.5

GW: 154? (don't remember if that is what I said before)


My trip was wonderful and very relaxing! We climbed a couple of towers and took a 7 mile hike! Still, we ate out several times, and between that and the snacking the 1.5 gain was expected. It could have been worse though! So today I am back on track and ready to go! :D


Welcome back. Glad you enjoyed yourself and glad you are back on track. Before you know it that 1.5 lbs will be lost.


Mommy-hope things are getting better for you, you are in my prayers!


Dar-It is really humid here too, I'm in Florida. I hate that feeling when my rings get to tight and everything feels puffy!

I actually hurt my foot about 3 weeks ago, we went to a concert and had the grass seats, it had rained all day and was really muddy. I wore flip flops and went flipping and flopping into the mud!! My ankel swelled up and the inside of my foot, I had to wear a brace for a few weeks. It's feeling better but when I overdo it, it swells up again and starts hurting so I have to take it really slow.


Thats great you have

stuck to this for almost 3 months, I'm only going on 3 weeks this Wednesday but I feel really committed this time. I did splurge Sat. night, my parents came over to watch football and we had munchies and drinks, I ate alot less than I normally would have and I hadn't eaten any of the WPA points so I think I did ok, as long as I stay on track the next 2 days I will hopefully have a loss on Wednesday. I really need to get a scale the measures every ounce on of these days.


Boy I can't wait till the day one of my boys says that I look thinner, that's great! I love to dance, it's nice you and your hubby dance. I have been taking a Zumba class, it's alof of latin type dancing, of course I haven't been able to go since I fell, hopefully by next week.




Dancing is a great exercise, one of my former co-workers went from a size 16 to a size 8 hand dancing. Baby just dance your weight away:D

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Good Morning to You, good morning to you

We're all in our places

With sun shinny faces

And this is the way

We start our blessed day!!!!

Good Morning Everyone


I hope everyone will have a blessed and great day today and a successful weight loss journey;)



LW: 166.6


GW: 145???


Ok I did bring down my weight a tad bit; however I was weighing 165.4 on 8/4 & 8/11 and I was weighing 165 on 8/21, therefore I gained 4oz. However I am still :D:D. I have been on WW for 13 weeks and lost 12.6 lbs total. My weight has fluctuated and as you can see my weight comes off slowly and that is fine with me.


This week I am going to loose 2lbs, I am calling those things that are not as though they were. I am claiming the Victory:cool:





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Hi Scott...If your weight dipped down to 264 this week, even just once, to me that means you lost 2 more pounds but your body responded to retain more water right away. I've had that happen too. I get excited if my weight drops at all because in a few more days, it goes down to that point and stays down and I can see the drop coming By next week, I'll bet you are down to 264, if not below that.


Great job on working out 7 days! I'm not there yet, but your perseverence is inspiring. It is likely your workouts that are producing such great results in such a short amount of time.

Thanks for that,

I got on the scale today and you were correct. I dropped below the 264 now lets see if I can hold on.

My test this week is we are going out of town for the Labor Day Holiday. Staying at a casino, cookout at a friends and 6 hour drive to and from. How do you stay on a diet with that?

I do still plan on working out every day. So many times in the past this is where I loose it. Then it takes forever to get back on track. My workout buddy went on vacation and I haven't seen him since. Keep your fingers crossed. Good luck this week everybody.

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Thanks for that,

I got on the scale today and you were correct. I dropped below the 264 now lets see if I can hold on.

My test this week is we are going out of town for the Labor Day Holiday. Staying at a casino, cookout at a friends and 6 hour drive to and from. How do you stay on a diet with that?

I do still plan on working out every day. So many times in the past this is where I loose it. Then it takes forever to get back on track. My workout buddy went on vacation and I haven't seen him since. Keep your fingers crossed. Good luck this week everybody.


Hi Scott....Many times in the past, I would do events like you're describing, then "blow it". I could not get my act together afterward and the reason was all in my head. I didn't eat in moderation, I went on a food fest and did some serious damage, and that sent me into a mental tailspin. I really believe that failing or succeeding will rely on our mental outlook and whether we believe that we can do this as a long term thing. Enjoy yourself and believe in yourself that you can do it when the weekend is over.


I don't know if you read my previous post about the great Friday night cookout with friends but I did a calorie count and even eating moderately and really holding myself back, I still consumed 1100 calories in one meal event. You've lost a lot of weight fast and are doing great. I'd approach this event as a maintenance test. Enjoy the food, but be selective. Don't eat the stuff that really doesn't appeal. It's okay to be picky. The problem with most of us who are overweight is that we aren't picky enough. So if you are going to have extra calories, use them on things that you REALLY enjoy and not on so-so stuff. When you are full, stop. It's okay to throw a little food away. If wasting food bothers you, take less, right up front. Drink lots of water before, during, and after every meal. Watch the extra salt. Eat moderately and not until stuffed. Make a point of loading up on veggies and fruit if they are handy. Above all else, don't get overly affected if you go up a little when it is over. You will likely be up a little due to extra water that comes on with the consumption of extra salt and extra carbohydrates. I posted this before, but carbs carry water with them to deliver the carbs to the cells. It is not bad, but a normal way of delivering the nutrition to the body. It is short term. The more fiber you have in the carbs, the less water is carried along, too and the faster the body will process all of the food you eat.


If you plan on continuing your workouts, you are way ahead of the game. You can be our guinea pig and show us all what happens when a successful "loser" goes away for a fun weekend and sticks to his workouts. We'll have something to look forward to on weigh-in day. ;)

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Good Morning to You, good morning to you

We're all in our places

With sun shinny faces

And this is the way

We start our blessed day!!!!

Good Morning Everyone


I hope everyone will have a blessed and great day today and a successful weight loss journey;)



LW: 166.6


GW: 145???


Ok I did bring down my weight a tad bit; however I was weighing 165.4 on 8/4 & 8/11 and I was weighing 165 on 8/21, therefore I gained 4oz. However I am still :D:D. I have been on WW for 13 weeks and lost 12.6 lbs total. My weight has fluctuated and as you can see my weight comes off slowly and that is fine with me.


This week I am going to loose 2lbs, I am calling those things that are not as though they were. I am claiming the Victory:cool:


I love it when you are geeked, Mommy. It rubs off and I get all geeked-up too. :) We started close to the same time and both lose slowly. Everyone says slow is good. I happen to like FAST but I know that slow means that it is off to stay. It keeps you focussed. When I lose fast, I get a little spoiled, mentally, so the second my loss slows or I stall, I get super-frustrated. I'm working hard to be happy with slow.


I like your "confession".....2 lbs.!!! Yes! If that word is foreign to anybody, I'll explain. It's a word I've often heard in church circles that means that you believe something before you see it with your eyes. Then you speak it because you believe it. And it happens. It's a faith thing. When we get discouraged, we start to doubt that we can make it in this weight-dropping adventure, and our feelings of doubt end up dragging us down and we start saying, "This is too hard. I can't do this. I don't like it." Blah, blah, blah. We then end up making bad choices and the cycle continues. Sometimes we have to speak positively and our heart will jump on the bandwagon. Other times we have to make our mouth...our "confession" line up with what we believe in our heart. The two together are a powerful combo. It might sound like a lot of hype, but when you think about it, isn't that what all successful people do? They believe in something whether it be themselves, or God, or whatever, then they speak positively about what they WILL do and they do it. Most likely those gold-medal wearing athletes do the same thing.


I didn't lose on Monday but today, was down a POUND!!!! Yay. Yippee!! I weighed 176 this morning and have all week until the next weigh-in. You guys have no idea...well, I know you do, but I am so excited about the idea of getting below 170 and can start to see and believe that it is going to happen soon. Just a few more weeks, or maybe just one month! My stomach (the worst part of me) is getting smaller and smaller!


Mommy, I read the thing you wrote about "hand dancing." I was just talking to a friend from dance class and she was telling me about hand dancing. It's new to me so I was going to look it up on youtube. I also am interested in a dance called "steppin'" but no one around here teaches it. You have to go to Chicago or Detroit to learn, unless I learn online. I've had kind of a dream that I would get in shape enough to teach a new style of line dance for overweight people, including kids. I was looking up dances on youtube and found this one guy who teaches these classes in Miami. They look SO FUN! He wears a microphone and giggles during the class. I'm including a link for anyone who wants to watch something fun today. They dance to a lot of stuff and look like they are having a blast. I love the older lady with the cane!

There is a list of other line dances on the side of the page, too, or you can click on the teacher's name at the top and find a pile of them. If we ever cruise out of Miami, I'm going to look this class up and jump right in. :D It doesn't look like exercise to me...it looks like fun.
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There is a list of other line dances on the side of the page, too, or you can click on the teacher's name at the top and find a pile of them. If we ever cruise out of Miami, I'm going to look this class up and jump right in. :D It doesn't look like exercise to me...it looks like fun.


You got me dancing in my seat.Congratulations on your weight loss. Yahhhh!! :D

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You got me dancing in my seat.Congratulations on your weight loss. Yahhhh!! :D


Ha-ha. Gotcha! I've been sitting at my computer trying to learn the Mississippi Cha-Cha Slide (Stomp) all day! I'm such a slow learner. I have to analyze it to death before I dare to try it. I just love the giggles from the instructor! It makes me smile every time I watch it. I was just telling my daughter that I think it would be hilarious if her dad and I learned how to Crank dat Soulja Boy. Our kids would laugh themselves hysterical if we surprised them with that one, one day.

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Hi Scott....Many times in the past, I would do events like you're describing, then "blow it". I could not get my act together afterward and the reason was all in my head. I didn't eat in moderation, I went on a food fest and did some serious damage, and that sent me into a mental tailspin. I really believe that failing or succeeding will rely on our mental outlook and whether we believe that we can do this as a long term thing. Enjoy yourself and believe in yourself that you can do it when the weekend is over.


I don't know if you read my previous post about the great Friday night cookout with friends but I did a calorie count and even eating moderately and really holding myself back, I still consumed 1100 calories in one meal event. You've lost a lot of weight fast and are doing great. I'd approach this event as a maintenance test. Enjoy the food, but be selective. Don't eat the stuff that really doesn't appeal. It's okay to be picky. The problem with most of us who are overweight is that we aren't picky enough. So if you are going to have extra calories, use them on things that you REALLY enjoy and not on so-so stuff. When you are full, stop. It's okay to throw a little food away. If wasting food bothers you, take less, right up front. Drink lots of water before, during, and after every meal. Watch the extra salt. Eat moderately and not until stuffed. Make a point of loading up on veggies and fruit if they are handy. Above all else, don't get overly affected if you go up a little when it is over. You will likely be up a little due to extra water that comes on with the consumption of extra salt and extra carbohydrates. I posted this before, but carbs carry water with them to deliver the carbs to the cells. It is not bad, but a normal way of delivering the nutrition to the body. It is short term. The more fiber you have in the carbs, the less water is carried along, too and the faster the body will process all of the food you eat.


If you plan on continuing your workouts, you are way ahead of the game. You can be our guinea pig and show us all what happens when a successful "loser" goes away for a fun weekend and sticks to his workouts. We'll have something to look forward to on weigh-in day. ;)

Thanks for writing this. I've not exactly gotten back on track since my vacation like I planned to. It is so hard to reprogram myself into eating healthy. :o Or even in moderation. I agree it's just a mind game. I have one piece of pie, then get all mad at myself for even buying it, so what do I do? Have another piece, of course! And the cycle continues, because since I've already blown it, I might as well have some chips, right? And so now I've succuessfully consumed 3x the calories I would have if I would have stopped with just one piece and not beaten myself up over it. *sigh* I'm a little down right now. Perhaps I need to claim it as Mommy said. Maybe then my actions will start coming in line with what my brain is telling me to do.

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Thanks for that,

I got on the scale today and you were correct. I dropped below the 264 now lets see if I can hold on.

My test this week is we are going out of town for the Labor Day Holiday. Staying at a casino, cookout at a friends and 6 hour drive to and from. How do you stay on a diet with that?

I do still plan on working out every day. So many times in the past this is where I loose it. Then it takes forever to get back on track. My workout buddy went on vacation and I haven't seen him since. Keep your fingers crossed. Good luck this week everybody.


I'm sure you can do a better job than I have because you have already lost so much! I agree with what Salsa said... to treat this as a test of maintenance. Good Luck! :)

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Good morning all, I weighed in today and am down 2 lbs, I am really happy. It's only been 3 weeks, I know I will have a week soon where I gain or stay the same, that's usually when I give up, but not this time!!


SW 182

LW 179

CW 177

GW 145


That dance class looks fun to me to!! One night (after a few glasses on wine) my son and his friend were teaching me the soldier boy, boy were they having fun with that.


Pam-I read somthing a while back about green tea helping to speed up you metabolism. I used to drink the Arizona diet green tea, I love it but I had a big kidney stone embedded in my bladder in FEb, and had 2 surgeries because of it, anyway they analized it and said I should stop drinking tea and cut down on salt. I had never heard of tea causing a kidney stone but I stopped, I never want to be in that kind of pain again!!



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Thanks for writing this. I've not exactly gotten back on track since my vacation like I planned to. It is so hard to reprogram myself into eating healthy. :o Or even in moderation. I agree it's just a mind game. I have one piece of pie, then get all mad at myself for even buying it, so what do I do? Have another piece, of course! And the cycle continues, because since I've already blown it, I might as well have some chips, right? And so now I've succuessfully consumed 3x the calories I would have if I would have stopped with just one piece and not beaten myself up over it. *sigh* I'm a little down right now. Perhaps I need to claim it as Mommy said. Maybe then my actions will start coming in line with what my brain is telling me to do.


Hi Erin....The fun of reprogramming yourself after the fun time away is that you can tell yourself that you are starting all over on a "new" weight dropping adventure! That calorie boost that you had from the week with your family will likely have told your body that it is getting plenty of calories and your system just says, "Don't worry, be happy!". It doesn't go into self-protection mode. Then you can sneak up on it and "WHAM!" reel it all in with a fresh start and you will drop more weight fast, like starting out on week #1 of a new plan. That can be pretty motivating!


For me, I think turning 50 this year has had a lot to do with motivation. Losing 4 close friends/family since 2000, along with friends of mine who have lost parents; has made me realize that life is pretty darn short. When I saw myself aging fast last year due to joint pain, etc., it hit me hard. I do not want to spend the second 50 years the way that I've spent my 30's and 40's--overweight and slow and unable to do many things that I want to do. I have more motivation this time than ever. I think this happens to a lot of 50-year-olds.


For Everyone--Do you weigh yourself daily? My hubby says that it is good to do, if you can manage to not get overly affected by normal water fluctuations which happen to everyone. He said that if you eat a little more on one day and see the scale move upward, you will be more motivated to watch it the next day rather than have a few pounds suddenly sneak up on you. I've heard varied opinions on this topic but wondered about everyone else. I'm like a kid at Christmas...can't stop peeking at the scale the way that I used to peek at gifts ahead of time! But with that said.....DRUMROLL PLEASE!......I dropped another pound!!!! 175 this morning. I really can't believe it. I pray that it stays off for Monday's weigh-in. That would be my 13th pound and Monday would be the end of week 13 for me. I am SO excited. I weighed between 165-167 for my last cruise in March 2007 so I am getting nearer and nearer. Then I'll have about 30 lbs to reach goal #1. My mind says, "You'll stall out soon. Don't get so excited." I know that plateaus are inevitable and I hate them, but you guys were all there when I went through the last one and kept me motivated to keep going. I'll need you for the next time, too!

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Good morning all, I weighed in today and am down 2 lbs, I am really happy. It's only been 3 weeks, I know I will have a week soon where I gain or stay the same, that's usually when I give up, but not this time!!


SW 182

LW 179

CW 177

GW 145


That dance class looks fun to me to!! One night (after a few glasses on wine) my son and his friend were teaching me the soldier boy, boy were they having fun with that.


Pam-I read somthing a while back about green tea helping to speed up you metabolism. I used to drink the Arizona diet green tea, I love it but I had a big kidney stone embedded in my bladder in FEb, and had 2 surgeries because of it, anyway they analized it and said I should stop drinking tea and cut down on salt. I had never heard of tea causing a kidney stone but I stopped, I never want to be in that kind of pain again!!




YAY!!! 2 lbs. That feels so good, doesn't it? Congratulations. :)


I wish I'd lose 2 lbs. every single week. That would be so exciting. My SIL was on WW years back;and I remember that she got into jogging; and she jogged EVERY DAY for 2 miles; and I remember the she consistently lost 2 lbs. a week. She had lost 40 lbs. in no time (5 mos.) and looked like a totally different person and gorgeous. When I walked on my treadmill, several years back, I walked every single day for 2-3 miles and I also consistently lost 2 lbs. per week. I walked for 10 weeks and lost 20 lbs. I only stopped because of a back injury that kept me sitting in a chair for about 12 weeks, and that had a lot to do with my 12 week plateau. Anyway, I am really excited for you. Do you see how close we are in weight? Several of the ladies in our group are in the same weight range--pretty close.


Connie...I laughed right out loud imagining someone with a glass of red wine in one hand and two teenagers teaching her how to do that dance! Too funny! I think the "Superman" move is the funniest.

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You got me dancing in my seat.Congratulations on your weight loss. Yahhhh!! :D


Heres one that you will love...one of my favorites. The white guy in the back reminds me of me. I dance like that but it doesn't stop me from trying! This looks like the most fun office to work in.



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More proof that white people can't dance. :D I'm part native American and joke that I can't dance. I only know how to move one foot at a time. ;)



This is part 2 of the office group dancing the electric slide. I laugh so hard at this one every time I play it.

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That is hilarious!! Ya gotta give the guy credit for joining in even if he "ain't got the moves"


I did notice how close we are in weight. Congrats on the pound loss, tha'ts great! I weight myself every day, I know it fluctuates but I do think it keeps me in check. When I am really off the wagon I seem to skip the daily trip to the scale and I think I do better weighing every day.



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That is hilarious!! Ya gotta give the guy credit for joining in even if he "ain't got the moves"


I did notice how close we are in weight. Congrats on the pound loss, tha'ts great! I weight myself every day, I know it fluctuates but I do think it keeps me in check. When I am really off the wagon I seem to skip the daily trip to the scale and I think I do better weighing every day.




Ha-ha! When I watch the guy I can hear Will Smith (from the movie Hitch) saying, "Don't you bite your lip! You stop that right now! Stop! Stop biting your lip!"


There have been times when I've gained 10, 15, or even 20 lbs. and later wondered, "HOW did I do that? HOW did I let that weight sneak up on me like that so fast?" I think I always avoided the scale during those periods. I hid from it as if I could pretend that I wasn't getting fatter simply by staying away from it. Dum-da-dum-dum. I always ended up on it when I felt just miserable enough to wonder what I weighed, then gasped and cried when I saw the numbers. I hope I'm smarter than that by now.

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